BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//pretalx// ion//N7NHEK BEGIN:VEVENT UID:pretalx-matomocamp-2024-world-tour-edition-HKQGRU@schedule.matomocamp.o rg DTSTART:20241114T090000Z DTEND:20241114T100000Z DESCRIPTION:Introduction to the event by the MatomoCamp team. DTSTAMP:20241129T172802Z LOCATION:Room 1 - SUMMARY:Opening ceremony - Ronan Chardonneau URL: /HKQGRU/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:pretalx-matomocamp-2024-world-tour-edition-N7CMUP@schedule.matomocamp.o rg DTSTART:20241114T150000Z DTEND:20241114T154500Z DESCRIPTION:A conference about the use of Open Source AI coupled with the u se of Matomo Analytics. DTSTAMP:20241129T172802Z LOCATION:Room 1 - SUMMARY:Mistral AI and Matomo: leverage the potential of Open Source AI - R onan Chardonneau URL: /N7CMUP/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:pretalx-matomocamp-2024-world-tour-edition-XVML3Z@schedule.matomocamp.o rg DTSTART:20241114T190000Z DTEND:20241114T194500Z DESCRIPTION:An experimental conference about how to use the Matomo Database Export feature. DTSTAMP:20241129T172802Z LOCATION:Room 1 - SUMMARY:Matomo Database Export - Ronan Chardonneau URL: /XVML3Z/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:pretalx-matomocamp-2024-world-tour-edition-QSPYND@schedule.matomocamp.o rg DTSTART:20241114T210000Z DTEND:20241114T214500Z DESCRIPTION:A conference to express the need of building a strong Matomo pa rtner programme to allow service providers to enlarge the power of Matomo. DTSTAMP:20241129T172802Z LOCATION:Room 1 - SUMMARY:Building up a Matomo partner programme - Ronan Chardonneau URL: /QSPYND/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:pretalx-matomocamp-2024-world-tour-edition-UP7AVM@schedule.matomocamp.o rg DTSTART:20241114T220000Z DTEND:20241114T224500Z DESCRIPTION:A conference explaining how Python can easily parse visit log d ata in order to overcome Matomo default barriers with dataload. DTSTAMP:20241129T172802Z LOCATION:Room 1 - SUMMARY:Using Python with Matomo Analytics to process visit log data - Rona n Chardonneau URL: /UP7AVM/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:pretalx-matomocamp-2024-world-tour-edition-JBH8YC@schedule.matomocamp.o rg DTSTART:20241114T234500Z DTEND:20241114T235959Z DESCRIPTION:After all talks are over\, we will close the event with a summa ry. DTSTAMP:20241129T172802Z LOCATION:Room 1 - SUMMARY:Closing ceremony - Ronan Chardonneau URL: /JBH8YC/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR