Blogging has now become a regulation for many, mostly college going folks have entered this profession that is extremely powerful today. There are many platforms that allow you to start a blog, one such good platform is WordPress, and if you are looking to minimize your setup cost for self-hosted WordPress, then you need a theme that is yet attractive and not heavy on your pocket.
To make sure your pocket doesn’t get lighter, This article is for you, where we present 75 free WordPress themes that will win over your visitors with design, simplicity, responsiveness and minimalist approach. So, if you are looking to setup your WordPress blog without paying for a designer or coder, you can easily choose one of the themes from the following collection.
All the images are linked to download pages or theme information page. With large screenshots, we have made it possible for you to see how will the design look after activating the theme. So, choose one for your niche and begin your blogging journey.