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Kids electrical safety Resources Link

Testimonial Woman
“Highly recommend Safe Electricity membership. The program has great media to use in a variety of ways. The member resources are high quality and well thought out. This program enables us to easily promote safety with great resources that are readily available by simply logging onto their website. Thank you, Safe Electricity, for all the wonderful content. ”
-Lisa Jacobsen, Perennial Public Power District, NE

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A storm is always ready, are you?

It is important to prepare in advance for a severe storm or natural disaster. Gathering emergency kit items, having a communication plan in place and knowing when, how and where to take shelter saves lives.

It is easy to be complacent about storms or think that they won’t strike close to home. Many people find themselves in harm’s way because they thought they could outrun or outsmart a storm.

It is also important to know what to do during and after a storm.

If weather is severe, Mother Nature’s wrath could leave behind potential electrical dangers. Learn how to stay safe from an electric utility expert.