RuneLite A popular free, open-source and super fast client for Old School RuneScape 2025-02-18T22:44:20.489Z 1.10.27 Release Spell reordering, notification improvements, and teleport submenus 2024-04-17T14:00:00.000Z Adam

Spell reordering

Spell reordering is here! The new Spellbook plugin allows reordering and hiding spells, similar to how prayer reordering works.

spell reordering

Notification overrides

Most client notifications can now have their notification style configured per-notification. Compatible notifications will have a cog icon next to the checkbox when enabled which opens the per-notification settings. Notifications without customized settings continue to use the default notification settings found in the RuneLite Notification Settings configuration section.

notif1 -> notif2

Teleport submenus

Menu entry swapper has a new Teleport submenus setting which adds submenus for cape teleports. It supports the max, construction, and achievement diary capes. The submenus can also be swapped to be the top option via the usual shift-click swap, allowing easy one click teleports to any of the various teleports.


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Ground items despawn timers now use the enhanced client despawn times, which works more reliably and on all items
  • All costume room storage items can now be searched via bank tags: treasure chest, magic wardrobe, armour case, cape rack, and toy box
  • MacOS retina displays are now supported on the GPU plugin
  • An amulet of chemistry notification was added to the item charges plugin
  • Tonalztics of Ralos has been added to the special attack counter


- Adam

New commits

We had 25 contributors this update!

Adam (34):
      hiscores: move activities from skill_icons_small
      hiscores: add varlamore
      gpu: fix texture hillskew
      clues: support wall decorations for ObjectClueScrolls
      attack styles: use client enum for looking up weapon attack styles
      gpu: fix cl compilation on amd gpus
      cache: remove old world map index
      ground items: invalidate item cache when quantity changes
      devtools: add script args to script inspector
      cluescrolls: add tags for remaining costume room storage
      rtconfig: add time boxing for outage message
      cache: add item examine
      Revert "implings: add essence impling spawns"
      opponent info: fix npe from hud check
      ground items: invalidate item cache when quantity changes
      ge: add beta world type
      loot tracker: add beta world type
      config: add serializers
      config: add notification overrides
      notifier: remove double shell escaping
      pluin panel: fix typo
      overlay panel: clear children even if render throws
      gpu: add macos retina support
      api: add item despawn time
      ground items: use TileItem despawn times
      gpu: fix animated texture uv overflow
      plugins: use new notification system
      api: add cs2 arrays
      config: show config panel for any plugin with config descriptor
      add spellbook plugin
      api: add menuAction
      menuaction: add widget submenu parent
      menu swapper: add teleport submenus
      menuentryswapper: remove construction build/remove block

Anton Olsson (1):
      clues: remove butterfly jar requirement

Antony Linden (7):
      skill calculator: Order actions by level, xp, then alphabetically
      skill calculator: Fix mahogany lectern icons
      skill calculator: Fix Mithril crossbow enum name
      skill calculator: Add Kourend Castle Teleport
      skill calculator: Add Juniper logs
      skill calculator: Update Rogues' Castle chest xp value
      skill calculator: Add Varlamore skill actions and bonuses

Bakkingamu (1):
      item charges: add amulet of chemistry notification

Chris Brown (4):
      cache: fix label positions in underground areas
      cache: fix icons rendering on the wrong plane
      cache: add map links
      cache: render area labels on the map

DapperMickie (12):
      chat commands: add lunar chest aliases (#17700)
      skill calculator: Allow multiple bonuses to apply at once
      skill calculator: Add Forester's Campfire firemaking bonus
      skill calculator: Add Zealot Robes prayer bonus
      skill calculator: Fix skill action bonus multiplication
      skill calculator: Standardize bonus percentage format
      skill calculator: Add Goldsmith Gauntlets smithing bonus
      skill calculator: Add felling axe + rations woodcutting bonus
      skill calculator: Improve prayer bonus ordering
      skill calculator: Improve prayer bonus stacking
      skill calculator: Fix Wilderness agility course xp value
      skill calculator: Add Wilderness agility tickets

Felanbird (14):
      worldmap: add AJP fairy ring
      fairyring: add AJP fairy ring
      clues: add Valmore clues
      clues: fix NO OWNER anagram location
      worldmap: add Civitas illa Fortis teleport
      runepouch overlay: add sunfire rune image
      implings: add essence impling spawns
      clues: update SW Kharazi jungle HotCold step
      clues: update Cam Torum emote clue
      github: link to wiki safemode instructions in bug template
      clues: update various varlamore steps
      clues: update sunfire fanatic armour step
      clues: update south-eastern chaos temple hard clue
      chat commands: add more toa normal mode aliases

Frosty-J (1):
      boss timers: update chaos elemental respawn time

Hooder (1):
      gpu: fix nearest neighbor with integer DPI scaling

JZomDev (1):
      hunter: add Embertailed jerboa

Joona (1):
      clientui: set frame location after game size (#17621)

Jordan Atwood (11):
      worldmap: add varlamore mining spots
      worldmap: Alphabetize minigame locations and add test for alphabetization
      worldmap: Add test for world point uniqueness
      worldmap: add Great Kourend minigames
      worldmap: add varlamore dungeons
      worldmap: Add sandworms hunter spot
      Remove unused Slf4j annotations and imports
      timers: Remove tzhaar timer defeat message trigger
      skill calculator: Add test for mutually-stacking bonuses
      skill calculator: Fix Maple longbow xp value
      skill calculator: Use real levels for plank actions

Joshua Dunbrack (1):
      regen meter: apply updated lightbearer equipping behavior (#17678)

Macweese (19):
      worldmap: add varlamore transports
      fishingspot: add varlamore fishing spots
      worldmap: add varlamore fishing spots
      worldmap: add varlamore rare trees
      worldmap: add varlamore patches
      worldmap: fix Entrana hops patch location
      worldmap: add varlamore minigames
      worldmap: add Grand Exchange Games Zone
      agility: add varlamore shortcut
      worldmap: add varlamore hunter spots
      fishing: prevent false positive session
      hunter: add varlamore hunter traps
      devtools: restore button background on toggle
      worldmap: fix quest icons paint cutoff (#17650)
      slayer: include zygomites in task weakness config tooltip
      minimap: restore map dots on config reset
      login screen: add varlamore login screen
      game: add isDying override for tutorial island giant rat (#17733)
      discord: add varlamore regions

Mario Hendriks (1):
      implings: add essence impling spawns

Max Weber (6):
      timetracking: add varlamore patches
      api: allow cloning face transparencies if they don't exist
      api: expose Model::drawOrtho
      roofremoval: add Varlamore roofs
      rl-client: update ids to 2024-3-27
      rl-client: show reveal button on swing password fields

Morgan Lewis (5):
      loot tracker: track lunar chest
      loot tracker: track fortis colosseum rewards
      loot tracker: track hunters loot sacks
      timetracking: add additional farming regions for civitas illa fortis (#17602)
      widget: make moons of peril overlay movable

Ourmond (1):
      idle notifier: Add Ent & Canoe chopping animations

SRLJustin (1):
      menuentryswapper: add fortis colosseum to jewellerybox swap

YvesW (4):
      farming: fix tracking contracts
      farming: fix marcellus protection
      surefire: set locale to en_US
      world map: add Fortis Colosseum teleport (#17727)

Zander Bolgar (1):
      mining plugin: add calcified rocks

capslock13 (3):
      game: Add isDying override for bee swarm (#17651)
      spec counter: add Tonalztics of Ralos
      timers: Fix ElapsedTimer NPE with null start time

cdfisher (2):
      skillcalculator: Add Dorgesh-Kaan Agility Course
      worldhopper: Add High Risk option to world filter.

mopi (2):
      opponent info: fix hp bar being shown for moons of peril bosses (#17619)
      hitsplat: add doom and burn hitsplats

testing-ongithub (2):
      fairyrings: Alphabetize fairy rings and add test for alphabetization
      worldmap: Add tests for fairy ring plugin overlap and alphabetization 1.10.25 Release Varlamore: Part one 2024-03-21T23:00:00.000Z Adam


Varlamore: Part one is here! We've been working on adding a bunch of the new content to the various plugins in the last day. This includes:

  • New farming patches have been added to timetracking, and to the website
  • The hiscores have been updated for Colosseum Glory, Lunar chests, and Sol Heredit
  • The world map plugin includes new Varlamore transports, fishing spots, trees, rocks, patches, fairy rings, hunter spots, and dungeons.
  • New clues have been added to the clue scroll plugin
  • Loot tracking for Lunar chest, Colosseum, and hunters loot sacks have been added
  • Embertailed jerboa has been added to the hunter plugin

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • A visual bug affecting the hunter guild roof with GPU on has been fixed
  • Fix the attack styles plugin to recognize the new weapon types
  • Fix roof removal for the hunter guild
  • Fix a bug preventing reordering of bank tag tabs on the sidebar
  • The color of ground items can now be set via shift + right click on the item
  • The moons of peril overlay is now movable
  • A bug preventing quest states from showing on the world map has been fixed


- Adam

New commits

We had 19 contributors this update!

Adam (29):
      widgetconfig: swap drag and drag on
      bank tags: fix rememberTab with tagtabs
      bank tags: fix scrolling while reordering
      camera: add right click blocks camera setting
      camera: add camera speed setting
      clientui: increase tooltip timeout to 10s
      guice: eagerly instantiate rtconfig refresher
      hooks: skip outdated check in developer mode
      party: don't delay spec attack usages
      loot manager: fix nightmare tracking
      interface styles: move adjustWidgetDimensions to PostClientTick
      interface styles: early return if no skin is set
      party: invert spec regen check
      wiki: add dps calc buttons
      rtconfig: mark RuntimeConfig Nullable in RuntimeConfigRefresher
      Revert "npc aggro area: ignore unattackable NPCs"
      cache: cleanup temp cache folder if store location setup fails
      discord: simplify total activity time
      discord: default elapsed time to total
      hitsplat: fix poison hitsplat id
      hitsplat: add other hitsplats
      ground items: cache item hidden, highlight, and colors
      ground items: add per item highlight colors
      clientui: add developer version outdated error message
      hiscores: move activities from skill_icons_small
      hiscores: add varlamore
      gpu: fix texture hillskew
      clues: support wall decorations for ObjectClueScrolls
      attack styles: use client enum for looking up weapon attack styles

Adam Sharp (1):
      interface styles: add player menu condense option

BatedUrGonnaDie (1):
      worldmap: remove kourend task map points

Chris (1):
      wiki: add toggle for wiki lookup button

DominickCobb (1):
      mining: fix tracking runite ore

Felanbird (5):
      achievement diary: update various tasks
      clues: fix incorrect naming for Wizards' Guild/Tower
      worldmap: add AJP fairy ring
      fairyring: add AJP fairy ring
      clues: add Valmore clues

Frazer Smith (1):
      ci: update github actions

Hexagon (2):
      api: add isRlClientOutdated hook
      client: add runtimeConfig refresh functionality

Hooder (1):
      clientui: apply custom borders when maximizing

JZomDev (1):
      hunter: add Embertailed jerboa

Jordan Atwood (8):
      pmd: Require locale for case conversions
      timers: Check all timers for resetting on config change
      worldmap: add varlamore mining spots
      worldmap: Alphabetize minigame locations and add test for alphabetization
      worldmap: Add test for world point uniqueness
      worldmap: add Great Kourend minigames
      worldmap: add varlamore dungeons
      worldmap: Add sandworms hunter spot

Macweese (11):
      worldmap: add varlamore transports
      fishingspot: add varlamore fishing spots
      worldmap: add varlamore fishing spots
      worldmap: add varlamore rare trees
      worldmap: add varlamore patches
      worldmap: fix Entrana hops patch location
      worldmap: add varlamore minigames
      worldmap: add Grand Exchange Games Zone
      agility: add varlamore shortcut
      worldmap: add varlamore hunter spots
      fishing: prevent false positive session

Max Weber (5):
      rl-client: update for 2024-3-20
      timetracking: add varlamore patches
      api: allow cloning face transparencies if they don't exist
      api: expose Model::drawOrtho
      roofremoval: add Varlamore roofs

Michael Parsakia (1):
      item identification: add sacred and olive oils

Morgan Lewis (5):
      loot tracker: track lunar chest
      loot tracker: track fortis colosseum rewards
      loot tracker: track hunters loot sacks
      timetracking: add additional farming regions for civitas illa fortis (#17602)
      widget: make moons of peril overlay movable

Rhea (1):
      chatcommands: add dt2 awakened shorthands (#16956)

YvesW (4):
      screenshot: add required rs settings to descriptions
      screenshot: uniformize periods in config descriptions
      party: add ping information to descriptions
      party: uniformize periods in config descriptions

Zoinkwiz (2):
      world map: Update outdated DBTableID values
      clues: fix outdated skill challenge for shayzien armour (#17573)

testing-ongithub (3):
      clues: Fix Squire anagram clue challenge text
      fairyrings: Alphabetize fairy rings and add test for alphabetization
      worldmap: Add tests for fairy ring plugin overlap and alphabetization 1.10.23 Release New UI Look and Feel 2024-02-24T23:00:00.000Z Adam

New UI Look and Feel

We've recently completed a large overhaul of our UI, the first change since 2018. This allows native Window snapping support on Windows 10 and 11, on MacOS uses the native titlebar, and fixes inconsistent maximize behavior when using multiple displays of different scaling factors. The titlebar and tray icon has also been updated to a new pixelart version of the logo thanks to con_no_1.


Additionally I would like to apologize for how bumpy this update was. We went through several iterations of update & rollback between January 13 and 30 which you might have noticed, causing the client to switch between the old and new L&F multiple times. While we do rollbacks occasionally, applying this to the UI updates caused a lot more consternation due to the changes being so visible. Many of the issues brought to our attention were changes to behaviors that we didn't know we had or that people relied upon. We have since fixed back the behaviors of everything that we can reasonably do.

Player menu collapsing

The interface styles plugin has a new option to place player menu options into a submenu, similar to RuneScape.

player menus

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • You can now locate all your dashing clue gear that is storable in the POH treasure chest with the new treasure chest bank tag, freeing up bank space!
  • US servers now show east or west on the world hopper.
  • Time tracking now correctly tracks payment to any farmer, instead of only to ones with a single patch.
  • The Window opacity setting now works on more systems (MacOS/Linux) and also with custom chrome off.
  • The wiki plugin adds a View DPS button to the equipment screen to open the OSRS Wiki DPS calculator with your current gear.
  • Tree respawn timers now use the Jagex respawn timers.
  • The message from the NPC unaggression plugin being uncalibrated is now an infobox.
  • Camera speed can now be adjusted in the camera plugin.
  • Custom notification volume can now be adjusted under notification settings.
  • Group ironman shared storage can now be searched using the search hotkey.
  • Loot tracking for the Nightmare and Phosani's Nightmare has been fixed.
  • A bug causing KC/PB tracking of 6+ size TOA teams to record the wrong team size has been fixed.
  • The chat filter plugin has been optimized to no longer cause lag with an excessively large regex filter list.


- Adam

New commits

We had 31 contributors this update!

Adam (98):
      gpu: regions: fix air altar
      status bars: fix lms check
      friendlist: fix friend list title component id
      api: add AmbientSoundEffectCreated event
      api: add ambient sound effect background ids
      widget util: add utility method for packing component ids
      loottracker: include relic selections in npc metadata
      gpu: regions: add pyramid plunder
      null check getSelectedWidget() on menu click
      prayer: move drain rate to prayer plugin
      prayer: add drain rate test
      prayer: convert drain rate to drain effect
      prayer: add ruinous powers
      xpdrop: support multiple prayer types per prayer
      xpdrop: rename package to xpdrop
      xpdrop: add ruinous powers
      rs: add js5connect error message
      clues: add treasure chest bank tag
      xp drops: fix coloring defensive casting
      clues: fix treasure chest tag test
      api: add widget createStaticChild
      api: add widget setOnScrollWheelListener
      bank tags: refactor ui to use layers
      bank tags: rebuild tag tab tab on new/import/delete
      bank tags: fix scrolling the tag tab
      bank tags: remove separators prior to computing scroll
      bank tags: remove use of dummy script null
      bank tags: fix pmd violation
      menu swapper: fix ui swapping optarget
      raids: simplify login scout check
      raids: fix scouting on raid reload
      chat filter: cache filter results
      raids: reset raid on party id change
      bank tags: move onMenuOptionClicked subscriber to TabInterface
      bank tags: remove unused import
      api: add scene tile model/paint isFlat()
      gpu: fix tile uvs
      clues: include alternatives in treasure chest tag
      gpu: flip y/z in projection
      gpu: reverse z
      api: include WidgetConfig in runtime api
      gpu: remove radius from compute shaders
      gpu: use floating point for vertex positions
      music: correctly apply ambient sound mute on startup and shutdown
      clues: use builder for cryptic clues
      clues: add npc regions for cryptic clues
      fishing: fix tracking Karambwanji
      gpu: fix cl compilation on amd gpus
      Revert "gpu: fix cl compilation on amd gpus"
      Revert "gpu: use floating point for vertex positions"
      world hopper: cleanup
      world hopper: add us east/west coast flags
      cryptic clues: fix object id initializer
      time tracking: support payment tracking of multi-patch npcs
      containable frame: remove setMaximizedBounds workaround
      ui: remove contain in screen ALWAYS
      IconTextField: fix popup suggestion list size
      config: use default font for JPasswordField
      containable frame: fix Window.setMinimumSize DPI scaling
      laf: disable text antialiasing for rs fonts
      banktags: fix tabtabs tab
      worldpoint: use signed right shift for local to world conversion
      laf: change titlepane height to 27px
      ui: remove window opacity setting
      screenshot: image capture: support insets on client frame
      update flatlaf to 3.2.5-rl2
      ui: readd contain in screen ALWAYS
      add scurrius
      hiscores: add scurrius boss icon
      devtools: cleanup location overlays
      ContainableFrame: apply insets to old rhs offset behavior
      laf: change titlepane height to 23px
      clientui: adjust for frame insets when performing display bounds check
      ui: readd window opacity setting
      use backgroundless logo for image icon
      update flatlaf to 3.2.5-rl3
      Revert "update flatlaf to 3.2.5-rl3"
      update flatlaf to 3.2.5-rl4
      api: add size x/y to ObjectComposition
      overlay: use floating point overlay priority
      replace OverlayPriority use with corresponding constants
      woodcutting: use add_overlaytimer_loc for respawn timer
      bank tags: use only dynamic components for tab layer
      Revert "api: add widget createStaticChild"
      worldmap: strip pngs
      api: add setter for ScriptEvent op
      bank: use scriptevent for shared bank search trigger
      rs: add error dialog for js5io and crash errors
      npc unaggro: remove recheckActive on LOGGED_IN
      Revert "npc unaggro: remove recheckActive on LOGGED_IN"
      npc unaggro: remove recheckActive on LOGGED_IN
      npc unaggro: change uncalibrated overlay into an infobox
      Revert "clientui: force keep window size on when snapped on windows"
      woodcutting: fix respawn overlay on rotated objects
      cache: update 220
      Revert "npc unaggro: remove recheckActive on LOGGED_IN"
      npc unaggro: check active before doing npc scans
      roof removal: fix race applying roof flags with startup

Christopher Michael Mescher (1):
      world map: Add capes of achievement teleports

David Pedersen (1):
      xp updater: add runetracker support

Emil Hansen (1):
      ground items: fix inferno despawn timer

Eric White (1):
      notifier: add flash taskbar option

Felanbird (11):
      achievement diary: update fremennik astral rune task (#17221)
      idle notifier: add cow milking animation id
      idle notifier: add dairy churn animation ids
      clues: add fairy ring to mudskipper point emote step
      achievement diary: add new kourend task
      achievement diary: remove kourend favour
      clues: update lizardman canyon hot-cold step
      idle notifier: add specimen cleaning animation ids
      world map: add AKR fairy ring
      worldmap: fix Kourend teleport level
      achievement diary: update various tasks

Geordan Neukum (1):
      clues: recognize (l)(t) variant of dragon defender

JZomDev (1):
      ui: don't apply opacity in safe mode

Jason O'Neill (1):
      npc aggro area: ignore unattackable NPCs

Jordan Atwood (8):
      loot tracker: Fix TOB chest interface id
      loot tracker: Fix interface id in tests
      loot tracker: Track unsired loot
      slayer: Fix initial amount when task changes
      clues: Fix Lovada cryptic clue text
      clientui: Support Linux WM layout
      clues: Add Wizards' tower region to Wizards' tower clue
      timers: Track god wars altar cooldown via varbit

Joshua Kuan (1):
      clues: fix single item fulfilledBy check

Louis Hong (1):
      notifier: add custom notification volume control

Lukas Hönig (2):
      achievement diary: add 30 Constr. req. to crane repair task
      woodcutting: fix division by zero computing hourly rate

Macweese (3):
      clues: fix comment grammar
      clues: add felling axes
      clues: add trailblazer tools

Max Weber (31):
      api: add Animation::restartMode accessors
      runepouch: skip empty slots in grid view
      api: expose drawFrustum & drawWidgetText
      fairyring: add vinery fairy ring
      kourendlibrary: remove dark manuscripts
      runelite-client: use FlatLaf
      devtools: add swing inspector
      clientui: optimize for FlatLaf
      config: optimize for FlatLaf
      clientui: apply client size config correctly
      clientui: use sidebar pref width as min width
      clientui: add 4px border in custom chrome mode
      clientui: do not try to shift the frame in screen when not changing size
      clientui: do not show custom chrome border when maximized
      clientui: do not include insets in game size config
      clientui: correctly apply suction when expanding via min size change
      ContainableFrame: fix dpi scaled minimum size hack
      ContainableFrame: restore old rhs offset behavior
      ContainableFrame: set suction when shifted by native containment
      ContainableFrame: use hungarian to prevent window / content coord misuse
      clientui: listen for sidebar hotkeys when the client is not focused
      clientui: give client focus when closing or hiding the sidebar
      clientui: synchronously update the root pane's size
      rl-client: remove ItemVariationMappingTest
      ContainableFrame: remove non-native containedInScreen==ALWAYS code
      ContainableFrame: always contain & suction when snapped on windows
      clientui: force keep window size on when snapped on windows
      clientui: save game size instead of window size when keeping game size
      clientui: remember last restored bounds when starting maximized
      skillcalculator: remove checkbox panel background
      config: remove unused JCheckBox::setBackground

PhraZier (1):
      bank: support group storage with search hotkey

PortAGuy (1):
      party: tie ping duration to system time

Rasmus Karlsson (2):
      clues: reword Varrock Apothecary cryptic clue solution
      clues: clarify Burthorpe Games Room emote clue location

Robin (1):
      update wise old man API endpoints

Ron Young (1):
      overlay manager: revalidate overlays on profile change

Yenof (1):
      clues: Add Team Cape 0/X/I to emote clue steps (#17273)

YvesW (5):
      prayer: disable reordering on shutdown
      idle notifier: add crystal felling axe (inactive) animation
      wintertodt: add crystal felling axe (inactive) animation
      woodcutting: add crystal felling axe (inactive) animation
      chat commands: fix theatre of blood: entry mode Previously the branch was unreachable: the label contained uppercase symbols while the selector is lowercase-only (boss.toLowerCase())

geheur (3):
      clues: fix hotcold class initialization
      bank tags: only close chatbox interface when clicking bank ops
      prayer: reorder prayers on profile change

iProdigy (1):
      chat commands: fix off-by-one team size for out-of-order toa pb

ldahleen54 (1):
      config: allow using tab key for hotkeys

pkhermouch (1):
      cryptic clues: update Sinclair Mansion solution

sam (1):
      Trailblazer league reloaded rune pouch up to 6 runes.

smol-tako (2):
      item identification: add Forgotten brew and Blighted super restore
      chat history: fix Copy to clipboard for friend dms

sonnypb (1):
      timers: add Spellbook Swap timer

testing-ongithub (8):
      worldmap: fix Lovakengj mine cart location
      worldmap: add new minecart locations
      worldmap: rename minecarts to match in-game list
      worldmap: fix DIP fairy ring location
      worldmap: add ALR fairy ring
      worldmap: alphabetize fairy rings
      worldmap: use Zanaris fairy code rather than location
      worldmap: comment fairy rings that don't exist on the world map

timleafy (1):
      worldmap: add mining guild west amethyst 1.10.15 Release Profile account linking, GPU performance improvements, and hidden unrelated areas in GPU 2023-11-05T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

Profile account linking

Earlier this year, we released profiles to let you easily switch between different plugins and settings. Paired with a new --profile client argument for players wanting to open specific client windows to separate profiles, this helped most players manage their settings neatly, but did not handle two specific cases very well: players using the Jagex launcher, who could not use a --profile argument; and players who switched accounts in the same client. To help both of these cases, we've added profile account linking, which lets players associate a RuneScape account with a specific profile, to be automatically switched to when logging in. (This also supports accounts on special game modes such as Leagues, Deadman, and Quest Speedrunning!)

A profile with a linked default account

Linking an account with one of your profiles is a simple process:

  1. Log in to the account to be linked
  2. Expand the card of the profile to link it to
  3. Click the 🔗 button

As seen in the picture above, the link icon will be shown in orange when linked, and you can see which accounts are linked to it in the button's tooltip.

GPU performance improvements

Over the last 6 months we have been working in the background on performance improvements, starting with asynchronous map loading and extended map loading. More recently, we have increased the FPS via improving the tile cull testing, and also converted the client's camera to floating point arithmetic, which makes camera movement noticeably smoother. Unlocked FPS mode is now the default mode in the GPU plugin, we recommend checking it out if you are not using it currently.

Hide unrelated areas on GPU

Have you ever wondered why you're able to see the Abyss in the distance when scaling the Agility Pyramid? Or why from one runecrafting altar you're able to see others? Wonder no more, as unrelated map areas are now hidden when using the GPU plugin.

Before After
The top of the agility pyramid, with the Abyss shown in the distance Now the Abyss is no longer shown on the horizon
You can see the mind altar from the air altar! Not anymore!
What is even happening over at the fire altar? Now it's looking much more normal

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Object indicators now support a separately-customizable fill color
  • The Entity Hider and Random Event plugins both support the new Count Check random event
  • Your gains will now be reported via the XP Updater plugin on world hop as well as on logout
  • The Report Button plugin's login timer no longer resets on a lost connection being re-established without logging out
  • The special attack counter now tracks Accursed sceptre specs
  • A Mark of Darkness timer has been added to the Timers plugin
  • The Skill Calculator plugin learned the xp values for making a Forgotten brew
  • 2h axes and campfires have been added to the idle notifier, and the new forestry events added to the woodcutting plugin


- Jordan & Adam

New commits

We had 21 contributors this update!

Adam (56):
      util: run asyncbufferedimage onLoaded callbacks when already loaded
      api: remove setRenderArea
      low detail: reset low detail flag on STARTING
      gpu: early frustum cull tiles
      gpu: default unlocked fps to on
      object indicators: make hull fill color consistent
      object indicators: open color picker to previously used color
      object indicators: add configurable fill color
      object indicators: revert "make hull fill color consistent"
      api: remove NPCComposition isClickable
      object indicators: add default fill color config
      profile panel: strip crlf from profile names
      interface styles: fix race with client startup
      world hopper: ignore ping errors to current world
      world hopper: only update panel ping if active
      default world: don't apply world in safe mode
      default world: don't apply beta or nosave worlds
      default world: ignore pmd error
      Revert "default world: ignore pmd error"
      default world: fix injecting safemode
      hooks: add openUrl callback
      minimap: fix replacing map dots on client reload
      camera: add right click examine option
      attack styles: fix spurious warnings with autocasting staffs
      perspective: support extended scene in getCanvasTileAreaPoly()
      gpu: add option to hide unrelated maps
      screenshot: remove imgur uploader
      screenshot: move client frame code to ImageCapture
      screenshot: imagecapture: add utility method for taking screenshots
      screenshot: add screenshot taken event
      draw callbacks: use floating point camera
      api: add floating point camera accessors
      perspective: use floating point projection
      gpu: use floating point camera pos, yaw, and pitch
      chat filter: null check player name in onOverheadTextChanged
      idle notifier: add 2h axes and campfire anims
      wintertodt: add 2h axes anims
      woodcutting: rename WoodcuttingTreesOverlay to WoodcuttingSceneOverlay
      woodcutting: add 2h axe anims
      woodcutting: clear flowers on logout and world hop
      woodcutting: add new forestry events
      hiscore panel: switch from dmmt to leagues
      woodcutting: clear pheasant nests on map load
      woodcutting: update npc ids
      entity hider: add count check
      random events: add count check
      rename runelite-script-assembler-plugin to runelite-maven-plugin
      cache: update antlr to 4.13.1
      api: codegen component and interface id constants
      client: use new component and interface id constants
      widgets: use new api
      woodcutting: don't try to solve dyrad without 5 circles
      idle notifier: add all campfire anims
      fishing spot: add f2p wilderness spot
      remove leagues relic varbit accesses
      RSProfileType: add trailblazer reloaded league

Erik (1):
      kingdom of miscellania: use midnight gmt for favour estimates

Felanbird (4):
      achievement diary: fix runecrafting steps
      clues: Add Abyssal tentacles to Draynor Village Master emote clue
      clues: Add Guardian boots to Zul-Andra Master emote clue
      clues: Add Bow of faerdhinen's to Falo the bard step

Fredrik Haarde (1):
      xp updater: Submit automatic updates on world hop (#15765)

Jordan Atwood (10):
      game: Add isDying override for Bouncer's ghost
      special counter: Add Accursed sceptre
      Revert "item charges: Track Ardougne cloak charges"
      clues: Add missing Falo The Bard item variants
      report button: Don't reset login time on connection lost
      default world: Remove empty shutDown method
      ConfigManager: Improve switchProfile log message
      ProfilePanel: Clean up UI code
      config: Add default profile linking to config profiles
      default world: Remove world change on profile change

Levente Kurusa (1):
      time tracking: rename giant compost bin to big compost bin

Macweese (3):
      slayer: add warped creatures task
      timers: remove corruption cooldown on configchange
      timers: add mark of darkness timer

Max Weber (3):
      gpu: extend frustum checks below the ground for sunken models
      camera: remove compass look preserve pitch
      update lombok

Mo Ben (1):
      inventory grid: enable in bank with equipment view open

Morgan Lewis (2):
      crowdsourcing: Add sprite dialogue tracking (#16953)
      NPCComposition: Expose color replacement and scale

Nicole M (2):
      item charges: fix bracelet of clay tracking in prif mine
      item charges: add egniol potions

Rasmus Karlsson (1):
      objectindicators: deduplicate color suggestions

RyanTamulevicz (1):
      skill calc: add forgotten brew (#17019)

SirGirion (2):
      bank: fix showing seed vault value on open
      item charges: Track Ardougne cloak charges

YvesW (5):
      notifier: fix typo in comment (#17069)
      worldmap: fix stranglewood rowboats destinations
      worldmap: add ring of the elements teleport locations
      worldmap: add ring of shadows teleport locations
      clues: add ring of shadows to cryptic and emote clue text

bradysauter (1):
      opponent info: add toggle for health overlay

iProdigy (1):
      twitch: prepend oauth prefix to token if missing

matej-veselovsky (1):
      FishingSpot: Use Raw karambwanji icon for karambwanji spot (#17085)

pajlada (2):
      npcaggro: fix typo in Notify Expiration description (#17044)
      idle notifier: add crashed star mining animation ids

rjarn (1):
      ClientThread: Fix javadoc grammar (#17088)

skillingdev (1):
      screenshot: fix matching level 99 messages with level-up dialogs disabled 1.10.12 Release Extended map loading 2023-09-09T15:00:00.000Z Adam

Extended map loading

RuneLite now supports extended map loading, via a new setting in the GPU plugin. This setting controls how many additional chunks to load past what is usually the edge of the visible world. Previously your character would have to move close to the edge, within 16 tiles, before the new map area was loaded in. Now, we have increased that gap to 56 tiles!

When combined with our previous work on seamless map loading the world feels like one continuous area.

When zoomed fully out, the total visible area is now up to 184x184 tiles, over three times as many as previously! The max render distance of the GPU plugin has been increased accordingly. This also fixes the black area shown on the minimap when zoomed out and near the world edge.




Note there are a few limitations:

Extended map loading does not work in instances, because there isn't a way to tell what the additional map to load is.

You also may have to do a little exploring first! RuneLite can only load areas that it has seen before.

Scrollable menu

The right click menu is now scrollable, useful for selecting menu options which are otherwise off screen. Also remember the Collapse ground item menu option exists which helps with this too.


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Tile and object markers now have an option to change their color in the right click menu. Object markers also can change the render style on a per-object basis via the menu.
  • Attack styles can now send a chat message warning when you switched to a warned style
  • A recent update by Jagex has made the client able to reload itself without fully restarting after game updates. Various bugs in plugins related to this have been fixed. Most notably issues surrounding chat icons added by plugins being incorrectly shown. We recommend restarting the client regardless, so that you will pull in the latest RuneLite version, even if it is not required.
  • A bug causing boss slayer tasks to not be shown properly in !task or on the overlay has been fixed.
  • The loot tracker now supports bounty crates
  • The party plugin ping color assigned to players is now configurable
  • The rune pouch overlay's runes are now pixel art instead of scaled down rune images

New commits

We had 30 contributors this update!

Adam (98):
      gpu: use clGetGLContextInfoAPPLE on macos
      woodcutting: count session logs instead of using xptracker actions
      woodcutting: add bark tracking to session
      telemetry client: report vm crashes
      config manager: disallow keys starting with $
      api: fix createProjectile docs typo
      ground markers: add color menu option
      client: update 2023-07-12-rev214
      woodcutting: suppress PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName
      devtools: add menus
      player indicators: fix color player menu when using items on players
      api: add menu scroll api
      inv tags: cache untagged items in tag cache
      client: flush output streams before calling fsync
      chatbox: include lighting params in item search dedup
      client: add launcher updater
      api: update 215
      client: set jagex.userhome
      Revert "music: disable granularSliders"
      npc util: add death hider exclusion param
      hooks: include stacktrace in error reports
      api: worldpoint: use client base x/y instead of scene
      agility plugin: code cleanup
      hooks: remove npc update deferred eventbus replay
      clues: update tests
      updater: update launcher to 2.6.7
      api: add closeInterface
      bank: add option to remove jagex account ad
      hiscores: add dt2 bosses
      api: correct ItemLayer bottom/top usage
      cache: add libbzip2 support
      remove cache-client and cache-updater
      Revert "attack styles: Prevent errant warning messages"
      Revert "attack styles: Flip double-negative config"
      Revert "attack styles: Add chat message when switching to warned style"
      attack styles: Add chat message when switching to warned style
      github: remove placeholder versions from bug template
      ground markers: remove rememberTileColor option
      chat commands: add dt2 boss aliases
      cache: remove unnecessary assert
      loot tracker: track whisperer
      gpu: don't draw frames during STARTING
      chat commands: capitalize dt2 bosses
      loot tracker: fix whisperer tracking deaths
      loottracker: fix whisperer tracking deaths
      cache: ignore libbzip2 test
      camera: add option for right click move camera to work even with mouse over objects
      hiscore panel: fix crazy archaeologist alphabetization
      gpu: ignore buffer swap errors on shutdown
      cache: modify Storage api to accept int index/archive
      cache: remove archive hash
      cache: store: remove unused FileNotFoundException
      overlay renderer: don't consume mouse drag events when moving overlays
      client: add chat icons api
      bank: fix account ad popup blocking clear-all fillers
      special counter: remove counter when duke dies
      camera: default right click objects to true
      chat icons: fix npe if refresh is run too early
      slayer: update boss task task lookup
      slayer: fix The Phantom Muspah task name
      slayer: fix detecting boss task changes
      object indicators: add per object higlight style
      object indicators: remove remember object colors
      ground markers: add reset all color option
      loot tracker: fix tracking whisperer deaths v3
      loot tracker: update tests
      loot tracker: add ancient vault chest
      loot tracker: fix tracking whisperer deaths v4
      runepouch overlay: use pixel art rune images
      hiscores: switch from fsw to dmm tournament
      api: add openInterface
      object indicators: mark objects on startup
      client: update http-api to 1.2.12
      item manager: remove wiki fsw prices
      config: fix duplicating rsprofile
      runepouch overlay: update pixel art images
      inventory tags: null check item container
      api: add line of sight impl
      api: exclude CollisionDataFlag from runtime api
      discord: add discord rpc feature flag
      ge: add tournament ge world type
      loottracker: include loot world id for tournament worlds
      object indicators: null check map regions
      hiscore: add tournament world to HiscoreEndpoint.fromWorldTypes()
      worldutil: fix exception converting tournament world type
      ge: exclude active trade price from dmm worlds
      api: document gameobject config and hash
      gpu: move hillskew to gpu
      draw callbacks: remove drawFace
      gpu: increase config defaults
      gpu: remove sin/cos table from UBO
      profiles: add id to logging and log enames
      profiles: fix logging id on switch
      gpu: use GL_NEAREST for tile height min/max filter
      Revert "gpu: remove sin/cos table from UBO"
      gpu: reinitialize opencl variables on init
      devtools: add tile scene location to overlay
      gpu: add extended scene

Chris (1):
      loottracker: add support for Bounty crates

Corey Forsyth (1):
      groundmarkers: Fix minimap stroke

David Goldstein (1):
      util: Complete branch coverage for ColorUtil

Felanbird (4):
      clues: Add Abyssal tentacles to Sherlock master challenge
      achievement diary: update ardy picklock task
      clues: Support Ring of shadows (#16846)
      clues: Update Necromancer Tower Master clue hint

Fjara (1):
      clues: update ranged attack bonus for Robin master cryptic

Jordan Atwood (23):
      woodcutting: Remember session stats after timeout
      npc indicators: Fix per-npc highlight menu color
      item identification: Add Chambers of Xeric potions
      timers: Support all staff of the dead variants
      attack styles: Code cleanup
      attack styles: Add chat message when switching to warned style
      attack styles: Flip double-negative config
      attack styles: Prevent errant warning messages
      widget overlay: Add the strangler infection overlay
      widget overlay: Add sanity overlay
      ground markers: Allow setting alpha when recoloring markers
      slayer: Add The Fallen Empire boss task entries
      boss timers: Add The Leviathan
      loot tracker: Fix tracking for The Leviathan
      loot tracker: Fix tracking for Duke Sucellus
      loot tracker: Fix tracking for Vardorvis
      discord: Add Secrets of the North and Desert Treasure 2 areas
      ItemMapping: Add Sanguine Torva armor
      roof removal: Add Lassar Undercity overrides
      clues: Add fairy ring code to hot-cold clue hint
      loot tracker: Fix The Leviathan loot tracking
      screenshot: Capitalize level up screenshots
      loot tracker: Fix chest re-opening detection

LlemonDuck (3):
      checkstyle: no trailing whitespace on empty lines
      clues: support dynamic locations
      clues: dynamic viggora location

Mark7625 (1):
      entity hider: Clarify "Hide Pets" option only hides others' pets (#15378)

Max Weber (11):
      music: disable granularSliders
      music: fix playback not starting on unmute
      music: do not enable granular sliders on unrelated configs changing
      music: set slider deadtime as intended
      client: update carrallangar -> carrallanger
      api: add getDBRowsByValue
      worldmap: fix quest icons not showing
      api: add Animation::getNumFrames
      api: expose NpcOverrides
      devtools: show NpcOverrides
      devtools: fix texture overridden npcs

Mo Ben (1):
      npc aggro: fix Show on slayer task

Morgan Lewis (9):
      widget overlay: Layout Tempoross lobby interface
      widget overlay: Layout GOTR interface
      widget overlay: Layout Trouble Brewing interfaces
      widget overlay: Layout Shades of Mort'ton interface
      widget overlay: Layout Burthorpe Games Room interfaces
      widget overlay: Layout Brimhaven Agility Arena interface
      widget overlay: Layout Gnomeball interface
      widget overlay: Layout Mage Training Arean interfaces
      item stats: Fix barbarian mix heal amounts (#16988)

Paul Norton (1):
      party: allow custom colors

Phil (1):
      chat commands: add calvarion aliases

Reactate (1):
      clues: Improve Al Kharid mine emote clue location (#16420)

Ron Young (1):
      colorpicker: clamp window position to screen bounds

SirGirion (1):
      itemstats: add support for group storage

StephenWolters (1):
      herbiboar: always show correct object to search

ThePharros (1):
      clues: Add missing fairy ring CJR to Donovan clue

Usman Akhtar (1):
      cannon: Add wilderness slayer cave spots

Vendarin (1):
      cannon: Add Edgeville Dungeon Moss Giant spot (#16560)

Zupami (1):
      achievement diary: update ardy steal chest task

geeckon (1):
      cannon: Update Lizardman spot (#14197)

geheur (2):
      bank: Support seed vault with search hotkey (#16417)
      clues: improve BRUCE CATNAP location and description

iProdigy (1):
      docs: update explanation of Varbits.PVP_SPEC_ORB (#16406)

invalidCards (1):
      achievement diary: Remove Tree Gnome Village requirement (#16776)

rugg0064 (1):
      inventory tags: add colors of equipped items to submenu

sam (4):
      fairy rings: add BLS fairy ring.
      world map: add BLS fairy ring.
      agility: add ice mountain shortcut
      world map: add icon descriptions for the stranglewood and lassar city

shi-vy (1):
      discord: Indicate safe mode in icon tooltip (#16667)

testing-ongithub (2):
      combat level: Show next level info on Character Summary tab (#15876)
      combat level: Check "Show precise combat level" config on character summary tab (#16972) 1.10.6 Release Forestry 2023-07-01T15:00:00.000Z Adam


The woodcutting plugin has had support for forestry added. This includes notifications for each type of event, and an overlay aiding it.

bees roots sapling

Prayer reordering

As you may have seen a couple weeks ago, Jagex has changed their rules regarding prayer reordering, and so we have added prayer reordering support to the prayer plugin. A bug causing prayer filtering to be broken when prayer reordering is on has also been fixed


Windows ARM launcher

We now have a native Windows ARM launcher. If you have a Windows laptop or tablet with an ARM processor (common in Microsoft Surface Pro) machines, you can download it from the homepage by selecting the Download for Windows (ARM64) option. Additionally, the GPU plugin is now supported on ARM, regardless of what launcher you use.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • When pluginhub plugins become incompatible due to an update, they now show as incompatible instead of silently disappearing
  • The motherlode mine respawn timers have been fixed, again, and are now definitely correct
  • !pb now supports hours
  • The feed panel has been removed due to Twitter removing their free API access

New commits

We had 17 contributors this update!

Adam (34):
      coords: add scene overload for toLocalInstance
      api: deprecate AccountType
      time tracking: disallow composting compost bins
      slayer: fix forgetting initial amount on disconnect
      hiscore: update bh target regex
      hiscore: allow any color for bh target regex
      client: remove feed plugin
      client: remove feed resources
      loot tracker: remove unused http-api client methods
      spec counter: add dragon warhammer (cr)
      Update to JDK 11
      clientui: remove java 8 warnings
      client: update orange-extensions to 1.1
      update http-api to 1.2.5
      world hopper: add beta worlds
      cache-client: skip index 16
      cache-client: support removing archives
      cache-updater: update to spring 2
      loot manager: add wall beasts
      prayer: add prayer reordering
      prayer: fix prayer filtering with reordering
      gpu: update to lwjgl 3.3.2
      gpu: use lwjgl-opencl
      xp tracker: remove game tick rebuildSkills call
      api: deprecate and remove overall skill
      mining: use add_overlaytimer_loc clientscript for mlm timer
      gpu: fix crash on shutdown if cl library is not initialized
      gpu: add windows aarch64 support
      gpu: improve opencl context creation error handling
      woodcutting: add forestry event notifications
      woodcutting: add glowing roots highlight
      woodcutting: add mulch highlight
      Revert "random events: add more frog npcids"
      woodcutting: add flower highlighter

Adam Sharp (1):
      chat commands: add hours support for !pb

Chris (1):
      loot tracker: Add fishing level to slayer chest metadata (#16694)

Felanbird (2):
      clues: Move arrows for NPCs found on upper floors (#16618)
      clues: Support Forestry outfit

Filip Åsberg (1):
      item charges: update explorer charges at plugin startup

Frosty-J (1):
      clues: clarify Chaos Temple location

Jatie (1):
      clues: add primordial boots to dragon boots requirement

Jordan Atwood (6):
      grand exchange: Fix slot detail panels with wrapped text
      grand exchange: Use constant for panel height
      grand exchange: Initialize offers panel on startup
      report button: Remove "Off" display option
      ItemMapping: Add Bounty Hunter item variants
      discord: Fix ordering of minigame definitions

Joshua Kuan (2):
      clues: Update location text for Gallow medium anagram clue (#16332)
      random events: add more frog npcids

Max Weber (7):
      cache/item: use correct texture brightness
      rl-client/RSProfileType: support new BETA world type
      rl-client: use pluginhub manifest v2 format
      rl-client: allow rtconf-ing keys from
      osxutil: do not reference eawt classes during verification
      rl-client/GameEventManager: don't use pointless Optionals
      rl-client/GameEventManager: post TileObjects for bridge tiles

Shane Doherty (1):
       discord: Add Giants' Foundry area

adam-a (1):
      osxutil: update frame extended state for fullscreen mode

crab-pancake (1):
      spec counter: fix tracking weapon with 1 tick specs

geheur (1):
      menu swapper: fix object walk here swap with multilocs

iProdigy (1):
      hiscore: avoid AccountType enum usage

jonas-fo (1):
      screenshot: suport screenshots with level-up interface disabled

shi-vy (1):
      clues: add fairy ring to elite clue step for gutanoth 1.10.0 Release Map loading improvements 2023-05-13T15:00:00.000Z Adam

Map loading improvements

The short Loading - please wait freeze which happens when a new map is loaded (also sometimes referred to as crossing "loading lines") has been greatly reduced, and in many cases, completely removed. This allows for a much smoother game play experience, and is most noticible in content like the Gauntlet and Chambers of Xeric which have multiple map loads. We've also fixed projectiles so they no longer disappear when loading a new map.


Jagex Account PSA

With Jagex recently pushing people towords using the new Jagex Account system, we've seen many people lock themselves out of their accounts by migrating their account without fully understanding the consequences. This occurs most prominently to users whose computers can not run the Jagex Launcher. Please do not migrate your accounts without first verifying that the Jagex Launcher works on all of the computers you play on.

Jagex Accounts are still in beta, and so it is expected there will be some teething problems. If your computer does not support the Jagex launcher we highly recommend not migrating your account yet as you will be unable to play on RuneLite.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Multi kills on abyssal demons on task are now correctly counted
  • Mirror shield's "mirror" effect now renders correctly on GPU
  • Walk here can now be swapped on a per-object basis, similar to NPCs
  • Profiles can now be reordered via drag and drop in the profile list
  • Fix the ring of forging tracker being off by 1
  • The GE plugin can now notify you when an offer is fully complete, instead of on each update

- Adam

New commits

We had 28 contributors this update!

Adam (94):
      runelite: fix npe from --insecure-skip-tls-verificiation
      external plugins: reload plugin list on profile change
      ground markers: reload points on profile change
      profile panel: info level log more profile operations
      config: null check fetched profiles
      profile panel: remember expanded state between rebuilds
      profile panel: require profile names to be valid file names
      config manager: distribute initial config sync delay
      drag and drop panel: add drag listener
      drag and drop panel: fix components of varying size
      profile panel: support reordering
      player indicators: add per-setting pvp option
      config manager: handle exceptions from scheduled sendConfig task
      grand exchange: save trades to rsprofile config
      slayer: remove profile migration
      player indicators: fix test for highlight own player
      slayer: use vars for task tracking
      slayer: use task location enum for location verification
      slayer: fix !task location checking
      run energy: fix parsing roe with 1000 charges
      slayer: fix test
      feed: fix npe on shutdown
      config: mark lost remote profile as not synced
      chatfilter: fix cme from rebuilding patterns
      cache: remove various savers
      cache: refactor item renderer
      cache: fix texture projection on models without tex coords
      clientui: add java8 brownout
      api: add tex triangles to Model
      item charges: fix setting rsprofile config before login
      gpu: move uv calculation to gpu
      api: add Actor isInteracting
      containable frame: log insets in getWindowAreaBounds()
      api: update 212
      api: replace varp enum with ints
      api: remove model uvs
      devtools: add wear/tex commands
      gpu: fix vanilla uvs with a depth offset
      ping: move unknown host exception log to debug
      slayer: display infobox on task check
      external plugins: fix refresh race with plugin manager
      external plugins: remove unused session event handlers
      client: cache update 3-15-2023
      ground markers: cap fill opacity at 255
      ground items: Fix Kalphite Queen instance despawn times (#16382)
      config manager: reset lost profile active flag
      config manager: log profiles at startup
      config manager: use inactive profile if no profile is active
      config manager: avoid removing active profile on logout
      runelite: remove --config argument
      camera plugin: remove preserve yaw
      gpu: fix min10 initializer
      overlay manager: remove plugin changed hook
      api: remove WorldArea calculateNextTravellingPoint
      logback: include timezone in date pattern
      gpu: don't double offset of tile models
      gpu: fix a few comments
      gpu: remove unused vb clear
      gpu: use a separate vao for compute and temp buffers
      gpu: fix initialization of uniform block index
      gpu: allow quoting filenames in #include
      gpu: add clang-format config
      gpu: clang-format shaders
      gpu: fix derotating jau computation for uvs
      gpu: fix derotating jau on cpu too
      hiscore panel: repaint entire panel on lookup
      screenshot: fix screenshots with j2d scaling
      clientui: fix applying client bounds with j2d scaling
      screen markers: reload markers on profile change
      infobox manager: rebuild infoboxes on profile change
      slayer: remove twisted league tasks
      slayer: fix detecting Check on worn items
      gpu: fix amd miscompile of frag.glsl
      cache: update uv calculation code
      gpu: move uv calculation to geometry shader
      gpu: simplify face sorting comparison
      gpu: check aa framebuffer status
      hiscore: add wilderness bosses
      screenshot: fix scaling on macos
      clientui: keep size when resetting client position
      api: update 213
      api: add frame cycle to actorspotanim and dynamicobject
      external plugins: change support link to plugin hub readme
      cache: rename ambient sound fields
      menu swapper: use submenus for object swaps
      menu swapper: add object walk here swap
      screenshot: remove points from combat achievement file names
      screenshot: remove points from notification popup too
      devtools: add loading lines tool
      gpu: use power of 2 for gl buffer sizes
      gpu: name gl buffers
      gpu: invalidate buffer data before updating
      ge: add notify on offer complete
      api: add scene loading callbacks

Alberto Pluecker (2):
      slayer: Add Phantom Muspah to task list (#16414)
      slayer: Add Forgotten Soul as an alternative for Ghosts task (#16427)

Arnaud Peralta (1):
      roof removal: Add Camelot Castle override

Basil Mahmood (1):
      clues: Identify Eastfloor spade as a valid spade (#16464)

Bob Heine (1):
      item stats: Fix Choc-ice healing amount (#16545)

Filip Åsberg (2):
      clues: Include all combat bracelet variants (#16520)
      mining: update mlm ore-vein respawn times

Fiori (1):
      roof removal: add Uzer Oasis override (#16355)

Ilkka Kallioniemi (1):
      plugins: Fix Ectofuntus spelling (#16393)

InfernoStats (1):
      timers: fix liquid adrenaline timer being removed on death

JZomDev (2):
      profile panel: default file chooser directory to RUNELITE_DIR
      cannon: Improve Meiyerditch Laboratories bloodveld spot (#16455)

Jordan (1):
      fishing: add Camdozaal fishing spots

Jordan Atwood (10):
      item stats: Fix capped stat boosts when starting from overheal
      ground items: Update KBD instance despawn time
      feed: Remove unused @Slf4j annotation and import
      loot tracker: Fix toa loot value config check
      roof removal: Add Karuulm Slayer Dungeon overrides
      timers: Add Heal Group cooldown timer
      client: Log loaded local rtconf contents
      game: Fix isDying for Runite golems
      game: Add isDying override for Agrith Naar
      game: Fix comment spelling

LootBagger (1):
      skill calc: Add true blood altar runecrafting (#16259)

Macweese (1):
      slayer: match task names to enum

Max Weber (14):
      config: register panels to the eventbus correctly
      client: specify utf8 encoding
      rl-api: expose DBRowConfig
      rl-api: fix DBTableID runtime exclusion
      widgetid: remove unused widgets
      ConfigManager: don't rely on HashSet ordering when picking rsprofiles
      ConfigManager: merge imported rsprofile keys
      config: document RSProfileType ordinal stability
      config: merge imported profiles correctly
      client/ItemMapping: update to 2023-4-12
      rl-client: add --insecure-write-credentials
      MaterialTabGroup: do not select tabs that are already selected
      wiki: do not trip asserts for despawned npcs
      music: update for 2023-5-10 game update

Morgan Lewis (1):
      api: Fix SpriteIDs from April 2023 updates (#16519)

Mustafa (1):
      ItemMapping: Add Venator bow (#16394)

Newbcake (1):
      worldmap: fix typo for Skeletal Tombs (#16546)

Paul Norton (2):
      cluescrolls: wildy boss update clue descriptions
      kourendlibrary: reset state on new gamemessage

PkZ (1):
      slayer: Add Revenants as an alternative for Ghosts task (#16436)

SevenEightFour (1):
      skill calculator: Fix Slimy Eel experience (#16536)

SirGirion (1):
      woodcutting: Add farming guild redwood tree (#16505)

Velite12 (1):
      idle notifier: Add Imcando hammer infernal eel crushing animation (#16350)

YvesW (1):
      drag and drop panel: fix typo (#16314)

Zoinkwiz (1):
      outline renderer: add RuneliteObject support

geheur (3):
      overlay manager: reload overlay config on profile change
      item manager: Add quest speedrunning graceful to worn items map (#16404)
      item charges: Add Forgotten brew (#16526)

olligobber (1):
      item charges: Fix Ring of forging breaking being off by one (#16500)

testing-ongithub (2):
      timers: Switch back to message-based detection for thrall creation timer
      timers: Don't create shadow veil / liquid adrenaline timers with varbits 1.9.11 Release Profiles 2023-02-18T15:00:00.000Z Adam


Profiles have been added to RuneLite, which are separate sets of plugins and settings that can be switched between at any time. There is a new UI in the configuration panel for managing profiles. Profiles are useful for players who want different settings for different accounts, or for different activites.

Your existing settings will be migrated into a single profile named default automatically.


In addition to creating and deleting profiles, the profile panel also allows duplicating (copying an existing profile's settings to a new profile), exporting, and importing profiles.

For advanced users, there is a new --profile client argument to choose the profile the client uses at startup. By default the client will select the profile it was last using. If you currently use the --config client argument, import the config file you use into a new profile, and then use --profile name to launch the client with that profile.

Launcher updates

Last week we began showing an outdated launcher warning to a small percentage of users whose launcher version is 1.6 or older (prior to Aug 2019). If you are receiving this warning at startup, you should update your launcher to the latest version by redownloading RuneLite from You don't need to uninstall your previous launcher, and also your settings will not be reset.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Player indicators has an option to disable when outside of PvP
  • Camera plugin expand pitch mode now also expands the lower pitch limit
  • Various missing random events were added to the random event plugin
  • Entity hider can now hide random events
  • 1 defence and level 3 combat hiscores have been added to the hiscore plugin
  • Volcanic mine ore packs have been added to the loot tracker
  • xBR UI scaling now works correctly on M1 Macs
  • Farmer's affinity has been added to the timers plugin
  • A bug causing timers to turn red too early has been fixed

- Adam

New commits

We had 27 contributors this update!

Adam (62):
      timers: add Menaphite remedy
      ci: update actions
      client: update protobuf to 3.21.12
      overlay: add widget overlay drag warning
      overlay: remove menuEntryShift
      overlay: use configured hotkey in drag warning
      inv grid: use drag delay from interface
      hooks: release stretched mode image when disabled
      hooks: invalidate volatile g2d when drawing surface is restored
      hooks: remove canvas fill on resize
      clientui: add outdated launcher warning
      api: move worldmap classes into worldmap package
      worldmap: use map icon locations for quest start locations
      worldmap: fix pmd errors
      player indicators: add disable outside pvp option
      api: add camera yaw/pitch target accessors
      camera: change vertical camera name to expand pitch limit
      config: hide tooltips of config items with no description
      random events: reorder config items alphebetically
      random events: add missing random events
      entity hider: add option to hide random events
      skill calc: update ham member thieving xp
      twitch: accept urls for channels
      github: update issue template
      gpu: use ui graphics configuration to get affine transform
      gpu: apply affine transform to aa fbo
      clientui: fix y scale of clientbounds
      config manager: synchronize iteration of properties keySet
      config manager: add logging for settings import
      hiscores: add phantom muspah
      rt config: support boolean values
      hiscore: update pnm icon
      npc util: add exclusion for strange creature
      twitch: decrease ping timeout
      twitch: send USER command
      twitch: fix /t command
      chat: use eventbus for chat input events
      worldmap: fix loading quest start locations
      agility shortcut: add weiss broken fence
      worldmap: fix placement of CIS fairy ring
      session: fix config sync on session close
      config: add config sync event
      loottracker: sync config on configsync
      chat notifications: exclude dialog and mesbox chattypes
      party: throttle status updates in large parties
      client: update to 2023-01-25-c1-rev210
      xtea: cache seen keys on disk
      config panel: harden spinner and dimension parsing
      config panel: revert checkbox boolean parsing
      progressbar: fix divide by 0 with maximumValue 0
      party: don't throttle forceSend messages
      hiscore: use json endpoint
      consistently capitalize plugins on splashscreen action text
      consistently capitalize plugins on splashscreen action text v2
      Revert "timers: Reset var timers when duration increases"
      timers: reset var timers when duration increases
      session manager: fix stopping http server on login
      grandexchange: add fsw to openGeLink
      config: add type constraint to setDefaultConfiguration
      hiscore: add account builds hiscores
      config: add profiles
      client: use both Windows root trust store and bundled trust store

Alex Jurkiewicz (1):
      gpu: add draw distance requires compute shaders (#15939)

Alexsuperfly (1):
      loot tracker: add Volcanic Mine ore pack (#16213)

Bo (2):
      worldmap: add ghommal's hilt teleport location (#16138)
      CrypticClie: Update "Anger Abbot Langley" step description (#16143)

Brian (1):
      screenshot plugin: add loot keys

Calvin Kroese (1):
      chat commands: Fix Al Kharid Rooftop expansion (#16229)

Enriath (6):
      loot tracker: add support for frozen caches
      bosstimers: use TemporalUnit instead of ChronoUnit
      bosstimers: fix Scorpia and Sarachnis respawn times
      bosstimers: add test to check that respawn timers are a number of ticks
      interface styles: add HD healthbars for phantom muspah's shield
      timers: use varbit to track remaining overload time

Jae Ren (1):
      item charges: Add Tombs of Amascut supplies (#16044)

Jason O'Neill (1):
      item stats: add Kovac's grog

Jordan Atwood (28):
      achievement diary: Fix runecrafting step requirements
      SkillChallengeClue: Fix Charlie clues update regression
      NpcUtil: Indicate gargoyles are dead during death animation
      api: Improve VarPlayer#POISON javadoc
      timers: Use Duration.of(..., RSTimeUnit.GAME_TICKS)
      slayer: Set streak and points when receiving first task
      item stats: Add Saturated heart
      item stats: Add Forgotten brew
      item stats: Fix Ring of the gods (i) detection
      dev tools: Fix setvarp and setvarb
      timers: Remove imbued heart timer duration
      timers: Update imbued heart timer tooltip
      timers: Fix imbued heart duration test
      item charges: Reset slayer bracelet charges on recharge
      game: Fix Antidote++ item variation mapping test
      game: Fix isDying for Vet'ion, add Calvar'ion
      ItemMapping: Add upgraded wilderness weapons
      world map: Add wilderness rework dungeons
      world map: Fix west Revenant caves location
      world map: Add various dungeon locations
      api: add WorldPoint#toWorldArea()
      loot tracker: add wilderness rework bosses
      boss timers: Wilderness rework boss timers
      timers: Consolidate var-controlled timer tracking
      timers: Track Dragonfire shield cooldown via varbit
      roof removal: Add Monkey Madness II airship platform override
      WeaponType: Add argument length check
      ItemMapping: Add crystal armour variants

Kenneth Chung (1):
      GPU: Fix xBR scaling on M1 macs

Kyle (1):
      npc indicators: add list format to config description (#16031)

LameGames (1):
      clues: reset panel width before rendering hint

Max Weber (9):
      rl-api: allow replacing the minimap tile drawing method
      Update Quest to 2023-1-11
      Revert ChatBuilder: use clansettings for finding member rank
      loginscreen: do not allow non-number characters into the OTP field
      feed: reduce useless text layouts
      feed: only load feed on demand
      cache: update Model face limit
      ConfigManager: only key rsprofiles off of account hash
      config: use tabs for switching between plugin hub & plugin list panels

Mike (1):
      EmoteClue: Allow bowfa for crystal bow clue requirement (#16157)

Paul Norton (3):
      idle notifier: Re-check NPC interaction on transform
      slayer: cancel task on inferno fail
      xptracker: prevent negative values with hide maxed

Peter Forsling (1):
      clue: add climbing boots (g) to emote steps (#16008)

Roelof (1):
      boss timers: Add Phantom Muspah

SirWrain (1):
      timers: add farmer's affinity effect timer

Skretzo (1):
      attack styles: Fix type 28 attack style indices

YvesW (2):
      random events: fix bob and MoM related events
      entity hider: fix frog random event

fioxxu (1):
      agility shortcut: remove requirement for Weiss shortcut

iProdigy (1):
      twitch: use login name in place of unrenderable display names

maxmaximus123456 (1):
      worldmap: fix typo for Skavid Caves

tcoy (1):
      questlist: Update quest list tab index

testing-ongithub (8):
      timers: Fix antivenom timers expiring too early (#16073)
      timers: Track antifire durations using varbits
      timers: Track divine potion durations using varbits
      timers: Track magic imbue duration using varbit
      timers: Null buffTimer and remedyTimer on shutdown
      timers: Track Arceuus spell durations using varbits
      menu swapper: Remove tags from UI swap feedback message (#16235)
      timers: Reset var timers when duration increases

Łukasz Kliś (1):
      chat commands: add short names for Phantom Muspah Security Incident Jan 21 2023 Security Incident Jan 21 2023 2023-01-22T10:00:00.000Z Adam

On January 10 a plugin named ChatClip was erroneously published to the plugin hub which, under non-default configuration, would permit an attacker to remotely execute code on a victims computer by sending an in-game message.

This was caused by human error on our part, where we approved the plugin despite the code being exploitable.

To be affected by this issue, you would have had to 1) installed the chat clip plugin, and 2) enabled the Add to history option within the plugin.

Over the 11 day period the plugin was active on the plugin hub, the plugin was installed 118 times by 78 unique IPs. We have no way to determine how many of those users enabled the Add to history option allowing the exploitable behavior.

We raised the issue to Jagex, and provided to them the IPs of the players who we think could be affected. A staff member briefly took a look at the possibly affected accounts on Saturday, did not find anything requiring immediate attention, and has promised to look into it this week. I hope that they will be able to take corrective action if any compromised accounts are found.

We have also checked all existing plugin hub plugins and found no other plugins with similarly exploitable code.

To prevent this from happening again in the future, we will be automatically flagging plugins which use potentially dangerous APIs that can allow command injection, to require them to be more closely scrutinized.

- Adam 1.9.5 Release Clue notes and npc highlight enhancements 2022-12-07T15:00:00.000Z Adam

Clue notes

Notes can be attached to clue scroll hints via shift+right clicking the overlay and selecting Set note. The note is saved and shown again if you get the same clue step in the future.


Per NPC highlight color and types

NPC indicators highlight color and highlight type can now be configured per NPC type by selecting the Tag color and Tag style options. This overrides the global setting configured in the plugin.

npc-color npc-style

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The world hopper has an option to filter the world list by world type
  • Wiki FSW GE prices are now used when on a fresh start world
  • The thrall timer has been updated for the new CA task rewards
  • Thralls can now be hidden with the entity hider
  • The prayer flick and orb colors are now configurable
  • Objects' 5th options, such as the H.A.M. Hideout trapdoor, can now be swapped with menu entry swapper
  • A bug causing erroneous Wintertodt round start notifications to be sent has been fixed
  • Fix tracking Dorgeshuun crossbow special attacks
  • Zalcano damage tracker correctly tracks max hitsplat variants
  • Menaphite remedy has been added to item identification
  • Opponent info's always show (de)buffer timer option now works correctly, again
  • TOA team sizes have been added to the pb command, eg !pb toa 2

- Adam

New commits

We had 19 contributors this update!

Adam (53):
      loottracker: clear session records when clearing panel
      api: add graphics object animation and frame
      api: exclude keycode from rt api
      hooks: rate limit error reports
      api: update 209
      cache: update 209
      api: add projectile animation accessors
      wintertodt: fix double round notification
      ground items: remove lots! quantity
      zalcano: track max hitsplat variants
      idle notifier: add blisterwood jump scare anim
      xp updater: use wom api v2
      api: replace gameobject angle with int
      api: add rl object orientation and radius
      api: add itemcontainer count method
      api: rename spell selected to widget selected
      api: deprecate widgetitem index
      item manager: add wiki fsw prices
      item mapping: add test for mapping cycles
      ground markers: combine show import/export and clear config
      prayer: add config for flick and orb color
      client: update to cache 2022-11-09-rev209
      clues: use npc ids for cipher clues
      clues: remove male from barbarian hint
      farming: update treznor npc id
      menu swapper: use submenus for ui swaps
      api: add post client tick event
      api: add widget tick api
      api: remove forced widget position api
      api: add post menu sort event
      boosts: remove unused canShowBoosts
      spec counter: fix tracking dorgeshuun specs
      spec counter: fix tracking melee specs
      clues: update gypsy aris clue
      ping: read multiple icmp packets until timeout or error
      menu swapper: fix npe accessing widget actions
      menu swapper: fix walk here swaps
      menu swapper: use submenu for npc swaps
      menu swapper: remove target on npc submenu
      inv tags: use submenus
      inv tags: remove old inv tag config keys
      overlay: add callback to overlay menu entry
      clues: add clue notes
      clues: remove TextClueScroll
      npc indicators: add per-npc highlight color and render style
      cannon: increase warning threshold max to 60
      Revert "api: remove forced widget position api"
      Revert "api: add widget tick api"
      menu swapper: restore use of deprioritization for walk here swaps
      info: cleanup panel on shutdown
      timers: add ca tier boost to thrall timer
      world hopper: combine quick hop and region filter
      world hopper: add world type filter

Clayton (1):
      api: Remove unused MUSIC_TRACKS_UNLOCKED VarPlayer definitions (#15852)

Digiridoo (1):
      entity hider: add option to hide Thralls

Dylan Critz (1):
      item identification: Add Menaphite remedy potion (#15896)

JZomDev (1):
      chat commands: add fishingtodt mapping to tempoross (#15802)

Jae Ren (1):
      slayer: Add Ogre task alternative monsters (#15888)

John Kryspin (1):
      api: fix eighth spelling

Jordan Atwood (12):
      item stats: Clean up gauntlet and CoX entries
      item stats: Add Tombs of Amascut consumables
      ItemMapping: Add new locked items
      ItemMapping: Add new imbued twisted slayer helm variant
      ItemMapping: Use ItemVariations for tradeable item variants
      ItemMapping: Add Pharaoh's sceptre
      plugins: Use ItemVariationMapping for item variant lists
      ItemMapping: Fix black mask cycle
      ItemMapping: Fix includeVariations field name
      ItemMapping: Use the base variant ID for variant mappings
      menu swapper: Fix duplicate Reset option in bank
      timers: Remove divine potion timers on death

LlemonDuck (1):
      boosts: fix always show (de)buff timer

Macweese (1):
      game: Add isDying override for Gadderanks (#15557)

Mantautas Jurksa (1):
      clues: add world map hint for music clue scrolls (#15778)

Max Weber (5):
      rl-api: add all jagex keycodes
      rl-api: remove KeyFocusListener
      cache: add seq animaya fields
      cache: update ItemDefinition to 209
      rl-client: add locked divine rune pouch

Michael (1):
      loot tracker: use price type for npc kill chat message

Robin (1):
      xp updater: add account hash on Wise Old Man update

Skretzo (1):
      skill calculator: Set coif crafting action as members-only (#15911)

Timothy J. Aveni (1):
      menu swapper: Remove extra space from ui swap chat message (#15916)

eemkukko (1):
      item mapping: add ensouled hellhound head

redrumze (1):
      chat commands: add toa team sizes pb

sam (1):
      item charges: fix tracking explorer ring charges 1.9.0 Release Zoomable minimap and submenus 2022-10-05T15:00:00.000Z Adam

Minimap zooming

The minimap now supports zooming! This works similar to the zoom you may be familiar with on the official mobile or steam clients. Enable the Zoom option in the Minimap plugin to use it. The zoom can be reset to the default level by right clicking the minimap.

In Default Out
zoom-in zoom-default zoom-out


Last week we added support for collapsible submenus. This works similar to how the one from RS3 works. You may have noticed we've already converted the menu swapper for inventory and worn items to use this. Submenus allow grouping similar menus logically together, and greatly decreases the length and complexity of the menus on screen. You can tell if a menu has submenus by the presence of the >.

Before After
submenuold submenunew

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The run energy plugin now correctly accounts for the passive Ring of Endurance effect
  • A bug causing the window to maximize over the Windows taskbar on the newest launcher version has been fixed
  • terminal-notifier on MacOS is now more reliably detected when installed into nonstandard locations
  • The pickpocket timer now works with Martin the Master Farmer
  • Drinking Liquid Adrenaline prior to the timer running out now correctly resets the timer
  • Fix !lvl toa expert to work as expected
  • Fresh start hiscores have been added to the hiscore panel
  • The Tombs of Amascut background has been added to the login screen plugin


- Adam

New commits

We had 22 contributors this update!

Adam (61):
      menu swapper: remove old swap configs
      party: idle timeout when on login screen
      hiscore: add toa to mappings
      runepouch: add divine runepouch
      clues: add divine runepouch
      use client runepouch rune id enum
      chat commands: add toa shortnames
      runelite: log input arguments at startup
      loottracker: add cache of runes
      loottracker: combine intricate pouch with common case
      screenshot: add toa chest loot
      overlay: layout toa party and raid interfaces
      api: add varbit id and value to event
      menu swapper: hide swap use/reset menus when customizable click is off
      api: rename getVar to getVarpValue
      infobox: add updateDuration method for timer
      timers: add smelling salts buff timer
      timers: add liquid adrenaline timer
      timers: add silk dressing and blessed crystal scarb
      crowdsourcing: remove movement crowdsourcing
      menu swapper: fix npc currentAction check for shift
      clientui: add low memory limit warning
      client: invalidate declaredAnnotations caches after startup
      clientui: make low memory link clickable
      clientui: make low memory limits configurable
      loottracker: add toa metadata
      regen-timer: add lightbearer support change github link to discussions
      opponent info: apply hp display style to hp hud
      client: add logout timer plugin
      devtools: fix examine tool for npcs
      party: add isInParty method instead of checking members
      party: remove unused inParty
      party: include message type in Data message
      ContainableFrame: fix parsing versions with patch level
      world hopper: skip offline worlds
      add quest speedrunning world type
      client: add telemetry
      run energy: use script event for replacing orb text
      run energy: fix clearing text with replaceOrbText off
      ui: fix frame maximized bounds with dpi scaling
      containable frame: correct jdk bug number
      menu swapper: remove redundant code block
      api: add submenu api
      menu swapper: use submenus for inv and worn item swaps
      achievement diary: update to use new scroll interface
      telemetry: include client errors
      achievement diary: invoke new diary scrollbar update script
      api: add localpoint support for hintarrow
      notifier: add comment about terminal-notifier launcher version check
      notifier: remove needless commands list copy
      mta: fix telekinetic room
      Bump to 1.9.0-SNAPSHOT
      api: add fsw
      world hopper: add fsw
      xp updater: add fsw
      hiscores: add fsw
      ge: add fsw
      colorpicker: use clientui icon
      colorpicker: use parent always on top setting
      api: add zoomable minimap

Alexsuperfly (1):
      chat-commands: fix widget id for counters page

Blake Felt (1):
      item identification: Add Tombs of Amascut potions (#15581)

Brady Ryun (1):
      timers: Add Martin the Master Farmer pickpocket timer

Ecki (1):
      emoji: Change clown image to twemoji version (#15533)

Elias Lahham (1):
      GameTimer: Update Liq Adrenaline time to 150s

Ferrariic (1):
      icontextfield: allow custom image icons

Hammmed (1):
      game: Add isDying override for Wall beasts (#15699)

Hugo (1):
      run energy: add ring of endurance

JZomDev (1):
      timers: fix liquid adrenaline reset

Jonathan Lee (1):
      run energy: improve energy remaining formula

Jordan Atwood (10):
      skill calc: Add Menaphite remedy
      item stats: Add Menaphite remedy
      ItemMapping: Add Tombs of Amascut items
      HotColdLocation: Fix vertical centering of dark altar spot
      worldmap: Add Tombs of Amascut location
      clues: Clarify Kamil dig cryptic clue message
      world map: Add Necropolis obelisk sceptre teleport
      ItemMapping: Add Tumeken's shadow
      ItemMapping: Add Arcane sigil component of Elidinis' ward
      ItemMapping: Fix Tumeken's shadow definition

LlemonDuck (1):
      devtools: highlight current region in locations tool inside instances

Max Weber (4):
      rl-client/PluginHubPanel: release entries when not active
      rl-client/PluginHubPanel: defer loading of icons until they are visible
      client/PluginHubPanel: reactivate with filter set correctly
      client/PluginHubPanel: fix reload on (un)install

Ron Young (1):
      loginscreen: add toa background

Sam (1):
      skill calc: Fix Menaphite remedy level and xp values (#15718)

SirWrain (2):
      achievementdiary: fix ardy elite castle wars task
      achievementdiary: fix fremennik gwd task text (#15552)

Skretzo (1):
      client: fix logout timer javadoc typo

ThePharros (2):
      agility: add Necropolis obstacle (#15706)
      discord: Add Necropolis, Ruins of Ullek, and Tombs of Amascut regions (#15757)

Yestin L. Harrison (1):
      notifier: get terminal-notifier from login shell on macOS

YvesW (1):
      chat commands: fix !lvl toa expert

geheur (2):
      chat commands: fix short name of kril tsutsaroth
      ba: fix detecting end of wave Recent performance regressions and Tombs of Amascut Recent performance regressions and Tombs of Amascut 2022-09-04T19:00:00.000Z Adam

This is a bit of a tech blog about the ToA release and the stability issues the client has been having, feel free to skip it if that isn't your thing.

After the release of ToA on Aug 24 we saw a large number of reports from users about the client destabilizing in ToA, either crashing, or running with low FPS. We did not have good answers for players at that time due to the confusion of receiving so many error reports, often conflicting, at the same time. We now feel like we've identified and fixed the root cause, which this post is about.

Note that this post is about client lag, which is the client dropping frames, and not network lag, which is the time between an action being done and the server receiving the action, nor server lag, which is when the server skips ticks, causing time to essentially stop.

The cause of the lag issues have been due to Java garbage collection pressure. There are two different types of pressure which we will cover:

The first is caused by there being very little free memory. It becomes difficult to allocate additional memory since it often first require the garbage collector to run. The garbage collector will pause the client until it is able to find enough memory to release to fulfil each allocation. Since most of the memory is in use, it is a difficult and slow process, leading to long pauses and lag.

The second is caused by many small allocations. The garbage collector must keep track of these many different small allocations and handle releasing all of them, which is computationally expensive. So while there is memory available to be released, and potentially even free memory available, the process of releasing it is slow enough that it causes pauses whenever the GC is run.

After identifying the GC pressure issues fairly early on after the update, we began recommending users update their launcher if they are on one of the old pre-2.0 launchers (1.6, 1.5, and older). The newer launchers use the newer G1 garbage collector, while the 1.x launcher uses Concurrent Mark Sweep. G1 runs faster (that is, releases memory, faster) as well as pauses for a shorter amount of time (less frame drops), so is a good stop gap against type 2 pressure. This is not really a solution, and is instead trying to solve a symptom of the real problem, but on sufficiently powerful machines worked for some people.

If you still do have an old launcher (check the Info panel in the client), it can be a good idea to update it due to these GC changes - even though we do believe the problems to be fixed even on the older launchers. A common misconception is that the launcher automatically updates itself, but that is not the case. The launcher automatically updates the client, but there is no functionality to update the launcher.

In update 202 from last December, Jagex added a new-to-OSRS animation system. This new system allows Jagex to make much more fine-grained animations with smoother movements, and take advantage of the full 50FPS the client usually runs at - which most animations do not. This system was used for the first time with the release of ToA, and the code for it is the cause of the GC pressure. Notably it both uses a large amount of memory and also causes a large number of allocations.

This problem compounded badly with 3rd party plugins. As you may know, it is possible to install 3rd party plugins into RuneLite via the pluginhub. The pluginhub plugins vary in quality wildly, and some of them consume lots of memory. We have in total allocated 512mb at the JVM for the entire client, which leaves conservatively about 150mb of memory for all 3rd party plugins. With the new animation code using so much memory, users with too many bad plugins also noticed performance issues, even on the newer launcher. The high variance in plugin installations between users made it difficult to identify exactly how many problems there were and where they were.

While it is possible to increase the 512mb memory limit, I think it should be a measure of last resort. It will help if the application is legitimately out of memory, but if it isn't it can actually have negative consequences. Java prefers to only GC infrequently, or if it has to, and so prefers to allocate new memory vs reusing old memory. Setting an artificially high heap size can then end up with an application with a relatively high memory footprint that is mostly garbage. This just eats memory unnecessarily, and can slow down GC times as there is more to collect. RuneLite typically runs at 170-350mb (varies greatly with location and also plugins), but safely under the 512mb limit.

Since the Jagex animation code is not well optimized, we began looking at ways to improve it. On Aug 26 we pushed out a patch which rewrote some of the Jagex animation code to minimize the number of live objects it uses for animations. We do this by inlining small arrays, typically vectors or matrices, into their enclosing class, such as:

class Vec4 {
      float[] v = new float[4];


class Vec4 {
      float v0;
      float v1;
      float v2;
      float v3;

The former has 2 objects, the Vec4 and the float[4], while the latter only has one, despite using the same amount of memory.

This removed an enormous amount of type 2 GC pressure, which fixed the large problems for most people. At this point, running the client in safe mode to disable 3rd party plugins worked very well, and we could no longer find any credible crash reports of the client when running in safe mode.

With that fixed, the client was still using a much larger amount of memory than normal, just with less live objects. Thus the remaining issue reports were all from users with type 1 GC pressure due to pluginhub plugins. We began digging through user reported heap dumps and identified a few notable offenders, most prominently: the HD plugin.

The HD plugin has complex code dealing with coloring models, and as a result tries to cache that computation to reuse between frames. This normally is okay, and has been working correctly for some time. However with the addition of the new animations, particularly animations which affect translucency, since the number of unique frames the animated models has is much higher than what would normally be seen, it was computing and caching a lot of color data. This snowballed a bit when combined with the very large sizes of the ToA boss models (many are well over 5k faces), which are much larger than anything else you would typically find. I've excluded most of these from being cached, and also optimized the way which is it storing the cached data. This went out in updates on Aug 31 and Sep 1 as and, and from all reports has removed the ToA lag with the HD plugin enabled.

After this we began looking at ways to optimize the Jagex client further to not use as much memory. We found the vast majority of the memory used by the animation system was used to precompute animation tables, however, precomputing them was not noticeably faster than just computing the animations on demand. We then proceeded to rewrite large portions of the new animation system, and were able to remove most of the additional memory overhead incurred by the new system. This went out in an update on Sep 3.

With that, we think that all of the ToA performance regressions are solved. Hopefully it stays that way. Sorry for all of the issues over the last couple weeks.

- Adam 1.8.31 Release Custom UI swaps and ToA preparations 2022-08-21T19:00:00.000Z Adam

UI swaps

Many UI elements now support the shift-right-click swap configuration that we've been standardizing on lately. This works on things such as spells, items in the bank, and in shops. When set on items in the bank or on a shop interface, the configuration is per-item, which allow easily configuring eg. one item as withdraw-x while another is withdraw-1.

uiswap1 uiswap2

Due to the standardization of swaps around the shift-click configure method, many of the existing swaps built into the plugin are no longer necessary. We're removed some of the less used swaps with this update. If you notice one is missing, shift-right click the npc/object/ui and re-configure it using the new system.

Tombs of Amascut

We've been working on updates in preparation for Tombs of Amascut coming on the 24th. There is a new runepouch overlay for runepouches with 4 rune stacks due to the text not fitting on the rune pouch. It displays a green bar for rune quantities 1-10k and a red bar for anything under 1k. The old display format is still used for pouches with less than 4 stacks of runes.


ToA has been added to the hiscore panel:


Additionally, we've been able to add loot tracking for Tombs of Amascut already and expect it to be working for release day.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Minor graphical inconsistences on GPU with compute shaders off have been fixed, such as the GE floor appearing to have white dots between the tiles
  • The maximum model size on GPU with compute shaders on has been increased. This may cause some additional GPU load in busy areas, but is required to get the ToA bosses to render correctly.
  • Clan members are included in the hiscore search name autocompleter
  • Clan members previous chat message ranks no longer change to "unranked" after they log out
  • Friends chat rank icon now displays to the left of the user's name instead of to the right of the channel name
  • Bank searching by value now supports searching by per-item value. For example, per >5k finds any stack of items where the individual items are worth more than 5k each, while >5k finds any stack of items worth more than 5k total.
  • Members items in a free to play world now show their name with (Members) appended, eg Abyssal whip (Members), instead of Members object. Making it easier to identify items on free to play worlds.
  • The loot tracker no longer shows member items as Members object when logged into a free to play world.
  • The double ammo mould has been added to the smelting plugin
  • Clown :O) and cow 3:O have been added to the Emoji plugin.
  • The agility plugin once again highlights the skull slope obstacle clickbox


- Adam

New commits

We had 20 contributors this update!

Adam (59):
      gpu: remove double clickbox check with compute shaders off
      pom: remove ciManagement
      gpu: remove double getModel call with compute shaders off
      gpu: remove unused wrapper functions
      clues: fix wizard traiborn cryptic clue text
      gpu: combine small and large comp shaders
      gpu: fix shader test
      api: update MenuEntry getItemId javadoc
      name autocompleter: include clan members
      client: remove jogl deps
      gpu: fix shader test
      spec counter: only count hitsplats applied to spec target
      gpu: set custom org.lwjgl.system.SharedLibraryExtractDirectory
      npc manager: fix npe if srn npc data request is unsuccessful
      npc highlight: add option to ignore pets
      npc highlight: minor code cleanup
      chat commands: fix findHiscoreSkill finding pvp arena - ranked
      chat commands: show unranked for unranked skills
      api: add max damage hitsplats
      api: use magicconstant for hitsplat type ids
      config: use config api v2
      config client: use injected gson
      Replace references to RuneLiteAPI.GSON with injected gson
      gpu: use floats for projection on cpu
      gpu: increase max faces to 6144
      loottracker: add toa
      rune pouch: add grid view
      chat commands: add toa tests
      chat commands: use client enum for pet list
      menu swapper: remove recite-prayer swap
      menu swapper: remove battlestaff swap
      menu swapper: remove guzzle swap
      menu swapper: remove quick-leave swap
      menu swapper: remove house advertisement swap
      menu swapper: remove hardwood grove swap
      menu swapper: remove dive swap
      menu swapper: remove gauntlet swap
      menu swapper: remove claim slime swap
      menu swapper: remove contract swap
      menu swapper: remove decant swap
      menu swapper: remove enchant swap
      menu swapper: remove send-parcel swap
      menu swapper: remove misc swap
      menu swapper: remove nets swap
      menu swapper: remove start-minigame swap
      menu swapper: remove repairs swap
      menu swapper: remove task swap
      menu swapper: add custom ui swaps
      menu swapper: remove shift click teleport swap
      menu swapper: remove house teleport swap
      menu swapper: remove npc contact swap
      menu swapper: move bank withdraw and deposit swaps to ui
      hiscores: add toa
      api: add accessors for pose animation frame
      api: add scene max plane accessor
      chat channels: use script events for inserting fc rank
      menu swapper: exclude (worn) item swaps from ui swap check
      HotkeyButton: use mouse1 to reset hotkey
      ChatBuilder: use clansettings for finding member rank

Birjot (1):
      game: Add isDying support for Damis transformations (#15293)

Cole Springer (1):
      xp tracker: Fix "Hide maxed skills" config description (#15408)

David Reess (1):
      bank: add individual item value search (#15015)

Enriath (6):
      runelite-api: add real item name support
      plugins: update various plugins to use getMembersName
      skill calculator: use guice injection
      skill calculator: adjust bonuses to be actual multipliers
      skill calculator: don't show members actions or bonuses on f2p worlds
      skill calculator: reload panel when switching P2P <-> F2P

Eric Sciullo (1):
      emoji: Add clown emoji (#15382)

Fiber | James (1):
      blastfurnace: add smiths gloves (i) to ice gloves check (#15162)

HcaryShours (1):
      agility obstacles: fix skull slope highlighting

JZomDev (1):
      smelting plugin: support double ammo mould

Jordan Atwood (10):
      clues: Update clue text from 2022-07-27 update
      AgilityShortcut: Add Necropolis stepping stones
      world map: Add Necropolis and Ullek region locations
      game: Add isDying support for Skotizo altar transformations
      dev tools: Use non-instanced region ID for tile location
      Varbits: Fix PVP_SPEC_ORB javadoc
      Varbits: Fix TELEBLOCK javadoc html
      HotColdSolver: Simplify temperature change filtering
      HotColdSolver: Improve temperature change narrowing
      clues: Fix named object clue plane change scan

Jordan Hans (1):
      roof removal: add Barrows tunnel override

Macweese (2):
      timers: Track charge spell duration using varp
      timers: Track teleblock duration using varbit

Max Weber (2):
      rl-client: update for split music & emote scroll widgets
      rl-client: dynamically configure hiscore result indexes

Nick (1):
      clues: add fairy ring to Isle of Souls step

Nick Wolff (1):
      roof removal: add etceteria overrides

Paul Norton (2):
      skill calculator: per-action bonus applicability
      skill calculator: ignore (daeyalt) bonus for camdozaal cores

Sam (1):
      fishing: Add missing fish to shrimp and trout spot text (#15472)

SirWrain (2):
      agility shortcut: add meiyerditch lab (#15183)
      worldmap: add true blood altar location (#15182)

Spencer Kane (1):
      clues: fix world map location for Vannaka (#15211)

Woodse07 (1):
      emoji: add cow emoji 1.8.27 Release Farming payment tracker and minor improvements 2022-07-13T19:00:00.000Z Adam

Behavior changes since the previous update

Since the last blog post I've made a couple behavior changes without a proper blog post explaning them, leading to some confusion. Sorry about that. These changes are:

The boosts plugin gained a new "compact view", which necessitated a new toggle for turning off the existing boosts panel display, which previously was predicated on the infobox on/off toggle. The new "Display panel" option was defaulted to off, assuming most players use the infobox display instead. If you notice the boost panel missing, go into the Boosts information plugin and enable Display panel.

Inventory tags and the left and shift-click configuration for inventory items have moved to the shift-right click menu on the items, similar to how the custom swap settings on npcs, objects, and worn items work. This makes it easier to change these settings quickly and removes the "configuration" mode where you are otherwise unable to interact with the items, which can be inconvienent. Inventory tags now supports an unlimited number of different tag "groups"/colors instead of just 6.

The party ping-tile key was made configurable due to it conflicting with the various new shift-click swaps. To use it, go to the party plugin settings and configure the hotkey.

Farming payment tracker

The farming tracker now tracks patch payments for most trees, fruit trees, bushes. It doesn't work currently with payments to farmers who protect multiple patches, notably allotments. It is denoted via a basket of apples:


It is still possible to see if the patch was composted, since that affects yield regardless of payment, by checking the tooltip.

GPU improvements

Last week, we changed the underlying libraries our GPU plugin uses for interfacing with OpenGL. As part of this work, we were able to reduce the minimum OpenGL version required to run the GPU plugin to OpenGL 3.1. If you have a particularly old system which was unable to run GPU prior, it may begin to work now. The previous GPU plugin was made available on the pluginhub as GPU (legacy) for if you are having issues with the new plugin. Though if you are, particularly if legacy GPU works on your system and the new one doesn't, we would be interested in hearing about it on Discord.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • XP drop recolors for having the correct prayer no longer considers turning prayers on after the game tick but before the xp drop as successfully having the prayer on.
  • A bug causing the infoboxes group to be unmovable when in the top-left corner has been fixed.
  • The spec counter now much more reliably detects which hitsplat is the spec hit when hits from multiple sources happen at the same time (thralls/veng)
  • CoX private chest has been added to antidrag
  • A bug causing the world ping overlay to freeze on MacOS/Linux has been fixed
  • A hop command has been added to world hop, eg ::hop 351
  • The loot tracker now tracks Take-all on seedpacks
  • Various references to the dual arena has been changed to the pvp arena
  • PvP arena worlds are now skipped over by the world hopper
  • Object indicators now has options to highlight object outlines and clickboxes
  • The spec counter now resets at Sotetseg's maze phase
  • The hiscores have all been shifted back into place due to the addition of the PvP arena
  • The party plugin can now overlay health, prayer, energy, special attack energy, and vengenace status on players
  • The bracelet of clay tracker now correctly handles soft clay mining


- Adam

New commits

We had 16 contributors this update!

Adam (61):
      menu swapper: always raise menus from low priority to cc_op
      npc indicators: add true tile highlight
      menu swapper: add global npc shift-click swap
      npc indicators: separate sw true tile and regular overlay
      party: make ping hotkey configurable
      Add rtconfig for excluded dead npcs
      Require Attack option for dying npcs
      boosts: cleanup
      boosts: add compact view
      boosts: right justify compact overlay text
      party: switch to protobuf
      entity hider: remove pvp hiding restriction
      npcutil: make rtconfig nullable
      api: add server varps
      xp drops: test server varbit for prayer active check
      menu swapper: add custom shift-click npc swap
      menu swapper: add custom shift-click object swap
      party: sanitize passphrase inputs
      tooltip: don't set overlay bounds when rendering
      spec counter: make SpecialWeapon public
      antidrag: add cox private chest
      spec counter: improve spec hitsplat detection
      spec counter: remove instanced region reset
      api: switch varc enums to use magicconstant
      ping: fix setting rcvtimeo
      ping: set SNDTIMEO
      client: update remaining getvar references
      object indicators: fix exception from under-bridge objects
      menu swapper: rename left-click swap configs to reflect they add shift too
      menu swapper: default npc shift click walk here to off
      menu swapper: add shift click walk here on objects
      menu swapper: add shift-click walk here on ground items
      spec counter: fix exception from unrecognized spec weapons
      loottracker: remove importloot
      api: add colortextureoverride
      party: exclude null from passphrase generation
      boosts: swap back (de)buff icons
      boosts: swap (de)buff icons in compat view
      boosts: fix compat view negative boosts
      world hopper: add hop command
      api: exclude dbtable
      menu swapper: use shift right click minimenu for setting up item swaps
      inv tags: add unlimited tag groups
      xptracker: initialize account and world type on startup
      clues: make findClueScroll not reset state
      clues: avoid checking clue text each tick
      change duel arena references to pvp arena
      loot tracker: add take-all for seedpacks
      menu swapper: prioritize custom swaps over hint arrow
      api: mark some tileobject methods as nullable
      menu swapper: use left click customization config
      menu swapper: sort menus by left then shift
      api: remove gameobjectchanged event
      api: remove wallobjectchanged event
      api: remove groundobjectchanged event
      api: remove decorativeobjectchanged event
      clues: remove unused tileObjectChangedHandler
      Add pvp arena world type
      timetracking: add farming payment tracker
      hiscore: add pvp arena
      hiscore panel: add pvp arena

Chintan Suthar (1):
      object indicators: add outline and clickbox highlight options

Hexagon (2):
      spec-counter: use npc index instead of id for tracking
      spec-counter: reset counter on sotetseg maze

Jordan Atwood (16):
      entity hider: Don't hide NPCs which are alive at 0hp
      game: Add more NPCs which do not die at 0hp
      game: Remove isDying block on transforming NPCs
      game: Add Giant rockslug to isDying block list
      game: Override isDying for Nex, Alchemical hydra, and Drakes
      plugins: Use isDying for loot and boss timer checks
      Add rtconfig for forced dead npcs
      api: Add Actor#setDead(boolean)
      entity hider: Hide nylocas death graphics
      game: Fix Alchemical Hydra isDying override ID
      game: Fix isDying for transforming NPCs
      game: Set Corporeal beast dead on death animation
      game: Add isDying special case for Zalcano
      npc indicators: Fix NpcUtil uses
      npc indicators: Fix dead npc highlight test
      HotColdLocation: Fix enemy for South-west of Arandar

Joshua Filby (5):
      cache: add ScriptVarType#id
      cache: add DBTableDefinition
      cache: add DBRowDefinition
      cache: add DBTableIndex
      cache: add dbtable opcodes

LlemonDuck (7):
      party: spelling generatePassphrase
      plugin manager: don't load builtin externals from hub
      party: unified player status packet
      party: extended status packet + player overlay
      party: add getMemberByDisplayName
      player indicators: highlight party members
      npc indicators: Use isDying for dead NPC checks (#15160)

Macweese (1):
      game: Add isDying support for Hopeless creature transformations (#15257)

Max Weber (5):
      cache/ParamLoader: load types correctly
      cache/ScriptVarType: add db row
      Update Quests to 2022-6-29
      questlist: update for dbtabled quests
      gpu: switch to rlawt & lwjgl

MoreBuchus (1):
      party: compact status overlay

Paul Norton (2):
      player indicators: show fc/cc ranks on friends in minimenu
      party: getMemberByDisplayName search by jagex name

Reece Camper (1):
      skill calculator: Add ensouled hellhound head to prayer actions (#15064)

Robin (1):
      game: Add lizards to isDying block list (#15144)

SirWrain (1):
      achievement diary: Fix Kourend elite blood runecrafting task text (#15128)

Spencer Kane (1):
      item charges: fix soft clay mining tracking

Timothy J. Aveni (1):
      achievement diary: Remove Ghosts Ahoy requirement from Port Phasmatys cannonball task (#15196)

Tomas Slusny (1):
      account: send username and sessionid when redirecting to /logged-in page 1.8.24 Release Jagex rules update and party improvements 2022-06-17T19:00:00.000Z Adam

Jagex rules update

Jagex have published a new third party client update, and with it a new set of third party client guidelines. These new guidelines remove some previous restrictions which allows us to add some new features. We've added these features in this update.

Pickpocket swap

Pickpocket can now be swapped on all NPCs, even with a Talk-to option, by shift-right clicking them and selecting Swap Pickpocket


Removing dead NPC menus

The menu entry swapper now has a setting to remove menus for dead NPCs. This prevents clicking on them while they are dieing, as well as casting spells. The entity hider additionally has an option to remove the NPC completely so it is no longer rendered.


Walk here swap

It is now possible to swap Walk here for both left click and shift click on NPC by shift-right clicking them and selecting the corresponding swap option. There is also a global shift click walk here setting in the menu swapper configuration that affects all NPCs.


Worn item swaps

Menus on worn items can now have both their left click and shift click option swapped, which can be configured by shift-right clicking the item when wielded.


Party system improvements

As you may have noticed, we recently updated the special attack counter plugin to show a "spec drop" overlay on the player when a special attack lands. This feature works with the reworked party system, which allows the spec drops to show on your party members.

The party system no longer requires Discord integration to send or join invites, and instead uses a passphrase system. This is a lot less finicky and works more reliably when multiple clients are running.

Creating a party now gives you a passphrase, such as robe-set-raw-purple, which you share with your friends. They just need to click Join party and paste the passphrase to join.


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The inventory and chatbox are now movable by holding alt. As usual they can be reset to their default position via alt-right click. The alt key used to drag overlays around is also configurable within the RuneLite settings.
  • Keris partisan defensive style is now correctly hidden by the attack styles plugin
  • Another bug causing the !pets icons to not show up has been fixed, again.
  • Minigame reset timer no longer shows if the setting to enable it is off.
  • A bug causing entity hider's hide pets option to not work has been fixed.
  • !lvl cox cm now works correctly
  • Ancient brew, mixed potions, and other more obscure things have been added to the item stats plugin
  • The stamina timer now works more reliably and also with stamina mixes
  • NPC agression timer now has a setting to show for slayer tasks
  • The timers plugin now has a timer for Shadow Veil
  • Item charges now supports imbued ring of wealth, and braclet of clay
  • The mining plugin now shows respawn timers for gold veins
  • The bank plugin now has an option to force right click the placeholder toggle button
  • The Left click walk on core option of the Corporeal Beast plugin has returned once again
  • NPC indicators now has an option to highlight true south-west tile and true tile


- Adam

New commits

We had 19 contributors this update!

Adam (57):
      compost tracking: fix tracking fertile soil with ash covered tome
      overlay: make alt drag hotkey configurable
      overlay: better handle picking up overlapping overlays
      menu swapper: removetags object/npc names
      menu swapper: removetags npc name on reset swap
      widget overlay: change minimap position back to top_right
      overlay: add movable and snappable overlay flags
      overlay: disallow transformPosition with dynamic/tooltip
      overlay: set g2d clip per layer
      overlay: worldmap: prefer rect2d as g2d clip shape
      devtools: allow pgup/down to cycle through previous commands
      overlay: use hovered overlay for picking managed overlay
      overlay manager: remove spurious position reset logs
      gpu: initialize scene uploader scene id with nanotime
      api: add setForcedPosition widget method
      widget overlay: use setForcedPosition
      overlay: prevent moving non-movable overlays
      prayer: don't return dimension for dynamic overlays
      api: pass menu entry to menu add event and forward accessors
      events: add tostring/equalsandhashcode to menuoption clicked
      api: add npc accessor to menuentry
      api: add player accessor to menuentry
      attackstyles: add weapon types 28 and 29
      fix race loading modicons
      api: add player id accessor
      party: remove Discord requirement
      party: use passphrases for party ids
      party: remove overlay
      spec counter: add devmode check for spec command
      gpu: fix debug mode on macos
      worldmap: add akp and bjp fairy rings
      chat commands: fix !lvl cox cm
      api: deprecate if1 usage
      chat commands: add rifts closed to gotr bossnames
      chatfilter: fix matching lt/gt
      Move entity hider logic to plugin
      hooks: add exception handler for renderable draw listener
      hooks: raise exception logs to error level
      account: use http redirect for oauth login response
      chat channel: use fc max size from container
      runelite: set jagex.disableBouncyCastle=true
      cannon: use varp for cannonball count
      Move party messages from http-api
      spec counter: add config option for infoboxes
      party: no longer use account session id
      party: send join on reconnect
      entity hider: fix hide pets
      timers: fix showMinigameTeleports check
      raids: remove party scout message
      xpglobes: add time to level to tooltip
      corp plugin: add dark core attack deprioritization
      npc overlay: use true tile for south west tile
      menu swapper: remove Pickpocket block
      menu swapper: add option to remove dead npc menu options
      menu swapper: add npc walk here swap
      entity hider: add option to hide dead npcs
      menu swapper: add worn item swaps

Ben Puryear (1):
      Add .DS_Store to .gitignore (#14925)

Cameron Hetzler (1):
      loottracker: reverse collapse all tooltips

David Luong (1):
      item identification: Add Desert Treasure diamonds (#14764)

Hexagon (1):
      spec counter: add spec drops

Hydrox6 (2):
      item stats: add support for stat boosts with a cap
      item stats: add ancient brew

Jonathan Forscher (1):
      item stats: Add some missing beverages (#14412)

Jordan Atwood (10):
      chat commands: Update clear word and clear line defaults
      item stats: Clean up saradomin brew code
      item stats: Use variables for reused potion effects
      item stats: Add mixed potions
      item stats: Remove combo primaries
      item stats: Fix jangerberries stats
      status bars: Override hitpoints and prayer max values in LMS
      special counter: Fix test
      hunter: Remove unused lastActionTime field
      timers: Don't clear stamina on death

LlemonDuck (5):
      chatcommands: consume "clear single word" keypress
      interfacestyles: 2005-style quest tab headers
      clientui: setResizable after setVisible
      slayer: expose slayer task data in service
      npcaggro: show for current slayer task option

MasonPMGit (2):
      item charges: add bracelet of clay
      clues: Allow Daeyalt essence for runecrafting skill challenges

Matthew C (1):
      skill calculator: Fix herblore typos (#14324)

Max Weber (5):
      rl-api, groundmarkers: handle instance plane conversion correctly
      overlay: do not move snap points backwards
      fairyring: add isle of souls ring
      ClientLoader: don't fail patching to hidden files
      SessionManager: don't fail to login with a existing hidden session file

ProjectileRage (1):
      timers: Add Shadow Veil protection detection (#14687)

Stefan Zopfi (1):
      itemcharges: add imbued ring of wealth

Zander Bolgar (1):
      mining: add gold vein respawn timer

emerald000 (1):
      item stats: Add missing consumables

sjpfeiffer (1):
      bank: Add option to force right click on placeholder toggle button

superiorser9 (2):
      timers: Track home and minigame teleports using vars (#14842)
      timers: Check stamina effect using varbits (#15014)

vmarlowe (1):
      fishing: Add frog spawn spot NPC (#14659) 1.8.14 - 1.8.19 Releases Compost tracking and menu swapper improvements 2022-05-11T19:00:00.000Z Adam

Compost tracking

The farming tracker now keeps track of compost state of each patch, so you no longer have to remember if you've composted patches or not. It works with the fertile soil spell, regular and bottomless compost buckets.

compost1 compost2

Menu swapper improvements

The left-click option on most NPCs and objects can now be set by shift-right clicking and selecting the "Swap" option. These manually set swaps override the more general swaps in the plugin configuration.

There are a few exclusions which are namely pickpocket swaps, blackjack swaps, and construction swaps, but most things should work.

swap1 swap2

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Opening imp jars is now tracked in the loot tracker. It also should correctly handle opening multiple on the same tick.
  • Catching implings is tracked by the loot tracker
  • PBs for COX/TOB are now tracked per scale size, such as eg !pb tob 3, !pb hmt 3 or !pb cox 3. The overall !pb is now for the best time at any scale.
  • Boss shortnames now work with !lvl, eg !lvl hydra. This is similar to !kc but uses the hiscores instead, thus the rank is provided, but the kill count may be outdated
  • Dragging inventory items with overlays, such as the rune pouch overlay or inv tags, once again drags the overlay too
  • Bank searches now supports filtering by quantity, eg qty>30
  • The chat filter default behavior no longer strips accents. If you want it to strip accents like before, enable the Strip accents option. This makes it easier to specifically filter accented characters.
  • A bug causing the !pets icons to not show up sometimes was fixed
  • A bug causing a Canifis agility course clickbox overlay to be drawn incorrectly was fixed
  • Inventory viewer gained an option to hide the inventory view when the bank is open
  • Menu entry swapper now supports swapping home teleport to the two new group ironman specific teleport options with shift
  • Player indicators now additionally colors player names in the trade window
  • The bank plugin now shows total value of group ironman storage
  • The chatbox and inventory interfaces are now movable via holding alt


- Adam

New commits

We had 22 contributors this update!

Adam (112):
      loottracker: refactor inv change events
      loottracker: add imp jars
      loot tracker: support opening multiple imp jars in 1 tick
      loot tracker: track caught implings
      loot tracker: add wilderness loot chest
      loottracker: replace repaint calls with revalidate
      Revert "gpu: Fix loading gluegen natives on some Windows configurations"
      chat message manager: fix gim rl-format messages
      loot tracker: add remember loot option
      gpu: remove newt dependency
      gpu: remove egl dependency
      gpu: update to jogl 2.4.0-rc-20220318
      client: allow setting system properties via runtime config
      gpu: use DebugGL4 in debug mode
      loot tracker: remove import notice
      ground item: expand item lists by default
      gpu: set jogamp.gluegen.TestTempDirExec=false
      api: add Jagex api
      client: add otl token requester
      api: deprecate getUsername
      plugins: replace getUsername uses with getAccountHash
      chat commands: add gotr kc
      chat commands: add hmt alias for theatre of blood hard mode
      clientthread: log exceptions at error level
      config manager: log profile changes
      loot tracker: fix race with loading saved loot and client startup
      plugins: readd quest list plugin
      chat commands: fix tob pb tracking
      xp updater: send account hash to templeosrs
      runecraft: remove unnecessary rifts set
      runecraft: update blood rift id
      runecraft: add degraded colossal pouch
      menu swapper: rename SwapConfig to ItemSwapConfig
      menu swapper: add custom object left click swap
      menu swapper: change object left click configure method
      Revert "menu swapper: Add uncharged cell swap for gotr (#14795)"
      chat commands: support boss shortnames for !lvl
      chat commands: refactor skill abbreviation to a switch
      boosts: default to display as infoboxes and only combat stats
      api: add friends chat kick rank
      session manager: open session on executor thread
      menu swapper: add custom npc left click swap
      overlay: add drawAfterLayer that accepts ids for plugins, and javadoc
      api: exclude annotations package from runtime jar
      Move SlayerUnlock to slayer plugin
      FarmingRegion: remove unused varbits field
      blast furnace: remove unused BarOres map
      api: replace varbits enum with ints
      api: deprecate getVar(int) and use getVarbitValue(int)
      chat commands: track team sizes for raids pb
      api: move autoweed to farming plugin
      chat command: use plural "players" to be consistent with cox
      mta: use widget item overlay
      mta: disable by default
      devtools: remove inventory tool
      examine: support item examine on if3 components
      Revert "menu swapper: add deposit-runes swap for gotr"
      hiscores: add gotr
      api: refactor some menu action names
      api: add selected widget api
      api: add menuentry widget accessor
      api: pass menu entry to menu clicked event and forward accessors
      menu swapper: move bank swaps to client tick
      client: replace HttpUrl.parse with HttpUrl.get
      client: replace MediaType.parse with MediaType.get
      fatal error dialog: work with substance laf
      external plugin client: use verificationexception for security exceptions
      api: add item op menu api
      client: update for if3 inventory
      api: add dragTime accessor
      inv grid: fix for if3 inv
      antidrag: update for if3 inv
      item stats: update for if3 inv
      mes: fix item swaps with op4 and op5
      clues: fix tracking cluescroll
      statusbars: update for if3 inv
      runelite: remove otl requester
      timers: update for if3 inv
      examine: fix item examine message recolor
      interact highlight: fix using npc attack color on item use
      interact highlight: fix detecting spell attacks on npc click
      chat commands: update gotr kill message
      examine: fix examining ground items
      examine: remove unused import
      api: remove Nullable on getLocalPlayer
      cl: set pmd cache location
      client: update pmd
      ci: disable maven-shade-plugin
      infobox: consistently require non-negative timer durations
      util: use error log level for exception loggers
      chat commands: support parsing team size pbs off adventure log
      bank plugin: add quantity search
      clues: update guardian mummy cryptic clue
      fairy ring: add Necropolis
      clues: add Necropolis mine coordinate clue hint
      Don't overwrite okhttp ua if already set
      crowdsourcing: don't include menuoptionclicked event in movementdata
      script assembler: remove runelite-api dependency
      maven: update surefire plugin to 2.22.2
      loottracker: fix tracking imp jars
      map image dumper: use BigBufferedImage
      map image dumper: add main method
      cache: make slf4j-simple an optional dependency
      api: add object composition map setters
      api: add post object composition event
      api: add object composition cache accessor
      chatfilter: add config option for stripping accents
      cache: update indextype names
      chat commands: fix loading pets modicons
      emoji: clean up modicons loading
      friendnotes: clean up modicons loading
      timers: remove unused tzhaar complete matcher

Bob Heine (1):
      clues: Add abyssal lanterns as light sources (#14923)

Cyborger1 (1):
      clues: Fix capitalization for Dark Mage anagram

Elias Lahham (2):
      inventory viewer: hide when bank is open
      menu entry swapper: add house teleport swap

Giovanni van der Schelde (1):
      chat commands: add shortnames for shayzien agility courses

Hydrox6 (4):
      ItemMapping: add shattered relics ornament kits
      cannon: add support for shattered relics league ornamental cannon
      npcaggro: always show tutorial overlay if plugin is not calibrated
      npcaggro: fix unintended loss of calibration

JZomDev (1):
      clues: rename Traiborn to Wizard Traiborn

Jacob Moody (1):
      item charges: fix binding necklace degrading in gotr

JoRouss (1):
      dps counter: fix only boss damage to work in parties

Jonathan Lee (1):
      loot tracker: add guardians of the rift

Jordan Atwood (25):
      roof removal: Fix Cabin Fever ships
      roof removal: Add Tutorial Island overrides
      roof removal: Add Grim Tales tower override
      discord: Add Guardians of the Rift minigame
      HotColdLocation: Fix East of Watson's house spot
      clues: Support rune crossbow and god book (or) variants
      roof removal: Improve Lletya overrides
      roof removal: Add Ardougne gazebo override
      roof removal: Add Misthalin Mystery overrides
      roof removal: Improve Falador castle overrides
      roof removal: Improve SE Ardougne overrides
      roof removal: Improve Port Phasmatys overrides
      roof removal: Add chaos rc altar override
      roof removal: Improve East Catherby overrides
      roof removal: Add Meiyerditch overrides
      roof removal: Add Keep Le Faye overrides
      roof removal: Add House on the Hill overrides
      roof removal: Improve Gnome Stronghold overrides
      roof removal: Add Witchaven override
      roof removal: Add Rising Sun Inn override
      roof removal: Add Falador wall overrides
      roof removal: Add Braindeath Island override
      plugins: Rename Sedridor to Archmage Sedridor
      github: Add Discussions issue template
      HotColdLocation: Add South-east of Ruins of Ullek spot

Joshua Filby (2):
      cache: use LinkedHashMap for switch jump tables
      rl-client: make overridden scripts have switch cases in defined order

LlemonDuck (1):
      timetracking: add compost tracking

Mathew Hylkema (2):
      menu swapper: add deposit-runes swap for gotr
      menu swapper: Add uncharged cell swap for gotr (#14795)

Max Weber (31):
      rl-api: use TileObjects' z for hulls/clickboxes/outlines
      rl-client: remove questlist plugin
      rl-client/chatcommands/Pet: add abyssal protector
      rl-api/Quest: update to 2022-3-22
      api: add AccountHashChanged event
      config: associate account hashes to rsprofiles
      rl-client: open FatalErrorDialog early during outages
      ClientLoader: allow skipping updating vanilla
      rl-client: show FatalErrorDialog when the client crashes
      config: do not start other plugins during startup
      ScriptID: fix GROUP_IRONMAN_STORAGE_BUILD script arguments
      rl-client: pin new Plugin Hub certificate
      wiki: do not allow lookup-ing empty inventory slots
      antidrag: respect hotkeys
      ScriptID: remove unused scripts
      rl-client: do not create a dependency reduced pom
      Quest: update to 2022-4-27
      rl-client: update ID references to 2022-4-27
      cache: correctly link bought & placeholder items
      cache: do not return partially or doubly lit textures
      rl-api: expose ObjectComposition::varbitId/varPlayerId
      cache: unify jagex hsl conversion
      cache/RegionLoader: allow plugging an external xtea key provider
      cache/MapImageDumper: add layer & brightness configuration
      cache/MapImageDumper: add transparency support
      cache/MapImageDumper: fix icon & wall size & placement
      cache/MapImageDumper: handle pushdown objects correctly
      cache/MapImageDumper: fix object wall checks
      cache/MapImageDumper: draw cross region objs when drawing single regions
      Perspective: fix clickbox for type 11 objects
      rl-api: expose currently playing music/jingle

SirGirion (1):
      timetracking: fix tick rate of teak trees

Stephen Au (1):
      spriteid: fix Guthix typo

Vandager (1):
      player indicators: decorate player name in trade window

emielv (1):
      clues: add abyssal whip (or) variant

orange-puff (1):
      bank: Show Group Ironman storage value (#14395)

pwatts6060 (1):
      status bars: Add configurable width for modern resizable interface

testing-ongithub (1):
      xp tracker: Add toggle for "Open Wise Old Man" menu option 1.8.8 - 1.8.13 Releases Loot tracker improvements 2022-03-09T19:00:00.000Z Adam

Loottracker changes

The loot tracker now always remembers loot between client sessions, even when not logged in with a RuneLite account. Additionally, the loot is stored per-profile now instead of combined for each profile. This means that separate game profiles, such as main game, leagues, deadman, as well as separate RuneScape accounts loot are all separately tracked. Loot is now saved to up to 1 year from the most recent drop.

The old saved loot must be imported into the correct profile manually by clicking the import button in the loot tracker panel if you wish to keep your old saved loot:


New link from the Old School RuneScape home page

Jagex have added a direct link to from the Old School RuneScape homepage. This is due, in part, to the phishing sites which primarily show on Google search.

Due to this we recommend finding RuneLite by following the link from the official Old School RuneScape homepage.

We also recommend using an adblocker when browsing the web if you aren't already, which blocks the phishing ads on Google and other ads, such as uBlock Origin (available for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Firefox. (Disclaimer: we are not affiliated with uBlock Origin and are happy users))

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The alt key used to configure the ground items plugin is now configurable
  • The entity hider now has an option to hide clan members
  • Ground items can now deprioritize the left-click Take option on hidden items, making it no longer possible to accidentally left click Take those items
  • Screenmarkers now has a toggle to show their names as a label above the marker
  • Group storage withdraw swap has been added to the menu entry swapper
  • Hallowed sack was added to the loot tracker
  • The roof removal plugin now has an option to always hide roofs in POH
  • Jewellery has been added to the item identification plugin
  • Mod West's loot beams models are now used by default for loot beams. There is a setting to change it to use the previous model.
  • Blood essence has been added to the item charges plugin
  • The menu entry swapper can now shift-click swap Climb-up and Climb-down on stairs and ladders
  • The interact highlight plugin now shows which NPC you are selecting when hovering over the menu entry


- Adam

New commits

We had 33 contributors this update!

Adam (110):
      ge: fix showing active trade price on buy offers
      ground items: fix collapsing item examine
      Bump to
      ge: fix showing active trade price on buy offers
      ground items: fix collapsing item examine
      menu swapper: use menu callback for swap config
      menu swapper: don't show default action if one isn't configured
      menu swapper: fix built in swaps overriding custom swaps
      Update logback to 1.2.9
      ci: use adoptopenjdk
      chat message manager: fix recoloring gim messages
      http-service: remove cache controller
      scripts: remove scripts
      config manager: increase sendConfig delay to 5 minutes
      client: move jagexcache into .runelite
      config manager: remove migrateConfig
      api: remove set/get game drawing mode
      http-service: move several hardcoded urls to config
      cache: remove http-api dependency
      http-api: lombokize a few classes
      Move http-api clients to rl-client
      Move okhttp client from http-api
      Remove http-api and http-service
      checkstyle: remove suppressions
      gpu: fix stretched mode scaling issues on macos
      clientui: disable ui scale transform for client bounds on macos
      gpu: queue fbo reset on startup too
      api: add arguments and mousey to scriptevent
      Set macos quitStrategy to CLOSE_ALL_WINDOWS
      ui: set DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE close op prior to disposing
      api: add getConfig to deco, game, and ground objects
      api: fix wallobject orientation javadoc and use
      Fix race with client startup and low detail/chat icon loading
      world map: use game state change event to load quest icons
      menu swapper: remove examine swap
      Revert "world map: use game state change event to load quest icons"
      world map: remove quest icon load retry if not logged in
      api: add new head icons
      slayer plugin: support fake xpdrops
      ge plugin: disable fuzzy search if search event is consumed
      loot manager: add nex
      xp updater: add seasonal worlds to wom
      Use leagues hiscores for seasonal worlds
      discord: add nex boss area
      ground items: add nex instance area
      run energy: fix orb text flickering
      entity hider: add option to hide clan members
      item charges: remove unused slot from ItemChargeInfobox
      ui: add infobox font config
      infobox overlay: hoist some config values out of the render loop
      chat notifications: restore normal color after own name highlight
      chat message manager: support game chat color settings
      chat notifications: fix restoring last color on own name highlight
      chat notifications: simplify finding closing color in pattern matching
      chat message manager: format rl-messages at chat build time
      ground items: fix show item quantities to work with no item highlight mode
      ground items: add option to deprioritize hidden item options
      api: make ClanMember an interface
      api: remove tileitem spawn time
      api: combine projectileid and graphicid
      api: add actor graphic height accessors
      api: use deques for projectiles and graphicsobjects
      api: add projectile target and end cycle setter
      api: add GraphicsObject finished setter
      api: add projectile creation api
      Revert "Merge pull request #14512 from wayne-li2/anagram-clue-builder"
      anagram clue: use builder pattern
      clues: use lists instead of sets for clues
      cache: remove netty-buffer dependency
      slayer: fix reanimated abyssals not counting for tasks
      devtools: add object animation ids
      xptracker: use seasonal wom version for seasonal worlds
      interact highlight: support menu option mouseover
      client: add runtime config
      itemmanager: sanity check wiki prices
      plugins: prevent plugins from overriding equals and hashCode
      ground items: make hotkey configurable
      defaultworld: always changeWorld on client thread
      overlay manager: prevent loading dynamic overlay positions
      gpu: reset fbo on resizablechanged on macos
      gpu: replace count_prio_offset switch with loop
      gpu: apply hsl override to flat shade faces
      Update dnschange url
      linkbrowser: prefer xdg-open over and browse
      clues: add Jimmy Dazzler clue
      clues: add Yu'biusk clue
      screen markers: add a tooltip to border thickness spinner
      screen markers: remove fill toggle
      screen markers: make ScreenMarkerRenderable implement RenderableEntity
      screen markers: add marker labels
      jshell: fix run/clear tooltips
      client: update archive-patcher to 1.2
      cache: script: remove unused import
      item manager: fix active price threshold calculation
      idle notifier: disable by default
      api: expand item api for inventory model replacement
      client: add plugin sideloading
      cache: rename texture animation direction and speed
      gpu: move texture animation to gpu
      gpu: fix anim array indexes with sparse texture array
      loottracker: split panel construction into methods
      loottracker: replace getTotalPrice with stream
      loottracker: hoist box emptyborder from loop
      config manager: post RuneScapeProfileChanged when new profiles are created
      loot tracker: store loot in config
      runelite: disable option parser abbreviations
      api: add methods to get selected item
      config manager: run shutdown hook after plugins
      gpu: don't animate textures when loading
      api: add isFollower to NPCComposition

Adam Keenan (2):
      menu swapper: add group storage shift deposit swap
      chat commands: fix cmb to use correct endpoint

Christos-Apostolidis (1):
      loot tracker: add hallowed sack

Cody Massin (2):
      roof removal: build overrides for POH on startUp
      roof removal: optimize POH region override check

Cyborger1 (2):
      clues: fix Guardian mummy capitalization
      clientui: run PluginPanel#onDeactivate when switching panels

Daniel Bolink (1):
      woodcutting: add Isle Of Souls trees

David Luong (1):
      item identification: add goblin and magic ess potions

Faycal (1):
      item identification: add rejuvenation potion

Henry Darnell (1):
      login screen: Add random override option (#14341)

Hippolyte Mithouard (1):
      barrows: fix npe from receiving an empty reward

Hooder (1):
      gpu: Fix loading gluegen natives on some Windows configurations

Hydrox6 (11):
      worldpoint: use passed plane when getting instance chunk for localpoint
      roof removal: use worldpoint's plane instead of current plane
      roof removal: add overrides for unused area in the POH dungeon
      roof removal: add support for always hiding roofs in POH
      clientUI: show if the client is in safe mode in the window title
      login screen: add nex login screen
      item charges: add ancient brew
      item identification: add ancient brew
      skill calc: add ancient brew
      dps counter: add nex
      timers: add shattered relics home teleport

Illya Myshakov (1):
      chat commands: add Nexling pet

Jeremy Plsek (1):
      notifier: set app name when using notify-send

Jordan Atwood (2):
      widget overlay: Don't draw empty wilderness K/D box
      slayer: Fix name matching

Jordan Hanley (1):
      item identification: add jewellery

Josh (1):
      npcunaggroarea: add option to hide when out of combat

LootBagger (2):
      plugin manager: fix plugins with multiple dependencies
      plugin manager: optimize plugin dependency sorting

Max Weber (10):
      grounditems/Lootbeam: handle loading models correctly
      rl-client: keep plugin hub jars around for longer
      rl-api: expose ModelData & model transformation methods
      rl-api: expose cache getters
      grounditems: Add Modern style loot beam
      rl-api: fluent widget api
      rl-api: add MagicConstant annotations
      grounditems/Lootbeam: use more faithful colors
      config: implement toString/equals/hashCode for Config proxies
      Update Quests to 2022-2-9

Minh Pham (1):
      slayer: add penguins to bird task

Nakst (1):
      cache: refactor ModelLoader.decodeOldFormat variable names

Robert (1):
      interface styles: fix 2005 style icon alignment

SirGirion (1):
      itemcharges: Add support for blood essence

Skretzo (1):
      screen markers: fix visibilityLabel tooltip

Thource (1):
      Remove daily sand check for UIM accounts

Tomas Slusny (1):
      discord: accept animated avatars in matcher

Tony Wang (1):
      cache: script: use linkedhashmap for switch map

Viktor Horsmanheimo (1):
      notifier: add timeout option for Linux

Wayne Li (4):
      clues: Fix some anagrams (#14486)
      HotColdClue: Delete Twisted Leagues code
      clue: Update area descriptions of anagram clues
      clue: Refactor Anagrams into builder model

awbasham (1):
      dps counter: add Corrupted Hunllef

dekvall (1):
      worldmap: use vanilla icons for lovakengj mining site

geheur (1):
      menu swapper: add climb-up and climb-down swaps

testing-ongithub (4):
      Add option to disable system tray icon
      Fix clicking tray icon not bringing client to front on macOS
      Don't force focus on tray icon click on macOS when already focused
      fairy ring: add Yu'biusk 1.8.7 Release Custom left click swap and ambient sounds mute 2021-12-16T19:00:00.000Z Adam

The menu swapper has a new option to configure the left click option on items, which works similar to the existing shift-click configuration.


Login and logout notifications can now be hidden per-friend by clicking the Hide notifications option on the friend.

Login notifications

Chat channels can now show the number of online members in the channel.

Chat channels member count

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The music plugin now has an additional option to mute ambient sounds, which affect passive object sounds such as from magic trees and furnaces.
  • The grand exchange buy limit and active traded price has been adjusted to fit on the interface
  • The mute button clickbox on the login screen is no longer the entire bottom right area of the client
  • Character accents are now ignored when applying chat filters to messages
  • The loot tracker now tracks Mahogany Homes supply crates
  • The world hopper region filter now supports filters with multiple regions
  • The screenshot plugin can now screenshot combat achievement task completions
  • Tile indicators now has a separate color configuration for tile fill color
  • The party plugin now has a button to join the previous party, as well as join party by id
  • Timing for the woodcutting respawn timers has been corrected
  • Inventory tags are now shown in the Chambers of Xeric storage chest
  • Item identification now works in the group ironman shared storage
  • The pickpocket stun timer now works correctly with the dodgy necklace protection
  • A rocket emoji was added to the emoji plugin (>==>)
  • The player Lookup option now chooses the correct hiscores based on the world type


- Adam

New commits

We had 23 contributors this release!

Adam (59):
      api: add on tick callback
      camera plugin: fix tooltips with uncapped fps
      music plugin: fix tooltips with uncapped fps
      gpu: clear target buffer offset on login screen
      barrows: fix brothers slain overlay flashing
      bank: block bank pin going to chatbox
      clues: capitalize fairy ring BKP
      client: remove rogues' den plugin
      cache: rename objectdefinition ambient sound ids
      api: add ambient sound effect
      music: add option to mute ambient sound effects
      gpu: store and use previous viewport's offsets for each frame
      gpu: update suppressed warnings
      gpu: initialize targetBufferOffset on startup
      gpu: enable adaptive vsync
      opponent info: hide overlay if hp hud is active
      opponent info: use long npc name if available
      banktags: remove extra space in chatbox prompt
      banktags: improve bank scrollbar updates
      banktags: remove setBankScroll event
      clues: remove unnecessary item array copy
      clues test: remove unnecessary stubbing
      chat filter: Ignore character accents for matching
      gpu: add sync mode config
      timestamp: use steam client chat timestamp support
      timestamp: immediately apply color config changes
      screenshot: update duel arena messages
      chat commands: update duel arena messages
      barrows: fix vanilla overlay flashing with unlocked fps
      loot tracker: add mahogany homes supply crate
      logback: use SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy
      Add gim clan chat types
      chat message manager: don't apply color changes to message nodes
      chat history: include clan system messages
      config panel: refactor input components creation into methods
      ui: highlight selected cells correctly
      config: add support for enum sets
      world hopper: allow selecting multiple region filters
      hiscore: use hiscore endpoint for world for player lookup op
      chat history: remove group Clear history option
      mes: add left click customization
      screenshot plugin: reorder config
      screenshot plugin: add combat achievements
      screenshot plugin: test screenshot filenames
      config service: avoid raising a json exception on non json input
      loot tracker: aggregate kills prior to inserting
      tile indicators: add config sections
      api: make MenuEntry an interface
      chatfilter: add clan message types
      friendslist: add option to hide per-friend login notifications
      rl-client: build test jar
      ge plugin: compact buy offer examine text
      gpu: add model hsl override support
      nmz: fix point overlay flickering with unlocked fps
      widget inspector: add listeners
      hiscore: add nex
      grandexchange: remove osb ge client
      Move hiscore client to rl-client

Alan Baumgartner (1):
      party: add option to join previous party and join party by id

Alex (1):
      ground items: Fix despawn timer in clan hall (#14358)

Brad Rammel (1):
      achievement diary: remove the queen of thieves quest requirement

Daniel (1):
      hiscore panel: change top border size to 10

Dasgust (1):
      chatchannels: display online member count

Freeburn113 (1):
      woodcutting: update respawn times from wiki

Hydrox6 (4):
      roof removal: fix rimmington crafting store roof
      roof removal: fix tolna's rift
      move runepouch rune enum to client/game
      clues: make item requirements work with the runepouch

Im2be (1):
      inv tags: add cox storage chest

Josh J (1):
      tile indicators: add fill color config

Krazune (1):
      timers: add dodgy necklace protection to pickpocket stun timer

LlemonDuck (1):
      special counter: ignore vet'ion hellhounds

Logan (1):
      emoji: add rocketship emoji

Max Weber (9):
      gpu: use pbo & driver owned buffer for ui tex upload
      gpu: use optimized scene uploading for dynamic models too
      camera: remove our compass look op config
      avoid boxing `Comparator.comparing`s
      chatchannel: remove target mode
      rl-client: fix sending channel messages dropping ! prefixes
      rl-client: remove chatbox performance plugin
      rl-api: use less confusing names for model indices
      cache: add rev202 model formats

Paul Norton (1):
      spec counter: add sire spawns and scions to ignore list

Ron Young (1):
      api: MenuEntry::setDeprioritized return self

Tal Skverer (1):
      timers: Track imbued heart timer from varbit

Wayne Li (1):
      hiscores: fix npe

Zach (1):
      widget item overlay: add group storage to showOnBank

emerald000 (1):
      clues: Fix charcoal burners STASH location (#14306)

orange-puff (1):
      menu swapper: add teleports swap to teleport swap

septicsalmon (1):
      item identification: add option for each seed type

simeonlg (1):
      clues: Accept Tome of water when requiring water runes (#14361) 1.8.0 Release Uncapped frame rate 2021-10-28T19:00:00.000Z Adam

The GPU plugin has a new Unlock FPS option which disables the 50 FPS hard cap on the client and allows the client to render frames at the maximum rate supported by your system. For most users, this will be 60 FPS, unless you have a display and GPU which supports a higher refresh rate. The higher frame rate is applied to camera movements, like how the steam and mobile clients work, which results in a smoother feel when moving the camera with mouse or keyboard input.

Unlocked FPS

MacOS M1 Launcher

If you missed the previous blog, a native launcher for the Apple M1/M1 Pro/M1 Max is now available. If you have one of these systems and haven't already, we highly recommend downloading the newer launcher here.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Selected bank tag tabs no longer get applied to shared storage. You may additionally also search shared storage using bank tag names when a bank tag is selected
  • The actions required in the skill calculator now no longer sometimes give incorrect results when using partial xp
  • The !pets command now correctly recognizes pet chinchompas
  • The Shared Storage button no longer overlaps the bank capacity interface
  • A bug causing HD healthbars widths to be incorrect was fixed
  • Lookup was added to player names in the group ironman group list
  • !kc gg and ggs short names were added for Grotesque Guardians
  • A bird nest tier setting was added to the Woodcutting plugin to allow only sending notifications for bird nests of a certain clue level
  • The spec counter now has a configuration option for the bulwark special attack threshold
  • The black Loading and Connection lost boxes now get drawn correctly in the upper left when GPU is enabled
  • The prayer dose overlay now correctly computes how much prayer sanfew serums restore


- Adam

New commits

We had 11 contributors this release!

Adam (21):
      api: make HashTable implement iterable
      game event manager: send itemcontainer change events for all containers
      api: add getItemContainer(int)
      api: import model bottomY
      gpu: improve model visible check
      hiscore: simplify lookup menu option add logic
      wiki: fix positioning wiki icon with wiki entity lookup off
      api: add clan id to clan channel changed event
      widget overlay: update gwd kc position
      banktags: fix active tag being applied to shared storage
      inventoryid: add gim shared storage inventories
      prayer: fix sanfew prayer dose indicator
      skillcalc: only recompute xp bonus values once when bonus changes
      skillcalc: round bonus xp to nearest tenth
      skillcalc: use double precision for xp
      Add runelite_callback opcode to cache
      gpu: fix drawing loading and connection lost boxes
      skillcalc: use fixed point arithmetic for xp calculations
      Bump to 1.8.0-SNAPSHOT
      client loader: add new jagex certificate
      gpu: add uncap fps option

BrastaSauce (1):
      hiscore: Add player lookup in group ironman tab

BrianSchimert (1):
      chat commands: Add shorthand names for Grotesque Guardians (#14305)

Hydrox6 (3):
      api: add group ironman account types
      skill calculator: fix incorrect icon for Hespori
      interface styles: fix incorrectly sized 140px healthbar

Illya Myshakov (1):
      chat commands: fix incorrect pet chin ID

Kerzyte (1):
      skill calculator: minor xp corrections

Tal s (1):
      woodcutting: Add clue nest notification config (#14132)

TheStonedTurtle (1):
      spec counter: add bulwark threshold config

lkmrrs (1):
      skill calculator: Add javelins to fletching calculator (#14317)

melkypie (2):
      banktags: fix bank equipment button and item count spacing
      banktags: fix group storage button location

shmeeps (1):
      prayer: add blighted super restore 1.7.23, 1.7.24, and 1.7.25 Release All-color HD healthbars, ground marker fill opacity, and Apple M1 launcher 2021-10-06T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

The HD healthbars feature of the Interface Styles plugin now supports bars of all colors and sizes.

Nightmare health bars Zalcano health bar
Nightmare boss health bar Nightmare pillar health bars Zalcano health bar

Ground markers now have a configurable fill opacity.

0 fill opacity markers 50 fill opacity markers (default) 150 fill opacity markers
Ground markers with 0 fill opacity Ground markers with 50 fill opacity Ground markers with 150 fill opacity

MacOS M1 Launcher

MacOS users: A native launcher for the Apple M1 is now available! If you have a Mac with an Apple M1 processor we recommend reinstalling RuneLite with the new launcher, which gives better performance. Download it here.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Dinh's bulwark special attacks are now tracked via the Special Attack Counter plugin
  • Inventory tags now appear on items in the gravestone collection interface
  • The cannon plugin is more reliable about detecting your cannon placement in situations where your animations are interrupted.
  • NPC model outlines are no longer a few pixels mis-aligned when rendered on GPU
  • Minimap ground marker overlays have had their positioning corrected
  • The Clue Scroll plugin now displays solutions for the X Marks the Spot quest steps
  • !kc cg is now a recognized abbreviation for Corrupted Gauntlet in the Chat Commands plugin
  • The Screenshot plugin can now take screenshots of clan member deaths. Additionally, for collection log slot screenshots, it will capture the popup if your game settings are set to show one.
  • Ducks are now highlighted during bird tasks in the Slayer plugin
  • The Skybox plugin no longer thinks that the inside of Prifddinas is in a dungeon
  • Cannon spots in the Jormungand prison have been added to the Cannon plugin
  • The bonecrusher xp penalty has been added as an available bonus option in the Skill Calculator plugin
  • The tag tab tab of the Bank Tags plugin now has a working scrollbar
  • The Menu Entry Swapper plugin bank option swaps now work correctly in bank deposit boxes
  • The Item Charges plugin tracks Ring of forging charges correctly when its effect is combined with that of the Varrock platebody


- Jordan

New commits

We had 17 contributors this release!

Adam (31):
      npc highlight: fix npe rendering minimap names on npcs with no name
      Move npc highlight overlay to core
      corp: use npc overlay service
      runecraft: use npc overlay service
      external plugins: require assertions when loading builtin plugins
      npc minimap overlay: use unmodified highlight color
      npc overlay: set lower priority on npc change and despawn handlers
      widget overlay: correct raids points overlay position
      music: check game state before applying sliders on startup
      npc overlay: clear highlighted npcs on logout
      client: update jna to 5.9.0
      api: add model vertex normals
      api: add scene tile shapes, underlay, and overlay ids
      ground markers: add fill opacity config
      xtea: skip unknown map regions
      xp tracker overlay: treat counter=off progressbar=off as hidden
      Update okhttp to 3.14.9
      http-service: assign name to scheduler thread
      api: remove cachedModels2 and nodecache setters
      perspective: add gpu projection for modelToCanvas
      perspective: refactor localToCanvas
      api: add runtime jar
      api: mark runtime classes as final
      api: move Favour to achievementdiary plugin
      api: add clan ids and accessors
      spec counter: add Dinh's bulwark
      Fix ground marker minimap overlay position
      item charges: fix rof tracking with varrock platebody
      ui: recompute minimum size after frame restore
      api: add widget classes to runtime exclusions
      hiscore: switch to league hiscores

Arnaud Peralta (3):
      roof removal: Add Juliet house overrides (#14108)
      inventory tags: Show on gravestone collection interface (#14113)
      roof removal: Add Weiss override (#14177)

Brett (1):
      slayer: Add duck as alternative for bird task (#14224)

Christian Bull (1):
      agility shortcut: include grapple rocks in observatory shortcut

Hablapatabla (1):
      roof removal: Add Barbarian village overrides

Hydrox6 (6):
      interface styles: add HD healthbars for the rest of the healtbars
      prayer: shorten hd prayer bar to fit with updated health bars
      cannon: make onChatMessage use if/else
      achievementdiary: correct spelling of shortcut
      cannon: update cannon location when interacting with the player's cannon
      gpu: display device and driver being used during plugin startup

Jordan Atwood (12):
      idle notifier: Support filling water vessels, Shades of Mort'ton
      widgets: Add POH treasure chest widget IDs
      client: Support POH treasure chest inventory overlays
      status bars: Fix left bar Y offset
      status bars: Clean up rendering code
      api: Add getMirrorPoint to WorldPoint API
      skybox: Show surface color while in Prifddinas
      skill calculator: Code cleanup
      skill calculator: Define actions and bonuses in Java
      skill calculator: Add ItemSkillAction interface
      chat colors: Add engine message recoloring
      cluescrolls: Add X Marks The Spot quest solutions

LlemonDuck (1):
      chatcommands: cg shorthand for corrupted gauntlet

Max Weber (6):
      rl-client: add plugin conflict support
      Revert "rl-client: add plugin conflict support"
      rl-client: add plugin conflict support
      config: clarify plugin conflict list
      rl-client/RSProfileType: add Shattered Relics profile type
      rl-client: use vanilla ItemComposition cache

Patrick Watts (2):
      api: Add contains methods to WorldPoint and WorldArea
      screenshot: Add clan member death screenshotting (#14052)

Tal Skverer (2):
      cannon: Add Dagganoth spots in Jormungand prison
      cannon: Increase max distance for cannon overlays

Vic Segers (1):
      itemstats: Add jangerberries prayer point restore (#14101)

dekvall (1):
      skill calculator: Add common thieving chests

evaan (1):
      skill calculator: Add bonecrusher prayer bonus

geheur (2):
      bank tags: Fix tag tab tab scroll height (#13761)
      menu swapper: add extra op swapping for deposit box

neatclient12345 (1):
      skill calculator: Fix grammar 0-action selections (#13995)

superiorser9 (1):
      screenshot: Capture collection log popup notifications 1.7.22 Release Interact highlight plugin, improved Slayer and Implings highlighting, and other features and fixes 2021-09-06T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

We've added the Interact Highlight plugin, which draws an outline around NPCs and objects you hover over and interact with.

Demonstration of the Interaction Highlight plugin at the Grand Exchange

Login and logout messages for friends and friends chat chanels no longer appear for world hops.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The Slayer and Implings plugins now use the same system for highlighting as the NPC Indicators plugin, allowing configurable hull/tile/outline overlays to be drawn. Note: this currently requires the NPC Indicators plugin to be enabled, we will be removing this dependency in the future.
  • The NPC Indicators plugin now has a separate fill color option, allowing the fill and border colors to be fully customizable
  • We've fixed a bug with the Roof Removal plugin which sometimes caused game crashes on teleports
  • To match features available in the Steam OldSchool RuneScape client, we have enabled the Antidrag plugin in PvP scenarios, and we've increased the walk click distance.
  • Loot Tracker entries now display unit price of item stacks in their tooltips
  • The new combat achievement slayer helmet variations are now supported in the Slayer and Clue Scroll plugins
  • The wilderness level vanilla widget has been made moveable
  • Swap options have been added to the Menu Entry Swapper plugin for the Desert amulet 4
  • The burner timers of the POH plugin have been fixed to be more accurate
  • The expanded side panel is now remembered and restored when restoring the sidebar
  • UI tooltips on MacOS are no longer cut off by the game screen
  • The Roof Removal plugin has had many areas touched up to better hide roofs, and now works in instances such as quest instances
  • The Grotesque Guardians instance timer has been changed to 5 minutes
  • The Loot Tracker plugin now detects loot from Camdozaal vault lootboxes and the rogues' chest
  • The Woodcutting plugin no longer shows respawn timers for POH construction trees
  • The mining plugin now shows respawn timers for Barronite ore and deposits
  • The XP Globes overlay no longer tries to draw itself slightly overlapping its bounding box


- Jordan

New commits

We had 20 contributors this release!

Adam (45):
      chat commands: use script event for loading col log pets
      clues: fix Shayzien Infirmary clue challenge
      chat commands: fix parsing nightmare nb
      api: remove many unused projectile ids
      api: fix naming of menuoptionclicked params
      chat commands: fix parsing nightmare pb
      Add interact highlight plugin
      loot tracker: add ruins of camdozaal vault lockboxes
      poh: fix burner overlay timers
      api: add menu location and size accessors
      hiscore: switch to dmmt hiscores
      antidrag: enable in pvp
      http service: add pets list length check
      widgetoverlay: support detached overlays
      slayer plugin: use npchiglight for task highlights
      redis pool: don't reuse broken jedis instances
      interact highlight: set overlay priority to high
      widget overlay: rebuild overlay layers when xp tracker moves
      widget overlay: lower priority of oxygen and hp interfaces
      npc indicators: add fill color config
      woodcutting: remove respawn timers from construction trees
      ping: add macos support for icmp ping
      config manager: fsync temp config file
      clientloader: fix loading classes in packages
      clientui: fix restoring sidepanel when expanding sidebar
      api: add type parameter to Comparable
      chat channel: fix join/leave world hop detection
      xp updater: don't send updates for dmm, leagues, or beta worlds
      chat commands: rename tob story mode to entry mode
      npc indicators: allow plugins to specify highlight styles
      implings plugin: use npc indicators for impling overlay
      chat commands: update to parse new adv log pb counters
      ge: fix detecting dmmt world type
      Update world types for seasonal deadman
      world hopper: set activity tooltip on world list
      overlay: only layout widget overlays if the preferred location is set
      world hopper: bubble up mouse events from activity label
      loot tracker: add world id to loot record for dmmt
      use maven's native reproducible build support
      logback: add duplicate exception filter
      api: flatten model uvs
      wiki: move icon to match vanilla position
      api: make getCanvasTilePoly work on multi-tile npcs
      pom: remove source/target configuration on maven-compiler-plugin
      ui: force heavyweight tooltips on macos

Adam Davies (1):
      mining: Add barronite ore and deposits

BenMortensenTTS (1):
      loot tracker: add rogues' chest

Christian (1):
      menu swapper: add placeholder withdraw swap

Cyborger1 (1):
      text: don't remove double spaces in toJagexName

Eirik Leikvoll (1):
      interact highlight: fix auto retaliate highlight color

Hydrox6 (21):
      world map: correct locations of quest markers (#13960)
      client: update various wordings to use "signed in/out" for RL accounts
      ground items: make loot beams work with only show loot
      roof removal: fix some roof bleed in Prifddinas
      roof removal: add overrides for Mage Arena
      roof removal: add overrides for Lighthouse during Horror from the Deep
      clues: remove non-existent clues
      roof removal: add overrides for redwoods
      roof removal: add overrides for port sarim's boats
      roof removal: add overrides for entrana's boat
      roof removal: fix roof collisions at ranging guild
      roof removal: add overrides for the boat next to morytania's farm
      roof removal: add overrides for dorgesh-kaan
      roof removal: add overrides for the temple of light
      roof removal: add overrides for fossil island underwater
      roof removal: add overrides for waterbirth island dungeon
      roof removal: fix ardougne castle 1st floor
      roof removal: properly account for instances when applying overrides
      loot tracker: add ea display to tooltips
      loot tracker: don't show unneeded tooltip lines for coins and platinum
      xp globes: account for progress arc width when deciding overlay bounds

Illya Myshakov (1):
      chat commands: use rl format message for pets

Jordan Atwood (6):
      banktags: Fix bank scroll height with separators hidden (#13723)
      Revert "XpInfoBox: Give stats panel equal column widths"
      ItemMapping: Add combat achievement rewards variations
      slayer: Support combat achievement slayer helms
      clues: Support combat achievement slayer helms
      roof removal: Fix Ardougne monastery

JoshS (1):
      skill calc: add Magic Essence Potion

Max Weber (5):
      itemstats: remove quest field
      rl-client/RSProfileType: add DMM Reborn
      rl-client/ImageCapture: use RSProfileType for screenshot naming
      rl-api: expose actor pose anim source setters
      timetracking: don't load notification icons for every panel

Ryan (1):
      ItemMapping: Add Tome of Water and Master Scroll Book

SkylerPIlot (2):
      skill calculator: Add Morytania diary shade exp bonus
      skill calculator: Add Urium remains

Steven L (1):
      clues: Add Wizards' Tower fairy ring code to cryptic clue (#13977)

ThePharros (1):
      menu swapper: add desert amulet 4

TheStonedTurtle (2):
      itemstats: Add Corrupted Paddlefish
      CrypticClue: Fix hosidius fruit store crates highlighting (#14051)

Trevor Engen (1):
      slayer: Change moss giants task icon to mossy key (#13962)

Vetricci (6):
      item mapping: add combat achievement slayer helm variants
      itemstats: Add new Gauntlet food
      roof removal: fix Varrock Castle gallery
      roof removal: fix eastern Dark Beast area
      roof removal: add overrides for Prifddinas
      skillcalculator: Add new amethyst items (#13890)

emerald000 (1):
      boss timers: Change Grotesque Guardians timer to 5 minutes (#13893)

pilino1234 (2):
      skillcalculator: Add Camdozaal activities
      worldmap: Add mining spots in Ruins of Camdozaal 1.7.17 Release Loot beams and pets chat command 2021-07-21T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

Options have been added to the Ground Items plugin to draw loot beams for highlighted items, and for items at or above a given price tier.

Ground item loot beams

A new command, !pets, has been added to the Chat Commands plugin, which will display the number of pets owned along with an icon of each pet owned. You must first check the All pets section of your collection log for RuneLite to learn which pets you have. Additional pets are automatically added if the collection log unlock notifications are enabled in the game settings.

Pets chat command

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • An option has been added to the Status Bars plugin to hide them while outside of combat
  • The Report Button plugin can now display idle time on the report button
  • The Menu Entry Swapper plugin's "Quick Pass/Open/Start/Travel" swap now swaps Zulrah's sacrificial boat's Quick-board option
  • Teleport scrolls are now given labels via the Item Identification plugin
  • The Timers plugin now shows a timer for being stunned while pickpocketing
  • A number of locations have had their roof removal mapping improved. No more random roof pieces floating in the air!
  • Clue scrolls requiring you travel through the Mos Le'Harmless Cave no longer prompt you to bring a light source when you've already built and lit the Fire of Eternal Light there
  • The Time Tracking overview panel is no longer blocked from opening when your farming contract crop is dead


- Jordan

New commits

We had 12 contributors this release!

Adam (4):
      item identification: clean up config enabled checks
      report button: add idle time
      menu entry swapper: add sacrificial boat quick board swap
      chat commands: add pets command

Hydrox6 (5):
      roof removal: add overrides for Shilo Village
      roof removal: fix entrance to Draynor Manor
      roof removal: fix bridge at entrance to Lletya
      roof removal: add overrides for Harmony Island
      roof removal: fix Arceuus church upper floors

Jordan Atwood (2):
      CoordinateClue: Fix Isle of Souls enemies
      roof removal: Add overrides for Keldagrim

Max Weber (8):
      rl-api: add JagexColor util
      timetracking: don't fail rendering overview with dead contracts
      worldmap: use correct bounds for tooltip hit checking
      music: use vanilla's volume percentage conversion
      jshell: run cleanups on the client thread
      rl-client: render horizontal scroll bars
      jshell: allow copy of shell console
      jshell: better unresolved symbol handling

Neil Rush (1):
      roof removal: Fix magic guild first floor (#13879)

Peter Mauldin (1):
      item identification: add teleport scrolls

RiddleTime (1):
      skill calc: add wall safe to thieving

Robert (1):
      timers: add pickpocket stun timer

Trevor (2):
      rl-api: add RuneLiteObject
      ground items plugin: add lootbeams

Vetricci (1):
      clues: Fix Shayzien cryptic clue crate location

emerald000 (1):
      api: Fix Mos Le'Harmless firepit varbit (#13906)

ermalsh (1):
      statusbars: Add option to hide outside of combat 1.7.14, 1.7.15, and 1.7.16 Releases Model outline rendering, roof removal plugin, and website tile marker viewing and improved hub plugin pages 2021-07-14T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

We've added a new model outline renderer which can draw precise outlines of NPCs and objects via their respective indicator plugins.

1px outline 2px outline 10px feathered outline
Dust devils highlighted with a 1px outline Dust devils highlighted with a 2px outline Dust devils highlighted with a 1px outline

We've added a roof removal plugin which can selectively hide roofs when standing or walking under them, hovering over them, or when they block the camera's view to your player. Experience the game's beautiful roofs without sacrificing visibility!

Roof removal plugin demo

Website feature additions

We've added a tile marker display page to the website. Just visit and paste your exported ground markers to see them visualized on the game map, like these Olm boss fight markers. If you are logged in to website you can also view your saved tile markers on tile markers account page

Olm boss fight markers

Additionally, our Plugin Hub page has become even more informative, as you can now click on a listed plugin and its project introduction will be presented.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • A border width option has been added to the Ground Markers plugin
  • The Inventory Viewer has an option to become hidden when your inventory tab is open
  • The Barbarian Assault lobby and healer widgets are now moveable using our overlay system
  • The cannon degrade timer is now shown for each stage of cannon setup, and a repair timer is added if your cannon degrades after being set up
  • Recolored versions of the Blade of Saeldor and Bow of Faerdhinen correctly count toward your total bank value
  • The Wintertodt plugin is now better at detecting when you have started fletching
  • The thrall timer counts the extra time given from having a boosted magic level
  • The XP Tracker plugin will no longer forget to draw an intermediate marker for the last level toward a configured XP goal
  • A number of Shayzien and Great Kourend clue scroll steps have had their text or enemies corrected


- Jordan

New commits

We had 15 contributors this release!

Adam (7):
      tile indicators: add border width config
      Revert "http-service: fix hiscore test"
      http-service: fix hiscore test
      inventory viewer: add option to hide when inventory is open
      Close various resource inputstreams
      object indicators: don't mark unnamed objects
      api: fix computing scene coord for negative local points

BegOsrs (1):
      WidgetOverlay: Make Barbarian Assault widgets moveable (#13852)

Cyborger1 (1):
      clues: Fix capitalization for "New Recruit Tony" master anagram

F.W. Dekker (1):
      chat notifications: clarify how to enter multiple words

Gamma91 (1):
      roof removal: Add missing overrides for the lighthouse and falador castle (#13862)

Hydrox6 (16):
      loot manager: add phosani's nightmare
      widgetoverlay: add back removed WidgetOverlays
      combatlevel: fix attack range indicator
      clues: fix hot/cold enemies for updated kourend locations
      timers: make thrall timer use boosted magic level
      overlay renderer: account for parent's position when clamping location
      clues: fix the other kourend hot/cold enemies
      chat commands: add shorthand names for phosani's nightmare
      xp tracker: fix intermediate markers not showing for xp based goal ends
      api: add roof removal api
      plugins: add roof removal plugin
      devtools: add tile region location and regionid to tile location tool
      devtools: add roofs tool
      roof removal: overrides to fix Pyramid Plunder and Yanille Bank
      timers: add cannon repair timer
      roof removal: change override.json file extension to .jsonc

Jordan Atwood (4):
      CoordinateClue: Add South of Shayziens' Wall clue
      discord: Identify corrupted gauntlet separately
      Remove unused Slf4j annotations and imports
      CoordinateClue: Fix Crabclaw isle location

LlemonDuck (1):
      raids: screenshot overlay from client thread

Loze-Put (1):
      timers: Add cannon timer for each parts' setup (#13856)

Max Weber (6):
      Update script arguments to 2021-6-30
      http-api, rl-client: add phosani's nightmare to hiscores
      http-service: fix hiscore test
      music: don't restart when rendrawing tli
      worldmap: fix tooltip widget id
      runelite-api: update Quest

Meeran (1):
      ItemMapping: Add Blade of Saeldor and Bow of Faerdhinen recolor mappings (#13859)

Michael (1):
      wintertodt: improve fletching activity status detection

SirWrain (1):
      achievement diary: Fix reworded hard desert diary entry (#13770)

Woox (5):
      Add model outline renderer
      modeloutlinerenderer: fix clip boundaries in fixed mode
      api: add actor current orientation
      api: add decorative object offsets
      api: add game object model orientation

geheur (1):
      mta: update alchemy room widgets ids 1.7.11, 1.7.12, and 1.7.13 Releases Theatre of Blood: Hard and Story Mode, Shayzien and A Kingdom Divided, and other improvements 2021-06-23T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

RuneLite has been updated to support Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode and Story Mode. Players' Hard Mode kill counts are saved and can be shared using the !kc chat command or looked up on the hiscore plugin.

The various content updates centered around Shayzien and the A Kingdom Divided quest have been updated in the client, including:

  • Many existing clue scrolls in the Shayzien region have had their solutions or directions changed, and a number of new clues have been added
  • The new Arceuus spells now display timers of their duration and cooldown
  • The Shayzien agility course has a lap counter and shows the number of laps needed to reach your level or xp goal
  • World map icons and tooltips have been added for the A Kingdom Divided quest location and many skilling and resource icons in the Shayzien area
  • Skill calculator entries have been added for demonic ashes, Shayzien agility courses, and the new Arceuus spells

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • You can now look up clan members' hiscore information via the clan member listing
  • The team capes plugin has been renamed to the team plugin, and now supports listing of the number of nearby players sharing your team cape, friend chat, or clan
  • The camera plugin no longer causes your camera pitch to increase when using the compass options while "preserve pitch" is enabled. Additionally, an option to preserve yaw while changing worlds has been added.
  • Menu entry swapper options have been added for achievement diary item teleports and the construction cape
  • Ground markers, NPC indicators, and object markers now support a configurable width for their overlays
  • XP drops now support an option to override the standard client xp drop color allowing you to use any color, not just the select few client choices, for your xp drops
  • POH icons for house objects decorated with the goblin decorations now display correctly
  • Ground item despawn timers have been corrected for items appearing while fighting Tempoross
  • The new A Kingdom Divided login screen has been added to the Login Screen plugin
  • The colors of the inventory grid overlay are now customizable
  • The spec counter plugin now displays special attacks landed on the Alchemical Hydra. It also resets its counter when leaving instanced areas.
  • Wintertodt supply crate loots are now tracked in the Loot Tracker plugin
  • An option has been added to capture screenshots when achieving new collection log entries
  • Screenshots captured while on tournament/beta worlds are now stored to a separate folder for better organization
  • Item stats shown for stamina potions while wearing the ring of endurance now correctly show it restoring 40 run energy rather than the usual 20
  • A bug which could cause clients to launch without correctly downloading Plugin Hub listings has been fixed


- Jordan

New commits

We had 19 contributors this release!

Adam (36):
      Strip tags when doing friends chat lookups
      api: add clan channel changed event
      team capes: rename to team
      team: add clan member counter
      chatchannel: fix clan join/leave timeouts with fc join/leave off
      sprite manager: use constructor injection
      chat filter: fix collapsing replayed public chat
      Use junit rule for mock webserver
      camera: add zoom slider tooltip when dragging
      chat channel: add target mode config
      http-api: add tob hm hiscores
      hiscore panel: add tob hard mode
      chat filter: remove filter login
      mta: clear hint arrow when leaving enchantment and alchemist room
      config manager: disallow : in key names
      chat commands: fix tob hm/sm kc/pb tracking
      chat colors: fix clan chat message highlight keys
      api: add setCameraYawTarget
      camera: add option to preserve yaw when world hopping
      chat commands: update tob new pb pattern
      gpu: use renderbuffer for aa fbo
      menu swapper: add con cape tele to poh
      chat commands: update tob duration pattern
      ground markers: add configurable border width
      api: add widget line height accessors
      menu swapper: add achievement diary items with non-standard teleport options
      Remove examine api
      screenshot plugin: consolidate kill count fields
      screenshot plugin: make subdir strings constants
      screenshot plugin: add tob story and hard mode screenshots
      screenshot plugin: name tob hm/sm files differently
      xp drops: add option to override standard client xp drop colors
      loot tracker: add reset warning to event reset option
      discord: fix npe from menu event timing out with elapsed total time
      menu swapper: add enter-crypt to quick swap
      api: add actor overhead cycle accessors

Bird-Hands (1):
      npc indicators: add configurable border width

Broooklyn (2):
      poh: Add icons for objects changed with Goblin Decorations
      worldmap: Add TzHaar-Ket-Rak's Challenges minigame location

Cyborger1 (4):
      ItemIdentification: Add Ghorrock tablet
      ChatHistory: Fix "Copy to Clipboard" after clan update
      hiscore: add lookup clan member (#13706)
      clues: Update description for coordinate south-west of Ferox

FlashBasedGod (1):
      ground items: Add Tempoross instance to normal despawn timers

Hydrox6 (11):
      clues: count bird glove as being correct for the weapon requirement
      world map overlay: make icons display fully on the map when edge snapped
      world map mouse listener: consume click if icon is clicked on
      loginscreen: add a kingdom divided login screen
      loot tracker: check for correct menu option type when deciding event
      api: correct imcando hammer construction animation
      skill calc: add demonic ashes
      timers: add duration and cooldown timers for arceuus spells
      skill calc: add shayzien courses
      skill calc: add new arceuus spells
      api: fix hitsplat sprite ids

Jeremy Plsek (1):
      inventory grid: add color config

Jordan Atwood (12):
      XpInfoBox: Give stats panel equal column widths
      ProgressBar: Fix center label centering
      item identification plugin: Add item mapping test
      clues: Fix three step cryptic clue getLocations NPE
      status bars: Add counter text drop shadow
      HotColdLocation: Add clue type field
      object indicators: add configurable border width
      clues: Update and add clues for 6/16 Shayzien rework
      clues: Add new A Kingdom Divided update clues
      clues: Fix clues changed with A Kingdom Divided update
      agility: Fix Shayzien basic course total xp
      EmoteClue: Fix Shayzien war tent clue text

LlemonDuck (3):
      idle notifier: reset six hour notif on startup
      camera: prevent pitch increment with "preserve pitch" enabled
      Reset spec counter when leaving instanced fights

Max Weber (8):
      rl-client: never cache 4/5xx requests
      client: correctly use Runnables::doNothing
      cache: add 197 opcodes
      rl-api: update Quest enum to 2021-6-16
      worldmap: add shayzien rework locations
      agility: add shayzien course
      barbarianassault: remove dead overlay menuops
      runelite-client: use menu entries for focusing world map points

SirWrain (1):
      achievementdiary: Fix hard Lumbridge diary entry text (#13689)

SkylerPIlot (1):
      spec counter: add Alchemical Hydra

Steven Brice (1):
      loot tracker: add Wintertodt supply crate

ThePharros (1):
      screenshot: Add option to screenshot collection log entries (#13625)

andmcadams (1):
      crowdsourcing/dialog: track start & end of conversations (#13763)

danshea00 (1):
      screenshot: Use separate directory for tournament/beta worlds (#13631)

emiljensen2 (1):
      ItemMapping: add new tob kits

petter (1):
      clues: Add Giant's Den clue

tanlines (1):
      itemstats: Fix stamina restore with Ring of Endurance (#13692) 1.7.8, 1.7.9, and 1.7.10 Releases Clans support, Party panel, and XP Tracker Per-Hour Rate Resetting 2021-05-28T10:00:00.000Z Jordan


Clan member icons

We've added support for clans across various plugins, including:

  • Support for clan messages in the chat timestamps, chat history, chat commands, chat filter, emoji, chat colors, and chat notifications plugins
  • The Minimap plugin can recolor clan member player dots
  • You can hop-to clan members' worlds using the World Hopper plugin
  • The Player Indicator plugin has highlighting for clan members
  • The Twitch plugin now uses /t as its chat trigger

Additionally, the friends chat plugin was renamed to Chat Channels and allows adding join/leave messages to clan and guest clan channels, as well as changing your target chat channel by simply typing /f, /c, /g, and /p, as shown below:

Chat channel typing modes

Party Panel

We have added a plugin panel for the Party plugin which shows your active party members and has UI for adding new members to your party and toggling specific players' health and prayer displaying in the overlay. Because of the added panel button, the Party plugin has been disabled by default and must be re-enabled for those wishing to use it. It also simplifies the invite flow (still via Discord) so it is possible to create a party and send invites immediately, and also allows accepting join requests via the client in the panel.

Party plugin panel

XP Tracker Per-Hour Rate Resetting

You can now manually reset the XP/hr rates of the XP Tracker plugin without resetting the gained XP, and configure it to automatically reset these rates after a set timeout duration.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The Item Charges plugin now has a separate toggle for Guthix rests
  • Chat message recoloring is fixed for players with spaces in their ingame name
  • Skill challenge clues requiring a hammer now recognize the Imcando hammer as being accepted


- Jordan

New commits

We had 6 contributors this release!

Adam (34):
      item charges: add toggle for guthix rest
      item charges: split up test into separate methods
      chat message manager: fix recoloring own name with spaces
      xptracker: use enum map for actions and other cleanup
      chat timestamps: add timestamps for all message types
      minimap: add clan chat dot color configuration
      ui: queue repaint when progressbar is edited
      discord plugin: sanity check user id and avatar id before building url
      party service: sanitize user names
      info panel: adjust nav button priority
      party: only send location update when the location changes
      twitch: change chat trigger to /t
      chat history: support clan chat
      chat history: rebuild pmbox when all is cleared
      api: add getOnVarTransmitListener to Widget
      friendschat: readd user count
      api: add enum size
      api: correct clans chattypes
      devtools: add modicons command
      friendchatmanager: rename to chaticonmanager
      Change config name of party plugin to disable by default
      api: add clan api
      chat icon manager: add clan chat icons
      chat colors: add clan recolors
      world hopper: add hop-to clan member
      player indicators: add clans
      chat filter: add clan chat
      emoji plugin: add clan chat
      chat notifications: add clan chat
      chat commands: add clan chat
      Allow rs.version to be a double
      runelite-api: add clan member join and leave events
      friends chat: rename to chatchannel
      chat channel: add typing modes

Hydrox6 (2):
      clues: support imcando hammer in skill challenges
      skybox: add clan hall

JoRouss (2):
      party: add party panel
      party: readd overlay leave party menu entry

James Shelton (2):
      xptracker: add option to reset per hour rates
      xptracker: add auto reset per hour rates after set time

Max Weber (15):
      friendschat: remove Tab Chat option
      friendschat: remove user count
      gpu: increase texture limit
      friendschat: remove unused title strings
      SpriteID: update to 2021-5-19
      screenshot: use new report button offset
      interfacestyles: update chatbox sprite ids
      rl-api: import getTopLevelInterfaceId
      screenshot: don't attempt to draw a date when there is no report button
      scripts/SkillTabBuilder: fix unbalanced stack
      cache: update cs2 opcodes
      rl-client: update cs2 overlay opcodes
      rl-client: cleanup cs2 overlays
      ChatboxPanelManager: use ScriptPreFired
      timestamp: use less callbacks in script overlays

emerald000 (1):
      Rename Armadylian Guards to Armadylean Guards 1.7.7 Release Minor fixes and improvements 2021-05-12T10:00:00.000Z Adam

We've had a few updates since the last blog post, mostly minor, and so this post includes those changes as well as the changes today.

The low detail plugin now has an option to hide lower floors, which is particularly useful on lower end computers in busy areas, like the hallowed sepulchre.

Before After
Hallowed Sepulchre as it normally appears Hallowed Sepulchre shown with the lower floor rendering disabled

The friend list plugin now has an option to show the world a player logged into on the log in message.


The item charges plugin can now show infoboxes with a charge count for braclets of slaughter, expeditious bracelets, and the chronicle.


A world region filter was added to the world switcher plugin, which causes the world hopper panel to only list worlds in a specific region.


The chat colors config has gained an additional option to allow recoloring your own username in chat.


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • STASH units that you've removed items from now stay highlighted after the clue step has been completed, to remind you to deposit the items back
  • When using Lookup from the chatbox, the hiscore plugin will now use the correct hiscores based on the ironman symbol of the player
  • Items required for skill challenge clues are now found when using the clue bank tag
  • The fishing trawler time remaining display has been updated to reflect the recent changes to the game duration
  • The status bars alignment in modern resizable mode has been fixed back to its original position
  • The obstacles on the way to the Rellekka lighthouse now have their clickboxes highlighted
  • Tempoross and the chest in the Threatre of Blood lobby are now tracked by the loot tracker
  • The Imcando hammer has been added to the idle notifier, once again allowing idle notifications when done smithing
  • A !pb tempoross command has been added (requires getting 1 additional kill post-update)
  • The spec counter has been fixed to not count bandos godsword and bandos godsword (or) specs separately
  • Battlestaffs have been added to the fletching calculator
  • A Leave swap has been added to the menu entry swapper for leaving Tempoross after a game
  • A bug causing the GPU plugin to break when antialiasing is forced by the system has been fixed
  • The camera plugin now has an option to keep the vertical camera position when aligning the camera to cardinal directions


- Adam

New commits

We had 21 contributors this release!

Adam (23):
      wsclient: set ua on ws request
      pom: rename maven-central repositories to central
      api: add get/set min level to Scene
      low detail: add option to hide lower planes
      api: add getters for actor anim and spotanim frame
      devtools: use setAnimationFrame remove unused import
      Update build for jdk 16
      containable frame: fix parsing version strings with only a major number
      hiscore: use correct endpoint when looking up self with shortcut
      hiscore: use correct endpoint when looking up chat messages
      api: add player composition colors
      api: add cross world message fields
      clues: add skill challenge clue requirements to clue tag test
      fishing plugin: update for fishing trawler changes
      widgets: fix modern resizable interface container component id
      chat message manager: add default color for friendschatnotification chat type
      friends chat: use friendschatinfo color for join/part messages
      agility plugin: add rellekka lighthouse obstacles
      info: simplify language surrounding config import
      client: accept custom javconfig url
      item charges: simplify infobox creation logic
      clientloader: don't use fallback config or client when jav_config is manually specified

Alexsuperfly (2):
      cannon: check invent cballs to initialize count when placing
      cannon: set count when loading wrong type of cannonballs

Amit G (1):
      SkillChallengeClue: Support inactive crystal tools (#13517)

Broooklyn (8):
      loottracker: Separate events that do not produce ground items
      loottracker: Add support for Tempoross Reward pool and new Casket
      fishing: Add Tempoross IDs and config to highlight bubbling spots
      Widget: Make Tempoross status indicator moveable
      worldmap: Add fishing spots from Tempoross update
      worldmap: Add Al Kharid and Ruins of Unkah Ferry locations
      worldmap: Add Ruins of Unkah mining location
      discord: finish naming over-world regions

Cyborger1 (1):
      SkillChallengeClue: Add Gold shade keys to Fiyr shade step (#13260)

Hydrox (14):
      Update discord invite links to start users in #welcome (#13549)
      image util: add function to scale images while preserving aspect ratio
      xp globes: scale icon while respecting aspect ratio
      item charges: use RSProfiles for items with stored charges
      time tracking: fix birdhouse notification buttons not doing anything
      idle notifier: add support for the imcando hammer
      wintertodt: add support for imcando hammer
      clues: update reanimated abyssal demon task for new reanimation spells
      skill calc: update arceuus spells
      clues: highlight the last clue's STASH until items are deposited back
      chat commands: add support for tempoross pb messages
      item charges: add bracelet of slaughter and expeditious bracelet
      slayer: remove bracelet charge tracking
      camera: add option to preserve pitch on compass look menu entries

Jordan Atwood (2):
      HotColdLocation: Fix Seers' Village bank spot
      menu manager: add menu entries in insert order

LlemonDuck (2):
      clues: Fix location of Captain Bleemadge (#13531)
      Add Below Ice Mountain quest

Maciej Lewicki (1):
      friendlist: add option to show world in login notifications

Martin H (1):
      achievementdiary: Update Runecraft task texts (#13485)

Matt Dennis (2):
      spec counter: combine item variations into one weapon
      examine: Improve plugin description and tags (#13399)

Max Weber (4):
      eventbus: preserve priority ordering during unregister
      cache/ObjectLoader: add randomizeAnimStart opcode from rev 193
      cache/NpcLoader: add category opcode from rev 195
      Update IDs for 2021-4-28

Nicholas Anzalone (2):
      achievement diary: remove requirment from easy fishing trawler task
      skill calc: Add battlesaff to fletching calculator (#13525)

Owen (1):
      clues: Support golden prospector kit (#13457)

Robert (1):
      chat colors: add color option for player's own name

RuneLogApp (1):
      music plugin: add null check to SettingsSideSlider icon on shutdown

aHooder (1):
      gpu: workaround for forced anti-aliasing

emiljensen2 (1):
      loot tracker: support tob lobby reward chest

isaacph (1):
      world hopper: add region filter config

molo-pl (2):
      clues: Support spirit angler's outfit (#13421)
      menu entry swapper: add Tempoross leave swap

superiorser9 (1):
      wiki: only show vanilla wiki banner when enabled (#13380) 1.7.1, 1.7.2, and 1.7.3 Releases RuneScape Wiki prices, Kingdom of Miscellania notifications, and account-specific slayer task tracking 2021-03-24T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

We have integrated the RuneScape Wiki's real-time prices, into the client, where it is used for bank valuation, ground item highlights, grand exchange lookups, and more.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The Kingdom of Miscellania plugin can now send notifications upon login when your coffer or approval are below configured values
  • You can check your kill count and personal best times of TzHaar-Ket-Rak's multi-Jad challenges using the chat commands !kc jad 3 and !pb jad 6
  • The import and export menu options are now toggleable in the Ground Markers plugin. Additionally, a "Clear" option has been added which, when used, will clear any visible markers near your location
  • Your slayer task and streak information are now profile-specific, and will be tracked correctly between accounts
  • The Chat Notifications plugin now supports highlighting messages which match provided regular expressions, similar to the Chat Filter plugin
  • The Discord plugin now offers a toggle to show RuneLite as the active game while on the login screen
  • XP Globe icons now resize with the globes
  • Ingame personal best times with the recently-added "precise timing" ingame option are now saved to the Chat Commands plugin
  • The Timers plugin has learned to identify an imbued heart magic boost even in situations where the animation does not play
  • NPCs which change forms, such as werewolves and nylocas, are now properly highlighted by name by the NPC Indicators plugin
  • The Mining plugin now highlights the active daeyalt essence with an arrow


- Jordan

New commits

We had 27 contributors this release!

Adam (39):
      key remapping: set press enter to chat text regardless of chatbox focus
      clues: make isle of souls hotcold location a master step
      object indicators: fix marking multilocs after var changes
      client: move core singleton eventbus registration to singleton constructors
      barrows plugin: use widget closed event for clearing puzzle
      devtools: add disconnect button
      discord plugin: only check for area update on logged in gamestate
      corp plugin: use varbit changed event to track damage
      ping: use icmp ping on linux if available
      api: add actor animations
      perspective: add plane parameter to getCanvasTileAreaPoly
      chat commands: add jad challenge kc and pbs
      Fix slayer plugin setting config values to null
      config manager: include profile in unset configchanged event
      barrows: simplify timer creation logic
      http service: remove unused sprite endpoint
      http service: remove unused cache item image endpoint
      http service: remove unused price endpoints
      item service: correct scheduled delay for reloading tradable items
      cache updater: fix race with saving archives and computing archive hashes
      http service: add wiki price service
      item controller: add config for price cache time
      item service: include wiki prices in price data
      client: add option to use wiki traded prices
      chat commands: support wiki prices in price command
      ge plugin: support wiki prices in search panel
      ge plugin: use wiki prices for actively traded price
      wiki price service: use v1 api
      ge plugin: use int for ha value
      ge plugin: cleanup
      ge plugin: use for ge link when using wiki prices
      agility shortcut: fix al kharid window map location
      game object: add size x/y methods
      api: add javadoc to tile object location api
      hunter plugin: update location translation for lizard traps
      woodcutting plugin: use tree location for determining the tree region
      xp globes: add dynamic skill icon sizing
      menus: add widgetmenuoption constructor for widgetid
      gpu: fix clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects call with no wait list

BossHuso (2):
      chatcommands: Fix adventure log widget NPE
      music: Fix some NPEs

Brandt Hill (2):
      Make Integer.class work when deserializing config
      kingdom: add notification message for favor and coffer value

Broooklyn (15):
      ItemMapping: Add Trailblazer Graceful Ornament Kits
      discord: Add missing Misthalin region
      discord: Add Wild Varrock Last Man Standing regions
      loot tracker: Add Wild Varrock Last Man Standing regions
      worldmap: Improve cart and minecart systems tooltips (#13226)
      slayer: Add Soul Wars imbued Slayer Helmets to slayer item set
      clues: Add Soul Wars imbued Slayer Helmets to Emote and Skill sets
      ItemMapping: Add Soul Wars imbues
      chat notifications: Prevent localPlayer highlights and notifications (#13244)
      ItemMapping: Add Trouver Parchment items and refunds
      worldmap: Fix Grand Tree Tunnels dungeon location
      worldmap: Add western Revenant Caves dungeon entrance
      worldmap: Add Blisterwood tree location and requirement
      agility: Add Darkmeyer wall shortcut
      discord: Add Rogues' Den bank, Salt Mine, and Waterbirth regions

Cyborger1 (3):
      ground markers: Add import/export menu option toggle
      ground markers: Add clear markers menu option
      slayer plugin: store task in rs profile configuration

David Uhler Brand (1):
      chat notifications: add regex highlights

Dillon (1):
      discord: add main menu status option

Hexagon (1):
      Dedupe GameObjectSpawned events when simulating events

Hydrox6 (4):
      friendschat: remove user count after leaving chat channel
      config: add support for doubles
      http-service: change pbs from int to double
      chat commands: change pbs from int to double and support parsing them

James N (1):
      FaloTheBardClue: Accept trimmed Dragon defender and Tzhaar-ket-om (#13317)

Jonathan Lee (2):
      crowdsourcing: Add newly-found cooking messages
      cooking: Add more chatbox messages

Jonathan Pritchard (1):
      chat commands: fix hs kc patterns to match values greater than 999

Jordan Atwood (9):
      timers plugin: Improve imbued heart detection
      menu entry swapper config: Fix formatting from previous commit
      item identification: Fix duplicate tree seed entries
      HotColdLocation: Center some location spots
      client: Remove shaded jar minimizing
      npchighlight: Apply correct highlights to changed NPCs
      Widget: Mark getChildren() as nullable
      opponent info: Add simple interaction tests
      Revert "opponentinfo: Show health bar of actors attacking the player"

Kyle Shepherd (1):
      menu entry swapper: Add portal nexus teleport menu swap (#13181)

Max Weber (7):
      ConfigManager: don't allow access to partially loaded configs
      Require Java 9 or higher for building
      devtools: factor frame handling out
      devtools: add shell window
      rl-api: update quest scripts to 2021-3-3
      http-api: encode json Colors as ARGB hex codes
      http-api: encode json Instants as millis since epoch

NJohnsonJ (1):
      AgilityShortcut: Remove Catherby grapple world map tooltip (#13215)

Nathaniel Johnson (1):
      mining: Add hint arrow to active daeyalt essence

Nicholas Anzalone (2):
      clues: Remove duplicated coordinate clue from MapClue (#13342)
      cannon: move wilderness skeleton cannon spot off shooting star

Patrick Watts (2):
      crowdsourcing: Improve woodcutting and cooking tracking (#13099)
      menu entry swapper: Add fishing spot bait swap (#13203)

Silverfeelin (1):
      item identification: Add sacks (#9372)

asdftemp (1):
      item identification: Add logs and planks (#13171)

chaticon (1):
      opponentinfo: Show health bar of actors attacking the player

joelewis43 (2):
      menu entry swapper: Add Fossil Island Rowboat Dive swap (#13237)
      SkillChallengeClue: Add Twisted Slayer Helmet to Dust devil step (#13245)

mkowen1 (4):
      item identification: Add more seeds
      item identification: Add lunar teleport tablets
      item identification: Add composts
      item identification: Add bars

pilino1234 (2):
      itemidentification: Add more plugin search tags
      bankplugin: Add "pin" as plugin search tag

sam (1):
      SkillChallengeClue: Specify number of bars for shayzien armor set

superiorser9 (4):
      music: fix settings_slider_choose_onop stack mapping (#13268)
      BankPlugin: avoid keyboard input going to input text
      cooking: Fix POH altar burners false positive burn message (#13284)
      object indicators: don't clear markers on connection lost RuneLite & OSRS Wiki Partnership for GE prices RuneLite & OSRS Wiki Partnership for Grand Exchange prices 2021-03-08T20:00:00.000Z Adam

We are happy to announce that we have partnered with the RuneScape Wiki to bring more accurate Grand Exchange pricing to the OSRS Wiki. When looking up an item on the wiki, you will now see a View Real-time Prices button, which, using trades made through RuneLite, will provide a much more accurate representation of the item's current price.


These new prices are updated every few minutes, which is much more frequent than the current Grand Exchange price data, which can be a day or two out of date.

In conjunction with this, the Wiki is providing an API for the real-time price data for developers for free. If you are a developer and have a project or website that uses Grand Exchange price data, check out their API docs here.

We will be updating RuneLite soon to use this data as a source for item pricing, so features such as examining items and bank value will also be more accurate.

- Adam 1.7.0 Release Extended draw distance on MacOS & farming tracker notifications 2021-02-13T00:00:00.000Z Adam

MacOS extended draw distance

On MacOS, the GPU plugin now supports extending the draw distance further. To do so, enable the Compute Shaders option in the GPU plugin and then restart the plugin. Big thanks to @LlemonDuck for doing a lot of work on this.

We've also fixed some symbols on the clue scroll and barrows overlay showing incorrectly on MacOS, as well as the dropdown menu on the plugin search bar.

While we still do not have an MacOS launcher that runs native on the Apple M1, the core client has been updated so it can run natively if you run the launcher RuneLite.jar directly with a native JVM. If you are technically apt enough to do this, it may be worth it if you have one of these new machines. We still plan on providing a native launcher for the M1 in the future.

Farming tracker notifications

The time tracking plugin now has an option to send notifications when crops are done growing. It can be enabled per-crop by clicking the bell icon.

Farming Notification

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The tag tab named clue now works once again
  • The entity hider now allows hiding ignored players
  • Chat messages replayed by the chat history plugin on login no longer re-trip commands or notifications. They also no longer lose their coloring.
  • The fishing plugin can now send notifications for flying fish when fishing minnows
  • The idle notifier now works at the Ectofuntus and at looms
  • Spoon and weary face emojis have been added (--o and Dx respectively)
  • The loot tracker now tracks the new chests from the Shades of Morton and Isle of Souls
  • The chat notifications plugin has a new option to send you notifications for receiving private messages
  • The despawn timer in the ground items plugin was fixed for the Nightmare instance, and one has been added for items placed on tables
  • A Use swap has been added for battlestaves
  • The chat color username recolor option now works correctly on ironmen and player moderators
  • The player name of the client which sends tray notifications is now included in notification title
  • The screenshot plugin now has an configurable threshold for which Valuable drops to screenshot. This allows setting a very low valuable drop notification in order to see the drops in the chat box, but still screenshot certain valuable ones
  • The music volume percentage is now shown when hovering the draggable handle, instead of just the track


- Adam

New commits

We had 20 contributors in this release & 1.6.39!

Adam (26):
      menu manager: preserve managed menu option ordering
      api: remove npc action changed event
      world hopper: move hop() to client thread
      tile: add setter for ground object
      Apply default font to text with unicode characters
      Revert "runelite-client: Don't use system specific modifier key names"
      image component: support setPreferredSize
      Revert "image component: support setPreferredSize"
      config manager: use createTempFile for config temp file
      bank tags: allow plugins to register their own tag names
      clue scroll plugin: fix test
      config manager: require config group and key when setting configuration
      api: add an addChatMessage method overload to allow skipping events
      chat command manager: remove unnecessary null tests
      chat message manager: format runelite messages prior to adding
      chat history: fix replaying runelite-formatted messages
      friends chat: use return value of addChatMessage
      icon text field: use only awt key listener
      bank tags: fix tag named clue coexisting with the special "clue" tab
      perspective: support rectangular tile areas
      devtools: fix drawing game object overlays multiple times
      farming tracker: don't send notifications for empty crop state
      chat commands: comma separate values in several commands
      gpu: add opencl support for macos
      entity hider: add option to hide ignored players
      Bump to 1.7.0-SNAPSHOT

Alexsuperfly (2):
      timers: Remove cannon timer when cannon is destroyed
      cannon: Remove cannon when it is destroyed

Anjaneya Bhardwaj (1):
      fishing: Add minnows flying fish notification (#13126)

Auenc (1):
      idle notifier: Add Ectofuntus animations (#13177)

Broooklyn (14):
      emoji: Add spoon emoji with trigger `--o`
      itemstats: Update Soul Wars Bandages healing
      npc indicators: remove tags from minimap npc name
      hotkey button: use default font
      loottracker: add Gold Chest tracking (Shades of Mort'ton)
      worldmap: add Shades of Mort'ton minigame location
      chatnotifications: add private message notification
      discord: Isle of Souls region additions
      fishing: add Isle of Souls NPC IDs to enum
      worldmap: add Isle of Souls locations
      slayer: add Isle of Souls task location
      discord: Use regions instead of varbits for raiding activity
      discord: Remove code for handling of varbits
      ground items: add Nightmare instance to normal despawn timers

Cyborger1 (3):
      clues: Improve Lovakengj Sulphur Mine area descriptions (#13180)
      emoji: Replace spoon and fork-and-knife emojis
      emoji plugin: set message node message instead of rl format message

David (1):
      menu entry swapper: Add battlestaff use swap (#13140)

Hydrox6 (4):
      clues: add Isle of Souls Hot/Cold location
      ground markers: show existing label when labeling a marker
      chat color: fix usernames not being recoloured if they have an icon
      chat color: fix nonsensical test

Jonathan Lee (1):
      loot tracker: add support for isle of souls chests

Jonatino (1):
      Fix incorrect named value when storing FlatStorage caches

Jordan Atwood (5):
      MenuOptionClicked: Add selectedItemIndex field
      clues: Add Isle of Souls coordinate clues
      cluescrolls: Fix beginner/master clue step reset
      notifier: Add username to tray notification title
      cluescrolls: Re-check named object highlights after hopping

Liam Schmidt (1):
      screenshot: Add valuable drop threshold config

Max Weber (3):
      don't use gson's reflection serialization on non RuneLite classes
      ReflectUtil: allow privateLookupIn cross-classloader with JDK-8173978
      http-api: allow gsoning classes outside of net.runelite

Nick Wolff (1):
      emoji: Add weary face emoji

ObsoleteXero (1):
      idle notifier: Add Loom crafting animation (#13154)

Psikoi (1):
      Resize and tweak hiscores boss icons

Taylor Abraham (1):
      music: Make volume percent visible when hovering handle

Usman Akhtar (2):
      worldmap: use boosted level for map icon tooltips
      grounditems: Add despawn timer for items placed on tables

buttonpoker (1):
      cannon: Remove Mourner Headquarters elf cannon spot (#13196)

loldudester (3):
      TimeTracking: Move birdhouse schedule to ScheduledExecutorService
      TimeTracking: Add farming notifications
      TimeTracking: Return shortened weekdays in doneEstimates 1.6.37 & 1.6.38 Release Ground marker sharing, refreshed hiscore boss icons, and filled inventory tag display 2021-01-27T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

We've added the ability to share ground markers. Click the "Export Ground Markers" option on the world map orb to copy nearby ground markers to your clipboard, or click the "Import Ground Markers" option to load them into your game! Thanks to @LlemonDuck for adding this feature.

Importing a set of ground markers in the shape of the RuneLite logo

The hiscore panel's boss icons have been refreshed and tidied up, courtesy of @Psikoi's excellent updated icons.

Updated boss hiscore icons

A "Fill" display has been added for your inventory tags, which can be toggled alongside the existing outline and underline options. Thanks to @1jz for this addition.

Inventory tags shown with a filled-in image icon

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Support for soul wars has been added across our plugins, such as the rank in the hiscore panel and chat commands, tooltips on world map icons, food and potion boost information, and loot tracking for spoils of war.
  • A toggle has been added to the GPU plugin to render brighter textures so you can enjoy the brighter look of your fire and infernal capes
  • The plugin hub panel now sorts plugins by user count so you can more quickly find popular plugins
  • The Time Tracking plugin can now show the soonest completion of a crop for your farming tracker categories (eg. Show time until your first tree grows, instead of when they would all be grown)
  • The Special Attack Counter plugin no longer resets your damage when attacking the Corporeal beast's Dark core, Vorkath's Zombified spawn, or combat dummies. It also tracks damage from the bone dagger, bone crossbow, and barrelchest anchor, and can send special attack energy threshold notifications
  • World map icons and tooltips have been added for Watson teleport scrolls, Mahogany Homes locations, ancient cavern mining rocks, and the Crabclaw caves agility shortcuts and quest chamber
  • The menu entry swapper now supports swaps for Spria's NPC Contact, the Dwarven rock cake, and the Skull sceptre
  • You can now configure the color of the Tears of Guthix vein overlays
  • Dragon skilling tools with the Trailblazer ornament kits are now correctly recognized by their respective skilling plugins
  • The Idle Notifier plugin now supports low & high run energy notifications
  • The Time Tracking plugin has been taught the correct growth times for sweetcorn and watermelons
  • The XP Globes plugin can now show your virtual level in the tooltip


- Jordan

New commits

We had 24 contributors this release!

Adam (30):
      http-api: add soul wars hiscores
      hiscore panel: add soul wars zeal
      overlay: fix layouted overlays not respecting parent bounds
      spec counter: prevent dark core, zombified spawn, and combat dummies from reseting counter
      gpu: add option to use old texture brightness code
      spec counter: add spec threshold notifications
      npc highlight: revert fill color behavior
      config service: handle fromJson() returning null
      gpu: fix camera position
      runelite config: enable custom chrome only on Windows
      Shorten many config names to fit into side panel
      config panel: fix combobox displayed size
      custom cursor: use cursor name for combobox labels
      world map: consolidate world map points into one
      client: update gluegen and jogl osx natives
      client: update discord dependency version
      chat notifier: restore original color when highlighting own name
      kittype: use ordinal for index
      Use delomboked sources for javadoc generation
      client: update discord dependency version
      client: rename jogl/gluegen osx natives artifacts
      plugin hub panel: sort plugins by usercount
      plugin list panel: remove unused executor
      ground items: add despawn time for gwd instances
      spec counter: add bone dagger, crossbow, and anchor
      teamcapes: rewrite to use events
      image util: simplify fillImage alpha check
      inventory tags: add fill tag option
      ground markers: add option to export and import
      api: remove PlayerMenuOptionClicked

Broooklyn (10):
      worldmap: add Watson teleport scroll location
      menu entry swapper: add dwarven rock cake swap
      discord: add Soul Wars regions
      loot tracker: Add Spoils of war (Soul Wars)
      worldmap: add Mahogany Homes minigame locations
      worldmap: add Soul Wars minigame and teleport locations
      itemstats: Add Soul Wars Potion of Power and Bandages
      agility: Add Crabclaw Caves obstacles
      worldmap: fix Crabclaw Caves Tunnel (quest) WorldPoint
      chatcommands: Add Soul Wars Zeal command

Chad J. Lewis (1):
      WidgetInfo: Remove unused SHOP_ITEMS_CONTAINER definition (#13011)

Christian Gati (1):
      tears of guthix: add config for tears color

Cyborger1 (2):
      clues: Update Yanille anvil map clue description (#12825)
      idle notifier: Add low & high energy notifications (#12995)

David (1):
      menu entry swapper: Add Spria to NPC Contact swap (#13070)

Hydrox6 (3):
      barrows: fix reward potential formatting showing too many 0s
      WidgetOverlay: Make Classic Resizeable Multicombat Indicator moveable
      timetracking: Add option to show the soonest completion time of a tab

JZomerlei (1):
      Update Quest Enum to latest cache (#12999)

Jordan Atwood (5):
      AnimationID: Remove incorrect trailblazer harpoon entry
      Add support for trailblazer kit rewards
      ChatboxTextInput: Select full message on ctrl+a
      ChatboxTextInput: Improve open selection left/right handling
      HotColdLocation: Fix Pirates' Cove spot

Joshua Kahn (1):
      bank: Fix item container NPE (#13082)

Kevin (1):
      loottracker: Add opened bird nest ID to loot metadata (#12936)

Max Weber (4):
      ImageUtil: rename getResourceStreamFromClass to loadImageResource
      worldhopper: use ImageUtil for loading images
      runelite-api: add Preferences::getHideUsername()
      Update widget ids to 2021-1-20

Morgan Lewis (1):
      Fix growth stages of sweetcorn and watermelon

Mrnice98 (1):
      world map: add mining rock info for Ancient Cavern

Nick (1):
      CrypticClue: Include Varrock armour in Head chef clue solution (#13029)

Nick Wolff (1):
      clues: Allow Dragon scimitar (or) for Falo the bard step (#13032)

Patrick Pollock (1):
      loottracker: Track boosted hunter level for birdhouse loot (#13068)

Psikoi (1):
      hiscore panel: update boss icons

Usman Akhtar (2):
      worldmap: Fix copper ore amount at battlefield mine (#12802)
      plugins: Fix copied variable names

Zach (1):
      itemstats: Fix Zamorak brew defence drain amount (#12921)

equirs (1):
      kittype: add arms kit type

jamesahhh (1):
      menu swapper: Add Skull sceptre invoke swap (#12944)

loldudester (1):
      Fix javadoc cutting off descriptions

wrightmalone (1):
      xp globes: add option to show virtual level in tooltip 1.6.36 Release Improved farming timer estimations and Zalcano damage counter 2021-01-06T10:00:00.000Z Adam

The time tracking plugin now keeps track of when each account's farming tick happens and can use it to give much more precise estimations of when crops are done growing. To do this it must first observe a tree growing.

Farming timer

The Zalcano plugin now includes a damage counter to track how much damage you have done to the health and shield, to let you easily track if you've done enough damage to be eligible for drops, uniques, or the pet.

Zalcano damage counter

Many of the existing color configuration options for overlays now support adjusting their transparency too.

Zalcano damage counter

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Texture brightness with the GPU plugin has been adjusted to more closely reflect the software rasterizer
  • FPS with GPU on in areas with full-screen transparent overlays, such as Godwars, under water, and Ver Sinhaza has been improved
  • The xp tracker now respects the in-game xp tracker position setting
  • Fix some dead clicks when trying to alt+drag or alt+reset overlays
  • Fix item overlays, such as the rune pouch or item identification overlays, from drawing over top the world map
  • The barrows reward potential overlay colors are now exact and no longer an estimation
  • Fix the Ape Atoll skull climb obstacle click box overlay
  • Mouse tooltips now work on the welcome screen and the full screen world map
  • The multicombat icon is now movable when holding alt
  • The status bars health bar is now recolored when infected by a parasite
  • Timers have been added to the green Tears of Guthix streams
  • The Sire stun timer now more accurately tracks when the Sire is stunned while already stunned
  • Fix the essence teleport menu swap for Sedridor
  • Fix the Charge spell timer time to be 7 minutes


- Adam

New commits

We had 19 contributors this release!

Adam (31):
      barrows: fix reward potential color overlay
      twitch: fix npe closing client if no socket has been created
      widget overlay: use the in-game configured position for the xptracker widget
      devtools: assign unique names to debug infoboxes
      overlay renderer: set currentManagedOverlay also when clicking
      Allow overlay renderer to restrict overlay parent bounds
      ci: use mvn verify phase instead of install
      api: remove getViewportWidget()
      overlay renderer: use viewport bounds for snap corner offsets
      Rename various itemWidget to widgetItem to match class name
      Add interface and layer draw hooks for overlays
      wiki: use script post fired event for hiding wiki banner
      timers: use pvp varbit to clear teleblock timer
      Remove ITEM_DROP menu action
      menu entry swapper: replace some client.getItemDefinition calls with itemManager.getItemComposition
      menu entry swapper: refactor configure shift click menu code to use menu types and ids
      ping: place IcmpCloseHandle in finally
      api: remove WidgetHiddenChanged
      ge plugin: better handle trades updating on login
      ge: add user agent to trade message
      ge: add trade seq number
      ge: submit buy limit reset time
      Allow mouse tooltips on the welcome screen and full screen world map
      comp_unordered.glsl: don't orient vertices
      gpu: move calculateExtreme() after visibility check
      gpu: correctly set model height on non-model renderables
      gpu: draw full screen widgets on gpu
      client: bind to guice
      gpu: dispatch compute after scene draw
      perspective: ignore invisible tris in clickbox calculation
      gpu: fix lighting textures

Broooklyn (2):
      discord: add a few missing regions
      item identification: add Jungle Potion herbs

      ge plugin: update config descriptions to be more descriptive

Christian Gati (1):
      Add Green Tears of Guthix Timer (#12862)

Fjara - Choppe (1):
      agilityshortcut: fix Neitiznot Bridge agility level requirements

Hydrox6 (1):
      WidgetOverlay: Make Multicombat Indicator moveable

Jordan Atwood (1):
      itemstats: Add Darkmeyer foods

Koanga (1):
      item prices: fix evalulating large platinum token stack prices

Malfuryent (1):
      statusbarplugin: Recolor health bar when infected by a parasite (#12874)

Max Weber (4):
      config/PluginHubPanel: show uninstall ui feedback when in safe mode
      music: fix channel mute op name
      runelite-api: add WidgetClosed event
      runelite-api: add WidgetNode::modalMode

Minhs2 (1):
      skill calc: add 4 dose potions

Morgan Lewis (3):
      Add additional areas to FarmingRegions
      Add Health Check data to
      Add farming tick offset to time tracking plugin

Mrnice98 (1):
      timers: use chat message for sire stun timer

Paul Norton (2):
      Add "scorched" Lletya regionID recognition to TimeTracking's FarmingWorld
      Add scorched Lletya region ID to discord presence determination

Paveldin (1):
      fishing: Add crystal and trailblazer harpoon to fishing tool list (#12829)

Usman Akhtar (1):
      menu entry swapper: fix swap for sedridor

dekvall (2):
      zalcano: add damage counter
      sponsors: add patreon link

emerald000 (1):
      timers: change Charge time to 7 minutes

pilino1234 (1):
      Add alpha channel to color config options where applicable 1.6.32 & 1.6.33 Release Numerical ground item despawn timers, custom skybox colors, and leagues time tracking profiles 2020-12-02T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

Ground item despawn times can now be displayed numerically in game ticks or in seconds. Thanks to @Hydrox for this feature.

Ground item despawn timer configuration

The time tracking plugin, chat commands plugin, and grand exchange plugin now understand main game vs league and deadman mode profiles, and will track crops, kill counts, and offers of these profiles separately. All existing crops and other values are automatically applied to your main profile, you will have to visit each farming patch in-game on each profile for it to be correctly synced up.

The Skybox plugin now allows you to set a custom color for overworld and underground areas to use instead of the default area-specific colors.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Using the bank plugin, you can now trigger a bank search using the hotkey Ctrl + F
  • The combat level plugin now shows levels needed for a new combat level beyond 99.
  • The DPS counter plugin has gained new options to only count boss damage, and to reset when a boss dies
  • An NPC Deposit-Items swap has been added to the menu entry swapper plugin
  • The plugin hub button has been sticky'd to the bottom of the plugin list. No more scrolling to the bottom to find it!
  • The slayer plugin now recognizes Battlefront as a task location
  • Chambers of Xeric potions now have their doses shown via the item charges plugin
  • The west Al Kharid palace window is no longer highlighted via the agility plugin as you cannot go through it
  • Some objects marked with the object markers plugin correctly maintain their marker when leaving and revisiting the area
  • The chat filter plugin no longer filters some messages for players with icons next to their names
  • The timers plugin's tzhaar timer no longer keeps counting when disabled mid-run
  • The abyssal sire's stun timer has been fixed
  • The chat notifications plugin now correctly sends notifications for some messages matching a highlighted word ending in a period
  • Using a leagues area teleport will no longer trigger a home or minigame teleport timer


- Jordan

New commits

We had 14 contributors this release!

Adam (20):
      gpu: fix intel miscompiles of fragui shader
      api: add method to remove game objects from scene
      combat level: show next levels needed even past 99
      Move BankSearch to bank plugin
      banktags: use script event for detecting bank search
      Fix incorrectly marking Al Kharid west shortcut window
      objectindicators: fix not marking objects when loaded on other planes
      cache: fix objexporter hsl to rgb calculation
      chat controller: return 404 if task is not found
      chatfilter: fix filtering self and clan messages with chat icons
      dps counter: add option to reset when boss dies
      dps counter: add option to only count boss damage
      notifier: move osx terminal-notifier test to executor
      worldmap: add Getting Ahead quest start location
      api: add queueChangedVarp
      devtools: queue changed varps in setvarb and setvarp
      Use raw varp array for get/set value in devtools
      timers: ignore config changed events for other config groups
      timers: fix tzhaar timer tracking when disabled mid inferno
      timers: fix abyssal sire stun timer

Hydrox6 (2):
      timetracking: add support for botanist relic
      grounditems: add numerical despawn timers

Jacob Buckheit (1):
      chat notifier: fix matching messages with included punctuation

Jordan Atwood (1):
      timers: Fix leagues area teleport bug

Max Weber (10):
      rl-api: update friends chat rank sprite ids
      rl-api,rl-client: update friends chat kick cs2 id
      runelite-api: add WorldChanged event
      runelite-api: add PlayerChanged event
      runelite-client: add rsprofile support
      ConfigManager: immediately send config after importing local
      http-api, http-service, rl-client: bulk upload configuration changes
      runelite-client: build on java 8 again
      cache: allow concurrent disk storage reads
      cache: allow partial caches to load

Minhs2 (1):
      slayer: add various monsters as alternatives to tasks

Plondrein (1):
      menu swapper: Add NPC Deposit-Items swap

Ron Young (1):
      runelite-api: import SpritePixels methods

SirGirion (1):
      itemcharges: add cox potions to show item doses

Trevor (1):
      raids plugin: fix array out of bounds error when scouting for a raid

dekvall (3):
      widgetid: correct quest completed group
      widgetid: correct quest completed text
      plugin-panel: stick plugin hub button to bottom of plugin list

logarithm (1):
      skybox: add custom sky color options

skyblownet (1):
      slayer plugin: add Battlefront to task locations

trimbe (1):
      bank plugin: add ctrl+f hotkey to initiate bank search 1.6.29, 1.6.30, and 1.6.31 Releases New status bars, colorblind GPU filters, and merch store 2020-11-11T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

The Status Bars plugin has seen a touch-up as you can now choose between hit points, prayer points, special attack energy, or run energy for your left and right bars. Additionally, the heart icon for the hit points bar changes colors based on your poison status, just like is done in the Poison plugin. Thanks to @Malfuryent for further enhancing this plugin!

Run energy and special attack bars

Colorblind options have been added to the GPU plugin to assist users who have common types of color blindness. Thanks to @benpoulson for porting @ofidaner's colorblindness correction filters for use in RuneLite!

Protanope Deuteranope Tritanope
Client screenshot with colors adjusted for protanopia Client screenshot with colors adjusted for deuteranopia Client screenshot with colors adjusted for tritanopia

We have opened a merch store where you can purchase shirts, sweatshirts, and mugs bearing the RuneLite logo to show your support.

RuneLite merch store

An updated launcher was released yesterday to fix an issue preventing RuneLite from maximizing correctly on hidpi displays on Windows, where it would not take up the full screen. If you have thie issue, download the newer launcher (version 2.1.5) from

The website's Plugin Hub listing can now sort plugins by their update time or the time they were added in addition to by name and number of active installs.

We are aware the raids scouter is broken with the new large map pools from today, and will work on fixing it for a later update.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The League Chat Icons plugin has been removed, as it now exists in the vanilla client.
  • XP Globes can now be stacked vertically, using the same method to flip their orientation as infoboxes (shift and right-click).
  • We have removed our website's XP tracker in favor of pointing to Wise Old Man, a tracker created and maintained by Psikoi, a RuneLite contributor. The XP Tracker plugin has been updated accordingly.
  • The Volcanic mine and Nightmare totem game overlays have been updated to be moveable with our overlay system
  • League relics modifying your XP rates and health regeneration rates are now accounted for in the XP Tracker and Regeneration Meter plugins respectively
  • You can check your league points using the newly-added !lp command. Other chat commands have been updated to reference the leagues hiscores when used on league worlds
  • The new league home/minigames teleport animation will now trigger the appropriate teleport timer
  • Skilling plugins such as Fishing, Mining, and Woodcutting will show the proper activity status when using the new League infernal tools
  • Ground items now have their overlays at the proper height for items placed on surfaces that are not ground-height, such as on tables
  • Chat Timestamps are now shown for all types of chat
  • The Ctrl key can now be remapped with the Key Remapping plugin
  • Sourhogs are now recognized as a task by the Slayer plugin. Additionally, Cyclops are now recognized as an alternative monster for Hill giant tasks
  • The Menu Entry Swapper plugin now offers swaps for the Prayer book's "Recite-prayer" option and withdraw/deposit swaps for Chambers of Xeric storage chests
  • The progress of your compost bins is now shown in the Time Tracking plugin
  • Your cannon ground overlay is no longer shown if you are on a different world than the one where your cannon was placed
  • Kourend task and unlock locations and Wilderness slayer cave entrances now have added tooltips via the World Map plugin
  • Your anisotropic filtering setting is no longer reset to 0 when toggling the GPU plugin
  • Item overlays are now shown for items in trade and duel inventory screens
  • The Time Tracking plugin better handles your contract state for crops with health checks, and for diseased or dead crops
  • Your XP Tracker goal time now has several format options
  • You can now hide dark manuscripts in the Kourend Library plugin. Additionally, the Varlamore Envoy book is no longer shown when not completing the Depths of Despair quest (as it cannot be obtained otherwise), and searching a bookcase where it would be no longer resets your library rotation information
  • You can now configure the Discord plugin's time to display total time ingame, time elapsed for your current activity, or hidden entirely
  • The Motherlode Mine plugin now shows an overlay on broken water wheel struts, and can display collected ores and gems as icons rather than as text
  • The Nightmare Zone's overload potion timer and notification are now properly cleared when leaving the minigame
  • Chronicle charges are now tracked via the Item Charges plugin


- Jordan

New commits

We had 37 contributors in these releases!

Adam (18):
      chat commands: unregister bh and lms commands
      Add pluginhub user count tracking
      xptracker: change online tracker link to wiseoldman
      progress bar: optimize bar drawing
      pluginhub controller: fix scheduled task delay
      xp tracker: default pause on logout to on
      api: move isDead from NPC to Actor
      gpu: remove unused lastViewportWidth/Height fields
      client: remove league chat icons plugin
      key remapping: don't remap space in options dialog
      spriteid: remove duplicated run icon
      client: add PMD source code analyzer
      item charges test: remove unnecessary eq matchers
      antidrag: set bank drag delay when bankside inv is opened too
      ci: update glslang to 8.13.3743
      Fix offline worlds showing population of 65535
      chat commands: format lp score
      wildcard matcher: quote replacement to prevent the matcher from replacing group references

Ben Poulson (1):
      gpu: add colorblind mode

Bram91 (2):
      XPGlobes: allow stacking vertically.
      Make Volcanic mine widgets layoutable

Broooklyn (5):
      chatcommands: add shorthand names for all agility courses
      discord: add random events regions
      worldmap: add Kourend task and unlock tooltip descriptions
      worldmap: fix typos in "transportation"
      worldmap: add Wilderness Slayer Cave entrances

Caleb Allen (1):
      gpu: fix anisotropic filtering resetting to 0 after plugin is toggled

Cryslacks (1):
      Add trade and duel inventory to widget item inventory overlay

Cyborger1 (2):
      farming: Fix harvestable health-check crops contract status
      farming: Fix contract status for plots with diseased/dead crops

Dasgust (1):
      xp tracker: add goal time formatting option

Gamma91 (1):
      HotColdLocation: Center a location spot (#12657)

Hexagon (1):
      cannonplugin: Check world when drawing overlay

Hydrox6 (2):
      chat timestamps: add timestamps for all message types
      add support for trailblazer tools

Jacob Mischka (1):
      overlayrenderer: Make minimum overlay size configurable per-overlay (#12611)

Joey Wilson (1):
      Add item mapping for unidentified minerals (#12552)

Joona (1):
      grounditems: Render ground items tile overlay at correct height (#12586)

Jordan Atwood (4):
      kourendlibrary: Don't reset state when not finding Varlamore Envoy
      Move heart sprite recolors to public package
      nightmarezone: Set absorption notification var on startup
      devtools: Render world map location above region overlay

Konrad Kozera (1):
      ImageUtil: add error log with path (#12631)

Malfuryent (3):
      statusbars: Display while in fixed viewport bank
      statubars: Add left/right customization options
      statusbars: Add special & run energy bar types

Matthew C (1):
      discord: Fix action timeout, add in game time elapsed option (#12471)

Matthew Zegar (1):
      key remapping: add control remap

Max Weber (6):
      experiencedrop: dont npe when trying to prayer highlight noncombat drops
      kourendlibrary: add config to hide dark manuscripts
      rl-client: update changed item names
      wiki: remove remainder of quest/diary lookup code
      wiki: don't throw when trying to optarget skills
      wiki: Always include item names in widget optarget lookups

Minhs2 (1):
      slayer: Add Sourhog task (#12622)

Plondrein (1):
      motherlode: Add overlay for broken water wheel struts

RansomTime (1):
      slayer plugin: add Cyclops to hill giants task list

Ron Young (1):
      banktags: don't allow colon in tagtab names

Sean Patiag (2):
      timers: Fix NMZ Overload timer not disappearing
      nightmarezone: Clear pending overload notifications outside NMZ

SirGirion (3):
      motherlode: Add option to show collected ore/gem icons
      timetracking: add compost bin time trackers (#12619)
      chatcommands: handle league accounts properly

ThePharros (1):
      menu entry swapper: add recite-prayer swap

Tomas Slusny (2):
      Switch to GitHub actions
      Link to CI workflow from CI badge

Trey (1):
      kourendlibrary: hide Varlamore Envoy outside of the Depths of Despair

Unmoon (1):
      item charges: add Chronicle

Usman Akhtar (1):
      opponent info: fix npcindicator color not working with show opponents in menu

dekvall (6):
      chat-commands: add league points command
      xp-tracker: support league & dmm modifiers for kills remaining
      xp: add support for wise-old-man trailblazer
      timers: add league home tele
      regenmeter: add support for fluid strikes
      xptracker: add league relic modifiers

melkypie (1):
      motherlode: allow sack overlay to be resizable

paymon123 (1):
      ConfigManager: Fix NPE when resetting configs with null default

pilino1234 (1):
      Worldhopper: Update league world color for Trailblazer

sam (1):
      menu entry swapper: add withdraw/deposit swap for chambers of xeric storage

winterdaze (1):
      WidgetOverlay: make nightmare pillar health widget moveable 1.6.28 Release Multiple infobox groups, birdhouse loot tracking, and tile labels 2020-10-07T10:00:00.000Z Adam

Infoboxes can now be split into multiple groups, and independently positioned and rotated. Shift right click an infobox and select Detach to move an infobox to its own group, and Flip to change the group orientation between vertical and horizontal. The groups can be dragged as normal overlays via the usual method of holding alt. To remove a group, and move all infoboxes in it back to the default group, select the Delete option.


The loot tracker now tracks loot from birdhouses


The tile marker plugin now optionally allows assocating labels to marked tiles


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The cannon plugin now shows the world your cannon was placed on in the infobox tooltip.
  • Some graphical anomalies related to drawing models which are very close to or partially behind the camera with GPU on has been fixed. This has also reduced the complexity of the GL pipeline, particularly with the Compute shaders option off, so you may find this works for you now if you have buggy drivers.
  • The OSRS Wiki Crowdsourcing plugin is now included and enabled by default. This collects anonymous skilling data to help improve the OSRS Wiki.
  • The loot tracker now correctly tracks the Grubby chest.
  • An option has been added to outline infobox text, which can improve readability.
  • The item charges plugin now correctly tracks destroying dodgy necklaces, rings of forging, and amulets of chemistry.
  • A bug causing the farming tracker to incorrectly track the Catherby patches has been fixed.
  • Examining large stacks of items now shows digit group separators.
  • The inventory viewer now has a configurable hotkey to toggle the overlay.
  • A Use swap has been added for grimy herbs.
  • The chat filter plugin can now additionally filter game and spam messages.


- Adam

We had 12 contributors this release!

Adam (16):
      containable frame: assume jdk 12/13/14 do not have fix for JDK-8231564
      overlay renderer: use isKeyPressed instead of tracking shift key state
      raid plugin: simplify timer infobox logic by overriding render
      gpu: don't interpolate texture ids
      overlay renderer: don't allow moving dynamic or tooltip overlays
      infobox: add support for multiple infobox groups
      loot tracker: fix tracking grubby chest
      slayer plugin: simplify a few regex patterns
      gpu: use noperspective for hsl interpolation
      loottracker: submit loot when not logged in
      config: Add infobox component outline option
      key manager: move key event logging to trace level
      item charges: fix resetting dodgy necklace, ring of forging, and amulet of chemistry
      examine plugin: format quantity of large item stacks
      gpu: dispose of graphics objects
      ground markers: add tile labels

Eric Pratt (1):
      devtools: add movement flags

Jack Hodkinson (1):
      Sort plugin search results with closer test matches higher (#12432)

Jacob Mischka (1):
      Fix screenshot with hidpi scaling with GPU plugin

Jordan Atwood (4):
      banktags: Don't lose scroll position when hiding separators
      Move Experience tests to proper test class
      KeyManager: Add debug logging
      util: Remove unused and unneeded methods

Matthew C (5):
      cannon: sort spots alphabetically
      cannon: update mammoth cannon spot
      timers: add world placed to cannon timer tooltip
      inventoryviewer: Add a keybind toggle to hide the overlay.
      runecraft: cleanup, refactor AbyssRifts, updateRifts()

Max Weber (1):
      timetracking: correctly bound Catherby patches

Michal Zielinski (1):
      menu entry swapper: add clean swap

Runemoro (1):
      gpu: replace toScreen function with a projection matrix

Sean Patiag (1):
      chatfilter: Add option to filter game chat

SirGirion (1):
      loot tracker: add bird houses

leejt (1):
      Add crowdsourcing plugin 1.6.26 & 1.6.27 Release Website time tracking and improved item outlines 2020-09-23T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

You can now view your Time Tracker plugin progress on the website when you are logged in to your RuneLite account for easy checking on the go!

Website time tracker for fruit trees Website time tracker for birdhouses

Item outlines like those seen when using the Inventory Tags plugin have been updated to draw more accurate borders around the outlined items.

Before After
Item outlines prior to release 1.6.27 Item outlines after release 1.6.27

Several bugs preventing RuneLite from maximizing correctly on hidpi or scaled displays have been fixed, and there will be an upcoming launcher release to fix the remaining known issues, which are related to multiple displays with mixed hidpi/scaling settings.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Load times with the GPU plugin enabled have been slightly improved
  • A "Plugin Hub" search suggestion has been added to the plugin list panel to help identify plugins added via the hub
  • The Mining plugin now tracks dense essence mining and shows the proper mining status while mining at Motherlode mine and while mining amethyst
  • The Motherlode Mine plugin shows the proper mining status while mining with a 3rd Age pickaxe
  • The Discord plugin now recognizes many more areas such as the Farming Guild, runecrafting altars, Morytania, and more
  • The Clue Scroll plugin correctly indicates that items protected with a Trouver parchment are eligible for emote clues
  • Blisterwood logs, Hallowed Sepulchre floors, and the Carpenter's outfit set bonus have been added to the Skill Calculator plugin
  • You can now toggle the Dark energy core highlight in the Corporeal Beast plugin
  • The new Gu'Tanoth agility shortcut is now highlighted with the Agility plugin
  • Houses decorated with the Twisted League or Hosidius themes now have their own skybox colors
  • The Abyssal Sire stun timer shows up correctly again
  • The Inferno's time tracker is now adjusted by 6 seconds to be in line with the ingame timer


- Jordan

New commits

We had 17 contributors this release!

Adam (13):
      scripts: fix privateMessage message skipping
      core overlay: cleanup
      timers: consolidate teleblock timers
      ge: include username in machine hash
      mining plugin: track dense essence mining
      item manager: fix item outlines to more accurately fit model
      ui: fix frame maximized bounds with dpi scaling
      disassembler: escape string operands
      containableframe: fix parsing Oracle Java 8 version string
      scene uploder: remove unnecessary reset
      gpu: optimize ensureCapacity()
      scene uploader: inline pushFace() into uploadModel()
      scene uploader: add stopwatch

Broooklyn (8):
      clues: Fix Watchtower master emote step coordinates (#12429)
      quest: add A Porcine of Interest and Daddy's Home to quest enum
      worldmap: add A Porcine of Interest quest start location
      worldmap: add Sourhog Cave dungeon location
      discord: update config names and descriptions
      discord: add Region AreaType
      discord: add additional mapped regions
      discord: fix Barbarian Assault regions

David (1):
      menuentryswapper: Add Island of Stone quick travel (#12422)

Doron Galambos (3):
      clues: Update Ardougne cryptic clue (#12520)
      clues: Update Falador cryptic clue (#12519)
      game: Add Gu'Tanoth crumbling wall agility shortcut (#12506)

Hydrox6 (2):
      Pickaxe: add overhead mining animations (#12509)
      motherlode: add 3a pickaxe

Illya Myshakov (1):
      skillcalc: Add Blisterwood Logs firemaking and woodcutting calc (#12456)

Jordan Atwood (2):
      HotColdLocation: Center some location spots
      EmoteClue: Fix Infernal max cape item ID

MarbleTurtle (1):
      clues: Support items locked with Trouver parchment

Matt Davenport (1):
      cluescrolls: add fairy ring codes to emote clues

Matthew C (4):
      timers: Add Mage Arena 2 teleblock timers
      corp: Add toggle for dark energy core highlighting (#12462)
      slayer: Sort Task enum alphabetically
      slayer: Add black knights and pirates

Max Weber (3):
      runelite-client: remove removed items
      config: implicitly tag all hub plugins as pluginhub
      skybox: include twisted league and hosidius POH themes

Michael Archer (1):
      timers: Update stunned Abyssal Sire ID (#12410)

Sean Patiag (1):
      achievementdiary: Fix Western Provinces quest requirement

Tomas Slusny (1):
      Merge UntradeableItemMapping and ItemMapping

arthur798 (2):
      skillcalculator: Add Carpenter's outfit set bonus (#12412)
      skillcalculator: Add Hallowed sepulchre floors to agility calculator (#12414)

data-dependent (1):
      mining: Fix gem rock respawn time (#12481)

jcwhisman (2):
      ElapsedTimer: Display time in mm:ss format
      timers: Fix inferno timer starting time 1.6.24 & 1.6.25 Release Zalcano plugin, inventory tag underlines, GPU anisotropic filtering, potion duration tooltips, and mining session overlay 2020-08-26T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

We have added a Zalcano plugin which offers several useful arrow highlights and overlays. Thanks to @Hexagon for this contribution!

Weakened Zalcano with a hint arrow above her

The Inventory Tags plugin can now draw an underline as a more subtle option for your tagged items. Thanks to @jualkaup for this feature.

Inventory tag underlines

We have added an anisotropic filtering setting to the GPU plugin that makes textures appear smoother and have fewer "jagged" and sharp pixels, especially when zoomed out, as shown in the comparison table below. Thanks to @pacf531 and @Toocanzs for making this feature happen.

GPU anisotropic filtering enabled GPU anisotropic filtering disabled
GPU plugin with anisotropic filtering enabled GPU plugin with anisotropic filtering disabled

The Item Stats plugin now displays a tooltip for duration effects granted by antipoison potions, anti-fire potions, and the like. Thanks to @MMagicala for this enhancement.

Potion duration tooltips

The Mining plugin now displays a session overlay that counts ores mined per hour and throughout the session, along with an indicator of whether you are currently mining. Thanks to @JZomerlei for this addition.

Mining session overlay while actively mining Mining session overlay when not actively mining

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The Timers plugin now shows an infobox with your elapsed Fight Cave or Inferno time
  • Interacting with Bank Tag tabs no longer clears your active bank search
  • The Inventory Grid plugin now operates while viewing your bank
  • An issue causing Discord party invites to fail has been fixed
  • Tooltip labels have been added to clue scroll and minigame entries in the HiScore plugin
  • The Agility plugin now estimates your laps per hour more accurately
  • Some Godwars Dungeon obstacles and the Prifddinas portals are now highlighted properly by the Agility plugin
  • The Clue Scroll plugin now shows a location description for map clues
  • The Cannon plugin now suggests a spot for Bloodvelds in the Meiyerditch Laboratories
  • You can now look up your Nightmare kill count with the Chat Commands plugin using the nm, tnm, and nmare abbreviations
  • Teleport tablets are now labeled by the Item Identification plugin
  • The Nightmare Zone plugin can now send notifications prior to your overload boosts expiring
  • A bug which could cause flash notifications to become stuck has been fixed
  • The Menu Entry Swapper plugin now swaps the "Collect" option on Advisor Ghrim, the various quick-travel menu entries on Rellekka NPCs, and prefers the "Last-destination" option when using the Zanaris fairy ring
  • The Cooking plugin now updates its session counter when drying sinew
  • The Prayer plugin now shows a sensible duration text for durations greater than 1 hour
  • Iorwerth Warriors are now understood to be elves by the Slayer plugin
  • XD and pleading emojis have been added to the Emojis plugin with the Xd and (n_n) triggers, respectively
  • Vyres have been added to the Thieving skill calculator
  • A bug where Chambers of Xeric personal best times were not recorded for certain team sizes has been fixed
  • The World Map plugin no longer shows a misplaced quest icon for the Misthalin Mystery quest
  • Bird nests and the opening of grubby, stone, Dorgesh-Kaan, and H.A.M. chests are now tracked by the Loot Tracker plugin


- Jordan

New commits

We had 32 contributors this release!

Adam (26):
      tagtabs: split tag search from bank search
      tagtabs: close tab when clicking on main bank tab
      tagtabs: show tab separators in tag tabs
      tagtabs: fix clearing bank search when opening tags
      clientui: reset frame position in safe mode
      clientui: use contains instead of intersects for screen bounds checking
      inventory-grid: show grid when viewing bank
      mouse highlight: fix interface tooltips option
      menu swapper: update jewellery box clan wars swap to ferox enclave
      item stats: add duration tooltips to potions
      api: add GraphicsObject finished()
      slayer plugin: support new Turael task completion message
      mining plugin: rename MiningOverlay to MiningRocksOverlay
      mining plugin: add session stats
      loot tracker service: use bigint for kill id
      gpu plugin: initialize aa fbo handles
      xp globes: fix timing out xp globes after no xp is gained
      timers plugin: add fight cave and inferno timers
      xp globes: remove double globeCache index
      http-service: increase loot tracker retention to 90 days
      discord: remove DiscordReplyType
      discord: add logging to Discord rpc callbacks
      party service: prioritize user join handler over plugins
      hiscore panel: fix lookup to run on edt
      hiscore panel: add names to skill label tooltips
      Add Leagues hiscores and update icons for Trailblazer League

Arman Rafian (1):
      agility: Improve laps per hour calculation accuracy (#12246)

Blackberry0Pie (1):
      fairyring: Add Falo the bard tag to Sinclair Mansion fairy ring (#12030)

Broooklyn (11):
      agility: fix Sara GWD obstacle highlights
      agility: add GWD crack obstacle highlight
      clues: fix apostrophe positioning for Seers' Village
      clues: add descriptions for MapClues
      clues: update BeginnerMapClue to use MapClue description constants
      cannon: Add Meiyerditch Laboratory Bloodveld cannon spot (#12078)
      discord: Add castle wars underground region ID (#12075)
      agility: Fix prif portal highlighting
      clue: Fix K'ril's chamber master clue step plane
      chat commands: add Nightmare abbreviations
      Item identification: add tablets

Chris Janusiewicz (1):
      nmz plugin: add option to send overload notification prior to expire

Cyborger1 (1):
      farming: Improve names of Poison ivy and Dwarf weed patches (#12134)

Derek Lopes (1):
      Notifier: Disable flash notification when off is selected to prevent stuck flash state

Erik Humphrey (1):
      clues: Fix 'Headbang at the exam centre' clue text (#12297)

Henry Darnell (1):
      Update deprecated/default Travis configs (#10880)

Hexagon (1):
      client: add zalcano plugin

Hydrox (1):
      loottrackerclient: log when submitting loot isn't successful

Hydrox6 (1):
      mousehighlight: make "drop" not show when interface tooltips are off

JZomerlei (1):
      achivement dairy plugin: Add satisfiesRequirement to Requirement (#12265)

Jonathan Charles (1):
      menu swapper: add Advisor Ghrim collect swap

Jordan Atwood (6):
      OverlayRenderer: Fix overlay resizing logic
      HotColdLocation: Center some location spots
      slayer: Fix slaughter bracelet proc text
      HotColdLocation: Fix Mos Le'Harmless southern bar spot
      menuentryswapper: Prefer last-destination on Zanaris fairy ring
      ItemIdentification: Fix target teleport definition

Jussi Kauppinen (2):
      cooking: Add support for drying sinew (#12184)
      inventory-tags: add underline as display option

LA (1):
      screenshot: Capture Barbarian Assault high gamble screenshots (#12071)

Landy Chan (1):
      prayer plugin: fix time remaining text when greater than 1 hour

LazyScaper (2):
      worldmap: Fix Misthalin mystery quest icon position (#12273)
      skill calc: add Vyres to thieving calc

MarbleTurtle (2):
      EmoteClue: Change location from Digsite to Exam Centre
      SkillChallengeClue: Update dragonhide clue text (#12217)

Meeran (2):
      ItemMapping: Add Bryophyta's staff (#12286)
      ItemMapping: Add Ring of endurance

OneProGoober (1):
      emoji: Add XD and pleading emojis (#12203)

RansomTime (1):
      task: add Iorweth Warriors to list of targets for elves

SirGirion (1):
      loottracker: Add bird nest loot tracking (#12237)

TheStonedTurtle (1):
      Dev Tools - Add Inventory Inspector

Toocanzs (1):
      gpu: add anisotropic filtering

XrioBtw (1):
      PrayerType: Fix BURST_OF_STRENGTH description typo (#12138)

honeyhoney (3):
      menuentryswapper: Add Rellekka quick travel NPCs (#12333)
      bank: Fix NPE in PostScriptFired subscriber (#12342)
      WorldMapOverlay: Adjust tooltip text position to match vanilla tooltips (#12380)

kjartantr (1):
      SlayerUnlock: Update varbits enum (#12214)

leejt (2):
      loot tracker: track grubby, stone, Dorgesh-Kaan and HAM chests
      loot tracker: add metadata field to loot record

melkypie (1):
      chatcommands: make cox pb account for 11-15 and 16-23 team sizes

trimbe (2):
      bank tags: update detection of active tab for separator removal
      bank tags: invoke only the scrollbar update after removing separators 1.6.23 Release Remove bank tag tab separators, show bank search value 2020-07-23T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

The bank tab separators shown when opening a bank tag tab can now be hidden to display that tag's items similarly to a normal bank tab. Thanks to @trimbe for this feature.

Additionally, when viewing a tag tab or searching in the bank, the bank plugin will display the price of the displayed items.

A bank tag tab shown with no tab separators, and displaying the value of its contained items in the header

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:


- Jordan

New commits

We had 11 contributors this release!

Adam (6):
      xpdrops: fix recoloring xpdrops with hide skill icons on
      Revert "xpdrops: fix recoloring xpdrops with hide skill icons on"
      dps counter: update boss list
      api: add size() to itemcontainer
      bank plugin: show bank value during searches
      banktags: fix resetting active tab when editing tags

Alowan (1):
      SpriteID: Fix UNKNOWN_STANCE_ICON_2 ID (#12202)

Arman Rafian (1):
      cannon: Add common wilderness cannon spots (#12132)

Broooklyn (2):
      slayer: Add missing task locations (#12099)
      clues: Fix Champions' guild beginner clue description (#12140)

Cyborger1 (1):
      itemstats: check for two handed interactions (#12168)

Jordan Atwood (1):
      EmoteClue: Specify uncharged glory amulet when needed

MarbleTurtle (1):
      FaloTheBardClue: Add Avernic to defender step (#12172)

Sean Dewar (1):
      WidgetOverlay: Make hallowed sepulchre timer moveable (#12200)

Snowflak3 (1):
      notifier: make flash color configurable

ThatGamerBlue (1):
      xpdrop: fix recoloring xp drops with hide skill icons enabled

trimbe (2):
      banktags: Remove tab separators from tag tabs
      banktags: Add tag tab drag blocking 1.6.22 Release NPC Indicators tag-all, slayer multikill tracking support 2020-07-16T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

A Tag-All menu option has been added to the NPC Indicators plugin, letting you easily tag all monsters of a given name. Thanks to @zeffirojoe for this addition

NPC Indicators Tag-All menu option NPC Indicators Untag-All menu option

When killing monsters using a multi-hit attack, such as an Ancient burst or barrage or chinchompas, the Slayer plugin will now accurately track your task progress even when multiple monsters are killed in a single attack.

Nechryaels being killed by a player using an Ancient barrage spell

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • You can now use partially transparent colors for your NPC Indicators
  • The ingame boss HP bar added for Chambers of Xeric bosses is now moveable
  • Chat Notifications now only send notifications when your name is mentioned in a player message. No more notification spam from boss kill messages!
  • Some Meiyerditch wall obstacles that were previously missing are now highlighted by the Agility plugin
  • Plugins with key remaps no longer interfere with input on the login authenticator screen
  • The Grand Exchange plugin's offer panels now open the item's Grand Exchange page when clicked
  • You can use the !kc aa and !kc ape atoll abbreviated chat commands to check your Ape Atoll Agility course lap count
  • You can now toggle visibility of Hallowed Sepulchre skill challenge clickboxes in the Agility plugin
  • You can now toggle the plugin panel when on the login screen
  • The Random Events plugin can now notify you when receiving Dr. Jekyll, Beekeeper, and Sandwich Lady events
  • Your configured overlay background color now draws tooltips with the same color background
  • The Loot Tracker plugin can now send a chat message with your Theatre of Blood chest loot value. Additionally, the Chambers of Xeric chest loot value message functionality has moved to the Loot Tracker plugin


- Jordan

New commits

We had 15 contributors this release!

Adam (26):
      overlay renderer: avoid unnecessary cursor reset on key release or focus lost
      menu swapper: fix toggling customizable shift-click option
      menu swapper: don't apply item menu swaps when shift is held
      api: add isKeyPressed
      client: update to use isKeyPressed
      api: add high alch price to item composition
      client: use item composition high alch price
      examine plugin: fix overflow in computing alch price
      client: use guice provided http client everywhere
      client: add --insecure-skip-tls-verification option
      api: add VarbitComposition, config index, and index fileids
      var inspector: optimize var checking
      npc indicators: fix tag/untag option name selection logic
      api: add ActorDeath event, remove PlayerDeath
      plugins: update to use ActorDeath
      slayer plugin: better support multikills
      infobox manager: keep infoboxes in order of insertion
      plugin manager: remove extra injectMembers() call
      player composition: add isFemale
      config: minor plugin panel cleanup
      xpdrop plugin: use script events instead of widget hidden
      xpdrops: reset xpdrop color on wrong prayer
      xpdrops: fix recoloring xpdrops when prayer is flicked on the previous tick
      xpdrops: fix hide skill icons
      clues: correct spelling of Burthorpe
      inventoryid: add trade inventories

Broooklyn (11):
      menuentryswapper: Fix claim slime swap
      chatnotifications: Only notify on name in player messages (#11874)
      SkillChallengeClue: Add Varrock armour 4 to prospector outfit (#12024)
      discord: Fix Hosidius/Tithe Farm regionIDs
      agility: add missing Meiyerditch obstacle highlights
      discord: Fix Prifddinas area region IDs (#12059)
      ItemChargeConfig: Improve grammar and wording (#11881)
      chat commands: add ape atoll agility to longBossName
      chatfilter: Add config section for filter lists (#11900)
      agility: Add config for Sepulchre obstacles and skill obstacles
      agility: Add Hallowed Sepulchre config section

CopyPastaOSRS (1):
      WidgetOverlay: Make encounter health bar moveable (#11938)

Cyborger1 (1):
      notifier: make flash cancelling more responsive

Henry Darnell (1):
      ThinProgressBar: Further darken background color (#11916)

Joe Zeffiro (2):
      npc indicators: add (un)tag-all option
      KeyManager: Block remaps on authenticator game state

Jordan Atwood (8):
      slayer: Update initial amount if current amount is higher
      ClientUI: Fix panel toggle after closing with click
      bank plugin: Remove ContainerCalculation class
      widgets: Fix resizable minimap container ID
      AnagramClue: Fix Cam the Camel elite step text
      keyremapping: Remove vestigial LOGIN_SCREEN guard clause
      KeyListener: Add isEnabledOnLoginScreen() method
      xpdrops: Fix white xp drop text recolors

MMagicala (1):
      skillcalculator: Fix Maple longbow (u) xp (#12064)

Max Weber (8):
      ClientUI: Allow hotkey plugin panel toggles on login screen
      runelite-client: remove removed scripts
      npchighlight: Allow transparency on npc colors
      runelite-client: avoid Widget::getDynamicChildren where trivial
      npchighlight: factor out npc name tag checking
      npchighlight: don't unhighlight name tagged npcs if unindex-tagging them
      npchighlight: Don't iterate npcs off the client thread
      rl-client: Prevent chat inputs from taking keys from the worldmap search

Paulo Cabral Sanz (1):
      Add Nullable decorator to widget getter api

Sam Rosenthal (1):
      EmoteClue: Support infernal and crystal axes for enchanted valley clue step (#11934)

Shawn Shadrix (2):
      randomevents: Cleanup and alphabetize code
      randomevents: Add missing events

Su-Shing Chen (1):
      ge plugin: add GE links to the offers panel

Trevor (2):
      cache: add default values to HealthBarDefinition
      raid plugin: add raid scouted/reset events

melkypie (3):
      tooltips: make overlay color background option affect tooltips
      loot tracker: move cox loot value message from raids to loot tracker
      loot tracker: add ability to have end of raid tob chest loot value in a chatmessage 1.6.21 Release Pyramid Plunder plugin, Ground Items text outlines, NPC Indicator highlight style toggles 2020-06-25T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

We've added a Pyramid Plunder plugin which can hide the vanilla timer display and substitute it with an accurate timer infobox. Additionally, it can highlight the spear traps, unopened doors, unopened urns, chests, and sarcophagi. Thanks to @Mitchell-Kovacs for this addition!

Pyramid Plunder plugin

The Ground Items plugin plugin can now draw an outline around ground item text instead of a simple shadow.

Ground Items overlay with outlined text

You can now toggle multiple overlay styles for the NPC Indicators plugin to show any combination of NPC location, southwest tile, and hull. Thanks to @haakonrp for this feature.

NPC Indicator overlay toggles

With the update to the game's death mechanics, the Items Kept on Death and Death Indicator plugins are no longer needed and have been removed from the client.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The XP Tracker plugin has an option to move skills with most recent XP gains to the top of the list
  • The client now remembers when your sidebar is hidden across client restarts
  • Your selected bank tag tab is now saved and remembered when opening the bank equipment interface
  • The Anti Drag plugin now prevents dragging in your inventory when the bank interface is open
  • The Friends Chat plugin has an option to configure the duration that join and leave messages remain in chat
  • A Tan-all swap has been added to the Menu Entry Swapper plugin
  • Drakan's medallion teleport locations have been added to the World Map plugin
  • The Discord plugin now shows when you are in the Hallowed Sepulchre
  • A toggle to hide tooltips in the spellbook has been added to the Mouse Tooltips plugin
  • You can toggle the Daeyalt essence experience bonus in the runecrafting Skill Calculator
  • Timers have been added to the Mining plugin for Daeyalt essence rocks
  • The Chat Commands plugin can now track personal best times for Chambers of Xeric teams of 24+ players and updates its values for personal best times from previous PB times


- Jordan

New commits

We had 18 contributors this release!

Adam (10):
      client: correct spelling of taverley
      client: fetch jav_config over https
      screenmarkers: cleanup widget marker overlay bounds logic
      textcomponent: add option to outline text
      grounditems: add option to outline text
      menu swapper: clean up swap logic
      menu swapper: add tan all swap
      client: remove itemskeptondeath plugin
      chat commands: name pb matcher groups
      client: remove death indicator plugin

Broooklyn (2):
      FriendsChatConfig: Fix config grammar
      agility: Fix config order

Hydrox6 (1):
      clues: add mention that nechryael has to be in the slayer tower

Håkon Paulsen (1):
      npc indicators: allow combination of higlight styles

Jacob Scanlon (1):
      friends chat plugin: add configuration for join/leave timeout

Jordan Atwood (5):
      worldmap: Add Drakan's medallion teleport locations
      worldmap: Add Daeyalt essence mine tooltip
      SkillChallengeClue: Fix "Mine a mithril ore" step
      discord: Add Darkmeyer and Hallowed Sepulchre minigame
      menuentryswapper: Fix birdhouse swap

Joseph Zeffiro (1):
      mousehighlight: Add toggle to hide spellbook tooltips (#11924)

MMagicala (3):
      antidrag: add antidrag to inventory when bank interface is open
      xp tracker: add option to sort skills by most recently gained xp
      item charges: Fix Amulet of Chemistry charges for low-dose potions (#11825)

Max Weber (1):
      chatcommands: don't throw every tick if the player has opened a scroll

Mitchell Kovacs (1):
      Add Pyramid Plunder plugin

Oliver Payne (1):
      CoordinateClue: Improve Ice Mountain clue location description (#11907)

TheStonedTurtle (1):
      skillcalc: Add Daeyalt essence bonus (#11839)

Tim Hinz (1):
      mining: Add Daeyalt essence timers

Trevor (1):
      cache: add healthbar dumper

Xortrox (1):
      clientui: remember sidebar state across restarts

johannfrias (1):
      banktags: Save last opened tab when opening worn items (#11660)

leejt (1):
      loottracker: add standard Casket

melkypie (2):
      chatcommands: fix cox pb tracking for 24+ players team size
      chatcommands: allow cox pb to look at previous pb times from jagex 1.6.20 Release Hallowed Sepulchre loot tracking and chat commands and infobox menu options 2020-06-18T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

We've added support for tracking collected loot as well as completion counts and personal bests in the Hallowed Sepulchre. Use the !kc hs and !pb hs chat commands to see this information. You can even get information for specific floors by adding the floor number, like !pb hs 5.

Hallowed Sepulchre loot tracking
Hallowed Sepulchre chat commands

We've added support for adding menu options to infoboxes! Now if you have the "Death Infobox" option enabled in the Death Indicator plugin, you can right-click the infobox (may require Shift depending on your RuneLite settings) to clear it if you do not wish to revisit it.

Infobox menu options

In advance of Old School RuneScape's clan system feature we have renamed the Clan Chat plugin to the Friends Chat plugin and similarly renamed all other option names in the same way. This renaming will not affect your settings.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The client now remembers its screen position when moved across multiple monitors
  • The Agility plugin correctly applies your selected sepulchre overlay color to the arrows and swords found there
  • The Timers plugin's stamina timers learned how the timer is affected when using the Ring of endurance
  • You may now hide the farming contract infobox in the Time Tracking plugin
  • The Drift Net plugin has better detection for fish shaols becoming untagged next to inactive nets and can highlight Annette when you run out of drift nets in your inventory
  • The Player-owned House plugin now correctly draws a minimap icon over Occult Altars
  • The Clue Scroll plugin has learned the location of an added hot-cold clue step found in Darkmeyer
  • The Slayer plugin can now update your task information when speaking to your slayer master via the slayer gem dialog
  • Some tooltip spelling mistakes have been corrected in the World Map plugin
  • Baby dragons are now highlighted by the Slayer plugin when on a dragon task


- Jordan

New commits

We had 13 contributors this release!

Adam (15):
      pom: update discord to 1.2
      ge plugin: fix adding limit reset timer multiple times
      agility overlay: correctly use sepulchre overlay color
      Rename clan chat to friends chat
      chat commands: add hallowed sepulchre pb
      chat commands: add hallowed sepulchre kc
      timers plugin: add support for ring of endurance to stam timer
      config: increase config cache to 256
      cannon plugin: move spot scene check to game state change event
      timetracking: add option to hide farm contract infobox
      runelite: add startup log with versions and arguments
      client: add safemode flag to disable gpu plugin and externals
      overlay: optimize some menu handling code
      client: add support for menu options on infoboxes
      death indicator: add clear option to infobox

Bart Peeters (2):
      driftnet: Hightlight Annette when no nets in inventory
      driftnet: Improve fish shoal highlighting

Broooklyn (1):
      poh: Fix Altar of the Occult ID

Jordan Atwood (2):
      HotColdLocation: Add new Darkmeyer master step
      HotColdLocation: Center some location spots

JorgeVidal29 (1):
      CoordinateClue: Note 76 Agility requirement for BJS fairy ring (#11899)

Max Weber (2):
      rl-api: import (idle)?PoseAnimation
      devtools: Show actor pose animation

PresNL (1):
      slayer: Parse task information from gem activate chat (#11866)

Spedwards (1):
      clientui: respect multiple displays when saving/loading client position

Steven Goodman (1):
      chatfilter: fix formatted messages not being collapsed

leejt (2):
      LootTracker: track ground items in addition to inventory
      LootTracker: track shade chest loot

melkypie (2):
      client: fix infernal eel, karambwan and karambwanji fishing spot enum world map tooltips
      worldmap: fix spelling mistake in mor ul rek

plondrein (3):
      slayer: Highlight baby dragons on task
      skillcalculator: Add sq'irk fruits to farming calculator
      skillcalculator: Add POH garden plants to farming calculator

whaevr (1):
      loot tracker: add coffins from Hallowed Sepulchre 1.6.18 & 1.6.19 Releases Config panel enhancements, XP Tracker drag-and-drop reordering, Farming contract indicators 2020-06-12T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

We've added a number of enhancements to our config panel! Busy settings panels populated with many options now have their options split into sections which can be expanded or contracted so you can quickly find the options you're looking for. Individual settings can also be reset to their default values by clicking on their labels and selecting the "Reset" menu option.

Config panel sections, resetting individual options

Additionally, you can click the dropdown button of the config panel search bar to see a list of common plugin categories to search.

Config tag categories dropdown

The XP Tracker plugin now supports drag and drop reordering in the panel so you can reorder your skills to your liking. Thanks to @Shingyx for this great enhancement.

XP tracker drag-and-drop reordering

The Time Tracking plugin now displays a farming contract indicator next whatever crop is currently assigned as your farming contract, and can show an infobox with the crop name and state. Thanks to @melkypie for this feature.

Farming time tracking contract indicator

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The Darkmeyer login screen has been added to the login screen plugin
  • RuneLite settings has a new option to change the window transparency
  • A gorilla emoji has been added to the Emoji plugin
  • Arceuus teleport portals in the POH now display portal icons using the POH plugin
  • The NPC Indicators plugin can now prevent highlighting dead NPCs and can set a custom color to dead NPCs' menu entries
  • The Agility plugin now highlights Sepulchre stairs and platforms, and has an option to also highlight swords and arrows
  • A number of clues have been given improved hints to better display the target location
  • The slayer plugin no longer forgets your points and streak when you have no current task
  • The Chat Notifications plugin can now send notifications when receiving broadcast messages
  • Quests with non-uniform completion dialogs now capture screenshots with proper file names
  • Removing favorite worlds in the world hopper panel no longer prevents you from removing other favorited worlds
  • The individual group loot tracker view now shows the correct total loot value
  • A bug causing the loottracker to sometimes log Chambers of Xeric loot multiple times has been fixed
  • Ground Item notifications no longer display the item quantity twice
  • Fix the Grand Exchange search panel from breaking when the search dialog is cleared


- Jordan

New commits

We had 30 contributors this release!

Adam (27):
      plugin manager: chain child injectors for plugin dependencies
      plugin manager: don't search child injector bindings for configs
      hooks: remove remaining static callbacks
      http-api: use separate class for ge trade history
      ge plugin: submit trades even when not logged in
      ge plugin: submit partially completed trades
      ge controller: publish trade data to redis
      ge plugin: include world type in trades
      ge controller: add total to trade message
      ge plugin: null client session id on session close
      ge: submit spent price instead of computed per-item price
      ge plugin: include if trade is synced on login
      ge: include slot id
      ge: include both delta qty and qty
      ge plugin: ignore offers being cleared on logout
      client: remove unnecessary annotation-providing dependencies from runtime classpath
      Revert "clanchat: Add player name to kick message (#11555)"
      npc indicators: rename highlight dead npcs to ignore dead npcs
      npc indicators: add option to highlight dead npc menu entries
      ge: fix computing bought/sold amount
      pom: set release 8 on jdk9+
      slayer plugin: fix points and streak being forgotten when restarted with no task
      api: add spawn time to tileitem
      agility plugin: highlight Sepulchre arrows and swords
      loottrackerpanel: use setComponentZOrder instead of remove+add
      config panel: add option to reset individual config options
      attack styles: fix npe when config values are unset

Adam Blaida (1):
      Update lumbridge guide's position for anagram clue

Aleksander Birkeland (1):
      ClientUI: Add support for changing window opacity.

Alfred Ababio (1):
      key remapper: don't consume keytype events when dialog is open

Blackberry0Pie (1):
      raids: Add "cox" to plugin tags (#11873)

Brandon Austin (1):
      metronome: Reset plugin state on shutDown (#11667)

Broooklyn (9):
      grounditems: Fix grammar in config descriptions (#11743)
      emoji: Add gorilla emoji (#11562)
      clues: Add missing Agility and Max cape IDs to skill challenge
      poh: Add portal icons for Arceuus teleports
      agility plugin: add reset option to overlay
      util: Add removeFormattingTags text function
      chatnotifications: Add notification for broadcast messages
      agility plugin: highlight platforms and stairs in Sepulchre
      RunecraftConfig: Add config section for `Show Blood Rift`

Crow (1):
      skillcalculator: Add divine potions to herblore calculator (#11676)

Damen (1):
      loot tracker: fix cox loot being double-counted after region load

Dominik (1):
      Add item mapping for twisted ancestral robes (#11761)

Hydrox (1):
      gpu: fix major visual glitches on linux (#11389)

Hydrox6 (7):
      Add all other pearl rod animations
      login screen: reset fire state when disabling the plugin
      login screen: add darkmeyer login screen
      clues: update ranging mix sherlock master challenge
      config: add support for sections
      add sections to various configs
      menu entry swapper: split hardwood grove into 2 options

Jacob Lindelof (1):
      antidrag: Add option to use CTRL to disable delay

Jesse Serrao (2):
      npc indicators: add option to not highlight dead npcs
      npchighlight: Recolor spell cast and "use item" menu entries (#11595)

Jordan Atwood (2):
      infoboxmanager: Test infoboxes with same plugin and priority
      ConfigPanel: Fix checkstyle violation

MarbleTurtle (2):
      clanchat: Add player name to kick message (#11555)
      CrypticClue: Improve various clue hints (#11852)

Max Weber (8):
      hiscore: modify the ui on the edt only
      IconTextField: add combobox-style suggestion dropdown
      config: add tag suggestions
      PluginManager: don't duplicate dependency plugins if they already exist
      worldmap: add Sins of the Father start location
      IconTextField: fire clear listener after text has been cleared
      cache: emit null npc ids
      rl-api/Widget: export animation and sprite tiling

Nathan Leba (1):
      worldhopper: Fix unfavorite removing all favorited worlds (#11739)

Rangvaldr (1):
      AgilityShortcut: Add Witchaven Dungeon agility shortcut (#11690)

SomeZer0 (1):
      boosts: Improve "Boost amount threshold" config description (#11744)

Su-Shing Chen (1):
      xptracker: Add drag and drop reordering for tracker panel bars (#4118)

TheStonedTurtle (4):
      item stats - Fix revitalisation potion prayer bonus
      item stats - Fix sanfew serum restore bonuses
      loot tracker - Fix total values when not grouping loot
      item stats overlay: limit bank widgets to item container

branisk (2):
      worldmap: Fix Kebos Lowlands mining site tooltip (#11748)
      timers: remove stamina timer upon entering the Gauntlet (#11742)

cyantheum (1):
      motherlode: Fix vein overlay not displaying on upper level (#11796)

emerald000 (1):
      worldmap: Fix Asgarnian Ice Dungeon spelling (#11864)

johannfrias (1):
      screenshot: fix quest screenshot naming method (#11580)

loldudester (1):
      antidrag: Enable shift-antidrag in PvP regardless of onShiftOnly config

melkypie (7):
      itemmanager: add worn items mapping for black graceful
      clues: account for blisterwood flail and black graceful
      itemskeptondeath: add dark squirrel to always lost items
      runenergy: add black graceful
      itemmappings: map blood fury to amulet of fury
      worldmap: add hallowed sepulchre to minigames
      timetracking: add farming contract functionality

oneilljos (1):
      grounditems: Remove duplicate item count in notifications (#10526)

while-loop (1):
      chat-history: fix plugin not clearing history 1.6.15, 1.6.16, and 1.6.17 Releases Configurable login screen background, screen markers widget snapping, duplicate chat folding, configurable overlay background color, and more 2020-05-28T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

The Login Screen plugin now supports changing the login screen background. Choose from any of Old School RuneScape's popular event or update backgrounds or create your own! (you can even use custom backgrounds which are not mirrored) Thanks to @Hydrox6 for adding this feature.

Configurable login screen background

When placing screen markers, you can now click an on-screen widget to automatically select its boundaries! (you can still click and drag to create a custom size marker) Thanks to @melkypie for this submission.

Screen marker widget wrapping

The Chat Filter plugin can now collapse duplicate chat messages. Thanks @CoreyForsyth for adding this enhancement.

Duplicate chat collapsing

Highlighted below are some features which we released in 1.6.15 and 1.6.16:

The Interface Styles plugin has gained a Menu Alpha option which lets you make your right-click menu background partially (or if you're feeling up to a challenge, fully) transparent. Thanks to @dekvall for this addition.

Transparent right-click menu background

We have changed the highlight and notify behavior of the Ground Items plugin. The Highlight > value option has been removed. Ground items now use the configured highlight color if they are highlighted, or use the appropriate tier value color otherwise. Additionally, a Notify >= Tier option has been added to help configure how valuable an item drop must be to trigger a notification. Thanks to @Hydrox6 for his care in building a flexible solution we hope all users will enjoy.

Ground Items notify on or above tier option

You can now customize the background color of overlays and infoboxes. Thanks to @TheStonedTurtle for this feature addition.

Configurable overlay color

The Clue Scroll plugin overlay now displays which enemy you will encounter. Thanks to @TrevorMartz for this addition.

Clue overlay enemy display

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:


- Jordan

New commits

We had 42 contributors these past releases!

Adam (15):
      loottracker: stack clue scrolls in the ui instead of at loot receive time
      npc indicators: verify compoistion id of tagged npcs
      client: add option to force client to front on notification
      Revert "npc indicators: verify compoistion id of tagged npcs"
      npc indicators: don't memorize npcs in instances
      attackstyles: use script event for hiding attack styltes
      minimap: use script event for hiding minimap
      ge plugin: add buy limit reset timer
      wintertodt plugin: add option to disable overlay
      keyremapping: use modified key map for mapping key release
      plugins: add Plugin::getName
      infobox manager: make threadsafe
      chathistory: small cleanups of clear history
      cache: diable some long-running tests
      api: finish some thoughts in callbacks javadoc

Alexsuperfly (2):
      loot tracker: use chest events for gauntlet loot
      screenshot plugin: add gauntlet loot screenshots

Anthony Alves (1):
      chat-history: add option to clear history for all chatbox tabs (#11543)

Austin Lee (1):
      Add gnome bench to construction skill calculator

Benjamin Stepp (1):
      itemmappings: adds nightmare staves

Broooklyn (3):
      cluescrolls: Update Iron Man Tutor cipher clue (#11593)
      loottracker: Improve ignored events config name and description (#11545)
      cluescrolls: Fix "jewellery" clue hint spelling (#11673)

Corey Forsyth (2):
      chatfilter: add collapse duplicate chat option
      chatfilter: add option to block repeated public messages

Damen (1):
      screenshot plugin: block untradeable drops within the Gauntlet

Daniel (1):
      item prices: always show tooltip when alching if option is enabled

Hydrox6 (7):
      ground items: move repeated notify code into notifyHighlightedItem
      ground items: remove Highlight > Value
      ground items: add Notify >= Tier
      clues: add brutal green dragon variant to cryptic clue
      gpu: add warning message to compute shaders option
      api: add support for setting login screen and fire rendering
      login screen: add custom login screen support

Jan-Willem de Bruyn (1):
      skillcalculator: Add clay crafting items (#11518)

Jesse Serrao (1):
      itemstats: Add bounty hunter blighted food/pots (#11550)

Jordan Atwood (5):
      HotColdLocation: Center some location spots
      loot tracker: Use "an" prefix for monster names starting with vowels
      examine: Move price lookups off executor
      itemmanager: Canonicalize price lookup item IDs
      client: Simplify ItemContainer usage

Kyle Shepherd (2):
      worldhopper: Change `showSidebar` option name to 'Show world switcher sidebar' (#11537)
      itemidentification: Change Combat Potion short name from 'D' to 'C' (#11566)

Lotto (1):
      player-indicators: don't decorate non-player custom menu options

Malfuryent (1):
      report button: add ability to switch between 24h and 12h clock

MarbleTurtle (1):
      chathistory: Fix copy to clipboard not appearing on friend messages (#11527)

Matthew Kramer (1):
      metronome: add independent volume configuration

Max Weber (3):
      npcunaggroarea: split color config depending on timer status
      ItemManager: only canonicalize notes
      HotkeyButton: allow binding the space key

Melky (2):
      agility plugin: add config for Prifddinas portal color
      screenmarker: add ability to put screen markers around widgets (#11552)

Mitchell Kovacs (1):
      menu swapper: add enter-corrupted gauntlet swap

Rachel M (1):
      screenshot: Add option to take screenshot on clan chat kick

Rangvaldr (1):
      discord: Update activity message while playing PVP or DMM (#11522)

RobertCurll (2):
      skillcalculator: Add comma separators to experience fields
      skillcalculator: Add needed experience tooltip

Ron Young (1):
      object indicators: fix NPE thrown on logging in on a marked object

ThePharros (2):
      item stats: Add Dragonfruit Pie
      itemcharges: Add Magic Essence and Super Strength potion doses (#11634)

TheStonedTurtle (2):
      loot tracker: Fix "Show each kill separately" view
      Make background color of panel components configurable (#11619)

Tim van Rossum (1):
      boosts: Add option to disable boost threshold notifications (#11668)

Tinus Flagstad (1):
      keyremapping: add option to remap space in dialog

Tomas Slusny (1):
      Use multiplicative color offsets for BackgroundComponent border (#11658)

Trevor (1):
      raid plugin: fix plugin not reseting when prescouting raids

Trevor martz (2):
      clue plugin: add enemy info to overlay
      cluescrolls: remove sara wizard from duel arena step (#11648)

Trey (2):
      cluescrolls: Add jungle traversing info to dragon's eye clue
      cluescrolls: Add Dragontooth Island travel info to clue

Vidyogamasta (1):
      loot tracker: float group to top of list when obtaining drop

bfmoatbio (2):
      Allow non-degraded barrows equipment for clue step
      menu manager: Remove bounty hunter emblem text from player name (#11541)

cscullen (1):
      loottracker: Add seed pack loot tracking

dekvall (1):
      interfacestyles: add support for menu alpha

geheur (1):
      menu swapper: add swaps for buy and sell

jesse1412 (1):
      tileindicators: Add server side current tile indicator

loldudester (3):
      client: Make toggle sidebar hotkey configurable
      client: Add configurable hotkey to toggle plugin panel
      keyremapping: Don't remap f-keys when the bank pin interface is open

melkypie (4):
      itemcharges: show potion doses
      report button: add clock tag
      chatcommands: fix chambers of xeric pb tracking
      chatcommands: add tob personal best tracking

trimbe (1):
      bank tags: clear remembered search when the active tag tab is clicked 1.6.14 Release MacOS GPU rasterizer and configurable XP tracker labels 2020-05-09T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

The GPU plugin now supports rasterization on MacOS! Users using Mac OSX should notice significant performance improvements with the GPU plugin on; we have seen 20+ FPS as well as lower CPU utilization. Due to limitations of OpenGL on MacOS the plugin does not offer extended draw distance at this time. We plan to continue development of the plugin to add extended draw distance support on MacOS in the future.

GPU enabled on MacOS

The XP Tracker plugin now allows customizing the labels on the tracker boxes both in the sidebar panel and on the ingame overlays. Additionally, the progress bar can be configured to show percentage to goal, or time to goal. Thanks to @while-loop for adding this enhancement!

Configurable XP tracker labels

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • We have removed the option to hide the NPC Aggression Timer plugin's overlay hint so it is clearer to users what must be done to get the plugin working
  • The Chambers of Xeric plugin now continues to scout unknown rooms when loading new areas
  • The Loot Tracker plugin can now hide unwanted loot events
  • You can now right-click chat messages to copy them to your clipboard using the Chat History plugin
  • Clue scrolls will now always stack when recorded in the Loot Tracker plugin
  • The World Map plugin has seen several additions, such as tooltips for dungeon names, hunter areas, fishing spots, and agility courses
  • Barbarian fish have been added to the agility skill calculator
  • The ending door of the penguin agility course is now highlighted via the Agility plugin
  • Teleblock timers are now correctly added when playing with the transparent chatbox enabled
  • The Loot Tracker plugin now has options to display chat messages after NPC and/or PVP kills
  • Some clue scroll locations and descriptions have been updated
  • A bug was fixed causing the ground items menu color to sometimes not match the overlay color
  • An acorn emoji has been added to the Emoji plugin
  • The Item Stats plugin has learned the correct healing amount for castle wars bandages while wearing the castle wars bracelet
  • New POH icons have been added for Weiss and Troll stronghold teleport portals


- Jordan

New commits

We had 23 contributors this release!

Adam (5):
      client: update to jogl 2.4.0-rc-20200429
      gpu: add support for osx
      travis: force tls 1.2
      loot tracker: cleanup clue scroll stacking and test
      key remapper: consume key typed events for remapped keys

Anthony Alves (4):
      xp-tracker: add configurable labels to XpInfoBox
      xp-tracker: add more configurable labels to canvas overlay
      xp-tracker: add option to show ttl or percentage til goal
      loot-tracker: make clue scroll drops stackable

Arman S (1):
      worldmap: Add dungeon names (#11419)

Atroxide (2):
      game: Center Fossil Island agility shortcut icons
      worldmap: Center Otto's Grotto tree icon

      skill calc: add barbarian fishing to agility skill calculator
      agility: highlight ending door of penguin agility course (#11478)

Dock (1):
      client session manager: fix shutdown race deleting a null session

Hydrox6 (1):
      Revert "npc aggro timer: Add option to hide hint overlay (#8610)"

Jordan Atwood (2):
      timers: Remove color matching for teleblock messages
      loottracker: Show chat message after NPC and PVP kills

Max Weber (3):
      rl-api, rl-client: Remove core logger
      runelite-client: Make RuneScape Bold actually Bold
      runelite-client: support warning field on external plugins

Nicholas Kimball (1):
      coordinateclue: Add information to hardwood grove clue (#11489)

Omar Khan (1):
      grandexchange: Improve geSearchMode description (#11474)

Rangvaldr (1):
      discord: Add missing Iorwerth Dungeon region (#11451)

Robert Nönnig (1):
      grounditems: update menu highlight logic to match overlay logic

Sam Rosenthal (2):
      clues: Add Viggora cryptic clue item requirement description
      ItemMapping: Add Blade of Saeldor (c)

TheStonedTurtle (3):
      loottracker - Reword syncPanel config description
      loot tracker - add ability to ignore loot events
      loot tracker - Fix ignoredItems config value ordering

Tomas Slusny (1):
      Add option to copy chat message contents to clipboard

Trevor (1):
      raids plugin: make scouter scout unknown rooms on new area loaded

ben (1):
      coordinateclue: Add missing Lithkren clue step (#11490)

dekvall (1):
      emojis: add acorn emoji

gfidder (1):
      worldmap: Fix Hosidius farming patch location

ivanfeli (1):
      item stats: Fix Castle Wars bracelet bandage heal amount

melkypie (6):
      worldmap: add hunter area tooltips
      client: move FishingSpot to
      fishing: add unmapped fishing spots
      worldmap: add fishing spot tooltips
      worldmap: add tooltips to agility courses
      worldmap: add the ability to indicate rooftop courses

raynerrebello (1):
      poh: Add new POH overlay icons for Weiss and Troll Stronghold portals (#11360) 1.6.12 & 1.6.13 Releases Deadman and poll 70 improvements 2020-05-01T10:00:00.000Z Adam

The 1.6.12 release that went out last week was forced due to the game update, but we did not have a blog post ready. This post covers both releases.

The Leagues hiscore lookup has been replaced now with the newly opened Deadman tournament, and the various lookup commands in game now recognize the Deadman tournament worlds and will look up the correct hiscores for them.


Divine Bastion and Battlemage potions have had timers added, and have been added to the items stats and item identification plugins.


If you use Windows or Linux and the GPU plugin does not work correctly for you, there is a new option in the GPU plugin you can disable called Compute Shaders which may help. This drops the minimum required OpenGL version to 4.0, and uses less GPU memory and compute, at the cost of being unable to extend the draw distance. Despite this limitation it still gives a noticible performance improvement and may be beneifical to users on older systems. Note that the option must be toggled off prior to the plugin starting to take effect.

Users using Mac OSX will be happy to know that progress has been made on an OSX GPU rasterizer that works as described above, due to the limited support of OpenGL on OSX, and that I expect to have it added to a release in the coming weeks.

The XP updater plugin can now send xp update requests to Wise Old Man, a new xp tracker created by @psikoi - who you may remember from the obsidian theme, and has been a contributor to this project for years. It is open source, which of course I value greatly, and recommend you check it out. Since CML has began running RWT ads, which I dislike directing traffic to, I have been looking at alternatives; another tracker we added a few months ago is TempleOSRS which has been gaining populartity, although not open source. Remember, sending xp update requests to any external services necessarily sends your IP address and your display name to that service.

A new bank tags section was added to the accounts page which shows your bank tags and the codes used to share them with other players.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The time tracking plugin timers now have an option to automatically loop
  • The idle notifier now works when enchanting bolts
  • Laps per hour has been added to the agility session overlay
  • Item stats now show on the in-bank equipment interface
  • Fix the chat notifier Highlight own name setting to correctly work with players who have spaces in their names
  • The world hopper quickhop feature now has an option to only hop to worlds in a specific region
  • The bank plugin now has an option to allow entering your bank pin with the keyboard


- Adam

New commits

We had 23 contributors this release!

15987632 (1):
      cache: add spotanim dump test

Aaron King (1):
      item stats: add the in-bank equipment interface

Adam (21):
      Revert "Mock ConfigManager in ItemStatOverlayTest to inject TooltipManager"
      Revert "Reset repositioned tooltip overlays"
      api: add key script event fields
      api: add widget getOnOpListener
      bank plugin: add option to input bankpin with keyboard
      gpu: fix one-off in model buffer selection
      gpu: add a couple missing Override annotations
      gpu plugin: remove unnecessary buffer check
      hsl_to_rgb: remove unnecessary check for rgb 0
      gpu: small refactor of compute shaders
      api: add drawFace callback
      gpu: add option to disable compute shaders
      api: add useful utility methods to itemcontainer
      client: update itemcontainer api usage
      runelite: log startup failures as errors
      combat level plugin: use script events for attack level range hook
      timers: add divine bastion and battlemage potions
      itemstats: add divine bastion and battlemage potions
      item identification: add divine bastion and battlemage potions
      chat notifier: fix highlight own name matching player names with spaces
      Add dmmt world type and tournament hiscore endpoint

Daniel (2):
      chatboxtextinput: conditionally close input from ondone callback
      questlist, music, fairyring: don't close filter when pressing enter

Dennis (1):
      ge plugin: fix fuzzy search highlighting

Flightkick (1):
      Properly address Grand Exchange price as 'GE' instead of 'EX' (#11317)

Hydrox6 (5):
      fishing & idle notifer: add pearl rod animations
      fishing & idle notifer: add oily pearl rod animations
      antidrag: fix onShiftOnly not being respected when opening the bank
      idle notifier: add support for enchanting bolts
      api: correct pearl fly fishing and barbarian rod animations

Håkon Rosseland Paulsen (1):
      menu entry swapper: fix shift click for deposit box

Lotto (1):
      player-indicators: fix right-click menu targets expanding forever

Max Weber (3):
      interfacestyles: update widget bounds before every render
      WidgetOverlay: remove bounty hunter info widget
      rl-api, rl-client: rename getHealth to getHealthScale

Mitchell Kovacs (1):
      timers plugin: add option to loop timers

Petter Sæther Moen (1):
      agility plugin: add laps per hour to lap counter overlay

Psikoi (2):
      Refactor xp updater requests to use generic request sender method
      Add Wise Old Man to XP Updater plugin

RansomTime (1):
      cluescrolls: Clarify West Ardougne Church clue location (#11238)

Ron Young (3):
      revert banktags: move new tagtab button to the bottom of the list 358703f30719b6785078dc827db42b937dbc7902
      widgets: add bank item count and equipment button ids
      tabinterface: move equipment button into title bar and move title bar widgets

Spedwards (1):
      world hopper: add region filter option to quick-hopping

Tim Granata (1):
      clues: add twisted slayer helm to warrior's guild steps (#11350)

Tomas Slusny (2):
      Prevent screen marker overlays from being reset
      Prevent HotkeyListener from consuming input on login screen

Trevor (1):
      hitsplats: add missing multihitsplat varients

Tyler Davis (1):
      account: Fix tooltip and dialog verbiage (#11132)

skyblownet (1):
      skill challenge clue: Fix DRAGONSTONE_BRACELET item requirement

Étienne Boutet (1):
      idlenotifier: Add bolt tip attaching animations 1.6.11 Release Overlay resizing, grand exchange fuzzy search, and prayer orb remaining time 2020-04-16T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

Overlays, such as panels and screen markers can now be resized by holding Alt and dragging their edges/corners. Thanks to @deathbeam for adding this feature.

Resizing RuneLite overlays

The Infobox wrap count setting has been removed from RuneLite's config. You can resize the infobox container to achieve the same effect, as shown below. If you previously had Infobox wrap count set to a value other than 4, you will have to alt-drag and resize the overlay to cause the infoboxes to wrap again at the desired number. Also, as was the case prior to this release, you can reset an overlay's position and size using Alt and right-clicking the overlay.

Resizing infobox container to change wrap count

The Grand Exchange plugin now has an option to use fuzzy searching, allowing you to search abbreviations or imprecise spellings to find items. Thanks to @dennisdev for this great enhancement!

Grand Exchange fuzzy searching

The Prayer plugin now has an option to replace your prayer points display in your prayer orb with the time remaining until your prayer points expire. Thanks to @dekvall for this feature.

Prayer orb time remaining

The Anti Drag plugin has been updated to remove the requirement of the Shift key when outside of PVP scenarios. An On Shift Only option has been added to the plugin, which must be enabled to work both in and outside of PVP.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Bank searches are now more responsive with the Bank plugin active
  • Players can no longer accidentally reposition their mouse tooltips, and players whose mouse tooltips appear to be displaying far away from their cursor should see it display in the correct location now
  • Support has been added to various plugins for gilded axe and pickaxe animations
  • Clue Scrolls referencing Immenizz or vambraces are now properly recognized again since their ingame wording had changed last week
  • The World Hopper plugin no longer tries to hop into full worlds when hopping up/down
  • Screenshots are no longer taken of your own death with the Screenshot Friend Deaths option enabled
  • The Music and Camera plugins now display tooltips showing the slider value when using the ingame volume and camera zoom sliders
  • The Camera plugin has gained options to invert the camera pitch and yaw mouse controls
  • The Music plugin now has an option to mute prayer sounds
  • When highlighting players with the Player Indicators plugin, the "Walk here" menu entry is now also highlighted
  • An option to hide the precise combat level has been added to the Combat Level plugin
  • The Agility plugin now highlights the stick on the Werewolf agility course
  • The Fishing plugin properly updates its overlay to show that you are not fishing when you're interrupted by certain activities, such as level-up dialogs
  • The Quest List plugin no longer causes errors when enabling it after already being logged in
  • The Loot Tracker tracks herbiboar loot when your herb sack is open and has learned that potion drinking, etc., is not loot when hunting the herbiboar
  • The Nightmare Zone and Discord plugins no longer think you are in the Nightmare Zone when fighting the King Black Dragon
  • Slayer tasks assigned to be completed within the Jormungand's Prison are now properly recognized by the Slayer plugin
  • The Run Energy plugin learned the new graceful set energy recovery mechanics from the update in January
  • You are no longer considered to be "not woodcutting" by the Woodcutting plugin when there is a long pause between logs being chopped
  • The Boosts Information plugin no longer shows the restore overlay when it does not show any visible boosts
  • The Kourend Library plugin now shows books which are in your inventory versus not yet found in the library in different colors in its side panel, and has an option to show a hint arrow pointing toward your target book
  • The Items Kept on Death plugin learned the updated Eternal teleport crystal value
  • Magic trees now animate correctly with the GPU plugin on


- Jordan

New commits

We had 31 contributors this release!

AaronPoon (1):
      agility: highlight 'Stick' in Werewolf Agility Course

Adam (14):
      world controller: return service unavailable if world list isn't loaded
      feed controller: return service unavailable if feed isn't loaded
      client session manager: fix detecting logged in state
      speccounter: fix some bugs and edge cases
      stretchedmode: copy mouse event consumed flag when translating mouse events
      client: add config option for blocking extra mouse buttons
      party plugin: play sound effects on client thread
      hooks: use monotonic clock for main loop tasks
      item service: remove old item searching and item lookup methods
      antidrag: add option to disable in pvp
      worldhopper: skip over almost full worlds
      screenshot plugin: fix screenshot friend deaths to not screenshot own death
      emoji plugin: load emojis on client thread
      devtools: add infobox generator

Alexsuperfly (1):
      OverlayRenderer: prevent moving DYNAMIC and TOOLTIP overlays

Brandt Hill (1):
      fishing: Check player animation to update fishing status

Crow (2):
      NPC Agression Timer: fix typo in notification
      Add eternal teleport crystal value offset

Daniel (1):
      questlist: Ensure filter has non-null state on startup

Dennis (1):
      ge plugin: add fuzzy search option

Deon Zhao (1):
      loottracker: Track herbiboar loot with an open herb sack

Hydrox6 (8):
      clues: update Immenizz's master clue to reflect his NPC's name change
      api: add gilded axe animation
      woodcutting: add support for gilded axe
      idle notifier: add support for gilded axe
      wintertodt: add support for gilded axe
      api: add gilded pickaxe animations
      idle notifier: add support for gilded pickaxe
      motherlode: add support for gilded pickaxe

Jordan Atwood (5):
      boosts: Hide restore timer when no boosts are visible
      woodcutting: Reduce visibilities, mark Nullables
      woodcutting: Add axe animation matching helper method
      woodcutting: Fix overlay hiding during long chop delays
      HotColdLocation: Center some location spots

Lewis (1):
      music plugin: add option to mute prayer sounds

Lotto (4):
      api: remove Follow and Trade menu actions
      player-indicators: break out decorating code into own methods
      player-indicators: move menu logic to ClientTick
      player-indicators: highlight the 'Walk here' menu entry too

Lucas Snel (1):
      combatlevel plugin: add option for showing precise combat level

Magic fTail (1):
      chatmessagemanager: use default timestamp if none is provided

Max Weber (13):
      grounditems: manually match item thresholds
      grounditems: make priceChecks threadsafe
      grounditems: reset on the executor thread
      Notifier: Reuse Clip instances
      http-api: remove unused fields from NPCInfo
      kourendlibrary: don't throw npe when starting on the login screen
      runelite-client: update ItemID references
      runelite-api: add stopNow to cleanly shutdown the client
      eventbus: make higher priority events fire first
      camera: add option to invert camera mouse controls
      runelite-client: add ClientShutdown event
      grounditems: don't crash when having a duplicate highlight value
      FlatTextField: forward focus requests to children

Morgan Lewis (1):
      worldmap: Fix slayer ring teleport location

Robert Nönnig (1):
      prayer: Hide prayer flick indicator when minimap is hidden (#11138)

Sean Dewar (4):
      runenergy: update graceful recovery rate logic
      music: slider volume percentage tooltips
      camera: zoom slider tooltip & zoom constants
      music: revalidate slider handle on creation

SirGirion (1):
      emoteclue: Replace vamb with vambraces in clue text

TheFlemoid (1):
      WidgetOverlay: Use TOP_RIGHT anchor for LMS widgets

TheStonedTurtle (2):
      nightmarezone: Fix area check to exclude KBD lair
      discord: Fix NMZ area check to exclude KBD lair

Thomas (1):
      slayer plugin: add Jormungand's Prison task location

Tomas Slusny (7):
      Reset repositioned tooltip overlays
      Mock ConfigManager in ItemStatOverlayTest to inject TooltipManager
      Add support for resizable overlays
      Make overlay resizing configure wrapping
      Add OverlayPanel that contains PanelComponent
      Make overlays use OverlayPanel instead of Overlay
      Skip processing of input listeners with consumed events

Trevor (1):
      loot tracker plugin: submit loot on client shutdown (#11243)

Tyler Davis (1):
      swingutil: Set button tooltip text in addModalTooltip

Unknown (1):
      Update Plugin Hub risk label

dekvall (1):
      prayer: display prayer time remaining in prayer orb

jostn (1):
      HotColdLocation: Center Rimmington mine dig location

rfick (2):
      kourendlibrary: Indicate books not in inventory
      kourendlibrary: Show a hint arrow above target book

trimbe (1):
      bank plugin: improve responsiveness of bank searches

ypperlig (1):
      barrowsplugin: fix null pointer exception in region check 1.6.10 Release Damage counter, drift net plugin, and 2006-style interfaces 2020-03-26T10:00:00.000Z Adam

A DPS counter plugin has been added which displays your DPS, or just total damage, to NPCs. If you are in a party, it will show a breakdown of each member's damage.


A drift net fishing plugin was added which shows the status of your nets and highlights any fish you haven't tagged


The interface styles plugin has an additional new 2006 interface style


The friend notes plugin can now display an icon next to friends who have notes


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix the music plugin sliders sometimes not working
  • The spec counter plugin now uses hitsplats to determine spec hit instead of xpdrops - fixing it to work more reliably in scaled raids and other situations where the hitpoints xp multiplier is not constant
  • Extra mouse buttons (4+) are now prevented from clicking in-game
  • The raids scout overlay now includes the world's region (US/GB/AU/DE)
  • Fix the agility overlay laps remaining to account for agility pyramid bonus xp
  • Add Lovakite rocks to the mining respawn timer
  • Add Nightmare dungeon and boss areas to Discord game events and skybox
  • Add menu swap for essence mine teleport
  • Add cannon spot for Lizard Shamans and Black Knights
  • Fix the venom hitsplat image in the poison infobox
  • Add deposit boxes to shift-click deposit
  • Add tooltips to the Prifddinas mining sites on the world map
  • The custom cursor plugin now has an option to set your cursor to the weapon you have equipped
  • The chatfilter can now also filter messages by player name
  • Add world map teleport targets to wilderness levers
  • Ground items now supports quantity thresholds, eg: chaos rune>100
  • The object indicators plugin now supports per-indicator colors
  • The time tracking plugin's timers are now sorted in ascending order, and have a warning color when they are low
  • The Herbiboar plugin can now indicate the guaranteed tracks
  • The Sarachnis respawn timer has been updated to 10 seconds


- Adam

New commits

We had 25 contributors this release!

Adam (23):
      speccounter: use hitsplats for determining spec hit
      interface styles: only adjust widget positions when tli is resized
      ui: correct cursor hotspot to 0,0
      opponentinfo: account for panel border in overlay size
      experience: remove unnecessary Math.floor() calls
      linepanelcomponent: remove empty string text component renders
      components: use common Text.removeTags
      panelcomponent: fix removing final gap from total width/height
      client: synchronize some calls to
      hiscore panel: autocomplete recent search history
      checkstyle: enforce no whitespace at end of line
      overlay: add mouseover callback
      client: add dps plugin
      keyremapping: add option to block extra mouse buttons
      keyremapping: add test for typing mode change
      chatcommands: fix showing -1 experience/rank in lvl
      client: block extra mouse keys
      http-api: add world region to World
      raids: add world region to scout overlay
      api: make IterableHashTable generic
      clientloader: use fallback config if gamepack fails to load
      clientloader: don't fallback to Jagex hostnames when using fallback config
      boss timers: update Sarachnis time to 10 seconds

Alexsuperfly (4):
      agility: set lastObstacleXp to 0 on courses that use worldpoints
      agility: account for bonus exp from agility pyramid
      mining: show respawn timers after GameState change
      mining: add Lovakite rocks

Austin (2):
      Added nightmare dungeon and nightmare boss to discord game events.
      skybox: add nightmare dungeon area

BrandtHill (1):
      clues: update clue text for stealing from ardougne chest

Brennan Williams (1):
      shift anti drag: fix default bank drag delay

Cody Brown (1):
      menu swapper: essence mine teleport menu, swap talk-to with teleport on distentor and aubury

Daniel (2):
      Reset Discord status after a while of being in menu (#9116)
      skillcalculator: Don't clear fields when re-loading current skill

DeliciousLunch55 (4):
      BeginnerMapClue: Add Fairy Ring code to Wizard's Tower clue hint
      cannon plugin: add cannoning spot for Lizard Shamans
      cannon plugin: update Gnome Stronghold dungeon Bloodvelds cannon location. (#11028)
      cannon: Add Black Knights cannoning spot in Taverley Dungeon (#11046)

Hydrox6 (1):
      api: fix venom hitsplat sprite id

Håkon Rosseland Paulsen (1):
      menu swapper: add shift-modifier to bank deposit box

JZomerlei (1):
      chatcommands: Don't remove spaces before cleared word (#11017)

Jordan Atwood (4):
      clues: Create NamedObjectClueScroll interface
      SkillChallengeClue: Highlight broken Dorgesh-kaan lamps
      HotColdLocation: Center some location spots
      widget: Expose widget model getters and setters

Justin Hiltz (2):
      worldmap: Add Prifddinas mining sites (#11018)
      custom cursor: add option to use equipped weapon

Max Weber (3):
      runelite-client: Make gauntlet timer layoutable
      music: correctly recreate volume widgets after relogs
      discord: don't throw NPE when checking timeout on training states

Michael (1):
      loottracker: add average per kill to subtitle tooltip

Ron Young (2):
      runelite-api: expose item model information
      ChatboxItemSearch: check for duplicate item images

Ryan Hermstein (1):
      clues: update Eluned cryptic clue message

ThatGamerBlue (4):
      rlapi: MessageNode extends CacheableNode (but Node is close enough)
      chatfilter: add filtering by username
      scripts: add FriendUpdate and IgnoreUpdate
      friendicons: add note icon in friends/ignore list

TheStonedTurtle (1):
      Revert "opponentinfo: add opponent's opponent for npcs"

Tomas Slusny (2):
      Add support for component tooltips
      Migrate XpGlobesOverlay tooltips to component tooltips

Trevor (3):
      client: add session and config file arguments
      client: fix default sessionfile/config args
      spec counter plugin: fix other NPC hitsplats affecting specs

adwitkow (1):
      worldmap: add targets to Wilderness Levers & clarify their tooltips

dekvall (8):
      widgetid: fix lms ingame info
      inventory grid: fix showing the replaced item in the initial spot
      ground items: add support for quantity thresholds
      menu entry swapper: update essence mine description to include all npcs
      object indicators: add support for multiple colors
      drift net fishing: add plugin
      menu entry swapper: swap nets on annette
      herbiboar: use guaranteed tracks when highlighting path

melkypie (4):
      scripts: use ScriptPostFired event for scripts that callback at the end of the script
      friendslist: update titles using onScriptPostFired rather than onGameTick
      timetracking: add ability to sort timers
      timetracking: add timer warning colors

raqes (2):
      interface styles: Fix 2005 prayer tab fixed viewport
      interface styles: Add 2006 interface 1.6.9 Release Bank tag tabs tab and screenshot sub-folders 2020-03-05T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

The Bank Tags plugin has a new right-click menu option of the "New tag tab" button which will display each of your tag tabs as bank items, letting you quickly view and reorganize them. In addition, reordering tag tabs respects your bank rearrange mode selection. Thanks to @raiyni for these features!

Bank tag tabs tab demonstration

The Screenshot plugin now stores all automatic screenshots in sub-folders according to the screenshot type, such as Levels, Quests, Boss Kills, Valuable Drops, Pets, and more. Thanks to @gregg1494 and @Nightfirecat for adding this feature.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The "highlight over value" option now takes priority over the ground item price threshold colors. If you find all of your items are now highlighted, change the hightlight over value to be 0.
  • Plugin Hub plugins are now sorted by display name and are ordered in a more useful way when searched
  • RuneLite now records your boss kill count and personal bests for the Chat Commands plugin when reading your POH adventurer's log
  • The Item Charges plugin now shows charges for your amulets of bounty and amulets of chemistry
  • Numerous hot-cold clues have had their locations made more precise to improve the Clue Scroll plugin's narrowing feature
  • Following the recent game update, the Clue Scroll plugin now understands ornamented items fulfill emote clue requirements in the same way their un-ornamented versions do
  • Mouse tooltips no longer go off-screen or overlap the mouse cursor when using the "Above cursor" option
  • Mounted Mythical capes now display an icon with the Player-owned House plugin
  • A bug making it difficult to manually type new values into config text boxes with unit suffixes has been fixed
  • The Item Stats equipment bonus tooltips no longer confuse the attack speed difference for the attack stab difference
  • Drift net rewards are now tracked in the Loot Tracker plugin
  • The Agility plugin now uses your ingame goal to determine laps to level
  • Your active slayer task is canceled when you leave the Inferno
  • Guthix rests now have their xp values displayed in the Skill Calculator plugin
  • Impling jars can now be labeled by the Item Identification plugin
  • The Mining plugin learned the respawn times of Weiss salts
  • The Report Button plugin can now show your login time as a measure of game ticks


- Jordan

New commits

We had 19 contributors this release!

Adam (4):
      cache: update kit definition
      point: lombokize
      tooltips overlay: fix multiple above-cursor tooltips
      itemcharges: move matchers after message type check

Alexsuperfly (3):
      chat commands: Refactor repeated test code into setup method
      chat commands: Add KC reading from POH adventurer's log
      chat commands: Add PB reading from POH adventurer's log

Daniel Bolink (2):
      itemcharges: Track Amulet of Chemistry charges
      itemcharges: Track Amulet of Bounty charges

David (1):
      emote clue: Add missing ornament items

DeliciousLunch55 (2):
      clues: Improve Yanille dungeon basement clue hint
      clues: Update "Slay a nechryael" clue text

Deon Zhao (1):
      HotColdLocation: Center South-east Dark Warriors' Fortress location

Hydrox6 (1):
      config: fix entering values directly into options with units not working

JZomerlei (2):
      Add Mythical Cape icon to POH (#10828)
      Change to use github link instead of email (#10934)

Jordan Atwood (5):
      util: Add subdirectory option to image captures
      HotColdLocation: Center some location spots
      item stats: Fix tooltip stab bonus comparison
      itemstats: Fix unarmed attack speed
      itemstats: Add tooltip string method tests

Ron Young (2):
      tag tabs: respect bank rearrange mode for reordering
      banktags: support viewing all Tag Tabs in the bank screen

Skyler Olds (1):
      Add AM/PM description to Timestamp Plugin Config (#10920)

Tomas Slusny (2):
      Use XpTrackerService to determine goals in Agility plugin
      Move matchesSearchTerms util to Text class

Zachary Waller (1):
      ground items: change highlight value to take priority over other value thresholds

dekvall (1):
      loot tracker: add drift net reward

gregg1494 (1):
      screenshot plugin: Capture screenshots to subdirectories

jsnellings1 (2):
      slayer: cancel task when leaving the Inferno
      herblore skill calc: add guthix rest

loldudester (4):
      GroundItems: Keep item lists in input order
      Plugin Hub: Sort plugins by display name
      Plugin Hub: Rework search to something remotely useful
      wintertodt plugin: separate notifications into separate options

melkypie (3):
      itemidentification: add impling jars option
      mining: update duration to use GAME_TICKS instead of milliseconds
      mining: add urt, efh, te and basalt respawn timers

mlvzk (1):
      reportbutton: add Game Ticks option 1.6.8 Release GE bank tag search, world map mining tooltips, and new UI scaling options 2020-02-27T10:00:00.000Z Adam

Bank tags can now be searched in the GE:


The world map now has tooltips for mining site locations which shows which rocks are there:


The blast furnace overlay now includes the time until the coffer runs out of GP:


The GPU plugin now includes additional UI scaling options which can result in clearer images on higher resolution displays. If you were using the stretched mode plugin with the Increased performance mode option and the GPU plugin, you may want to change the GPU UI scaling option to Nearest.

The plugin hub has a new webpage which shows all of the plugins available on it.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • GE buy limits are now automatically pulled from the wiki
  • The item stats plugin can now show item stats when hovering items in the bank
  • The pensive emoji has been added to the emoji plugin (V_V)
  • Item price tooltips now work in the seed vault
  • Inventory tags now has 2 additional tag groups
  • Fix the loottrackker show/hide ignored loot button
  • Fix the always stack resizable stones interface styles option
  • Add bounty hunter (rogue) and LMS chat commands
  • Fix incorrectly hiding salamander attack styles with the attackstyles plugin


- Adam

New commits

We had 22 contributors this release!

Adam (4):
      configmanager: harden against being killed mid-save
      Merge protocol and protocol-api into cache-client
      Use GE limits from item stats
      session: add logged-in tracking

Alfred Ababio (1):
      skill calc: add long and curved bones to construction calc

Ben Dol (3):
      itemstats: Round item values for displaying
      itemstats: Add "Show Stats In Bank" option
      itemstats: Add "Always Show Base Stats" option

Daniel (1):
      blast furnace: add coffer time remaining overlay

DeliciousLunch55 (2):
      clue plugin: Improve Shilo Village elite coordinate clue hint
      xpdrop plugin: add 'prayer' to tags

Evan Walden (1):
      item prices: show tooltips in the seed vault

Henry Darnell (1):
      emoji: add pensive emoji

Hydrox6 (1):
      slayer: fix boss task parsing to support Konar

James Carroll (1):
      Thread Desktop browse and open

Jeremy Plsek (1):
      plugin hub panel: add url to help tooltip and add missing space to warning

Jordan Atwood (5):
      ClueScrollPlugin: Reset clue on empty dev command
      clues: Don't return clue instances for empty text
      cluescroll plugin: Clear stale location clue hint arrows
      util: Create RSTimeUnit enum
      plugins: Use RSTimeUnit util where applicable

Krysa (1):
      inventory tags: add 2 additional color groups

Max Weber (2):
      PluginManager: try/catch Throwable all the plugin startup stuff
      loottracker: fix hide/show ignored items button

Rolf Don (1):
      skill calc: strip out non-digits characters

Ron Young (5):
      runelite-api: add GE search event and variables
      ItemVariations: add reverse mapping of variations
      banktags: add tag searching for ge search
      banktags: add tests
      LayoutResizableStones: fix bad script merge

Sander de Groot (1):
      chat commands: add Bounty Hunter, Bounty Hunter Rogue, and Last Man Standing commands

Seth (1):
      clue plugin: update Trollweiss cryptic clue hint to include a sled

Trevor (1):
      client: add notification fired event

dekvall (4):
      attackstyles: fix salamander magic attacks
      inventorygrid: re-add a delay to showing the overlay
      worldmap: support multiline tooltips
      worldmap: add informative mining site tooltip

kmutchnick (4):
      clue plugin: add new Slepe anagram clue
      skill calc: fix skill requirement for compost potions
      clue plugin: update solution text for deep wilderness dungeon cryptic clue
      clue plugin: add pet rock and rune thrownaxe to DK clue

ln (1):
      gpu: add UI bicubic & xBR rescaling

seth (2):
      AgilityShortcut: update Arceuus essence agility shortcut coordinates
      QuestStartLocation: Update The forsaken tower/roving elves quest coordinates 1.6.6 Release Pickpocket and Nightmare loot tracking, light sources for clues, and more 2020-02-13T10:00:00.000Z Adam

The loot tracker will now track loot received from pickpockets.


The old show opponent's opponent option has been readded for NPC opponents; closer inspection of the prohibited feature list revealed the original cause for us removing it only applied to PVP: Indicates whom your opponent's opponent is in PVP


The Crystal Math Labs plugin has been replaced with an XP Updater plugin, which additionally now supports the TempleOSRS tracker. Remember that sending xp update requests to external services necessarily sends your IP address and display name to that service.

The CoX scouter plugin now has an option for screenshotting the overlay into the clipboard, making it easy to share.


The clue plugin now tells you when you are missing a light source required for your clue.


The interface styles plugin now has an option to always used the stacked-stones arrangement, regardless of client resolution.


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The loottracker now can track drops from the Nightmare
  • Fix the Wintertodt plugin erronously sending a notification about being idle when you are already idle
  • Dragging with the inventory grid enabled no longer drags grid cells
  • The mouse tooltip position can now be configured to be above the mouse
  • Fix imp spawn notifications sometimies not working in Puro-Puro
  • The wiki plugin now has an option to make Search the default left click option
  • The shift anti-drag plugin now also works in the bank
  • Various hot-cold clues that were slightly off center have been centered, and the solver can now sometimes eliminate possible solutions even when the orb temperature has not changed
  • The imbued heart timer now more reliably works when in combat
  • The grand exchange plugin will now also record partially bought or sold offers, which can be viewed on the website. Additionally, the retention history has been upped to 90 days from 30.
  • The NPC unaggro plugin can now notify you when the aggression timer expires
  • Fix the LMS overlay to be movable
  • The custom cusor plugin now allows user-supplied cursors by placing a file named cursor.png in your .runelite directory
  • The dragonfire shield cooldown timer has been updated to use the correct time
  • Skilling potions have been added to the item identification plugin
  • The twisted league slayer helm is now a recognized slayer item


- Adam

New commits

We had 22 contributors this release!

15987632 (3):
      rl-api: add invoke and return opcodes
      rl-api: add script fired events
      devtools: add script inspector

Adam (16):
      wintertodt: fix interrupt notification firing when already idle
      cache: update sequence definition
      widget item: clip overlay to parent bounds
      screenmarkers: prevent null marker creation
      client: create combined cml/templeosrs xp updater plugin
      api: add both normal and dragging bounds to widgetitem
      inventory grid: don't drag grid square when dragging items
      clue plugin: add clue dev command
      opponentinfo: add opponent's opponent for npcs
      clue plugin: add reset overlay option
      loot manager: add support for nightmare
      loot tracker: add pickpocket events
      loot tracker: store and match events by type
      loot tracker: filter by type in details view
      http-service: increase ge history retention to 90 days
      widgetitemoverlay: clip dragged items when outside of parent bounds

Alex Germann (1):
      Update General Bentnoze clue step solution

Alexsuperfly (5):
      idle notifier: add fishing animations
      idle notifier: prevent double notifications for anim and interact
      move capturing of screenshots to ImageCapture utility
      Raids: Add clan chat and world to scouting overlay
      Raids: Enable screenshotting of scouting overlay

Crypthead (1):
      client: add configuration for tooltip position

David (1):
      clue plugin: add light requirements to clues

Grahm Larkham (1):
      imp plugin: fix notifications on npc change

Henry Darnell (1):
      Add ability and config to swap Lookup and Search in wiki plugin (#10690)

Hydrox6 (2):
      config: add support for integer config items to have units
      plugins: add units to configs

JBerben (1):
      antidrag: support bank interface

Jordan Atwood (4):
      HotColdLocation: Center some location spots
      HotColdSolver: Add same-temperature solution narrowing
      ConfigPlugin: Expand RuneLite plugin tags
      timers plugin: Improve imbued heart detection

Max Weber (8):
      loottracker: Optimize panel rebuild
      loottracker: Handle rollover/select icons correctly
      runelite-client: typecheck configs extend Config
      PluginHubPanel: Limit height of description to 2 lines, enable word wrap
      PluginManager: require start/stop to be invoked on the EDT
      gpu: refactor shader compilation
      gpu: run glslangValidator on shaders during tests
      gpu: rename length to size in shaders

Noah Haig (1):
      clues: add description to Prif elite coord clue

Oelderoth (1):
      grandexchange plugin: log cancelled buy/sell offers

Owain van Brakel (1):
      xpupdater: Fix config not showing

Paveldin (1):
      skill calc: add Spice Rack

Rob Mckennie (1):
      npcunaggroarea: add notification for timer expiration

Ron Young (5):
      plugins: add reset configuration method on plugin
      banktags: reset tagtabs and banktags when reset button is clicked
      widgetid: fix LMS INFO
      scripts: add LayoutResizableStones script
      interfacestyles: add ability to always stack resizable stones

Ryan H (1):
      customcursor: support providing custom cursor images

leopluerodon (1):
      Add twisted slayer helmet to item mappings and slayer plugin

mkowen1 (2):
      item id: add hunter, agility, fishing, and guthix balance potions
      item id: reformat extraneous spaces

ralphmtk (1):
      timers: correct dfs spec cooldown time 1.6.5 Release Bank deposit/withdraw menu entry swap and bugfixes 2020-01-29T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

The Menu Entry Swapper plugin has had its "Swap Bank Op" config changed to support different shift-click options to prioritize, allowing you to choose the shift-click behavior when withdrawing from or depositing into the bank. Thanks to @zacharydwaller for this feature!

In last week's update, we made an update to how the client would request focus on notification and have reverted this to the previous behavior after hearing user feedback regarding this change.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Item overlays—such as teleport charges, inventory tags, rune pouch display—now follow their overlaid item when being dragged.
  • The Clan Chat plugin now strips leading slashes from your messages when sent through the "Clan" chat tab
  • Clue hints referencing the "Elf Camp" have been updated to refer to what is now the "Iorwerth Camp"
  • The Last Man Standing info box is now movable
  • The Chat Commands plugin now correctly tracks your personal best time to complete the Chambers of Xeric


- Jordan

New commits

We had 7 contributors this release!

Adam (4):
      clientloader: throw classnotfoundexception when trying to load classes from the closed jar
      Revert "clientui: forcibly bring client to front on Windows on request focus"
      api: add dragging flag to widget item
      task: use lambdas for scheduled method invokes

Daniel Bolink (1):
      widgetoverlay: make LMS info box movable

Henry Darnell (1):
      Capitalize "discord" in info panel (#10667)

Vuk (1):
      clue plugin: rename Elf Camp to Iorwerth Camp

Zach Waller (1):
      menu swapper: add bank deposit/withdraw shift click

dekvall (1):
      clanchat plugin: strip leading / from clan tab chat messages

melkypie (1):
      chatcommands: fix cox pb tracking 1.6.4 Release Loot tracker history and Clan member recoloring 2020-01-22T10:00:00.000Z dekvall

The Loot Tracker plugin has been reworked to retain your loot for longer and will load a greater amount of loot data when starting the client, starting with loot received last weekend. This will make it easier to track your progression when going for those very rare drops. This requires being logged into RuneLite.


The Clan Chat plugin now has the ability to recolor players that also are on your ignore list.


The "Request focus on Notification" feature on Windows now will forcibly bring the client into focus, similar to how it works on OSX. You may want to disable it if you had it enabled previously and do not want this behavior.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Add Brimhaven cart traveling to menu entry swapper
  • Add Chambers of Xeric personal best tracking to !pb chat command
  • The opponent info plugin now gets its known max NPC hitpoints from the wiki


- dekvall

New commits

We had 10 contributors this release!

Adam (4):
      loot tracker: store aggregated drops
      loot controller: publish loot to redis
      cache: add field initializers to interface def
      Use wiki scraped npcs for npc healths

Alex Germann (1):
      menu swapper: add Brimhaven cart to Travel option

Gamma91 (1):
      Fix typo in 'Swap Bank Op' description

Hexagon (1):
      cache: Add hitsplat definition

Matt Capone (1):
      chatcommands: add CoX pb tracking

Max Weber (2):
      wiki: Remove quest and diary links
      wiki: Use jagex's sprite, but hide their wiki banner

Twiglet1022 (1):
      clientui: forcibly bring client to front on Windows on request focus

Wessel Radstok (1):
      Add reanimated monsters to npc_health.json

dekvall (1):
      widgetid: change sound slider ids

melkypie (1):
      clanchat: add ability to recolor ignored players 1.6.2 Release Shift click eat, drink and equip 2020-01-16T10:00:00.000Z dekvall

The menu entry swapper plugin now supports eating, drinking and equipping with the bank open by shift clicking. You can enable it with the Swap Bank Op option.


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • You can now see score in the tooltips for activities in the hiscore plugin
  • Add Sq'irkjuices to the thieving calculator
  • Update the hint for Duel Arena coordinate clue
  • The skill calculator will now use your set target level if you have one set
  • Add shift click swap for NPC Contact
  • Add configuration to hide agility obstacle clickboxes


- dekvall

New commits

We had 10 contributors this release!

15987632 (1):
      world hopper plugin: make world pings persist across world fetches

Adam (4):
      feed controller: catch any exception when fetching newes sources
      hiscore panel: add score/points to activity tooltips
      api: rename menuaction cc ops
      menu swapper: add bank extra op swap

Dan Schmidt (1):
      skill calc: add sq'irkjuices to the thieving calculator

Hydrox6 (1):
      cluescrolls: update hint for Duel Arena Coordinate Clue

Max Weber (1):
      poh: Add new portal nexus ids

Rami (1):
      agility plugin: add toggle for obstacle clickboxes

Rami-J (1):
      menu swapper: add shift click swap for npc contact

WLoumakis (1):
      skill calc: use target level if available

Zachary Waller (1):
      skill calc: calculate xp on focus lost

melkypie (1):
      menu swapper: check home portal swap target 1.6.1 Release Boss hiscores and bug fixes 2020-01-09T10:00:00.000Z Adam

The hiscore plugin now supports boss hiscores and shows it in a panel beneath the minigame hiscores.


The !kc command remains as-is as it updates kill counts in real-time as opposed to the boss hiscores which require relogging.

The camera plugin now has an option to add Look South, Look East, and Look West to the compass.


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The new tag-tab button has been moved below the tag-tab list to make room for the new equipment button
  • The cannon plugin now has a configurable threshold for when it will warn you for having low ammo
  • Add a shift click abort GE offer option to menu swapper
  • Add a menu swap for GE offer withdraw mode
  • Add an option to show the total value of Chambers of Xeric loot to the raids plugin
  • Fix slayer plugin to recognize tasks assigned to the Forthos Dungeon
  • Fix clipping of 2005 interface style minimap
  • Fix several more issues with the Kourend library plugin which cause it to reset at the wrong time and incorrectly mark objects when world hopping
  • Add the option to Lookup players on your ignore list
  • Add potions to the item identification plugin
  • Support chat command clear line/word keybinds in pm input dialog
  • Fix clan chat ranks not showing up if the clan chat name is recolored


- Adam

New commits

15987632 (2):
      client: add VisibleForExternalPlugins annotation
      client: add getVar methods for external plugins

Adam (8):
      cannon plugin: make ammo notification threshold configurable
      menu swapper: add shift click abort ge offer
      clientloader: throw an exception when unable to peek first entry
      cache: add param config
      camera plugin: reposition startUp/shutdown members
      camera plugin: add Look South/East/West option to compass
      hiscore plugin: add boss hiscores
      raids plugin: add option to show loot value

Alexsuperfly (3):
      woodcutting: account for plane change with despawn events
      raids: allow 'unknown' to evaluate to both unknown types
      woodcutting: create maple timer for miscellania region

Blackberry0Pie (1):
      slayer plugin: add Forthos Dungeon

Caleb Waters (1):
      skill calc: change arrow shaft xp to be per shaft

Gamma91 (1):
      hiscore skill: fix spelling of commander zilyana

Hydrox6 (7):
      interfacestyles: fix 2005 fixed mode minimap's right side
      kourendlibrary: clear tracked NPCs when changing worlds
      chat message manager: make sender recoloring use messageNode
      kourendlibrary: only reset if layout changes when complete
      kourendlibrary: fix panel reloading not being done on the swing thread
      clues: add Lava battlestaff (or) to the Trollheim emote clue
      hiscore api: add Callisto and Cerberus

Jason O'Neill (1):
      item stats: fix White Tree Fruit stats

Max Weber (5):
      config: Fix PluginHub scrollbar
      config: Work around JDK-8079640

Maël Cournoyer-Michel (1):
      Add HP for level 19 and 22 Guards.

Rami (1):
      hiscore plugin: add Lookup to ignore list

Rami-J (1):
      menu swapper: add support for ge offer withdraw

Sam Edelsten (2):
      add foods to skill calculator
      add vscode files to gitignore

TheStonedTurtle (1):
      loottracker plugin: Add Loot Received event

Zachary Waller (1):
      item identification: add potions

dekvall (2):
      xp tracker: don't unpause on failed login
      chatcommands: support keybinds in pms 1.6.0 Release RuneLite Plugin Hub 2019-12-19T10:00:00.000Z Adam

We've added support for external plugins to RuneLite. External plugins are plugins which are maintained by community members and other developers that are not officially affiliated with the project.

The external plugins are verified by us for safety, to ensure they are not malicious, and are also not breaking Jagex's rules, which we have agreed to as a project.

We are providing the platform for the external plugins; developers submit their plugins to the plugin hub repository for inclusion. External plugins are not tied to specific RuneLite releases; plugins can be created, modified, or removed from the plugin hub without requiring us make a new RuneLite release.

The plugin hub can be browsed in the client by scrolling to the bottom of the configuration panel.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix the Kourend Library plugin incorrectly resetting when searching empty bookcases
  • Add support for ignore list notes to the friend notes plugin
  • The fog at the scene corners now curves around it slightly
  • Fix the tithe farm overlay to be movable again


- Adam

New commits

Aaron Goff (1):
      Change avantoe and avantoe seed item id medium name

Adam (1):
      api: modify RemoveFriend to accept a nameable

Hydrox6 (1):
      kourendlibrary: fix layout resetting unintentionally

Max Weber (10):
      devtools: Add Notifier button
      runelite-client: Add custom notification sounds
      config: Refactor config panel into separate panels for each logical view
      runelite-client: Remove IconButton Most of this class is defaults, which can just be a normal method and a listener for hover support, which is part of the base class anyway.
      ImageUtil: Rename methods to luminance, and work with non ARGB images
      DynamicGridLayout: Take the container's insets into account
      SplashScreen: Ceiling download total
      SplashScreen: Allow use after our L&F has been installed
      runelite-client: Add External Plugin support
      objectindicators: Correctly match template plane

Owain van Brakel (1):
      FPS: Add range to the fps target config items

Rami (1):
      friend notes: support notes on ignore list players

dekvall (1):
      widgetinfo: fix tithe farm score

ln (1):
      GPU: smooth out fog corners 1.5.43 Release Camera plugin right-click rotate, clan chat confirm kick dialog, and bugfixes 2019-12-16T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

The newly-renamed Camera plugin now offers an option to rotate the camera using your right mouse button when no menu options are available. It also offers further options to map the middle mouse button to open the right-click menu and to ignore the "Examine" menu option for right-click camera rotation. Thanks to @Wynadorn for this contribution!

The Clan Chat plugin now has an option to display a chat prompt to confirm kicking a player to help avoid accidental kicks! Thanks to @TheStonedTurtle for this feature.

Clan Chat plugin kick confirmation chatbox dialog

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The Chat Commands plugin's chatbox clearing keybinds are now configurable
  • The Kourend Library plugin has an option (enabled by default) to display a tutorial overlay to help get started with it
  • Messages displayed via the Twitch plugin now have timestamps
  • Captain Khaled and Arceuus library customers now have menu entry swaps for their "Task" and "Help" options, respectively
  • A menu entry swap for previous destinations of your POH Jewellery box has been added
  • The "Chat Leagues Icons plugin" has been renamed to the easier-to-understand League Chat Icons plugin
  • League Chat icons no longer display usernames without their appropriate chat colors applied
  • The Slayer plugin has learned to recognize Konar giving a player their first slayer task in the Twisted League
  • The Object Markers plugin now properly allows unmarking objects which may have a different name than when they spawned


- Jordan

New commits

We had 15 contributors this release!

Adam (10):
      client: fix world hopper not populating worlds on startup and when refreshed
      woodcutting plugin: disable by default
      client: rename zoom plugin to camera plugin
      camera plugin: add option to rotate camera with right click
      object indicators: fix unmarking objects matched by name
      object indicators: fix checkObjectPoints to check plane
      client loader: fix incorrect applet world when using fallback config
      clientloader: don't lazy load client classes
      http-api: update for boss hiscores
      hiscore result builder: fix building hiscore result with no boss hiscores

Alexsuperfly (1):
      woodcutting: show respawn timers after GameState change

Hydrox6 (8):
      kourendlibrary: replace `final static` with `static final`
      kourendlibrary: fix prediction not resetting when layout changes
      kourendlibrary: add tutorial overlay
      kourendlibrary: remove unneeded hidden flag from overlay
      kourendlibrary: add option to hide Varlamore Envoy
      kourendlibrary: optimize NPC marking code
      kourendlibrary: remove LibraryCustomer
      twitch: add timestamps to messages

JZomerlei (1):
      chatcommands: Make chat clearing keybinds configurable (#10308)

Justinmcnabb (1):
      woodcutting: Add missing Willow Tree Object IDs (#10391)

KC Sparks (1):
      menu entry swapper: add captain khaled talk-to/task swap

Linda Lapinlampi (1):
      npc highlight: skip noninteractible npcs on minimap

Max Weber (3):
      Update Scripts to 2019-12-05-rev182
      poh: Update jewelery box ids
      fix ChatSplitBuilder crashing when receiving a friend login/out message

Shaun Dreclin (1):
      menu entry swapper: Add 'help' swap to Arceuus library customers

Shawn Shadrix (1):
      kourendlibrary: highlight the customer's desired book in the overlay

TheStonedTurtle (1):
      clanchat plugin: add option to confirm kicks

Thomas (2):
      chat message manager: deprioritize chat message hook
      league chat icons: fix plugin name

dekvall (1):
      prayer-reorder: remove test

h3half (1):
      slayer plugin: fix detecting Konar's first assignment

whartd (1):
      menu swapper: add jewellery box 1.5.42 Release Woodcutting respawn timer, pet entity hider, Twisted League support 2019-11-28T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

The Woodcutting plugin now supports showing respawn timers for chopped trees. Thanks to Dava96 for this contribution.

Woodcutting plugin tree respawn timer

The Entity Hider plugin has an added option to hide the pets of other players. Thanks to Trevor for this addition!

Entity hider pet toggle

We've added support for Twisted Leagues:

Finally, a League Chat Icons plugin has been added which can help players distinguish between League players and ironmen in the main game. Thanks to hsamoht for this new plugin.


The Chambers of Xeric plugin has had its rotation whitelist format updated. Now, instead of formatting whitelisted rotations as a list of bracket-encapsulated rotations (eg. [muttadiles, shamans, mystics][vespula, tekton, vasa]), they should have the brackets removed and be put on a new line per rotation, like the following:

muttadiles, shamans, mystics
vespula, tekton, vasa

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Object markers marking objects which can change into other objects can be properly removed
  • The Rune Pouch overlay now displays your stored runes on both the normal Rune pouch and the Rune pouch (l)
  • The Screenshot plugin can now take automatic screenshots when a player on your friends list or in your clan dies near you to help ensure they can re-experience their death
  • Teleport sound effects have been classified as "Others' area sounds" for the purpose of muting via the Music plugin
  • You can now configure the FPS Control plugin to limit your FPS to two different amounts when the game is focused or unfocused.
  • The Woman face-palmingemoji facepalm emoji has been added to the Emojis plugin as the emoticon M-)
  • The client now continues to flash notifications until it becomes focused (instead of clearing notifications by only mousing over the window)


- Jordan

New commits

We had 14 contributors this release!

15987632 (1):
      entity hider plugin: add support for hiding pets

Adam (34):
      raid plugin: fix layout command room order
      Remove SEASONAL_DEADMAN world type
      Remove DEADMAN_TOURNAMENT world type
      http api: update hiscore for leagues
      api: add league world type
      hiscore plugin: add leagues
      world hopper: assign leagues world color
      screenshot plugin: add League folder
      opponent info: add league hiscore endpoint
      xptracker: add league world type
      chat commands: add support for league hiscores
      rotation solver: fix to use modulus instead of remainder operator
      clue plugin: add support for league hotcold clues
      woodcutting plugin: add respawn timer
      api: add welcome chat message type
      raids plugin: fix matching rotation whitelist
      api: use region size constant in getRegionOffset
      object indicators: use WorldPoint getRegionX/Y
      object markers: fix removing markers from multilocs
      api: refactor to use NameableContainer
      client: refactor for nameable api changes
      clan manager: use clanmember manager find to lookup rank
      client: add backup jav_config support
      world client: always return non null or throw an error
      client: use mock webserver for client config loader test
      hostsupplier: only supply regular f2p or p2p worlds
      chat controller: limit layouts to 16 rooms
      raids plugin: limit layout message to 300 characters
      api: add npc composition isInteractible
      npc highlight: skip noninteractiable npcs
      npc highlight: fix npc interactible check
      keyremapping: only update chatbox input and not player name
      client: add world service to manage world fetching
      add leagues chat icon plugin

Austin Lee (2):
      Add Bird Houses to crafting skill calculator (#10306)
      Add support for rune pouch (l) to rune pouch overlay (#10331)

      screenshot plugin: add friend/clan member death screenshotting

Hydrox6 (1):
      inventory grid: use correct item quantities for drag previews

Jay (1):
      music plugin: reclassify teleport sfx as other players' area effects instead of environmental area effects

Max Weber (3):
      runelite-client: use privateLookupIn for invokespecialing defaults
      runelite-client: Use archive-patcher for the client-patch
      ClientLoader: Don't force the bootstrap classloader

Seth (2):
      death indicator: add Kourend respawn region
      regen meter: add support for endless endurance relic

al3x-huang (1):
      fpsplugin: Add multiple FPS targets for multiple modes (#10239)

chestnut1693 (1):
      loottracker plugin: fix typo

dekvall (2):
      emojis: add facepalm emoji
      attack styles: add test for swap between bludgeon and bow

emiljensen2 (1):
      notifier: require client to be focused to cancel notifications

seth (2):
      chathistory: update welcome message matching to include leagues
      Add kourend home teleport to timers plugin

winterdaze (1):
      Shorten NMZ overlay text to prevent overlapping (#10241) 1.5.40 Release Barbarian Assault healthbars, source dependent mutes, and ground item examine 2019-11-14T10:00:00.000Z dekvall

The Barbarian Assault plugin now allows the healer to show the health of its teammates:

ba healthbars

The music plugin now additionally allows for configuring which area sounds should be muted based on source. You can now for example, filter out the sound of everyone else woodcutting while still hearing yours.

The examine plugin now offers functionality to examine ground items so that you can check the value of your loot before even picking it up.

A new !layout command has been added to the Chambers of Xeric plugin to share a scouted raid layout.

Also, we'd like to thank Jagex for updating their post about 3rd-party clients with the statement that RuneLite is compliant with their rules.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Add "sound" and "volume" tags to music plugin
  • Remove paste to password on login screen as jagex added their own
  • Add Reset option to various session overlays
  • Add option to use last world as default
  • Add cannon spot for trolls at Quidamortem
  • Add arctic pine logs to the woodcutting plugin
  • Fix ScreenshotPlugin Kingdom of Miscellania double screenshot
  • Add untradeable item values for long/curved bones, tattered pages and shells
  • Add five new emojis; Fire, Heart eyes, Alien, Wave and Eggplant
  • Add more detailed location description for Mausoleum emote clue
  • Highlight correct crate for Rommik's shop clue
  • Fix speccounter for players with 200m hitpoints
  • Add Black Demon cannon spot in Chasm of Fire
  • Fix Island of Stone coordinate hint
  • Correct direction of Miscellania island coordinate clue
  • Fix yew tree Sherlock challenge
  • Add notify option for impling spawns
  • Add black border to wilderness crab teleport icon
  • Fix resetting divine potion timers on death
  • Make GWD kill count overlay movable
  • Use mouse dragged distance to determine if the inventory grid should show
  • Add rc-altar icons to worldmap

- dekvall

New commits

We had 25 contributors this release!

15987632 (1):
      raids plugin: fix rotation solver

Adam (13):
      npc highlight: use local location for south-west highlight
      osb exchange service: validate price averages
      login screen: remove paste to password
      container calculation: fix overflow computing ge price
      api: combine ExperienceChanged and BoostedLevelChanged events to StatChanged
      client: update for new skill change event
      scripts: update chat builder script
      Move ConfigChanged event to client events
      client: add Reset option to various session overlays
      client session manager: fix task crash from being unable to acquire a session id
      api: change LocalPlayerDeath event to PlayerDeath
      api: add fake xp drop event
      speccounter: support fake xpdrops

BenDol (1):
      defaultworld: add option to use last world as default

Chris Hranj (1):
      examineplugin: Add support for ground items (#10157)

Daniel (Danomate) (1):
      cannon: add cannon spot for trolls at Quidamortem (#10242)

David (1):
      worldmap: add rc-altar icons to worldmap

David Goldstein (1):
      clues: Highlight correct crate for Rommik's shop clue (#10194)

David Henshaw (1):
      Add item mappings for rune and tzhaar ornament kits (#10161)

Freya Varez (1):
      Add "sound" and "volume" tags to music plugin (#10199)

Hudson Shykowski (1):
      Add Fremennik Exiles monsters to the NPC health list

Hydrox6 (3):
      clues: fix Island of Stone coordinate hint
      clues: correct direction of Miscellania island coordinate clue
      clues: fix yew tree Sherlock challenge

JZomerlei (1):
      woodcutting plugin: add arctic pine logs

Joel (1):
      Fix ScreenshotPlugin Kingdom of Miscellania double screenshot

Matthew Jacques (1):
      impling plugin: add notify option for impling spawns

Max Weber (2):
      runelite-client/chat: Be more thread safe
      OverlayRenderer: Update bounds before render

Paveldin (1):
      Add Black Demon cannon spot in Chasm of Fire

RansomTime (1):
      Add more detailed location description for Mausoleum emote clue (#10217)

Ron Young (1):
      grandexchange: rebuild GE item text on rebuild script event

Tomas Slusny (3):
      Add method for attaching clear listener to IconTextField
      Clear skill calculator selection on clear button press
      Clear grand exchange selection on clear button press

Zeid Al-Ameedi (1):
      Add untradeable item values for long/curved bones, tattered pages and shells (#10202)

dekvall (4):
      inventorygrid: use mouse dragged distance to determine if overlay should show
      worldmap: add black border to wilderness crab teleport icon
      emojis: reduce file size of emoji icons
      emojis: add five new emojis

emerald000 (1):
      Correct medium Western diary requirement

neeerp (1):
      music plugin: add more area mute options

whartd (1):
      ba plugin: add health bars for healers

winterdaze (2):
      timers: Do not reset divine potion timers on death (#10235)
      Make GWD kill count overlay movable (#10238) 1.5.37 Release Sound volume sliders, area sound mute, and new Jagex statement 2019-10-30T10:00:00.000Z Adam

The music plugin now changes the volume sliders on the in-game sound interface to slide:


The plugin additionally offers a new setting which will mute area sounds caused from animations of other players (mostly skilling animations like woodcutting).

Jagex has released a new third party client statement which builds on their previous statement. The vast majority of the statement seems targeted at features of clients other than RuneLite; most features listed are not and have never been features of RuneLite. However there are some changes required to RuneLite to make it compliant, so the following changes have been made:

  • Removal of the Cerberus plugin
  • Removal of the reorder prayers plugin
  • Remove "opponent's opponent" part of the opponent info overlay
  • Remove the pickpocket/talk-to swap from the menu entry swapper
  • Remove the minimap overlay from the barrows plugin
  • Remove the Walk here/Attack swap on the Corporeal beast dark core

I would also like to thank Mod Bonsai for providing us with draft statements and allowing us to provide feedback directly to Jagex. The collaboration between us and Jagex over the last few weeks on this has been more than all of the last 2 years combined.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix the random event plugin hiding menu options for your own randoms
  • Fix the combat level plugin not showing combat level range in the wilderness
  • Fix world map tooltip for Prifddinas farming patch
  • Fix the PvP kill/death counter to once again be moveable
  • Fix full teleblock timer
  • Add pyramid plunder start-minigame and quick-leave to the menu entry swapper
  • Add Fremennik Exiles to the world map and add tooltips for the new transportation icons
  • The fishing overlay colors are now configurable
  • Add coordinate clue descriptor for Island of Stone clue
  • Add fishing trawler to the loot tracker
  • The loot tracker can now use High Alchemy price for item valuation
  • Show price check when examining items on the trade interface
  • The wiki plugin can now have its "cast" feature used on items in the bank and all other interfaces with items other than the inventory
  • The loot tracker on the website now shows total value of loot

- Adam

New commits

We had 19 contributors this release!

15987632 (1):
      widgets: fix wilderness level widget

Abex (1):
      wiki: support wiki-casting on non-inventory items

Adam (16):
      random events: fix menu being hidden for own events
      achievement diary: remove requirements for Karamja hard kill a metal dragon task
      client: update mockito
      client: remove Cerberus plugin
      client: remove reorderprayers plugin
      opponentinfo: remove Opponent's opponent
      corp plugin: remove dark core attack deprioritization
      menuentryswapper: remove pickpocket swap
      cache: update npc definition and loader
      api: add source to sound effect events
      devtools: add source to sound effect overlay
      music plugin: add option to mute other players area sounds
      http-service: make mongo database configurable
      menu swapper: add pyramid plunder start-minigame and quick-leave
      barrows plugin: remove minimap
      http-api: centralize json mediatype

Alex (1):
      menu entry swapper: add shift click teleport spell swap

Alexsuperfly (6):
      world map: correct waterbirth ship transportation icon
      world map: correct pirates' cove ship transportation icon
      world map: correct lunar diplomacy quest start icon
      world map: add island of stone ship transport icon
      quest: add fremennik exiles quest to enum
      world map: add fremennik exiles quest start

David (4):
      farming calc: fix white lily level
      fletching calc: add dragon crossbow
      mining calc: add soft clay
      hunter calc: add crystal impling

Desetude (1):
      Make the PvP kill/death counter moveable

Elpan (1):
      world map: fix Prifddinas farming patch tooltip

Harry Freeborough (1):
      Correct capitalisations of "RuneScape" (#10142)

Hydrox6 (5):
      loot tracker: rename price to gePrice
      clues: fix Shayzien supply armour Sherlock clue
      loot tracker: add HA prices
      loot tracker: add price type display
      clues: fix MultipleOfItemRequirement not working with non-stacking items

Joel (1):
      Add item mapping for Berserker Necklace (or) (#10158)

Lotto (2):
      fishing: make overlay colors configurable
      feed: use RuneLiteClient's Twitter list

Max Weber (2):
      music: Add ingame granular volume adjustment
      music: check parent and siblings for null

Nathaniel Pather (2):
      clues: add Island of Stone location descriptor
      npc health: add lvl 44 zombie health (#10121)

SebastiaanVanspauwen (2):
      timers plugin: update full teleblock text
      Worldmap: Fix incorrect Zeah quest start locations (#10135)

Tomas Slusny (1):
      raids plugin: add option to manually broadcast layout

dekvall (7):
      skill calc: clear combined action slot on skill change
      fishing: reset trawler start time when back on land
      loottracker: add fishing trawler
      loottracker: add confirm dialog to reset all
      random events: fix npe on login
      examine plugin: add pricecheck for trade interface
      chat timestamps: add timestamps to split private chat

ln (1):
      GPU: Floating point screen coordinates to eliminate vertex snapping

trimbe (1):
      tabinterface: remember search after clicking deposit-x 1.5.36 Release Website redesign and random event plugin 2019-10-17T10:00:00.000Z Adam

The website has been given an all new dark look, with a redesigned home page. Thanks to @psikoi and @gc for their work on this.

A random event plugin has been added which can notify you when a random event spawns for you, and will also hide Talk-to and Dismiss from random events which aren't yours.


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The clickbox generation code has been optimized and now causes less lag when drawing complex clickboxes, such as the the herbiboar trail objects
  • The object indicators plugin now supports marking many more object types that previously did not work, such as the MLM sack and ladders
  • Setting the slayer plugin infobox timeout to 0 now makes it never timeout, consistent with other plugins
  • The item identification plugin now also identifies placeholders and noted versions of items
  • The inventory grid plugin now shows the results of swapping items, if applicable
  • Add Broodoo shield, drift net, spears, and hastae to skill calculator
  • Add missing fishing spots from the fishing platform to the fishing plugin
  • Fix Monk's residence and Rommik cryptic crate locations
  • Add Rimmington ship transpotation icons and locations to the world map
  • Fix location of the northern pipe in Mount Karuulm on the world map

- Adam

New commits

We had 23 contributors this release!

15987632 (1):
      timers plugin: remove prayer enhance infobox on expire

Adam (18):
      item controller: add etag to bulk prices
      feed controller: add etag
      client: use own okhttp client with cache
      http-api: add javax.inject dependency
      feed: use caching okhttp client
      item manager: use caching okhttp client
      Use caching okhttp client for worldclient
      tile indicators: fix storing names for multilocs
      object indicators: support non-gameobject multilocs
      api: add getConvexHull to GroundObject
      object indicator: add support for ground objects
      screenmarkers: optimize panel rebuilding
      cache: update object definition
      item charges: fix explorer's ring infobox caching
      async buffered image: fix listener leak from subscribing to already loaded images
      async buffered image: rename changed to loaded
      async buffered image: move to util
      Fix slayer infobox disappearing on '0' timeout

Daniel Bolink (1):
      Add Elf Cannon Spot in Priff

David (2):
      agility: add plant door obstacle
      skillcalc: add Broodoo shield

Elkins, Trey (1):
      Add no weapon/shield enforcement to aerial fishing clue

Eric Weaver (2):
      Update Anglerfish master challenge clue text (#9988)
      Fix typo in Barrows chest emote clue (#9982)

Gustavo Rodrigues (1):
      Add Drift Net to skill calc plugin (#9958)

Hydrox6 (1):
      world map: fix location of northern pipe in Mount Karuulm dungeon

Ignas Maslinskas (1):
      xptracker: fix out-of-sync add to canvas menu (#9983)

Krysaczek (1):
      Add Spears and Hastae smithing to Skill calculator

MESLewis (1):
      Add teleport icon for Stony Basalt under 73 Agility

Max Weber (12):
      runelite-api: Use more general Shape for clickboxes and convex hulls
      runelite-api: Add simple Shape implementations
      Perspective: Add modelToCanvas
      Jarvis: use primitive arrays
      runelite-api: Optimize getClickbox
      runelite-api: Remove Triangle and Vertex classes
      StackFormatter: remove quantityToRSStackSize
      StackFormatter: Fix documentation
      StackFormatter: synchronize access to NumberFormats
      runelite-client: Rename StackFormatter to QuantityFormatter
      prayer: Use ItemStats for prayer bonuses
      runelite-api: Add some more documentation

Morgan Lewis (1):
      worldmap: Update Rimmington ship transportation icons and locations (#10010)

RensB (1):
      item charges: add charges to guthix rest tea (#10002)

Ron Young (4):
      ChatboxTextInput: add ability to filter character inputs
      banktags: filter out <,>, and / from tag input
      banktags: clean invalid config items
      banktags: null check for no tagtabs

SebastiaanVanspauwen (1):
      worldmap: Add Wilderness crabs teleport (#9970)

Taylor (1):
      Fix Monk's residence and Rommik cryptic crate locations (#9936)

Tomas Slusny (2):
      Properly update plugin toggle button of plugin state change
      Null-check WorldResult in DefaultWorldPlugin

Trey (1):
      Add revertible Neitiznot Faceguard to ItemMapping (#10038)

dekvall (6):
      Inventorygrid: Draw image for replaced item
      xptracker: fix goals set from level 1
      fishing: Set status to NOT fishing when the flying fish is active
      item identification: show identifier for placeholders and noted items
      XpTracker: Fix hopping to/from DMM worlds
      Clarify that blowpipe won't work with Robin clue

huddy987 (1):
      Add divine potion buy limits

trimbe (1):
      client: add random event plugin

wwchak (1):
      fishing: Add missing fishing platform highlight (#9989) 1.5.35 Release Removal of Demonic Gorillas plugin 2019-10-02T10:00:00.000Z Adam

In accordance with Jagex's message about unofficial clients the demonic gorillas plugin has been removed.

More features may be removed in future releases, however I find the statement from Jagex sufficiently vague that I am not able to tell how much, if at all, it applies to other RuneLite features, such as the menu entry swapper.

Wording such as The same can be said of features which might modify how you select actions in the game or change how you click on menus has a whole lot of wiggle room - and I think that the intent of Jagex is to have clients remove features which unbalance either skilling experience rates or end-game content (and thus end-game rewards). I don't think the majority of MES fit into this category, although the Bury and Pickpocket swap probably would.

I am trying to get further clarification from Jagex first before I make any wide sweeping decisions on where to draw the line at between acceptable and not acceptable with regard to menu swapping because I understand how QOL much of it is to so many users. So, the MES has been left untouched in this release.

In other news, the object indicator plugin can now tag walls (such as MLM ore veins), and a couple clue texts and hints have been fixed.

- Adam 1.5.34 Release Bank value searching and volume overrides 2019-09-26T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

The Bank plugin now supports searching for items by value. Thanks to @raiyni for this feature.

Bank value search

The Music plugin now offers volume overrides for the ingame music, sound effect, and area sound effect volumes. These settings allow you to set more granular values for each of these volumes.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The Opponent Information plugin now has an option to highlight the Attack option for NPCs you are attacking or are attacking you
  • Forthos Dungeon monsters now show proper HP values in the Opponent Information plugin and will now cause the XP Tracker plugin to display kills to goal targets instead of actions
  • The Agility plugin now has an option to display laps needed to reach your set agility goal
  • You can now set the left-click menu option of the house advertisement board using the Menu Entry Swapper plugin
  • The Timers plugin no longer thinks the "Protect from Magic" prayer halves the duration of normal spellbook freeze spells
  • The Loot Tracker plugin now truncates monster names instead of kill count for entries with long text


- Jordan

New commits

We had 12 contributors this release!

Adam (8):
      menu entry swapper: fix menu searching optimization
      bank tags: use item name string indexof from script
      opponent info: add show opponents in menu
      hooks: ignore npc update immediately after login
      api: add sound volume accessors and vars
      api: add volume changed event
      music list plugin: rename to music plugin
      music plugin: add sound volume overrides

Brian Rogers (1):
      item mappings: update birds nest mapping

Daniel Bolink (1):
      Remove Half timers for Snare, Bind and Entangle

Hudson Shykowski (1):
      Add Forthos Dungeon monsters to the NPC health list

Hydrox6 (2):
      loot tracker: truncate name instead of kills
      clues: fix emote hint ordering

John Polich (2):
      clues: update "Salty peter" solution for Hosidius rework
      clues: add fairy ring code to "Graveyard west of Shayzien" solution

Jordan Atwood (1):
      cluescrolls: Reset clue on new beginner/master step

Krysa (2):
      clues: update Warriors' Guild emote clue
      clues: add Deviant spectre variant to cryptic clue

Max Weber (3):
      runelite-api: Add setAllWidgetsAreOpTargetable
      runelite-client: Don't add our menu options in spell casting/target mode
      WidgetInspector: Add widget picker

Ron Young (1):
      bank plugin: add item value searching

beaumitch (1):
      agility plugin: add laps to goal to overlay

eric-weaver (1):
      menu entry swapper: add house advertisement board 1.5.33 Release Idle Movement notifications, World Map Teleport icon click jumping, and Clue fixes in Prifddinas 2019-09-12T10:00:00.000Z Alexsuperfly

The World Map plugin can now show you where certain teleports take you by jumping to the corresponding location when clicking on the icon in the world map


The Idle Notifier plugin can now notify you after not moving your character for a configurable amount of time

The Clue Scroll plugin has been updated to work correctly for coordinate and Hot/Cold clues located in the city of Prifddinas

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The Slayer plugin no longer shows the task infobox on login
  • The Chat Notifications plugin has had its highlighting of messages with color improved
  • The Chat Color plugin now recolors the colon after the username of private chat messages, and the friend login/logout notifications
  • The Agility plugin now highlights shortcuts within the Kourend and Forthos dungeons
  • The XP Globes plugin has received an option to configure the tooltip information


- Alexsuperfly

New commits

We had 10 contributors this release!

Adam (7):
      plugin manager: fix two log format strings
      menu entry swapper: optimize menu searching for strict matching
      slayer plugin: do not show task infobox on login
      chat message manager: fix recoloring messages with embedded </col> tags
      devtools: add msg command
      chat notifications: fix matching messages with color
      clue plugin: support Prifddinas clues

Adam Witkowski (1):
      chat: add LOGINLOGOUTNOTIFICATIONs recoloring

Andrew Chow (1):
      idle notifer: add movement idle notification

Daniel Bolink (1):
      agility shortcuts: add Forthos dungeon and Catacombs of Kourend shortcuts

David (1):
      timersconfig: fix typo in antipoison description (#9781)

Gustavo Rodrigues (1):
      xpglobes: add configs for globe tooltips

Hunter Harloff (1):
      hooks: draw ABOVE_MAP before ABOVE_WIDGETS

Hydrox6 (2):
      runecraft: move rift update function to plugin
      runecraft: move minimap code to its own overlay

Max Weber (1):
      gpu: wait for canvas to get it's native peer before starting OpenGL

Quasindro (2):
      worldmap: add on-click jumping for unambiguous single-target transports
      chat: fix private chat username recolouring, improve responsiveness to config settings 1.5.32 Release Global pickpocket menu swap, Low Detail auto-reloading, screenshot to clipboard, and de-duplicated stacked fishing spots 2019-08-29T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

The Menu Entry Swapper plugin can now swap the "Pickpocket" menu option with the "Talk-to" menu option for all NPCs, not just H.A.M members. (With the exception of NPCs who can be blackjacked)

The Low Detail plugin will now reload your current scene when toggled on or off to apply the changes immediately without requiring a re-log.

The Screenshot plugin's Upload setting now allows you to optionally copy the screenshot image to your clipboard when taken. Thanks to @Alexsuperfly for this contribution.

The Fishing plugin no longer draws duplicate sprites for stacked fishing spots of the same type.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The Boosts Information plugin can now toggle displaying combat/non-combat/both boosts
  • Examining items found in the seed box will now trigger the Examine plugin
  • The overlay renderer now shows drag outlines at their proper locations again
  • The Slayer plugin correctly recognizes Lizard and Vampyre tasks
  • The Clue Scroll plugin saw multiple fixes, correcting some STASH unit locations, fixing a Song of the Elves-related clue, fixing some clue items showing no names, and added some item variants to some item sets
  • The text of a Western Provinces diary step has been updated in the Diary Requirements plugin after a change since the release of the Song of the Elves quest
  • The white pixels which appeared at the edges of game objects for some players while using MSAA with the GPU plugin have been exterminated
  • The Death Indicator plugin will correctly recognize when players die when respawning in Prifddinas
  • Braindeath Island now has a skybox color
  • Corrections have been made in the Items Kept on Death plugin to show correct values of Avernic defenders and Salve amulet (ei)s.


- Jordan

New commits

We had 12 contributors this release!

Adam (24):
      Revert "Merge pull request #9354 from Toocanzs/centroid-fix"
      xptracker: fix calculating xp offset from offline xp
      api: add accessor for GameState state
      api: add setGameState
      low memory plugin: run changeMemoryMode on game thread
      overlay renderer: fix drawing overlay drag bounds
      authfilter: cache sessions
      loot tracker: batch loot submissions
      ui: center fatal error dialog on screen
      rs: validate loaded config
      slayer plugin: update desert lizards task to lizards
      low memory plugin: set low memory mode after startup
      gpu plugin: require high detail textures
      fishing plugin: deduplicate spot overlay color logic
      fishing plugin: don't render the same fishing spot twice
      fishingspot: don't expose spots map
      api: remove unused Query class
      menu entry swapper: expand talk-to/pickpocket swap to non-blackjack npcs
      Fix some typos
      config manager: overwrite defaults when unable to unmarshall values
      screenshot plugin: add screenshot to clipboard
      runecraft plugin: check config group before updating config
      examine plugin: combine identical widget cases
      examine plugin: add seed box

Alexsuperfly (5):
      slayer plugin: fix unknown tasks not decrementing counter
      slayer: correct Vampyre task spelling
      slayer: add additional target names to Vampyre task
      clues: fix port sarim easy stash plane location
      clues: fix wizards tower bridge plane location

Daniel Bolink (1):
      Update Western Provinces Diary Step after SOTE update

Hydrox6 (8):
      clues: correct "Has no one told you it is rude to ask a lady her age?"
      clues: Fix Bryophyta's staff having no name
      clues: fix names for skilling outfits
      gpu: fix MSAA white pixels
      agility: fix objectid for Arandar lvl 85 obstacle
      runecraft: fix layer of AbyssOverlay
      clues: fix abyssal head recognition
      death indicator: add prifddinas

Jordan Atwood (1):
      slayerplugin: Fix first slayer kill not being registered

Quasindro (1):
      skybox: add Braindeath Island

Ron Young (1):
      ChatboxItemSearch: fix null name check

TheStonedTurtle (2):
      itemskeptondeath: fix avernic defender price
      ItemsKeptOnDeath - Add missing salve (ei) price offset

Thomas Cedeno (1):
      clues: add agility and max capes to graceful set

chestnut1693 (1):
      boosts: add config to not display combat boosts

dekvall (4):
      Add Nullable to Actor::getName
      Fix NPE in groundmarker plugin
      Add Nullable to Client::getLocalPlayer
      Add Nullable to widget dragging methods

xDemoN (4):
      item mapping: add bird nest variations
      timers: update imbued heart to reset on death
      agility: add missing ladder to prifddinas
      emote: change "stomp" to "stamp" Launcher 2.0 Release 2019-08-16T10:00:00.000Z Adam

The launcher has been updated to 2.0. This release bundles Java 11, and if you wish to run the jar directly, requires Java 11. It also includes a new loading splash screen with improved error handling if there is an error when launching the client.

Launcher updates require manually downloading and installing the new launcher. However if you do not have problems with the existing version I would not recommend downloading the newer one just because it is newer.

The Windows binaries remain digitially signed by Alexander Henne for verification. Regardless, Windows SmartScreen tends to block new executables anyway, so if it doesn't work try downloading the old launcher instead.

Adam 1.5.31 Release Challenge clues, splash screen, and loot tracker improvements 2019-08-15T10:00:00.000Z Adam

The loot tracker now has collapsible loot boxes, and can also track loot from the Kingdom of Miscellania


The clue plugin now supports Sherlock challenge clues


A loading splash screen was added which shows the client load progress when it is starting. It also includes better error handling, so if the client fails to start it will show a prompt with the reason and possible resolution steps.


A launcher release is planned soon to include a similar themed loading screen, and the improved error handling.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix wasd camera sometimes blocking messages from being sent
  • Updated the XP tracker to try to account for offline xp gain (from eg. mobile) and not factor it into XP/hr
  • Add the remaining new SotE clue steps
  • Update Prifddinas course xp rates
  • Add four dose stamina to herblore calculator
  • Add Dragon bolts to skill calculator
  • Add ferrets to the hunter plugin
  • Add arrow fletching to idle notifier
  • Add Isafdar tripwire to agility shortcuts
  • Add Sarachnis task to the slayer plugin
  • Fix items on death plugin values for repairable untradeables
  • Add volcanic mine entrance to menu entry swapper
  • Fix a bug causing the attack styles plugin to not hide attack styles properly for certain weapon switches
  • Fix loot tracker loot loading on startup to place newer loot at the top
  • Fix mining plugin respawn timers in the wilderness resource area, and on Miscellania
  • Add Trollweiss Mountain Cave agility shortcut
  • Fix camera effects from drunkenness and the fishing trawler with the GPU plugin
  • Fix bug causing bank tag tabs to sometimes not automatically reopen when the bank is opened
  • Fix clipping of world map tooltips
  • Add divine potions to item stats plugin

We are aware of the client pauses common in the demonic gorilla cavern. Some optimization work has gone into this release which should reduce the frequency of the pauses. We hope this combined with the upcoming launcher release, which includes a newer version of Java with increased performance characteristics, will solve this issue for most players.


- Adam

New commits

We had 24 contributors this release!

15987632 (2):
      hot cold clues: center northern blast mine dig location
      hot cold clues: center eastern part of piscatoris hunter area dig location

Adam (18):
      client: cache and reuse Graphics
      client: cache config values
      slayer plugin: validate !task name and location
      slayer plugin: fix task lookup test
      keyremapping: fix race with sending messages and clearing chat input
      config service: return status based on whether set/unset were successful
      config service: add test for parseJsonString
      config service: validate config values
      xptracker: update lastXp after submitting xp gains
      xptracker: move initialization until after login
      xptracker: support xp gains when offline
      cml plugin: fix request throttling
      http-service: use jndi provided mongo
      http-service: remove inferred destroy method on mongo client bean
      osbuddy client: update exchange summary location
      osbuddy client: set UA to RuneLite
      overlay renderer: reduce graphics properties copying
      overlay renderer: remove unnecessary color resetting

Alexsuperfly (10):
      clues: add RUE GO anagram
      clues: add Lady Trahaearn cryptic
      clues: add elvish onions cryptic
      clues: update bow near Lord Iorwerth emote
      clues: add bow in the Iorwerth camp emote
      clues: add beckon by crystalline maple trees emote
      agility: update prif last obstacle exp
      agility: update prif whole course exp
      skill calc: update prif course
      clues: update Falo crystal bow items

Brady (1):
      skill calc: Add four dose stamina to herblore calculator (#4689)

Daniel (1):
      Loot Tracker: Allow loot boxes to be collapsed (#9439)

Daniel Bolink (2):
      achievmentdiary: Update Ardougne Hard diary text (#9551)
      loot tracker: add Kingdom of Miscellania

David (2):
      skill calc: Add Dragon bolts (#9552)
      ge: Add item limits for redwood and celastrus seeds/saplings (#9476)

Dylan Smith (1):
      cluescrolls: Add the new General Hining cryptic clue (#9613)

Gustavo Rodrigues (1):
      hunter: Add support for ferrets (#9524)

Hydrox6 (8):
      idle notifier: notify when adding feathers or heads to shafts
      Move Item Requirement code from EmoteClue to its own sub-package
      Add support for named AllRequirementsCollections
      Add support for Challenge Clues
      clues: remove mis-categorised skill challenge
      item prices: show alch price while selecting item to alch
      item prices: show alch price when alching with Explorer's Ring interface
      Add new crystal equipment IDs to the Item Mapping

Ian Gibson (1):
      clue plugin: update Monk camp clue location

Jordan Atwood (1):
      hotcold: Center level 5 wilderness location

Krysa (1):
      agility shotcuts: add Isafdar tripwire

Max Weber (8):
      ClanManager: handle startup with an empty cache
      runelite-api: Annotate script ids with their argument counts
      runelite-api: allow runScript to take a plain Object...
      runelite-client: Call scripts with the correct number of arguments
      runelite-client: Add loading splash screen
      runelite-client: Make RuneLiteProperties fully static
      runelite-client: Add fatal error dialog
      runelite-client: Bypass Jagex load balancer if we can't connect

Maxwell Chow (1):
      discord: Fix spelling errors in Discord status locations (#9615)

Nate Brown (1):
      slayer plugin: add Sarachnis task

Ron Young (1):
      colorpicker: force hex color to update on window close

TheStonedTurtle (2):
      Fix BrokenOnDeathItems death value by adding repair price
      menuentryswapper - Add volcanic mine entrance to swapQuick

Tomas Slusny (1):
      Snapshot all grahics2d properties in safeRender

Toocanzs (1):
      fix MSAA white pixels

dekvall (7):
      Disable inventory grid if the dragged item is removed
      attack styles: fix NPE in overlay
      attack styles: fix hide styles on weapon change
      loottracker: remove timestamp from LootTrackerRecord
      loottracker: fix order on client reload
      examine plugin: remove examine value for coins
      mining plugin: fix respawn timers in misc and resource area

tortuga69 (2):
      grandexchange: Add Forthos Dungeon item buy limits (#9540)
      Add support for Trollweiss Mountain Cave agility shortcut (#9543)

trimbe (6):
      gpu plugin: fix camera effects used for drunkeness and fishing trawler
      api: remove devtools annotation and rename setSetting
      bank tags: use setVarbit instead of setVarbitValue
      bank tags: properly open saved tab
      hot cold: center 'west of farming guild' location
      world map: correct canvas bounds location and clip tooltips properly

xdesr (1):
      item stats: add divine potions 1.5.30 Release Song of the Elves, and item despawn timers 2019-08-01T10:00:00.000Z Adam

We have been diligently working off the SotE meta issue over the last week, as it touches a lot of the plugins and features. Much of it is done and included in this release:

  • Add divine potion timers to the timers plugin
  • Add Zalcano respawn timer to the boss plugin
  • Add Prifddinas farming patches to the time tracking plugin
  • Add Gauntlet kill count and personal best support to chat commands
  • Add Prifddinas agility course "kill count" and personal best to chat commands
  • Updates to the world map:
    • Add SotE quest start
    • Add rare tree, transportation, and shortcut tooltips
    • Fix Elf camp teleport location
    • Add farming patch tooltips
    • Add teleport crystal locations
    • Add minigame icon to the Gauntlet
  • Add Prifddinas agility course to the agility plugin
  • Add Prifddinas mining rocks to the mining plugin
  • Add Gauntlet and Prifddinas Crystal Chest to loot tracking plugin
  • Add crystal tree and agility course to the skill calculator
  • Add Gauntlet consumable information to the item stats plugin, and to potion timers
  • Add Prifddinas and surrounding areas to the skybox plugin
  • Add Prifddinas and surrounding areas to the possible Discord locations
  • Add crystal sapling to the item identification plugin
  • Add new crystal tools to the idle notifier
  • Add crystal axe to woodcutting plugin and wintertodt plugin
  • Add crystal pickaxe to motherlode plugin
  • Add crystal implings to the impling plugin

Item despawn timers have been added to the ground items plugin, which show how long until an item will despawn for items which you drop and receive as loot from a PvM kill.


The world hopper plugin now has an option to show the current world's ping


The clue plugin now shows locations for emote clues on the overlay, instead of just the world map:


The bank tags plugin now has an interface for searching items to use for the tab icon. This allows you to easily set the tab icon to items you do not have.


The raids scouter plugin now broadcasts scouted raids to your RuneLite party


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix tracking of Jad and Zuk personal best
  • Show grand exchange value when examining items in the seed vault
  • The quest list plugin now has an additional filter to show uncompleted quests only
  • Add support for Lava Eels to the fishing plugin
  • Fix world map quest marker for Depths of Despair
  • Add Hespori to the loot tracker
  • The item prices plugin can now show HA profit when casting on items
  • Change "Mark" to "Unmark" when right clicking already marked tiles, objects, and npcs
  • Add option to add skill xptrackers to the canvas on the skill menu tab
  • Fix removing teleblock timer when your opponent who cast the teleblock dies
  • Add total points and points per hour to the NMZ overlay
  • Fix the zoom plugin control reset config value to be properly bounded to valid values
  • Add 2005 style sprite override for friend/ignore list toggle icon
  • The item charges plugin now supports Rings of Forging
  • Add gnome stronghold fishing spots to fishing plugin
  • Increase smelting overlay timeout to account for cannonballs
  • Fix the XP tracker rounding to not show 100% prior to gaining a level
  • Ignore player loot at LMS in the loot tracker
  • Change Chaos Elemental respawn timer to 60 seconds


- Adam

New commits

We had 29 contributors this release!

15987632 (3):
      hot cold clues: center kandarin outpost dig location
      hot cold clues: center level 38 wilderness dig location
      hot cold clues: center zeah lovakite furnace dig location

Adam (17):
      api: mark getItemDefinition as nonnull
      ovelay renderer: more gracefully handle exceptions
      tooltip overlay: move tooltip clearing to a finally block
      tooltip component: fix exception from malformed tags
      api: rename Item to TileItem and add Item value class
      client: change item layer item uages to TileItem
      chatfilter test: remove player bind
      grounditems: add despawn timers
      loot tracker: fix HERBIBOAR_EVENT name typo
      timers: add divine potions
      chat commands: add gauntlet kc
      fps plugin: move fps off logout button on bottom line mode
      world hopper: change ping task to ping one world
      world hopper: add option to show current world ping
      chat commands: fix tracking zuk pb
      chat commands: add gg pb
      chat commands: add guantlet pb

Adam Witkowski (1):
      itemstats: Add support for Tai Bwo Wannai food (spiders on stick) (#9485)

Alexsuperfly (19):
      loot tracker: add Elven Crystal Chest
      world map: add song of the elves quest location
      world map: add Prifddinas rare tree icons
      world map: add Prifddinas tranportation icons
      world map: add teleport crytal icon
      world map: elf camp -> Iorwerth camp teleport scroll
      world map: add Prifddinas farming patch icons
      world map: add elven overpass shortcuts on Prifddinas map
      world map: add Iorwerths dungeon agility shortcut icons
      world map: add gauntlet minigame icon
      bosstimers: add Zalcano
      AnimationID: add crystal and new dragon orn tools
      idle notifier: add ids for crystal and new dragon orn tools
      woodcutting: add crystal axe to axe enum
      motherlode: update animation id set with new crystal and dragon tools
      skill calc: add Prifddinas agility course
      skill calc: add crystal tree
      discord: add Prifddinas locations
      wintertodt: add crystal axe to animation list

Andrew Benson (1):
      Fix Ardounge -> Ardougne typo in cryptic clue description (#9460)

AttackOfTheMoons (3):
      Fix casing in shiftClickActionIndex  (#9404)
      examine: Add support for examining Seed Vault items (#9431)
      slayer: Fix NPE when getting unsupported task (#9490)

Daniel Serpa (1):
      quest list plugin: add not completed filter

David (6):
      clue plugin: add locations to emote clues
      Add GE limit for Drift net (#9411)
      Add new Jethic medium clue step (#9456)
      impling plugin: add Crystal implings
      fishing: Add support for Lava Eeels (#9477)
      worldmap: Fix quest marker for Depths of Despair (#9506)

Decorth (1):
      loottracker: Add Hespori loot tracking

Gamma91 (1):
      mining plugin: add Prifddinas rocks

Gustavo Rodrigues (1):
      Added infernal cape and infernal max cape to master clue scroll step

Hydrox6 (2):
      cluescrolls: add dragon pick (or) to master emote clue
      Add item mappings for crystal equipment

Jacky L (1):
      Show HA profit while casting HA on items (#9070)

Jordan Atwood (7):
      groundmarkerplugin: Use RUNELITE menu action
      timersplugin: Escape periods in teleblock patterns
      npcindicators: Use "Un-tag" menu option for tagged NPCs
      objectindicators: Use "Unmark" menu option for marked objects
      groundmarkers: Use "Unmark" menu option for marked tiles
      overlaymanager: Add anyMatch method
      xptrackerplugin: Add canvas menu options to skill tab

Max Weber (13):
      runelite-api Remove WidgetPositioned
      Revert "Shutdown plugins on window close"
      runelite-client: remove RuneLiteModuleTest
      runelite-client: Don't write all images to disk when loading them
      ChatboxPerformancePlugin: Hook the cs2 to know when to rebuild
      BankTags: Call scripts with all of their arguments explicitly
      runelite-client: Start the ClientLoader running before injection starts
      runelite-client: Preload certain slow classes
      Update Quest Enum to latest cache
      timetracking: Support Prifddinas patches
      agility: Support Prifddinas course
      Skybox: Add Prifddinas and Iorwerth dungeon
      itemidentification: Add crystal sapling

Quasindro (1):
      nmz: Add total and per hour points to NMZ overlay

Ron Young (3):
      api: import itemCount
      chatbox: add ChatboxItemSearch
      TabInterface: add item searching for change icon

Ryan (1):
      zoom plugin: fix range bounds for ctrl zoom value config

Sander de Groot (2):
      interface styles: add sprite override for 2005 friend/ignore list toggle
      chat filter: fix filtering messages containing nbsp

SebastiaanVanspauwen (1):
      chat commands: add Prifddinas agility course kc and pb

TheStonedTurtle (3):
      loot tracker: add gauntlet support
      itemstats: add Guantlet food and potion
      timer plugin: add stamina timer for Guantlet potion

Tomas Slusny (3):
      Use GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW for ever-changing uniformBuffer
      party: add party chat messages
      raids plugin: send raids layout message to party

William Collishaw (2):
      emoji plugin: support nbsp in messages
      raids: Switch from Pattern splitting to Text.fromCSV (#9422)

Zacharias Tyllström (1):
      item charges: add ring of forging

dekvall (2):
      Add gnome stronghold fishing spots to fishing plugin (#9444)
      Increase timeout for smelting overlay to handle cannonballs (#9448)

jdkleuver (1):
      xp tracker: Change rounding mode so that it rounds down rather than up (#9378)

psikoi (1):
      loot tracker: ignore player loot in LMS

rlw0014 (1):
      timer plugin: remove tb timer when opponent dies

xDemoN (1):
      clue scrolls: Use consistent label for "Location" (#9421) 1.5.29 Release Seed vault price checker, scroll zoom speed changer, and bug fixes 2019-07-18T10:00:00.000Z Adam

The bank plugin will now total up the value of all of the seeds in the seed vault


The camera zoom plugin now has a setting to configure the scroll zoom speed, and allows configuring the control key to reset zoom.

The grounditems plugin can now recolor the telegrab menu to according to the items value


The color picker now has a palette of recent colors


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix Esc changing tabs when in typing mode in the key remapping plugin
  • Add ability to configure custom key remaps for the F keys and esc to key remapping plugin
  • Fix impling plugin sometimes not working with Puro-Puro impling spawns
  • Fix Motherlode mine rock obstacles not being marked when entering the mine
  • Add Dragonfire shield timer to timers plugin
  • Add farming harvest actions to the idle notifier
  • Add Shilo gem rocks to the mining plugin respawn timer
  • Add Sarachnis respawn timer
  • Fix location of Fishing Platform elite clue stash unit
  • Fix HD prayer bar flick bar
  • Add Entrana river fishing spots to fishing plugin
  • Fix MTA telekinetic solver sometimes not updating after telegrabbing the guardian
  • Fix several edge cases related to untradeables in the items kept on death plugin
  • Add support for labeling ore and gems to the item identification plugin
  • Add menu swaps for ToB Quick-Enter and Enchant on Eluned
  • Add Rantz arrow collection to the daily task plugin
  • Add option to the chat filter plugin to filter all login and logout notifications
  • Fix the loot tracker counting duplicate raids chests if opened more than once
  • Fix skybox color on the Cosmic entity's plane


- Adam

New commits

We had 23 contributors this release!

Adam (11):
      Remove runescape-api and mixins
      keyremapping: fix escape from chat triggering game keybindings
      keyremapping: allow custom keybinds for F keys
      keyremapping: add F-key remap for escape
      api: add item container id to item container changed event
      chat filter: add option to filter login notifications
      api: add npc changed event
      imp plugin: cleanup
      imp plugin: handle npc changes to imps
      bank plugin: refactor to allow pricing multiple containers
      bank plugin: add seed vault

Adam Witkowski (1):
      mlm: fix rock obstacles not being marked on load

Cameron Moberg (1):
      Stop screenshotPlugin from overwriting previous screenshots

Damen (1):
      Add Dragonfire Shield timer to timers plugin (#9234)

Daniel (1):
      Properly capitalize 'Brother Kojo' in Watchtower clue scroll (#9297)

David (4):
      idle notifier: add farming harvest animations
      Center the Inventory icon in 2005 resizable mode (#9322)
      mining plugin: add gem rocks
      Add GE limit for Golovanova fruit top (#9385)

Decorth (2):
      Add Sarachnis respawn timer to Boss timers plugin (#9313)
      Fix location of Fishing Platform elite clue stash (#9327)

Hydrox6 (1):
      prayer: fix HD prayer bar flick location

Jordan Atwood (6):
      PluginListItem: Reset label color on popup menu item click
      loottracker: Fix duplicate cox and tob chest loots
      grounditemsplugin: Color telegrab menu entries
      Remove unused Slf4j annotations and imports
      hotcoldclue: Display npc location before using device
      slayerplugin: Correct Jad and Zuk task tracking

Jordan Parker (1):
      fishing: Add Entrana river fishing spots

Max Weber (6):
      runelite-client: Don't try to contain to screen when contain is off
      ClientThread: repeat call immediate invokes correctly
      runelite-client: Handle missing sprites correctly
      runelite-client: Use BufferedImage where applicable
      InfoBoxManager: handle AsyncBufferedImage more correctly
      runelite-client: Allow partial screen containment again

Oussama (1):
      Fix typo in Loot Tracker panel (#9341)

Pineapplezz (1):
      Improve Arrandar mountain pass clue description (#9331)

Quasindro (2):
      mlm: fix ore vein max respawn time threshold
      skybox: fix color at Cosmic Entity's Plane region

Ron Young (6):
      Bank Tags: close chat input like withdraw-x
      widget item overlay: don't render on tag tabs and bank tabs
      mta: fix Telekinetic solver not moving
      RuneliteColorPicker: add onClose consumer
      Add ColorPickerManager
      RuneliteColorPicker: add support for recent colors

Ryan (2):
      zoom plugin: add control to reset zoom
      zoom plugin: add zoom scroll speed configuration

SomeBall-1 (1):
      Add option to swap Talk-to with Enchant for Eluned (#9183)

Su-Shing Chen (2):
      Sort worlds in world hopper using Guava
      Put worlds with unknown ping at the bottom of the world hopper list

TheStonedTurtle (2):
      itemskeptondeath: fix many edge cases and add tests
      ClueScroll - Fix demonic ruins text

Unknown (1):
      dailytasksplugin: Add Rantz ogre arrow collection notification

caleyz (1):
      chat filter: refresh chat on config change, startup, and shutdown

meshens (1):
      item identification: add support for labeling ores and gems (#9268)

rlw0014 (1):
      Add swap for ToB Quick-Enter to menu entry swapper (#9136) 1.5.28 Release BA gamble count and duels chat commands, beginner hot cold clues, and 2010 cross sprites 2019-07-04T10:00:00.000Z Adam

The chat commands plugin now includes the !gc and !duels commands which shows your BA high gamble count and duel arena wins and losses with streak, respectively. You must first win or lose a duel for the client to begin tracking the counts after the update, however the gamble count will work immediately.


The clue plugin now supports beginner hot cold clues (this is the last of the updates from the clue update from April)


The interface styles plugin now has an option to replace the left click cross sprites with the ones from RuneScape


The grand exchange plugin now has an option to show the total amount of the offers in the grand exchange:


The prayer plugin now can draw a "HD" prayer bar which looks more consistent with the HD health bar option of the interface styles plugin.


The metronome plugin now works even when game sounds are muted. If you had the metronome plugin on with the game sounds muted prior to the update, you probably will want to turn it off now.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix the Shield of Arrav, MEP2, and Shadow of the Storm quest start points on the world map
  • Add snakeskin gear to the skill calculator
  • Add Larran's chest to the loot tracker
  • Fix world map Hosidius rare tree icons and Kourend agility obstacle placement
  • Add fishing spots south of the farming guild to the fishing plugin
  • The Wintertodt plugin now has an option to send a notification before the round start
  • Fix Father Jean's location for the easy cryptic clue
  • Fix the alignment of some of the icons on the 2005 interface style to more closely resemble the 2005 gameframe
  • The cooking plugin now tracks burning stew
  • Add option to the world hopper plugin to hide the Hop-to menu option on friends and clan members
  • The cursor plugin now has a dragon dagger (p) cursor


- Adam

New commits

We had 28 contributors this release!

Adam (4):
      api: rename unknownSoundValues1 -> queuedSoundEffectLoops
      config manager: treat null and empty string equally in setDefaultConfiguration
      client: fix behavior of walking where there are no tiles
      timers plugin: fix teleblock timers

Damen (1):
      worldmap: fix shield of arrav start points

Daniel (2):
      Add snakeskin gear to skill calculator (#9172)
      Added Larran's chest to loot tracker (#9209)

Daniel Serpa (1):
      ge plugin: add grand exchange total value

Evaldas Lavrinovičius (2):
      Fix location of Kourend Agility obstacle on world map (#9203)
      Fix WC world map icons around Hosidius area (#9205)

Hermetism (1):
      npchighlight: Do not render 'null' names (#9093)

Hydrox6 (2):
      fishing: add missing spots near farming guild
      prayer: add HD prayer bar

Jacob McElroy (1):
      chat commands: add ba high gamble command

JavaBlah (1):
      cursors plugin: add dragon dagger (p) cursor

Jordan Atwood (8):
      EmoteClue: Add null checks for stashUnit
      npc indicators: Fix long respawn timer bug
      HotColdClue: Refactor to use enums for temperatures
      HotColdClue: Add hot-cold solver class
      cluescrolls: Add beginner hot-cold clues
      HotColdTemperature: Fix warm-but-colder temperature bug
      HotColdClue: Improve behavior on visibly shaking location
      HotColdClue: Clear final location on clue reset

Kusha Gharahi (1):
      wintertodt plugin: add round start notification

Lotto (1):
      interface styles: add RuneScape cross sprites option

Max Weber (1):
      cache/FrameDumperTest: Don't get the wrong framemaps for a frame

Rice Boxer (1):
      Fix Father Jean's coordinates in easy cryptic clue

Robert Alexander (1):
      chat commands: add duel arena chat command

Sander de Groot (2):
      Adjust alignment of icons in fixed 2005 interface style and fix inventory icon
      Add Barbarian Assault quick-start option to menu entry swapper

ScapeRune (1):
      worldmap: Fix MEP2 and Shadows of the Storm quest tooltips (#9166)

Twiglet1022 (1):
      mining plugin: only show timers on same level in motherlode mine

William Collishaw (2):
      Replace use of deprecated Guava Files write method
      Clean up some instances of double white space

WooxSolo (1):
      Add sounds to devtools

itscalvinwang (1):
      Add support for burning stews to Cooking plugin (#9196) (#9202)

kristo naeris (1):
      world hopper: add option to disable Hop-to menu option

ltvill (1):
      Change default examine chat color to green

psikoi (2):
      Add ENTER/ESC key events for screenmarker saving
      Add hover preview to screen markers

tanlines (1):
      Add item charges for baskets and sacks (#9212)

trimbe (2):
      api: add method to play sound effects while volume is muted
      metronome: play sounds while volume is muted

winterdaze (1):
      Add tooltips to DevTools buttons (#9224)

xdesr (1):
      Fix typos in Falo the Bard clues (comma, favourite) (#9185) 1.5.27 Release Items Kept on Death plugin, World Map Quest Completion Icons, bug fixes 2019-06-20T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

You've asked for it, and we're here to deliver! We have added an Items Kept on Death plugin which more accurately displays the items you will lose upon dying, and adds toggle buttons which simulate certain statuses which would affect that, such as being skulled or having the Protect Item prayer active. Thanks to @TheStonedTurtle's for the hard work that went into making this possible.

Please note that while we have tested this with as many situations as we had access to, our knowledge and understanding of the death mechanics may not be perfectly in line with what will occur ingame. If you discover a situation where this interface is inaccurate, please report such bugs on our issue tracker. For this reason, this plugin is disabled by default. Make sure to look for it and turn it on if you'd like to try it!

Items Kept on Death interface demonstration

The World Map plugin has been updated to display quest completion states. Thanks to @connorjclark for adding this feature.

World Map plugin showing question completion status

In addition to the new features mentioned above, a small number of notable bugs have been fixed.

  • Object markers for objects larger than one tile will no longer become duplicated. This means you should no longer see a black overlay on such objects, and this will no longer impact your FPS ingame.
  • The Key Remapping plugin will no longer change your tabs when an NPC dialog is open, allowing you to properly input chat options.
  • We have fixed the Interface Styles plugin's HD healthbars.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The Chat Notifications plugin now correctly matches < and >
  • Emojis added to a message will no longer reset the message's chat color
  • The Mining plugin now recognizes ash piles, has some missing and inaccurate ore timers corrected, and draws its progress pie at the proper height for motherlode mine and amethyst veins. In addition, it displays its progress pie in a different color for motherlode mine veins during the random timer of their respawn.
  • Clue scrolls affected by the Hosidius rework have had their locations updated
  • A coordinate clue scroll located in Weiss has been added to the Clue Scroll plugin
  • The skill challenge clue scroll requiring killing a spiritual mage is now properly recognized
  • The Clue Scroll plugin will now recognize more Falo the Bard clue scrolls
  • The Item Stats plugin now has an option to remove the "Weight" stat from the stats tooltip
  • The Item Identification plugin will now overlay items shown in the seed box, looting bag, and in Miscellania's collection screen
  • The Timers plugin will properly add a teleblock timer now, since the ingame message has changed
  • The Discord plugin will show your ingame status as "Training: Fishing" instead of Strength or Agility when performing barbarian fly fishing
  • New flash notification options have been added to RuneLite's global configuration
  • The Agility plugin now recognizes a previously-missing Falador rooftop agility course obstacle
  • You can now configure the drag delay of the Inventory Grid plugin
  • The Menu Entry Swapper plugin will now swap the "Shop" menu entry of the Witchhaven shop when the "Trade" option is enabled
  • A bug in the Item Prices plugin preventing high alchemy profits from being displayed unless the item's high alchemy value was also displayed has been fixed


- Jordan

New commits

We had 19 contributors this release!

Adam (7):
      mixins: fix duplicate spawn events for large gameobjects
      key remapping: don't remap fkeys when options dialog is open
      key remapping: remove some unused widget and keylistener checks
      key remapping: fix clearing input when plugin is turned on
      scripts: correctly pop unused input string when blocking chat input
      chat notifier: fix matching < and > in chat messages
      emoji plugin: fix stripping chat recolor tags

Adelaidian (1):
      mining plugin: add ash piles

Aundron (1):
      clue plugin: update Hosidius allotment clue location for rework

Connor Clark (1):
      world map plugin: show quest completion state

Dava (1):
      items stats: add option to show weight

Hydrox6 (6):
      Add ItemIdentification to Seed Box, Looting Bag, and Miscellania collection screen (#8999)
      mining plugin: add missing silver id
      timers: fix teleblock message
      api: implement resetHealthBarCaches and getHealthBarFrontSpriteId
      api: remove unneeded Health Bar Override code
      interface styles: update HD Health bar to work with new sprites

Jacky (1):
      Add additional info to waterbirth coordinate clue

Jacky Liang (2):
      clue plugin: add Weiss coordinate clue description
      clue plugin: improve Champions Guild clue hint

Jarred Vardy (1):
      Set priority '1' for TRAINING_FISHING DiscordGameEvent (#9061)

Jordan Atwood (2):
      cluescrolls: Fix Hosidius mess hall clue locations
      HotColdLocation: Center northeastern Kharazi jungle location

Max Weber (2):
      runelite-client: centralize item sprite dimensions
      runelite-client: Centralize the high alchemy multiplier

Sander de Groot (1):
      Fix typo in spiritual mage master cryptic clue (#9105)

TheStonedTurtle (2):
      Add scroll price to Magic shortbow (i) and Row (i)
      runelite-client: add items kept on death plugin

Twiglet1022 (7):
      mining plugin: draw overlay at correct height for mlm and amethyst
      mining plugin: correct coal timer, missing copper rock and other fixes
      clues: correct text of falo the bard warrior guild token clue
      mining plugin: remove progress pie from mlm veins that respawn early
      mining plugin: recolour pie in MLM during random segment of timer
      clues: correct text of falo the bard obby maul clue
      notifier: add customisation to flash notification

Unknown (1):
      Added missing falador rooftop course agility obstacle

William Collishaw (7):
      Fix typo in 'dumpJson' function name
      Fix typo in 'sessionCheck' function name
      Fix typo in 'getProperties' function name
      Fix 'Jewellery' typo in PohConfig show jewellery box description
      Optimize if statements in the client module (#8998)
      Fix 'ABERRANT_SPECTRE' typo in SlayerUnlock and CannonSpot enums
      Fix 'GROTESQUE_GUARDIAN' typo in SlayerUnlock enum

William Maga (1):
      inventory grid: add config for drag delay

cjamcl (1):
      MenuEntrySwapper: include "shop" for trade option

gregg1494 (2):
      mining plugin: add sandstone and granite
      itemprices: fix showing high alch profit with show ha value disabled 1.5.26 Release Mining rock respawn timer, inventory grid, and F-key remapping 2019-06-06T10:00:00.000Z Adam

A mining plugin has been added which shows respawn times for rocks.


An inventory grid plugin was added which will overlay a grid of each item slot in the inventory when an item is dragged, aiding with rearranging inventory items.


The WASD plugin has been renamed to the Key Remapping plugin. If you had it on prior to the update you will need to turn it on again. It now also supports remapping the number keys (0-9, -, and =) to the F keys, to aid Mac users.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The wine ferment timer was fixed, again, and actually works now
  • The Barbarian Assault plugin was updated for last week's game update and now correctly shows the wave time again
  • Fix the agility plugin not highlighting the Al-Kharid zipline
  • Fix the clue plugin to identify the correct stash unit near the Exam Centre
  • The authenticator code can now be pasted into the login screen, similar to username and password


- Adam

New commits

We had 7 contributors this release!

Adam (19):
      Revert "cooking plugin: fix wine fermentation timer to begin at appropriate time"
      Revert "cooking plugin: add wine ferment timer"
      Revert "cooking plugin: rename session to cooking session"
      cooking plugin: add wine ferment timer
      mixins: fix game object events to not fire for actors, projectiles, and graphic objects
      client: add mining plugin
      ba: update to no longer use icons to determine role
      ba: fix wave timer announce from exiting a tutorial
      ba: null game time after the game has been finished
      music plugin: delete all child widgets before adding buttons
      quest plugin: delete all child widgets before adding buttons
      wasd plugin: rename to keyremapping plugin
      keyremapping plugin: add F-key remapping
      keyremapping: fix keys getting stuck from map loading
      keyremappinig: replace some lambdas with method references
      achievement diary: fix legends guild jewllery task
      api: modify Widget.getWidgetItem to return widget items when no item exists
      client: add inventory grid plugin
      inventory grid: add delay before activating overlay

Hydrox6 (1):
      agility: Fix highlighting of Al Kharid zip line

Jordan Atwood (1):
      HotColdLocation: Replace nbsp with normal spaces

Ron Young (2):
      mixins: correct widget item bounds location for if1
      client: readjust widget item overlay positions for modified widget item bounds

Tomas Slusny (3):
      Expose loginIndex and otp fields from runescape client
      Add support for pasting authenticator code on login screen

William Collishaw (2):
      Remove redundant subString endindex .length() calls
      Replace redundant StringBuilder append String.subString with append CharSequence

xDemoN (2):
      Fix numulite buy limit in GE plugin (#8962)
      Cluescrolls: Swap STASH Units for Exam Centre Emote Clues (#8963) 1.5.25 Release Stash unit build status, mobile-style clan tab chat, and music list searching 2019-05-30T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

The Clue Scroll plugin will now display whether you have built the STASH unit for emote clues and will mark the tile of nearby STASH units when travelling to complete your clue. Thanks to @hex-agon for this contribution!

STASH unit build status and location indicator

The Clan Chat plugin now offers an option to allow chat typed in the Clan tab to be sent to your clan chat without the need for your message to start with /, just like on mobile!

A Music List plugin has been added, which adds similar functionality as is found in the Quest List plugin, that is ability to show only unlocked or locked songs, and search functionality. Thanks to @achencoms for adding this feature.

Music filtering and search

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Plugin names in the plugin list panel now display a pop-up menu when clicked, linking directly to their wiki pages
  • The Special Attack Counter plugin no longer resets recorded special attacks when interacting with NPCs which cannot be attacked
  • The Cooking plugin properly displays the time to fermentation when making a full inventory of wines
  • The Clue Scroll plugin will now display solutions for beginner-level map clues
  • A bug which would cause the special attack bar to not be updated when hide auto retaliate was on has been fixed
  • The World Map plugin now shows the location of the Camulet teleport
  • An option has been added to the Menu Entry Swapper plugin to swap "Send-parcel" and "Quick-pay(100)" for quick and easy access to the hardwood grove in Tai Bwo Wannai
  • The Chat Filter plugin now has options to prevent filtering messages sent by friends and clan members, and will now never filter messages from yourself
  • The Opponent Information plugin can now display both HP value and percent at once on the displayed opponent HP bar
  • The Clue Scroll, Time Tracking, and World Map plugins have had updates to reflect last week's Hosidius rework


- Jordan

New commits

We had 14 contributors this release!

Adam (6):
      quest list plugin: fix removing widets on shutdown
      xtea service: fix bulk query returning duplicates
      clanchat plugin: add clan tab chat option
      client: fix spec bar not updating with hide auto retaliate on
      spec counter: ignore non attacakble npcs
      clue plugin: update Hosidius clue hint from rework

Austin Bryant (1):
      cooking plugin: fix wine fermentation timer to begin at appropriate time

Cistoran (1):
      worldmap: update Xeric's Glade teleport location

Hexagon (1):
      clue plugin: add stash unit built status to emote clue overlay

Hydrox6 (2):
      clues: add support for beginner maps
      Fix Hosidius Easy Cryptic clue after rework (#8940)

Jacky Liang (1):
      Add camulet teleport icon to worldmap (#8934)

Jared N (1):
      menu swapper: add Hardwood Grove menu swap option

Jordan Atwood (3):
      PluginManagerTest: Ensure config keyNames are not duplicated
      plugins panel: Add wiki link to name labels
      attack styles: Attach spec bar redraw listener to weapon text

Max Weber (5):
      runelite-api: Correct WallObject documentation
      mixins: Correct WallObject's clickbox
      mixins: Correct DecorativeObject's clickbox
      timetracking: Update farming patches for the Hosidius rework
      timetracking: Don't crash when seeing a garbage varbit value

Tomas Slusny (1):
      Add support for center label to ProgressBarComponent

achencoms (1):
      client: add music list plugin and search filter

osrs-music-map (1):
      chat filter: add options to filter friends and clan members

seandewar (1):
      opponentinfo: add option to show both hp value and percent

xDemoN (1):
      Fix amulet of fury spelling error in (#8885) 1.5.23 Release On screen xp trackers and emoji plugin 2019-05-16T10:00:00.000Z Adam

The xp tracker plugin can now add the xp tracker panels to the game canvas, allowing you move them around like any other overlay:


An emoji plugin was added, which when enabled, replaces common and not-so-common emoticons such as :) with emoji images in game chat. You can find a complete list of supported emoji and their triggers on our wiki


A smelting plugin was added, which works similar to the woodcutting plugin, and keeps track of how many bars and cannonballs you have smelted as well as whether or not you are currently smelting.


The barrows plugin now has a prayer drain timer which tracks how long until the next barrows prayer drain.

The blast furnace plugin now has a foreman fee timer for those under 60 smithing.

Finally, the cooking plugin now has a wine ferment timer

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix north Arceuus Dense essence mine shortcut
  • Add option to notify before next hp regen to the regenmeter plugin
  • Add plank make to the idle notifier
  • Fix item overlays not appearing on the inventory with the seed vault open
  • Add missing CoX fish, and fix Leckish fish healing value in item stats plugin
  • Fix npcindicators highlight npc option from the previous release


- Adam

New commits

We had 21 contributors this release!

15987632 (4):
      chat message manager: don't send messages on tutorial island
      daily tasks plugin: tidy up if statements
      daily tasks plugin: make less config options on by default
      daily tasks plugin: fix broken if statement

Abex (1):
      Remove references to zeah houses (#8692)

Adam (8):
      Revert "npcindicators: Add option to highlight NPC name in right click menu (#8673)"
      npcindicators: Add option to highlight NPC name in right click menu
      cooking plugin: rename session to cooking session
      cooking plugin: add wine ferment timer
      chat: ensure queued messages are always cleared after adding
      party plugin: add partyinfo debug command
      party service: check joins are for the current party
      client: use immutablemap for maps built in class initializers

Alec Mikell (1):
      Fix Hot/Cold Misthalin Location Spelling Error

Brandon White (1):
      blast furance plugin: add foreman fee timer

JZomerlei (1):
      itemstats: Add missing CoX fish, fix Leckish fish healing value (#8831)

John Kryspin (1):
      fishing plugin: fix trawler timer with one tick left

Jordan Atwood (2):
      western diary: Fix elf pickpocket quest requirement
      game timers: Don't remove antipoison effects on death

Justin (1):
      clue scroll plugin: fix typo in Arnold Lydspor clue (#8832)

Lotto (12):
      ba: use equipment ItemContainer instead of PlayerComposition
      xp tracker: display >1m exp with thousandths precision
      ui: add SplitComponent
      xp tracker: show on canvas
      xp tracker: add start and goal levels to on-canvas tracker
      xp tracker (onscreen): add toggle between displaying XP Left/XP Gained
      xp tracker: add right-click configure on on-screen trackers
      client: format enum config options as "Config Opt" instead of CONFIG_OPT
      client: remove overrides in config enums with same converted name
      client: add BufferedImage -> IndexedSprite converter to ImageUtil
      client: change ClanManager to use ImageUtil image converter
      client: add emoji plugin

Lucas (1):
      Aggro area: only add a timer if the time left isn't negative

Macweese (1):
      agility shortcuts: fix north Arceuus Dense essence mine shortcut

Ryan H (1):
      barrows plugin: add prayer drain timer

Stephen Zhu (1):
      client: add smelting plugin

Tomas Slusny (3):
      Add options for actions left and done for on screen XP
      Add loop timer infobox
      Use LoopTimer in Barrows plugin

Ville Kopio (1):
      combatlevel plugin: fix prayer levels until combat level calculation

Vincent Sevilla (1):
      notifier: Log notifications to console in debug mode (#8805)

William Collishaw (1):
      Upgrade git commit id plugin from 2.2.5 to 2.2.6

seandewar (2):
      constants: add GAME_TICK_LENGTH and use where needed
      regenmeter: add option to notify before next hp regen

xDemoN (1):
      idlenotifier: add plank-make

xdesr (2):
      widget item overlay: add seed vault inventory
      Remove gray pixel from Dragon Scimitar cursor (#8725) 1.5.22 Release Custom Cursor and Item Identification plugins, Falo the Bard clue support 2019-05-03T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

A Custom Cursor plugin has been added which, when enabled, allows you to change your cursor when hovering the client to one of a number of iconic RuneScape cursors, including the RS3 gold and silver cursors, a trout, and the iconic dragon scimitar. Thanks to @Kruithne and @Trevor159 for making this happen!

RS3 gold cursor Dragon dagger cursor

Have you ever confused your herbs, seeds, or tree saplings? We've added an Item Identification plugin to help combat that. When enabled, it will overlay the name (or abbreviated name) on the item when in most non-bank interfaces. Thanks to @Hydrox6 for adding this feature.

Item identification plugin overlaying some herbs, saplings, and herb seeds

The Clue Scroll plugin has had support added for Falo the Bard clues, thanks to @Twiglet1022.

A clue hint being shown for an opened Falo the Bard clue

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The loot tracker plugin now tracks Herbiboar harvest loot
  • When completing beginner-level music clue steps, the Clue Scroll plugin will scroll your music list to the requested song when first opened after reading the clue
  • An option has been added to the NPC Indicators plugin to also highlight the right-click menu options of marked NPCs
  • The Slayer plugin will now highlight Mutated Zygomites sooner when they are weak and can be sprayed
  • The Idle Notifier plugin will now alert you should you go idle after crafting pottery
  • An icon for the battlefront teleport has been added to the World Map plugin
  • The Daily Task plugin now has an option to notify you when Thirus's dynamite is available for pick-up
  • The Virtual Levels plugin now has an option to disable showing virtual total level
  • Bronze darts are now shown at the proper level in the Skill Calculator plugin
  • Fixed a bug which could cause the Ammo plugin's infobox to not be removed properly


- Jordan

New commits

We had 12 contributors this release!

Adam (5):
      interface styles: invalidate healthbar cache on shutdown
      travis: update dist to xenial
      travis: switch to openjdk8
      client: add custom cursor plugin
      world hopper: disable Hop-to pvp worlds from regular worlds

Alexsuperfly (2):
      slayer: add 'south of' to task regex
      slayer: add test including 'south of'

Beau (1):
      Optionally prevent virtual levels from effecting total level

Crow (1):
      Fix bronze dart requirement in skillcalculator (1->10) (#8690)

Hydrox6 (3):
      clue plugin: add widget scroll feature
      ammo: fix the infobox not getting removed
      client: add item identification plugin

TheStonedTurtle (2):
      chat history: fix pm cycling deque max size
      chat history: clear friend deque when clearing pm history

Tomas Slusny (2):
      Fix Mutated Zygomite fungicide weaknes threshold
      Use proxy methods for settings cursor via ClientUI

Twiglet1022 (2):
      worldmap: add Battlefront teleport
      clue scroll plugin: add Falo the Bard clues

beaumitch (1):
      npcindicators: Add option to highlight NPC name in right click menu (#8673)

langhillie (1):
      daily task plugin: add Thirus's dynamite

xDemoN (1):
      idlenotifier: add support pottery crafting (#8674)

zaydsalah (1):
      Add Herbiboar support to the Loottracker (#8663) 1.5.21 Release 2010 menu interface style, Ammo plugin, and barrows puzzle solver 2019-04-25T10:00:00.000Z Adam

The interface styles plugin now has a "High Detail menu" option which changes the game menu to look similar to how it did after the release of RSHD:


An ammo plugin was added which adds your current ammo and count as an infobox:


The barrows plugin now has an option to show the answer to the barrows door puzzles:


An option was added to the fishing plugin to make the fishing trawler time left more accurate:


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • HD healthbars now shows more visible green at very low hitpoints
  • Add Neitiznot bridges to agility shortcuts
  • Fix Yanille wall and grapple shortcut overlays indicating the wrong level requirements
  • Fix clan counter to not count yourself as a "nearby clan member"
  • Various new clues and fixes to clues added last week


- Adam

New commits

We had 14 contributors this release!

Adam (6):
      Add WidgetItemOverlay
      client: modify plugins to use WidgetItemOverlay
      api: remove Query api
      widgetitem: associate Widget with WidgetItem
      widgetitem overlay: allow configuring which interfaces to overlay
      interface styles: increase padding of overridden healthbar

BrianAllred (1):
      npc aggro timer: Add option to hide hint overlay (#8610)

Elliott (1):
      fishing plugin: add trawler timer

Hydrox6 (3):
      mixins: renderWidgetLayer: skip hidden widgets
      Add Ammo plugin (#8113)
      ammo: fix weapon check

JacobThompson (1):
      Update lap counter overlay strings for clarity.

Jamy C (1):
      Add missing Neitiznot bridges agility shortcuts

Jordan Atwood (2):
      WorldType: Fix HIGH_RISK world type name
      Remove PVP references to HIGH_RISK world type

Nate Brown (1):
      slayer plugin: use addy and rune masks for metal dragon tasks

Ron Young (3):
      skybox: calculate brightness increase in HSB format
      api: add before menu render event
      interface styles: add 2010 menu

SebastiaanVanspauwen (1):
      barrows plugin: add puzzle solver

Sergz39 (2):
      agility shortcuts: fix Yanille wall and grapple shortcut object ids
      Fix Pirate's tresure quest start location (#8564)

Tomas Slusny (2):
      Do not count local player in nearby clan member counter
      Add missing 'knows' to Hans beginner clue

trimbe (2):
      scripts: add quest list progress script
      quest list plugin: use progress script to trigger hiding quests

xDemoN (3):
      World Map: Identify Both Shield of Arrav Quest Start Points (#8442)
      add lv32 wildy hot cold clue location
      reword lv27 wildy hot cold clue location 1.5.20 Release Clue updates and world map transportation tooltips 2019-04-18T10:00:00.000Z Adam

This release adds many of the new clues released last week, with only beginner hot/cold and beginner map clues not done yet. Thanks to everyone working to get those added.

The hiscore plugin was updated for beginner clues:


The world map plugin now adds tooltips to all transportation icons so you can tell what kind of transportation method it is:


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Add all new anagram, cipher, coordinate, cryptic, and emote clues
  • Add support for music clues, and highlighting the correct track to play
  • Add new wilderness hot cold spot in the Graveyard of Shadows
  • Fix the hiscore plugin looking up clues and LMS rank
  • Add beginner clues to the !clues chat command
  • Add beginner clues to the loot tracker
  • Fix status bars plugin sometimes not correctly showing the poison background color
  • Fix NPC aggro plugin not showing the instructions after being toggled on

An issue was fixed which prevented configuration from syncing across devices for users with newly created RuneLite accounts (in the last 3-4 weeks). A side effect of fixing this caused the client to wipe its configuration for these users over the last week. Sorry about that.


- Adam

New commits

We had 11 contributors this release!

Adam (16):
      Revert "pom: add reproducable build plugin"
      pom: add reproducable build plugin
      http api: update for beginner clues
      chat commands: add beginner clues
      hiscore plugin: add beginner clues
      config service: remove writing to sql
      clue plugin: move widget highlights to plugin
      clue plugin: add music clues
      clue plugin: add beginner anagram clues
      clue plugin: add beginner cryptic clues
      clue plugin: add beginner emote clues
      mixins: set thread name on client thread
      clue plugin: fix text matching anagrams
      clue plugin: fix emote clue overlay with no item requirements
      config service: fix not upserting documents when setting config keys
      devtools: add setstat command

Daniel Robaina (1):
      clue plugin: add easy cryptic clues

Hydrox6 (1):
      loottracker: add support for beginner clues

Jordan Atwood (3):
      clue plugin: Add new cipher clues
      clue plugin: Add new cryptic clues
      clue plugin: Add new coordinate clue descriptions

ScapeRune (3):
      Fix item mapping of Saradomin's Blessed Sword and Saradomin's Tear (#8453)
      clue scroll plugin: add new medium and master anagrams
      npc aggro timer: fix instructions not showing up when plugin is turned on

TheStonedTurtle (2):
      LootTracker: Change rigid area to compound border
      Fix status bar poison background color

Tomas Slusny (2):
      Fix access control in clue scroll plugin
      Properly use Lombok in MusicClue class

Whitehooder (1):
      clue plugin: add lvl 27 wilderness hot-cold clue location

Yuuki-chan (1):
      Fix grammar in Skybox plugin description (#8496)

bjornenalfa (1):
      Remove duplicate coordinate clue

ksergio39 (1):
      world map plugin: add tooltips for transportation icon 1.5.19 Release HD health bars and ground marker minimap display 2019-04-11T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

The Interface Styles plugin now supports an option to display HD health bars from 2009-era RuneScape. This option can be enabled separately from the rest of the interface styles, and a "Default" style option has been added so players can use the vanilla interface and still use HD health bars. Big thanks to @devLotto for implementing this feature.

HD health bars

The Ground Markers plugin now has an option to draw minimap squares at their locations. Thanks to @genetic-soybean for adding this feature.

Ground marker minimap display

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Binding necklaces are now tracked in the Item Charge plugin
  • Binding necklaces can now be displayed as infobox and have their own notification when they break
  • The Ground Items plugin now has a configuration to allow highlighting based on Grand Exchange value, High Alchemy value, or based on whichever of the two is higher
  • The Special Attack Counter plugin no longer has incorrect values when used in a party
  • The Clue Scroll plugin now displays a warning when you are missing a spade for hot-cold clues and cryptic clues with a dig location
  • Free/Member's world filters have been added to the World Hopper plugin
  • The Loot Tracker plugin no longer confuses the crystal chest with the brimstone chest
  • The Prayer plugin now takes into account the higher prayer restoration of super restores and sanfew serums when displaying its dose indicator
  • The Idle Notifier now correctly notifies you should you go idle while enchanting amulets
  • Cerberus's lair now has a skybox color assigned to it
  • Aerial fishing spots close enough to be caught in one tick are now highlighted in green in the Fishing plugin
  • The Timestamp plugin now allows configuring the timestamp format
  • Karuulm volcano monsters now display their HP values in the Opponent Information plugin
  • The Daily Task Indicators plugin correctly shows relog messages for fewer daily tasks
  • Some missing pies have been added to the Skill Calculator plugin
  • The runecrafting experience for crafting blood and soul runes has been slightly increased to account for the experience gained from creating dark essence blocks
  • The Quest List plugin can now filter quests by any completion state


- Jordan

New commits

We had 20 contributors this release!

Abel Briggs (1):
      ground items: add configuration for which coin value color highlighting uses

Adam (10):
      speccounter: fix tracking multiple weapons in party
      pom: add reproducable build plugin
      clue plugin: centralize spade check
      clue plugin: add require spade overlay to hot cold clue
      mixins: set array capacity in getVertices
      runescape-api: rename CombatInfo2 to HealthBar
      cache: datafile: simplify next sector calculation
      interface styles: simplify loading sprites
      ground markers: add option to disable ground markers on minimap
      worldhopper: add free/member world filter option

Adam Ballinger (1):
      loot tracker: add crystal chest

Dylan Critz (1):
      Fix Dragonfuit Tree Level (82-81) in skillcalc plugin (#8311)

Eric (2):
      Improve the outpost coordinate clue description (#8414)
      Rename indicators->infoboxes in boosts plugin config (#8405)

Hydrox6 (1):
      prayer: make dose indicator handle super restores and sanfews

Joshua Filby (1):
      refactor: change ChatMessageType names to follow ones given

Lotto (3):
      client: fix npe when puzzle solver hasn't been executed yet
      client: add HD health bars to Interface Styles
      interface styles: add default skin type

Lucwousin (1):
      idle notifier: add amulet enchanting animations

Max Weber (2):
      skybox: Add Cerberus area
      mixins: Fix convex hulls being incorrectly contoured

Michael41000 (1):
      fishing plugin: highlight 1 tick fishing spots at Lake Molch

Paul Cook (1):
      Use consistent rounding for XP bar markers

Quasindro (1):
      quest list plugin: add ability to filter quests by any completion state

Roman Alexander (1):
      Fix plugin list layout when a plugin dynamically adds / removes buttons.

TheStonedTurtle (3):
      Remove binding necklace from Runecraft plugin
      Add binding necklace to Item Charge plugin
      Add destroy support to Item Charge plugin

Trevor Guidry (1):
      timestamp plugin: allow configuring timestamp

Twinkiel0ver (1):
      Add Karuulm slayer monsters to the NPC health list

ksergio39 (2):
      Fix wrong name on world map for Shayzien Teleport
      daily task reminders: correct relog messages

whartd (1):
      skill calculator: add missing pies

xDemoN (3):
      clue scroll plugin: clarify Pointed Blue Snelm
      clue scroll plugin: add spade warning to cryptic clues
      skillcalc: update soul & blood rune xp 1.5.18 Release Quest list plugin and special attack sharing enhancement 2019-03-28T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

A Quest List plugin has been added, which adds a button to toggle visibility of completed quests, and adds a search button to limit the shown quests in the list. Thanks to @spudjb for adding this feature!

Completed quest toggle button Quest search dialog

The Special Attack Counter plugin now shares special attack hits with your party members, with this information displayed in the tooltip.

Shared party special attacks

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The Bank Value plugin has been renamed to the Bank plugin, and now offers options to force right-clicking on the deposit inventory/worn buttons
  • The XP tracker no longer resets the overall XP display when using the "Reset others" right-click option
  • The Special Attack Counter plugin no longer tracks special attacks on other players
  • The loot tracker now tracks loot obtained from the Brimstone chest
  • The !kc chat command will now track herbiboar harvest counts


- Jordan

New commits

We had 10 contributors this release!

Adam (11):
      api: add event for controlling menu left click behavior
      Revert "client: load jagex config and client over https"
      config service: return an empty config if no config is found
      xptracker: fix "Reset others" resetting overall xp
      client: show error dialog when unable to load client
      client: verify client signature
      http-service: update mysql driver to mariadb 2.2.3
      spec plugin: only count specs on npcs
      spec plugin: share specs with party
      mixins: fix incorrect usage of getNameables()
      chat message builder: escape messages

Adam Ballinger (1):
      Add brimstone chest support to loot tracker

Andrew Ghaly (1):
      hooks: fix typos in javadoc

Hydrox6 (3):
      client: rename `Bank Value` plugin to `Bank`
      bank: add option to force right click on deposit container buttons
      chat filter: Fix issue where special attack overheads crashed the game

Jim Frode Nilsen (1):
      chat commands: add herbiboar kc

Kevin Zita (1):
      Fix "Bandind" typo in coordinate clue descriptions (#8287)

Max Weber (1):
      ChatboxPanelManager: Be more resilient when scripts mismatch

Tomas Slusny (6):
      Make GPU plugin DPI aware on Java 9+
      Check for empty strings when initializing twitch client
      Always close twitch client in connect() method
      Normalize configuration between cache-updater and http-service
      Migrate OAuth callback to Spring configuration property
      Add development configuration for Spring http-service

spudjb (1):
      Add quest list plugin

xDemoN (2):
      Remove incorrect farming guild location (#8250)
      Clue Scroll: Fixe Varrock East Bank Cryptic Clue (#8241) 1.5.17 Release NPC unaggro timer and chat filter 2019-03-21T12:00:00.000Z Adam

A NPC Aggression Timer plugin was added, which shows how long until NPCs near you will become unaggressive, and how far away you have to walk before they will become aggressive once again.


The combat level plugin can now show the level range of attackable players near the wilderness skull icon, similar to how it is on PVP worlds.


Most coordinate clues now show a description of where they are in addition to showing on the world map.


A chat filter plugin was added, which lets you define words and patterns to filter or block from chat messages. With a handful of patterns it is easy to filter out a majority of the bot spam at the GE.

For example the patterns:

I don't scam
Fire cape & accounts

is highly effective against the current spam.


We may open up a channel on Discord for users to share patterns similar to bank tabs.

Even though this is a rather crude solution to the spam epidemic in RS, and spamfilters are in general a solved problem, any solution which is much more technically involved would require us to:

  1. continuously update training data for the spam categorization models (the bad guys can see this, too)
  2. centrally process game chat in real time, which is not only hard, and expensive, but also would have some privacy issues

Additionally, it would allow the project to unilaterally decide what is and is not spam, which I would rather it not be capable of doing.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix Twitch plugin sometimes showing duplicate chat
  • Bank tag tabs no longer reset when clicking withdraw-x
  • Add a menu swap for Contract on guildmaster Jane
  • Fix the GE item stats interface not closing correctly if the GE is closed with escape key
  • Fix the slayer plugin not recognizing Crazy Archaeologist tasks
  • Fix many missing or wrong diary requirements in the achievement diary plugin


- Adam

New commits

We had 14 contributors this release!

Adam (4):
      travis: add openjdk11
      client: load jagex config and client over https
      news service: load news over https
      twitch: fix race in connect establishing multiple connections

Jason Xie (1):
      Change produce image of maple and yew trees to their respective logs (#8222)

Jordan Atwood (4):
      widgetinfo: Fix wilderness level definition
      Add pvp widget builder script
      combat level plugin: Add attack level range option
      boosts plugin: Fix overlay below-threshold color

Juan Ortiz (1):
      npc highlight: remove tags from npc names

Magic fTail (3):
      api: rename getOverhead to getOverheadText
      api: add overhead text changed event and setOverheadText
      Add chat filter plugin

Nathaniel Ngo (1):
      Log whole HTTP response instead of just message (#8126)

Ron Young (1):
      TabInterface: remember search when clicking withdraw-x

RyBo (1):
      achievement diary: add or correct various requirements

Tomas Slusny (2):
      Add Swagger static document generation
      Fix RequestMapping annotations in http-service

WoneTooPhree (1):
      Add location description to coordinate clues (#8148)

WooxSolo (3):
      config manager: add support for WorldPoint
      config manager: add support for Duration
      Add NPC unaggression timer

gregg1494 (1):
      menu swapper: add contract for farming guildmaster Jane

trimbe (1):
      item stats: check if GE container is hidden when detecting GE close

whartd (1):
      slayer plugin: fix task name for Crazy Archaeologists 1.5.16 Release Grand Exchange item stats and multicolor ground markers 2019-03-14T10:00:00.000Z Adam

The item stats plugin will now show the stats of gear when selected in a buy offer on the Grand Exchange.


The ground markers plugin now supports having multiple ground markers of different colors. The plugin will remember the color that was in use at the time the marker was placed. Existing markers from prior to the update have no color and will use whatever the current color is.


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fixed XP tracker sometimes not initializing correctly on login, which caused it to show very wrong XP rates
  • Fix friend notes to work on players with spaces on their names
  • Update Chaos Fanatic's slayer task icon to match respawn timer icon
  • Fix Ardougne easy diary combat training camp requirement
  • Add Hydra slayer helm to examine and bank value prices


- Adam

New commits

We had 9 contributors this release!

Adam (4):
      config manager: throttle config saves to file
      friend notes: replace nbsp from friend names in config keys
      chat commands: check message length before use
      xptracker: fix initiailizing overall xp on login

Dennis (1):
      wiki plugin: add deselect on shutdown

Hydrox6 (1):
      wiki: Update the Fixed Minimap Clickbox to account for the spec orb

Jordan Atwood (5):
      ground markers plugin: Clean up legacy code
      ground markers: Fix startup and shutdown bug
      worldpoint: Add static fromRegion method
      worldpoint: Add getRegionX() and getRegionY()
      ground markers: Allow different colored markers

Max Weber (2):
      runelite-client: Remove ChatboxInputManager
      cache: use RuneStar cs2 opcode names

Nate Brown (1):
      Change Chaos Fanatic's slayer task icon to match respawn timer icon (#8162)

Seven-Ate (1):
      Add missing item mappings for hydra slayer helm

Tomas Slusny (1):
      Remove unnecessary .get() on OkHttp request

trimbe (6):
      diary requirements: add missing period in combat camp task
      add GE offer building script
      item stats: add item information panel when buying items in the ge
      mixins: use last non-null child to determine index for new widgets
      item stats: use GameTick to determine when GE is closed
      item stats: use ClientThread where necessary for resetting 1.5.15 Release Music unlock notifications, clan chat join messages and member counter 2019-03-07T10:00:00.000Z Adam

A music notification plugin was added which sends you a message whenever a new piece of music is unlocked.


The clan plugin now has an option to show when players join or leave clan chats. The messages disappear after a short duration, and can also be filtered by player rank.


The clan plugin also has an option to show an infobox of the number of clan members near you.


Finally, the clan plugin has a new option to show clan member rank in public and private messages too.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix Monkey Madness I requirement on the Kourend Diary
  • Fix twitter feed links not working in the news panel with newer Twitter theme
  • Add pestle and mortar to idle notifier
  • Replaced our raids point overlay with the ingame one, and made it movable with alt.
  • Move Tai Bwo Wannai Emote location closer to STASH unit
  • Fix logging into RuneLite accounts after having just logged out
  • Add Compost, Bastion and Battlemage potions to Herblore skill calc


- Adam

New commits

We had 13 contributors this release!

Adam (15):
      Move session events from api to client
      api: add changed varp index to VarbitChanged event
      runescape-api: make RSNameableContainer a generic type
      xptracker: remove unused exception
      xptracker: use tracked overall xpstate to calculate total xp
      xptracker: use long for tracking overall xp
      api: add method to remove MessageNodes
      api: add clan member join and leave events
      api: add methods to get clan owner and chat name
      clanchat plugin: add join/leave messages
      Revert "Merge pull request #8070 from Nightfirecat/fix-ground-markers-bug"
      Revert "Merge pull request #5890 from Nightfirecat/colored-ground-markers"
      clan chat: cleanup onGameStateChanged logic from earlier merge
      account plugin: move logout off of swing thread
      session manager: change to null session on close

Brennan Williams (1):
      Add Hydra shortcut pipes to agility plugin (#8052)

Chives (2):
      Remove Monkey Madness I requirement from Kourend Diary.
      Replace assert keyword with JUnit assert functions

Jordan Atwood (7):
      worldpoint: Fix plane value in toLocalInstance
      worldpoint: Add static fromRegion method
      worldpoint: Add getRegionX() and getRegionY()
      ground markers plugin: Clean up legacy code
      ground markers: Fix startup and shutdown bug
      ground markers: Allow different colored markers
      ground markers: Fix marking non-marked tiles

Lotto (1):
      http-service: fix twitter feed links not working with newer theme

Sebastiaan Vanspauwen (1):
      Clanchat: added onClanChanged event to count players already in scene

SebastiaanVanspauwen (2):
      Clanchat: Show amount of members near you in infobox
      Clanchat: clear counter on login/connection lost instead of loading (#8068)

Shaun Dreclin (7):
      idle notifier: Add support for grinding with pestle and mortar
      daily task indicator: Fix plugin not checking tasks when first enabled
      api: Add EnumID class
      api: Add getKeys() to EnumComposition
      api: Add unlocked music tracks to VarPlayer
      client: Add Music Track Indicator plugin
      rogues den: Update plugin to use ItemContainerChanged event

TheStonedTurtle (1):
      clanchat plugin: add CC rank icons to oublic and private messages

Tomas Slusny (11):
      Add missing toggle for clan chat icons
      Make raids widget moveable
      Remove raids points overlay
      Null-check remote configuration in config manager
      Change logged-in redir to redirect to HTTPS
      Update suppressions.xml dtd link to one that exists
      Fix SpringBootWebApplication auto-configuration annotation
      Migrate SpringBootWebApplicationTest to spring profiles
      Migrate Spring unit tests to spring profiles
      clanchat: Update clan members set on join/leave events

WoneTooPhree (1):
      Move Tai Bwo Wannai Emote location closer to STASH

chivesrs (2):
      Update CheckStyle XML dtd link to one that exists (#8079)
      Enable checkstyle on test sources

piebandit (1):
      Add Compost, Bastion and Battlemage potions to Herblore skill calc (#8031)

trimbe (4):
      mixins: use a ClanMember for ClanMemberJoined/Left
      clanchat: retrieve rank from ClanMember rather than ClanManager
      clanchat: respect rank icon config for join/leave messages
      clanchat: remove activity in buffer in ClanMemberLeft as well 1.5.14 Release Web based loot tracker, Grand Exchange history, and account overview 2019-02-28T10:00:00.000Z Adam

This weeks update is focused on improvements to the website. You can now login on and view details about your RuneLite account which includes current slayer task, a boss log, the loot tracker, and a new Grand Exchange history tracker which tracks completed trades you have made on the GE.

Loot tracker:


Account overview:


Grand Exchange history:


Both the loot tracker and Grand Exchange tracker allow easily exporting their data into JSON format. Both keep up to 1 month of history.

Thanks to @deathbeam for creating the site over the last few weeks.

The hitpoints plugin can now recolor the hitpoints icons based on the type of poison you have:


Local RuneLite settings can now be imported into an account's settings by clicking the Import button in the Info panel when logged in:


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix item prices plugin to show negative alch profits too
  • Fix fishing overlay disappearing whenever a new map is loaded
  • Add heal amount for castle wars bandages to item stats
  • kourend library plugin: add config option to hide duplicate books
  • Add support for looking up game objects with the wiki plugin
  • Add enchanting jewelry to the idle notification plugin
  • Add link to Wiki guide from achievement diaries
  • Allow bank tag tabs to be renamed
  • Add new farming crops to skill calculator
  • Add Twisted bow spawn near farming guild


- Adam

New commits

We had 15 contributors this release!

Adam (12):
      http service: disable spring jmx
      item prices: show negative high alch profits too
      xptracker service: only update last_updated after hiscores are saved
      xptracker: up xp threshold to 10k
      api: add RS Enum API
      client: fix indenting of getItemCompositionCache javadoc
      Revert "Clear stored npcs in fishing/pc/rc plugins"
      Clear stored npcs in fishing/pc/rc plugins
      Revert "Clear Cerberus ghost on LOADING game state"
      cerb plugin: clear ghosts on connection lost too
      http service: remove ws service
      mixins: inject Client constructor for initialization of enumCache

Gio (1):
      Add heal amount for castle wars bandages (#7878)

Hydrox6 (1):
      Add account prompt to the OAuth URL

Koekkruimels (3):
      Add color to the library customer based on player inventory (#7951)
      kourend library plugin: add config option to hide duplicate books
      Refactor changes of #7951 to use doesPlayerContainBook

Magic fTail (1):
      Split synchronizing and uploading loot data into separate configs

Max Weber (3):
      WikiPlugin: Strip tags from names given to RSLookup
      WikiPlugin: Allow lookup of Objects
      WikiPlugin: Eschew URLEncoder in favor of HttpUrl

Ron Young (2):
      TabInterface: remove deprecated widget calls
      TabInterface: move icon search into method TabManager: add remove/set icon

Royce Mathews (1):
      Add enchanting jewelry to the idle notification plugin. (#7977)

RyBo (1):
      Highlight more efficient ledge in the Falador Agility course (#7938)

Shaun Dreclin (1):
      wiki plugin: Add support for achievement diaries

Tanner Chauncy (1):
      banktags: add tag tab renaming

TheStonedTurtle (1):
      Add dynamic hitpoints orb icon to poison plugin (#6517)

Tomas Slusny (11):
      Do not try to draw infobox caption if text is null or empty
      Remove emptyOrNull text check from InfoboxOverlay
      Add button to sync local config with remote
      Backup RuneLite account settings before overwriting them
      Log config property changes only if they really change
      Properly split config properties loaded from config client
      Catch JVM incompatible library JNA error when initializing Discord
      Move slayer weakness overlay 1 layer up above
      Limit access levels for InfoBox fields
      Fix infobox impl access levels and remove unused values
      Convert item stats mapping to use item ids instead of names

Will Thomas (1):
      skills calc: add new farmable crops and trees

chestnut1693 (1):
      Add home tag to Default World plugin 1.5.13 Release Item charge infoboxes, PM recipient cycling, and high-level agility obstacle highlighting 2019-02-21T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

The Item Charges plugin now has an option to display infoboxes for equipped charged items. Thanks to @Hydrox6 for adding this feature!

Equipped teleport item infoboxes

The Chat History plugin can now cycle through private message senders. By hitting Tab, you can easily keep chatting with all of your friends! Thanks to @TheStonedTurtle for writing this feature.

Private Message sender cycling

The Agility plugin will now highlight shortcuts orange if you do not meet the agility level requirement to cross them. Thanks to @MrGroggle for adding this feature.

Agility high-level obstacle highlighting

The Item Prices plugin now has an option to display profit from casting High Alchemy on an item

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The Object Markers plugin properly highlights some objects which could not previously be highlighted, such as mounted glory amulets and wall paintings
  • Our custom chatbox text input now wraps long lines, such as heavily-tagged items in the Bank Tags plugin
  • You can now configure the outline color of the current hovered tile in the Tile Indicators plugin
  • Tooltips for the new Kourend quests and X Marks the Spot quest have been added to the World Map plugin. Additionally, the tree tooltips for the Yew Trees in Rimmington have been updated since Veos's arrival.
  • Challenge Mode raids now have their time tracked in the Chambers of Xeric plugin, and can have their kill count looked up via the Chat Commands plugin using the !kc command followed by cox cm, xeric cm, chambers cm, olm cm, or raids cm. Additionally, the Screenshot plugin has learned to take screenshots of Challenge Mode raids upon completion.
  • The Wiki plugin now adds a skill guide lookup menu option to skills in your stats tab
  • Falador teleport has had its magic XP corrected in the Skill Calculator plugin


- Jordan

New commits

We had 18 contributors this release!

Adam (13):
      api: add method to find instanced tiles in the scene
      xptracker: limit how often the same players are looked up
      xptracker: treat players with rank -1 as unranked
      http service: use gson instead of jackson for json serialization
      http service: use spring datasource configuration
      http service: add loottracker controller test
      http service: use http-api gson instance
      config service: split into service and controller
      config controller: add test
      http service: fix overwriting all default message converters
      client: change Counter infobox to store count as an integer
      item prices: add high alch profit to overlay
      client: only enable developer mode if launcher version isn't set

Dennis (1):
      gpu: remove unnecessary texture bind

Desetude (1):
      Use xdg-open for link browsing on Linux

Harry Semple (1):
      agility plugin: color shortcuts you don't have the level to use differently

Hydrox6 (1):
      Add infoboxes to item charges plugin

Jaysc (1):
      Make color of hovered tile highlight configurable

Max Weber (5):
      mixins: Fix DecorativeObject ConvexHulls
      DevTools: draw both DecorativeObject Renderables
      mixins: Include game crash string in log
      mixins: rename gameDraw to renderWidgetLayer
      runelite-api: Add missing widget types

Minghan Li (1):
      Add new Kourend quests to world map plugin (#7864)

Nokkasiili (1):
      Add X Marks the Spot quest to world map plugin (#7877)

Robert (1):
      Add support for third floor timer to Raids plugin (Challenge Mode) (#7871)

Ron Young (4):
      ChatboxTextInput: rename this.cursor to this.cursorStart
      ChatboxTextInput: support line wrapping
      ChatboxTextInput: support moving between lines with up/down keys
      Limit wiki input lines to 1

TheStonedTurtle (2):
      Add PM Target Cycling to Chat History plugin
      Add Chat History config options

Tomas Slusny (15):
      Add .getBounds() to LayoutableRenderableEntity
      Use new LayoutableRenderableEntity#getBounds in InfoboxOverlay
      Export ItemCompositionCache
      Reset item composition cache on menu shift click change
      Normalize CoX CM naming from boss long and chat message
      Use default PanelComponent size in Cooking plugin
      Make party stats overlay consistent with other overlays
      Log only exception message on feed lookup failures
      Null-check cache when getting items in http service
      Log infobox removal only if infobox was removed
      Support new Hydra slayer helmet in clue scroll plugin
      Add version information to Discord tooltip
      Check for area update on Discord plugin startup
      Do not use default smallImageKey for Rich Presence
      Remove dodgy charges variable from item charges plugin

Usernamerino (1):
      Add chat command shorthand for challenge mode raids killcount

Will Thomas (2):
      screenshot plugin: Add Challenge Mode raid support
      wiki plugin: Add skill guide lookup

Yani (1):
      Update Rimmington yew tree location after Veos moved (#7889)

mabel5 (1):
      Added decoration objects to object markers

theGeekPirate (1):
      Correct Falador teleport XP in Skill Calc (#7943) Launcher 1.6.2 Release Linux AppImage and bugfixes for OSX 2019-02-16T16:00:00.000Z Adam

Launcher 1.6.2 was released yesterday which now includes a 64bit Linux AppImage for easy installation on Linux. The OSX download was also updated to fix installations on multi-user systems and to not require high performance graphics mode.

Additionally, the launcher was fixed to work with --nojvm on Java 9+ and will also clean up old client releases on startup.

The Windows releases have not changed and remains on 1.6.0

- Adam 1.5.12 Release Wiki plugin and poison plugin 2019-02-14T10:00:00.000Z Adam

A wiki plugin was added which allows quickly looking up items, npcs, quests, and more on the OldSchool RuneScape Wiki. It also has a built in search feature which lets you quickly search for articles using the in game chatbox.




A poison plugin was added which shows time until next damage, cure, and next poison damage in an overlay on the hitpoints orb. It can also optionally add an infobox.

poison-infobox venom-infobox

The player indicator plugin now has an option on where to draw the players name on screen.

player-indicator-config player-indicatorg

An option to hide the auto retaliate button has been added to the attack styles plugin.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix loottracker losing loot on logout from RuneLite
  • Fix world hopper not functioning correctly if the plugin is restarted
  • Fix xp tracker progress bars to be more visible
  • Fix "A Basic Anti Pot" anagram clue answer for removal of Veos's boat
  • Add Hydra slayer helmet to the slayer plugin
  • Add Kebos swamp cryptic clue
  • Update skilling calculator for Hydra, Drake and Wyrm bones XP change
  • Add Rada's Blessings to Prayer plugin


- Adam

New commits

We had 19 contributors this release!

Adam (9):
      api: add MessageNode and timestamp to ChatMessage event
      api: remove SetMessage event
      client: update SetMessage usages to ChatMessage
      plugin manager test: check plugins don't error when registering with eventbus
      http api: rename OSB ge classes with OSB prefix
      client: add poison plugin to track poison damage
      scene uploader: swap seColor/nwColor which had their mappings swapped
      loottracker service: correct kills foreign key
      Add GE history tracker

Andrew Fulton (1):
      client: flash only during LOGGED_IN game state (#7782)

Henry Zhang (2):
      Migrate onSetMessage to onChatMessage
      Make sure WorldHopperPlugin's executor is active on startup

Hydrox6 (1):
      Delay party instruction message if user is not logged in (#7696)

Jakob Ankarhem (1):
      Remove dulling from progress bar positions (#7781)

Jordan Atwood (4):
      perspective: Allow empty text for getCanvasTextLocation
      actor: Mark getCanvasTextLocation as Nullable
      player indicators: Add name position configuration
      item stats: Represent boost data as ints

Kalle (2):
      Fix anagram clue "A Basic Anti Pot" (answer changed to 6) (#7764)
      World Map: Fix Ape Atoll tree type

Lucas (2):
      Add kebos swamp cryptic clue
      Add hydra slayer helms to slayer plugin

Matthew Abel (1):
      Hide auto retaliate from combat options (#7713)

Max Weber (3):
      runelite-client: centralize sprite overrides
      ChatboxTextInput: Don't set built in update
      Add Wiki plugin

Noah Pittinger (1):
      Add EqualsAndHashCode to Lombok data/value that do not extend Object

Nokkasiili (1):
      Fix isVisable and isMinimapVisable spelling (Visable -> Visible) (#7766)

Ryan Bohannon (1):
      Add agility shortcut entry for Taverly Dungeon upper level

Spedwards (1):
      Update Wyrm bone xp in skill calc based on passed polls (#7614)

Tomas Slusny (11):
      Unhide barrows widgets on plugin shutdown
      Unhide NMZ widgets on plugin shutdown
      Unhide raids widgets on plugin shutdown
      Do not draw yellow dot for local player in barrows plugin
      Use correct player dot color in barrows plugin
      Push sidebar non-tab buttons to bottom
      Clear Cerberus ghost on LOADING game state
      Use CLANCHAT_INFO for party messages
      Fix unmapped target property "time" warning
      Use ItemVariations when using Reset option for shift-click
      Add offset to loot tracker API

WillThomas (1):
      Reorder skill calc json values based on prayer XP (#7751)

bjornenalfa (1):
      Add Rada's Blessings to Prayer plugin

rejectedpromise (1):
      Add new lines at .rs2asm <EOF> to resolve build warnings (#7812)

syngfaa (1):
      Fix SOUL_JOURNEY typo in Kourend Library plugin (#7733) 1.5.11 Release Discord party integration 2019-02-07T10:00:00.000Z Adam

This release adds Discord party integration with the new party plugin. Click "Ask to join" on a friend's profile to request to join a party:


The party plugin shows an overlay with party members' hitpoints and prayer:


Allows pinging tiles via shift click:


And shows where your party members are on the world map:


The base of the party plugin is exciting and will let us build neat features in the future such as a party damage overlay.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Update raids scouter plugin for the new rotations added in last week's update
  • Fix MLM ore counter overlay sometimes counting ores twice
  • Add Amethyst crafting to the idle notifier plugin
  • Fix slayer plugin to recognize flesh crawler tasks
  • Add Kebos wieldable rods to fishing plugin
  • Fix Zeah magic tree locations on the world map


- Adam

New commits

We had 13 contributors this release!

Adam (13):
      travis: encrypt irc notification
      xp trackers: fix not correctly fetching start xp
      Use websocket pings
      Use existing sessionid on login if available
      http api: fix useragent test
      api: remove projectile getInteracting
      chat controller/service: add boss to pb
      Clear stored npcs in fishing/pc/rc plugins
      mlm plugin: make MotherlodeSession a guice managed singleton
      mlm plugin: fix ore counter to not count already collected ore
      Fix npc spawn events sometimes occuring out of order
      Split WSClient from SessionManager
      Add party service

Jordan Atwood (10):
      client: Use isEmpty() for all Collection emptiness checks
      Remove deprecated WorldPoint.toPoint() method
      Remove deprecated WallObjectQuery class
      Remove deprecated PlayerQuery class
      Remove deprecated DecorativeObjectQuery class
      Remove deprecated GameObjectQuery class
      Remove deprecated GroundObjectQuery class
      Remove deprecated InventoryItemQuery class
      Remove deprecated ActorQuery class
      Remove deprecated TileObjectQuery class

Kamiel (1):
      raids plugin: Update LayoutSolver layout codes

Kaz Schmanski (1):
      slayer plugin: change task name for flesh crawlers to match task given

Mabel5 (1):
      Add Kebos wieldable rods to fishing plugin (#7689)

Max Weber (2):
      http-api: Include commit hash in User-Agent
      client: Correctly format PartyChanged

Puskunalis (2):
      Inventory Viewer: Fix stackable items not showing stack of "1" (#7654)
      World Map: Fix Zeah Magic tree location and add missing ones (#7683)

Ryan Bohannon (1):
      Fix typo in Kourend Library config

Shaun Dreclin (1):
      Add Sulphur Lizard to npc_health.json

TheStonedTurtle (1):
      Add Bottomless compost bucket price mapping (#7674)

Tomas Slusny (22):
      Move timestamp color config to timestamp plugin
      Make WebsocketGsonFactory more extensible
      Add party-related websocket messages
      Prevent ProgressBarComponent from overflowing
      Save current Discord user in Discord service
      Use new /ws service
      Add party support to Discord plugin
      Add party plugin
      Add missing config check to party leave message
      Remove "Tag" toggle from NPC indicators
      Do not reset current activity on discord party update
      Request party sync on party plugin startup
      Check for localMember in party not being null on UserJoin
      Fix ConcurrentModification in party stats overlay
      Prevent WSMessage deserialization failure from closing websocket
      Fix Discord party size refresh
      Do not hide party bars when value is changed to 0
      Play party ping sound only when ping is in scene
      Prevent negative values when overlay is bigger than screen
      Make party UserSync event extend PartyMemberMessage
      Add ColorUtil#fromObject to generate color from object
      Recolor party pings and names based on name color hash

Twinkiel0ver (1):
      Add Amethyst crafting to Idle Notifier plugin (#7712)

jbaker5011 (1):
      Use loot received event for pvp kill screenshots (#6920) 1.5.10 Release Revamped color selector and boss personal best time chat command 2019-01-31T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

We have written a new color selector from scratch to offer a long-time requested feature for color picking: adjustable transparency values! This color selector now offers that functionality for the Cannon, Ground Marker, Object Marker, Tile Indicator, and XP Globe plugins. Thanks to @psikoi and @raiyni for this feature!

New color picker with transparency slider in action

A !pb chat command has been added, which displays your personal best kill time of any boss which has a kill timer. Make sure to secure a kill on the desired boss so RuneLite can store its best kill time to share!

The NPC Indicators plugin has been updated to allow tagging of NPCs which, because of technical limitations, could not previously have a "Tag" menu entry added, such as Menaphite Thugs. As a side effect, however, the "Tag" menu entry will now be listed just before the NPC's "Examine" menu entry, shown below.

Updated NPC tag menu entry position

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • A number of Kebos area hot-cold clue locations have been added to the Clue Scroll plugin
  • The Time Tracking plugin now displays more conservative estimates for farming patch growth timers to avoid showing a crop as finished too early
  • An option has been added to the Runelite settings to require Shift to be pressed for overlay menu options to appear. Additionally, overlay menu options will no longer be a left-click option when positioned over other widgets.
  • An ore tracker has been added to the Motherlode Mine plugin
  • The World Map plugin now adds the type of rare tree to the tree icon tooltips
  • Upon completion, anti-venom timers will now add an anti-poison timer of the appropriate length
  • The Chambers of Xeric plugin now has an option to send a game message with the raid layout when entering a new raid
  • The Barrows Brothers plugin will no longer display minimap dots for NPCs which would not ordinarily draw one elsewhere (such as pets)
  • The Screenshot plugin now has an option to screenshot duel wins and losses
  • When buying slayer rewards, the Slayer plugin infobox will now update the points displayed in its tooltip
  • A Menu Entry Swapper plugin option has been added to swap "Pick" with "Pick-lots" to help you grab empty gourds faster in Chambers of Xeric
  • A bug causing some minor render order issues in the GPU plugin has been fixed
  • A bug causing the Mage Training Arena plugin's Telekinetic room helper to fail has been fixed


- Jordan

New commits

We had 16 contributors this release!

4444N (1):
      Remove tags from chat notifications (#7608)

Adam (7):
      chat controller: fix method name of getQp
      Add !pb chat command
      chat commands: capitalize boss names
      http api: fix GameItem to have a no arg constructor
      stausbars: don't assume menu is always populated
      statusbars: avoid looking up item status unless the widget is the inventory
      gpu: fix priority renderer face cull checking

Jordan Atwood (1):
      chat commands: Add test case for PB without trailing period

Lucas (1):
      Add normal colour to the !clues command

Magic fTail (1):
      Change menu manager to not modify npc composition

Marshall Briggs (1):
      Add 3 new Kebos clue spots to HotColdLocation.

Max Weber (7):
      farming: Centralize patch prediction
      farming: Give a more conservative estimate of when patches are done
      mixins: Force RUNELITE_OVERLAY menuops to not be left click
      mousehighlight: Don't show tooltips for right click only menuops
      cache: use lombok Data for all definitions
      cache: Include id in StructDefinition
      mixins: Don't clobber left click forced menuops

Rheon-D (1):
      Remove invalid OverlayMenuEntries

Ron Young (5):
      Config: add Alpha annotation
      ColorUtil: add color to/from methods
      Add RuneliteColorPicker
      Screen Markers: use new color picker
      plugins: Add alpha notation to configs

Ryan Bohannon (1):
      Change location of clue scroll coordinates in Feldip Hills

SirGirion (1):
      mlm plugin: add ore tracker

Spedwards (1):
      Add Rare Tree locations

Tomas Slusny (13):
      Move menu entry nulling to BeforeRender
      Add anti-poison timers to anti-venom potions
      Refresh infoboxes only when needed
      Add toRoomString and toCodeString Raid utilities
      Move ChatCommandsPlugin#sanitize to Text
      Send raid layout message on raid enter
      Limit only overlays that are not snapped
      Remove activity prefix from Discord plugin
      Add option to require shift for overlay menus
      Dont display bank value GE/HA text when not needed
      barrows plugin: don't draw dots for npcs which are hidden on the minimap
      Show xp globe goal only if goal > current xp
      Remove anymatch regex from chat commands plugin patterns

Zakru (1):
      Add option to screenshot duel wins and losses (#7576)

daiya7 (1):
      Update slayer points in tooltip while in rewards screen (#7620)

winterdaze (3):
      Add Hydra & Karuulm Area to Discord Plugin (#7560)
      Use better task icons for revs and ents (#7562)
      Swap pick with pick-lots in CoX (#7563) 1.5.9 Release !task command and plugin overlay menu options 2019-01-24T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

The Slayer plugin now offers a !task command, which displays your current task, starting amount and, if applicable, task location.

Slayer plugin !task command

Plugin overlays now support adding right-click menus. Currently, you will only see a "Configure" option, but expect to see more relevant and useful options in the future.

The woodcutting overlay with an overlay-specific menu option

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Users will now be prompted to confirm plugin configuration resets
  • The Clue Scroll plugin correctly shows the second emote required for the Mount Karuulm emote clue
  • The WASD Camera plugin operates correctly when holding modifier keys
  • The Idle Notifier plugin now sends notifications after making magic tablets
  • The Attack skill color has been changed slightly to be easier to see against the XP Globes background
  • The Prayer plugin now recognizes prayer bonuses of the ancient staff, devout boots, and bonecrusher necklace
  • New items will now populate more quickly to be found using the Grand Exchange plugin search
  • The World Hopper plugin hop chat message can now be disabled
  • Anti-venom potions now display the proper time in the Timers plugin

An issue with the world hopper and prayer order plugins post-update has been fixed. We would like to remind users that we receive no special insight into upcoming updates and so we do not know what will change ahead of time. After an update, all or none of the client may be broken in unpredictable ways. Please don't report issues to Jagex without checking it out on the vanilla client first.


- Jordan

New commits

We had 16 contributors this release!

Adam (13):
      idle notifier: add tablet making animation
      item service: detect new items when price scraping
      api: mark getCollisionMaps as nullable
      Add overlay menu support
      Add support for Configuration overlay menus
      Add configure option to many overlays
      examine plugin: split item/quantity lookup from item price lookup
      examine plugin: drop examines for tradable items and large stacks
      examine service: split into controller and service
      examine service: use item descriptions from item service if available
      session manager: lazily open websocket
      loot tracker: move panel updating to EDT on config change
      Add task chat command

Brandon Popson (1):
      Allow full Amulet of the Damned as clue requirement (#7423)

Charlie Waters (1):
      ConfigPanel: Confirm plugin configuration reset

DannysPVM (1):
      Cap fog depth to 100 in the GPU Plugin.

Ermal (2):
      Added SPIN after CLAP to Mount Karuulm Emote Clue Closes: #7416
      Removed an extra semicolon Found in line 392 from latest release

Hydrox6 (1):
      Make Game Notification use the Game message highlight colour

Jeremy Plsek (1):
      world hopper: allow disabling chat hop message

Joe Iaquinto (1):
      Correct spelling of Skybox bounds exception

Josiah (1):
      Add ancient staff to prayer items list (#7513)

Max Weber (5):
      cache: Add FlatStorage
      cache: Add equals and hashCode to all Definitions
      config: Add ModifierlessKeybind
      wasdcamera: Use modifierless keybinds
      runelite-api, runescape-api: Rename Area to mapElement

Tomas Slusny (15):
      Inverse collapse menu entry loop
      Shutdown plugins on window close
      Move close handling to windowClosed event
      Move configManager.sendConfig to RuneLite#shutdown
      Wrap DiscordEventHandlers in native lib try/catch
      Do not discard 1 second requests in Xp tracker
      Change xp tracker filter clean to 3 hours
      Remove OverlayManager#addMenu/removeMenu
      Remove overlayManager#overlayId
      Move overlay menu entries to Overlay class
      Add Text#fromCSV and Text#toCSV
      Replace usage of Spliter/Joiner with toCSV/fromCSV
      Revert "Move close handling to windowClosed event"
      Null-check local location in trap overlay
      Mark localToCanvas methods nullable

ermalsh (1):
      Change RGB variable for Attack on XP Globes (more bright) (#7454)

gregg1494 (2):
      Correct agility configuration casing (#7393)
      Fix anti-venom potion timer (#7453)

kevinisninja (1):
      prayer plugin: add devout boots and bonecrusher necklace to prayer items

maytonsw (1):
      time tracker: correct Iasor farming produce typo

trimbe (1):
      chat commands: rebuild chatbox input after using clear shortcuts 1.5.8 Release Menu collapsing and Kebos fixes 2019-01-17T10:00:00.000Z Adam

The ground items plugin now has an option to combine identical ground item menu entries.


The timers plugin has been updated with all of the new farming patches in the new farming guild. Additionally, the slayer plugin has been fixed to recognize slayer tasks assigned with locations from Konar.


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Add clue scroll north of Mount Karuulm
  • Fix tile indicators to always show above tile markers
  • Add farming guild hot cold location to clue plugin
  • Fix prayer levels needed to next combat level calculation in combat level plugin
  • Add farming guild farming patches world map tooltips
  • Add Alchemical Hydra respawn timer
  • Add Aerial Fishing to fishing plugin
  • Fix agility shortcut requirements on the world map for the slayer tower shortcuts
  • Add Kebos Lowlands teleports and shortcuts to world map
  • Add task icons to slayer plugin for Kebos slayer monsters
  • Add hydra abbreviation for !kc command
  • Fix dropped item notifications to respect the only show loot option
  • Add Wyrm, Drake, and Hydra bones to skill calculator plugin


- Adam

New commits

We had 26 contributors this release!

Adam (10):
      http api: add runelite user agent to requests
      http service: disable logback packaging data
      loot tracker service: correct kill expiry query to use idx_time propertly
      account service: default last_used to current time
      http service: fix servlet not starting
      Add menu entry collapsing to ground items plugin
      Revert "Merge pull request #7089 from TheStonedTurtle/OverlayRightClickMenu"
      http service: replace JedisPool with own pool implementation
      chat commands: make !qp async
      http service: remove unused import

Brady (3):
      Add new farming patch trees to Menu Entry Swapper (pay) (#7286)
      Add clue scroll north of Mount Karruulm (#7285)
      Change tile indicator priority to be above ground markers (#7323)

Charlie Waters (3):
      Slayer plugin: minor config rearranging
      Slayer plugin: change regex groups to named groups
      Slayer plugin: Add task location tracking

DannysPVM (1):
      Only log the IOException message on failure to submit CML update.

Dustin Kieler (1):
      Update Tree Gnome Village h/c description and add Farming Guild h/c location (#7301)

Håkon Rosseland Paulsen (1):
      Accept frozen and volcanic whip as emote clue requirement (#7318)

Jake Wilson (1):
      timetracking: add default time in minutes to config (#7227)

Jordan Atwood (3):
      combatlevel: Clean up plugin code
      combatlevel: Fix prayer level needed to next combat
      Fix world map surface selector widget ID

Journey (1):
      Add Farming Guild farming patch world map tooltips (#7268)

Kamiel (1):
      Fix hot/cold clue location description typo

Keith-Cancel (2):
      Add "fog" and "draw distance" tags to GPU plugin (#7306)
      Add Alchemical Hydra Respawn timer (#7313)

Magic fTail (2):
      Add Aerial Fishing to fishing plugin
      Add item mappings for items introduced in Kebos update

Max Weber (4):
      cache: Generate NullItemID
      ThinProgressBar: Manually paint
      PatchImplementationTest: Don't immediately fail upon finding an error
      farming: Support Kebos Lowlands update

Monster Sync (1):
      Remove misspelled 'piscarilius' from achievement diary plugin.

MonsterxSync (1):
      Add missing requirement to kourend & kebos diary plugin.

Rich (1):
      Correct the agility shortcuts at slayer tower (lvl 61 and 71) (#7293)

SebastiaanVanspauwen (3):
      Worldmap: Add Kebos Lowlands teleports and shortcuts (#7291)
      Worldmap: Fix CIR fairy ring location (#7308)
      Slayer plugin: Add slayer icons for kebos slayer monsters (#7330)

Steffen Hauge (1):
      Add Alchemical Hydra to kc abbreviations

TheStonedTurtle (2):
      Move getImageSpritePixels to ImageUtil
      Add right click functionality to overlays

Tim Granata (2):
      Add Ring of Visibility emote clue requirement
      Correct chinchompa h/c clue typo

Tomas Slusny (6):
      Respect "Only show loot" option for item notifications
      Remove tags from loot tracker box title
      Add support for unarmed a speed, and inverse a speed display
      Update item variations to latest OSRS cache
      Add ClientTick event
      Use client real dimensions for canvasTopRight

Trevor Guidry (1):
      Make Pyramid Plunder widget layoutable

William (1):
      Add Mount Karuulm agility shortcuts to agility plugin (#7302)

ermalsh (1):
      idle notifier: add Piscarilius crane repair

steffenhauge (1):
      Add support for "quick-open" at Hydra to MenuEntrySwapper (#7311)

wonnetz (1):
      Add Wyrm Bones, Drake Bones, and Hydra Bones to SkillCalc plugin (#7274) 1.5.7 Release Skybox plugin and GPU fog 2019-01-10T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

A skybox plugin has been added to draw colors beyond the edge of the game's rendered tiles based on the player's location. Thanks to @Abextm, @raiyni, and @psikoi for this feature!


The GPU plugin now supports an option to draw fog, fading the edge of the scene by the configured amount. Thanks to @logarrhythmic for this contribution.


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Add karambwans and wine to cooking plugin
  • Added a !qp command to the chat commands plugin
  • The world hopper plugin now changes the header color to yellow with active filter
  • The report button plugin now has a date time format matching that of the screenshot plugin
  • Added quest requirements support to the achievement diary plugin
  • Added Kebos and Kourend diary to the achievement diary plugin
  • Looking up hiscores will now automatically select the correct game mode based on current world
  • Split Valuable and Untradeable screenshot options
  • Fix artic pine log exp in skill calc
  • Change Caviar healing value from 3 to 5
  • Add puzzle solver for monkey madness 1 puzzle box
  • Fixed a bug with the inventory tags plugin causing tooltips to stay active indefinitely


- Jordan

New commits

We had 12 contributors this release!

Adam (17):
      object markers: determine tile from menu parameters
      client: copy screenshot image in draw manager callback
      cml: set runelite user agent header
      cml: only send update if at least 1k exp has been gained
      xptracker: only send update if at least 1k exp has been gained
      xp tracker: try to not look up the same user too frequently
      xp tracker: reduce hiscore lookup delay to 1 second
      timers plugin: change vengeance timers to use varbits
      Add karambwans and wine to cooking plugin
      http service: use jedis connection pool
      client: add chat command manager
      kc: change to use redis for storage
      http service: rename kc to chat
      Add qp to chat service
      chat commands: add !qp command
      scene mixin: disable clickbox checks when detatched camera is enabled
      gpu plugin: add fog

Jake Wilson (1):
      worldhopper: change header color to yellow with active filter (#7035)

Jordan Atwood (5):
      itemprices: Add "tooltips" plugin tag
      reportbutton: Make time formatting methods static where possible
      reportbutton: Add date time format
      experiencedrop: Highlight only correct exp drops for prayer
      dev tools: Fix overlay layer

Max Weber (12):
      Add BeforeRender event
      runelite-api: Add Quest enum
      achievementdiary: Split requirements into multiple classes
      diaries: Use new api
      achievementdiary: Add Quest support
      achievementdiary: Layout text properly
      Add Skybox plugin
      ScriptVM: Bump execution time limit
      Skybox: Do bounds check on the localPlayer's location, not the camera's
      fairyring: Add CIR
      Update Quests
      achievementdiary: Don't duplicate requirements with many requriements

Monster Sync (1):
      Add Kourend & Kebos diary requirements

Reasel (1):
      Add Moonlight Mead to ItemStatsPlugin (#7172)

Richard (1):
      Return hiscores based on current world

Ron Young (1):
      Skybox: add Kebos Mainland

Spedwards (4):
      Split Valuable and Untradeable screenshot options (#7167)
      Fix artic pine log exp in skill calc (40xp/log) (#7199)
      Change Caviar healing value from 3 to 5 (#7206)
      diaries: Add Quest requirements

Trevor Guidry (3):
      Add range annotation to gpu draw distance
      Make the default min value of ranges 0
      Add the lvl 20 ardy guards to the npc_health.json

steffenhauge (1):
      Add puzzle solver for monkey madness 1 puzzle box (#6545)

trimbe (3):
      inventory tags: preserve 'cancel' when creating custom menu
      bank value: use ItemContainer instead of WidgetItemQuery
      bank value: add script callback for setting title 1.5.6 Release Loot tracker persistence and object marker plugin 2019-01-03T10:00:00.000Z Adam

The loot tracker now remembers loot between client sessions if you are logged in with a RuneLite account.


An object marker plugin which lets you mark most game objects by holding shift and right clicking was added.


The xp tracker plugin now shows intermediate progress markers for each level, if you have a goal set which spans multiple levels.


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix FPS loss from clickbox calculation introduced in the previous release which was most noticeable in the herbiboar area
  • Add Chaos Altar to Prayer calculator
  • Add wilderness cannon spots to cannon plugin
  • Add Flax and Bonemeal options to Daily Task plugin
  • Add weiss agility obstacles
  • Add farming patch type to tooltips on world map
  • Add barbarian mix timers to Timers plugin
  • Improve performance of full screen overlays with GPU on (zammy godwars, underwater, etc.)


- Adam

New commits

15987632 (1):
      grand exchange plugin: add ge limits

Adam (23):
      xp tracker: limit lookups to most 1 per 3 seconds
      xp tracker: clean up imports
      loottracker client: close response body
      xp tracker: add index on xp.time
      Remove old session service and replace usages with new one
      account service: readd wscount endpoint
      loot tracker service: fix getting loot records
      xtea service: add cache for recently tried keys
      xtea service: split into xtea controller and service
      ui: cleanup progress bar
      api: mark getClickbox as nullable
      herbiboar plugin: optimize object and tunnel overlays
      Revert "perspective: use Path2D for construction instead of area in get2DGeometry"
      loot tracker service: expose method to delete loot records
      loot tracker service: remove type argument from delete
      loot tracker client: add get and delete methods
      loot tracker plugin: support saving loot tracker data across restart
      model data mixin: move lighting model log message to trace level
      api: add constant for map region size
      account service: publish login responses to redis too
      discord service: prevent event handlers from being gc'd
      clue scroll plugin: correct usage of getImpostor
      screenshot plugin: fix to paint client ui from EDT

DannysPVM (2):
      Add null-check for target tile in GroundMarkersPlugin (#7112)
      Add null-check for target tile in ObjectIndicatorsPlugin (#7115)

Henry Darnell (1):
      Add Chaos Altar to Prayer calculator (700% xp) (#7098)

Honestidade (1):
      Add wilderness cannon spots to cannon plugin (#7026)

Hydrox6 (1):
      Add Flax and Bonemeal options to Daily Task plugin

Jake Schaum (1):
      Fix ItemStats/ItemStatOverlay Typos "substracted" to "subtracted"

Jakob Ankarhem (1):
      Add ntermediate progress markers for xptracker plugin (#6895)

Jordan Atwood (1):
      experiencedrop: Maintain active prayer per tick

Lotto (1):
      gpu: limit msaa samples to supported value

Max Weber (3):
      gpu: Use premultiplied alpha
      gpu: Fix stretched mode with global premul alpha
      loottracker: Don't build the panel 1000 times when downloading loot

Robbie McLeod (1):
      Clear search bar when switching between skill calculators

Robin Withes (1):
      Add weiss agilility obstacles (#7123)

Tomas Slusny (3):
      Update Discord library to latest version
      Flip state and details in Discord status
      Add object marker plugin

TorkelV (1):
      Add farming patch type to tooltips on world map (#7105)

William (1):
      Add missing sanfew serums to the prayer dose indicator. (#7131)

jakespeare (1):
      Split pause/unpause all to separate options in XpTrackerPlugin (#7076)

tanlines (1):
      Add barbarian mix timers to Timers plugin (#7088) 1.5.5 Release Chat timestamps, cooking plugin, and quick hide ground items overlay 2018-12-20T10:00:00.000Z Adam

A chat timestamp plugin was added which adds a timestamp to messages.


A cooking plugin has been added which tracks success and burn rates.


The ground items overlay can now be quickly hidden by double tapping alt. It can be unhidden by pressing alt again. Thanks to @Berry-95 for this contribution.


Gargoyles, desert lizards, mutated zygomites, and rockslugs now have an overlay shown when they are weak and can be killed with their corresponding item.

The xp drop plugin can now be configured to show fake XP drops at tick intervals, if there is no xp drop at that time.


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix GPU plugin sometimes getting stuck in a canvas rebuild loop after the client starts
  • Fix level 37 wilderness hot clue step location
  • Add Bottle of Wine stats to item stats plugin
  • Add silver jewellery to crafting skill calculator
  • Add missing empty ammo slot requirements to emote clues
  • Prevent overlays rendering if fullscreen map is open


- Adam

New commits

15987632 (1):
      Fix level 37 wilderness hot clue step location (#6990)

Adam (17):
      Revert "config panel: change spinner change listener to a focus listener to reduce change spam"
      config manager: defer submitting config changes to config service
      config manager: correct adding unset keys to pendingChanges
      api: add timestamps to message nodes, expose message id
      xp drop plugin: add disabled xp drop ticker
      http api: add loot tracker service and client
      loot tracker: submit loot to api
      Revert "Fix freeze on disabling GPU plugin"
      Revert "Remove distance check from agility plugin"
      http service: remove tomcat deploy
      Remove cache-server
      emote clue: add missing requirement to "Clap in the magic axe hut"
      ground items config: correct formatting from previous commit
      http service: add endpoint for websocket session count
      client: add cooking plugin
      api: mark getTransformedComposition as Nullable
      slayer plugin: fix npe from getTransformedComposition returning null

David Meredith (1):
      Add Bottle of Wine stats to item stats plugin (#6989)

Henry Darnell (1):
      Add silver jewelry to crafting skill calculator

Loopytop (1):
      Add Wintertodt plugin description

Magic fTail (2):
      Add timestamp plugin
      Fix the description of the wintertodt plugin and add boss tag

MonsterxSync (1):
      Add missing clue requirement "Salute in warriors guild"

Sam Beresford (2):
      Add ability to hide all ground items on double tap of hotkey(ALT) (#6712)
      Add item overlay to show when monsters are weak enough to finish off (#6710)

TheStonedTurtle (1):
      Fix party hat buy limits

Tomas Slusny (2):
      Make GL version choosing platform specific
      Add space after timestamp

William (1):
      Add missing empty ammmo slot requirement to emote clues (#7002)

trimbe (1):
      Prevent overlays rendering if fullscreen map is open 1.5.4 Release World switcher ping, equipment bonus overlay, and vengeance active indicator 2018-12-13T10:00:00.000Z Adam

The world switcher plugin now shows the ping to each game world.


The item stats plugin will now show equipment stats when hovering over items.


The timers plugin now shows an additional infobox for when vengence is active alongside the existing vengence cooldown timer.


The idle notifier now has a notification for when your special attack regenerates to a configurable percent.

The camera zoom plugin now allows reducing the outer zoom limit, as well as the usual extending of it, by setting the limit negative.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The hiscore plugin can now show unranked levels, if the player is on the hiscores
  • Add Xeric's aid and revitalisation potions to itemstats plugin
  • Fix slayer plugin tracking Commander Zilyana tasks
  • Add Deadman Mode Tournament hiscore support to the hiscore plugin and opponent info hitpoints lookup
  • Fix the bounty hunter interface to be movable again
  • Add wyvern staircase to agility plugin
  • Correct Oak Armchair level requirement in Construction Skill Calc
  • Fix grounditems "only show loot" option to work correctly with multi-tile NPCs
  • Fix itemstats papaya fruit health restore

The requirements for the GPU plugin have been slighly reduced to OpenGL 4.2 with the GL_ARB_compute_shader and GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object extensions.


- Adam

New commits

Adam (17):
      hiscore panel: support hiscore results with no rank
      world hopper: add world ping
      world switcher: fix race with fetching worlds while pinging
      status bars overlay: avoid resizing prayer icon each frame
      herbiboar plugin: only check trails when in herbiboar region
      overlay manager: use EnumMap for overlay layers
      client: add Range config annotation
      http service: optimize session queries
      http-service: set session table engine to MEMORY
      http-service: set kc table engine to MEMORY
      idle notifier: add spec regen notifier
      client: fix logback config to log messages from threads
      sesssion controller: create sessions when pinging unknown sessions
      Increase session ping time to 10 minutes
      config panel: change spinner change listener to a focus listener to reduce change spam
      api: expose IterableHashTable
      api: expose chat messages hashtable

Austin Crinklaw (1):
      Add Xeric's aid and revitalisation potions to itemstats plugin

Jake Wilson (1):
      slayer task: change 'Zilyana' to 'Commander Zilyana'

Jordan Atwood (4):
      WorldType: Make PVP_WORLD_TYPES final
      Add DMM Tournament world type
      Handle Deadman Tournament world type in plugins
      timers plugin: Update SDMM teleblock handling

Kamiel (1):
      Make whole bounty hunter widget moveable (#6886)

Kyle Goodale (1):
      perspective: use Path2D for construction instead of area in get2DGeometry

Max Weber (3):
      runelite-api: move WidgetType into n.r.api.widgets
      runelite-api: Fix various incorrect or misleading javadocs
      runelite-client: Write logs to log directory instead of cwd

MaxBartlett (1):
      Added wyvern cave stairs to agility plugin obstacles (#6900)

Samuel Beresford (1):
      Correct Oak Armchair level requirement in Construction Skill Calc

TheStonedTurtle (1):
      ground items: fix "only show loot"

Tomas Slusny (3):
      Try to enable compute shaders on GL 4.2
      Use GLSL 420 with extensions in comp_unordered
      item stats: add support for equipment stats

Twiglet1022 (2):
      Fix freeze on disabling GPU plugin
      Allow lowering of outer zoom limit in the camera zoom plugin

Tyler Hardy (1):
      timer plugin: add vengeance active indicator

ZeahProduct (1):
      itemstats: fix papaya fruit health restore

forsco (1):
      Fix bounty hunter widget name (#6893) 1.5.3 Release GPU anti-aliasing and loot-exclusive ground item display 2018-12-06T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

The GPU plugin now supports anti-aliasing, which reduces jagged lines. It can be configured in the GPU plugin settings. Thanks to @devLotto for implementing this feature!

GPU anti-aliasing

The Ground Items plugin now has an option to only show loot. Thanks to @Adam- for this feature.

ground items plugin showing only loot

After discussions among the RuneLite team, the fight cave plugin was removed as it was decided to be too over-powered. For more insight on this decision, you can read Adam's comment on this.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The GPU plugin no longer causes overlays to render in black within the smoke devil dungeon and during the fight with the Grotesque Guardians
  • The WASD Camera plugin will no longer cause camera spinning when the chatbox loses focus
  • Marks of grace, golden nuggets, and items bought with them now have prices calculated for them in the Bank Value plugin, the Examine plugin and others
  • The "Panic in the heart of the Haunted Woods" clue step properly warns you to remove your ammo slot item
  • Teleport icons for the pharaoh's sceptre have been added to the World Map plugin
  • The fairy ring search chatbox will no longer remain active when you select a teleport destination very quickly
  • The Slayer plugin will now display your initial task amount when hovering the slayer infobox
  • The Kourend favour widget is now moveable
  • The Screenshot plugin can now take screenshots when receiving valuable and/or untradeable drops


- Jordan

New commits

We had 17 contributors this release!

Adam (8):
      runelite-client: exclude xz dependency from commons-compress
      runelite-client: remove github-release-plugin
      Revert "Merge pull request #6760 from deathbeam/fix-slayer-task"
      Revert "Add initial kill counter to slayer task (#6654)"
      slayer plugin: show initial assignment amount in infobox tooltip
      Move EventBus implementation to runelite-client
      wasd plugin: fix not unpressing keys when chatbox loses focus
      grounditems: add option to only show loot

Alex Kolpa (1):
      Add world map region overlay dev tool

Davis Cook (2):
      Add initial kill counter to slayer task (#6654)
      don't check chatbox status on last tick for fairyring search

Joshua Filby (1):
      fix: use correct char for boolean type

Kyle Goodale (1):
      Fix Seers' Village house clue grammar (#6720)

Lotto (1):
      gpu: add scene anti-aliasing

Magic fTail (2):
      Add a tooltip to loot tracker value, showing exact value
      Remove the fight cave plugin

Max Weber (4):
      ClientLoader: Use our classloader, not the system one for loading rs
      Remove polymorphic events
      Replace usages of Guava Subscribe with ours
      FairyRingPlugin: Don't close vanilla chatboxes

Mika Kuijpers (1):
      Add untradable item price support to ItemManager (#6595)

MonsterxSync (1):
      Add missing empty ammo slot requirement for clue step.

Sebastiaan Vanspauwen (1):
      2005 interface: fix resized offsets

SebastiaanVanspauwen (1):
      worldmap: add pharaoh's sceptre teleport icons (#6810)

Tomas Slusny (4):
      Update setTask for new assign first slayer field
      Add dense essence chiseling to idle notifier
      Add EventBus to replace Guava one
      Replace usages of Guava EventBus with custom one

Tyler Hardy (1):
      Make Kourend favour a moveable widget (#6797)

WooxSolo (1):
      gpu: fix black overlays behind gradients

tanlines (1):
      screenshot plugin: add screenshot on valuable/untradeable item drop

trimbe (1):
      loot tracker: validate boxes after rebuilding 1.5.2 Release UI scaling for GPU, color banding, and expanded outer zoom limit 2018-11-29T10:00:00.000Z Adam

Stretched mode combined with the GPU plugin will now scale the UI independently of the rest of the game (the game is left unscaled). Thanks to @dbolya for this great contribution.

stretched-rezizable stretched-fixed

The GPU plugin now shades more similarly to the CPU renderer by default. You can turn on the previous behavior by enabling the 'Smooth banding' option in the GPU plugin settings.

The camera zoom plugin now has a configurable outer zoom limit, which controls how far the ingame zoom can zoom out.

GPU fixes for this week:

  • Fix texturing for volcanic whips, Fountain of Rune, closed bank booths, and others.
  • Fix screenshots with stretched mode.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix pasting on the login screen on OSX
  • Fix observatory shortcut highlight
  • Fix slayer plugin not working on the first assigned slayer task
  • Add Ivandis Flail to prayer plugin
  • Fix the world map plugin to not noticibly drop FPS when the map is open
  • Fix freeze timer not showing when you move on the same tick as being frozen
  • Fix incorrect slayer kills remaining count in xp tracker


- Adam

New commits

We had 20 contributors this release!

Adam (9):
      Remove update check service and client
      gpu: move priority_map and count_prio_offset to priority_renderer
      gpu: move common compute header to its own file
      gpu: add shader for tiles
      gpu: split camera position from model position
      gpu: remove duplicate definition of struct modelinfo in comp.glsl
      gpu: move hslToRgb to its own file
      gpu: add toggle for color banding
      runelite-api: add skull icon api for local player

Alexsuperfly (1):
      MLM Plugin: Add toggle for rocks highlighting (#6181)

Daniel Bolya (2):
      gpu: add UI scaling when using GPU with stretched mode
      Fixed screenshots in GPU mode with stretching enabled.

Davis Cook (2):
      Fix action and time estimates only appearing after 2 actions (#6624)
      Fix incorrect slayer kill remaining count in xp tracker (#6615)

Dennis (2):
      gpu: fix textured faces with alpha
      gpu: fix untextured faces

Jochim Van Dijck (1):
      Enable Command-V login screen pasting on macOS

Jordan Atwood (1):
      timers: Correctly add freeze timer upon frozen while moving

Joshua Filby (3):
      feat: add StructDefinition to cache
      cache: Add ScriptVarType to Enums
      cache: prevent dumping enums with no data

Lotto (1):
      stretchedmode: reduce wait time after changing scaling percentage

Magic fTail (2):
      camera plugin: add expand outer zoom limit option
      Add id to script output

Max Weber (1):
      runelite-client: update to use client patch

MaxBartlett (1):
      Fix observatory shortcut highlight (#6723)

Michael (1):
      Add support for parsing first slayer task (#6677)

Omar Abdellatif (1):
      Truncate username and password string before pasting if necessary

Sam Beresford (3):
      Add Ivandis Flail (+5) to prayer plugin (#6664)
      Correct tooltip for notification when focused in RuneLite settings (#6695)
      Auto-hide sidebar close button when not hovered (#6694)

TheStonedTurtle (1):
      Properly update MLM sack values on login/logout (#6627)

Tomas Slusny (10):
      Properly close GL context and lock surface
      Do not use static imports for GL constants
      Remove distance check from agility plugin
      Properly parse stat change value in status bars
      Change dev tools fonts to constant
      Unify dev tools toggles to 1 button type
      Move widget and itemIndex to DevToolsOverlay
      Fix access levels in dev tools plugin
      Disable inspector buttons on close in dev tools
      Check for canvas location being non null in TOG

Twiglet1022 (2):
      Improve responsiveness of fishing idle notification (#6457)
      Correct some tick/millis explanatory comments in runelite api (#6383)

l2- (1):
      gpu: suppress debug messages for generic warnings with severity unknown

trimbe (1):
      world map plugin: optimize clipping of world map points 1.5.1 Release Linux support for GPU plugin, CTRL-V paste on login screen, combat tooltips 2018-11-22T10:00:00.000Z Adam

Thanks to the hard work of @whitehooder and @deathbeam the GPU plugin now also supports Linux machines. The requirements are still the same, mesa with at least GL 4.3+ support is required. Here is small table of Mesa 17.2.0 GL support. We are aware that on some graphic cards mesa can only support GL 4.2 even though all required features that we use are supported, and we plan to look into that in future.

Thanks to @bmiddle Combat Level plugin now displays a tooltip for levels required to reach the next combat level in Attack Style interface.

combat1 combat2

Thanks to @deathbeam you can now paste your username and password to login screen with CTRL-V. This option needs to be explicitly enabled in Login Screen plugin.

GPU fixes for this week:

  • Add support for Stretched Mode
  • Fix tiles having black outlines on Intel HD Graphics with drivers newer than 20.19
  • Fix relying on some undefined behavior causing some AMD cards to not work corectly
  • Fix visible lag from resizing the client or when expanding/contracting the side panel
  • Fix resource leaks from shutting down the GPU plugin
  • More consistently limit interaction with far away objects

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix smoke rune level requirement in skill calc
  • Show ironman icons when chat is locked with the WASD plugin
  • Add new POH teleport icons to minimap
  • Fix hiding attack styles after autocast selection
  • Make Skotizo interface layoutable
  • Fix some boulders at Maniacal Monkeys not working with the hunter plugin
  • Add kills left to XP orbs


- Adam

New commits

We had 17 contributors this release!

Adam (4):
      gpu: destroy glcontext on shutdown
      gpu: don't compute scene if the scene buffer isn't filled yet
      gpu: correct uniform block name in geometry shader
      mixins: remove extended visiblity maps

Brett (1):
      Add tooltip to show levels required for next combat level (#5764)

Dennis (1):
      gpu: add sin/cos table to UBO

DevinMadsen (1):
      Fix smoke rune level requirement in skill calc (#6565)

Hydrox6 (1):
      wasdplugin: Show Ironman Icons when chat is locked (#6347)

Jack Sheehan (1):
      Add new POH teleport icons to minimap (#6502)

Jordan Atwood (1):
      attack styles: Fix style hiding after autocast selection

Lotto (4):
      puzzlesolver: wait a duration before recomputing the solution
      gpu: limit interaction distance from camera
      gpu: add frame and render buffer utils
      gpu: add stretched mode support

Magic fTail (1):
      Add abyssal sire resp systems to npc_health

Max Weber (3):
      ScriptVM: Catch exceptions thrown from a JavaScriptCallback
      ChatboxTextInput: Properly escape carrots
      runelite-client: Make Skotizo widget layoutable

MaxBartlett (1):
      Fix distance check for maniacal monkey boulders (#6399)

Slevender (1):
      Remove non-existant fairy ring location BJQ (#6518)

Steffen Hauge (1):
      Add support for kills left in xp orbs

Tomas Slusny (9):
      Switch to core profile in GPU plugin
      Expose current login field and password setter
      Add support for Ctrl-V pasting on login screen
      Fix JOGL context debug logging flag
      Properly destroy JAWT window on plugin shutdown
      Unlock surface only with X11JAWTWindow
      Make sidebar icon consistent without custom chrome
      Properly null-check chat performance widgets
      Null-check GL and window on plugin shutdown

Whitehooder (1):
      Fix GPU rendering on Linux

drivfe (1):
      Fix some xp values in skill_smithing.json

forsco (1):
      Fix indentation of npc_health json (#6616) 1.5.0 Release GPU Renderer 2018-11-16T12:00:00.000Z Adam

The RuneLite GPU renderer is live! When enabled, the GPU plugin gives improved framerate, particularly on larger screens, and increases the distance you can see in game. Check out this tweet for some neat pictures.

The GPU plugin requires Windows (7, 8, or 10), a GPU with support for OpenGL 4.3 or newer, and 2GB of VRAM. This requires either an Nvidia GeForce 400 or newer, an AMD Radeon HD 5000 Series or newer, or Intel HD Graphics with an Intel Haswell processor or newer. Also ensure that your GPU drivers are up to date.

We have tested this plugin a lot over the last few weeks, on as much hardware as we can find, but there are possibly configurations it does not work correctly on. In particular, we recommend you do not enable it in dangerous situations ingame (HCIM!) until you sufficiently test that it is stable on your system.

If you find an issue with it open a bug report on our issue tracker if a bug report for it isn't already in the list of known issues. Note that currently the GPU plugin does not work with the stretched mode plugin.


- Adam 1.4.26 Release Status bars plugin and upcoming GPU plugin 2018-11-15T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

A Status Bars plugin has been added, which will display hitpoints and prayer information on the columns of the inventory, or along the left side of the inventory panel. Big thanks to @Malfuryent for their tireless work maintainng this plugin for months preparing for its addition to the client.

Status bars plugin demonstration

As we've announced on Twitter, we will soon be releasing the highly-anticipated GPU plugin. Keep on the lookout!

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • A bug causing the XP Tracker plugin to improperly display combat skills with strange values has been fixed
  • Menu entry swaps will no longer affect NPCs with hint arrows above them to aid clue hunters
  • The Grand Exchange plugin panel has had its color scheme updated to better match the rest of the client
  • The Friend Notes plugin now uses the updated chatbox dialog
  • XP globes are now ordered statically, and will not change order based on the time skill experience is received
  • A Myth's guild cannon spot for blue dragons has been highlighted in the Cannon plugin
  • Shortcuts for a stile in Taverly and the stairs to the task-restricted Skeletal wyverns area are now highlighted in the Agility plugin
  • The Barrows Brothers plugin's overlay panel now displays reward potential and utilizes custom minimap colors in its minimap overlay
  • Icons for the new portal nexus and mounted jewellery have been added to the Player-owned house plugin
  • A menu entry swapper option has been added to swap the Private and Shared options of the Chambers of Xeric chest
  • Overlays can no longer get stuck offscreen when switching between fixed and resizable views
  • The Diary Requirements plugin now displays combat level requirements for achievements requiring them


- Jordan

New commits

We had 16 contributors this release!

15987632 (1):
      Do not swap entries on NPCs with hint arrows (#6437)

Adam (1):
      devtools: add cape command

Arrexel (1):
      Make Grand Exchange plugin panel background color consistent

Hydrox6 (2):
      interfacestyles: Fix resizeable mode widgets
      friendnotes: Use new chatbox input dialogue

LarkCubed (1):
      Use static skill order for XP globes (#6087)

Luke Sheldon (1):
      Add cannon spot to blue dragon area in Myth's Guils (#6460)

Magic fTail (1):
      Move "Outside the Falador Party Room" hot cold clue step

Malfuryent (4):
      Add interface container widget ID
      Expose ItemStatChangesService from ItemStats plugin
      Add status bars plugin

Max Weber (1):
      ChatboxPanelManager: Kill panels when logging out.

MaxBartlett (2):
      Add Taverley shortcut to agility plugin (#6381)
      Add skeletal wyvern stairs to agility shortcut plugin (#6420)

Monsterxsync (1):
      Add potential reward to the barrows overlay

SebastiaanVanspauwen (1):
      Poh plugin: Add nexus/pendant/xerics teleport icons (#6395)

TheStonedTurtle (1):
      Add option to swap "Private" and "Shared" on CoX chest (#6388)

Tomas Slusny (7):
      Add AMMO(13) to EquipmentInventorySlot
      Update item_variations.json for latest cache changes
      Check if any experience was gained in skill before tracking action
      Unlimit stretched resizable mode
      Properly limit scaling factor for stretched resizable
      Prevent overlays from moving off-screen
      Make barrows minimap respect client minimap colors, show players

William (1):
      Add ability to set combat requirements for achievement diaries (#6270)

brodan (1):
      Make boost overlay to change to yellow at threshold 1.4.25 Release New chat box input for Bank Tags and kills to level in XP Tracker 2018-11-08T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

The Bank Tags plugin now utilizes a new custom input box which includes a moveable typing cursor, multiple character selection, and mouse interaction. Additionally, as a result, editing tags will no longer clear any open bank searches. Huge thanks to @Abextm for writing the framework of the new chatbox, and to @raiyni for hooking it in to the bank tag plugin.

Enhanced chatbox input

The XP Tracker plugin will now display the remaining number of kills to reach a level in combat skills, rather than the number of actions. Thanks to @deathbeam for this update.

xp tracker: kills to level

When running RuneLite with custom chrome disabled, the sidebar switcher image will be a small Runescape-themed arrow in the upper-right corner of the screen. Thanks to @deathbeam and @Abextm for this improvement.

native chrome sidebar closer

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The WASD Camera plugin will now prepends your player name to the chatbox text
  • The Examine plugin will now perform price lookups on items examined within the looting bag interface
  • The Menu Entry Swapper plugin now offers a "Repairs" option swap for the dark mage
  • A configuration option has been added to the Opponent Information plugin which allows you to hide the "Opponent's opponent" line which ordinarily appears beneath the health bar in multi-combat zones
  • Game overlays in the fixed viewport should now be more accurate
  • Fix Werewolf agility course xp in the skill calculator
  • Add Burgh de Rott shortcut to agility plugin


- Jordan

New commits

We had 14 contributors this release!

Adam (3):
      wasd plugin: add player name to chatbox text
      player mixin: remove unused field
      entity hider: check for players with no names

Dylan Critz (1):
      examine plugin: add looting bag item examine support

Hydrox6 (2):
      Make Twitch messages respect custom Chat Colours
      chat message manager: fix update to not access varbits outside of client thread

John McDonnell (1):
      skill calculator: fix werewolf agility course xp

Jordan Atwood (4):
      inventory tags plugin: clean up plugin code
      inventory tags plugin: Use MenuManager
      Add JagexColors constants file, update Color uses
      wasdcamera: Fix chat text color on transparent chatbox

KasparRosin (1):
      menu entry swapper: add dark mage repairs swap

Lotto (2):
      stretchedmode: fix size not being reset on plugin disable
      stretchedmode: retain aspect ratio when scaling

Max Weber (5):
      cache: Correct Location loading
      itemstats: Use correct crab meat
      zoom: Adjust inner zoom limit to safe value
      runelite-client: Don't check if customChrome is enabled after startup
      runelite-client: Use Runescape themed closer for sidebar when overlaying

MaxBartlett (1):
      Add Burgh de Rott shortcut to agility plugin (#6380)

Ron Young (6):
      tag search should be startsWith not contains
      Add BERSERKER_NECKLACE prayer bonus
      ScriptEvent: import op, opbase, and source
      BankTags: refactor to use ChatboxPanelManager
      Bank tags: Preserve search when editing tags
      Bank tags: Move search functions to a separate class

Sam England (1):
      Add food hover overlay for Thin and Fat Snail meat (#6362)

Tomas Slusny (8):
      Properly update last action times in Idle Notifier
      Add support for lastCombatCountdown to combat idle
      Make ItemVariationsMapping use generated json
      Cleanup SwingUtil
      Add support for hiding/showing sidebar button
      Create NPC manager that can return HP for NPC
      Create different action types for XpTracker plugin
      Add support for kills left to XpTrackerPlugin

Tyler Harding (1):
      opponent info: add configuration for show opponent's opponent

WooxSolo (5):
      Improve hovered tile accuracy
      Fix localToCanvas calculation on fixed screen
      Remove viewportOffset calculation from prayer bar
      Remove viewportOffset calculation from demonic gorillas
      Remove viewportOffset from get2DGeometry 1.4.24 Release Stretched resizable mode, bank tags and shift-click for item charges and variations 2018-11-01T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

The Stretched Mode plugin (formerly known as the Stretched Fixed Mode plugin) now supports stretching the game in resizable mode. Thanks to @devLotto for adding this feature!

Stretched resizable mode at 75% resizing

You can now tag and un-tag all variations of an item, e.g. all dosages of a particular type of potion, all charges of an Amulet of Glory, or all degraded states of a Barrows equipment piece or piece of crystal equipment, etc. To do so, drag the item onto a tag tab while holding Shift, or add "*" to the end of the tag. Thanks to @raiyni and @deathbeam for developing this feature.

Bank tags: tagging and untagging variations

Shift-click configuration now applies to all variations and charges of items too in very similar way as new bank tab improvements do. This means that some previous shift-click configuration on affected items will be reset. Thanks to @deathbeam for implementing this.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Some clue scrolls will display less text in their panels to take up less space
  • Added Abyssal Bracelet charge tracking
  • The Slayer plugin will no longer desync when slaying Grotesque Guardians with the Double Trouble reward active
  • Chopping sullicep mushrooms now activates the woodcutting plugin
  • Fix clue and bounty hunter hiscores lookup for update


- Jordan

New commits

We had 16 contributors this release!

15987632 (1):
      Add support for objects to Anagram clues

Adam (4):
      feed controller: add cache control for feed result
      http api/service: map .js to application/json and use in http clients
      Remove model viewer
      http-api: lombok HiscoreResult

Alexsuperfly (4):
      XPglobes: capitalize XP in globe tooltip
      Item Charges: add Abyssal Bracelet charge tracking (#6184)
      Remove White Helm requirement from Sir Vyvin cryptic clue (#6179)
      Slayer Highlighting: Add all types of shades to task target list (#6182)

Arthur Tyukayev (2):
      Fix typo in Lunar Isle teleport location (#6218)
      Make twitch channel string case insensitive (#6223)

Dustin (1):
      Stop slayer kills desync for Grotesque Guardians with Double Trouble reward active (#5983)

Farmour (1):
      Apply PM chat recolor for PMODs in loadColors

Gamer1120 (1):
      Add consistency to capitalization of timer in Timers settings

Hydrox6 (1):
      Merge multiple varbitChanged events in AttackStyles to one (#6258)

KasparRosin (1):
      Update Hot/Cold location NW of fishing tutor (#6230)

Lotto (2):
      stretchedfixedmode: add resizable interface scaling
      stretchedfixedmode: rename plugin to 'stretched mode'

Magic fTail (2):
      Fix JavaDoc for hitsplat colours (#6237)
      http api/service: update Jagex hiscore API

Mattias Cederlund (1):
      Recognize all Pharaoh's sceptre versions for emote clues (#6233)

Max Weber (3):
      cluescrolls: Add STASH unit object ids to emote clues
      cluescrolls: Move Druids' circle clue to the stash
      cluescrolls: Move trollheim emote clue to Trollheim

Ron Young (2):
      Add ItemVariationMapping enum and test
      Add ability to set/read tags on varations of items

SebastiaanVanspauwen (1):
      Woodcutting: Add support for sullicep mushrooms for logs/hr and logs cut (#6245)

Tomas Slusny (12):
      Fix combat brace slayer task race condition
      Swap "Perks" option with "Admire" for mounted max cape
      Remove full clue description from CrypticClue
      Remove full clue description for Hot/Cold clue
      Add back check for widget.isHidden() to TabInterface
      Export ObjectComposition ID
      Add support for impostors to clue scroll plugin
      Fix combat brace slayer test after double trouble addition
      Move SlayerUnlock to net.runelite.api.vars
      Use ChatMessageManager to send game messages in Notifier
      Correctly highlight Juna for cryptic clue step
      Add support for configuring shift-click for variation items 1.4.23 Release Twitch plugin, POH incense burner timers, ignore loot tracker items, and banked clue item search 2018-10-25T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

New Twitch plugin was added that allows you to connect your chat with some specific Twitch channel. All messages received from this channel are sent in clan chat type with prefix [Twitch] and you can reply to messages by prefixing your message with //.


The Player-owned House plugin now displays a timer for incense burners. The time per light is variable based on the lighter's Firemaking level, so it will display a green timer while it is guaranteed to remain lit, and a yellow timer for the estimated extra time. Thanks to @deathbeam and @forsco for this feature.

POH incense burners

The Loot Tracker plugin has a new configuration to ignore certain loot drops, which will dim these items and exclude their value from the displayed loot value, and a toggle for whether they should appear in the loot tracker display at all. Thanks to @psikoi for making this feature possible!

Loot Tracker: toggling items to be ignored Loot Tracker: hiding ignored items Loot tracker: tooltip of ignored items

Items required for clue steps are now automatically (and implicitly) tagged "clue", and can be searched for in the bank. Never waste time poring through your bank for the exact items you need again! Thanks to @raiyni for this feature.

Searching the bank for clue items

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Recent clan chat listings with spaces in their names no longer become corrupted
  • Multiple marks of grace can now be highlighted while training on rooftop agility courses
  • Mounted capes now prioritize Teleport and Spellbook options in a player-owned house via the menu entry swapper plugin
  • If set, XP globes now use the ingame skill goals for displaying completion progress


- Jordan

New commits

We had 14 contributors this release!

Adam (3):
      Wait for process termination when sending notifications
      config panel: add support for password fields
      runelite-client: add Twitch chat plugin

Brett (1):
      Add idle notification for mixing ultracompost (#6052)

Christopher O'Hara (1):
      Show hop-to option in clan chat menu when target player is a friend and their private chat is off

Jordan Atwood (1):
      mta telekinetic room: Fix finish point comparison

KasparRosin (1):
      Replace Ardougne cloak with Explorer's ring in MES teleport description (#6158)

Lotto (3):
      Change 'username' to 'player name' in usernameInTitle
      puzzlesolver: break out -1 piece value into a constant
      puzzlesolver: make exclusive use of PuzzleSolver's constants

Max Weber (10):
      runelite-api: Make MouseListener an interface, add MouseAdapter
      Add JavaScriptCallback to allow java callbacks instead of cs2
      Add ChatboxPanelManager to allow for more advanced chatbox inputs
      fairyrings: Use ChatboxPanelManager's input
      ChatboxTextInput: Assume end cursor when changing value
      ChatboxTextInput: Don't divide by zero when clicking on an empty string
      ChatboxTextMenuInput: return this from build
      ChatboxTextInput: Fix blinking cursor
      loottracker: Lazily rebuild panels
      Limit amount of LootTrackerBoxes to 500

Robin Withes (2):
      Add tears of guthix rock obstacle to agility obstacles (#6096)
      Add draynor stile obstacle to agility plugin (#6112)

Ron Young (6):
      text: Add Jagex name formatter
      clan chat plugin: Use Jagex name format
      Add clue scroll service
      Hookup clue scroll service dependency
      Add fulfilledBy(int itemId) to item requirements
      Add ability to search for current clue required items

Ruben Amendoeira (1):
      Loot tracker - Add ability to ignore items (#5483)

Sebastiaan Vanspauwen (1):
      agility plugin: highlight multiple marks

Tomas Slusny (16):
      Make colon (":") enter chat in WASD mode
      Make special attack counter respect ids and npc deaths
      Remove positions from Timers plugin config
      Merge common configs in Timers plugin
      Remove position config from menu entry swapper
      Add swap for "Admire" and "Teleport/Spellbook" for mounted capes (#5994)
      Make HiScore lookup always deprioritized
      Prevent tag tab scrolling to scroll bank interface
      Add missing dot to "She's small" cryptic
      Add POH incense burner timers
      Swap also "quick pass" in Cerb lair
      Add startGoalXp and endGoalXp to XpTrackerService
      Use startGoalXp and endGoalXp for goals in XP globes
      Keep WidgetOverlay always on UNDER_WIDGETS layer
      Calculate total count/value from loot records instead of boxes
      Prevent NPE in recent clan chats when var is null

Tyler Nichols (1):
      mta plugin: remove pointless int cast

WooxSolo (1):
      Rename getUnknownSoundValues2 1.4.22 Release Recent clan chat listings, inventory/equipment tagging and tag tab export/import 2018-10-18T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

Recent Clan chats are now listed in the clan chat tab when not already in a clan chat room. Thanks to @raiyni for this feature.

Recent clan chats listing in the clan chat tab

An enhancement has been added to the bank tags feature to tag items in your inventory or equipment directly, also thanks to @raiyni.

bank tags: Tag inventory and equipment

Tag tabs can now be imported from and exported to the clipboard. After exporting tag tab from RuneLite, clipboard contents should look like this (this is mining tag tab with prospectors and d pick):


and you can view it online here. Thanks to @deathbeam for this feature.

bank tags: Import and export using clipboard

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fixed a bug where the OSBuddy price overlay text was duplicated on the Grand Exchange offer screen
  • Motherlode Mine and raiding have been added to the Discord plugin activity reporter
  • Private messages received from player moderators are now properly recolored
  • The Chambers of Xeric scouting overlay now displays while at the nearby bank
  • Bank tag icons now display a higher quantity for stackable items
  • Bank searching (and thus bank tags) now allows for terms larger than 15 characters
  • The wilderness kill/death counter, Bounty Hunter stats widget, and Zeah mess hall widgets are now moveable
  • Fixed some slayer plugin parsing bugs
  • An option has been added to the Bank Tags plugin to remember the last-opened tag tab
  • An option has been added to the Runelite settings to display your username in the window title
  • Some bugfixes for clues (particularly the newly-added 3-cryptic clues) have been added
  • Runelite on OSX will now attempt to use terminal-notifier for better-quality notifications
  • The Menu Entry Swapper plugin can now swap Quick-pass/travel/start menu options


- Jordan

New commits

We had 17 contributors this release!

Adam (2):
      Revert "Remove zoom plugin"
      clue plugin: fix spelling of Peksa's name

Bruno_ (1):
      Fix OSB price duplicationon delayed lookup (#5860)

Connor S. Parks (1):
      DiscordPlugin: Add MLM

Farmour (1):
      Add PRIVATE_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_MOD to chat recoloring (#5977)

Hydrox6 (1):
      Correctly reset widget.originalY in WidgetOverlay (#6004)

Jordan Atwood (3):
      time tracking: Remove deprecated config migration
      GameEventManager: Simulate Actor spawn events
      slayer: Add combat bracelet task update handling

Kamiel (2):
      Fix raid scout overlay not rendering at bank
      Add examine info to dev tools

Magic fTail (1):
      Fix zoom after update

Mattias Cederlund (1):
      Fix ASGARNIA_MIAZRQA Hot-Cold clue location.

Nathen (1):
      Log if we fail to match clue text

Ron Young (11):
      Fix spellbook home teleport widget ids (#5928)
      ConfigManager: don't post an update if the values are the same (#5480)
      Add recent clan chats plugin
      Bank tags: add ability to tag inventory/equipment (#5988)
      Tag tabs: Add to existing tags instead of overwriting them from inv/eq (#6025)
      widget: expose itemQuantityMode (#6020)
      Tag tabs: show largest quantity icon (#6040)
      Relate worn weight reducing items to their inventory version
      Don't show recent clan chats with CC req popup (#6067)
      Don't limit bank search explicitly to 15 characters
      Don't fetch itemid of Change Icon menu option on tabs

SebastiaanVanspauwen (1):
      WidgetOverlay: Make k/d counter moveable (#5829)

Tomas Slusny (34):
      Make bounty hunter stats widget layoutable
      Move raid scouter layout to title
      Correctly parse slayer task with the and breaks in npc name
      Do not reset equipment/inventory in clues croll plugin each tick
      Remove duplicate "Patches" from time track overview
      Add Gout Tuber heal info to Item Stats plugin
      Add option to remember last opened tag tab
      Fix cave kraken boss task name
      Add optional "the" when checking slayer task progress message
      Remove invalid properties from map on property load
      Use UTF-8 instead of ISO 8859-1 when loading/saving config
      Lock configuration file when writing to filesystem
      Reorder menu swaps again by name
      Add quick pass/travel/start menu entry swapping
      Disable bury and harpoon swaps by default
      Limit widget overlay bounds to parent
      Move ChatMessageManager#refreshAll to client thread
      Move local player hiscore type check to client thread
      Add option to choose interface (layoutable) overlay font
      Add toggle for displaying username in title
      Sort config panel options by name as well
      Add raiding activity to Discord plugin
      Make 3 step cryptic clues more robust (better splitting)
      Null-check location for multi-location clues
      Fix punctionation in "Fiendish cooks" cryptic clue
      Add ability to import/export tag tabs with clipboard
      Properly update 3 step cryptic clues on step completion
      Use terminal-notifier when available for OSX
      Unify calls for getting real item id for bank tag
      Make Zeah Mess Hall display layoutable
      Invoke GameEventManager events on ClientThread
      Clear hint arrow when switching 3 step NPCs
      Update active tag tab containing edited tag
      Filter > 0 when tagging inventory/equipment

ellscape (1):
      Mystic Mist Staff buy limit corrected from 6 to 8

forsco (1):
      Remove switch case for swapQuick that would cause rest of swaps to be skipped (#6007)

robinwithes (4):
      Update slayer task based on VarPlayer value if available (#5989)
      Revert "Update slayer task based on VarPlayer value if available (#5989)"
      Add diamond bolts to the ge limits (#6042)
      Add lockpick requirement to magical axe hut clue (#6045)

trimbe (1):
      Fix lava maze dungeon cryptic clue 1.4.21 Release Bank tag tabs, master clue 3-step cryptic solutions, partial grand exchange name searching, and various plugin visual improvements 2018-10-11T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

Bank tag tabs

Thanks to the tireless work of @raiyni, and supporting work from @deathbeam and @Abextm, we are proud to offer a new bank tag experience in bank tag tabs!

Bank tag tabs: adding and selecting tabs

As indicated above, tabs can be created for any number of tags by clicking the "+" button in the upper-left-hand corner of the bank interface, and selecting these tabs will display items tagged with that tab's tag. More information regarding its features and functionalities can be found by browsing the Bank Tags wiki page.

Master clue 3-step cryptic solutions

The Clue Scroll plugin now displays solutions for master-level three step cryptic clues, removing steps from the overlay as they are completed. Thanks to @Eadgars-ruse for submitting (and demonstrating in video form) this feature!

Master-level three step cryptic clue solution Partial solution for master-level three step cryptic clue

Grand Exchange partial name searching

The Grand Exchange search panel and ingame !price command now allow for partial name searching, yielding better results than before. Thanks to @Adam- for implementing this enhancement.

Grand exchange search results: before and after

Visual improvements

Thanks to @Adam-, @Monsterxsync, @psikoi, and @SebastiaanVanspauwen respectively, a number of plugins have had their visuals updated, which can be seen below:

  • The "To:" and "From:" in split private chat can now be recolored
  • A toggle has been added to use default skill coloring for XP globe progress arcs
  • XP globes' progress bar has been changed into an overlay directly on the globe to save space
  • A chatbox background image has been added to the 2005 interface style

Recolored "To:" and "From:" in split private chat XP globes default skill colors Updated XP globes progress overlay 2005 interface chat background

The Camera Zoom plugin has been disabled until we can fix it for the update today.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The percentage completion component of the XP tracker is now accurate to two decimal places
  • The 2010 interface style has had some tab icon offsets updated to be more accurate to the style
  • Cavaliers will now display their buy limit in the grand exchange plugin
  • Mouse tooltips should now properly be hidden whenever a RuneScape tooltip is displayed
  • Chat notification highlight words now ignore leading and trailing space for highlight terms
  • Regen meters should now be more accurate for the beginning and end of a regen cycle
  • Overlays snapped above chatbox will now be rendered when text input or chat dialogs are open
  • An option has been added to the boosts overlay to display in yellow when below the boost threshold
  • Notifications have been added for highlighted ground items
  • The Fairy ring plugin now remembers scroll position when re-opening the fairy ring menu
  • The Slayer plugin will now update when assigned a task through partner slayer
  • The NPC HP overlay has been updated to use a more accurate HP formula
  • The Loot tracker no longer tries to add empty slots from Chambers of Xeric or Theatre of Blood
  • The newly-added Al Kharid palace shortcuts have been added to the agility obstacle highlighter
  • An idle alert should no longer trigger after casting most Lunar spells
  • A toggle to send a notification upon the Ulitmate Force powerup spawning in Nightmare Zone has been added
  • The Kingdom of Miscellania completion state check has been corrected
  • Several bank tag editing edge cases have been fixed


- Jordan

New commits

We had 23 contributors this release!

Adam (7):
      feed controller: move feed result fetch to spring scheduler
      http service: return item names in price lookup
      http-api: modify ItemPrice to contain id/name instead of Item
      mixins: fix runelite message not being cleared on reused messages nodes
      chat message manager: add support for coloring to/from
      runelite-client: update for search api changes
      ge search: cap max results at 100

Bailey Townsend (1):
      Add buy limit for cavalier hats to GE plugin (#5855)

Eadgars-Ruse (2):
      Fix and improve cryptic clues
      Add solutions for 3 step cryptic master clues

Eric White (1):
      Increase XP tracker accuracy to 2 decimal places (#5845)

GravitySalad (2):
      Add additional search tags for interface styles and pve plugins
      Change plugin search to include the plugin description

Jeremy Plsek (1):
      2010 styles: Fix emotes and music tab offsets (#5884)

Jordan Atwood (1):
      mouse tooltips: Don't add a tooltip if another is present

Kamiel (3):
      Fix chat notification highlight words split regex (#5798)
      Change regen meter stroke end-cap style to CAP_BUTT
      Fix snapped overlays above chatbox not being rendered

Magic fTail (3):
      Add support for making the boost colour yellow if below boost threshold
      Update osrs wiki link
      Stop CoX party size from showing before varb is loaded

Marshall (1):
      Add highlighted ground item notifications (#3647)

Max Weber (7):
      Add thread assertions to Widget
      WidgetInspector: run on client thread
      runelite-client: Make Widget::isHidden only run on client thread
      Add thread assertion to getVar(Varbits)
      runelite-client: Make getVar(Varbits) only run on the client thread
      fairyring: Don't loose scroll position
      timetracking: Show overview completion by tab, not implementation

Monsterxsync (1):
      Add default skill coloring to XP globe arcs

Nathen Sample (4):
      Improve readability of stackformatter tests
      Add support for partner assignment to slayer plugin (#5782)
      Improve attack style plugin encapsulation (#5806)
      Improve BA plugin encapsulation (#5807)

Ron Young (9):
      Add bank-related widget ids, scripts and varbits
      Add script for managing current bank tab
      Add method for getting keys based on prefix from ConfigManager
      Add tag tabs to bank tags plugin
      More accurate NPC hp overlay when max hp is known (#5528)
      widget: expose setchildren (#5309)
      Don't update tags if interface is force closed
      Don't change the active tab if tags are being edited
      Don't assume bank title is the same as search str because it truncate...

Ruben Amendoeira (1):
      XP Globes - Move progress bar display from tooltip to globe (#5856)

Sebastiaan Vanspauwen (1):
      Interface plugin: Added 2005 chatbox

Tomas Slusny (15):
      Fix Raids plugin varbit access not happening on client thread
      Move map clue checking to MenuOptionClicked
      Skip empty spots in Loot Tracker when getting items
      Fix NPE in Miscellania plugin on DC
      Use NpcSpawned/Despawned events for checking clue NPCs
      Move clue inventory/equipment assignment to ItemContainerChanged
      Inverse findClueScroll conditions
      Do not set hint arrows for object clue scroll
      Correctly highlight ObjectClueScroll for single location
      Remove clue scroll timeout
      Add executor service logger that logs exceptions
      Remove unnecessary calls to RunnableExceptionLogger
      Add method for standardizing text input to Text
      Use TAG_SEARCH const instead of hardcoding "tag:" in Bank Tags
      Properly reset search when deleting active tag tab

Tyler Nichols (2):
      Remove unused variable "rank" in HiscorePanel (#5843)
      Do not show quantity value for items with no GE/HA value (#5850)

forsco (4):
      Add new Al-Kharid palace agility shortcuts (#5800)
      Remove idle alerts from Lunar Spells shared animation (#5863)
      Fix spelling of Burthorpe Games Room in Discord Rich Presence (#5886)
      Correct Burthorpe spelling for Discord rich presence

mikek2 (1):
      Add ultimate force notification trigger to NMZ plugin (#5790)

robinwithes (1):
      Fix NPE in Grand Exchange search caused by null entry (#5911)

trimbe (1):
      Kingdom Plugin: fix throne completion state check (#5874) 1.4.20 Release Currently-hovered tile highlight, Control-locked zoom, and removed Runecrafting pouch counter 2018-10-04T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

The Tile Indicators plugin can now show your currently hovered tile. Thanks to @Deathbeam for this feature.

Currently-hovered tile indicator

The Camera Zoom plugin can now require the Control key be held down to enable zooming via the scroll wheel. Thanks to @MagicfTail for this feature.

The world map overlay has had its fairy ring icon changed to be easier on the eyes.

Cleaner fairy ring icon

The Runecrafting plugin has had its pouch counter removed as the data we relied on to display that information was removed in last week's Runecrafting pouch emptying and filling update.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • An option has been added to hide XP globes and/or XP trackers for skills which have reached level 99
  • A stamina timer will be started when you are the recipient of a dose via the Boost Potion Share spell
  • Various clues have had their item requirements fixed
  • The idle notifier will notify you when you've stopped collecting sand
  • The friends list counter now correctly displays the maximum friends list capacity for members
  • Obstacle highlighting has been added for the Meiyerditch entrance, the Weiss entrance, and the McGrubor's Woods railing
  • The raids scouting overlay is now hidden when on Olm's floor
  • The raids ending message default color has been improved
  • Items examined within the clue scroll reward panel or smithing interface-as well as item placeholders within the bank-will now display their price information
  • Tars, leather shields, and super antifire potions have been added to the skill calculator
  • The cannon spot for ice trolls has been improved via a slight adjustment
  • Timers which no longer apply will now clear themselves upon death
  • Map clues will now indicate in the clue overlay if you are missing a spade in your inventory
  • A Karamja diary requirement has been corrected
  • The screenshot plugin can now take screenshots upon player death
  • The Salty Peter clue scroll now gives you a hint on his general direction (he may still wander outside of view of that spot, so be sure to look out for him!)
  • The slayer plugin now displays icons for all missing wilderness task monsters
  • Wilderness slayer updates from the slayer gem no longer interfere with the plugin highlighting monsters
  • The 2010 interface style has had some icon locations adjusted to be better aligned
  • Chat commands now have more descriptive tooltips within the settings menu, indicating the exact text needed to use the command


- Jordan

New commits

We had 17 contributors this release!

Andre (2):
      Truncate NPC name instead of subtitle in Loot Tracker (#5740)
      Add option to hide both globes and xp tracker after 99 (#5741)

Chris Hranj (1):
      Update stamina potion timer to include shared stamina potions (#5750)

Christopher O'Hara (2):
      Fix amulet of glory item requirement for elite clue scroll
      Add sand collection to idle notifier

Forsco (1):
      Update membership days VarPlayer id

Jordan Atwood (6):
      player indicators plugin: Use ColorUtil functions
      wasd camera plugin: Use ColorUtil functions
      corp plugin: Fix settings description typo
      world map plugin: Update fairy ring icon
      agility plugin: Highlight Meiyerditch entrance obstacles
      Revert "Truncate NPC name instead of subtitle in Loot Tracker (#5740)"

Kamiel (2):
      Add default cc info chatcolor and change cc info highlight to red
      Make raids scout overlay not show at Olm (#5734)

Magic fTail (3):
      Add option to require control to be held for zooming
      Add support for examine price to clue scroll reward
      Rename zoom handling script

Max Weber (2):
      runelite-client: Don't duplicate chatbox input when widget ids are wrong
      cluescrolls: add bullroarer to items list for bullroarer clue

Robbie McLeod (1):
      Add Tar to the Herblore Skill calculator

Ron Young (1):
      widget: expose drag methods (#5735)

Tomas Slusny (15):
      Properly name Perspective methods, remove unused
      Add mappings for checkClick, mouseCanvasHoverX/Y
      Add currently hovered tile to TileIndicators
      Remove pouch counter from Runecraft plugin
      Remove dupe strings from AnagramClue
      Remove dupe strings from CipherClue
      Make sprite and widget sprite overrides more flexible
      Make interface styles not replace entire override map
      Cleanup GE plugin code
      Make examine plugin work with placeholders
      Make examine work for smithing interface
      Export widget onLoadListener
      Fix BlastFurnace access levels and subscriber names
      Fix screenshot plugin access levels
      Fix special counter access levels and subscriber names

bowlcutmullet (1):
      Use more optimal location for Jatizso Ice Trolls cannon spot (#5715)

johnhamilto (1):
      Remove timers on local player death

raiyni (1):
      Require spade on map dig clues

rbbi (1):
      Add leather shields to the crafting calculator (#4331)

robinwithes (9):
      Add mcgrubor woods railing to agility plugin (#5705)
      Add super antifire to skill calculator (#5708)
      Fix achievement diary Brimhaven Dungeon requirement (#5706)
      Add option to take screenshot on local player death (#5711)
      Add location for Salty Peter clue scroll (#5730)
      Add chaos druids, bandits and magic axes to slayer plugin (#5759)
      Added ALL remaining missing wilderness tasks (#5760)
      Add support for parsing Wilderness assignment updates to slayer plugin (#5757)
      Add missing Weiss agility obstacles (#5785)

trimbe (3):
      Update location for terrorchick cage hot/cold
      Adjust tab icon offsets for 2010 interface style
      Chat Commands: Add hints to config description (#5747) 1.4.19 Release Grand Exchange buy limits, Barbarian Assault game/wave duration timers 2018-09-27T10:00:00.000Z Tomas

Grand Exchange buy limits were added to the Grand Exchange plugin, which will show Buy limit: x in GE window for items with known buy limits. Thanks to @Asymons for this contribution.


A timer for Barbarian Assault waves and full game was added to the Barbarian Assault plugin that will announce the times in your chat thanks to @Jacoblairm.

bawave bagame

There are also numerous smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Duplicated display of actively traded price in GE interface has been fixed
  • Teleblock timers are now removed when entering safe zone/leaving wilderness
  • Search bar was added to the skill calculator plugin
  • Little boulder in Weiss was added to the agility plugin obstacle highlighting
  • Notes plugin now supports undo and redo (with ctrl-z and ctrl-u)
  • Instance map now has a close button in top-right corner
  • NPC indicators now has support for highlighting the south-west tile for large NPCs
  • Idle notifier now also supports idle notifications for low oxygen on Fossil Island
  • Charged versions of the new wilderness weapons will now display their prices correctly
  • World map clipping in fixed mode has been fixed
  • Multiple world points for hot/cold clues has been centered and should not show the wrong destination anymore
  • The opponent info plugin now has a configuration option to always show opponent health in percent
  • The Discord plugin now has a configuration option to hide the "time elapsed"
  • You can now configure the prayer flick helper to show even when prayers are off
  • Fix loot tracker not grouping Barrows loots

In regards to the world hopper being disabled: After speaking with Jagex and other client developers, we think the chat message hop-to option is what is causing the issues. Jagex is allowing us to readd the world hopper without this feature in this release, and will let us know if it causes any further problems.


- Tomas

New commits

We had 24 contributors this release!

Adam (2):
      opponent info: add config opt to show health as percent
      xp tracker: limit to one update per 5 minutes

Alessio (1):
      Add GE limits to Grand Exchange Plugin Search

ArthurTsvettsih (1):
      Add Undo Redo support for the Note plugin (#5606)

Ben Moyer (1):
      Reduce tab size in notes panel to 2 (#5599)

Jacob McElroy (2):
      Add barbarian assault game duration timer (#4590)
      Fix Fremennik Hot/Cold clue scroll dig location.

Jordan Atwood (6):
      Add IN_WILDERNESS Varbit
      Add PVP and Deadman widget info
      worldtype: Add PVP_WORLD_TYPES and isPvpWorld
      timers plugin: Reset Teleblock on entering safe zone
      slayer plugin: Add parsing for boss task assignments
      slayer plugin: Use boss pets as slayer icons

Justin Barnyak (1):
      Change Prayerbar Color Scheme to be Colorblind Friendly

MSAskew (1):
      Updated co-ordinates to match location suggested by user and cross-referenced with osrs wiki to confirm as there were two possibilities.

Max Weber (1):
      devtools: Add Interacting arrow devtool

Michael Goodwin (1):
      Fix HotColdLocation WorldPoint

Mike (1):
      Add option to disable time elapsed on discord activity (#5590)

Robin Withes Linux (1):
      Lady of the lake clue scroll rename

Runelite auto updater (1):
      [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

Shaun Dreclin (1):
      Add option to always show prayer flick helper

Tomas Slusny (4):
      Simplify checkbox checks in skill calc
      Fix GE OSB actively traded price races
      Cleanup skill calculator
      Move IconTextField common icons to IconTextField.Icon class

Unknown (1):
      instancemap: add 'X' button on the interface to close map

davidyip50 (1):
      Correct location of Kharazi Jungle Hot/Cold clue (#5610)

johnhamilto (1):
      Add south-western tile indicator to NPC indicators (#5551)

ltvill (2):
      Hot/Cold clue West of Brimhaven location fix
      Hot/Cold clue near Fishing tutor location fix

psikoi (1):
      Fix loot tracker box subtitle

rbbi (1):
      Add searchbar suppor to Skill Calculator

robinwithes (2):
      Add little boulder from weiss into agility obstacles (#5636)
      Add oxygen alert to idle notifier (#5630)

rune3132 (1):
      Add wilderness weapons item mappings

steffenhauge (1):
      Add Justiciar armor set prayer bonuses to the prayer plugin (#5651)

trimbe (1):
      Fix clipping in fixed mode for edge snapping map points 1.4.18 Release Wintertodt plugin and virtual levels plugin 2018-09-20T10:00:00.000Z Adam

A Wintertodt plugin was added which shows your current activity and can be configured to notify you when you become idle. It also tracks points in your inventory from logs or kindling and displays it. Thanks to work from @jbfleischman for initially getting this started.

wintertodt1 wintertodt2

A virtual levels plugin was added which shows virtual levels and virtual skill total on the skills tab. It is off by default. Thanks to @Joshua Filby and @Nightfirecat for their work on this.


There are also numerous smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Add Fairy Ring AIQ to Mudskipper Point Clue
  • Colorize "Lookup" player menu entry if applicable
  • Fix Dwarf Cannon quest start location on the world map
  • Add notification for low fishing trawler activity
  • Add sand to Daily Notifications plugin
  • Add daily runes to Daily Notifications plugin

Regarding the world hopper being disabled, we have fairly thoroughly reviewed other hopping implementations and can not find anything with the World Hopper action forcing that would differentiable on Jagex's side. Based on the plugin history the newest addition is the Hop-To chat option from pull #5125 which went into RuneLite release 1.4.15 on Aug 30. Because other clients do not have this feature, this is my first guess as to what the problem is.

I have asked Jagex to review if there were any issues with the world hopper prior to Aug 30. If not, we should be able to remove the chatbox Hop-to feature and reenable the plugin.


- Adam

New commits

Adam (3):
      world hopper: disable world hopper plugin
      Add Wintertodt Plugin
      runelite-api: add queueChangedSkill for queueing a skill change event

Gary (1):
      Add Fairy Ring AIQ to Mudskipper Point Clue

Jordan Atwood (8):
      hiscore plugin: Colorize "Lookup" player menu entry
      Add world map surface selector and overview map widgets
      world map overlay: Render on ABOVE_WIDGETS layer
      world map overlay: Clip around widgets above map
      Centralize item (de)spawn log messages
      opponent info plugin: Fix possible onGameTick NPE
      clue scroll overlay: Show visible emote widget area
      Add Virtual Levels plugin

Lotto (1):
      entityhider: make hidden entities not occupy the tile they're on

Max Weber (5):
      runescape-api: Update setWorldMapPositionTarget's name
      Worldmap: Fix Dwarf Cannon start location
      idlenotifier: Correctly warn about AFK kicking
      banktags: Don't use cs2 to add menu options
      Revert "Add camera setters to and"

Runelite auto updater (1):
      [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

Sebastiaan Vanspauwen (2):
      MTA: Fixed alchemy
      BA plugin: widget overlay fix

Shaun Dreclin (1):
      Refactor daily task indicator plugin

ShaunDreclin (2):
      Add notification for low fishing trawler activity
      Add sand to daily task indicator

Tomas Slusny (5):
      Make HiscoreClient call the OSRS hiscore API directly
      Fix WorldMapPlugin
      Add option for displaying only last fished fish
      Add fishing spot display configuration
      Return null instead of IllegalArgumentException from hiscore

astaninger (1):
      Add daily runes to Daily Notifications plugin (#5219)

rbbi (1):
      Change skill calc checkboxes to radio buttons (#4373) World Hopper plugin disabled World Hopper plugin disabled 2018-09-18T21:00:00.000Z Adam

Jagex has requested we remove the world hopper plugin because it is getting flagged by their bot detection. It has been removed until we can sort out how to fix it with them. I do not know why our world hopper is being flagged and the world hopper on other clients is not.

- Adam 1.4.17 Release Loot tracker grouping, home and minigame cooldown timers, minigame and quest world map icons, and various bug fixes and enhancements 2018-09-13T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

The Loot tracker plugin now has a setting to group loot by NPC/event. In addition, a right-click menu has been added to view details of a specific NPC's loots. Thanks to @psikoi for this feature!


Home and minigame teleports will now add a timer for their cooldowns.


The World Map plugin now displays tooltips for quest and minigame names, thanks to @johnhamilto and @MagicfTail.

quest-tooltips minigame-tooltips

There are also numerous smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The Achievement Diary plugin has been fixed
  • The idle notifier now considers mouse clicks, not mouse movement, to determine when players are no longer idle for the Idle Notifier plugin
  • Fixed Fishing plugin inventory and equipment check
  • The Player-owned House plugin now displays the new Troll stronghold teleport portal
  • The farming tracker now tracks the Weiss herb patch
  • The bottom-right snap corner no longer moves when the collapsible chatbox is opened
  • Cutting sacred eels will no longer incorrectly trigger the Idle Notifier plugin
  • Time tracking tabs have been better ordered by priority
  • The vanilla Tithe farm overlay has been made layoutable and now replaces the previous custom overlay
  • Wizard's tower clue solutions now indicate the nearby fairy ring for convenience
  • The stairway to the task-only Kurask room and Godwars crossbow climbing rocks are now highlighted
  • Weiss and Troll stronghold basalt teleports and Kharedst's Memoirs teleports have been added to the World Map plugin
  • The Ape Atoll Arceuus teleport location has been fixed in the World Map plugin
  • Dark crabs have been added to the Fishing plugin
  • Quest screenshots now use a standardized naming format
  • The Chambers of Xeric party size overlay indicator is now hidden when raiding solo
  • Ogre bellows now display the number of charges they contain
  • NPCs highlighted with the slayer plugin are now immediately un-highlighted upon task completion
  • Fixed 2005 interface swapper sprites for quest and spellbook icons
  • The clue scroll plugin now checks for sets across the user's inventory and equipped items
  • Upon killing Grotesque Guardians, a timer is created showing the time until the instance closes


- Jordan

New commits

We had 14 contributors this release!

Adam (2):
      http-service: add caching for hiscore lookups
      http-api: use https for hiscore urls

Damen (1):
      Add Grotesque Guardians instance close timer (#4338)

Jordan Atwood (8):
      interface styles plugin: Add more error handling
      Fix SpriteIDs from 2018/08/30 update
      clue scroll plugin: Check for sets across inventory and equipment
      timers plugin: Reset fields on shutdown
      Add home teleport animation and graphic definitions
      Add minigame teleport button widget info
      Add home teleport widget info
      timers plguin: Add teleport cooldown timers

Mack Bryan (3):
      Add ogre bellows to item charges plugin (#5323)
      Moved hot-cold dig location 3 tiles east into the correct range.
      Remove npc highlights on task completed message. (#5416)

Magic fTail (3):
      Add Quest to quest screenshots
      WorldMapPlugin: Add tooltip to minigame icons
      Don't show party size in overlay when solo raiding

Max Weber (7):
      diaryreqs: Update scrollbar with new length
      cache: name InterfaceDefinition fields
      cache: Disassemble CS1s
      runelite-api: Update widget field names
      cache: Store ID in ScriptLoader
      cache: add various world map related opcodes
      runelite-mixins: Add setter for varcint

Ron Young (1):
      Add missing widget types to WidgetType class (#5306)

Ruben Amendoeira (1):
      loot tracker: add view for grouping loot by npc/event

Sebastiaan Vanspauwen (6):
      Added Kurask Slayer Room Overlay
      Added Godwars Crossbow Shortcut
      Worldmap: Added Weiss and Troll Stronghold teleports
      Worldmap: Fixed Ape Atoll Arceuus Location
      Worldmap: Added Kharedst's Memoirs teleports
      Fishing: Added Dark Crab Overlay

Spencer (1):
      Added fairy ring code to wizard tower clue solutions

Tomas Slusny (14):
      Make bottom-right snap corner not account for chatbox
      Fix fishing plugin inventory/equipment check
      Fix Achievment Diary widget ids
      Add Sacred Eeels cutting to idle notifier
      Make fishing overlays use hidden instead of manager
      Make cannon plugin use hidden instead of manager
      Make Kourend library use hidden field instead of manager
      Reorder time tracker tabs by priority
      Replace Tithe Farm overlay with layoutable widget
      Deprecate queries with already existing events
      Add mappings for mouse last pressed millis
      Use mouse/keyboard idle state properly in IdleNotifier
      Simulate ItemContainerChange events on plugin startup
      Remove unnecessary fishing spot configuration

davidyip50 (1):
      Add troll stronghold portal icon support to POH (#5404)

johnhamilto (1):
      Add quest name tooltips to the world map (#5410)

oplosthee (1):
      Add Weiss herb patch to the farming tracker 1.4.16 Release Layoutable Runescape widgets, top-center snap point, and automatic bounty target hiscore lookup 2018-09-06T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

RuneScape widgets are now layoutable, meaning they can be anchored to the overlay hotspots like Runelite overlays. Thanks to @Deathbeam for this feature!


A top-center snap point has been added, and the XP Globes plugin has been set to use it by default, also thanks to @Deathbeam.


An option has been added to the hiscore plugin to automatically look up bounty targets when they are assigned, thanks to @noelkeijzer.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Loot tracker now behaves correctly when multiple enemies die on same tick, when player is despawned and when receiving Theatre of Blood drops
  • Some common items have been added to the ground item plugin's hidden items list by default
  • The idle logout timer supports checking the logout timer when in combat
  • The dense essence idle animation has been fixed and will correctly trigger the idle notifier
  • The fossil island oxygen bar and pest control info widgets are now movable
  • Some noisy plugin features have been disabled by default, or made to display only when in use
  • "Trade-with" is now swapped also with the trade option of the menu entry swapper plugin
  • Fixed the magic training arena dragonstone hint arrow not being cleared
  • Prayer and run orb tooltips no longer display when the minimap is hidden
  • The run energy tooltip now shows remaining energy when the orb shows run time remaining
  • Some achievement diary requirements texts have been corrected
  • Various skill calculator entries have been re-ordered to come in level requirement order
  • Ourania teleport has been added to the skill calculator
  • Fixed binding necklace charge counter when checking a necklace with one charge


- Jordan

New commits

We had 14 contributors this release!

Adam (2):
      Revert "Make same-tick same-tile loot event fire once"
      loot manager: limit to one kill per location per tick

CC007 (1):
      Fix locale not being applied for StackFormatterTest (#5216)

Magic fTail (2):
      Fix dense essence idle animation
      Add support for combat idle 20 minute timer

Max Weber (3):
      cache: Do not depend on Index insertion ordering
      cache: Properly produce `\n` only on windows on jdk9+
      Import Widget::fontId

Michael Goodwin (4):
      Make same-tick same-tile loot event fire once
      Check for player HP being 0 in player loot event
      Add common method for converting local to world point
      Check for correct ToB region when receiving loot

Noël Keijzer (1):
      Add automatic bounty hunter target lookup in HiScore plugin (#5193)

Sebastiaan Vanspauwen (1):
      WidgetOverlay: Make fossil island oxygen bar moveable (#5246)

Shaun Dreclin (4):
      Add clear button to var inspector devtool
      Add trade-with swap to menu entry swapper
      Fix ground markers getting set at wrong position
      Fix mta dragonstone hint arrow not clearing

Tomas Slusny (12):
      Make RuneScape widgets layoutable
      Take preferred position into account when ordering
      Add common hidden items to GroundItemsPlugin
      Disable blast furnace clickboxes by default
      Disable lit/unlit burner indicators by default
      Make KourendLibrary overlay show only on interact
      Show fishing overlays only when player can fish
      Show cannon spot overlay only with cannon
      Disable XP globes plugin by default
      Add TOP_CENTER snap corner to snap center viewport
      Make XP globes use TOP_CENTER snap point
      Fix sorting order of overlays

Unmoon (3):
      Don't show prayer orb hover overlay if prayer orb is hidden
      Don't show run energy hover overlay if run energy orb is hidden
      Show run energy instead of time remaining if tooltip shows time remaining

astaninger (7):
      Fix watchtower Achievment Diary requirement (#5218)
      Fix ape atoll Achievment Diary agility requirement (#5220)
      Properly order prayer skill calculator (#5290)
      Fix dragonstone necklace name in skill calculator (#5287)
      Order tiaras in RC skill calc by experience gained (#5288)
      Sort planks in construction guide by XP in skill calc (#5289)
      Add ourania teleport to skill calculator (#5285)

ltvill (1):
      Fix formatting of 's in OSRS location names

oplosthee (1):
      runecraft: fix binding necklace regex

raiyni (5):
      Widgets: add setItemId
      widget: add setItemQuantity
      widgets: setBorderThickness
      expose text shadowed
      Make pest control widgets layoutable 1.4.15 Release Run energy plugin, friend list counter, team cape plugin improvements and hop-to in chat 2018-08-30T10:00:00.000Z Tomas

Run energy plugin was added thanks to @seandewar. This plugin will show tooltip with your current weight, how much run time you have remaining and how much time it will take until your run energy fully regens. Also it has optional setting for displaying remaining run seconds instead of run percentage in the run energy bar.

runenergy1 runenergy2

Thanks to work of @forsco and @Adam- friend and ignore list counter has been added, that will simply show max amount and used amount of friends/ignored players in the respective interfaces.


@ItsSebas improved team capes plugin interface to display team cape icons with counts instead of text in panel. This new design should be more compact and less intrusive than old one (and also looks way better!).


The world hopper plugin now has support for hopping to people in chat via right-click menu thanks to @Retoxified:


Loose railing shortcut near Tree Gnome Village highlighting has been added to agility plugin thanks to @ItsSebas:


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The idle notifier plugin has been significantly improved, now it should not throw false warnings while in combat or when doing activity that is using same animations as some of the animations that display idle warning
  • Barrows kill count chat message will now properly update the !kc data
  • Time tracking plugin now also has "Special patches" in the overview tab
  • Teleblock timers are now removed on logout
  • Corp plugin now has option to hide the damage overlay
  • "Pause all" menu option has been added to XP tracker right-click menu


- Tomas

New commits

We had 12 contributors this release!

Adam (9):
      Fix friend and ignore widget id changes
      http service: improve update detection logic
      runelite-api: add method for getting number of friends
      Add Ignore API
      runelite-client: add friend list plugin
      widget id: update bottom line stones widget ids
      woodcutting plugin: fix npe rendering redwood trees if axe is null
      Revert "Merge pull request #4568 from deathbeam/proper-shutdown"
      Update sprite ids and overrides

DannysPVM (1):
      Add camera setters to and

Karolcz125 (1):
      Add LMS to ignored type in WorldHopper (#5139)

Max Weber (1):
      Update Scripts to 2018-08-30-rev174

Michael Goodwin (1):
      Fix Hot/Cold Nardah Genie Cave location

Retoxified (1):
      Add Hop-To option in chat

Robbe De Neve (2):
      Add special patches to overview tab
      Add pause all button to xp tracker (#5126)

Ron Young (2):
      corp: hide damage overlay
      Reduce world map icon sizes (#5086)

RuneLite Cache-Code Autoupdater (3):
      Update Item IDs to 2018-08-30-rev174
      Update Object IDs to 2018-08-30-rev174
      Update Widget IDs to 2018-08-30-rev174

Sean Dewar (1):
      Add run energy plugin

Sebastiaan (2):
      Add Tree Gnome Village loose railing shortcut (#5093)
      Make teleblock timers disappear on logout/hop (#5090)

Sebastiaan Vanspauwen (1):
      Teamcapes plugin: Teamcape image instead of text (#5107)

Tomas Slusny (10):
      Add exports for GameEngine#shutDown
      Properly shutdown everything on window close
      Stop plugins on shutdown
      Reset idle timers when player clicks in-game
      Properly reset idle timers on logout and login
      Make animation idle remember last animating ID
      Make combat idle notifier use interacting changed
      Add idle notifier plugin tests
      Remove dupe PVP_HR entry in world hopper
      Fix setting of barrows kc from chat 1.4.13 & 1.4.14 Release Small enhancements and world hopper, WASD camera plugin fixes 2018-08-23T10:00:00.000Z Jordan

Minimap icons have been added for wilderness obelisk teleports and achievement diary set item teleports. Thanks to @raiyni for contributing these icons.

ardougne cloak teleport icon explorer's ring teleport icon fremennik sea boots teleport icon wilderness obelisk teleport icons

Several agility shortcuts and obstacles have been added to the agility shortcut highlighter.

falador wall shortcut river salve shortcut underwater obstacles underwater shortcuts

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The WASD plugin is now smarter at deciding when to block inputs to the game
  • Fix world hopper freezing client when trying to hop during times the game prevents you from hopping
  • Add option to Corporeal Beast plugin to make left click on the Dark Energey core "Walk here"
  • Fix Corporal Beast plugin overlay sometimes not showing
  • Fix Brimhaven agility alrena timer from resetting whenever an obstacle makes you fall to the ground floor
  • Fix GE plugin not to show the OSB actively traded price more reliably
  • Fix NPCs with empty names being highlighted in some cases
  • Fix Pest control plugin detecting shield status
  • Time tracker stopwatches and timers now also accept more user-friendly time strings, such as "01h30m15s"
  • Adjusted Autumn and Winter Deadman Mode teleblock timers have been created in advance of the upcoming DMM tournaments


- Jordan

New commits

We had 15 contributors this release!

Adam (16):
      wasd plugin: pass through shift and escape
      wasd plugin: disable key listener if not logged in
      wasd plugin: pass through ctrl, alt, and tab
      wasd plugin: allow input to chat dialogs
      wasd plugin: fix slash to talk
      wasd plugin: check chatbox input widget visibility to determine if a dialog is open
      wasd plugin: release same keychar as pressed when changing to typing mode
      wasd plugin: allow input to world map search when focused
      mixins: fix friend manager mixin to implement friend manager
      corp plugin: deprioritize attack option on dark energy core
      barrows plugin: fix double counting price of coins
      pest control plugin: move portal text overlay underneath progress bar
      pest control plugin: cleanup & lombokize
      corp plugin: fix losing track of corp when it spawns during loading
      agility plugin: fix brimhaven timer resetting when failing obstacles
      ge plugin: more reliably show actively traded price

ItsSebas (3):
      Add other side of Falador grapple wall highlight (#5028)
      Add missing agility shortcut near North River Salve (#5048)
      Add boss skill screenshots (#5030)

Jamy C (2):
      TimeTracking: Refactor time parsing and add tests (#5050)
      TimeTracking: Add support for intuitive time notations like "1h 30m 10s"

Jordan Atwood (3):
      timers plugin: Add fall/winter DMM teleblock timers
      screenmarker plugin: Remove extra images

Lotto (1):
      worldhopper: fix spam in chatbox when trying to open switcher in bank

Magic fTail (4):
      Add Bastion and Battlemage potions
      Fix KBD respawn timer
      Add debugging to npc highlighter plugin
      Change boss kill screenshot naming

Robbie McLeod (1):
      Fix sidebar hotkey leaking into game client

Ron Young (4):
      Add wilderness obelisk teleport spots on map (#4937)
      Fix pest control shield state checks (#4977)
      Add ardougne cloak map teleport icons (#4998)
      Add Missing Achievement Diary Teleport Map Icons (#5027)

Sebastiaan (1):
      Add Fossil Island underwater agility obstacles (#5055)

Tomas Slusny (4):
      Omit empty strings in NPC indicators
      Add tests for parsing NPC list
      Make pressing BkSPACE with empty chat exit chat
      Remove unused Objects import in AgilityPlugin

astaninger (1):
      Fix fire surge icon and remove redundant smithing entries (#4979)

gandalfthegoat (1):
      add the fairy ring CKS to speak to Ulizius cryptic clue step

psikoi (2):
      Add activity priority to world list
      Fix activity ordering incosistency

trimbe (1):
      wasd plugin: use clientscript to determine what input to block 1.4.12 Release World hopper and WASD camera plugins 2018-08-16T10:00:00.000Z Adam

A world hopper plugin has been added to ease hopping. You can use the key combination ctrl+shift+left/right, or right click a friend or clanmates name in game and click Hop-to. There is also a plugin panel with the worlds listed which can be double clicked.

whop1 whop2

A WASD camera plugin was added which lets you use the WASD keys (or, any other keys) instead of the arrow keys to control the camera. It is off by default and needs to be enabled in the configuration panel. You must press Enter to chat when the plugin is enabled.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix puzzle box solver showing solution arrows
  • Fix player indicators plugin coloring entire menu option of other players
  • Add Wintertodt to Discord plugin activity
  • Add Woodcutting guild to Discord plugin activity
  • Fix SDMM normal spellbook freeze timers
  • Fix ancient freeze timers resetting on each animation
  • Fix Grotesque Guardian loot tracker
  • Fix seaweed patch times in the timer plugin
  • Fix Chambers of Xeric plugin to not add multiple timers


- Adam

New commits

Adam (9):
      mixins: simplify acquiring client thread reference
      world service: split controller from service and add cache
      world controller: fix caching, move to scheduled method
      runescape-api: GameEngine doesn't extend KeyFocusListener
      timers plugin: don't reset freeze timers each animation
      Revert "player indicators plugin: Use ColorUtil functions"
      Add world load event
      cache: fix outputstream writeString to not write unicode strings
      runelite-client: add wasd camera plugin

Heikki Jetsonen (2):
      DiscordPlugin: Add wintertodt Activity
      Cluescrolls: Added fairy ring to Kalphite Lair Entrance clue

Jordan Atwood (2):
      time tracking plugin: Fix timers header color
      timers plugin: Fix SDMM normal spellbook freezes

Kamiel (1):
      Update npc_health.json

Lotto (12):
      runelite-api: add world switcher widget info
      mixins: add world hopping mixin
      runelite-api: expose
      runelite-api: make ClanMember extend ChatPlayer
      runelite-api: add total level api
      runelite-client: add world hopper plugin
      runescape-api: add Protect annotation
      clues: allow any imbued crystal bow for emote clue
      clues: add fairy ring to sinclair mansion clue solution
      fpsindicator: fix overlay disappearing when using stretched fixed mode
      fpsindicator: fix overlay being cut off outside the canvas
      fpsindicator: remove caching of fps strings

Magic fTail (2):
      Fix Grotesque Guardian loot tracker
      Actually add special case for Grotesque Guardians

Max Weber (2):
      Make the second argument of SpriteManager::getSprite work
      runelite-client: Don't consume keyReleased events

Sean Dewar (1):
      Fix Entangle timer description typo

SoyChai (1):
      UI: Add a clear button (×) to IconTextField (#3451)

SquirrelHub (2):
      DiscordPlugin: Add Woodcutting Guild to Activities (#4813)
      Add Lumber Yard Fence to Agility Plugin (#4878)

Tomas Slusny (2):
      Fix adding of raid timer multiple times in Raids
      Fix FlatTextField unsafe swing access

psikoi (1):
      Fix exp tracker UI margin incosistency

takuyakanbr (2):
      time tracking: add empty case to overview tab
      time tracking: fix detection of state for seaweed patches 1.4.11 Release Birdhouse timers, movable xp globes, and bug fixes 2018-08-09T10:00:00.000Z Adam

The farming plugin has been renamed to the timer plugin and now includes timers, stopwatches, and birdhouse timers. Thanks to @takuyakanbr for contributing this awesome feature!

timer1 timer2 timer3

The RuneLite XP globes are now movable similar to other overlays:


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Add !cmb chat command
  • Add agility clickbox overlay to Werewolf course
  • Add tablet creation to idle notifier
  • Fix pest control and report button plugins which broke in the Monday game update
  • Fix screen shake interfering with vertical camera
  • Add option to raids plugin to show scouter interface throughout the raid


- Adam

New commits

Adam (9):
      Disable zoom extender when a cache overlay fails to load
      Fix applying default config to session settings
      modelviewer: fix some incorrect gl usage, add error logging
      modelviewer: fix zfighting of models
      item manager: assert item composition access is done from client thread
      ge plugin: fix accessing item composition from executor thread
      config service: update key name too when setting config
      chat commands: add !cmb command
      scripts: update for game update

Brady (2):
      Add missing shortcuts to trollheim (#4711)
      Move greater demon cannon spot to better location

Jaimy Smets (2):
      Add obstacles to Werewolf court
      Add tablet creation animation to idle notifier

Jordan Atwood (20):
      achievement diary plugin: Fix coal mining req
      chat commands plugin: Use consistent message check
      resources: Remove unused images
      SwingUtil: Fix grayscaleOffset to not modify alpha
      Add image utility class
      resources: Remove derivative images
      clan manager: Use Sprite IDs for rank badges
      plugins: Use shared clue arrow and reset images
      agility plugin: Use Item ID for arena timer
      clue scroll plugin: Use Item IDs for overlays
      death indicator plugin: Use Item IDs for overlays
      fight caves plugin: Use Sprite IDs for overlay images
      hiscores plugin: Remove duplicate skill icon images
      kingdom plugin: Use Item ID for overlay image
      puzzle solver plugin: Use Sprite ID for overlay image
      raids plugin: Use Sprite ID for raids timer
      screenshot plugin: Use Sprite ID for overlay image
      xp tracker plugin: Use shared image for icon
      ImageUtil: Add getResourceStreamFromClass method
      Remove unused @Slf4j annotations and imports

Kamiel (9):
      chat history: clear public chat when menu option is clicked
      item stats: fix tooltip not appearing when hovering over item
      menu entry swapper: fix last destination on arceuus fairy ring
      menu entry swapper: fix zanaris fairy ring not being recognized
      menu entry swapper: fix zanaris swap not working for PoH tree-ring combo
      player indicators: draw tile highlight on ABOVE_SCENE layer (#4629)
      Update chatbox widget IDs
      Update pest control widget IDs
      Update nightmare zone widget ID

Magic fTail (1):
      Add pharaoh's sceptres, Toxic staff of the dead, tome of fire item maps

Max Weber (4):
      mixins: Fix camera pitch relaxer not fully relaxing after a screen shake
      cache-client: Return failure to the handshake Future
      runelite-client: Make ItemManager's price update thread safe
      runelite-client: Always use the mapped price for items

Tomas Slusny (10):
      Add support for making XP globes moveable
      Use correct marker name when cancelling edit
      Add mappings for indexed script db
      Move isOverlayOutdated to IndexDatabase
      Account for linked item id, format tooltip
      Add Tournament world type
      Remove unnecessary headers from plugin panels
      Add null-check for game canvas
      Properly check for changing values in raids plugin
      Add setting to preserve scouter in raid

c01dc0ffee (1):
      Make DeathIndicatorPlugin use LocalPlayerDeath (#4745)

takuyakanbr (4):
      Convert farming tracker to time tracking plugin
      time tracking: add bird house tracker
      time tracking: add clock panel
      time tracking: add overview tab 1.4.10 Release Loot tracker, minnows overlay, prayer bar flick helper and bug fixes 2018-08-02T10:00:00.000Z Tomas

A loot tracker plugin has been added which will be able to track your loot from:

  • Monsters
  • Bosses (like Vorkath and Zulrah)
  • Clue scrolls
  • Chambers of Xeric
  • Theatre of Blood
  • Barrows Brothers
  • Players you PK (!)

For now, all these data will be tracked only per-session and not persisted and there is only per-kill view, but we are planning to extend both these areas in future. This plugin is disabled by default, so make sure to enable it in settings under Loot tracker.

This feature is result of hard work of @WooxSolo, @Adam-, @TheStonedTurtle and @Psikoi, so thank you all for your great work on it:

loottracker1 loottracker2 loottracker3 loottracker4

Support for minnows timers has been added to the Fishing plugin which displays a countdown until the minnow spot will move. Thanks to @jkybtw who contributed this feature.


The flicking helper in Prayer plugin has been extended to also display in prayer bar, if it is enabled, thanks to @forsco:


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Ungael (Vorkath) obstacles has been added to agility plugin
  • Meyerditch obstacles has been added to agility plugin
  • Fairy ring clues will now warn about missing spade from inventory
  • Lumbridge swamp emote clue now shows correct location
  • Loading of window sidebar has been fixed, now it should not mysteriously disappear anymore
  • Dig location for Barbarian Villag Hot&Cold clue is now correct
  • Idle notifier now notify on crafting leather idle
  • Requirement for slaying an Abyssal Demon corrected in Achievement Diary plugin
  • Fix tile overlay height when highlighting a tile next to the edge of a bridge
  • Add config for whether the killcount command is enabled
  • Fix minimap overlay dot overlay being slightly off
  • Crafting leather has been added to the idle notifier


~ Tomas

New commits

We had 18 contributors this release!

Adam (12):
      perspective: fix worldToCanvas to convert from local to scene coords correctly
      Revert "perspective: fix worldToCanvas to convert from local to scene coords correctly"
      perspective: use less magic constants in getTileHeight
      Revert "perspective: fix regression caused by 2599db2"
      perspective: split tile height logic out of local to world
      perspective: fix getCanvasTileAreaPoly when getting tile next to a bridge
      perspective: fix checkstyle
      runelite-mixins: correct worldToCanvas arguments
      perspective: change worldToMinimap location calculation back
      fishing plugin: add minnows overlay
      fishing plugin: add position to config
      Add LootManager

Devin (1):
      kourend library plugin: Use correct enum naming convention

Jacob McElroy (1):
      Fix dig location of the West Barbarian Village H/C clue (#4524)

Jaimy Smets (1):
      Add alternative dragon pickaxes to emote clue

Jordan Atwood (23):
      item charge plugin: Use constant for checked string
      timers plugin: Use constants for checked strings
      Add color utility class
      notifier: Use ColorUtil functions
      chat message manager: Use ColorUtil functions
      widget menu option: Use ColorUtil functions
      achievement diary plugin: Use ColorUtil functions
      boosts plugin: Use ColorUtil functions
      friend notes plugin: Use ColorUtil functions
      ground items plugin: Use ColorUtil functions
      inventory tags plugin: Use ColorUtil functions
      item prices plugin: Use ColorUtil functions
      item stats plugin: Use ColorUtil functions
      menu entry swapper plugin: Use ColorUtil functions
      player indicators plugin: Use ColorUtil functions
      puzzle solver plugin: Use ColorUtil functions
      rune pouch plugin: Use ColorUtil functions
      slayer plugin: Use ColorUtil functions
      achievement diary plugin: Fix Abyssal demon req
      achievement diary plugin: Fix Belladonna farming req
      achievement diary plugin: Fix waka canoe requirement
      clues: Fix Lumbridge swamp cave emote clue location
      agility: Add Ungael obstacles

Juul Damen (1):
      Add missing killcount command config (#4489)

Kristian Welsh (1):
      overlay util: adjust renderMinimapLocation for newer worldToMinimap

Magic fTail (3):
      TimerPlugin: Fix prayer enhance length
      Clarify wording of default log tracker message (#4602)
      Fix Theatre Of Blood InventoryID (#4608)

Max Weber (5):
      mixins: Prevent runScript from being called recursively
      runelite-client: Rename ClientThread::invokeLater to invoke
      runelite-client: Always call done after changed in ChatboxInptutManager
      fairyring: Always run scripts outside of chatbox input callbacks
      runelite-client: Make hotkeys run on KeyPressed

Michael Goodwin (3):
      Add Chambers Of Xeric and TOB inventories
      Add TOB varbits
      Add TOB widget ids

Mitch Barnett (1):
      Add Meyerditch to agility obstacles (#4538)

Su-Shing Chen (1):
      Fix Assembler tests when autocrlf=true on Windows

Tomas Slusny (12):
      Fix loading of chat colors on startup
      Use consistent API and order for title and sides
      Add isTab property to title buttons
      Merge PluginToolbar and TitleToolbar together
      Add simple info log with startup time
      Properly use javax.inject.Provider
      Pack and show frame only after properties update
      Fix NPE when trying to draw null names
      Add null check for Perspective.getCanvasTextLoc
      Account for plane in TileObject canvas location
      Fix FontManagerTest package
      Fix getCanvasTileAreaPoly ArrayOutOfBounds

WooxSolo (1):
      Add NPC death animations

aquivers (1):
      Add spade requirement reminder to fairy ring clues (#4585)

forsco (1):
      Add flick helper to player bar (#3882)

psikoi (1):
      Add loot tracker plugin

rswindows10 (2):
      Add support for crafting leather idle notification (#4600)
      Remove comment regarding crafting leather (#4601) 1.4.9 Release Movable minimap and xptracker, achievement diary skill requirements, and bug fixes 2018-07-26T07:00:00.000Z Adam

The minimap and xp tracker can now be moved by holding alt:


An achievement diary plugin was added which shows skill requirements on each task in the diaries:


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix minimap overlays drawing on the minimap when it was hidden
  • Fix minimap plugin to be able to hide the minimap on 'bottom line' side stones arrangement
  • Fix !kc not working in private messages
  • Rewrite ge plugin alt+click search to work more reliably on more interfaces, such as the inventory when in the grand exchange.
  • Add abyssal sire stun timer
  • Fix opponent info plugin hiscore lookup on seasonal deadman worlds
  • Fix menaphite emote clue requirements
  • Fix XP tracker to no longer track skills while they are not being trained
  • Fix XP tracker to track past virtual level 126, up to 200m
  • Add "show exact value" option to bank value plugin
  • Move banana plantation clue out of tree
  • Fix height of ground items


- Adam

New commits

Adam (8):
      runelite-api: add fixed minimap widgets
      mixins: only update render parent of nested widget if widget would have been rendererd
      mixins: optimize widget isHidden and getParent
      perspective: account for minimap being hidden or moved in worldToMiniMap
      Add private message input event and add !kc to chatcommands for private messages
      Merge runelite-scripts into runelite-client
      Add achievement diary plugin
      cache: fix assembler to set correct switch table index

Bert De Geyter (1):
      Render abyss rift portals as soon as visible (#3841)

Jeremy Plsek (1):
      ge plugin: rewrite alt-click searching

John Pettenger (1):
      timers plugin: add abyssal sire stun timer

Jordan Atwood (2):
      opponent info plugin: Fix SDMM hiscore lookup
      clues: Fix menaphite emote requirements

Joshua Filby (1):
      fix: use the supplied actor to check against in isInteractingWith

Kamiel (1):
      perspective: fix regression caused by 2599db2

Levi (2):
      Check for skill being trained while ticking change (#4469)
      Fix level 126 next goal to be max XP (200,000,000) instead of -1 xp

Magic fTail (1):
      bank value plugin: add option to display exact value

Max Weber (5):
      runelite-client: Consume hotkeys in HotkeyListener
      runelite-client: Handle releasing modifiers first correctly
      cluescrolls: Move banana plantation clue out of tree
      cluescrolls: Add description to map clues
      mixins: Don't post mouse events that have already been posted

Timo van Veenendaal (2):
      Inventory viewer: make padding between items same as in inventory.
      Inventory viewer: Fix vertical spacing of items to match inventory.

Tomas Slusny (20):
      Add support for mod public chat to ChatCommands
      Add JMod clan member rank
      Add new WidgetIDs for minimap
      Use correct widget when hiding minimap
      Move private methods to bottom of minimap plugin
      Hide only inside of minimap but not logout
      Follow GitHub templates for bug report and issue (#4205)
      Move rs-client related classes to own package
      Allow RS loading classes to be used with Guice
      Inject and load RS client and applet through Guice
      Send launch properties around as bound constants
      Remove recursive dependency on RuneLite
      Properly load configuration when showing ClientUI
      Move Discord and EventBus after ClientUI
      Add support for resetting the detached overlays
      Use Overlay#getBounds for getting correct bounds
      Add experience tracker widget WidgetInfo
      Add support for RS movable widgets
      Update frame config when needed
      Propagate height to ground items

aquivers (1):
      Add more chat !kc abbreviations (#4372) 1.4.8 Release Fairy Ring search, XP tracker pausing and RoW !kc support 2018-07-19T07:00:00.000Z Adam

You can now filter through the Fairy Ring travel log while having the configure interface open. (Contributed by @Abextm)


The XP tracker now can be paused either on logout or after a configurable time period. (Contributed by @LeviSchuck)


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Reading the Ring of Wealth boss log now updates the !kc command kill counts
  • Theatre of Blood rewards are now automatically screenshotted
  • Hunter level-ups are now properly screenshotted
  • Screenshots taken in Deadman mode now reside in separate directory
  • The King percival clue now also contains informations about nearest fairy ring
  • Added Mounted Mythical Cape to the skill calculator
  • Fix slayer plugin sometimes highlighting nonexistent NPCs
  • Fix bug with ground items not always showing ground items
  • Cacti in farming plugin now work correctly
  • Untradeable versions of Sanguinesti Staff and Scythe now calculate GE value correctly
  • Fix alignment of xpdrops when sprites are configured to be hidden
  • Fix hiscore autocomplete when typing too quickly


- Adam

New commits

Adam (28):
      Revert "command manager: post events to immediate eventbus"
      Revert "plugin manager: register plugins with immediate event bus"
      Revert "runelite-client: add immediate event bus"
      Add chatbox input listener and use for chatbox input event
      slayer plugin: fix parsing points and streaks with commas
      chat commands: add test
      chat commands: loosen regex for boss names
      runelite-scripts: add bank search script
      Add matches found to bank tag search dialog message
      chat commands: count barrows chests too
      screenshot plugin: move level up and quest screenshots to after widget load
      screenshot plugin: rename "raids" to "chambers of xeric"
      screenshot plugin: fix hunter level up screenshots
      config invocation handler: don't set config values if already set
      hiscore plugin: fix race with inserting next character with autocomplete
      slayer plugin: clear highlighted targets on login
      ground items: scan entire scene for items not just ones within range
      Add item spawn events
      grounditems: rewrite to use item spawn events
      region tile manager: send item spawns at plugin start
      agility plugin: use item events
      mta plugin: use item events
      Remove item layer changed event
      Remove MAZE_GUARDIAN_MOVING npc id
      prayer plugin: update zamorak robe itemids
      xp drop plugin: fix alignment of xpdrops when hiding skill icons
      xp drop plugin: add positions for config
      Add item despawn events when ground items is nulled

Aquivers (1):
      Add fairy ring information to King Percival clue #4344

JHPinto (1):
      Slayer overlay use query idEquals, use consts (#4322)

Jordan (1):
      timers plugin: Use item and sprite IDs for timers

Jordan Atwood (5):
      screenshot plugin: Use separate directory for DMM
      text: Fix removeTags for isolated < and > chars
      timers plugin: Reduce visibilities
      Remove freeze timer on Vorkath Zombified spawn death
      clue scroll plugin: Remove useless null check

Levi Schuck (2):
      Add dimming UI to progress bar
      Add feature to pause skill timers on logout or after idle period

Magic fTail (5):
      Update dialog widget ids from game update
      chat commands: add raids pattern
      ScreenshotPlugin: fix naming of event
      chat commands: update boss kc from boss log
      screenshot plugin: capture ToB rewards

Max Weber (8):
      farmingtracker: Fix cactus implementation
      cache: Relax label name constraints
      Rename Region to Scene
      runelite-api: Update autogenerated ID files to 171-7
      runelite-client: Allow ChatboxInputManager to callback early
      Add API to create new widgets
      runelite-client: Add fairy ring search to fairy ring plugin
      devtools: Show index on dynamic widgets in the tree

Qatell (1):
      Fixed objects of variable width and length from being positioned incorrectly on the map.

Tomas Slusny (5):
      Remove investigate menu entry swap
      Add Sanguinesti Staff to ItemMapping
      Add mapping for Scythe to ItemMappings
      Remove unused import from RSTileMixin
      Fix camels type in varrock museum quiz

Tyler Hardy (1):
      runelite-api: Add/Correct fairy ring panel widgets

forsco (1):
      Add mythical cape and teak kitchen table to skill calc (#4341) 1.4.7 Release Kill count command, prayer bars, and Tears of Guthix plugin 2018-07-12T07:00:00.000Z Adam

A kill count command was added which can share your kill count with other players who are also using RuneLite. The client must first observe you getting a kill count message to record the kill count. It can not read the kill counts off of the boss log in game yet, but maybe that will come soon.

Note that as the kill count data is sent from the client it is trusted and is not difficult for someone to fake.


The prayer plugin now can show a prayer bar, below your hitpoints bar, showing how much prayer you have left.


A Tears of Guthix plugin was added which displays time remaining on the blue streams:


The special attack orb now indicates when you have special attack enabled.


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Add broad arrows to the fletching skill calculator
  • XP drop plugin will now center text of XP if skill icons are hidden
  • Fix agility plugin counting laps on the agility pyramid
  • The runecraft plugin can now send a notification when rune pouches degrade


- Adam

New commits

Adam (12):
      slayer plugin: don't lowercase task names
      slayer plugin: add spiritual creatures, and fix a few other tasks
      slayer plugin: move target highlight building to use events
      Add killcount command
      Add getVarpValue and setVarpValue to RSClientMixin and Client
      runecraft plugin: add positions for config options
      runelite-scripts: check length check in chatbox input
      runelite-client: add immediate event bus
      chat commands: fix kc command in friends chat
      plugin manager: register plugins with immediate event bus
      command manager: post events to immediate eventbus
      widgetid: update barrows interface ids

Forsco (1):
      Add broad arrows to fletching skill calc

Infinitay (2):
      Add "getvarp", "setvarp", "getvarb", "setvarb" dev-tool chat commands
      Add stream progress overlay for Tears of Guthix

Isha Dijcks (1):
      runecraft plugin: add a notification when a runepouch degrades

Jordan Atwood (9):
      clues: Fix SW-of-deserted-keep hot-cold location
      xp drop plugin: Move text to use hidden icon's space
      xp tracker plugin: Reduce visibilities
      xp tracker plugin: Remove WorldClient usages
      agility plugin: Remove unused variables and imports
      agility plugin: Reduce visibility of classes
      agility plugin: Fix course spellings
      agility plugin: Check for endpoints only when defined
      agility plugin: Add pyramid end point

Nathen Sample (1):
      Add prayer bonus for suffering R and RI

Oliver Atkinson (1):
      Fix #4101 - Add swap options for Decant

Tomas Slusny (11):
      Rename prayer tooltip option
      Add prayer bar to prayer plugin
      Add api mappings for oculus orb normal speed
      Set oculus speed to 36 (x3) in DevTools
      Add spec active indicator to spec orb
      Do not explode on illegal unicode chat in settings
      Fix "verxik" typo in ChatCommandsPlugin
      Add more !kc abbreviations
      Check if infobox can render in InfoBoxOverlay
      Add debuff/buff change indicators
      Add support for preserving boost indicators 1.4.6 Release Lightbox and Varrock Museum quiz solver, config panel tags and favorites, Discord bosses & minigames 2018-07-05T07:00:00.000Z Tomas

A lightbox solver plugin was added which tells you the pattern to solve lightboxes after observing a few of the switches. Contributed by @Adam-.


A helper for Varrock Museum Quiz was added as well that highlights correct answer to questions in Varrock Museum basement. Thanks to @vikke1234 who contributed this feature.


The configuration panel was significantly improved thanks to big contribution from @takuyakanbr. Some of the improvements are:

  • Each plugin now has a short description when hovered
  • Each plugin now has tags that will make plugins easier to search for
  • Plugins can now be pinned to the top of the panel (a new star icon was added next to each plugin name that when clicked will pin the config option to top)
  • Search bar in configuration panel will now always stay on top
  • Each configuration page for plugins now have back and on/off buttons at the top of panel

configbackbutton configfavorites configtags configtooltip

Thanks to another awesome contribution from @PandahRS who spent a lot of time manually mapping a lot of RuneScape surface to regions, the Discord plugin now has a lot of new features, including display of city you are in, dungeon you are currently exploring, boss you are currently fighting and even minigame you are currently playing.

Due to privacy reasons, these new location-based features are disabled in any PVP scenario, such as PVP worlds, High Risk worlds, DMM and Seasonal DMM worlds.

discord1 discord2

In addition to the highlighted features, there have been several other improvements and bugfixes this release:

  • !total, !clues and !lvl commands now properly show ranks based on account types
  • Plenty of new food types have been added to Item Stats plugin
  • SOTD timer now properly works also for SOTL
  • Obstacles for Agility Pyramid entrance and Morytania pirate ship have been added to Agility plugin
  • Al-Kharid lap counter has been fixed
  • XP tracker now shows dots instead of commas to follow OSRS style of displaying numbers
  • Fishing plugin now supports all types of eels
  • Bug with inventory tagger plugin showing items with different models depending on the quantity incorrectly have been fixed


~ Tomas

New commits

We had 15 contributors this release!

Adam (8):
      runelite-api: make HashTable a generic
      Calculate and store widget parent id and position when the interfaces are rendered
      Revert "Add ironman status and AccountType to API"
      chat commands: fix to use exiting accounttype api
      agility plugin: fix Al Kharid lap counter
      puzzle solver: add lightbox solver
      chat commands: store kill counts in config
      Change Widget::parentId behavior to work again if the widget hasn't been drawn yet

Damen (2):
      Fix Dark Crab req lvl in skill calculator (#4071)
      Prevent cannonball count conflicting with health bars (#2857)

Gamer1120 (1):
      Fix hiscore lookup for ironman in chat commands

JHPinto (1):
      slayer plugin: move item count overlay checks to render

Jeremy Plsek (2):
      item manager: add item outline caching
      inventory tags: use item manager for outlines

Jordan (1):
      Ignore level goals which have been passed (#3805)

Jordan Atwood (17):
      item stats plugin: Add Edible seaweed
      chat color: Fix description typo
      Update Veng Other / Energy Transfer animation ID
      Add Vengeance Other graphic ID
      timers plugin: Check for Vengeance Other graphic
      item stats: Add missing RFD foods
      fishing plugin: Add cave eel and slimy eel spots
      agility plugin: Add Lumbridge swamp cave shortcuts
      item stats plugin: Add field ration
      grand exchange plugin: Fix error message typos
      grand exchange plugin: Clear render on empty string
      item stats plugin: Fix import ordering
      item stats plugin: Fix Zamorak brew stat changes
      skill calculator: Fix combined items with decimals
      item stats: Add negative attack bonus to wines
      clues: Fix Cap'n Izzy No-Beard anagram clue
      agility plugin: Add pyramid entrance obstacles

Kamiel (1):
      screen-markers: fix graphical bug

Magic fTail (1):
      AgilityPlugin: Add obstacles north of pirate ship (#4084)

Max Weber (3):
      mixins: Don't show siblings in dynamic widget's child lists
      farmingtracker: Correct several patch timings
      itemstats: Add variable healing food

Nathen Sample (1):
      Represent decimals as .'s not ,'s (#4059)

PandahRS (5):
      Make skilling activity configurable in Discord
      Add bosses to Discord plugin
      Add cities to Discord plugin
      Add dungeons to discord plugin
      Add minigames to Discord plugin

Tomas Slusny (7):
      Add ironman status and AccountType to API
      Make SOTD/SOTL timer use chat messsage
      Return preferredSize.width from TitleComponent
      Make !clues command respect account type
      Add logging of presence to DiscordService
      Make Discord plugin more extensible/support region
      Reset Discord state if now > updated + timeout

Viktor Horsmanheimo (2):
      Add widget IDs for the varrock museum quiz
      Add Varrock museum quiz solver

takuyakanbr (5):
      Add description and tags fields to PluginDescriptor
      config panel: change plugin search to use plugin name + tags
      config panel: add ability to pin plugins to the top
      config panel: keep search bar at the top while scrolling Add back and toggle buttons at the top of plugin configuration pages
      Replace fields in ConfigGroup with a single `value` field 1.4.5 Release Inventory tags, opponent comparison, inventory viewer, and corporeal beast plugin 2018-06-28T07:00:00.000Z Adam

An inventory tag plugin was added which lets you tag items in your inventory, which then get outlined a specific color. Contributed by @kulers.


The opponent info plugin now has an option to show and compare the stats of an opponent you interact with. Contributed by @Nightfirecat.


An inventory viewer was added by @jplsek which lets you overlay a view of your inventory:


Finally, a corporeal beast plugin was added:


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix animation smoother with interpolating rotation frames
  • Fix animation smoother to not smooth hellhound defence animation
  • Fix agility plugin to not reset arena timer when falling from obstacles
  • Fix fight cave plugin to work more reliably
  • Fix price of tentacle tridents
  • Add informative dialog for when the client is outdated due to game updates
  • Add configuration setting for chat commands clear chat keyboard shortcuts
  • The screenshot plugin now has a configurable hotkey for screenshots
  • Add Battle staffs to the idle notifier
  • Add !clues chat command
  • Add timer for stamina mixes
  • Add (slayer) assignment to menu swapper
  • Fix binding necklaces charges to reset when the necklace is destroyed


- Adam

New commits

AWPH-I (1):
      Add inventory viewer plugin

Adam (20):
      runelite-client: add outdated dialog
      runescape-api: remove no longer used annotations
      Add logback-parent to dependency management and use a consistent slf4j version everywhere
      Add interface representing all callbacks the client does, and convert mixins to use it
      hooks: dispose graphics after using
      actor mixin: fix getInteracting when index is 65535
      Add interacting changed event
      chat message manager: set default colors for GAME messages
      Add corporeal beast plugin
      modelviewer: add basic animation support
      devtools: add transform command
      animation smoothing: do not interpolate to angle 0
      Revert "animation smoothing: do not interpolate to angle 0"
      animation smoothing: don't interpolate hellhound defence animation
      chat commands: add config setting for chat clear shortcuts
      cache: rename additional npc definition fields
      queries: replace some isHidden checks with isSelfHidden
      hiscore client: check response code of hiscore lookups
      opponent info: move interacting logic to plugin and use interacting changed event
      opponent info: add player comparison overlay

Dennis (1):
      animation smoothing: fix angle bounds for rotation

      Add battlestaff crafting to AnimationID
      Add battlestaff crafting to idle notifier

James (1):
      Show correct text for master clue command (#3989)

JavaLeg (1):
      chat commands: add clues command

Jordan Atwood (3):
      Fix "West of Barbarian Village" hot-cold location
      Fix East of Brimhaven fruit tree hot-cold location
      timers plugin: Create timer for stamina mixes

Kamiel (1):
      npc indicators: fix consuming tag menu clicks on non-npcs

Max Weber (4):
      runelite-client: Add Keybind class for configs to save and set hotkeys
      screenshot plugin: Allow hotkey to be changed from insert
      kourendlibrary: Make hiding the navbutton optional
      runelite-client: Add a equals implementation to Keybind

Nathen (1):
      Update library plugin encapsulation

Nathen Sample (1):
      Update prayer plugin encapsulation (#3962)

ScottMCarr (1):
      agility plugin: do not update arena timer when there is no hint arrow

Su-Shing Chen (1):
      agilityShortcutLocation: Fix SE Karamja agility marker

Tomas Slusny (24):
      Center stretched fixed mode horizontally
      Move onActorHitsplat to mixins
      Move menuOpened to mixins
      Move updateNpcs call to mixins
      Move focusGained to mixins
      Move focusLost to mixins
      Move postItemComposition to mixins
      Move setMessage to mixins
      Move projectileMoved to mixins
      Move addChatMessage to mixins
      Move graphicsObjectCreated to mixins
      Move drawAboveOverheads call to mixins
      Move drawRegion call to mixins
      Move clientMainLoop to mixins
      Move menuActionHook to mixins
      Add documentation for Hooks
      Remove Age menu entry swapping
      Move shift-click config to top of menu swapper
      Update documentation for Callbacks interface
      Add new toBufferedOutline method to SpritePixels
      Add inventory tagging plugin
      Remove title from corp panel
      Make Fight Cave plugin more accurate
      Fix price of tentacle tridents

Trees (1):
      Menu Swapper - Add Age/Assignment

honeyhoney (2):
      Added destroy item widgets
      Fixed binding necklace charges not being reset when necklace is destroyed 1.4.4 Release Mage training arena plugin, prayer potion indicator, and preserve prayer tracking 2018-06-21T07:00:00.000Z Adam

A Mage Training Arena was added from @Jasper Ketelaar which can solve telekinetic mazes, and deduce alchemy room rotations from discovery of items in it.


The prayer plugin now indicates when you can drink a prayer potion to get the full effect by flashing the prayer orb. It also has a new tooltip which shows your current prayer bonus and approximation on how much longer your prayer points will last.


The boosts plugin now takes into account the preserve prayer when showing when the next stat drain takes place.

The grand exchange plugin can now show the "actively traded" OSBuddy price on the grand exchange interface now, if enabled.


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix infobox overlay resetting its position after each client restart.
  • Add dodgy necklace charge counter and notification to item charges plugin
  • Fix attack styles plugin not correctly hiding staff of the dead defence style
  • Made tagging NPCs no longer interrupt actions
  • Hide Kourend Library navigation button when not in the library
  • Fix Shilo Village stepping stones agilty marker
  • Add option to highlight tiles under ground items
  • Re-add ability to show hidden items on right click menu, with a toggle this time
  • Added a link to the wiki to the info panel
  • More clue fixes
  • Fix icons of onyx items in skill calculator


- Adam

New commits

4th8 (1):
      skill calculator: fix item id for some zenyte and onyx items

Adam (20):
      Revert " Fix NMZ points overlay appearing in the KBD instance lair"
      ground items: default highlight over value to 0
      ground items: rename highlight > value key to reset the defaults
      ground items: don't recolor menu if hidden
      ground items: remove unnecessary copy of collected ground items
      examine plugin: update object examine id unpacking
      runelite-client: close properties input stream
      world map plugin: add missing break after agility shortcuts/tooltips case
      overlay util: mark explicit fallthrough in transformPosition
      demonic gorillas plugin: remove unused variable
      config invocation handler: replace args with literal null
      screenshot plugin: fix unsafe multithreaded usage of DateFormat
      runelite-client: remove various redundant null checks
      timers plugin: fix sotd timer removal logic
      prayer plugin: add dose indicator
      runelite-client: use new bulk item price api
      http-service: crawl tradable item prices instead of queueing on demand
      item charges plugin: add dodgy necklace
      attack styles: add defensive casting to weapon types for staffs
      http-service: switch json serializer to jackson

AeonLucid (1):
      ge plugin: add OSB actively traded price

Alexsuperfly (1):
      Preserve prayer tracking in boost timer (#3530)

Harry (1):
      Improve and cleanup code in runelite-client (#3859)

Jasper Ketelaar (1):
      runelite-client: add mage training arena plugin

Jonathan Beaudoin (1):
      Add tooltip to absorption panel

Jordan Atwood (8):
      Add Staff of the Dead timer
      Prevent NPC tagging from interrupting actions
      Fix ancient cavern emote clue location
      Fix south-of-mausoleum hot-cold clue location
      Fix Slayer Tower emote clue
      Fix Al Kharid mine hot-cold clue location
      Fix South of Jiggig hot-cold clue location
      Fix stepping stone object IDs east of Shilo Village

Lars (1): - Provide link to coding conventions

Matthew Smith (1):
      Toggle confirmation on exit (#3834)

Max Weber (6):
      runelite-client: Test Overlay equality
      runelite-client: Prevent recursion when chat notifier notifies to chat
      cache: consolidate ID class printing and split ObjectID
      Update autogenerated ID files
      runelite-client: remove unused import in DemonicGorillaOverlay
      kourendlibrary: Hide navbutton when not in the library

Seth (2):
      agilityShortcutLocation: Fix shilo village agility marker
      configPanel: remove tooltips for JTextArea

Tememexas (1):
      Add option to highlight tiles under ground items (#3895)

Tomas Slusny (16):
      Disable camera zoom by default
      Use Object.equals for Overlays
      Fix overlay collection modification checks
      Consider anything with GE > 0 as tradeable too
      Ignore highlights when value is set to 0 (disable)
      Make hidden items color configurable
      Reduce code duplicity in resetOverlay method
      Fix loading of core overlay properties
      Mark InfoboxOverlay as singleton
      Fix UnsupportedOperationException in ground items
      Change ground items box size from 6 px to 8 px
      Reload overlay settings on plugin change
      Disable OSB prices by default
      Fix ground item swapped price values
      Optional support for recoloring right-click menu
      Fix ground marker plugin layer

psikoi (2):
      Added boolean onSelectedEvent to Material Tabs
      Refactor Hiscore EndPoints to Material Tab

raqes (1):
      Add wiki link to info panel 1.4.3 Release Blast mine plugin, chat highlights and notifications, and resizable infoboxes 2018-06-14T07:00:00.000Z Adam

A blast mine plugin was added which keeps track of lit dynamite charges, as well as which stage the rock is in.


A chat notifications plugin was added which can underscore your name when spoken in public chat, as well as optionally send you notifications for trade, duel, and other chat messages.



A Crystal Math Labs plugin was added which, when enabled, automatically updates your stats on CML whenever you log out.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • ctrl+w and backspace can now be used to delete the last word and the entire line from the chatbox input, respectively
  • Add public chat friend name color in chat color config
  • The boosts plugin can now notify you when your boost gets low
  • Add Isafdar and Jatizso fishing spots to fishing plugin
  • Remove 'Actions left' and 'Xp per hour' from Xp Globes when Xp Tracker is disabled
  • Add fungicide spray to item stats plugin
  • The ground items plugin can now grey hidden items from the take menu


- Adam

New commits

We had 15 contributors this release!

Adam (13):
      xtea plugin: batch xteas on gamestate change event
      Remove map region changed event
      Add gson to dependency management
      Update gson to 2.8.5
      http-service: import spring boot dependencies in dependency management
      travis: remove old secrets
      travis: remove old discord notification [ci skip]
      Add public chat friend name color in chat color config
      Fix genie cryptic clue to display proper requirements
      overlay renderer: bound overlays position to viewport at render time instead of at config load time
      runelite-api: add setVar for setting varclientstr
      item controller: expose bulk item prices
      chat commands: alow clearing words and chat with ctrl w/backspace

Arman (1):
      Adds notification when boost gets low

Chris Jimenez (1):
      Small clarification

Hydrox6 (7):
      Fix "Clan Channel Name" typo, fix capitalisation (#3671)
      Make Color config options show their colour instead of "Pick a color" (#3583)
      [chat-color] Add support for Public Chat from Mods
      Clean up the Examine Colour loading
      Fix JColorChooser text not updating properly
      Fix NMZ points overlay appearing in the KBD instance lair
      runelite-client: add chat notifications plugin

Jordan Atwood (1):
      Add Jatizso fishing spots to fishing plugin

Marshall Briggs (1):
      Remove 'Actions left' and 'Xp per hour' from Xp Globes when Xp Tracker is disabled

Max Weber (6):
      runelite-api: Correct actor documentation
      runelite-client: Don't fail on invalid config values.
      runelite-client: add detached camera devtool
      runelite-client: Make OverlayManager thread safe
      runelite-client: Use an ArrayList to store overlays
      runelite-client: Allow new screenmarkers to be created

Mitchell Kovacs (4):
      Reworked Jewellery Charge to item charge.
      item charges: add charge warning threshold color configuration
      Moved the watering can overlay from tithe farming plugin to item charge plugin.
      Add counter for fungicide spray #3727

SieBrum (1):
      Add CrystalMathLabs plugin

Tim Granata (1):
      Add Isafdar dense forest agility boxes north of Tyras Camp (#3731)

Timmy-Jim (2):
      Move BAKED_POTATO to 4 HP healing food (#3724)
      Add Isafdar fishing spots

Tomas Slusny (14):
      Remove auto-expanding from PanelComponent
      Show GE and HA only when showing both prices
      Add mappings for isTradeable to ItemComposition
      Add option to always draw untradeable items
      Remove 4th invalid state from ground boxes
      Add full item name clickboxes
      Add highlight > value, merge hide < ge and ha
      Split OverlayRenderer logic to OverlayManager
      Make plugins work with new OverlayManager
      Add support for wrapping to PanelComponent
      Add support for preferred location to Panel
      Change InfoBoxOverlay to use PanelComponent
      Change the default size of infoboxes to be smaller
      Add support for configurable infobox size

Unmoon (1):
      Add blast mine plugin

WooxSolo (1):
      Fix demonic gorilla overlay position on fixed screen

drivfe (1):
      Fix combined action slot not updating when an input field was changed 1.4.2 Release Respawn timers, death indicator plugin, prayer indicators 2018-06-07T07:00:00.000Z Adam

The NPC indicators plugin now has an option to show respawn times for tagged NPCS. Thanks to @WooxSolo for his work on this.


@DannysPVM added a death indicator plugin which remembers where you've died last, and on what world.


The prayer flicking plugin was renamed to the prayer plugin - and now shows prayer indicator infoboxes, from @raqes.


The full screen mode added in last weeks update was removed as it is not working for some users and getting their client stuck in a nonworking state. We may add it back in the future if we can make it work better.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The screenshot plugin now screenshots pvp kills and pet drops
  • A 'Reset others' option was added to the xp tracker panel
  • A Charge timer was added
  • Fix Callisto and Venenatis boss timers from previous release
  • Fix regen plugin showing when orb is hidden
  • Added Zeah fishing spots to fishing plugin
  • Add dragonfire-charged items to untradeable item mappings
  • Fix expeditious bracelet charge tracking, which was broke last release
  • Add support for swapping all options on the house portal to the menu entry swapper
  • Show RuneLite launcher version in the info panel
  • Add bake pie and string jewellery to idle notifier
  • Fix rare crash when drawing clickboxes

Additionally, there were clue fixes from Jordan Atwood, StanleyMole, and Trig.


- Adam

New commits

We had 26 contributors this release!

Adam (25):
      perspective: do not remove culled faces from clickbox calculation
      chat color config: set default color for examine highlight
      Fix prayer enumation order back to the order the prayers are in game
      chat message manager: set default colors for examine
      hooks: move combat info callback to actor mixin
      Flag npc as dead when their health ratio hits 0
      runelite-client: update to use isDead
      pom: update rs.version
      runelite-mixins: once again reset menu on widget close
      Rename ->
      Fix null names for quest objects in cryptic clues
      config invocation handler: fix setting config values to null
      config manager: support Instant
      runelite-client: add death indicator plugin
      config manager: only apply default config from methods which read configuration
      antidrag: remove unused config setter
      death indicators: only set death mark after respawning in a known respawn location
      death indicator: move location check to after respawn
      death indicator: use animation to detect death
      Revert "Merge pull request #3192 from deathbeam/add-support-for-fullscreen"
      clientui: reimport ExpandResizeType from fullscreen revert
      screenshot plugin: capitalize pet messages constant
      screenshot plugin: screenshot pvp kills
      info panel: use revision number from client
      npc scene overlay: fix respawn time

Evan Sloan (1):
      Add reset others to XpPanel right click menu

Gert de Pagter (1):
      Use github issue templates

Hydrox6 (7):
      Add Charge Timer
      Fix Callisto and Venenatis Boss Timers using the incorrect ID
      Reorder updateConfig to match TimerConfig
      Add support for Clan Chat Info highlights for the Raids Plugin
      Add default highlight for Game Messages to fix Daily Task message colour
      Fix Charge timer showing with every teleport
      Remove Charge Timer when the effect ends

Infinitay (1):
      Add hyperlinks to project layout in README (#3509)

Jeremy Plsek (1):
      regen plugin: don't show regen if widget is hidden

Jordan (2):
      Reword Dad hot-cold clue hint (#3513)
      Fix McGrubor and Cow pen hot-cold locations (#3603)

Jordan Atwood (3):
      Fix "The hand ain't listening." clue step
      Add missing Zeah fishing spots
      Fix Guard Vemmeldo anagram clue location

Juuso Lapinlampi (1):
      Fix spelling of Taverley

Kamiel (1):
      Allow screenmarker resizing below base point

Lars (2):
      Fix typo in BarrowsPlugin (Spanwed to Spawned)
      Update tooltip for Grand Exchange Panel Icon to "Grand Exchange" (#3618)

Magic fTail (2):
      Add dragonfire-charged armour item mappings
      screenshot plugin: screenshot receiving pet

Max Weber (1):
      runelite-client: Require assertions when developer mode is on

Reasel (1):
      Add Tile location tooltip option to dev tools. Remove extra empty line.

Ruben Amendoeira (1):
      Remove Skill Calc unused code (#3568)

Seth (1):
      slayer plugin: fix expeditious regex pattern

Snakk (1):
      menu entry swapper: add options for house portal

StanleyMole (1):
      Fix TzHaar and Castle Draken emote clues

Tomas Slusny (5):
      Change tithe farm to use PieComponent
      Change schedule to GameTick sub in Tithe plugin
      Cleanup RuneLite class (use Lombok)
      Add support for getting runelite launcher version
      Show RuneLite launcher version in info panel

Trig (1):
      Fix "hosptial" anagram clue typo (#3600)

TzZek (1):
      Add bake pie & string jewelry to idle notifier (#3486)

WooxSolo (5):
      Fix remember screen bounds for KEEP_GAME_SIZE
      Move frame to right screen border when expanding large window
      Fix Jarvis infinite loop
      perspective: fix getCanvasTileAreaPoly for even number sizes
      npc indicators: add respawn timer

psikoi (2):
      Add Icon Material Tab + Hover effects
      Refactor plugin panels for new Icon Tabs

raqes (2):
      Rename Prayer Flicking plugin to Prayer
      Add prayer indicators to prayer plugin

shmeeps (1):
      Use chat messages for GE notifications (#3492)

ypperlig (1):
      Change tickrate for giant seaweed from 10 to 5 1.4.1 Release Chat recolor, redwood tree markers, and grand exchange notifications 2018-05-31T07:00:00.000Z Adam

First, lately there have been several targeted phishing attacks against RuneLite, including targeted ad buys on both Google and Reddit. If in doubt, cross reference the site with the official GitHub and Discord. The main tell is the official Windows download is an executable digitally signed by Alexander Henne, and not a .jar. We can generally get these sites taken down, but it usually takes some time to do so.

Now for the update:

Chat color for each chat type (public, private, clan, trade, etc.) are now configurable in the "Chat Colors" configuratrion.


The woodcutting plugin now can overlay redwood tree locations.


The grand exchange plugin can now notify you when something buys or sells.


Also a special thanks to @Matthew Steglinski who contributed Javadoc for 155 files in the API. This greatly improves our published Javadoc.

Screen markers can now be assigned names, making it easy to save and reuse them later without having to re-add and position them. Existing screen markers will need to be deleted and readded.

Full screen mode was added and is toggleable in RuneLite settings.


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix hiscore lookup autocomplete
  • Fix hiscore and GE lookups getting stuck when given invalid input
  • Improve boss timer spawn timers by start them when the NPC despawns instead of at the beginning of the death animation
  • Add miscellaneous and scroll teleports to the world map plugin
  • Skill calculator now turns actions that will become available before target level orange
  • The bank evaluator plugin now includes the price of untradeable items tradeable versions
  • Optimize clickbox calculation code
  • Fix Vet'ion boss timer and add KQ boss timer
  • Add option to swap "interact" with "empty" on birdhouses
  • Update menu swapper to support multiple fairy ring defaults
  • Fix slayer plugin to work with NPC contact
  • Add Bandit Camp fishing spot to fishing plugin
  • Fix MLM plugin when it is started/stopped from within the MLM
  • Fix UI responsiveness when closing skill calculator
  • Add Limestone attack stone to skill calc
  • Reset gorillas in demonic gorilla plugin on startup and world hop
  • Add gilded altar to idle notifier
  • Add wine making to idle notifier
  • Add option to swap minecart menu option to travel from GE to Keldagrim
  • Add bar dispenser clickbox overlay to blast furnace plugin
  • Show clickbox of the Boiler in Dorgesh-Kaan agility course in the agility plugin

Additionally, there were clue fixes from Eadgars-Ruse, Jordan Atwood, and Maiddog.


- Adam

New commits

We had 26 contributors this release!

Adam (30):
      pom: set updatePolicy always for runelite snapshots
      pom: remove tomcat deploy execution
      hiscore panel: properly error if result is null
      ge search panel: catch cache load exception from search returning null
      Revert "boss timers: improve accuracy of boss respawn timer"
      boss timers plugin: change to use npc despawn event
      agility plugin: fix exception on reconnect
      poh plugin: fix exception when tile for burner is not fully visible
      Remove actor death event, use despawn event instead
      woodcutting plugin: timeout woodcutting sessions
      woodcutting plugin: show redwood trees
      world map plugin: merge jewellery teleports and magic teleports
      world map plugin: add misc teleports
      skill calculator: lombok some of UIActionSlot
      skill calculator: turn indicators orange for actions that will become available before target
      screen marker overlay: stop if preferred size is null
      antidrag: reset drag when focus is lost
      runelite-client: add ItemMapping to map untradeable items to tradeable versions
      item manager: use item mapping
      item manager: cache unable to look up on unsuccessful bulk lookup too
      runelite-client: update bank calculation and barrows calculation to use item mapping
      runelite-api: optimize ChatMessageType.of()
      config manager: fix resetting configuration items with no default value
      config panel: allow color configs with no value
      runelite-client: add chat color config
      runelite-client: remove chat color config from plugins
      Revert "perspective: use viewport offset in get2DGeometry"
      perspective: use viewport offset for offsetting rectangle in get2DGeometry
      runelite-api: use lombok constructors for Vertex/Triangle
      perspective: optimize clickbox generation

Alexsuperfly (3):
      boss timers: improve accuracy of boss respawn timer
      boss timers: fix Vet'ion timer to start after 2nd phase death
      boss timers: add KQ to boss list

BeefaloKing (1):
      Stretched Fixed Mode Plugin: Add Integer Scaling option (#2863)

Eadgars-Ruse (2):
      Change hot/cold overlay to only show outline of dig area (#3166)
      Fix coordinates for venenatis hot cold clue (#3212)

Ethan (5):
      Exclude ironmen from daily herb box notifications
      Add option to swap "interact" with "empty" on birdhouses
      Update menu swapper to support multiple fairy ring defaults
      Add teleport scroll locations to map
      Add notifications to Grand Exchange plugin

Hydrox6 (1):
      Fix items with no Grand Exchange Price using Store Price for the right click menu instead of High Alchemy value

Iguaan (2):
      slayer plugin: read bracelet charges directly from chat message
      slayerplugin: fix current task regex and new task via npc contact regex

Jeremy Plsek (1):
      enqueue most post/put/delete requests

Jordan Atwood (6):
      Allow imbued Ring of Wealth for emote clue (#3230)
      Fix location for West Ardougne emote clue (#3231)
      Fix Grand Tree mushrooms clue
      Improve Yanille anvil room map clue location
      Add Wilderness Bandit Camp fishing spot
      Fix Iban's Temple emote clue

Kelvin (1):
      Use single DynamicGridLayout for XPTracker stats (#3432)

Kruithne (1):
      skill calculator: allow XP values up to 200,000,000 rather than 188,884,740

Lars (3):
      Motherlode Mine - Startup / shutdown bugs (#3124)
      XpInfoBox - Remove min/max experience check (#3397)
      Use screenmarker name not ID for displaying it (#3423)

Magic fTail (3):
      BossTimerPlugin: Find bosses based on id instead of name
      More accurate respawn timers
      MenuEntrySwapper: Reorder config items to alphabetical order

Maiddog (1):
      Fix typo in Pyramid Plunder emote clue (#3419)

Matthew Steglinski (6):
      runelite-api: Add missing documentation
      Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when an empty command is typed
      devtools: Add camera position overlay
      devtools: Add base, local, and region coordinates to LocationOverlay
      grandexchange: Format 'Price each' value for items in additional information layout
      Add local player death event

Morgan Lewis (3):
      Clue Scroll Plugin: Add wording to direct users to world map
      Dev-tools: Add location overlay to show world map position
      Remove WorldMapOverlayTest Plugin

Ruben Amendoeira (6):
      Hiscore auto-complete fix
      Skill calcs performance improvement
      Refactor ClientUI using CardLayout
      Remove feed refresh button
      Add top margin to the XP tracker error panel (#3343)
      Add naming to screenmarkers

Simon Landry (1):
      Add Boiler to Dorgesh-Kaan obstacles IDs (#3437)

Tomas Slusny (11):
      Unify NPC highlighting color settings
      Use NpcSpawned and despawned for getting cacheNpc
      Move private methods at bottom of NPC plugin
      Add support for fullscreen mode
      Change default PluginPanel layout to DynamicGrid
      Change config TextField to TextArea
      Move highlighted/hidden to top
      Store markers based on epoch millis
      Properly set preferredSize of navContainer
      Add Limestone attack stone to skill calc
      Update Lombok to 1.16.22

TzZek (1):
      Add making wines to idle notifications (#3441)

WooxSolo (1):
      Reset gorillas in demonic gorilla plugin on startup and world hop

drivfe (1):
      screen markers: fix for confirm dialog appearing behind main UI window

iguaan (3):
      idlenotifier: add support for gilded altar
      timers: use correct capitalisation for antifire in settings
      slayerplugin: fixed bracelet charge counter

iskarky (1):
      Swap menu entry for minecart travel from GE to Keldagrim

shmeeps (2):
      Capitalize world map configuration names (#3301)
      Account for slightly different dimensions of first and second/third floors (#3249)

ypperlig (1):
      blast furance plugin: add bar dispenser to clickbox overlay Phishing attempts Phishing attempts 2018-05-25T23:00:00.000Z Adam

Lately there have been an increase in people advertising malicious websites impersonating, which will instead hack you. It looks like this has been mostly in Twitch chat.

This is a reminder the only safe download is from The checksums for the download are available from the official github.

I sent an abuse report to one of their providers, NameCheap, over 24 hours ago... but it does not seem to be very effective. If anyone here happens to work at NameCheap NOC contact me.

- Adam 1.4.0 Release Obsidian theme, 05/10 interface styles, and screen markers 2018-05-24T00:00:00.000Z Adam

The new Obsidian theme has been released, which re-skins the client UI and most of the plugin panel intefaces. Thanks to @psikoi who has been working on this for the last month.





An interface style plugin was added to allow switching the 2005 or 2010 game frames.



A screenmarker plugin was added to mark areas on the screen.


Support for level goals has been added, that loads the XP/level goals from the Vanilla goals interface and displays it in XP tracker.


The world map plugin now shows all teleport locations, and detailed requirements for all agility obstacles.



There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix agility plugin to not show obstacles in Vespula's raid room
  • Fix impling plugin incorrectly showing imps after a world hop (
  • Add Corsair Cove fishing spots to fishing plugin
  • Add Gu'Tanoth bridge obstacles to agility plugin
  • Improve performance of stretched fixed mode by utilizing volatile images
  • Check inventory for required emote clue items too
  • Add gem rocks to mining calculator
  • Fix plugin toolbar tooltips
  • Fix low detail mode sometimes causing game sounds to not load
  • Change the anti-drag plugin to only work with shift held
  • Fix slayer bracelet charges not updating when there is only one charge left
  • Add commas to ground item quantities
  • Add Burgh de Rott fishing spots to fishing plugin
  • Fix bounds for west bookcases in the Kourend Library (
  • Add teak garden bench to construction calculator
  • A notification and timer were added to the agility plugin for the agility arena
  • XP boosts for bones have been corrected in the skill calculator
  • Farming, fishing, herblore, and hunter have been expanded on in the skill calculator

Additionally there were clue fixes from user35557, Jouni Pikkarainen, and Jordan Atwood.


- Adam

New commits

We had 26 contributors this release!

Abex (1):
      interfacestyles: Run on game thread (#3129)

Adam (21):
      Update substance to 8.0.02
      Bump to 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT
      runescape-api: add sprite related imports for interface style plugin
      runelite-api: add sprite override api
      runelite-api: add widget positioned event
      Add interface styles plugin
      runelite-client: fix usage of npc despawn event
      agility plugin: limit obstacles to agility pyramid regions
      modelviewer: begin work on tile shapes
      Revert "Delay setting of low detail mode"
      low detail plugin: apply low detail on startup if on login screen
      runelite-mixins: fix hasHintArrow
      runelite-api: expand hint arrow api
      Revert "Fix early stop of player lookup in HiScores (#3035)"
      hiscore panel: wrap lookup in a runnable exception logger
      hiscore panel: clear tooltips when clearing levels
      hiscore panel: pass result to detailsHtml and remove reduncant null check
      hiscore panel: remove duplicate getExperience
      runelite-client: add detached overlay position
      runelite-client: add screen markers plugin
      screen marker panel: fix toggling hide/show

Alex Kolpa (5):
      Clear plugin skill tracking on reset
      Add agility arena notifier
      Add agility arena timer
      Don't show experience progress for unranked skills
      Change AgilityArenaTimer contact to GitHub account (#3121)

Joel (1):
      Add missing Corsair Cove fishing spots (#3096)

Jordan Atwood (2):
      Add puzzle box indicator to Drunken Dwarf clue
      Add Gu'Tanoth bridge obstacles

Jouni Pikkarainen (1):
      Fixed typo in a cryptic clue solution

Levi Schuck (2):
      Fix til next level time for low xp amounts
      Switch to safer division method without floats Use custom formatter since LocalTime.toString rolls over the amount of days.

Lotto (5):
      entityhider: don't hide npcs by default
      client: use Image instead of BufferedImage
      stretchedfixedmode: use volatile image instead of buffered image
      emoteclues: change symbols to ✓ and ✗
      emoteclues: display when item is in inventory

Magic fTail (2):
      Fix edgeville monastery emote clue scroll (#2909)
      Add missing Port Sarim and Ape Toll fishing spots (#2837)

Max Weber (5):
      Cleanup FarmingTracker panels
      Add VarC events
      Allow get/setVarbitValue to operate on arbitrary varp sets
      devtools: Replace Var tracker with Var Inspector
      varinspector: Lazily initialize var arrays

Morgan Lewis (4):
      WorldMap: Add teleport destinations for spells and jewellery
      WorldMapPointManager: Fix concurrent modification exception
      WorldMap: Add agility shortcut level requirements
      WorldMap: Fix jewellery item name loading bugs

Rheon-D (1):
      Fix friend note not displaying due to color tags

Ruben (3):
      Restore Plugin Toolbar Button Tooltips (#2833)
      Add Gem rocks to mining calculator plugin (#2907)
      Add mouse hover changes to various ui elements

Ruben Amendoeira (22):
      Restyled the client frame
      Added custom components + moved/rewrote some
      Grand Exchange Plugin redesign
      Hiscore Plugin redesign
      Kourend Library Plugin slight design tweak
      News Feed Plugin slight design tweak
      Notes Plugin slight design tweak
      Configs slight design tweak
      Exp trackers plugin redesign
      Info panel redesign
      Farming plugin panel redesign
      Plugin side toolbar design tweak
      Skilling Calculators Plugin design tweak
      SetOpaque performance fix
      Fix Config search bar focus
      Moved the new text selection colors globally
      Removed unused styling on JComboBox
      Fixed exp tracker pop-up in the progress bar
      Recolour config names to white
      Expanded SkillIconManager to include smaller versions
      Added/Changed custom UI components
      Skill Calc plugin redesign

Seth (1):
      impling plugin: fix impling list not clearing on hopping worlds

SoyChai (1):
      Friend notes plugin: Add documentation and increase code readability (#2714)

Tomas Slusny (7):
      Delay setting of low detail mode
      Change Anti-Drag plugin to work only with SHIFT
      Fix access levels in XpStateSingle
      Add Varps for player experience goals
      Add support for player experience goals to tracker
      Add support for preferredSize to OverlayRenderer
      Change ScreenMarkers to use OverlayRenderer

Unknown (1):
      Change string to match for slayer bracelet

William Metcalf (1):
      Add commas to ground item quantities

WooxSolo (1):
      Add RSTileMixin.getGroundItems and RSNPCMixin.getTransformedComposition

Xavier Bergeron (1):
      Fix early stop of player lookup in HiScores (#3035)

raqes (1):
      Fix 2005 interface container alignment, add scrollbar and spellbooks

shmeeps (1):
      Add Burgh de Rott fishing spots to fishing overlays (#3132)

trimbe (1):
      Fix bounds for west bookcases in Kourend library (#2875)

user35557 (1):
      Clue Scrolls: fix dark warrior fortress clue coordinates (#3083)

wa1id (1):
      Add teak garden bench to construction calculator. 1.3.9 Release Hot/cold world map improvements, skill calculator, and anti-drag plugin 2018-05-18T00:00:00.000Z Adam

I have been given the go ahead to continue on with RuneLite development by MMK, so here is release 1.3.9.

I have had to move most of my tools to be internal to the project, and it is taking some time. We will probably be able to begin accepting PRs again in full force sometime this weekend.

Hot/cold clue locations are now shown on the world map, and fairy ring teleport icons now have a tooltip showing the fairy ring code. Contributed by @deathbeam and @MESLewis respectively.


@Kruithne has added a skill calculator plugin.


An anti-drag plugin has been added from @devdennis. It lets you configure the "drag delay" which can help prevent you from dragging items you meant to click on.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The opponent info plugin now displays approximate players hitpoints instead of a percentage
  • Show GE and high alch prices on shop items when examined
  • Made existing config option for higlighting marks of grace also affect overlay color
  • Add trap obstacles to agility plugin
  • Fix motherlode mine plugin when it is enabled when inside of the mine
  • Mitigate a rare crash in the official client at certain areas ingame
  • Add a tooltip font type configuration option
  • Auto complete hiscore lookups based on friends, clan members, and players

Also thanks to trimbe, Shuhao Wu, Jordan Atwood, and Alex Kolpa for contributing clue fixes.


- Adam

New commits

We had 22 contributors this release!

Adam (20):
      agility plugin: use immutableset
      slayer plugin: move widget inventory check to game tick
      runelite-api: expose friends
      runelite-mixins: fix setting menu preventing menu add event from being fired
      friend notes plugin: only add menu entry after "Message"
      agility plugin: fix exception if obstacle is off screen
      runelite-api: add getWorldType()
      runelite-client: add hiscore manager
      opponent info: use player hitpoints from hiscores
      item controller: don't return duplicate items in bulk lookup
      http-service: optimize bulk item price lookup
      http-service: lombok item api
      item manager: cache no price when unable to batch lookup
      injector: support field hooks prior to field being changed
      runelite-mixins: fire npc despawn event before composition is nulled
      runelite-mixins: wrap drawTileUnderlay in try/catch
      Revert "fix: Hide vanilla raid points box when inside chambers of xeric"
      speccounter plugin: fix kalphite queen spelling
      Update pom and README to reflect changes to project structure
      Remove distribution management

Alex Kolpa (2):
      Fix typo cryptic clue
      Check player position on state change

Dennis (1):
      runelite-client: add anti drag plugin

Dimitris Karittevlis (1):
      shows ge and high alch prices for shop items that are examined

      Make existing config options for highlighting marks of grace also affect the overlay color

Hashes (1):
      Fix ProgressBar percentage displaying (#2609)

Jeremy Plsek (2):
      agility plugin: add trap obstacle overlay
      overlayutil: reset stroke for renderpolygon

Jordan Atwood (4):
      Fix wording/locations of kill x elite cryptic clues (#2628)
      Fix Warrior's guild emote clue
      Use British floor numbering in cipher clues
      Fix Gypsy Aris cryptic clue

Kamiel (1):
      fix: Hide vanilla raid points box when inside chambers of xeric

Kruithne (1):
      Implement Skill Calculator plug-in

Lars Ørnlo (1):
      Motherlode Mine - Region check on plugin startup

Max Weber (10):
      http-api: print a more helpful error message when resources are not filtered
      Make VarbitChanged only fire once, after everything has settled
      runelite-api: Annotate Perspective methods with `@Nonnull`
      groundmarkers: Fix NPE in drawTile
      kourendlibrary: Fix for rev 170 menu code
      runelite-api: Update ID files
      cache: Strip tags from java names
      Rename varcs > varCInts
      Rename varcstrings > varCStrings
      Revert #2530 "Make VarbitChanged only fire once..."

Morgan Lewis (2):
      Fix world map overlay to draw pixel perfect on the World Map
      Add tooltip and custom icon to World Map fairy ring destinations

Reasel (1):
      runelite-client: add tooltip font type dropdown

Sebastiaan Holthuis (1):
      Add " fps" after the number of FPS

Shuhao Wu (1):
      Fix "Clap in the magic axe" master clue. (#2685)

Tomas Slusny (13):
      Improve ProgressBarComponent to support %/FULL
      Update opponent info to use PanelComponent
      Add ItemLayer height to GroundItems overlay
      Fix World Map widget check in
      Reset Fight Cave plugin prayer background color
      Merge clearMapPoint with resetClue
      Improve performance of ClueScrollWorldMapPoint
      Move Hot/Cold message logic to HotColdClue
      Add support for map for hot/cold clues
      Do not floor percentage in progress bars
      Fix updating of Hot/Cold clue
      Reset clue overlay preferred size each render
      Calculate child preferred size based on max size

TzZek (1):
      Add Elf Area Obstacles

Unknown (1):
      Add Overlay for Silver Jewelry to Slayer Plugin

pettenge (1):
      hiscore plugin: autocomplete name lookup based on friends, clan members, and players

trimbe (1):
      Fix hot cold location south of gnome stronghold

ypperlig (1):
      Clear previous image components in fight caves overlay RuneLite threatened to shutdown - Update 2 RuneLite threatened to shutdown - Update 2 2018-05-16T03:00:00.000Z Adam

I have just finished speaking to MMK. I have agreed on a 1-2 day halt on development pending further discussion, and I have closed sourced the deobfuscator and the deobfuscated RuneScape client. RuneLite is allowed to operate during this time.

The new OSBuddy API that has been announced is also a nice step forward. The two clients become not too dissimilar at that point, both with a closed API implementation.

What this means for developers is you must rely on our exposed API and are no longer able to extend or modify it. This limits development some certainly but it is what we must do.

The closed sourced components are both build-time and update-time tools, and are not artifacts shipped to the end user. So, the level of difficulty required for someone to independently prove that a given build of RuneLite is safe (eg. not going to hack you) is approximately the same as before, and still certainly very possible.

Hopefully it gets better from here...

- Adam RuneLite threatened to shutdown - Update RuneLite threatened to shutdown - Update 2018-05-16T00:00:00.000Z Adam

First off, I would like to thank everyone in the community showing so much support for RuneLite. What Jagex did was clearly a great injustice.

It is unfortunate the only way I seem to be able to have any meaningful discussion with Jagex is via loud blog posts.

I have read the Third Party Client Update and it contains some new details to me. Specifically, the "sharing of tools used to deobfuscate Old School RuneScape code, and then re-publishing said code.".

So, I have stripped the aforementioned tools and RuneScape client from GitHub. I will be removing the other distributions off of the server shortly.

Unfortunately this means now RuneLite will be only partially-open source. RuneLite is BSD-2 licensed and the license permits me to do this. This will hinder new contributions some in that they cannot learn of and create new APIs for client access, but we already have a well established API which can be used in the majority of cases.

I don't really agree with some of the reasoning behind this, bots have existed before RuneLite existed, and I'm sure some of them have a better knowledge of the game than I do, but if it must be taken down, then okay.

Regarding "The conversation with RuneLite is part of the long-term strategy and approach for all 3rd party clients and the future of our own official client.", as started in the initial post, I have no problem shutting down RuneLite if all third party clients are to be shut down. But I will not shut it down with the other clients still running.

Jagex, if you have objections to any other aspect of RuneLite, I would prefer if you contacted me and told me about it, instead of threatening me to take down the entire project. I have no problem working with you to address any concerns.

There is a large portion of RuneLite code that Jagex definitely has no claim over, and it belongs to me, and to the many contributors to the project, and I think it is wrong for you to claim it must all be removed.

- Adam RuneLite threatened to shutdown RuneLite threatened to shutdown 2018-05-15T00:00:00.000Z Adam

I have just finished having a discussion with Mod Mat K, who is threatening legal action against RuneLite for copyright infringement if it is not shut down by the end of the week.

I inquired specifically what parts of RuneLite violate Jagex's copyright so that I could take it down, and even offered to close source the project, but MMK insisted that the entire project must be shut down, and gave no specifics about the copyright infringement claims, and only said legal action would be taken.

I was also informed that they were "working on" shutting down both OSB and Konduit, and that I was the "first" to be contacted.

RuneLite is certainly in a grey area to my knowledge of copyright law. I have no issue working with Jagex to remove parts of it from the public eye if requested. I would also have no issue shutting down the entire client if all 3rd party clients were banned. However, I do have an issue with shutting down the entire client while OSBuddy is allowed to operate.

While I agree that RuneLite does threaten the integrity of the game, what threatens it even more is that I have to buy OSBuddy in order to gain the same competitive advantages of other players in game. RuneLite exists to try and level the playing field as to who can develop on the client, of which I think it has done well.

Jagex, please work with me here instead of singling us out. We love the game, and have great respect for you, but this is not an acceptable way of dealing with the third party clients.

If anyone within the community happens to be a (copyright) lawyer, please contact me.

- Adam 1.3.8 Release World map clue overlay, friend notes, hot-cold helper, and special attack counter 2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z Adam

Clue scroll locations are now shown on the in-game world map. Thanks to @MESLewis for his work on this over the past weeks.


A friend notes plugin has been added which lets you associate notes to friends on your friends list.


@Eadgars-Ruse added a hot-cold helper to the clue plugin which helps you narrow down which location the clue is at each time you check the orb. It marks the possible locations to dig on the map.

A special attack counter was added which counts draining special attacks done against certain bosses like the Corporeal Beast.


A FPS plugin was added from @LeviSchuck which displays the current FPS, and allows you to configure a max FPS limit.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix agility plugin calculating laps to level when you level up on a lap
  • Add missing Rellekka fishing spots to fishing plugin
  • XP globes mouseover now shows xp per hour
  • Fix date placement in screenshot with stretched fixed mode
  • Fix xp tracker sometimes showing negative XP
  • Fix bank tags to be case insensitive
  • Add Puro-Puro static spawn locations to imp plugin
  • A chest price evaluator was added to the barrows plugin


- Adam

New commits

We had 29 contributors this release!

AWarbear (4):
      Make farming tracker use english for dates by default (#2345)
      agility plugin: identify active course based on its region
      agility plugin: fix calculating laps to level when leveling up from a lap
      Move system tray icon to be created before the client requests focus

Adam (17):
      impling plugin: use spawn events
      npc indicators: remove unnecessary tagged npcs list
      npc indicators: use events for highlighted npcs
      runelite-client: add tick counter
      demonic gollias: use tick counter
      mixins: inject get/set tick count
      runescape-client: refactor Nameable
      runescape-client: class304 -> FriendContainer
      runescape-client: class298 -> IgnoreContainer
      runescape-client: refactor FriendManager
      runescape-client: method1792 -> removeFriend
      runelite-api: expose Friend
      runelite-api: add nameable name change event
      injector: add method hooks
      Add removed friend event
      chatbox input manager: add support for character limit
      Add friend notes plugin

Alex Kolpa (1):
      Ensure tile spawns on all planes are simulated (#2495)

Eadgars-Ruse (2):
      Add hot-cold clue scroll plugin
      Fix warmer/colder consideration for hot-cold plugin

Jeroen (1):
      Show missing fishing spots in Rellekka in overlay.

Jonathan (1):
      Add xp per hour to xp globes mouse-over tooltip

Jordan (2):
      Add all bracelets to Argdougne emote clue item requirement (#2417)
      Fix Sinclair Mansion emote clue (#2468)

Jordan Atwood (2):
      Fix "No boots" requirement in Mausoleum clue
      Fix Shadow dungeon emote clue location

Joshua Filby (11):
      feat: add a way to get AccountType
      refactor: rename ScriptEvent#field787 to ScriptEvent#mouseX
      refactor: rename ScriptEvent#field780 to ScriptEvent#mouseY
      refactor: rename ScriptEvent#widget to ScriptEvent#source
      refactor: rename ScriptEvent#field779 to ScriptEvent#op
      refactor: rename ScriptEvent#field776 to ScriptEvent#target
      refactor: rename ScriptEvent#pressedKey to ScriptEvent#typedKeyCode
      refactor: rename ScriptEvent#typedKey to ScriptEvent#typedKeyChar
      refactor: rename ScriptEvent#objs to ScriptEvent#params
      refactor: rename ScriptEvent#string to ScriptEvent#opbase
      fix: import correct field

Kamiel (1):
      Add missing overhead icons to API

Lars Ørnlo (1):
      Add config option that enables/disables mouse tooltip on rune pouch however since information is already available on screen if rune pouch is enabled.

Levi (1):
      FPS Plugin

Levi Schuck (2):
      Fix negative total XP calculation when skill starts
      FPS plugin: fix startup not applying limits

Lotto (3):
      screenshotplugin: fix timestamp "button" not being stretched
      screenshotplugin: fix screenshot button ignoring displayDate setting
      screenshotplugin: fix Hunter levelup widget ignoring toggle

Magic fTail (3):
      BossTimerPlugin: Add missing bosses (#2150)
      bank tag plugin: fix searching to be case insensitive
      HunterPlugin: Fix deadfall trap

Maid Dog (2):
      Use Immenizz's in-game name
      Fix monastery clue position

Mantautas Jurksa (1):
      Add Puro-Puro static spawn locations

Max Weber (6):
      runelite-client: Cleanup cli arguments
      runelite-client: Log uncaught exceptions
      method3836 > getSpriteAsSpritePixels
      Add SpriteManager to get sprites from the cache.
      runelite-client: Make notification options not mutually excusive
      Add Burgh de Rott map clue

Morgan Lewis (7):
      runescape-client: export more world map related methods
      runescape-api: import world map methods
      Add world map api and mixin
      runelite-client: add world map overlay renderer
      runelite-client: add world map test plugin
      clue plugin: add world map overlay for clue location
      WorldMapOverlay: Add check for current plane

Rheon (1):
      Add spade req, fix item reqs for emote clues (#1753)

Shuhao Wu (1):
      Updated cryptic clue solution for Kalphite area

SoyChai (2):
      demonicgorilla: Rename plugin to "Demonic Gorillas" with capital G
      demonicgorilla: Use proper inverse methods instead of the ! operator

Tomas Slusny (14):
      Option to only recolor right click menu on ground
      Add 2 new notifications modes (message, flash)
      Disable filtering on logback.xml
      Merge ImagePanelComponent with PanelComponent
      Update all overlays to support new PanelComponent
      Make ProgressPie follow component pattern
      Move the xp/hr in globes to new system
      Sanitize player indicators options
      Clear children in LocationOverlay
      Simplify component system
      Update plugins to use the new TitleComponent
      Add support for customizable gap and border
      Restore min width when keeping window size small
      Iron platelegs -> platebody for Draynor emote clue

Tyler Nichols (1):
      Update to Solution of speaking to Falo the Bard (#2352)

WooxSolo (5):
      Add graphics object API
      Add graphics object created event
      Add graphics objects to devtools
      Add option to keep either window or client size
      Change WorldPoint::distanceTo to use chebyshev distance instead of euclidean distance

iguaan (1):
      correct hard entrana cryptic clue

raqes (1):
      Add special attack counter

trimbe (3):
      Add missing Dorgesh-Kaan clue, fix dagganoth king cryptic
      item manager: change batch item price to accept a collection
      barrows plugin: add barrows chest price evaluator

wa1id (1):
      Add Elite Map clue at Zul-andra (#2306) 1.3.7 Release Farming plugin, demonic gorilla plugin, and cerberus plugin 2018-05-03T00:00:00.000Z Adam

This release adds a farming tracker plugin, which keeps track of what time your crops were planted and will notify you after a time when it would be fully grown. Thanks to @abextm and @NotFoxtrot for their work on this over the last few weeks.


@WooxSolo contributed a demonic gorilla plugin, which counts the attacks against you so you can tell when it will switch attack styles. After it switches, the new style is displayed.


A Cerberus plugin has been added, from @deathbeam which shows the ghost order.


Also, a special thanks to Brandon Kase, FatalWaffles, Jordan Atwood, Maiddog, NotFoxtrot, and Rprrr for continuing to correct and update the clues.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The cannonball count plugin tracks the count correctly again
  • The side toolbar can now be hidden via a button in the menu bar, or ctrl+f11
  • There is now a toggle for highlighting agility shortcuts
  • A vengeance other timer has been added
  • The XP orbs stay on screen while hovered
  • Third age tools added to idle notifier
  • XP tracker "actions left" no longer rounds down, and doesn't get confused by hopping accounts anymore
  • Screenshots can now be taken with the "insert" key
  • Add ability to disable low HP and prayer notifications
  • Add skill progress bar to hiscore panel
  • Add stat change indicator to boosts plugin when indicators are selected


- Adam

New commits

We had 25 contributors this release!

Adam (22):
      update check: set read timeout on socket, move off of request thread
      item controller: remove all synchronous fetching
      item service: move overflow of pending lookups log message to debug
      ws service: optimize session storage
      Revert "Fix cannon cannonball count"
      runelite: fix check for client before requesting itemmanager
      runelite: add --disable-update-check
      account service: fix not setting autoincrement on user id
      runescape-client: export changedSkills and changedSkillsCount
      runelite-api: add VisibleForDevtools annotation for methods only visible for use in devtools
      devtools: add addxp
      runelite-api: add headicon enum
      demonic gorilla plugin: use headicon api
      http-service: fix sql2o statement leak
      Add maven-compiler-plugin to plugin management
      devtools: post xp changed event too
      runescape-client: export world map related symbols
      Use only southermost ghost wave for cerb plugin
      scripts: update comand script from live
      scripts: update options panel rebuilder from live
      scripts: apply zoom limits to options panel rebuilder
      scripts: apply command callback to command script

Brandon Kase (2):
      Adjust stomp dragon-axe clue location
      Add missing comma to hard cryptic

Dennis (1):
      fix prayer reorder shutdown

FatalWaffles (1):
      Fix Beckon in Digsite location

Grant (1):
      Add Agility shortcut highlight toggle

Hydrox6 (2):
      Add Vengeance Other indicator
      Reorder Timer configuration options

Jeroen (1):
      XpGlobe now stays on screen while hovered over it.

Jordan (1):
      Add Zeah Altar elite map clue (#2283)

Jordan Atwood (5):
      Add missing Pyramid emote clue item
      Fix Shayzien command tent emote clue
      Fix hard cryptic clue
      Allow "degree" and "minute" in coordinate clues
      Use British floor numbering in clue scroll hints

Kamiel (6):
      Expose Actor animation and actionFrame to API
      Add anim command to developer tools
      Expose Actor graphic and spotAnimFrame to API
      Add gfx command to developer tools
      Add logger command to change the logger level
      Add 3rd Age Axe and 3rd Age Pickaxe animations to Idle Notifier

Levi (2):
      Refactor overlay renderer screenshot code into a draw manager
      xp tracker: rewrite tracking datastructures

Lotto (1):
      cluescrolls: support any type of ring of dueling in emote clues

Maiddog (3):
      clues: fix spotted cape not being detected
      clues: change npc name check to nameEquals
      Fix various clue objects and locations.

Mantautas Jurksa (1):
      Fix master fire cape emote clue

Marcus Heine (1):
      Enable screenshotting with INSERT

Max Weber (17):
      Initialize ItemManager to a complete state
      Allow ClientThread to re-run invokeLater-ed methods
      Allow ItemManager to be ran off the client thread
      Use ItemManager in KourendLibraryPlugin
      Use ItemManager in GrandExchangePlugin
      cache: Name ObjectDefiniton's varpID and configID correctly
      Add various animation IDs
      Add UsernameChanged event
      Add WorldPoint::getRegionID
      Allow PluginPanels to opt-out of the scrollbar
      Add FarmingTracker plugin
      configmanager: Allow multiple delimiters
      Add missing U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE character
      Rename Setting to VarPlayer
      Merge Varcs into Client::getVar
      Rename SettingsTracker
      farmingtracker: Prevent saving when teleporting

Morgan Lewis (1):
      Add support for mapping parameter names

NotFoxtrot (2):
      Fix cryptic elite clue: Father Aereck
      Fix master clue emote: Entrana church

Reasel (1):
      Add ability to disable HP and Prayer notifications (#2007)

Rprrr (2):
      screenshot plugin: fix exception when taking screenshots on login
      Fixes #2146 (Brother Tranquility 'talk-to' & ''transport' option swap w/Menu Swapper plugin)

Samuel Beresford (1):
      Adds skill progress bar to hiscore panel Matches existing progress bar (look&feel) as xp tracker

Seth (6):
      boosts overlay: move next change text to display at the top
      boosts plugin: Add stat change indicator when indicators are selected
      opponent info: reduce padding size
      clue scroll: add toggle for hint arrows
      clue scroll: fix easy clue
      farming panel: reset progress bar background

SoyChai (5):
      Correct misspellings of "transparent"
      Add underscores to minigame names in WidgetInfo
      agilityplugin: Rename plugin package to agility
      reportbutton: Double frequency of time updates to avoid skipping seconds
      discord: Display skill icons in Discord while training

Tomas Slusny (10):
      Agility plugin small code cleanup
      Do not draw text on top of Mark Of Grace
      Add support for hiding the sidebar
      Fix clue requiring platebody, but wanting legs
      Remove unused imports in ClientUI (#2061)
      Reset clues based on item ID
      Reset clue on unknown clues
      Add Cerberus plugin
      Verify game's minimum size
      Add mappings for currentLoginField

WooxSolo (12):
      Add rectangle support to config
      Remember screen position after closing and reopening
      Add ability to lock client to screen
      runescape-client: export hitsplatValues and applyActorHitsplat
      runelite-api: add hitsplat applied event
      runelite-api: export collision data
      runelite-api: add line of sight algorithm
      runelite-api: add WorldArea
      devtools: add line of sight and valid moves
      Add demonic gorilla plugin
      cannon plugin: fix cannonball count when loading and firing on the same tick
      cannon plugin: add granite cannonball to unload check

oplosthee (1):
      Add toggle for drawing overhead player names to PlayerIndicators plugin

u6077743 (1):
      Improved low hp notif. by considering nmz absorption, 2210 1.3.6 Release Tile marking, clue bugfixes, and entity hider 2018-04-26T00:00:00.000Z Adam

A tile marker plugin has been added which allows you to highlight arbitrary tiles by holding shift and selecting "Mark". The markers are saved with your client settings, and work even in instances.


Agility shortcuts throughout the game are now highlighted, and the agility plugin now highlights marks of grace:


A fairy ring location plugin was added which tells you the location fairy rings are configured to:


An entity hider plugin was added which lets you hide other players and npcs from view.


There has been a large effort to fix and correct all of the clues from the cluescroll plugin. I expect a few more releases before it is solid, but it should no longer point at random objects anymore.

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Opponent info should no longer sometimes show "null" for opponent name
  • The infoboxes now have a configurable wrap limit, and can be configured to stack verically instead.
  • Support for slayer braclets have been added to the slayer plugin
  • The MLM plugin now only shows veins on the same floor as you are
  • Fix notes plugin to textwrap
  • Add kingdom of misc. to screenshot plugin
  • The length XP globes are shown is now configurable
  • Fix client resizing itself when the plugin panel is collapsed and the client is maximized
  • Color HP xp drops when praying too if XP drops are split
  • "Actions Left" has been added to XP globes


- Adam

New commits

We had 26 contributors this release!

Adam (22):
      ge plugin: use query runner for bank query
      perspective: use LOCAL_COORD_BITS in getTileHeight and document that parameters are local coords
      Remove unnecessary groupdIds that are equivalent to the parents
      Rename runelite api artifact to runelite-api
      Rename runescape api artifact to runescape-api
      Change pushingpixels groupId to be under net/runelite
      Update cache-server test to use cache 165 too
      overlay renderer: fix npe when client is null
      devtools: show instance location information
      Add ground marker plugin
      tile mixin: don't fire itemlayer change events when loading regions
      update check service: set a lower connect timeout
      Add command executed event
      runescape-client: rename pendingVarbitChanges/Count
      devtools plugin: add commands to get and set varbits
      idle notifier plugin: use wildcard import for animation ids
      runelite config: add position to config items
      infobox overlay: Configure the amount of boxes per row
      npc mixin: transform npc in getName/getCombatLevel/getId
      npc indicators: fix npe building npcs
      Revert "Merge pull request #1886 from deathbeam/cleanup-sidebar"
      xp tracker service: fix deadlock acquiring connections

Cas van Dongen (1):
      Slayer plugin: Added support for slayer bracelets.

Gabriel (2):
      Fix and add a few medium clue steps
      Fix anagram, cryptic and emote medium clues (#1876)

Gamer1120 (1):
      Only render mining spots on same floor in MLM. Fixes #1642

Grant Dellar (1):
      Change JEditorPane to JTextArea

HypoxiaOSRS (3):
      screenshot plugin: add Kingdom screenshot
      Add rune and addy dragon slayer icons (#1725)
      Fix gnome agility arena emote clue

Håkon Rosseland Paulsen (1):
      xpglobes: add duration of xp orbs in config

Infinitay (2):
      kingdom plugin: only show favour when in kingdom
      Add fairy ring plugin

Jeremy Plsek (5):
      clientui: don't update size if already maximized
      geplugin: create input listener class
      geplugin: replace default action when pressing alt
      stretched mode: pass extended modifiers on click
      Highlight agility shortcuts

Jeroen (2):
      Added an idle notification for when crushing infernal eels.
      Add support for colored HP xp drops if XP drops are split and a combat prayer is active

JerwuQu (1):
      Allow customization of barrows brother location colors

Jordan Atwood (1):
      Fix Canifis emote clue

Kamiel (4):
      Change regen meter arc position and size to match with orb background
      Draw player indicator clan icon further away from player name
      Add VarClientStr to api and rename VarClient to VarClientInt
      Change ground marker plugin to use selected region tile coords instead of basing them off of mouse location

Levi Schuck (1):
      Sort Fishing spots by distance from camera

Lotto (2):
      cluescroll-plugin: group item variants + display when to unequip items
      Add entity hider plugin

Mantautas Jurksa (2):
      cluescroll plugin: remove tags from clue text
      Fix barbarian chest and abbot langley clue steps

Reasel (1):
      Add dropdown for font style for in-game overlays

Rheon-D (1):
      agility plugin: add highlighting for marks of grace

Rune Nielsen (3):
      Clue plugin: fix easy and medium cryptic and emote clues (#1726)
      IdleNotifierPlugin: Add big net fishing
      IdleNotifier: Add infernal harpoon

Samlof (1):
      Add more travel menu swap options and claim slime swap

Seth (3):
      overlay util: remove white outline on minimap dots
      barrows overlay: Reorder enum to match in game overlay/use full name
      barrows overlay: Replace existing slain brother overlay with our own

SomeZer0 (1):
      Fix spirit tree cryptic clue step

Tomas Slusny (8):
      Add back support for regular overload (NMZ)
      Stronger visual indicators for MLM sack
      Do not use object world locations
      Make ObjectClueScroll extend LocationClueScroll
      Fix runelite-client shading
      Remove unnecessary code from GroundMarkerPlugin
      Fix herbiboar performance/blinking
      Cleanup sidebar expanding/closing

Trees (1):
      Add Sacred Eels and Barehand Fishing (#1857)

Valmir Memeti (1):
      Add "Actions left" for Xp globes

WooxSolo (2):
      Fix cannon cannonball count
      Fix 2 emote clues 1.3.5 Release Web XP tracker, Clue scroll arrows, improved HiScore lookup, clue & bug fixes 2018-04-19T00:00:00.000Z Kamielvf

The new Web XP Tracker can now easily be accessed from within the client, simply click the 'Open xp tracker' button or right click on one of the skill panels. Share your gains with your friends and clanmates!


Thanks to @deathbeam the clue scrolls will now point out the location, npc or object you have to go to for your current step when you are in the area!


The motherlode overlay has been updated to show more information. You can now see the amount of gems received thanks to @ypperlig.


The HiScore lookup within the client now supports virtual levels and shows clue stats for each individual clue tier now.


NPCs can now be tagged with either their hull or their tile, this makes it easy to see where you have to click to interact with the tagged NPC. @raqes

For a list of all changes, see the list below.


~ Kamiel

New commits

We had 33 contributors this release!

Adam (17):
      wsservice: move log messages to debug
      item stats: add raids combat potions
      item stats: fix sara brew
      item stats: fix zammy brew
      geplugin: add alt-click to bank items and bank inventory
      slayer plugin: add several missing slayer tasks
      Use built in player index field
      bank value plugin: make calculator more testable
      Fix bank value overflow
      Add deferred eventbus for posting events on the next tick
      Add item container changed event
      runelite-api: add events for actor spawning and despawning
      screenshot plugin: create screenshot folder on startup
      screenshot plugin: remove unused import
      ge search panel: show "No results found" if search is empty, clear on empty lookup
      worldpoint: add dx/dy/dz methods
      Add Angle and Direction

AdenKenny (1):
      Add challenge answer to Clocktower clue

Bart van Helvert (1):
      More accurately draw tile indicators

Dennis (1):
      fix bank placeholder release option

FatalWaffles (7):
      Fix worldpoint for mausoleum
      Add 2nd emote for mausoleum clue
      Fix barb agil and digsite emote clues
      Fix referee cryptic clue
      Fix & add emote clues.
      Add "Teleport to Abyss" to Menu Entry Swapper
      Fix fight arena pub emote clue

Gamer1120 (1):
      TRISTESSAS_TRAGEDY spelling error

HypoxiaOSRS (1):
      Fix shilo village and white wolf mountain hard clues

haakonrp (1):
      menu swapper: swap reset on dismantled traps and lay on expired traps

Jack (1):
      Fix XP Drop plugin recolouring ALL drops whenever a combat prayer is enabled

Jeremy Plsek (1):
      tooltips: hug edge of screen instead of jumping

Kamiel (6):
      Remove tags from highscore lookup
      Set herbiboar and mlm overlays to draw ABOVE_SCENE
      Move herbiboar minimap overlay to its own class
      Fix cat chasing menu entry swap
      Show grand exchange offer type on cancelled state
      Change menuOpened from FieldHook to Hook

Lars Ørnlo (3):
      Add upgraded sack to varbits (5556)
      Some quality of life changes to the Motherlode Mine Plugin.
      Added option that allows a player to see the number of gems found during the current mining session.

Lotto (7):
      hiscore: lookup local player on double-click
      hiscore: display levels above 99 in the panel
      hiscore panel: fix clue/lms/bh breakage
      hiscore panel: fix total level breakage
      Revert "hiscore panel: fix total level breakage"
      hiscore panel: fix not displaying total level correctly
      cluescrolls: fix confusing solution text for Luthas

Marcus Ramse (2):
      Fix worldToMiniMap for locations outside of range
      Change brother name color when killed

Morgan Lewis (1):
      Add object and location to a Ardougne armour shop clue

Nuno Rodrigues (1):
      Fishing Plugin: Add new Lure fishing spots at Barbarian Village, Fix Karamja Spots

OShadowz (2):
      imp plugin: fix magpie impling name and spelling
      imp plugin: add config option to display impling names on minimap

Ocelot (1):
      clue scroll plugin: fix various clues with incorrect steps

Raqes (1):
      npc tag plugin: add option for highlight type and drawing names

Richard Goodman (1):
      Add more POH minimap overlays

Seth (1):
      ge plugin: Display spent price instead of original offer price

ShaunDreclin (2):
      slayer plugin: add slayer target highlighting
      Fix UnsupportedOperationException error in Slayer plugin

SoyChai (1):
      api: Add 1461 labelled sprites to SpriteId

Tomas Slusny (14):
      Add link to web XP tracker to XP panel
      Apply small font option only to dynamic overlays
      Change magic imbue timer to 12 seconds
      Swap also dismantle/reset on box traps
      Universal warning message support in config
      Make condition for H.A.M. pickpockets lowercase
      Add clue hint arrows for clues
      Set default offset to center of tile for arrows
      Do not reuse HttpUrl.builder for building xp urls
      Remove "cast bloom" swapping and make teleport off
      Move reordering of items after shift-click
      Hide clue scroll interface when no clue present
      Fix layer of MotherlodeOverlay
      Centralize setting of hint arrows for clues

Trees (1):
      Refactor FriendManager + Name

Tunnelsnake52 (1):
      Fix Dance a jig under Shantay's Awning coords

Tyler Bochard (2):
      Reduce player indicators overlay priority to MED
      Prevent artifacts in stretched fixed mode

raqes (1):
      Alphabetize the config entries of the menu entry swapper plugin.

nshusa (1):
      Refactored some variables in NPCComposition

nuno (2):
      Add Corsair Cove net fishing spot
      hunter plugin: fix salamander net display

richardbadman (1):
      Fixes easy clue

rune3132 (4):
      Adds individual clue counts to highscore plugin
      jewellery count plugin: add ring of recoil breaking notification
      clue plugin: order map clues after type and id
      clue plugin: fix/add various clues

winterdaze (1):
      fix prayer enhance duration 1.3.4 Release Smooth animations, easier HiScore lookups, and smarter Abyss runs 2018-04-12T00:00:00.000Z Soy

Animation smoothing is here to showcase the bleeding edge of oldschool visuals. Players, NPCs, and environmental objects can now be interpolated (or 'tweened') to animate at higher framerates. Thanks to @DevDennis for bringing this eye candy to life.

animsmoothing1 animsmoothing2 animsmoothing3

HiScore lookups can now be accessed from many more right-click menus, including in the chatbox, your friends list, from private messages, in the clan chat sidebar, and on the raiding party menu (for members with at least a kick-rank). @Kamielvf worked on this quality of life change, big thanks to him.


The Dark Mage in the Abyss can now be highlighted whenever your inventory contains a degraded pouch in need of repairs. Props to @jaeger25 for looking after our forgetful runecrafters.


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Added healing values for 30+ missing foods; most importantly, easter eggs!
  • Menu entry swapper: updated the Travel option to include balloons and Fremennik boats, and added a new Chase option for cats who love rat-hunting. Pickpocket swapping is now limited to H.A.M. members only, due to unintended thieving balance issues (eg. with blackjacking).
  • Removed the Pyramid Plunder plugin because we don't need it any more. Good Jagex.
  • Renamed the Attack Indicators plugin to Attack Styles, and added better control over when the indicator appears.
  • Added a toggle for displaying skilling session stats.
  • Updated our overlay text to use the current oldschool font, complete with slashed 0's.
  • Fixed several clue scroll helpers which pointed to wrong spots, suggested the wrong dance emote, or contained typos.
  • Hunter plugin: fix bug related to setting traps and walking in the same tick.
  • Fixed report button not returning to normal when the plugin was disabled.
  • Fixed the bank tag search forgetting to match item placeholders.
  • Fixed the screenshot plugin crashing on certain dialogs, like grabbing a hammer from a Motherlode crate.


~ Soy

New commits

We had 19 contributors this release!

Adam (15):
      deobfuscator: add fernflower dependency
      runescape-client: refactor item composition int2 -> placeholderId
      runescape-client: refactor item composition int3 -> placeholderTemplateId
      runelite-api: add idEquals to inventory item query
      player indicators: add config for recoloring menu and showing clan rank
      indicators plugin: fix not always identifying menus by type
      runescape-client: item comp team -> shiftClickIndex
      runescape-client: item comp int1 -> team
      runescape-client: field3671 -> params
      runelite-client: remove old plugin classloader
      runelite-client: remove old Plugin.file too
      pluginmanager: don't store plugin enabled/disabled state in config
      runescape-client: export hintArrowOffsetX/Y/Z
      Add animation smoothing plugin
      xp tracker plugin: don't throw from startUp if unable to fetch worlds

Dennis (3):
      runelite-api: expose item composition placeholder ids
      runelite-client: fix bank tags search for placeholder items
      runelite-client: only update the actions if the item id matches

FatalWaffles (6):
      Fixed typo for lighthouse clue
      Fix mess hall emote clue
      Fix "JIG" emote clues
      Fix errors with emote clues (#1312)
      Update worldpoint for map clue 2713
      Fix manor, swamp and lumber yard clue wordpoints (#1356)

Griffin Quarles (2):

Jeremy Plsek (1):
      itemprices plugin: fix noted items not showing ge

Kamiel (3):
      Reset report button text to default when plugin is disabled
      Add HiScore lookup to right click menus
      Update the runescape font to match current OSRS font

Levi (1):
      Average actions left between last 10 XP drops (#1323)

Levi Schuck (2):
      Lumbridge npcs have some bad compositions and return null in the dev
      Reset XP on log-in of another character / mode

Lotto (1):
      cluescroll-plugin: remove duplicate anagram answers

Matt Jaeger (1):
      Highlight dark mage NPC in the center of the abyss when inventory
      contains a degraded pouch

Morgan Lewis (1):
      Add small clarification to Account Plugin tooltip

Rune Nielsen (2):
      Fixed misspelling in clue and added missing clue (#1274)
      Added UGTHANKI_KEBAB_1885 to itemstats plugin (#1263)

Septron (2):
      Add player index to api
      Add hint arrows to api

Seth (1):
      skill sessions: Add a toggle for displaying session stats

SoyChai (12):
      Add healing values (+14) for pumpkins and easter eggs
      itemstats: Add anchovies (+1), fruit battas (+11), and missing (sliced)
      fruits (+2) including peaches (+8)
      itemstats: Fix errant healing stats for sweetcorn variants
      itemstats: Add Dorgeshuun foods with wiki-claimed healing values
      itemstats: Add chocolatey milk (+4) and giant carp (+6)
      banktags: Adjust dialog text to match Withdraw-X dialog
      screenshot: Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBounds errors caused by unsafe parsing of
      level-up widget
      screenshot: Add documentation for primary methods
      screenshot: Define more accurate method names and access levels
      attackstyles: Rename Attack Indicators plugin to Attack Styles
      attackstyles: Add a toggle to Always show style
      attackstyles: Simplify config descriptions

TheLonelyDev (1):
      menu swapper: add Fly, Rellekka travel options, and Chase

Tomas Slusny (4):
      Save text configuration value on enter
      Swap pickpocket only on H.A.M. members
      Revert "Reset XP on log-in of another character / mode"
      Remove pyramid plunder plugin

WooxSolo (3):
      Fix Actor.getWorldLocation to use pathX/pathY instead of getX/getY
      Update game tick event to run after packets have been processed
      hunter plugin: fix setting trap and walking at once

psikoi (1):
      Add a null check to avoid a NullPointerException when the query returns
      null. 1.3.3 Release Bank tags, item shift click configuration, and improved player indicators 2018-04-05T00:00:00.000Z Adam

Bank tags have been added, which allow tagging items in the bank which can later be searched on. Thanks to @devdennis for this, and @abextm for the input dialog work.


You may now also customize the shift click option of any item in the inventory. Right click the inventory and select "Configure", then select the option on the item you want to use for shift click. Thanks to @Kamielvf for this!


The player indicator plugin can now render players clan ranks next to their names and also show friends, teammates, and clan members in the right click menu.


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix prayer reoder plugin not always reodering prayers since the last update
  • Disable kingdom of misc plugin by default
  • Add last destination for spiritual fairy tree to menu swapper plugin
  • Allow configuring gp thresholds for ground items highlighting
  • Add options to disable mouse tooltips on interfaces and in chatbox
  • Fix nmz plugin informing you your absorption is low immediately after entering nmz
  • Require shift to be held for npc tag option to be visibile
  • Fix overlays drawing over the minimap area in fixed mode
  • Move titlebar buttons to side bar when custom chrome is disabled
  • Add option to enable the small font on all of the overlays
  • Fix grounditems showing items as Members only when hopping from f2p to p2p
  • Add fishing spots at Mount Quidamortem
  • Add turquoise slayer helmet to the slayer plugin


- Adam

New commits

We had 11 contributors this release!

Adam (21):
      cache: split color palette code into its own class
      cache: add and compute hsl in underlay
      cache: add and compute hsl in overlay
      cache: add post to object loader
      cache: rewrite map image dumper with logic from client
      ground items overlay: use a loop
      Add item layer changed event
      ground items: use item layer changed event
      Add maven-jar-plugin 3.0.2 to plugin management
      overlay renderer: use copyonwritelist for overlays
      overlay renderer: clip above scene and under widgets to viewport on fixed
      perspective: use viewport offset in get2DGeometry
      Revert "Merge pull request #1154 from deathbeam/team-member-names"
      clanchat plugin: change cache to expire after write
      Add clan member manager to cache clanmember ranks, use in clanchat plugin
      Move clanmember icon logic to clanmanager
      clanmanager: expose way to get bufferedimages for clan icons
      player indicator overlay: render clan rank next to names
      player indicators plugin: change color of menus
      bank tag plugin: use chatbox input manager
      Change MenuEntry type to int

Dennis (7):
      refactor method1721 to runWidgetOnLoadListener
      fix widget loaded event
      expose integer node fields
      expose widget flags
      expose widget actions
      add show menu option nine widget config
      add bank tags plugin

Infinitay (1):
      Disabled kingdom plugin by default, and it's options

Kamiel (6):
      Menu entry swapper: Swap last destination for spiritual fairy tree
      runescape-client: export getShiftClickActionIndex
      Add event for ItemComposition post()
      Add shift click customization to menu swapper plugin
      Add MenuOpened event
      Change shift-click customization behaviour

Max Weber (6):
      ScriptEvent > ScriptCallbackEvent
      Expose methods to execute scripts
      cache: Allow scripts to start with comments
      Mixins: Give scripts a log.debug callback
      Allow assembly and loading of new scripts
      Add ChatboxInputManager to provide a RuneScape styled input box

Morgan Lewis (4):
      Add configuration options for ground item plugin
      Add names from widgetInfo to the Widget Inspector
      Add options to disable mouse tooltip on interfaces and chatbox
      Fix challenge answer for Nurse Wooned clue

Seth (6):
      nmz plugin: reset absorption notification when not in NMZ
      impling plugin: Move minimap overlay into it's own overlay
      agility plugin: Add region check to lap counter
      npc indicator: add shift right click to add tag option
      agility plugin: remove duplicate gamestate event
      ground item overlay: Fix boxes appearing very small with small font

ShaunDreclin (2):
      Fix capitalization of 'Black demon' in npc_health.json
      Highlight current region in Location devtool

Tomas Slusny (24):
      Move loading of session before starting plugins
      Move viewport check below gamestate and CTP
      Save overlay data after resetting position
      Move title toolbar buttons to sidebar in native
      Improve ground items plugin
      Color the hidden items gray when in highlight mode
      Reduce the amount of temporary objects in items
      Invalidate ground items cache properly
      Invalidate item manager cache on hopping and login
      Use provider for client in item manager
      Add option for enabling small font
      Add support for drawing player team's names
      Add mappings and api for DMM player names
      Use built-in name rendering in player indicators
      Merge clan chat and player indicators plugin
      Always remove tags from player.getName()
      Add DMM name drawing opcodes to cache
      Add clan changed hook
      Properly invalidate clan ranks and names
      Add clan changed hook
      Add support for drawing player team's names
      Add mappings for DMM player names
      Add raids fishing spot
      Cache all ground items and then check their state

WooxSolo (1):
      Add chunk borders and map square borders to devtools

rune3132 (1):
      Added the turquoise slayer helmet to the slayer plugin 1.3.2 Release Movable overlays, revamped clue scoll plugin, and tithe farm plugin 2018-03-29T00:00:00.000Z Adam

Movable overlay support is finally here! This allows you to move any RuneLite Overlay to any position on the screen. Hold alt to do so. There are 4 (or 5 on resizable) "snap corners" provided where, if you move an overlay to a snap corner, the client will dynamically place the overlay to not draw on top of other overlays. Thanks to @deathbeam for this feature.


The clue scroll plugin has been rewritten, and now supports all clue types. Thanks to @devLotto for their work on this.

clue1 clue2

A tithe farm plugin was added by @Unmoon, which tracks plant growth stages and state.


The agility plugin now has an additional lap counter overlay by @sethtroll:


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The instance map plugin maps now look the same as the ingame minimap
  • Mouse tooltips were moved to the bottom right corner of the mouse, and are now hidden when the game has a tooltip open.
  • Fixed slayer points and streak being lost on restart
  • A kingdom of Miscellania plugin has been added to show you your support, and optionally warn if it is unpopular
  • The raids points interface has been replaced with an overlay that also includes party size. As with the other overlays, this is now movable.
  • Antipoison and superantipoision were added to the timers plugin
  • Add holy wrench effect to itemstats plugin
  • Sort infoboxes by plugin and priority
  • Add Silver sickle(b) to menu swapper plugin
  • Expand list of skill abbreviations for the !lvl command
  • Add spicey stew to item stats plugin
  • Add cave horror cannon spot
  • Fix lizardmen cannon spot


- Adam

New commits

We had 15 contributors this release!

Adam (14):
      config manager: check for invalid keynames in loadFromFile
      config manager: add get and set configuration methods for objects
      Add movable overlay support
      travis: remove oracle-java8-installer as it broke and use the oraclejdk travis ships, which is new enough now
      feed plugin: make scheduled method public
      wsservice: remove sessions on close or error
      instance map plugin: rewrite to use client minimap code
      runescape-client: export varc related classes/fields
      Add varc api accessors, and tooltip varclient
      mouse highlight plugin: hide tooltips when the client is showing tooltips
      xp globes: move expire check to a scheduled method
      cluescroll overlay: set priority to low
      agility lap overlay: set priority to low
      slayer plugin: load points and streak on login and startup

Charlie Waters (2):
      Fix clue scroll plugin game object query for world overlay
      Fix some clue solutions

Infinitay (4):
      Added Kingdom of Miscellania plugin
      Added daily task indicators plugin
      Fixed checkCanCollectEssence method
      Disabled plugin by default  - Hopefully will encourage users seeking this    feature to configure it to their liking.    For example, if ironman, disable herb box.

Joshua Filby (50):
      refactor: rename widgetSettings to clientVarps
      refactor: rename settings to serverVarps
      refactor: remove unnecessary Client#getSettings(), use Client#getVarps()
      fix: hook clientVarps instead of settings
      refactor: rename get/set settings to get/set varp
      refactor(widget): rename method4463 to decodeListener
      refactor(widget): rename method4464 to decodeTransmitList
      refactor(widget): rename field2898 to onLoadListener
      refactor(widget): rename mouseEnterListener to onMouseOverListener
      refactor(widget): rename mouseExitListener to onMouseLeaveListener
      refactor(widget): rename field2807 to onTargetLeaveListener
      refactor(widget): rename field2908 to onTargetEnterListener
      refactor(widget): rename configListenerArgs to onVarTransmitListener
      refactor(widget): rename tableListenerArgs to onInvTransmitListener
      refactor(widget): rename skillListenerArgs to onStatTransmitListener
      refactor(widget): rename renderListener to onTimerListener
      refactor(widget): rename field2917 to onOpListener
      refactor(widget): rename mouseHoverListener to onMouseRepeatListener
      refactor(widget): rename field2899 to onClickListener
      refactor(widget): rename field2900 to onClickRepeatListener
      refactor(widget): rename field2901 to onReleaseListener
      refactor(widget): rename field2902 to onHoldListener
      refactor(widget): rename field2906 to onDragListener
      refactor(widget): rename field2907 to onDragCompleteListener
      refactor(widget): rename scrollListener to onScrollWheelListener
      refactor(widget): rename configTriggers to varTransmitTriggers
      refactor(widget): rename tableModTriggers to invTransmitTriggers
      refactor(widget): rename skillTriggers to statTransmitTriggers
      refactor(widget): rename selectedAction to targetVerb
      refactor(widget): rename field2895 to dragRenderBehavior
      refactor(widget): rename field2894 to dragDeadTime
      refactor(widget): rename field2817 to dragDeadZone
      refactor(widget): rename config to clickMask
      refactor(widget): rename name to opBase
      refactor(widget): rename field2866 to offsetX2d
      refactor(widget): rename field2867 to offsetY2d
      refactor(widget): rename field2919 to onChatTransmitListener
      refactor(widget): rename field2920 to onKeyListener
      refactor(widget): rename field2921 to onFriendTransmitListener
      refactor(widget): rename field2922 to onClanTransmitListener
      refactor(widget): rename field2923 to onMiscTransmitListener
      refactor(widget): rename field2924 to onDialogAbortListener
      refactor(widget): rename field2925 to onSubChangeListener
      refactor(widget): rename field2873 to onStockTransmitListener
      refactor(widget): rename field2820 to onCamFinishedListener
      refactor(widget): rename field2926 to onResizeListener
      refactor(widget): rename mouseActionsPresent to hasListener
      refactor(widget): rename field2951 to noScrollThrough
      fix: import correct field for click masks
      fix: import correct field for op base

Kamiel (6):
      Item price tooltip: use linebreak instead of comma
      Fix ranging potion showing invalid boost value
      Ground items: Only consume mouse clicks when a checkbox has been clicked
      Show remaining time on successful hunter traps
      Add raid party size varbit
      Replace raids points widget with custom overlay

Lotto (9):
      runelite-api: make InventoryItemQuery take in InventoryID
      runelite-api: add emote window widget info
      runelite-client: pass in z offset into renderActorOverlayImage
      runelite-client: extend overlay util to render Areas and LocalPoint
      runelite-client: add line wrapping to PanelComponent lines
      runelite-api: add sprite ids class
      runelite-client: add resource images to clue scroll plugin
      runelite-client: revamp clue scroll plugin
      runelite-client: remove old clue scroll enums

Lyn Levenick (2):
      Add notifications for NMZ power-up spawns
      Fix tray icon crash when clicked quickly on start

Max Weber (10):
      itemstats: Support holy wrench effect
      configmanager: synchronize disk access
      itemstats: use EnergyStat instead of anonymous stat
      menumanager: Actually remove menu options
      injector: Allow <clinit> an <init> injection with multiple mixins on the same class
      deob: Always use / delimters in pool.Class
      injector: Allow assertions to be used in mixins
      mixins: Use assert in scriptvm
      runelite-client: Add ClientThread to aid in synchronizing with the client
      Ensure createItemSprite is called on the game thread

Seth (4):
      info boxes: associate plugins to infoboxes
      info boxes: sort boxes by priority
      jewelrycharges: Add Teleport crystal(5)
      agility plugin: Add lap counter

ShaunDreclin (1):
      Add Silver sickle(b) to menu entry swapper plugin.

SoyChai (4):
      Expand list of skill abbreviations for the !Lvl command
      Expand tests for and document the Experience API
      Add spicy stews to item stats plugin
      Extra documentation for the Stat and StatChange classes

Tomas Slusny (18):
      Add Cave Horror cannon spot
      Fix Lizardmen cannon spot plane
      Add support for points to ConfigManager
      Add support for getting real canvas dimensions
      Calculate overlay bounds also for dynamic overlays
      Create translated copy of OverlayBounds
      Improve caching of game-related variables
      Change multiple overlay lists to map
      Instance map improvements + moving
      Make unsetConfiguration non-blocking
      Disable overlay dragging mode on focus lost
      Remove not needed parent point and minimap orb
      Move tooltip to the right-bottom of the mouse
      Add null-check for overlays in OverlayRenderer
      Add getCanvasOffset to clientUI, fix screenshots
      Add formatNumber methods to StackFormatter
      Expand panels based on click event not isSelected
      Add null-check for Client to MenuManager

Unmoon (1):
      Add Tithe Farm plugin

jamesahhh (1):
      Add antipoison and superantipoison timers (#1159)

rune3132 (1):
      Additions to Jewellery count plugin 1.3.1 Release Prayer reordering, bank price evaluation, and NPC highlighting 2018-03-22T00:00:00.000Z Adam

A prayer reordering plugin has been added which lets you reorder the prayers in your prayer book. Big thanks to @devdennis for the excellent work on making this possible;


@McSwindler contributed a NPC highlight plugin which lets you tag npcs, and also configure a list of npcs which are highlighted.


A bank evaluator has been added, which is a combination of effort from myself, @jplsek, and @TheLonelyDev. It will tell you the overall GE and HA price of each tab of your bank.


The ground items plugin now supports quickly hiding and highlighting items. Thanks to @sethtroll.


A herbiboar plugin has been added from @Perterter. It highlights the starting rocks, trail, and the two objects to search at the end of each trail.


An item price plugin has been added, from @ChaoticConundrum, which shows the price of items when hovered over in the bank.


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Ground items now support wildcards in both hidden and highlighted fields, so for example *bone* will hide/highlight all bones
  • The boosted stats plugin now shows time until next change
  • The agility plugin allows configuring of the hitbox overlay color
  • Game menus options are no longer left broken when moving regions with the menu option
  • Attack style plugin now hides attack styles better
  • Fixed Kourend library plugin, which was broken last release
  • Show glory location in POH plugin
  • Common cannon placement spots have been added to the cannon plugin
  • Remaining XP to level has been added to the hiscore panel
  • Removed background from the prayer flick overlay, which made the quick prayers  toggle hard to see
  • Added godwars altar timer
  • Superior slayer notifications have been added to the slayer plugin
  • The slayer plugin infobox (with your current task) now has a configurable timeout
  • The time until levelup has been added to the xp tracker panel


- Adam

New commits

We had 16 contributors this release!

Adam (26):
      runelite-mixins: add null checks in region mixin
      Bump for
      runelite-mixins: add null checks in region mixin
      boosts plugin: show time to next change
      ground items: add support for wildcards
      ge plugin: move item composition and image calls off of awt thread
      runescape-client: export updateNote
      runescape-client: fix sprite originalWidth<->width and export fields for loading sprites
      cache: add provider interfaces for items, models, sprites, and textures
      cache: add updateNote to ItemDefinition
      cache: fix not invalidating vertexNormals in reset
      cache: expand on texture definition and loader
      cache: store original pixels and palette too, and add normalize()
      cache: add resize, recolor, and retexture to modeldefinirtion
      cache: add item sprite renderer
      cache controller: expose item sprites
      examine service: correct type column enum
      item manager: add batch item price lookup
      Hook to actor health being updated to detect death
      gitignore: add eclipse files
      runelite-api: move getConvexHull to Model
      runelite-api: add getConvexHull to Actor
      Add npc menu options to MenuManager
      devtools: remove double npc transform call
      utils: add wildcard matcher from grounditems
      runelite-client: add npc highlight plugin

Cas (1):
      Agility plugin: Agility configuration with Select Color

Charlie Waters (6):
      Add items to item stats plugin: spinach roll, lava eel, sandwich lady items, jangerberries
      Fix bug with rendering more than two tooltips following mouse
      Add TooltipManager method to add tooltip to front of list, and always add mouse highlight tooltip to front
      Add item prices plugin for item price/value tooltips
      Add FocusChanged event from runescape client
      Fix Groud Items plugin Alt+Tab bug by hooking FocusChanged event

Dennis (10):
      restore menu entries after open/close widget
      fix prayer order resetting after teleporting to a new area
      injector: checkcast return values from replaced methods
      runescape-client: export animation related symbols
      runelite-api: expose dragging widget fields
      runelite-api: add event for dragging widget
      runelite-api: add widget open event
      runelite-mixins: add null check for widget group in getGroup()
      runelite-api: add widget config
      runelite-client: add prayer reordering plugin

Dreyri (2):
      Broadcast widget hidden changed recursively for each child too
      Use isLocalHidden in attack indicator plugin

Jeremy Plsek (4):
      http-api: add batch lookup to ItemClient
      stack formatter: support larger stack sizes
      bank item query: only search items in current tab
      Add bank value plugin

Kamiel (1):
      Add progress pie type overlay

Max Weber (5):
      kourendlibrary: Fix NPE while loading
      kourendlibrary: Use correct coordinate conversion
      jarvis: allow null points
      Add JShadowedLabel
      Change colors in XPInfoPanel to be brighter

Seth (9):
      poh plugin: change gameobject map to tile object
      pog plugin: fix mounted glory minimap icon
      cannon plugin: add common cannon spots
      ground items: add support for quickly hiding/highlighting items
      hiscore panel: make hiscores type more visible
      hiscore panel: add Remaining XP to next level to hover text
      hiscore panel: add loading label when searching
      menu entry swapper: add bury swap
      prayer flick overlay: remove background arc

Tomas Slusny (24):
      Extract utlity methods to SwingUtil class
      Remove the need to extend JFrame in ClientUI
      Make plugins work with new ClientUI
      Remove need to extend JToolBar in PluginToolbar
      Make plugins work with the new PluginToolbar
      Remove the need for custom TitleToolbar component
      Make plugins work with new title toolbar
      Add Discord button through DiscordPlugin
      Add support for popups to navigation button
      Change panel supplier to just getter for panel
      Consistent behaviour between ClientUI and InfoPane
      Set correct offsets to overlays, smaller panels
      Reposition instance map correctly in resizeable
      Use backgroundComponent for drawing border of map
      Lower default width of the PanelComponent
      Fix herbiboar plugin NPE on startup
      Fix AgilityPlugin naming conventions
      Fix Herbiboar plugin naming conventions
      Correctly name Herbiboar classes
      Remove unused variables in Herbiboar plugin
      Fix ClientUI settings loading
      Click the navigation button on selecting in
      Fix tooltip modicon OutOfBounds
      Do not display stack in price tooltips

Toocanzs (1):
      Add God Wars Altar Timer

Tyler Hardy (4):
      Add herbiboar varbits
      Add herbiboar plugin
      Move region check to loading
      Fix improper varbit for trail 31372

Xavier Bergeron (1):
      Add slayer superior foe notification

XrioBtw (1):
      Fix net and harpoon swap for all fishing spots

joshpfox (1):
      configurable slayer infobox expiry timer

nvisser (1):
      Add time till next level to xptracker 1.3.0 Release Menu swapping and highlighting, hp and spec regen meter, and player names on minimap 2018-03-15T00:00:00.000Z Adam

@Xrio contributed a menu swapper plugin which swaps the left click menu options on some things.


The ground items plugin can now highlight menu options based on item price, thanks to @devdennis.


@abex added a regen meter to the hitpoints and special attack orbs.


The player indicator plugin can now show player names on the minimap, from @deathbeam


Also, thanks to @josharoo and @fe-mirino for their work on expanding the wiki.

The minimap plugin now has an option to allow hiding the minimap on resized mode (@Blizik)

There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The xp tracker plugin has been overhauled to show more information in less space
  • Fixed item sprites in the fishing plugin (among other places) sometimes having the incorrect zoom applied to them
  • Opponent info overlay will now update hitpoints for opponents you recently were targeting
  • Fix hiscore player menu option intefering with other game menu options like Whack
  • Fix attack styles not being hidden when attack style plugin configuration is changed
  • Add right click menu to screenshot button to open the screenshot folder
  • Reposition points box in raids to be underneat the xp dropper overlay


- Adam

New commits

We had 15 contributors this release!

Adam (20):
      Bump to
      Bump to 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT
      session client: fix throwing IllegalArgumentException if deserialization of uuid fails
      widget id: fix viewport child widget
      Also bump scm tag
      session client: fix throwing IllegalArgumentException if deserialization of uuid fails
      widget id: fix viewport child widget
      item controller: add method for bulk price lookups
      instance map: fix various races between game and event threads
      runelite-api: add ability to get npc index
      runelite-api: expose cachedNpcs
      opponent info overlay: use last opponent if no opponent is targeted
      Reset player menu types whenever the options are changed
      runelite-api: expose npc composition
      dev tools overlay: transform npcs if applicable
      sessions: decrease session ping frequency
      cache: fix item definition default zoom2d
      runelite-api: add scale to createItemSprite
      http-service: add sprite service
      runelite-client: add github release plugin configuration

Bart van Helvert (1):
      Remove unneeded drawRegionTile calls

Blizik (1):
      Add ability to toggle minimap display

Connor (1):
      Resolving Issue #860 - Warned Attack Styles not properly hiding. Adding automated test coverage for AttackIndicatorPlugin.

Dennis (1):
      ground items plugin: add option to highlight menu

Dennis de V (1):
      Fix ground items nullpointer exception

Infinitay (1):
      Add confirmation dialog to runelite logout button

Jeremy Plsek (1):
      Add right click menu to screenshot button #797

Joshua Filby (2):
      runelite-client: Add Text#removeTags method
      runelite-client: Update plugins to use Text.removeTags

Kamiel (3):
      Raids plugin: Reposition the points box to prevent it from overlapping overlays
      Fix instance map "show" option not displaying in right-click menu
      Fix instance map "show" option not displaying in right-click menu

Max Weber (11):
      injector: Fix scriptvm not updating currentScript
      isRSHidden > isSelfHidden
      Move widget inspector into it's own window
      jewellerycount: add imp-in-a-box
      Rename Point3D to WorldPoint
      Add conversion methods to WorldPoint and LocalPoint
      Update almost everything to the new API
      Remove old API
      Add planes to planeless tile objects
      hunter plugin: Don't iterate over all tiles
      Add regen meter plugin

Seth (6):
      dev tools: add location to dev tools plugin
      Remove viewport contains
      xp tracker: add format suffix to reduce string size
      xp tracker: update xp tracker UI
      NpcID: update ids to cache 165
      fishing plugin: remove broken minnow npcs and swap to graphic check

Tomas Slusny (6):
      Add idle anim and combat idle toggles to notifier
      Remove duplicated and unused OverlayUtil code
      Add support for drawing names on minimap
      Allow specifying default world in [0-9]{2} format
      Title-case and remove "plugin" from ME swapper
      Fix drawing of player names on minimap

XrioBtw (1):
      Add menu entry swapper plugin

nvisser (1):
      Round actions remaining up 1.2.19 Release Stretched fixed mode, default world, and grand exchange price search! 2018-03-08T00:00:00.000Z Adam

Stretched fixed mode has been added, which stretches the game screen and makes it more playable on high resolution monitors. Thanks to @devLotto for making this happen.

@sethtroll added a GE search feature to the existing grand exchange plugin. You may also use alt+click on your inventory to GE search an item now.


A news feed plugin was added which shows the latest RuneLite blog posts, Old School RuneScape news, and a Twitter feed of JMods.


@ChaoticConundrum added Notes plugin that will allow you to store notes that will be persisted via RuneLite configuration system.


Finally, the long-requested default world plugin has been added thanks to @deathbeam, which sets a preconfigured home world by default.

There were many smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The raids plugin now allows configuring whitelist/blacklist layouts and rotations.
  • The screenshot plugin now takes screenshots of raid rewards
  • Fix length of prayer enhance timer
  • The instance map can now be closed with escape and floor can be changed with scrollbar
  • The "You are fishing" overlay now works again since the last OSRS update
  • @arlyon improved native OSX support - with native fullscreen, and focus requesting
  • Fix cannon plugin showing incorrect double hit spots after region change
  • Allow disabling of the skill icons on XP drops
  • Clear saved private chat history upon clear request
  • Fix clanchat icons not showing during region loading
  • Add configuation option to make the client size fixed
  • Add minimum threshold to teamcape configuration, and now disable by default
  • Most of the plugins has been renamed to proper names, abbreviations was removed and casing was fixed (for example Raids plugin is now named "Chambers Of Xeric")
  • Special Attack Orb plugin was removed in favour of native OSRS special attack orb
  • Various notifaction-related settings was moved to "RuneLite" config section, and now they are applied to all notifications


- Adam

New commits

We had 14 contributors this release!

Adam (12):
      runescape-client: add jav_config
      cannon plugin: use infobox counter instead of overlay
      http-service: add session service
      http-api: add session client
      runelite-client: add client session manager
      client session manager: delete session on shutdown too
      http-service: queue item lookups from images
      input: don't allow duplicate input handlers
      item service: process pending lookups in order
      Change mouse wheel listener back to an interface as the instance map input listener uses it
      ge panel: use static number formatter
      runelite-client: add configuration option for resizable

Charlie Waters (3):
      Add Notes plugin
      Add waterskin charges to jewellerycount plugin. Fixes #825.
      Fix notes plugin loading notes from account

David Kosub (1):
      Notifier improvements and fixes

Desetude (3):
      Fixed HiscorePanel text
      Allow customization of the default color for ground items
      Renamed 'Experience drop' -> 'XP Drop'

Kamiel (13):
      Add ability to whitelist layouts
      Add ability to highlight rooms
      Add ability to whitelist boss rotations
      Add floor duration(s) to infobox tooltip
      Get points from varbits instead of widget
      Set size properly
      Make rotation whitelist not case-sensitive
      Raids plugin: read proper input for room whitelist
      Instance map: Add support for user input
      Clear saved private chat history upon clear request
      Allow disabling of the skill icons on XP drops
      Fix cannon plugin showing incorrect double hit spots after region change
      Fix clanchat messages not showing rank icons at certain moments

Lotto (18):
      deobfuscator: fix aic failing to determine if a field is imported
      http-api: add feed types
      http-service: add services for getting blog posts, tweets and osrs news
      http-service: add feed api endpoint
      http-api: add client for looking up feed
      runelite-client: add news feed plugin
      Improve deob method finding in the injector
      Use a mixin for calling Hooks.draw instead of a @Hook
      Move the 765x503 constants to a Constants API class
      Add a mixin for storing stretched fixed mode setting states
      Add logic for game image stretching in Hooks#draw
      Modify the size and location of the game canvas if stretched is enabled
      Add support for proxying mouseWheelMoved events
      Add support for specifying the position to insert mouse listeners in
      Add mouse listeners that stretch event x/y
      Add stretched fixed mode plugin
      runelite-client: fix Use tooltip arrow not being displayed
      runelite-api: fix worldToMiniMap not working correctly in stretched mode

Max Weber (52):
      Move the Login and Logout buttons to the TitleToolbar
      draw(IIIIII)V > drawRegion
      AudioInstrument.SINE > AUDIO_SINE
      zoom: Fix pitch relaxer after rev 165 changes
      Reuse NumberFormatter to reduce allocations
      inline RSHashTableMixin.getNodes into RSWidgetMixin.getParentId to reduce allocations
      specorb: Cache draws to reduce allocations
      field429 > WorldMapRegionX
      field432 > worldMapRegionWidth
      field426 > worldMapRegionY
      field427 > worldMapRegionHeight
      field3005 > rsOrdinal
      class41 > MapCacheArchiveNames
      field546 > DETAILS
      field541 > COMPOSITE_MAP
      field548 > COMPOSITE_TEXTURE
      field542 > AREA
      field545 > LABELS
      field542 > name
      field450 > objectDefinitionId
      class247 > WorldMapDecorationType
      field446 > decoration
      field452 > rotation
      class31 > WorldMapDecoration
      field417 > decorations
      class29 > WorldMapRectangle
      method588 > getRegionRectForViewport
      field544 > mapRegions
      class35 > WorldMapRegion
      field3464 > value
      class284 > HorizontalAlignment
      class266 > VerticalAlignment
      field3436 > value
      field3464 > horizontalAlignment
      field3463 > verticalAlignment
      field538 > screenX
      field537 > screenY
      field459 > minX
      method312 > getMinX
      method302 > getMinY
      field453 > minY
      method294 > getFileId
      field465 > identifier
      method296 > getIdentifier
      field455 > name
      method288 > getName
      field4014 > worldMapDataByIdentifier
      method6175 > getWorldMapDataByFileId
      method6077 > getWorldMapDataContainingCoord
      method290 > containsCoord
      vmethod712 > containsCoord
      method6122 > onMapClicked

Seth (7):
      opponent info: remove color tags from opponentOpponent name
      item stat: add raid food
      screenshot plugin: fix up chatMessage events
      screenshot plugin: Add raids reward
      item client: add getIcon method
      ge: Add search feature
      idle notifier: add barbtail/dragon harpoon animation

SomeoneWithAnInternetConnection (1):
      Remove left click calling from BA plugin

Tomas Slusny (23):
      Add fuzzy searching to config panel
      Move the notification options to Notifier
      Remove duplicate options from IdleNotifier
      Remove notification settings from NMZ
      Add support for oily rod fishing to idle notifier
      Remove unnecessary chatCommandsEnabled from config
      Allow other types of alerts when messages are off
      Fix "You are fishing" in fishing plugin
      Remove the timeout for HP/pray thresholds
      Correctly focus game canvas when requesting focus
      Make idle notifier work for splashing/missing
      Improve scoring of Jaro-Winkler
      Add link browser utility service
      Use new LinkBrowser in SessionManager
      Use new link browser in Grand Exchange plugin
      Use new link browser in feed plugin
      Continue running in case Discord lib load failed
      Restore original username on syncer shutdown
      Disable team capes plugin by default
      Add support for changing world to API
      Simplify RuneLite API world
      Add default world plugin
      Inverse window resize condition

Unknown (1):
      Team Capes: Added minimum cape count

arlyon (4):
      extract mac-specific functionality into OSXUtil
      notifier: fix to request focus on OSX
      extract out number formatting utility
      Update plugins to use either NumberFormat or the StackFormatter

joshpfox (1):
      Remove duplicate anti-venom+ config check

l2- (1):
      fix prayer enhance timer. its actually 10 seconds shorter than 5 minutes 1.2.18 Release New grand exchange plugin, pyramid plunder plugin, and the cannon plugin now shows NPC double-hit spots 2018-03-01T00:00:00.000Z Adam

A grand exchange plugin has been added by @Someonewithaninternetconnection. It shows your current grand exchange offers and their progress:


@NotFoxtrot contributed a pyramid plunder plugin which uses a less obtrusive interface:


Finally, the cannon plugin was extended by @SemtexError to show the NPC double-hit spots:


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • TzTok-Jad overlay is now shown for the whole fight duration
  • The puzzle solver now displays the fastest solution
  • Add Dorgesh-Kaan and Brimhaven agility arenas to the agility plugin
  • Show skill details on hover instead of click in the hiscore panel
  • Maniacal monkeys have been added to the hunter plugin
  • Hunter plugin was improved to be more accurate, and catch rate overlay was removed
  • Fullscreen support has been added for OSX
  • Achievement diary plugin has been removed in favour of new OSRS achievement diary interface
  • World map has been fixed, no more increased memory consumption after it is closed
  • Positive and negative boosts are now properly colored when using absolute boosts
  • Cannonball plugin now supports unloading


- Adam

New commits

We had 15 contributors this release!

Adam (16):
      overlay renderer: remove unnecessary lambda which makes it hard to profile
      xtea service: fix get() query to join on id
      Revert "xtea service: fix get() query to join on id"
      xtea service:try to fix query again
      runescape-client: refactor WorldMapManager
      runescape-api: import world map data
      runelite-api: expose world map data
      Garbage collect world map once closed
      menu manager: add method to remove player menu items
      hiscore plugin: remove player option on shutdown
      hiscore plugin: add config for player option
      text component: allow color tags
      boosts overlay: show boosts in color
      attack indicator plugin: process hidden styles on startup/shutdown and config changes
      mixin injector: fall back to method name if no deobfuscated name is found
      Add support for intercepting mouse and keyboard input

Devin (1):
      Change TzTok-Jad overlay to be persistent

Hexagon (1):
      Use the address returned by the worldlist api instead of building our own

Joshua Filby (1):
      runescape-client: set the close operation for running deob client to exit on close

Kamiel (6):
      Fix minor issues
      Add ability to set custom colors
      Fix overlays not being rendered
      Follow java coding conventions
      Use normal font weight for input field
      Fix panel expanding inconsistency (#464)

Lotto (21):
      grounditems: offset text on z axis
      puzzlesolver: add IDA* + manhattan distance solver
      puzzlesolver: don't spit out exceptions when the puzzle is finished
      puzzlesolver: use the new solver and display Solving.. + Solved! msgs
      puzzlesolver: update the test to use the new solver
      puzzlesolver: add an option to draw dots instead of arrows
      puzzlesolver: fix solution being reset when clicking the puzzle quickly
      puzzlesolver: remove bounds check from PuzzleSolver#getStep
      Fix Widget#isHidden returning incorrect state when parent is null
      Add grand exchange support to InventoryWidgetItemQuery
      Add varbit for multicombat area
      opponentinfo: display the name of the target of your target
      examineplugin: only capture menuactions with the option "Examine"
      notifier: add option to disable notification sounds
      Add guide prices support to InventoryWidgetItemQuery
      Add equipment window support to InventoryWidgetItemQuery
      modelmixin: use verticesCount/trianglesCount instead of array lengths
      agilityplugin: add support for Dorgesh-Kaan
      agilityplugin: add support for Brimhaven
      hiscoreplugin: show skill details on hover instead of click
      runelite-client: remove diary progress plugin

Max Weber (30):
      cameraPitch > cameraPitchCopy
      field885 > cameraPitch
      method2995 > buildVisibilityMaps
      zoom plugin: Add option to relax the camera's upper pitch limit.
      cache: Add get_is_mobile opcode.
      cameraPitch > cameraPitchTarget
      cameraPitchCopy > cameraPitch
      method565 > drawMapIcons
      method564 > drawMapRegion
      field3927 > worldMapX
      field3944 > worldMapY
      field3947 > worldMapZoom
      field3948 > worldMapZoomTarget
      method385 > drawFlashingMapIcons
      method406 > drawMapLinks
      method402 > drawNonLinkMapIcons
      class39 > MapIcon
      method4375 > bitpack
      class47 > MapIconReference
      field3406 > id
      field488 > areaId
      field556 > areaId
      field3788 > scriptMapIconReference
      class33 > MapLabel
      field433 > fontSize
      field3935 > mapFonts
      field515 > mapFonts
      field450 > mapFonts
      method648 > popcnt
      field431 > text

NotFoxtrot (2):
      Add Pharaoh's sceptre to the jewellery count
      Add new overlay for Pyramid Plunder

Seth (5):
      boss timers: replace resource image with itemID images
      boss timers: add tooltips
      boss timers: add chaos elemental
      image component: fix images being off-centered
      poh plugin: Remove unnecessary toggles

SomeoneWithAnInternetConnection (4):
      Expose isStackable on ItemComposition objects
      Rename progress to state in GrandExchangeOffer
      runelite-api: Add Grand Exchange offer support
      Create Grand Exchange plugin

Tomas Slusny (9):
      Prevent throwing duplacite events for GameObject
      Add support for maniacal monkeys to hunter plugin
      Add default timeout to notify-send on Linux
      Rename "Low memory" to "Low detail" plugin
      Fix crash in ClienUI configChanged event
      Fix NPE in minimap plugin
      Remove animation checks
      Remove catch rate overlay
      Remove inSequence import b/c problems with mapping

XrioBtw (1):
      Add missing cancel menu action

arlyon (2):
      runelite-client: split ostype into its own utility
      runelite-client: enable fullscreen on osx

l2- (1):
      Xp orb fixes (#689)

semtexerror (4):
      cannon plugin: support unloading cannon
      cannon plugin: cleanup
      cannon plugin: add overlay for cannonballs left
      cannon plugin: draw npc double hit spots 1.2.17 Release New raid scouting plugin, Kourend library book finder, and chat history plugin! 2018-02-22T00:00:00.000Z Tomas

A new raids plugin was added by @Kamielvf. This plugin will make raids an even more pleasant experience and adds support for scouting.




Due to recent success of Woox's Kourend library website one of our contributors @Abextm decided to top that and implement a similar feature into RuneLite. It shows where requested books will most likely be and also people who can request books from you.


For everyone who loves smithing, Blast Furnace plugin was added. It shows the money in the coffer and bars in the dispenser. Thanks to @sethtroll!


The configuration system was significantly improved and the plugin manager interface was changed to provide better access to enabling and disabling of plugins.


A new chat history plugin was added, that will preserve your chat history during logout and world hopping. Never miss messages due to hopping again!


If you had problems before differentiating player and NPC minimap dots before, a new plugin for modifying colors of the dots was added.


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Screenshot plugin was improved and should now properly work with most of the level ups
  • Tooltips are now displaying even for game interface actions
  • Tooltips for ironmen and moderators now show the correct icon when hovered
  • Toggle to show only highlighted items was added to the Ground Items plugin
  • Configuration for the color of the NMZ absorption counter was added to the Nightmare Zone plugin
  • Clan chat icons now look good even in fixed mode
  • The speed of !price lookups is now quicker


~ Tomas

New commits

We had 10 contributors this release!

Adam (22):
      Use client Varbit for index, lsb, msb
      Hide xtea plugin from list
      Hide config plugin
      config panel: fix check/uncheck image names
      runelite-client: remove many unnecessary bindings in configure() in plugins
      runelite-client: checkstyle fixes
      http-service: split itemservice into service and controller
      item controller: cache empty price lookups
      item service: always use last known price, and queue price updates instead
      Fix varbits to read the other settings[] array
      boosts plugin: check if skills change before removing infoboxes
      remembser name plugin: fix not setting usernames on session open
      runelite-client: add plugin dependencies
      xp tracker: expose xp stats
      woodcutting plugin: use stats from xp plugin
      fishing plugin: use stats from xp plugin
      runelite-client: add minimap dot plugin
      cannon plugin: check cannon location is in scene
      nmz: reformat config
      item service: change search to only search database
      slayer plugin: remove tasks with item image -1
      tooltip component: split text width calculation into its own method

Ben Moyer (1):
      Remove duplicate tracking info in fishing/woodcutting overlays

Joshua Filby (2):
      cache: release the ByteBuf allocated when calling ByteBuf#readBytes(int)
      Release ByteBuf in CacheClient when downloading chunks

Kamiel (3):
      Fix clanchat icons
      Update team cape plugin to make use of new plugin panel toggles
      Raids scouting plugin

Lotto (8):
      screenshot-plugin: extend test to test Attack and Hunter lvlups
      Change copyright header for UniquePassive to Lotto
      screenshot-plugin: adjust time/date format to not include spaces
      screenshot-plugin: run image saving logic in another thread
      Render modicons in tooltips
      Import API for getting remembered username from preferences.dat
      Update RememberUsernamePlugin to save the name from the vanilla feature
      Change name of RememberUsername plugin to UsernameSyncer

Max Weber (10):
      Fix removing items from the TitleToolbar
      injector: Choose the right constructor if multiple exist
      Change perspective to convert world to local points centered on the tile
      hunter plugin: add imp box
      hunter plugin: Fix null pointer when going across a loading zone
      Add Kourend Library plugin
      Fix menu action clicked hook log
      Allow the info panel's navButton to be removed on shutDown
      Sort the PluginToolbar

Nickolaj Jepsen (1):
      nmz plugin: add color config for the absorption infobox

Seth (6):
      item stat: fix overlay being shown ontop of menu
      imagePanelComponent: Add support for multiple images
      Add Blast furnace plugin
      Remove @Nullable Client annotations
      ground items: Add toggle to show highlighted items only
      ground items: re-order the config

Tomas Slusny (18):
      Add ability to disable/enable all plugins
      Remove enabled() checks
      Fix slayer plugin task reset on config change
      Add region tile manager
      Clear game objects on plugin shutdown
      Add null check for 6 hour waiting time
      Add startup and shutdown methods to DiscordPlugin
      Enable/disable plugins in the ConfigPanel
      Remove "plugin" from each plugin name
      Properly invalidate cache and load icons in Clan
      Re-cache chatMessageManager colors on startup
      Disable configuration button when all items hidden
      Add support for Karambwan/Karambwanji to fishing
      Display tooltips for widget actions
      Fix PuzzleSolverOverlay layer
      Enhance the sending message API
      Add check for clan members > 0 when inserting icon
      Add chat history plugin

UniquePassive (5):
      Add Hunter levelup widget info
      screenshot-plugin: don't include spaces in file names
      screenshot-plugin: adjust the comments for to-be-parsed text
      screenshot-plugin: don't depend on "a " in skill name string
      screenshot-plugin: add detection for Hunter levelups 1.2.16 Release New puzzle box solver, barrows plugin, and NMZ plugin! 2018-02-15T00:00:00.000Z Tomas

An awesome puzzle box plugin has been finally added to RuneLite thanks to work of @UniquePassive. Clues are now even easier to do!



For everyone who likes to AFK, thanks to @Fire-Proof a Nightmare Zone plugin was added. It shows your current Nightmare Zone points in nice RuneLite custom overlay, notifies you when you are low on absorption, and when your overload runs out.


Barrows helper has been added in a new Barrows plugin by @Sethtroll. No more black minimap when in tunnels or finding the correct doors!



Additionally, abyss rift click boxes are now highlighted thanks to @Sethtroll (again).


And new Rogue's den plugin has been added to RuneLite as well, that shows click boxes of the Rogue's den obstacles. Thanks to @ShaunDreclin!


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • The zoom plugin is now working again thanks to @Abextm
  • New option has been added to RuneLite settings that will make your window stay always on top
  • Client is now logging the logs to ~/.runelite/logs, so in case you want to report problem, you can also send the logs that would help us with resolving the problem.
  • POH icon's displaying when on the wrong floor was fixed
  • Slayer task now do not decrements anymore when your slayer level is decremented (for example in God wars or from KBD special attack)
  • Title bar buttons are now shown in the info panel when you have custom title bar disabled

Enjoy the new release!

~ Tomas

New commits

We had 11 contributors this release!

Abex (1):
      Allow titlebar buttons to be moved out of the titlebar

Adam (9):
      mousehighlight: don't show tooltip on sliding puzzles
      timers plugin: respect enabled configuration
      perspective: add method for checking if world location is in scene
      fishing plugin: move minimap overlay to own overlay
      runelite-client: shut down discord service when closed
      http-service: try to release okhttp resources on shutdown
      rs2asm: allow multiple newlines after header or instruction
      item manager: allow getting images with quantity
      item manager: also allow specifying stackable

Max Weber (6):
      method984 > runScript
      Revert "scripts: disable callbacks"
      injector: copy exceptions on Injected classes
      Add raw injector to hook the script interpreter
      Zoom plugin: Relax inner zoom constraint
      injector: Allow injection of <init> and <clinit>

Nickolaj Jepsen (1):
      Add NMZ plugin

NotFoxtrot (1):
      Add always on top setting

Seth (8):
      runecraft plugin: show click boxes of abyss rifts
      cache: Update ObjectManager to include NULL names
      runelite-api: redump objectid with null names
      runelite-api: add getActions, imposterIds, and imposter to ObjectComposition
      perspective: add getCanvasTextMiniMapLocation
      Add barrows plugin
      slayer plugin: add check for cachedXp when xp changes
      poh plugin: fix icons displaying when changing planes

ShaunDreclin (1):
      Add Rogues' Den plugin

SomeoneWithAnInternetConnection (1):
      Fix mismapping of MouseWheel

Tomas Slusny (2):
      Fix logging inside info panel plugin
      Add logback logger that will log to file

Tyler Hardy (3):
      Remove unused Zulrah plugin assets
      Update ItemID from 160 cache
      runepouch plugin: use itemmanager to render runepouch item icons

UniquePassive (4):
      Add puzzle box InventoryID
      Add puzzle box WidgetInfo
      Add puzzle solving algorithm
      Add puzzle solver plugin 1.2.15 Release RuneLite 1.2.15 is released! 2018-02-08T00:00:00.000Z Adam

An agility plugin has been added which shows the click boxes of ability obstaces. Thanks to @SomeoneWithAnInternetConnection for their hard work on reversing the clickbox calculations and making this happen.




Discord Rich Presence support has been added in a new Discord plugin from @deathbeam. It will show what skill you are training in game as your discord status.


Additionally, abyss rift locations and player owned house locations are now marked on the minimap thanks to @Sethtroll.



And the burners are now marked as lit or unlit:


There are also several smaller improvements, including:

  • The screenshot plugin now has configuration for the auto screenshot of levelups and rewards
  • There is now an option to overlay non-clan members in the player indicator plugin
  • Theoretical boosts have been added to the item stats plugin
  • Indicators have been added for stat boots as an alternative to the current overlay
  • Fix sometimes drawing overlays at the wrong height above players and npcs
  • Don't enable low memory mode on the audio subsystem when the client is configured in low memory mode, so the sounds sound normal
  • The teamcape plugin has been readded

- Adam

New commits

We had 9 contributors this release!

Adam (10):
      Revert "runelite-client: remove teamcape plugin"
      cache client: log when index crc changes too
      cache service: fix duplicating index to archive associations
      cache service: split up into cache controller and service
      Split out cache updater into own project
      http service: change cache datasource to runelite-cache2
      runelite-client: add central skill icon cache
      screenshot plugin: add configuration for auto screenshot of levelups and rewards
      screenshot plugin: fix test
      player indicators: use new isFriend/isClanMember api

Ben Moyer (2):
      add option to overlay non-clanmate player names
      Add theoretical boost to item stat overlay

Kamiel (5):
      info box component: vertically center images
      Add indicators to boosts plugin
      Fix several issues with indicators
      Prevent tooltip from being shown when runepouch is empty
      Make examine plugin work for runepouch

Max Weber (4):
      move session management into the SessionManager from the AccountPlugin
      Add info panel plugin
      field1147 > logicalHeight
      change getModelHeight to getLogicalHeight

Seth (5):
      runelite-api: add MiniMapImageLocation to perspective
      runecraft plugin: add Abyss rifts overlay
      make injected fields private
      Fix color tags in OpponentInfo
      Add Poh plugin

SomeoneWithAnInternetConnection (9):
      Decrease the injector plugin's verbosity
      runescape-client: Rename some AABB-related fields
      Simplify Triangle and Vertex with lombok
      Move orientation incantation into Vertex.rotate
      Add method to get the clickable area of a TileObject
      Add events for Decorative and Ground TileObjects
      Add agility plugin
      Fix boosts plugin style nits
      Fix NPEs from BoostsPlugin at startup

Tomas Slusny (6):
      Change default overlay position to UNDER_WIDGETS
      Add new overlay layer position
      Adjust overlay layers and priorities
      Fix MLM plugin overlay layer
      Add Discord RPC service
      Add Discord plugin

UniquePassive (3):
      Always use "high memory" audio
      Rename highMemory to audioHighMemory
      Rename ocLowDetail to objectCompositionLowDetail

Unmoon (3):
      Idle Notifier - Change wording and default value of "Alert When Focused"
      Show ground items under widgets and with interfaces open
      Remove unused import 1.2.14 Release RuneLite 1.2.14 is released! 2018-02-01T00:00:00.000Z Adam

@Abextm added an item stats plugin which shows a tooltip on food and potions to show its effect and whether or not it would be wasteful to consume it.


A new zoom plugin was added which extends the zoom limits on the built in client Zoom feature:


A new motherlode mine plugin was added to mark the locations of ore veins and rocks, thanks to @Sethtroll. Additionally, many new potions and freeze spells have been added to the timer plugin.


@deathbeam reworked the XP tracker plugin to have a nice new UI:


@oplosthee added an achievement diary indicator plugin which shows which sections of diaries have been completed.


There are also several smaller improvements, including:

  • XP drop plugin to recolor xp drops when prayers are activated
  • Fix BA plugin for recent game update
  • Add granite cannonballs to cannon plugin
  • Add configuration option for the runepouch overaly to only show on hover
  • Added configurable tick delay to metronome plugin

- Adam

New commits

We had 10 contributors this release!

Adam (52):
      injector: fix detecting if garbage value should be appended
      runelite-api: rename InventoryItemQuery -> InventoryWidgetItemQuery
      runelite-api: add ItemContainer
      runelite-api: add inventory item query
      Add item stats plugin
      screenshot plugin: add test for different level up messages
      checkstyle: enforce whitespace after comma
      cache: remove script interpreter
      cache: allow passing instruction set to assembler
      runelite-api: add Script
      cache: add set_zoom_distance
      cache: add get_zoom_distance
      cache: add comment to rs2asm grammar
      cache: add set_camera_focal_point_height
      cache: add get_camera_focal_point_height
      cache: add script id to grammar
      runescape-api: add IndexData and IndexDataBase
      runescape-client: method1102 -> execute6500
      runescape-client: rename conflicting getConfigData method in IndexDataBase
      Add slf4j to mixins and expose logger in Hooks for them
      mixin injector: remove assert for moved code to not have exceptions
      Add ability to overlay cache archives
      Add runelite vm opcode and event
      Add int and string script stack to api
      Add script assembler plugin for packing scripts at build time
      Add runelite-scripts project for packaging overlaid scripts and dependency
      Add zoom plugin
      cache service: fix findArchive to select distinct
      runelite-client: add xp drop plugin which colors based on prayers
      metronome plugin: remove configurable sound ids until a better solution is found
      runelite-api: add rigour and augury prayers
      xo drop plugin: add rigour and augury
      xo drop plugin: set back xp drops to default color too
      mlm plugin: disable until it can be rewritten without scene scans every frame
      ground items: only loop tiles which are within distance
      ground items: REGION_SIZE - 1 since this is inclusive now
      cache: allow carriage returns in newlines in scripts
      Remote projectile target and length tracking
      mixins: fix getProjectiles queue iteration logic
      Remove unused imports
      Remove even more unused imports
      item manager: fix trying to cache null in getItemPrice
      config manager: thread config flushes to disk too
      slayer plugin: fix getting -1 count left on tasks
      runelite-client: fix exception from --no-rs
      xp tracker: don't add duplicate entries if nothing changes
      xp tracker plugin: update on logout
      runelite-api: add game object and wall object spawn/change/despawn events
      cannon plugin: update for event change
      hunter plugin: update for event change
      mlm plugin: rewrite to use events
      mlm plugin: default to enabled once again

C Gibson (1):
      Disable screenshots on login screen

Cameron Moberg (1):
      Fixed Barbarian Assault plugin to work with osrs update on 2018/25/1

Kamiel (1):
      Add granite cannonball support to plugin

Max Weber (6):
      method2965 > getScript
      method1752 > getScriptByFile
      Enable custom window border warning
      Add low-memory mode warning
      itemstats: Fix SuperRestore and friends
      runescape-api: remove RSCacheableNode::getNext() and getPrevious(). They are different than RSNode's next and previous, but have the same signature so they can get called instead. This caused the ground overlay to only show 1 item because it was iterating the cache, not the item list.

Seth (14):
      Add hover option to runepouch
      Add graphic changed event
      timers plugin: add more timers
      Fix for screenshot HP level
      Add Wrath rune to Runepouch
      Add timer tooltips
      Fix spelling inconsistencies/add rest of potions
      Add Motherlode plugin
      Add custom colors to ground items
      Fix motherlode Ids
      timers plugin: check config before checking message
      timers plugin: add raids potions
      Fix spelling error on timer
      Add raid varbit check to remove timers

SomeoneWithAnInternetConnection (3):
      Fishing plugin: Add fishing spots north of seers' village
      Remove unused import
      Include unit prices in examine messages

Tomas Slusny (7):
      Change conversion of config stream to map to pairs
      Fix coloring of warned attack styles
      Fix the frame is displayable exception
      Update XP tracking plugin to include more info
      Preserve guava classes in the shaded jar
      Change AccountSession to use lombok features
      Fix access levels of WSClient

UniquePassive (6):
      Add Dimension to configs
      Add a config setting for the game applet's size
      Add a Reset button to config panels for resetting to defaults
      Shift local indices only once
      Make sure injected methods don't invoke copied methods
      screenshot plugin: fix okhttp resource leak on imgur upload

oplosthee (5):
      Add Diary Progress Indicator plugin (#429)
      Change duration of Super Antifire Potions from 2 to 3 minutes
      Extend Metronome Plugin with configurable sound and tick delay (#454)
      Fix Karamja diary displaying incorrect progress
      Remove modification of original diary entry colors 1.2.13 Release RuneLite 1.2.13 is released! 2018-01-25T00:00:00.000Z Adam

This release includes several notable features, including:

@UniquePassive added a screenshot plugin, overlay layers, which automatically takes a screen shot on level up, clue completion, and quest completion. The screenshots may optionally be automatically uploaded to imgur.

You may manually take a screenshot by clicking the camera icon in the titlebar:


If you enjoy the old Low Detail mode, @deathbeam contributed a low detail mode plugin which lets you toggle it.


Finally, @SomeoneWithAnInternetConnection added a metronome plugin to aid with timing game ticks.

There were also several smaller improvements, including:

  • Fixed ground items overlay to correctly account for tile height when drawing item names.
  • Allow plugin panels, including the configuration panel, to keep state between being collapsed and expanded.
  • Fix idle notifier to more reliably notify you
  • Fix broken glyphs which are evident on some overlays
  • Add infernal eel to fishing plugin

On a more serious note, Jagex has requested removal of the Zulrah Helper, Volcanic Mine Helper, Teamcape Overlay, and AoE Plugin for being in violation of the game rules. These plugins have been removed.

Additionally, support for loading external plugins has been removed upon request from Jagex.

- Adam

New commits

We had 13 contributors this release!

Adam (19):
      cache service: lazily load store
      cache service: skip loading filedata as it is not necessary for cache updater
      cache service: move database updating to happen during download
      cache service: don't skip already up to date archives
      cache service: use an identity hashmap as equals checks archive contents
      Revert "cache service: use an identity hashmap as equals checks archive contents"
      Revert "cache service: don't skip already up to date archives"
      Revert "cache service: move database updating to happen during download"
      cache service: remove unused import
      item service: set cache-control: public too
      config panel: don't show groups with no visible config items
      runelite-client: move all main loop checks info try/catch
      infobox manager: check infobox isn't null
      xp tracker: don't reset on logout or hop
      http-service: split hiscore service from controller
      http-service: add beginning of xp tracker
      deobfuscator: map classes of static fields which are initialized in clinit
      Add maven central to be tried before
      runelite-client: remove version and account name from title

Cameron Moberg (2):
      Fixed Slayer task infobox only updating on state change
      Changed how idle checks in combat

Dreyri (16):
      add setter for textColor
      add setter for spriteId
      add setter for width
      add setter for height
      add setter for name
      add setter for contentType
      add setter for type
      add getter/setter for scrollX
      add getter/setter for scrollY
      add setter/getter for originalX
      add getter/setter for originalY
      add getter for paddingX
      add getter for paddingY
      add setter for paddingX
      add setter for paddingY
      dev tools: allow editing widget settings

Martin Tuskevicius (1):
      Swapped viewport width and height fields.

Max Weber (1):
      Allow PluginPanels to keep state

Seth (1):
      Add Clue Scroll/Barrows to screenshot plugin

SomeoneWithAnInternetConnection (7):
      Name some internal runescape audio bits
      Implement sound-playing API
      Add collection of named SoundEffect IDs
      Add metronome plugin
      Rename debug boundingbox drawmode enums
      Expose runescape click/boundingbox display mode
      Add bounding/clickbox buttons to the devtools plugin

SteveOSRS (1):
      Added infernal eel to fishing plugin

Tomas Slusny (14):
      Add startUp method for attack indicators plugin
      Fix startup and shutdown method of AccountPlugin
      Add shutDown to BossTimersPlugin
      Add shutDown to ConfigPlugin
      Add shutDown to DevtoolsPlugin
      Add shutDown method to HiscorePlugin
      Add startup and shutdown methods to SlayerPlugin
      Add shutDown method to TimersPlugin
      Add shutDown method to XpTrackerPlugin
      Fix NPE in ScreenShotPlugin
      Fix idle notifications for animation changes
      Update Project Lombok version to 1.16.20
      runescape-client: rename low detail fields
      Add low memory mode plugin

Tyler Hardy (1):
      Add gargoyle boss to aoe plugin

UniquePassive (7):
      runescape-client: Fix broken glyphs
      Notify before 5 minute idle and 6h logout
      Add nullcheck for counter in SlayerPlugin#onConfigChanged
      runelite-client: update to substance 8.0.00-dev
      runelite-client: add client ui loaded event
      runelite-client: add screenshot plugin
      http-service: fix exception on empty config setKey request body

noremac201 (2):
      Progress Bar Component to not show 2 decimals percent
      Standardize xpglobe tooltip width

oplosthee (1):
      Incorporate height into the GroundItems overlay 1.2.12 Release RuneLite 1.2.12 is released! 2018-01-18T00:00:00.000Z Adam

This release includes several notable features, including:

@UniquePassive added overlay layers, which allows RuneLite to optionally render beneath both the game menu and in-game interfaces (such as the bank).


@Noremac201 added a barbarian assult plugin which introduces a timer until next change, and allows left-click calls.



A new cannon plugin was introduced to count the number of cannonballs left in your cannon, thanks to @Sethtroll.


The new player indicators plugin will draw your friend and clanmates names:


Some improvements have been made to the attack indicator plugin to hide unwanted attack styles instantly. Thanks to @Dreyri for his work on this.


Additionally, various new AoE attacks have been added to the AoE plugin, including Vorkath, Galvek, Vet'ion, Chaos Fanatic, and the Corporeal Beast.




Finally, the configuration panel is now more searchable with a new search bar thanks to @deathbeam:



- Adam

New commits

We had 10 contributors this release!

Adam (11):
      runelite-client: fix plugin manager test
      Move RS-related events to runelite-api
      injector: fix copying method code to update code->method, instructions->code, and instruction->instructions pointers
      Move field hooks to mixins
      runelite-plugin-archetype: update for events which moved to api
      readme: update logo url
      player indicators: update isFriend -> isFriended
      aoeprojectileinfo: store projectiles in a map
      runelite-api: expose widget group ids
      runelite-api: fix combat fornula
      xpglobes: don't break at virt level 126

Bart van Helvert (1):
      Deobfuscation and renaming of object definitions

Cameron Moberg (1):
      Add barbarian assault plugin

Dreyri (31):
      update hz.h to Widget.dynamicX
      update hz.d to Widget.dynamicY
      update hz.v to Widget.dynamicWidth
      update hz.ak to Widget.originalHeight
      update Client.hw to myPlayerIndex
      update ar.ce to KeyFocusListener.keyPressed
      update x.nw to BoundingBox3D.minimapSprite
      update eq.n to getItemStackAmountText
      rename field921 to overheadTextCount
      rename field997 to overheadTexts
      rename field929 to overheadTextsCyclesRemaining
      rename method4886 to getTextWidth
      rename field926 to overheadTextsOffsetX
      rename field925 to overheadTextsOffsetY
      rename field1100 to maxOverheadTexts
      rename method4884 to drawTextCentered
      rename method4903 to drawText
      swap screenX and screenY
      rename field923 to overheadTextsX
      rename field924 to overheadTextsY
      rename method168 to draw2DExtras
      update field1003 to lastLeftClickX
      update field936 to lastLeftClickY
      rename field940 to pressedItemIndex
      renamed method5211 to drawAtOpacity
      rename field 1082 to itemPressedDuration
      rename method3079 to processMouseInput
      rename field679 to mouseLastX
      rename field682 to mouseLastY
      rename class34.field455 to middleMouseMovesCamera
      rename field945 to itemBeingDragged

Frederik Engels (6):
      runescape-client: update Projectile mappings
      Track projectile target and spawn cycle. Add to api with rest of mapings.
      runelite-client: add projectiles to devtools
      runelite-client: add new aoes to aoewarningplugin
      runelite-client: change combat level plugin to use game tick event
      Add widget hidden change event, use in attack indicator plugin

Max Weber (2):
      Update ItemIDs
      Prevent the client from taking focus when it doesn't have it.

Seth (3):
      Add Wintertodt Aoe
      overlay renderer: add check for chatbox being minimized
      Add Cannon plugin

Tomas Slusny (7):
      Add support for making tar idle notification
      Let overlapping tooltips stack vertically
      Add search bar to ConfigPanel
      Fix runelite-plugin-archetype
      Add tile indicators plugin
      Add plugin for displaying player names
      Fix new player-is-x mixins

Tyler Hardy (1):
      Generalize and add MenuActions

UniquePassive (10):
      Don't produce erroneous code when @Copy mixin method missing dummy param
      Don't let @Copy/@Replace methods have more params than ob method
      Implement optimized isFriend, isIgnore and isClanMember
      SpecOrbOverlay: Use fields for position constants + adjust specorb pos
      Remove extra pixels on the right side of minimap_orb_background
      Add API for getting the client BufferProvider
      injector: add injector for drawAfterWidgets call
      runescape-client: add hook for draw under widgets
      runelite-client: add OverlayLayer and rendering logic for multiple overlay layers
      runelite-client: update plugins for new overlay layer 1.2.11 Release New 1.2.11 release of RuneLite is out. Notable new features are an awesome Hunter Plugin and support for more potion timers 2018-01-12T00:00:00.000Z Tomas

In this release we made a lot of improvements to client source, performance and overall stability of the client. But there are few new features that are definitely worth mentioning.

First, and the biggest one is Hunter plugin (thanks to @RobinWeymans). Hunter plugin will show you state of your traps and also time until they will break. That should improve your overall hunting experience (and makes the terrible skill less terrible). Here is small preview:


We also added support for some missing potions for the Timers plugin, and that also includes the newest released potion, Super Antifire Potion.


And last feature on the list is support for native window decorations. That means now you have option to let your window manager handle the window decorations (title bar, window borders). Here is small preview using my window manager (bspwm) without any window borders:


As I said in the beginning of the post, we made a lot of improvements to the client source code (mainly decoupling), so if you are bored Java developer looking for project to contribute to, you are always welcome!

Hopefully you will like the new release, enjoy!

~ Tomas

New commits

We had 15 contributors this release!

Abex (1):
      client: Add option to disable custom window chrome/style

Adam (30):
      Skip archetype test by default
      cache: default index data to protocol 6
      runelite-api: add equipment inventory slot id, inventory id, logout widget and chat message type 7
      cache: fix writeBigSmart
      cache: fix readBigSmart
      cache: fix readString to not sign extend negative values
      cache: rename some fields of object and interface
      cache: lombok definitions
      cache: add a few more write* to outputstream
      cache: add savers
      cache: add map and location definition, convert Region loading to use it
      cache: split cache client and server into their own projects
      runelite-proxy: subtree split into separate repository
      cache: disable map image dumper test
      cache: also disable map dumper test
      runelite-client: move infoboxes back to top left
      runelite-client: always render tooltips on top
      cache test: get tmpdir from a system property
      injector: allow method hooking to end of methods with multiple returns
      Consistently capitalize RuneLite
      Update logo
      xp tracker: reset on world hop and on logging in
      xp tracker: remove unused import
      runelite-client: fix --no-rs
      dev tools: draw over everything
      http-service: fix item price cache to use fetched time instead of price time
      http-service: remove junit/mockito dependencies since spring pulls them in
      http-service: disable default cache control provided by spring-security
      http-service: add cache control to item price
      http-service: change item price cache to 30 minutes

Alexander (2):
      Fall back to default font for glyphs not in the custom font
      ExaminePlugin: Make sure widget children array index is valid

Devin (3):
      Add fight cave plugin config
      Update fight cave plugin overlay
      Update zulrah plugin overlay

Devin French (1):
      Combine BOTTOM_RIGHT and ABOVE_CHATBOX_RIGHT overlays for fixed mode

Julian Tith (1):
      Add craft spinning animation ID and idle notification

Max Weber (1):
      runelite-client: add ConfigItem.warnOnDisable and warnOnEnable to configure when confirmationWarning is shown

Onvo (6):
      New MenuActions related to the hunter plugin
      Add Widget.contains point
      Add GameObjectsChanged event
      Make ground items overlay use new Widget.contains
      Add hunter plugin
      Add colors for impling types

Runelite auto updater (2):
      [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
      [maven-release-plugin] prepare release runelite-parent-1.2.11

SomeoneWithAnInternetConnection (5):
      Actually fix example plugin archetype
      Add tests for archetype-plugin compilability
      Reduce clearRect calls to improve framerate
      Prevent cursor icon from getting stuck as the wrong shape
      Slayer plugin - fix "count on items" feature

Tomas Slusny (20):
      Fix OkHttp connection leaks on connection error
      Change UIManager defaults to use OSRS font
      Change XP tracker button to use image
      Simplify navigation button code
      Move IconTextField to Hiscore plugin
      Normalize plugin panel display
      Change Notifier to be injectable service
      Extract session-related logic to SessionManager
      Extract runQuery to QueryRunner service
      Move creation of client to RuneLite
      Move setTitle to ClientUI
      Move creation of tray icon to ClientUI
      Cleanup RuneLite class fields
      Move creation of UI to ClientUI class
      Remove unnecessary null checks for game client
      Show account and config plugins when outdated
      Change warning for not found task to debug
      Add support for super antifire potion
      Add Antidote++ timer to TimerPlugin
      Improve clan rank caching

UniquePassive (10):
      Don't NPE when Player name is null
      Expand the hiscore panel when looking up players
      Fix BackgroundComponent's background overflow
      Fix previous result not being cleared in hiscore plugin
      Fix ground items not being toggleable
      Fix the UI freezing when refreshing widgets in the Dev Tools
      runescape-client: Rename RSCanvas to GameCanvas
      runescape-client: Rename RSSocket to GameSocket
      Add a world list lookup client
      Add world types

Unmoon (4):
      Ground Items - Fix alch value not applying to whole stack
      Ground Items - Fix coins not having value
      Ground Items - Fix quantity in high alch value display
      Ground Items - Always show highlighted items

kokkue (1):
      idle plugin: add ornament dragon pickaxe

noremac201 (11):
      Added missing skilling skills from boosts overlay. Reordered from left to right and up to down.
      Add new overlay position for above right side of chatbox
      Change attack style plugin to use overlay position ABOVE_CHATBOX_RIGHT
      Added ProgressBar Component
      Modified PanelComponent to hold a ProgressBarComponent
      Updated XpGlobes to use new Components
      Fixed setStroke not being reset in Graphics object
      Added ReportButton Widget to api
      Added Report Button Utilities Plugin
      Fixed attackStyle not being correct without configChangeEvent
      Fixed type 20 attack weapon styles

utsukami (1):
      Fixes idle notifications occurring when they shouldn't (interacting with bankers/players). See #282 1.2.10 Release New 1.2.10 release of RuneLite is out. We added many new features, like native UI, notifications and few plugin improvements. 2017-12-21T00:00:00.000Z Tomas

This release adds lots of new functionality to RuneLite to make the end-user experience even better, and to compete with well established third-party clients.

The most notable new feature is the new UI design. I tried to make it look as close to the native OSRS interfaces as possible. Here is the end result:

native ui

The UI was updated for all of the current RuneLite plugins, and the new API for it is really easy to use, so it can be used in future plugins too. An example of plugin using the new UI api is the new Team Capes plugin.

The plugin is showing the amount of players wearing specific team capes currently visible on the map, which is very useful for pking clans. Here is how it looks in game:

team capes plugin

Till now it was hard to check the price of item you just got as a drop from monster, or just simply to check price of stack of your precious magic logs in bank. That is why there were quite a few improvements to examine plugin in the client. Now you are able to examine items and item stacks in you bank, inventory, equipment screen or even in the Miscellania screen and it shows Grand Exchange and High Alchemy price of that item in the game chat. Here is small example:

examine plugin

To make talking to your clan mates easier, there is new clan chat plugin that shows current ranks of every clan chat member next to his/her name. Example:

clan chat plugin

There were also some background changes in the client to make it work better, fix some bugs and possibly make it faster. One of the background improvements that is also visible to end users is the use of the native notification system, so it now supports every Linux distribution with working notification system and even Mac OS (with same notification support for Windows as before). Example of the notification system in action on Arch Linux with Dunst notification daemon:

native notifications

Well, hopefully you like new release, and as usual, enjoy!

~ Tomas

New commits

We had 9 contributors this release! Special thanks to @deathbeam for his hard work.

Adam (26):
      runelite-client: use lombok for slf4j logger creation
      runelite-client: lombok events
      runelite-client: change AnimationChanged event to have an Actor
      executor: optimize processExceptions()
      deobfuscator: do not cfg deob methods with exceptions in them
      runescape-client: redump
      runelite-client: fix infoboxes
      injector: cast object references to the field type in setters
      injector: add construct injector to create new instances of classes
      injector: ignore synthetic methods in InjectConstruct
      runescape-api: fix javadoc error
      injector: support hooking to ends of methods
      Move setMessage hook to end of method
      clanchat: don't load icons more than once
      runelite-client: fix scheduler for concurrent modifications
      chat message manager: avoid adding chat messages on threads
      cache: remove whirlpool as it is not in osrs
      cache: improve xtea test
      cache: use own Xtea implmentation instead of bouncycastle's
      cache: test scope slf4j-simple
      cache server: never send appended archive revision
      cache: remove tree storage
      cache: fix compression with encryption
      cache: split loading archive files from archive loading
      injector: skip over dups when recursively copying array index instructions
      deobfuscator: remove apache commons dependency

Devin (5):
      Add ImagePanelComponent overlay component
      Add getTeam method for Player
      Add setter for background color of overlay components
      Fix padding for bottom right overlays
      Add team capes plugin

Runelite auto updater (1):
      [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

SomeoneWithAnInternetConnection (2):
      Fix IllegalArgumentExceptions from XPGlobes' tooltips for level 1 stats
      Fix example plugin to use the new overlay API

Tomas Slusny (16):
      Add hide items under value to GroundItems plugin
      Make native notifications lightweight
      Add clan ranks to clan chat
      Improve item caching
      Add chat message recolouring API
      Show item price when examining item
      Show full price for stackable items when examined
      runelite-client: add plugin changed event
      runelite-client: Make overlay UI reuseable and look native
      Cleanup overlay logic after native-ui changes
      Fix displaying of examine price without GE value
      Add support for examining bank and eq items price
      Fix overlay renderer cache
      Isolate graphics for each overlay (#267)
      Remove unused app property from RSStub
      runelite-client: Add app name to RuneliteProperties

Toocanzs (3):
      Move common game state and interface checks to overlay
      Change game tick hook to npc update
      Dispose of BufferedImage graphics in overlay util

Tyler Hardy (4):
      Add Karambwan fishing to animation and idle plugin
      Add crazy arch to aoe plugin
      Remove FPS plugin (deprecated by base osrs ::displayfps)
      Fix default config for dynamic plugins

UniquePassive (1):
      Make special attack orb look a little nicer

Vagrant User (1):
      Add support for native notifications

XrioBtw (1):
      Fix tooltips rendering behind the game

rbbi (1):
      Guice : RuneliteProperties inj (#212) New Site We created new website for RuneLite replacing old one generated by GitHub pages 2017-12-13T00:00:00.000Z Tomas

So, I am happy to present you the new site. This site replaces the old one, what was generated by GitHub pages.

This new site is using latest web development technologies, focusing on performance, user-friendliness and responsivity. It is still new, so if you will have any problems with the site, feel free to submit issue on it's GitHub repository.

Also, if you want to contribute, it has never been easier, as the individual blog posts are rendered from Markdown, so all you need to do to create new blog post is to submit Pull Request to the repository with new Markdown file in format in the src/_posts directory.

Well, all I can say now is, enjoy!

~ Tomas