Road Rules Wiki

Chris Graebe is a cast member from Road Rules: South Pacific.


Retrieved from

South Pacific[]

A self-assured boy from Indiana, Chris, 22, lives his life the way he sees fit. Over a year ago, Chris dropped out of school and moved to California in order to pursue his dream of "boy band" superstardom. However, he soon tired of life on the West Coast and ended up in Nashville living with his father. Despite his estrangement from his father for most of his life, Chris is now making an effort to create a relationship with him. Although he may have lacked the guidance of a father figure earlier in his life, Chris has been able to find confidence in himself, due most in part to his mother's love and devotion. A former "player," Chris has recently challenged himself to change his "evil" ways. He knows it won't be easy.

South Pacific[]

Mission History[]

# Mission Result
8 Catch Me If You Can Failed
9 Rock Diving Completed
10 Glacier Climb Failed
11 Little House on the Prairie Completed
12 Sensory Race Completed
13 Put the Skills to the Test Failed
14 Face Off Failed
15 Trust Me Completed
16 Grab the Keys Completed


  • Chris joined the cast in Episode 8 as a replacement for Abram.

External Links[]
