General Standards to enter driving reviews into the Driver's License Review System:

If you are unable to login to the system, contact your Org/Department HR Rep and ask them to add you as a user. Questions about this process may be sent to:

 [email protected]

Driver's License Review Step by Step Guidelines (PDF)

The University Driving Policy can be found in the Operations Manual Part V. Administrative, Financial and Facilities Policies section 15.7, web site address:

University Driving Policy Driving Record Review Standards

The following are standards for University faculty, staff, students, and volunteers who drive for the purpose of conducting University Business.  Driving privileges will be denied if the driver’s current or past three year driving record indicates any of the following:

  • Conviction of or pled guilty to reckless driving, driving with a suspended, denied, revoked, or barred license, hit and run, or leaving the scene; or
  • License denied, canceled, suspended, revoked, disqualified, or barred; or
  • Conviction of or pled guilty to driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, vehicular homicide, or any driving offense punishable as a felony; or
  • Three or more moving violations.

For purposes of reviewing driver records for eligibility or corrective action, the following will not be included:

  • Failure to use safety belts;
  • Parking violations;
  • Past convictions, suspensions, or revocations related to civil or criminal actions unrelated to driving or vehicle operation; or
  • Speeding violations of 10 miles per hour or less over the legal speed limit only in speed zones where the legal speed limit is between 34 miles per hour and 71 miles per hour.
  • Please familiarize yourself with the University Driving Policy in its entirety.  Questions should be directed to the Office of Risk Management, Insurance and Loss Prevention at 335-0010 or email us at [email protected].


Student Organization Vehicle Use and Driver Guidelines

When can a Student Organization member use a University owned Vehicle?

Student Government, Student Organizations, and Recognized Sports Clubs may use University vehicles only for transportation to:

  • Board of Regents, State of Iowa Meetings (Student Government representatives)
  • An organization’s national or regional conference or meetings (Student Government representatives and Officially recognized University Student Organizations)
  • Official sports club competitions (Officially recognized Sports Clubs)


Who can drive a UI Vehicle?

  • Official student-members of University-recognized student organizations/sports clubs and
  • Student government representatives
  • University faculty or staff directly associated with the organization


A Primary Driver must be designated for the trip and will be responsible for providing information to other drivers and passengers regarding vehicle use policies, securing the vehicle during the trip, performing headcounts, assigning drivers, and determining rest stops.


Who can ride in a UI Vehicle?

  • Authorized drivers
  • Alternate drivers
  • Official members of the student organization/sport club or student government representatives
  • Any University faculty or staff directly associated with the organization


What are the requirements?

  • Prior Written approval of all vehicle request by the Dean of Students (through the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership or though Recreational Services for sports clubs) and Fleet Services. Vehicle request forms shall include information on proposed use, driver information, and passenger list.
  • Driving Record Reviews - Each driver’s record must be reviewed for compliance with the University Driving Policy standards. Driving privileges will be denied if the driver’s current or past three year driving record indicates any of the following:
    • Conviction of or pled guilty to reckless driving, driving with a suspended, denied, revoked, or barred license, hit and run, or leaving the scene; or
    • License denied, canceled, suspended, revoked, disqualified, or barred license barred; or
    • Three or more moving violations.

For purposes of reviewing driver records for eligibility or corrective action, the following will not be included:

  • Failure to use safety belts;
  • Parking violations;
  • Past convictions, suspensions, or revocations related to civil or criminal actions unrelated to driving or vehicle operation; or
  • Speeding violations of 10 miles per hour or less over the legal speed limit only in speed zones where the legal speed limit is between 34 miles per hour and 71 miles per hour.
  • Driver Training
    • Defensive Driving Course—Non-employee student drivers must complete the University’s defensive driving course. Contact Fleet Services for information and to arrange for training.  


Long Distance Driving Guidelines

The University guidelines for groups for long-distance driving are as follows:

In those instances when only one authorized driver is driving long-distance (four or more hours of total driving time), the driver is required to take a 30-minute break every four hours. The driver is not to drive for more than a total of 10 hours during a 24-hour period.

In those instances where a group is driving long-distance (e.g., more than one employee traveling together to a business meeting, or members of a University-recognized student organization traveling to an approved conference), at least two individuals are required to be designated drivers. Drivers are required to rotate driving duties at least once every two-hour period, and take a minimum one-hour break every six hours for all drivers and occupants of the entire vehicle. Any one driver is not to drive for more than a total of 10 hours during a 24-hour period.

The above guidelines assume good driving conditions regarding road, weather, visibility, and other factors. In the event of adverse weather or other factors that may affect the ability to drive safely, first determine if the planned travel route may be driven safely (call the Highway Patrol). If it is determined to be safe to drive with appropriate precautions, the above driving limitations should be modified accordingly to account for the increased driving times.

12 and 15 Passenger Maxivan Guidelines 

All University drivers are prohibited from using/driving 12 and 15 passenger maxivans due to the significant safety concerns.  This prohibition applies to all owned, rented or borrowed 12 and 15 passenger maxivans used to transport people.  Any questions or requests for exceptions can be directed to the Office of Risk Management, Insurance and Loss Prevention at 319-335-0010 or [email protected].