Automatic DNS Resolution

In order to allow automatic DNS resolution using the provided dnsmasq service we will need to make sure DNS request are routed through our local network. This requires some configuration.



On Windows you can set custom DNS for a specific domain using NRPT Rules. You must execute commands in your PowerShell console with admin privileges.

To add the necessary NRPT rule use the Add-DnsClientNrptRule command:

> Add-DnsClientNrptRule -Namespace ".test" -NameServers ""

If you’d like to remove the rule, get the list of all the rules using Get-DnsClientNrptRule:

> Get-DnsClientNrptRule

Name                             : {RULE-NAME}
Version                          : 2
Namespace                        : {.test}
IPsecCARestriction               :
DirectAccessDnsServers           :
DirectAccessEnabled              : False
DirectAccessProxyType            :
DirectAccessProxyName            :
DirectAccessQueryIPsecEncryption :
DirectAccessQueryIPsecRequired   :
NameServers                      :
DnsSecEnabled                    : False
DnsSecQueryIPsecEncryption       :
DnsSecQueryIPsecRequired         :
DnsSecValidationRequired         :
NameEncoding                     : Disable
DisplayName                      :
Comment                          :

And then remove the rule using Remove-DnsClientNrptRule:

> Remove-DnsClientNrptRule -Name "{RULE-NAME}"

It also works if you’re using WSL2.



You will have to add a local DNS resolver and utilize dnsmasq to resolve the *.test domain.

Using Yoga DNS it’s quite simple.

First add a local DNS server:

YogaDNS Servers

When you are done with the server configuration, you have to add a rule for *.test:

YogaDNS Rules


On macOS, DNS resolution is configured automatically for *.test domains using a feature macOS inherits from BSD. When reward install is run (or reward svc up for the first time) the following contents are placed in the /etc/resolver/test file. This has the effect of having zero impact on DNS queries except for those under the .test TLD.


If you desire to have more than this route through the dnsmasq container, you could place another similar file in the /etc/resolver/ directory on a per-TLD basis, or alternatively configure all DNS lookups to pass through the dnsmasq container. To do this, open up Advanced connection settings for the Wi-Fi/LAN settings in System Preferences, and go to the DNS tab. In here press the “+” button to add a new DNS record with the following IP address: followed by fallback records:

Bind dnsmasq container to both TCP and UDP ports

By default, only the UDP port 53 is exposed from the dnsmasq container. Sometimes it doesn’t seem to be enough, and the TCP port 53 has to be exposed as well. To do so enable the reward_dnsmasq_bind_tcp variable in the ~/.reward.yml file.

reward_dnsmasq_bind_tcp: true
reward_dnsmasq_bind_udp: true

And restart the Reward services.


Per network

Open up your connection (Wi-Fi/LAN) settings, and go to the IPv4 tab. Turn off the automatic DNS setting, and enter the following IP addresses,

Persistent global configuration

To avoid having to set the DNS servers for each network you connect, you can also choose to update the global DNS configuration.

Use the resolvconf service to add a permanent entry in your /etc/resolv.conf file.

Install resolvconf

sudo apt update && sudo apt install resolvconf

Edit the /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base file as follows:

search home net

Restart network-manager

sudo service network-manager restart


In the above examples you can replace (CloudFlare) with the IP of your own preferred DNS resolution service such as and (Google) or and (Quad9)


Per network

Open up your connection (Wi-Fi/LAN) settings, and go to the IPv4 tab. Turn off the automatic DNS setting, and enter the following IP addresses,

Persistent global configuration

You should enable systemd-resolved and change your resolv.conf to be managed by systemd-resolved.

$ sudo systemctl start systemd-resolved
$ sudo systemctl enable systemd-resolved
$ sudo ln -sf ln -s /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

When your systemd-resolved is ready, run reinstall reward’s DNS settings and restart systemd-resolved.

$ reward install --dns
$ sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved

DNS resolution to Traefik inside docker network

By default, inside the environment’s docker network the environment’s hostname will be resolved to the traefik container’s IP address.

To change this behaviour you can disable it using the following setting in ~/.reward.yml

reward_resolve_domain_to_traefik: false