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Please, Please Forgive Me!

By John Barbour

Please please forgive me.�

I keep telling you that this is absolutely my last post, especially my last political post. I hate myself for not even being able to keep a promise to myself. However, like a moth to a flame, I am constantly attracted to this meaningless circus called an election, and forced by obvious truths to make another rather unpleasant prediction about November 5th...America's real trick-or-treat Halloween.�

If past is prologue, no matter what candidate wins, America will be the massive loser. If Trump wins, he will gloat and strut like a minor Mussolini fascist whose posturings he resembles. He'll inflict on us all the fascist actions he has tried, more and more incoherently, to verbalize everyday since he lost the debate with Harris...and then avoided two others. It's looking like Biden, as I said before, is his speech coach. � If he loses, he will rage and rage for months and years like... like.. like, well, only Trump can do.�

One of the things I'm proudest of about my many Trump supporters is that, in person or in print, we are still friends who chat with smiles and civility. Only one has ever trashed me. A lady in loud red caps said I would ROAST in Hell. I politely informed her there was no such place as hell but that her Trump would create one in America. So, I guess I will either roast in his Hell. O r religion's make believe one.�

This all reminds me in a way of when I was the 17 yr old illegal immigrant working in the mailroom at Paramount with McCarthyism and Red-baiting ruining lives, careers and a free-speaking, entertaining, informative culture. With the Cuban missile crisis, we were all informed to ' duck and cover ' as students under our wooden desks, or, if we were adults, to build a hole in the ground.�

For some reason, I loudly denied doing either, and said so to my few friends ... nearly all of whom I lost by their calling me a Commie, when I knew nothing about what a Commie was. I just said no politicians are going to drop atomic bombs that would vaporize them. Seemed like a reasonable truth to me. I said then that God or nature or whatever created us didn't create us to ' duck and cover. ' They created us to live life creatively and to the fullest. And create more of us. �

I did both ... and did both extremely well. I believed it as a 17 year old and I believe it even more now that I'm 91.. .and still trying to live creatively ...but sadly unable to create another one of us. story.php?story_fbid= 9576303022396482&id= 100000506373759&rdid= EYeFp0pIzPHCSfwq