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The views and opinions expressed by Guest Columnists
at do not necessarily reflect the views and opinons
of Jeff Rense or the website. We offer these writers in the
spirit of Free Speech and Free communication of
differing points of view.

Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom

Mind Control: History and Applications

Green Global Dictatorship - Regional
Governance, UN Agenda 21, Sustainable
Development And The Wildlands Project

Appendix 100. 101 Diagrams Connecting
UN Agenda 21, NWO, Global Warming Fraud,
9/11 False Flag, (CIA’s) MKULTRA,
Cults (Crestone), 4th World Collective Mind-
Transhumanism, & Gangstalking-Blood
Sacrifice Intel Ops

Operation Crestone-Baca In Flow Chart-
Diagrams Cults, Mind Control, & Weaponization
of Religion For World Conquest

Appendix 193 - Professor Eric T. Karlstrom
vs NWO in in Crestone/Baca, CO - Brief
History of My Environmental Activism and
Research in Crestone/Baca, CO (2006-2013)

Appendix 194 - Professor Eric T. Karlstrom
vs NWO Brief History of My Targeting in
Operation Crestone/Baca CO

Part XIII - Excommunicated From Crestone/
Baca, CO Covert Ops, Mind Control,
Nonconsensual Experimentation &
Targeted Individual Program/Cognitive Warfare

Appendix 232: Targeted Killing: C4ISR &
Net-Centric–Electronic Warfare
Graphics For TIs (YOU are a NODE On the
Kill Network)2020 Riots and HUD
"Opportunity Zones" in USA Follow UN Agenda
21 (now '2030') "Map of Death"

References On Gang Stalking, Mind Control
and Cults

Cybernetics Totalitarian Brain Science
& 'The Psycho-Civilized Society'
'The Minds of Men' documentary (2018) &
Partial Transcription

A Short, Succinct Summary Of Mass
And Individual Mind Control - Here Is How
Your Tax Dollars Have Enslaved You

Cutting Through “Smokescreen Terminology:” 504 Names & Descriptions Reveal Truth Of Gangstalking/Civilian Targeting/”Dissident Hunting” War Crimes/Crimes Against Humanity

Neuroweapons 'Dark Network Supply Chains' -
'Man-Hunting Business' (aka Gangstalking)
And 'Hybrid Warfare' By Dr. James Canton - Video

Confessions of a High-Level Perp - Dr. James
Giordano - Battlespace Organized Stalking
Applications of Neuroscience and Neuroweapons

Dr. James Giordano - Battlescape Brain...
Military and Intelligence Use of Neurocognitive

Deep State Neuroscientists In Their Own Words
'It's Fun!'...'We Are Targeting Brains' - Dr. Eric
Karlstrom On Rense, 4-22-21


Laws of God and Man (US, UN, and
International Treaties) Violated by Organized
Stalking Operations

'Attack on the Brain - Neurowars and
Neurowarfar' by Armin Krishnan (In 'Space and
Defense' - US Air Force Publication, 2016)
Describes and Explains Secret Targeting
Torture and Assassination of TIs

Synopsis of ‘Gangstalking Electronic
Harassment’ (Govt and Privatized No-Touch
Torture-Murder) Program In Quotes & Movies

Gangstalking Mind Control In The Movies -
Anatomy of the 'Perfect Crime' Including
48 films (1943 to 2021)

Jobs For Gangstalkers (aka Signature
Reduction SIGREDUX Technicians) at
Core One Washington DC

Electronic Warfare & Civilian Targeting Program
Presented By Sabrina Wallace Explained By
Dr. Eric Karlstrom On Rense Program 11-8-23

Targeted Individual Program, Havana
Syndrome Explained Sabrina Wallace -
You're Just A Remote Controlled Node

The World On The Ropes

State Surveillance, Tracking, Stalking, Much More

State Surveillance, Tracking, Stalking, &
Whacking Of ‘Targeted Individuals’
(aka ‘Dissidents’ - ‘Terrorists’ w/PROMIS,
PRISM & PALANTIR - Insights Of Whitney
Webb and Others

Scope, Structure, & Purpose of Gangstalking-
Electronic Experimentation, Enslavement,
Execution, Transhumanism, Torture- Murder
Operations (GEEEETTMO) Psychological
Profile of Perps (Weaponized People) &
Destructive Cults Protocols Now Implemented

Terrorism and War Primer (Dr. Eric Karlstrom
Class Notes, ca. 2000)

Suzie Dawson 10-Part Video Series 'Opening
the Five Eyes Exposing the Spies' (Fall, 2019)
w/Transcriptions, Graphics, & Sample Quotes

TIs - Meet Your Stalkers Episode 2 -
Opening The Five Eyes - Exposing the Spies
Suzie Dawson 9/29/19 Transcription Graphics
& Stalking Perps CVs

The Global Warming Scam

Disproofs Of The Hypothesis Of AGW
(Anthropogenic Global Warming)
And Proofs That AGW Is A Fraud

The History of GeoEngineering
…Weather Warfare

Weather Wars

The Great Global Warming Con


Selected Songs from Eric Karlstrom's
music CDs

Cognitive Warfare

Behind NATO's 'cognitive warfare':
'Battle for your brain' waged by
Western militaries (by Ben Norton,
October 8, 2021)

The Mass Mind Control And Abuse Of America

Today’s COINTELPRO - The Deployment of
Civilian-Military Information Operations Against
Civilians (pdf by Camille Piona) w/ Relevant
Laws Violated

Over 20 Million Americans (Including President
Trump) Illegally Targeted, Tracked, Stalked,
Zapped with Directed Energy-Neuro Weapons,
and Surveilled 24/7 According to FBI/CIA/NSA

The Techno-Enslavement Of Humanity

Criminal and Scientific Misconduct Involving Neural Prosthesis Research Funded by the NIH/NINDS/NPP and The Alfred E. Mann Foundation by David Larson (2002, pdf)

TI James Walbert’s Lawsuits Against Jerimiah Redford (2008) and Witchita Police (2011) Re: Directed Energy Weapon Attacks (10 related post; 2 videos)

Jeffrey Madore (TI and Electronics Expert) Explains Organized Gangstalking “Human Research” Torture-Murder Program (2); 2015-17 Video Transcriptions and Comments


Protecting Brainwaves Considering Signal Intelligence Advances (International Law Journal of London, 2014)

Synopsis Of 'Circle of Snakes - How To END
Your Gang Stalking!'

FBI-DHS Fusion Center Murderers -
by Karen M. Stewart, Ex-NSA Analyst

International Tribunal issues Cease and Desist
Order against Neural Monitoring Genocidal
Conspiracy by WHO, WEF, Gates, Trudeau
et al and Mandates Constitutional Law
Enforcement of Tribunal Order

Amerika’s SPYciety Into PERPetuity - More
Job Ads for 'Surveillance Team-Training Role
Players’Counter-Intel Role Players HUMINT
Instructor, etc By General Dynamics IT, ICE,
Inc, Lockheed, Raytheon, Etc

'Targeted Individuals' As Beta Tests For The
Intrabody Nano Network Installed Through
Covid Jabs - Dr. Eric Karlstrom On Jeff Rense
Program 5-6-22 With Extra Posts & Comments

The Surreptitious Reincarnation of
Gang-Stalking Program

Signature Reduction (SIGREDUX)
Dark State’s Undercover 60,000 Spy Army

117 Posts Here PROVE Organized Stalking &
Electronic Torture IS Neuro-Hybrid Warfare &
State-Sponsored Terrorism Against Targeted
Civilians - Elements History Goals and Perpetrators

Audio File - The Zionist Method Of Profiling And
Stalking...And The Devastation Of Human Lives


Discussion of Dr. Robert Duncan's Mind
Control (EEG Heterodyning) Revelations (Dr.
Eric Karlstrom Notes & Rense Show Interview,

Dr. Robert Duncan - Science of Mind
Manipulation - EEG (Electro-Encepholagraphic)
Heterodyning-Remote Mind Control

Neocortical Warfare - Mind-Control State
Political Targeting Secret Weapons Testing
Medical Abuse and Guinea Pigs
(3 Perspectives & Karlstrom-Rense Interview,

Mass Mind Control And Severe TI Abuse -

Torture-Murdered TI, Andrea Metz - CRISPR
Tech, Genetic Theft and 'Authoritarian Political
Warfare' (aka Gangstalking)

Andrea Metz (Tortured and Murdered TI)
TI Statements 4-11-18

Emails to Webmaster from Andrea Metz,
Tortured and Murdered Colorado TI

Andrea Metz (Tortured and Murdered
Colorado TI) Comments And Letter to President Trump

Sagauche County Resolution 2021-07 - 'Civil
Emergency Or Local Disaster Regulations'
FEMA Plan For Martial Law - Agenda 2030
Takedown Of US Citizenry?

Frankenscience, Transhumanism,
Gangstalking & 'TechnoCalypse'
Mark of the Beast...The Ultimate Agenda


Human Brain Project and 'A Brain
Implant Victim Speaks Out'

Hackable Humans Data Colonialism
Jewish Professor Harari Lecture On Davos
'Genocidal Agenda For The 'Useless Class'

Controlled Demolition of the United States
and Western World Through State-Sponsored
Unconventional Warfare

Descent Into Hell
MKULTRA’s Torture Doctors,
Scientists, Spies, & Politicians:
Hall of Shame Rogues Gallery

Gangstalking-Cyber Torture
in Flow Chart Diagrams

Simulated Capitol 'Insurrection' - FBI-DHS
Staged False Flag Fraud To Incite Civil War 2.0

From Operation 'Garden Plot' To Phoenix
Program And CHAOS To 'REX 84' 9/11 DHS
And Northcom - The Decades Old DoD CIA
DHS Perpetual War On Dissidents

From the Phoenix Program (1967-1972)
to Today's Global Gestapo (G5, Global
Government Gangstalking Genocide

The Corona Vax And Its Effects On Human DNA
And Brain Hacking

Scientific-Techno-Satanic Dictatorship And
Longterm Plan To Use Covid-19 Kill Shots To
Destroy Humanity


COVID-19(84) Scamdemic, Global
Gangstalking And Govt-Media Lie Matrix Are
'Hybrid Warfare' To Achieve WEF's Great Reset
And Fascist Technocratic Police State

Jeff & Eric Karlstrom - The Incredible Long Trail
Of Diabolical, Satanic Planning For mRNA
World Depopulation And Control

Dr. Charles Morgan Speech Highlights
...PsychoNeurobiology And War