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The views and opinions expressed by Guest Columnists
at do not necessarily reflect the views and opinons
of Jeff Rense or the website. We offer these writers in the
spirit of Free Speech and Free communication of
differing points of view.

Dean Henderson

Should Russia Launch Tactical Strikes
On Western Decision-Making Centers?

Russia, Wagner And The Future

The World Is Unraveling - Superb Overview

The View From South Dakota

New Books From Nephilim To The Crown
Phenomenal Overview Of How This All

Down And Down We Go

The View From South Dakota

The Crown And The End Of The Line

The View From South Dakota

From The Party State, South Dakota!

The Current View From South Dakota

Henderson Interview On 5G And Corona Virus

Illuminati vs Iran

Dirty Money & The Anunnaki

Illuminati, Nazis & The Illegal State of Israel

The Federal Reserve Cartel...The Illuminati Roundtable

Mumbai, Socialism & The British Raj

Nervous Bilderbergers & Oil Kings

Rothschild Redistributed Your Wealth

Electronic Feudalism Is Hive Mind Production

Dogs Of War Turn On Iran

WEN - Machinations Of Feeble Inbreds

The Soros Psyop Against The Real Left

Love Of Life vs Crown Darkness

Press TV - Ending Iran Sanction Waivers

Tasmin News Agency & Oil Prices

The Illuminati War On Your Soul

Press TV Debate - Trade Wars

Money Boys & Buried Bodies

Connecting The Dots - Turning Humans Into Computers

Human Wetware & The 5G Computer Weapon

The Fed’s 5G Blockchain Enslavement Plan

Henderson - Meet The Mass Murderers

The Crown's Alphabet Thought Police

Crown Agent Wilbur Ross

Who's Behind The 5G Cull Of Humanity?

Freemason Spell Wearing Off

Richie Allen Show - The Fake Left Psyop

World Events Network
Components Of Depopulation

Omar Outsmarts The Benjamins

Beware The Rothschild's Trojan Horses

The Black Nobility's 5G Kill Switch

World Events Network - The Internet Weapon

Henderson - History Of The Parasite Bankers

Tasmin - US Empire On Last Leg

City of London Haiti Drug Route Erupts

The Illuminati's 'Toxic Masculinity' Salvo

Crown Attacks Gabbard & The Real Left

The Amazing Mr. Moon

Message From French Yellow Vests

Ode To Skip

Rockefeller War On Venezuela Continues

The Rothschilds Target Africa

Rothschild Demons Surfacing

CIA In The Andes

The Crown Down Under

The Road To El Dorado

Rothschild Markets Fear Revolution

Black Nobility , Dividers & Artificial Existence

Freemasonic Reality Inversion

Chinks in Oligarchy Armor

Plasma Physics, Saturn & Energy Vampires

Boycott Black Nobility Friday

Silicon Valley Cyborg Disruptors

Caravans, Narco-Oligarchs & The Soros 'Left'

Sustainable Deception

Zimbabwe Defeats The Crown...Again

The Kathmandu Shuffle

The Chinese Model

Henderson - Ditch The Saudis

Illuminati Usurpation Of The Yang

Video On Chapter 17 Of Illuminati Agenda 21

Iran Hits Back At London's Terrorists

Must See Movie - The Spider's Web

Lords of Consciousness - Head Of The Snake

Ramu The Wealthy Socialist

Bitcoin - Illuminati 5G Capstone

Crown Castle & The 5G Beast

Minions Feeding Vampires

Facebook - The New Tower Of Babel

The Illuminati Depopulation Agenda

Toxic Food for the Masses - Part Three
Where Does Your Food Come From?

Toxic Food for the Masses Part Two –
The Gut & Fake Proteins

Press TV Debate - Trump's WTO Threat

Toxic Food for the Masses, Part One
GMOs, Glyphosate and You

Dean Henderson - A Federal Reserve Talk

Protect Yourself from Electromagnetic Frequencies

Casting The World Wide Inter-Net – Part III
5G & The Internet of Things

Psychological Warfare For All

Casting The Worldwide Inter-Net Pt II - Sound Frequency

The Social Darwinism Fraud

People's Internet Radio - Wake Up!

Poisoning the Elixir Part III - Water is Alive

Poisoning The Elixir Part II – Fluoride

Poisoning The Elixir Part I – Water

Skynet - Illuminati Agenda 21, 5G & City Of London

Casting The World Wide Internet – Part I

All-Ways Pursuing Truth - The Black Nobility

The Business Roundtable

All-Ways Pursuing Truth - The Black Nobility

Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion

People's Internet Radio - City PsyOps - Vid

Zain Khan - Royal Anunnaki Bloodlines & David Icke

Dirty Money & The Anunnaki

Returning To The Garden Of Eden

PressTV - 'Free Trade' Funeral - Vid

Zain Khan - The Eight Families

Syria Times - Syrian Army Turns Tide

Henderson Press TV - The Saudi Oil Puppet - Vid

Mexico's Election & The Ghost Of Zapata

Press TV - Judge Sides With Big Oil

Tasmin News - FATF Neo-Colonialism

The Rothschild Illuminati

The Debate - US Trade Wars

Cruising Babylon

Leaving The Garden Of Eden

All Roads Lead To The City Of London

Richie Allen Show - The Grand Illusion

Illuminati Agenda 21

The City Of London

Dean Henderson's New Book
Illuminati Agenda 21

Press TV Debate - US-China Trade War

Russia Channel 1 - George Soros Expose

DARPA's 5G End Game For Humanity

Press TV - India Defies Sanctions On Iran

FBI Mole Stefan Halper A Crown Agent

Why Trump Is A Rothschild Tool

Upcoming Deep Truth Conference

RT Documentary - Remembrance

Crown Scuttles Iran Deal, Killed Kennedy & Did 9/11

Smart Phones Make Dumb People

Rothschild’s Syria Oil Play

Press TV - JP Morgan Chase Hoarding Oil

British Intelligence Behind 'Russiagate'

Syria Times Interview - UK Behind Syria Pretext

Crown Bulldog Attacks Syria

Press TV - French Railroad Workers Strike

Slay The 'Free Trade' Monster

The Rothschilds’ March To WWIII

Press TV - Trump Slams EU Trade Policy

Cambridge Analytica's Facebook MI6 PsyOp

Russian Deaths An MI6 False Flag

Press TV - Trump's Tariffs

The Syria Times - UN Security Council A Political Weapon

Russian Patience Running Out

Assad’s Syrian Checkmate

Press TV - NAFTA On The Ropes?

City Of London’s White Helmets Exposed In Syria

Soros Is Rothschild Lieutenant

Stock Market Begins Nose Dive

Trump’s Syria Hail Mary

Press TV - Fascism, Trump & Empire

Pacifica Interview - Programming Self-Hatred

Korean Talks Irk City Of London

Tech Addiction & The Illuminati Agenda

Press TV - Kurd Uprising

Trump The Neo-Con

The Secret Handshake

The Crusader & The Spooks

911 Beneficiaries

911 Patsies

The Four Horsemen President

It's The Oil Stupid

The Federal Reserve

The Illuminati

Old Hickory & Honest Abe

The House Of Rockefeller

Consolidating The Money Power

The Rockefeller-Morgan Axis

Press TV Interview - Debt Ceiling Looms

Press TV - Trump Draws Imbeciles In MO

Eurodollars & Third World Debt

The Nixon Coup

Kiss Ass

The CIA’s Chechen Drug Lords

Tim Kelly Interview - Oligarchs Exposed

Press TV - Maduro Slams Trump

It's The Oil Stupid

The Russian Wall Street Mafia

Press TV - Afghan War Is Trump’s Dilemna

Big Business & Bolsheviks

The Haitian Route

Press TV - Saudis The Aggressors In Qatar Rift

Sergeant Dow Jones

Hugo Chavez & Zapatista Horse-Slayers

Tasmin News Agency Interview - Iran
Should Keep An Eye On Total

Did Goldstone’s Kangaroo Court Poison Milosevic?

Ethnic Cleansing In Reverse

The Kosovo-Albania Golden Triangle

The Brown & Root Of The Problem

Evisceration Time, Clinton-Style

Press TV Interview - G-20 Protests

Al Qaeda To The Rescue

Banksters Dismantle Yugoslavia

The Gnomes Of Zurich

See No Evil – BNL Skates

Weapons Of Mass Destruction Anyone?

Press TV - Tehran Condemns Tillerson Remarks

Bush League Criminals

Jolly Grain Giants

Who Owns Israel’s Banks?

Henderson Interview - Oil & Oligarchs

Occupying Ghawar

Contracts For Vampires

Al-Sabah Yellow Ribbons

Watch Them All Die

Press TV Interview - Weak 1st Quarter Growth

Iraqi Nationalism Deals Blow To Illuminati

Guatemalan Genocide

Chiquita & The Coca Leaf

Operation Protect Bush Lizard Family Investments

Pan Am Flight 103

Our SOB & Operation Black Eagle

The Busy Little Isle Of Jersey

Press TV Interview - Health Care Chaos

Mutual Assured Destruction

Press TV Interview - Tax-Dodging Banks

Press TV Interview - More US Troops To Syria?

Arming The Iranians

The Muslim Brotherhood

October Surprise & The Hardy Boys

Luke de Padey Interview - The Rothschilds

Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars

Press TV - US Raid On Yemen

The Kennedy Assassination

Marcello’s Oil Mob

S&L Crooks

Baker Family Tumbleweed

Harken Energy

Restoring The Afghan Petro-Monarchy


Press TV - Worldwide Trump Fury

Frankenstein’s Oil Can

Frankenstein Blow Back

Bill It To The Oil Sheiks

Press TV Interview - Alice In Wonderland

Poppy Fields Forever

Skull & Bones

The Bilderbergers

Putting The Eggs In One Basket

Big Fish Swimming Downstream

Press TV - Non-OPEC Nations Cut Production

Flying Dolphins

Press TV - Lakota Warriors Protest Pipeline

Leaving The Arabs Holding The Bag

Henderson Press TV - Brexit Talks

The CIA’s Bank In Washington

PressTV On The News Line - Trump’s Victory

How BCCI Ripped Off Poorest Countries

Dubai, Rothschilds & Annunaki

Protocols Of The Wise Men Of Zion

The Royal Paymaster

Press TV - US Election Sham

Floating The Fed’s House Of Cards

Convenient Monarchy

The Debate - TTIP & CETA Trade Deals

Tea-Sipping Embezzlers

CIA Escapes Costa Rican Justice

Indiana Hull & Contra Cocaine

The Enterprise

Reagan’s Terrorists

Saudi Arabia’s 20 Families

Oil & International Banksters

Press TV Henderson - What’s Behind BREXIT?

Morgan Guaranty


Press TV Interview - South Korea-Iran Start Euro Transactions


Henderson Press TV - US Election Sham

House Of Saud Assassins

Nugan Hand & The Australian Coup

The Fascist Iron Circle


The Golden Triangle

The Trilateral Commission

Press TV Debate - Henderson & US Election

Pull The String & Watch Him Dance

War Is Business & Business Is Good

SAVAK Terrorism & US Multinationals

The Internet Psyop & The Coming Collapse

How To Lose The Matrix Debt Lever

Press TV - Brexit Roils Markets

S&P Downgrades EU For Banksters

Return To The Belly Of The Beast

How To Lose The Matrix Debt Lever

Press TV Interview - Bilderberger Bloodsuckers

Bin Laden & The 911 Illusion, Pt 3 - Secret Societies & Masterminds

The Federal Reserve Cartel, Part V - The Solution

Afghanistan Pt I - Fake Islamists, Heroin & CIA

Afghanistan Part II - Saudis, Al Qaeda & Chevron

The Federal Reserve Cartel - Part III

Love The People, Hate The System

The Federal Reserve Cartel - Part II

Burkina Faso, Thomas Sankara & The NWO

Turkey Invades Iraq For London Bankers

The House Of Rothschild

Press TV - Greek Austerity Measures

Did Rothschilds Just Attack Russia?

Russia Attacks ISIS In Syria

Sanders Should Run As Independent

Fake Islamic Terror Wave Sponsored By British Crown

Sanders Won Debate Despite Media Lies

ISIS - A Fairy Tale

Anti-TTIP Protests Rock Rome

Counting Coup On Mossad

Reptilian Primary Trumped

Ya Basta!

Fighting Escalates In Syria

Bernie Sanders & Wall Street Burning

Jujitsu & Banks

Clinton, Trump & Corporation Trust Center

Overland Through Central America

Iran Nuclear Deal Is Watershed Event

The Ho Chi Minh Trail

US Trains Ukrainian Guard

Savages Real & Imagined

The Clinton’s Dirty Laundry In Panama

The Human Condition

Press TV - GOP Senators Seek To Deny Iran Dollars

Press TV - French Labor Flexes Muscle

Nemtsov & The End Of The British Empire

Maoists, Assassins & Gem Smugglers

Class War In Guatemala

How To Reclaim Your Life

SYRIZA Delivers Blow To Illuminati Banksters

Press TV - GOP Senators Seek To Deny Iran Dollars

Press TV - Iran Missiles Not Open To Compromise

Flippin’ Banksters

Iraq’s True Liberators

USS Persian Gulf

The Crown’s 'Mexican' Drug Cartel

Was Israel Behind Norway Terror Attacks?

Sanders Snubs AIPAC, Trump A Rothschild Tool

Sandinistas Vs Monsanto

Rothschild’s Saudi Lapdog Armed Libyan Rebels

Rubber Gloves For UK Oligarchs

The End Of Anglo-American Hegemony

Press TV - Saudis Impose Austerity

Speculators, Cartels & Myths Of Scarcity

The IMF/BCCI Mugger

The Banana Republic Of Honduras

Sanders Weathers Zionist Sucker Punch

The Ghost Of Iraq

The International - Oil, Drugs, Guns & Kissinger Associates

Afghanistan Pt I - Fake Islamists, Heroin & The CIA

Leaving Montana

Rothschilds’ South Sudan Oil Grab

Lockerbie Lies & Libya

Libyan Epiphany - Tomahawks Trump Teachers

The Federal Reserve Cartel, Part V - The Solution

Rothschilds, The Crown & Nugan Hand Bank

On The Ground For Sanders

Mobility Within The Matrix

The Federal Reserve Cartel, Part IV - A Financial Parasite

Mossad’s Other 911 Surprise

Mugabe, Zimbabwe & Smoke That Thunders

Nationalize The Four Horsemen

Press TV - Global Stocks Tank

Noriega, Pan Am 103 & The Lizard Kings

Oil Cartel Murderers

Press TV - Falling Oil Prices

Press TV - Americans Split On Obama

On The Importance Of Selfishness

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part II: Freemasons, BUS & The Rothschilds

Poison, Penguins & Pinochet

Pastor Jones & Mohamed AttaThe Federal Reserve Cartel, Part I - The Eight Families

Psychological Warfare For All

Deconstructing The Right/Left Paradigm

Revolutionary Road

Robber Barons Blew Commodities Bubble

Republican Actors, Illuminati Directors

When Rothschild Dials 911

Rothschild Gold Fixers, Dubai & The Annunaki

Ruining A River

Covert Report Interview - How To Start A Revolution

The House Of Rothschild

Press TV - Poverty & Wealth Disparity In US - Vid

Chavez’ Legacy - A Free Venezuela

Call Off Pentagon Dogs!

BP Woes & Welfare Oligarchs

Hezbollah, Russia Change Balance In Syria

Goldman Sachs & The Age Of Parasite Capitalism

Head For The Hills

Homeless In Honolulu

HSBC - The World’s Dirtiest Bank

Turkey Invades Iraq For London Bankers

Inside Guatemala’s Civil War

Illuminati Dodge Ball

Illuminati Crosshairs On Russia

Inbred Oil Kings & Bush League Criminals

Burkina Faso Elections & Thomas Sankara

John Hinckley Jr & The Trilateral Commission

Iraq, Annunaki & Pearl Harbor

How The Rockefellers Looted Iran

Israel, Neocons & The Middle East Blueprint

Sandy Hook Gun Grab & The Superpower Complex

Illuminati Showdown In The Middle East

Thanksgiving Food For Thought


FARS Interview - ISIS Creation Of Western Bankers

Back To The Country - Part II

Burlington Northern - On The Wrong Track

Fake Islamic Terror Wave Sponsored By British Crown

ARAMCO & The House Of Saud

Afghan History Suppressed - The Central Asian Grand Chessboard

Bilderbergers Smear Russian Athletes

Press TV Interview - Capitalists Use Lufthansa Strike To Set Example

Press TV Debate - Cameron’s EU Reform Demands

Did Rothschilds Just Attack Russia?

Afghan History Suppressed - Islamists, Heroin & The CIA

Conspiracy Minefields & Courage

Four Horsemen Of Banking

The Illuminati Verses Iran

North Sumatra

Venezuela Defiant Towards Bankster Aggression

Exxon Headed Off At Pass

Canada’s Dirty Crown Banks

Saddam’s Freemason Handlers

Big Oil’s Central Asian Mafia


Bush League Criminals Armed Saddam

Cargill, Kissinger & The Arming Of Iraq

Chase Manhattan & The Arming Of Saddam

Chiquita Cocaine & Zionist Death Squads

Sanders Wins Debate Despite - Media Lies

Neocolonialism In Malaysia

CIA Islamists & The Destruction Of Somalia

Campaign Finance Fix

CIA Poisoned Hugo Chavez

Press TV Top 5 - IMF Lowers Global Growth Forecast

The ISIS Fairy Tale

Eat The Rich!

The Eight Families’ Rigged Oil Game

Iraq Cash Cow - Part IV

Press TV Interview - US Military Serves Global Oligarchy

Russia Attacks ISIS In Syria

African Bush Taxi

FCC Should Revoke Licenses Of FOX & CNN

Syriza’s Election Mandate In Greece

The Press TV Debate - Syriza’s Election Mandate

Press TV - Russia Ready To Consider Syrian Request For Troops

The Illuminati Depopulation Agenda

Who Killed JFK?

Rothschild Imperialism, Presstitutes & Refugees

Bin Laden & The 911 Illusion - Part II...Deutsche Bank & Blackstone

Press TV Doc - Economic Divide...Mining Wars

Bin Laden & The 911 Illusion...Part III - Secret Societies & Masterminds

Bin Laden & The 911 Illusion: Part I: Patsies & Beneficiaries

Back To The Country

Boston Lockdown & The Cult Of Baal

Guatemala’s Labor Day Uprising

Press TV Interview -US Officials Placate Neocons,War Hawks & Israel

Booz Allen, Mercosur & The Snowden Snowball

Limbaugh, The Crown & Other Tit-Suckers

Putin Launches Eurasian Economic Union

Dump Israel

Reptilian Primary Trumped

Press TV - US Harbors Israeli Terrorists

Press TV - US Backing Of Saudi Cluster Bombs Despicable

China Unleashes Deflationary Spiral

The Debate - Syria Peace Prospects

Four Horsemen & $44 Oil

The Debate - War On Syria

Chinese Hacks & US Double Standards

Press TV - Turkish Aggression In Syria - Vid

Bernie Sanders & Wall Street Burning

US Continues Aggression Against Russia

Overland Through Central America

Press TV - ISIL Created For Perpetual War

Press TV Interview - The Secret Saudi/Israeli Meetings

US Economy Shrinks - Vid

PNCC & The New British Imperialism

City Of London Fronts

Press TV - US Fear Mongering To Feed Military-Industrial Complex - Vid

Press TV - Subterfuge Before Iran Talks Deadline

The Federal Reserve Cartel...Part V - The Solution

The Federal Reserve Cartel, Part IV - A Financial Parasite

Press TV - Hezbollah Fighting CIA-Created ISIL - View

The Federal Reserve Cartel - Part III

The Fed Part II - Freemasons, BUS & The Rothschilds

French Fighters Sold To Qatar - Vid

The Fed Cartel, Part I - The Eight Families

Press TV Interview -Yemen War On Behalf Of Rothschild/Rockefeller Oil Cartel

Radio Sputnik Interview - Ukraine A Resource War

US Trains Ukrainian Guard

Press TV - Dodging Nuclear Disarmament - Vid

Greece Sends Global Markets South

Press TV Top 5 - Iran Will Study US Bill - Vid

PressTV - Boehner 'Represents Neocon Zionists' - Vid

The Ho Chi Minh Trail

Press TV - US Shifting Alliances In Middle East

Iran Nuclear Deal Is Watershed Event

Gulf Cooperation Council Attacks Yemen

Illuminati, Nazis & The Illegal State Of Israel

Press TV - Bill Kristol Wrote Letter To Iran

Will China’s AIIB Replace World Bank?

Israel Targets Real Democrats - Vid

Press TV - Poroshenko Is Tool Of City Of London

'Special Relationship' On Ice

Press TV - Republican Traitors

Press TV - US Entering Depression - Vid

Savages Real & Imagined

Nemtsov & The End Of The British Empire

Press TV - Israeli Lies

ALL Islamic Terrorism Funded By British Crown

Leaving The Arabs Holding The Bag

Henderson Press TV - Brexit Talks

The CIA’s Bank In Washington

PressTV On The News Line - Trump’s Victory

How BCCI Ripped Off Poorest Countries

Dubai, Rothschilds & Annunaki

Protocols Of The Wise Men Of Zion

The Royal Paymaster

Press TV - US Election Sham

Floating The Fed’s House Of Cards

Convenient Monarchy

The Debate - TTIP & CETA Trade Deals

Tea-Sipping Embezzlers

CIA Escapes Costa Rican Justice

Indiana Hull & Contra Cocaine

The Enterprise

Reagan’s Terrorists

Saudi Arabia’s 20 Families

Oil & International Banksters

Press TV Henderson - What’s Behind BREXIT?

Morgan Guaranty


Press TV Interview - South Korea-Iran Start Euro Transactions


Henderson Press TV - US Election Sham

House Of Saud Assassins

Nugan Hand & The Australian Coup

The Fascist Iron Circle


The Golden Triangle

The Trilateral Commission

Press TV Debate - Henderson & US Election

Pull The String & Watch Him Dance

War Is Business & Business Is Good

SAVAK Terrorism & US Multinationals

The Internet Psyop & The Coming Collapse

How To Lose The Matrix Debt Lever

Press TV - Brexit Roils Markets

S&P Downgrades EU For Banksters

Return To The Belly Of The Beast

How To Lose The Matrix Debt Lever

Press TV Interview - Bilderberger Bloodsuckers

Bin Laden & The 911 Illusion, Pt 3 - Secret Societies & Masterminds

The Federal Reserve Cartel, Part V - The Solution

Afghanistan Pt I - Fake Islamists, Heroin & CIA

Afghanistan Part II - Saudis, Al Qaeda & Chevron

The Federal Reserve Cartel - Part III

Love The People, Hate The System

The Federal Reserve Cartel - Part II

Burkina Faso, Thomas Sankara & The NWO

Turkey Invades Iraq For London Bankers

The House Of Rothschild

Press TV - Greek Austerity Measures

Did Rothschilds Just Attack Russia?

Russia Attacks ISIS In Syria

Sanders Should Run As Independent

Fake Islamic Terror Wave Sponsored By British Crown

Sanders Won Debate Despite Media Lies

ISIS - A Fairy Tale

Anti-TTIP Protests Rock Rome

Counting Coup On Mossad

Reptilian Primary Trumped

Ya Basta!

Fighting Escalates In Syria

Bernie Sanders & Wall Street Burning

Jujitsu & Banks

Clinton, Trump & Corporation Trust Center

Overland Through Central America

Iran Nuclear Deal Is Watershed Event

The Ho Chi Minh Trail

US Trains Ukrainian Guard

Savages Real & Imagined

The Clinton’s Dirty Laundry In Panama

The Human Condition

Press TV - GOP Senators Seek To Deny Iran Dollars

Press TV - French Labor Flexes Muscle

Nemtsov & The End Of The British Empire

Maoists, Assassins & Gem Smugglers

Class War In Guatemala

How To Reclaim Your Life

SYRIZA Delivers Blow To Illuminati Banksters

Press TV - GOP Senators Seek To Deny Iran Dollars

Press TV - Iran Missiles Not Open To Compromise

Flippin’ Banksters

Iraq’s True Liberators

USS Persian Gulf

The Crown’s 'Mexican' Drug Cartel

Was Israel Behind Norway Terror Attacks?

Sanders Snubs AIPAC, Trump A Rothschild Tool

Sandinistas Vs Monsanto

Rothschild’s Saudi Lapdog Armed Libyan Rebels

Rubber Gloves For UK Oligarchs

The End Of Anglo-American Hegemony

Press TV - Saudis Impose Austerity

Speculators, Cartels & Myths Of Scarcity

The IMF/BCCI Mugger

The Banana Republic Of Honduras

Sanders Weathers Zionist Sucker Punch

The Ghost Of Iraq

The International - Oil, Drugs, Guns & Kissinger Associates

Afghanistan Pt I - Fake Islamists, Heroin & The CIA

Leaving Montana

Rothschilds’ South Sudan Oil Grab

Lockerbie Lies & Libya

Libyan Epiphany - Tomahawks Trump Teachers

The Federal Reserve Cartel, Part V - The Solution

Rothschilds, The Crown & Nugan Hand Bank

On The Ground For Sanders

Mobility Within The Matrix

The Federal Reserve Cartel, Part IV - A Financial Parasite

Mossad’s Other 911 Surprise

Mugabe, Zimbabwe & Smoke That Thunders

Nationalize The Four Horsemen

Press TV - Global Stocks Tank

Noriega, Pan Am 103 & The Lizard Kings

Oil Cartel Murderers

Press TV - Falling Oil Prices

Press TV - Americans Split On Obama

On The Importance Of Selfishness

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part II: Freemasons, BUS & The Rothschilds

Poison, Penguins & Pinochet

Pastor Jones & Mohamed AttaThe Federal Reserve Cartel, Part I - The Eight Families

Psychological Warfare For All

Deconstructing The Right/Left Paradigm

Revolutionary Road

Robber Barons Blew Commodities Bubble

Republican Actors, Illuminati Directors

When Rothschild Dials 911

Rothschild Gold Fixers, Dubai & The Annunaki

Ruining A River

Covert Report Interview - How To Start A Revolution

The House Of Rothschild

Press TV - Poverty & Wealth Disparity In US - Vid

Chavez’ Legacy - A Free Venezuela

Call Off Pentagon Dogs!

BP Woes & Welfare Oligarchs

Hezbollah, Russia Change Balance In Syria

Goldman Sachs & The Age Of Parasite Capitalism

Head For The Hills

Homeless In Honolulu

HSBC - The World’s Dirtiest Bank

Turkey Invades Iraq For London Bankers

Inside Guatemala’s Civil War

Illuminati Dodge Ball

Illuminati Crosshairs On Russia

Inbred Oil Kings & Bush League Criminals

Burkina Faso Elections & Thomas Sankara

John Hinckley Jr & The Trilateral Commission

Iraq, Annunaki & Pearl Harbor

How The Rockefellers Looted Iran

Israel, Neocons & The Middle East Blueprint

Sandy Hook Gun Grab & The Superpower Complex

Illuminati Showdown In The Middle East

Thanksgiving Food For Thought


FARS Interview - ISIS Creation Of Western Bankers

Back To The Country - Part II

Burlington Northern - On The Wrong Track

Fake Islamic Terror Wave Sponsored By British Crown

ARAMCO & The House Of Saud

Afghan History Suppressed - The Central Asian Grand Chessboard

Bilderbergers Smear Russian Athletes

Press TV Interview - Capitalists Use Lufthansa Strike To Set Example

Press TV Debate - Cameron’s EU Reform Demands

Did Rothschilds Just Attack Russia?

Afghan History Suppressed - Islamists, Heroin & The CIA

Conspiracy Minefields & Courage

Four Horsemen Of Banking

The Illuminati Verses Iran

North Sumatra

Venezuela Defiant Towards Bankster Aggression

Exxon Headed Off At Pass

Canada’s Dirty Crown Banks

Saddam’s Freemason Handlers

Big Oil’s Central Asian Mafia


Bush League Criminals Armed Saddam

Cargill, Kissinger & The Arming Of Iraq

Chase Manhattan & The Arming Of Saddam

Chiquita Cocaine & Zionist Death Squads

Sanders Wins Debate Despite - Media Lies

Neocolonialism In Malaysia

CIA Islamists & The Destruction Of Somalia

Campaign Finance Fix

CIA Poisoned Hugo Chavez

Press TV Top 5 - IMF Lowers Global Growth Forecast

The ISIS Fairy Tale

Eat The Rich!

The Eight Families’ Rigged Oil Game

Iraq Cash Cow - Part IV

Press TV Interview - US Military Serves Global Oligarchy

Russia Attacks ISIS In Syria

African Bush Taxi

FCC Should Revoke Licenses Of FOX & CNN

Syriza’s Election Mandate In Greece

The Press TV Debate - Syriza’s Election Mandate

Press TV - Russia Ready To Consider Syrian Request For Troops

The Illuminati Depopulation Agenda

Who Killed JFK?

Rothschild Imperialism, Presstitutes & Refugees

Bin Laden & The 911 Illusion - Part II...Deutsche Bank & Blackstone

Press TV Doc - Economic Divide...Mining Wars

Bin Laden & The 911 Illusion...Part III - Secret Societies & Masterminds

Bin Laden & The 911 Illusion: Part I: Patsies & Beneficiaries

Back To The Country

Boston Lockdown & The Cult Of Baal

Guatemala’s Labor Day Uprising

Press TV Interview -US Officials Placate Neocons,War Hawks & Israel

Booz Allen, Mercosur & The Snowden Snowball

Limbaugh, The Crown & Other Tit-Suckers

Putin Launches Eurasian Economic Union

Dump Israel

Reptilian Primary Trumped

Press TV - US Harbors Israeli Terrorists

Press TV - US Backing Of Saudi Cluster Bombs Despicable

China Unleashes Deflationary Spiral

The Debate - Syria Peace Prospects

Four Horsemen & $44 Oil

The Debate - War On Syria

Chinese Hacks & US Double Standards

Press TV - Turkish Aggression In Syria - Vid

Bernie Sanders & Wall Street Burning

US Continues Aggression Against Russia

Overland Through Central America

Press TV - ISIL Created For Perpetual War

Press TV Interview - The Secret Saudi/Israeli Meetings

US Economy Shrinks - Vid

PNCC & The New British Imperialism

City Of London Fronts

Press TV - US Fear Mongering To Feed Military-Industrial Complex - Vid

Press TV - Subterfuge Before Iran Talks Deadline

The Federal Reserve Cartel...Part V - The Solution

The Federal Reserve Cartel, Part IV - A Financial Parasite

Press TV - Hezbollah Fighting CIA-Created ISIL - View

The Federal Reserve Cartel - Part III

The Fed Part II - Freemasons, BUS & The Rothschilds

French Fighters Sold To Qatar - Vid

The Fed Cartel, Part I - The Eight Families

Press TV Interview -Yemen War On Behalf Of Rothschild/Rockefeller Oil Cartel

Radio Sputnik Interview - Ukraine A Resource War

US Trains Ukrainian Guard

Press TV - Dodging Nuclear Disarmament - Vid

Greece Sends Global Markets South

Press TV Top 5 - Iran Will Study US Bill - Vid

PressTV - Boehner 'Represents Neocon Zionists' - Vid

The Ho Chi Minh Trail

Press TV - US Shifting Alliances In Middle East

Iran Nuclear Deal Is Watershed Event

Gulf Cooperation Council Attacks Yemen

Illuminati, Nazis & The Illegal State Of Israel

Press TV - Bill Kristol Wrote Letter To Iran

Will China’s AIIB Replace World Bank?

Israel Targets Real Democrats - Vid

Press TV - Poroshenko Is Tool Of City Of London

'Special Relationship' On Ice

Press TV - Republican Traitors

Press TV - US Entering Depression - Vid

Savages Real & Imagined

Nemtsov & The End Of The British Empire

Press TV - Israeli Lies

ALL Islamic Terrorism Funded By British Crown

Class War In Guatemala

How To Reclaim Your Life

SYRIZA Delivers Blow To Illuminati Banksters

Press TV - GOP Senators Seek To Deny Iran Dollars

Press TV - Iran Missiles Not Open To Compromise

Flippin’ Banksters

Iraq’s True Liberators

USS Persian Gulf

The Crown’s 'Mexican' Drug Cartel

Was Israel Behind Norway Terror Attacks?

Sanders Snubs AIPAC, Trump A Rothschild Tool

Sandinistas Vs Monsanto

Rothschild’s Saudi Lapdog Armed Libyan Rebels

Rubber Gloves For UK Oligarchs

The End Of Anglo-American Hegemony

Press TV - Saudis Impose Austerity

Speculators, Cartels & Myths Of Scarcity

The IMF/BCCI Mugger

The Banana Republic Of Honduras

Sanders Weathers Zionist Sucker Punch

The Ghost Of Iraq

The International - Oil, Drugs, Guns & Kissinger Associates

Afghanistan Pt I - Fake Islamists, Heroin & The CIA

Leaving Montana

Rothschilds’ South Sudan Oil Grab

Lockerbie Lies & Libya

Libyan Epiphany - Tomahawks Trump Teachers

The Federal Reserve Cartel, Part V - The Solution

Rothschilds, The Crown & Nugan Hand Bank

On The Ground For Sanders

Mobility Within The Matrix

The Federal Reserve Cartel, Part IV - A Financial Parasite

Mossad’s Other 911 Surprise

Mugabe, Zimbabwe & Smoke That Thunders

Nationalize The Four Horsemen

Press TV - Global Stocks Tank

Noriega, Pan Am 103 & The Lizard Kings

Oil Cartel Murderers

Press TV - Falling Oil Prices

Press TV - Americans Split On Obama

On The Importance Of Selfishness

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part II: Freemasons, BUS & The Rothschilds

Poison, Penguins & Pinochet

Pastor Jones & Mohamed AttaThe Federal Reserve Cartel, Part I - The Eight Families

Psychological Warfare For All

Deconstructing The Right/Left Paradigm

Revolutionary Road

Robber Barons Blew Commodities Bubble

Republican Actors, Illuminati Directors

When Rothschild Dials 911

Rothschild Gold Fixers, Dubai & The Annunaki

Ruining A River

Covert Report Interview - How To Start A Revolution

The House Of Rothschild

Press TV - Poverty & Wealth Disparity In US - Vid

Chavez’ Legacy - A Free Venezuela

Call Off Pentagon Dogs!

BP Woes & Welfare Oligarchs

Hezbollah, Russia Change Balance In Syria

Goldman Sachs & The Age Of Parasite Capitalism

Head For The Hills

Homeless In Honolulu

HSBC - The World’s Dirtiest Bank

Turkey Invades Iraq For London Bankers

Inside Guatemala’s Civil War

Illuminati Dodge Ball

Illuminati Crosshairs On Russia

Inbred Oil Kings & Bush League Criminals

Burkina Faso Elections & Thomas Sankara

John Hinckley Jr & The Trilateral Commission

Iraq, Annunaki & Pearl Harbor

How The Rockefellers Looted Iran

Israel, Neocons & The Middle East Blueprint

Sandy Hook Gun Grab & The Superpower Complex

Illuminati Showdown In The Middle East

Thanksgiving Food For Thought


FARS Interview - ISIS Creation Of Western Bankers

Back To The Country - Part II

Burlington Northern - On The Wrong Track

Fake Islamic Terror Wave Sponsored By British Crown

ARAMCO & The House Of Saud

Afghan History Suppressed - The Central Asian Grand Chessboard

Bilderbergers Smear Russian Athletes

Press TV Interview - Capitalists Use Lufthansa Strike To Set Example

Press TV Debate - Cameron’s EU Reform Demands

Did Rothschilds Just Attack Russia?

Afghan History Suppressed - Islamists, Heroin & The CIA

Conspiracy Minefields & Courage

Four Horsemen Of Banking

The Illuminati Verses Iran

North Sumatra

Venezuela Defiant Towards Bankster Aggression

Exxon Headed Off At Pass

Canada’s Dirty Crown Banks

Saddam’s Freemason Handlers

Big Oil’s Central Asian Mafia


Bush League Criminals Armed Saddam

Cargill, Kissinger & The Arming Of Iraq

Chase Manhattan & The Arming Of Saddam

Chiquita Cocaine & Zionist Death Squads

Sanders Wins Debate Despite - Media Lies

Neocolonialism In Malaysia

CIA Islamists & The Destruction Of Somalia

Campaign Finance Fix

CIA Poisoned Hugo Chavez

Press TV Top 5 - IMF Lowers Global Growth Forecast

The ISIS Fairy Tale

Eat The Rich!

The Eight Families’ Rigged Oil Game

Iraq Cash Cow - Part IV

Press TV Interview - US Military Serves Global Oligarchy

Russia Attacks ISIS In Syria

African Bush Taxi

FCC Should Revoke Licenses Of FOX & CNN

Syriza’s Election Mandate In Greece

The Press TV Debate - Syriza’s Election Mandate

Press TV - Russia Ready To Consider Syrian Request For Troops

The Illuminati Depopulation Agenda

Who Killed JFK?

Rothschild Imperialism, Presstitutes & Refugees

Bin Laden & The 911 Illusion - Part II...Deutsche Bank & Blackstone

Press TV Doc - Economic Divide...Mining Wars

Bin Laden & The 911 Illusion...Part III - Secret Societies & Masterminds

Bin Laden & The 911 Illusion: Part I: Patsies & Beneficiaries

Back To The Country

Boston Lockdown & The Cult Of Baal

Guatemala’s Labor Day Uprising

Press TV Interview -US Officials Placate Neocons,War Hawks & Israel

Booz Allen, Mercosur & The Snowden Snowball

Limbaugh, The Crown & Other Tit-Suckers

Putin Launches Eurasian Economic Union

Dump Israel

Reptilian Primary Trumped

Press TV - US Harbors Israeli Terrorists

Press TV - US Backing Of Saudi Cluster Bombs Despicable

China Unleashes Deflationary Spiral

The Debate - Syria Peace Prospects

Four Horsemen & $44 Oil

The Debate - War On Syria

Chinese Hacks & US Double Standards

Press TV - Turkish Aggression In Syria - Vid

Bernie Sanders & Wall Street Burning

US Continues Aggression Against Russia

Overland Through Central America

Press TV - ISIL Created For Perpetual War

Press TV Interview - The Secret Saudi/Israeli Meetings

US Economy Shrinks - Vid

PNCC & The New British Imperialism

City Of London Fronts

Press TV - US Fear Mongering To Feed Military-Industrial Complex - Vid

Press TV - Subterfuge Before Iran Talks Deadline

The Federal Reserve Cartel...Part V - The Solution

The Federal Reserve Cartel, Part IV - A Financial Parasite

Press TV - Hezbollah Fighting CIA-Created ISIL - View

The Federal Reserve Cartel - Part III

The Fed Part II - Freemasons, BUS & The Rothschilds

French Fighters Sold To Qatar - Vid

The Fed Cartel, Part I - The Eight Families

Press TV Interview -Yemen War On Behalf Of Rothschild/Rockefeller Oil Cartel

Radio Sputnik Interview - Ukraine A Resource War

US Trains Ukrainian Guard

Press TV - Dodging Nuclear Disarmament - Vid

Greece Sends Global Markets South

Press TV Top 5 - Iran Will Study US Bill - Vid

PressTV - Boehner 'Represents Neocon Zionists' - Vid

The Ho Chi Minh Trail

Press TV - US Shifting Alliances In Middle East

Iran Nuclear Deal Is Watershed Event

Gulf Cooperation Council Attacks Yemen

Illuminati, Nazis & The Illegal State Of Israel

Press TV - Bill Kristol Wrote Letter To Iran

Will China’s AIIB Replace World Bank?

Israel Targets Real Democrats - Vid

Press TV - Poroshenko Is Tool Of City Of London

'Special Relationship' On Ice

Press TV - Republican Traitors

Press TV - US Entering Depression - Vid

Savages Real & Imagined

Nemtsov & The End Of The British Empire

Press TV - Israeli Lies

ALL Islamic Terrorism Funded By British Crown

The International - Offshore Petroleum Standard

The Muslim Brotherhood Subsidiary

The Social Darwinism Fraud

Press TV - Strikes At Three US Oil Refineries

Press TV - Bankers Want War To Reflate Economy - Vid

ALL Islamic Terrorism Funded By British Crown


Press TV - Fed Official Accuses Saudis Of Engineering Oil Crisis

Press TV Debate - Nourishing Extremism

The Human Condition

SYRIZA Delivers Blow To Illuminati Banksters

Left Victory In Greece - Vid

Press TV - ISIS A CIA Creation

Press TV - Iran Won’t Be Pressured By Oil Conspiracy - Vid

How To Reclaim Your Life

Class War In Guatemala


Press TV - Keystone Pipeline A Bad Idea - Vid

Press TV - GCC Stock Markets Take Hit

Press TV - British Government Ignores Poor - Vid

RT Interview - Barrel Bomb - Vid

Press TV - CIA Experiments On People - Vid

Press TV Debate - North Korean Cyber Row - Vid

Press TV - Dubai Market Down With Oil - Vid

When Rothschild Dials 911

Zionists Use ISIS To Attack Syria

Was Israel Behind Norway Terror Attacks?

Press TV Top 5 - The Oil Conspiracy


Shut 'Er Down

USS Persian Gulf

Who’s Behind Mexican Drug Cartels?

Iraq’s True Liberators

Time To Nationalize Four Horsemen

The Saudi Paymaster

End Of The Petroleum Standard - Vid

The Kosovo/Albania Golden Triangle


Ferguson & The Media Programmers

Rothschilds’ South Sudan Oil Grab

Thanksgiving Food For Thought

The Muslim Brotherhood Subsidiary

The Social Darwinism Fraud

Press TV - Towards Normalization With Iran - Vid

The International - The Offshore Petroleum Standard

Oil, Drugs, Guns & Kissinger Associates

Permanent War Economy Of US - Part II

Protocols Of The Wise Men Of Zion


The Illumination Merchants

The House Of Rothschild

Eviscerating Yugoslavia - Poisoning Milosevic

Yugoslavia - KLA Heroin, Rwandan Genocide & Phony Racak

Press TV Interview - Ukraine Row At G-20


Eviscerating Yugoslavia - CIA Islamists, Halliburton & Fake Massacres

Press TV Series - Economic Divide

Eviscerating Yugoslavia - Nazis, Bilderbergers & Clinton Liars

Eviscerating Yugoslavia - BNL, Yugo & Eagleburger

The Banana Republic Of Honduras

Press TV - US Uses Terrorist Groups Against Adversaries

Mike Harris Interview - Timing The Revolution

Swiss Bankers, BIS & The House Of Rockefeller


The IMF/BCCI Mugger

Press TV - German Train Drivers Strike - Vid

Speculators, Cartels & Myths Of Scarcity

Shelter From The Storm

Rubber Gloves For UK Oligarchs

Rothschild’s Saudi Lapdog Armed Libyan Rebels

PressTV - Italy’s Economic Woes - Vid

Press TV - Democrats Disappointed In Obama - Vid

Sandinistas vs Monsanto


Rothschild Gold Fixers, Dubai & The Annunaki

Press TV Interview - US-Israeli Relations

Ruining A River

Rockefeller, Crown Cocaine & Haitian Slavery

Robber Barons Blow Commodities Bubble

Republican Actors - Illuminati Directors

Republican Actors - Illuminati Directors

Red Scare Over America

RT Interview - Oil Markets

Revolutionary Road


PressTV - Protesters Demand Police Reforms

Deconstructing The Right/Left Paradigm

What’s Behind Plunging Oil Prices - RT Vid

Psychological Warfare For All

Poison, Penguins & Pinochet

Pastor Jones & Mohamed Atta

Oil Cartel Murderers

Noriega, Pan Am 103 & The Lizard Kings


Vanilla Manila - Mossad, Green Revolution & Vienna Sausage

Nationalize The Federal Reserve

Nationalize The Four Horsemen

Mossad’s Other 911 Surprise

Mobility Within The Matrix

Rothschilds, The Crown & Nugan Hand Bank

Mao Meets HSBC

Mali, Al Qaeda & The Rothschilds

Rothschilds' Bank Of America


Libyan Epiphany - Tomahawks Trump Teachers

Fear Porn – An Attack On The Immune System

Leaving Montana

JP Morgan Chase & The Saudi Oil Colony

Press TV/Henderson - Exxon In Russia - Vid

ISIL, Exxon Mobil & Kirkuk Oil



Illuminati Showdown In The Middle East

Sandy Hook Gun Grab & The Superpower Complex

John Hinckley Jr & The Trilateral Commission

Israel, Neocons & The Middle East Blueprint

How The Rockefellers Looted Iran

RT-Henderson Interview - US Bombs Syria

Inside The Japanese Matrix

Illuminati, Nazis & The Illegal State Of Israel


Inbred Oil Kings & Bush League Criminals


Press TV Debate - Ukraine

Illuminati Dodge Ball

Illuminati Assassins

Homeless In Honolulu


US Created ISIS To Take More Iraqi Oil - Vid

Head For The Hills

Goldman Sachs & The Age Of Parasite Capitalism

Hezbollah, Russia Changed Balance In Syria

Get Back To The Garden

BP Woes & Welfare Oligarchs

Four Horsemen, Mossad & The Colombian Coca Express

Chavez’ Legacy - A Free Venezuela

CIA Created Afghan Heroin Trade


US Should Cancel Federal Reserve Debt

Eat The Rich!

Enron, Taliban & Warburg - The Untold Story

Did The CIA Poison Hugo Chavez?

BRICS Counterbalance To Anglo-American Hegemony

Campaign Finance Fix

Neocolonialism In Malaysia

Chiquita Cocaine & Zionist Death Squads


Chase Manhattan, God’s Banker & Arming Saddam

Cargill, Kissinger & The Arming Of Iraq

Bush League Criminals & The Arming of Saddam


Big Oil’s Central Asian Mafia

Saddam’s Freemason Handlers

Big Oil’s Taliban Offspring


Canada’s Dirty Banks

Big Rigs Of The Illuminati

North Sumatra Adventure

Big Oil Provokes Iran

US Backing ISIS To Destabilize Iraq - Vid

The Four Horsemen Of Banking

Rothschilds BCCI Shake Down Of Arabs

Big Oil’s Agribusiness Spawn

Banking On War


Bogotá Blues

Afghan History Suppressed - Central Asia Grand Chessboard

Afghan History Hidden - Saudis, Al Qaeda & Big Oil

Burlington Northern - On The Wrong Track

ARAMCO & The House Of Saud

The Four Horsemen Behind The Oil Wars


Back To The Country - Part II

lluminati Takedown Of America Has Begun

Boston Lockdown, Chechen Blowback & The Cult Of Baal

Booz Allen, Mercosur & The Snowden Snowball

Back To The Country

Insolvent Banks Want World War 3 - Vid

Bin Laden & The 911 Illusion: Part III: Secret Societies & Masterminds

Bin Laden & The 9/11 Illusion - Deutsche Bank, Blackstone

Bin Laden & The 911 Illusion - Part I - Patsies & Beneficiaries


The End Of Anglo-American Hegemony

The Illuminati Depopulation Agenda

Flight 17 And The WW3 Option

The Federal Reserve Cartel - The Solution

Federal Reserve Cartel - The Roundtable & The Illuminati


The Federal Reserve Cartel - The Freemason BUS & The House Of Rothschild

The Federal Reserve Cartel, Pt I - The Eight Families

African Bush Taxi

FCC Should Revoke Licenses Of FOX & CNN

New Deal For Illuminati Banksters

GCC - Rockefeller/Rothschild Puppet Monarchy

Iraq Cash Cow Part 4

Citigroup Gets Wrist Slap - Vid


Putin's Latin American Trip - Vid

The Eight Families’ Rigged Oil Game

Deconstructing The Phony War On Terror

Ukraine Falls Under Fascist Bankster Thumb

Fascist Sellouts

Inside Guatemala’s Civil War

How To Starve The Illuminati


Love The People, Hate The System

Iraq Cash Cow - Part III

Iraq's Revolutionary History

Four Horsemen, CIA & The Colombian Coca Express

The Chocolate King & Other Fairy Tales

The Illuminati Fear Program


The Iraq Cash Cow - Part 2

Fear Of Nature Drives Reactionary Political Views

Dump Israel

Cyber Attack On Journalist Dean Henderson - Please Note

Russia Shuts Off Gas To Ukraine - Vid

The End Of Anglo-American Hegemony

Four Horsemen, CIA & The Columbian Coca Express

US Words On Palestine Should Be Backed By Action


Putin Launches Eurasian Economic Union

Press TV - EU Takes Away Sovereignty Of Member States - Vid

The Chocolate King & Other Fairy Tales

Iraq’s Revolutionary History

Boehner Presiding Over Most Ineffective Congress Ever

The Eight Families' Rigged Oil Game


Inside Guatemala's Civil War

RT - The Odessa Massacre - Vid

War Hawk, Maniac Cheney Wants To Bomb Russia - Vid

PressTV - Sanctions On Russia - Vid

City Of London's Imperialist Designs On Russia

The Iran/Iraq War - Mutual Assured Destruction

Henderson/Press TV - US Turning Ukraine Into 'Little America'

Speculators, Cartels & Myths Of Scarcity

Libya Lies


Sanctions Against Russia Are An Act Of War - Vid

Venezuela Deals Blow To Bankster Fascists

FDIC Sues Eight Families' Banks - Vid

International Bankers Behind Ukraine Crisis

Rothschilds Glencore South Sudan Oil Grab

Ukraine Falls Under Fascist Banker Thumb


Dean Henderson On London's Sunday Wire

The International Part II - Offshore Petroleum Standard

The International - Oil, Drugs, Guns & Kissinger Associates

Nationalize The Federal Reservee

The Federal Reserve Cartel

The NSA Serves Corporate America's Interests - Vid


Russia Shuts Off Gas To Ukraine - Vid

The End Of Anglo-American Hegemony

Four Horsemen, CIA & The Columbian Coca Express

US Words On Palestine Should Be Backed By Action


Putin Launches Eurasian Economic Union

Press TV - EU Takes Away Sovereignty Of Member States - Vid

The Chocolate King & Other Fairy Tales

Iraq’s Revolutionary History

Boehner Presiding Over Most Ineffective Congress Ever

The Eight Families' Rigged Oil Game

Inside Guatemala's Civil War

RT - The Odessa Massacre - Vid


War Hawk, Maniac Cheney Wants To Bomb Russia - Vid

PressTV - Sanctions On Russia - Vid

City Of London's Imperialist Designs On Russia

The Iran/Iraq War - Mutual Assured Destruction


Henderson/Press TV - US Turning Ukraine Into 'Little America'

Speculators, Cartels & Myths Of Scarcity

Libya Lies

Sanctions Against Russia Are An Act Of War - Vid

Venezuela Deals Blow To Bankster Fascists

FDIC Sues Eight Families' Banks - Vid

International Bankers Behind Ukraine Crisis

Rothschilds Glencore South Sudan Oil Grab


Ukraine Falls Under Fascist Banker Thumb

Dean Henderson On London's Sunday Wire

The International Part II - Offshore Petroleum Standard

The International - Oil, Drugs, Guns & Kissinger Associates

Nationalize The Federal Reservee

The Federal Reserve Cartel

The NSA Serves Corporate America's Interests - Vid


Love The People, Hate The System

Gulf Coop Council - Rockefeller-Rothschild Puppet Monarchy

US Should Reshuffle Its Global Alliances - Vid

Rothschild Saudi Lapdog Armed Libya & Syria Rebels

Henderson On London's Sunday Wire On BCCI Scandal

The Warburg Family And Enron

The Energy Vampires


US Economy Highjacked By Capitalist Bankers - Vid

History Of British Petroleum - Part 1

History Of British Petroleum - Part 2

US Moving Away From Israel, Saudi Arabia - Vid

Thanksgiving Food For Thought

Obama Won't Cave In To Israel Pressure - Vid

Illuminati Mind Control & The Report From Iron Mountain

Of Right Left Paradigms And Red Scar(e)s


Mid East Three Ring Circus Continues

PressTV - Who's Behind The NSA Leaks? - Vid

Illuminati Takedown Of America Has Begun

Mobility Within The Matrix

Henderson/PressTV - Bankers Like Government Gridlock - Vid

US Back To Business As Usual

US Troop Immunity In Afghanistan Is Ludicrous - Vid



African Bush Taxi

Who Killed JFK

8 Fed Families Banking Cartel Sinking US Further In Debt - Vid

The Ballad Of The Federal Reserve

911 Illusions - Secret Societies & Masterminds

PressTV - Effects Of Shutdown On US Military - Vid

Illuminati Showdown In Middle East

The Four Horsemen of Banking


The Four Horsemen Behind The Oil Wars

US Banksters Have Syria In Sights

Colorado Rocky Mountain Low

The Federal Reserve Cartel...Part V - A Solution

Will The Illuminati Attack Russia?

Federal Reserve Cartel Pt 3 - Roundtable & Illuminati

Henderson/Press TV - DOJ Charges Bank Of America With Fraud

Rothschild Gold Fixers, Dubai & The Annunaki

Pink Ladybugs In The Garden


The Federal Reserve Cartel, Pt II - The House Of Rothschild

The Illuminati Depopulation Agenda

America's Next Colonies - Part 1

The Federal Reserve Cartel - Part I...The Eight Families

Booz Allen, Mercosur & The Snowden Snowball

Illuminati, Nazis And The Illegal State Of Israel

PressTV - Inside The Vaults Of The Vatican Bank - Vid

The House Of Rothschild


Gulf Cooperation Council Exposed

GMOs - A Modern Disaster

Love The People, Hate The System

The Free Syrian Army Subsidiary

Leaving Montana

US Afghan Mission Destined To Fail

Get Back To The Garden

John Hinckley Jr And The Trilateral Commission

Israel Lobby In America

The Great Escape



Mao Meets HSBC

Dead Bankers & The Offshore Petroleum Standard

FBI, CIA Blamed For Poor Performance

Boston Lockdown, Chechen Blowback & Illuminati Satanists

Drug Money, Big Banks & Anglo-American Secret Services

Sweet Nesting Solution For Flycatchers

Enron, Taliban, Warburg - The Untold Story

Hammering Away At The Matrix

International Creditors Take Cypriot Savings, Give Austerity

Orang Asli


Henderson/PressTV - Oil Co CEOs Should Be Prosecuted - Vid


Press Tv - Crushing Military Defeat Of Israel Could Free Americans - Vid

Israel Disrupts Arab World To Steal Oil - Vid

Freemasons, Chase Manhattan & The Arming Of Saddam Hussein

The Bush Mob & The Arming Of Saddam Hussein

Cargill, Kissinger & The Arming Of Saddam Hussein



Henderson/Press TV - The Bilderberger Group...Secret Rulers Of The World

Rand Paul Scrambles Right/Left Paradigm

Did The CIA Poison Hugo Chavez?

The Evisceration of Yugoslavia - Part V

Henderson/PressTV - The Money Trail...The Rockefellers & Trilateral Commission

The Evisceration Of Yugoslavia, Part III - CIA Islamists, Halliburton & Fake Massacres

Ruining A River

Burlington Northern SF - On The Wrong Track

Poverty & Deforestation - A Philippines Case Study


Global Underdevelopment - Montana And The Third World

The Evisceration Of Yugoslavia - Part I

Fascist Sellouts

Deconstructing The War On Terror

Economic Bubbles About To Burst

Hypocrites, Freeloaders & Traitors

Back To The Country - Part II

Back To The Country - Part I

FCC Should Revoke Licenses Of FOX & CNN


Dump Israel

Mali, Hagel And The Rothschilds

Big Rigs Of The Illuminati

Illuminati Terror Alerts Fall On Deaf Ears

Occupy The Fed!

Saudi Arabia, Big Oil & US Foreign Policy, Pt 2 - Vid

Revolutionary Road


How To Starve The Illuminati Beast

On Press TV - The Money Trail... Merchants Of Death, Part II - Vid

HSBC Skates

Bogota Blues

The Real Human Beings

Of Goldman Sachs & Tengizchevroil

Shut Er’ Down!

Tea Party Phonies

The Illuminati Fear Program


Goldman Sachs - A Criminal Enterprise

The Fascist Programmers

Fear Of Nature Drives Reactionary Politics

The International Banking Cartel, Part 2 - Vid

Thanksgiving Food for Thought

British Petroleum - A History, Part 2

British Petroleum - A History, Part I

Big Oil's Israeli Enforcer


Rubber Gloves For UK Oligarchs

The International Banking Cartel - Vid

Mining Cartel Topples Aussie Government - Again

Call Off The Pentagon Dogs

Big Oil's Afghan Frankenstein

CIA Created Afghan Heroin Trade

The Energy Vampires

The True Liberators of Iraq


The Media Monopoly

Pastor Jones & Mohammed Atta

The Neo-Darwinian Fraud

When The Rothschilds Dial 911

Illuminati Terror Alerts Fall On Deaf Ears

Nationalize The Federal Reserve

Republican Actors - Illuminati Directors

The Saudi Paymaster


Illuminati, Nazis & The Illegal State of Israel

Cancel Federal Reserve Debt

Rockefellers, Crown Cocaine & Haitian Slavery

The Kosovo/Albania Golden Triangle

Illuminati Assassins

The House Of Rothschild

Robber Barons Blow Commodities Bubble

The Reptilian Primary


The Illuminati's Sleep-Deprived Middle East Despots

Illuminati Showdown In The Middle East

Lockerbie, Lies & Libya

The Gulf Cooperation Council - A Rockefeller/Rothschild Puppet Monarchy

Inbred Oil Kings, Bush League Crime & The End Of The Energy Oligopoly

Libyan Epiphany Tomahawks Trump Teachers

The Fix For High Gas Prices

Rothschilds' Saudi Lapdog Arms Libyan Rebels

Specultors, Cartels & Myths Of Scarcity


Afghan History Suppressed, Part III - The Central Asian Grand Chessboard

Afghan History Suppressed, Part II - Socialism, al Qaeda And Chevron

The Four Horsemen Behind The Oil Wars

Afghan History Suppressed, Part I - Islamists, Heroin & The CIA

Bin Laden & The 911 Illusion - Secret Societies & Masterminds

Bin Laden & The 9/11 Illusion - Deutsche Bank & Blackstone

Bin Laden & The 911 Illusion - Patsies & Beneficiaries


The IMF/BCCI Mugger

Chavez Wins Venezuelan Elections

The Federal Reserve Cartel...Part IV - A Financial Parasite

The Federal Reserve Cartel - The Solution

The Federal Reserve Cartel - The Roundtable & The Illuminati

The Federal Reserve Cartel - The Freemason BUS & The House Of Rothschild

The Federal Reserve Cartel, Pt I - The Eight Families

Iraq’s Revolutionary History


The Illuminati Depopulation Agenda

The Rothschild’s South Sudan Oil Grab

Was Israel Behind Norway Terror Attacks?

HSBC - The World’s Dirtiest Bank

Red Scar On America

Who Killed JFK?


The International - The Offshore Petroleum Standard

The International - Oil, Drugs, Guns & Kissinger Associates

Eat The Rich!


JP Morgan Chase & The Looting Of Iran

Canada’s Dirty Banks

JP Morgan Chase & The Saudi Oil Colony

Loyal To The Bank Of America

BNL, P-2 & The Gnomes Of Zurich

Banking On War

The Muslim Brotherhood Subsidiary

Neocolonialism In The Philippines

The Iran/Iraq War - Mutual Assured Destruction

Nationalize The Four Horsemen


Chiquita Cocaine & Zionist Death Squads

Zionists Use al Qaeda To Attack Syria

The Saudi-Israeli Alliance

Prosecute Goldman Sachs

CIA Islamists Destroy Somalia

Homeless In Honolulu

The Importance Of Selfishness

Poison, Penguins & Pinochet

Shelter From The Storm

Who's Behind The Mexican Drug Cartels

Big Oil’s Central Asian Mafia

Mugabi, Zimbabwe And The Smoke That Thunders


Protocols Of The Wise Men Of Zion

Four Horsemen, CIA & The Columbian Coca Express

Inside The Japanese Matrix

Romney...The 1% Job-Destroyer

Get Back To The Garden

Life in the Killing Fields

Illuminati Dodge Ball

The Illumination Merchants

Mossad’s September Surprise

USS Persian Gulf

Love the People, Hate the System

Sandinistas vs. Monsanto

Noriega, Pan Am 103 & the Lizard Kings

Oil Cartel Murderers