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Regular Show Wiki
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The Urge is a minor character in Regular Show. He made his debut in the Season Three episode "Trash Boat".


In "Trash Boat", he was first seen on a television program, explaining his success. He said that he became successful when he decided to change his name, which he came up with by combining two random words. It was he who inspired Rigby to change his name to Trash Boat.

He is seen later in the episode when he comes from the future to kill Rigby because Rigby stole The Urge's fame when he changed his name to Trash Boat. After Rigby changed his name back, The Urge was glad that he was back; however, he was killed by Duncan Flex, a musician who wanted to kill him for robbing him of his fame. This led to a chain of other superpowered musicians killing each other for robbing them of their respective fame - in the end, none are left standing.

The Future-self version of the Urge was resurrected for revenge in "Exit 9B" but was sent back to the underworld after Thomas signed the document that made the park a historical landmark.


The Urge is seen wearing a black suit, a red cape, a red headband, gold wrist bands, gold shoulder pads, black combat boots with gold shin guards on them and a black star around his left eye. He also has shoulder length-blond hair. When he goes back in time to kill Rigby, he wears the same ensemble except he gets a black helmet and visor and has gained a massive amount of weight. Also, he is seen carrying his white multi-neck guitar with him, which now has the ability to fire lasers. During his interview, he's seen wearing a white tank top instead of his black suit.


  • His name is a play on The Edge, of U2.
  • His future self's helmet and armor are in homage to Judge Dredd.
  • The black star on his left eye on his future self is a reference to musician Paul Stanley, of Kiss.

