June 13 & 17, 2025 in Amsterdam\n",
"_event__subtitle": "
React Summit is a celebration of good things coming together:\n",
"event__text": "
React Summit is an annual conference about React ecosystem and modern web development, gathering thousands of Front-end and Full-stack engineers from around the world.\n Join us in Amsterdam, or interactive Remote experience with hybrid speaker QnA, discussions rooms and online practical workshops.\n",
"event__techstitle": " This year, you can expect authors and core teams of:\n",
"event__boldtitle": "Trending Tech\nin Summer Amsterdam",
"features__title": "Features",
"workshops__title": " Workshops at React Summit \n",
"workshops__text": " There are 2 types of PRO workshops:\n 1 - In-person workshop pass (includes 2 * x 4-hour workshops & a Combo ticket to React Summit & JSNation)\n * You can choose 2 out of 4 workshops listed below on a first-come-first-served basis (after buying the workshop pass you'll get an email with information how to pick the workshops)\n 2 - Remote PRO workshops run via Zoom (8-h workshops)\n Take full advantage of your conference experience and get training from our best speakers and trainers.\n The workshops listed below are not included in Full ticket and should be bought separately (separate remote workshop ticket or an in-person workshop pass). If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please email us.\n",
"workshops__paidTitle": "Workshops",
"contacts__socials": "Follow us",
"speakers__title": "Speakers & Trainers",
"speakers__altTitle": "Trainers",
"advicers__title": "Advice Lounge",
"mcs__title": "Our MCs",
"committee__title": "Program Committee",
"fullaccess__title": "Multipass and full ticket perks",
"interactivesessions__title": "Interactive Sessions With Speakers",
"videorooms__title": "Discussions",
"randomparty__title": "Attend Watching Parties",
"randomparty__text": " Join random groups of conference attendees watching/discussing the event. Make new friends!\n",
"faq__descr": " Our team is always striving to provide the best support to help you with any questions related to conference attendance and to make information more transparent and instantly accessible, we've started gathering most frequently asked questions on the page below. \n If you can't find an answer to your question below – contact us via [email protected].\n",
"jobs__title": "Would like to work for companies investing into tech education and local communities?",
"_jobs__desc": " Check out these React job offers form our partners.\n",
"perks__title": "Our sponsors welcome you and provide some virtual goodie bag gifts.",
"perks__desc": " Check out sponsors' offers and choose those you like the most! \n",
"sponsors__title": "Sponsors",
"sponsors__intro": " We would not be here, if companies like Facebook would not invest into Open Source so heavily, as well as React would not grow that much without support of multiple great companies from across the globe.\nWe're really grateful for all the trust and support our partners shared with us.\n",
"sponsors__offer": " Would like to join the community and improve your tech brand? These workshops are included in Full Ticket (both in-person & remote).\n All Full Ticket holders will get an email with a registration link for the workshops, as soon as the full workshops line up is published. \n These workshops will be run remotely via Zoom.\n Workshops are targeted both at React newbies and hardcore fans. Take full advantage of your remote conference experience and get training from our best speakers and trainers.\n The recordings of most workshops will be shared with full ticket holders after the conference.\n",
"schedule__tip": "Times below are shown in your local browsers time zone.",
"_zoombars__title": "Remote Afterparty Bar, June 21",
"zoombars__subtitle": " Join Spatial.chat and enjoy a remote drink with the community!\n",
"zoombars__titleInPerson": "Remote Afterparty Bar, June 21",
"multipass__title": "GITNATION MULTIPASS",
"multipass__desc": "Get access to all these confs for 17EUR/month",
"cfp__title": "CFP is open",
"cfp__link": "https://gitnation.com/events/react-summit-2025/cfp",
"cfp__linkText": "Submit proposal",
"cfp__desc": "CFP is open until March 2, 2025",
"contactForm__title": " Follow us Do you like our mission? Would you like to contribute and join forces? Let's talk! 85% of all Full Access tickets are bought by businesses for their teams. \n Fill in this form to send a secure email to the Decision Maker in your company.\nUsually, it's your HR, Team Lead, or CEO who makes these decisions.\n",
"companyTicket__formAction": "PLACEHOLDER",
"workshopsList__title": "Workshops Free & PRO",
"workshopsList__info": " Take full advantage of your conference experience, and get training from our best speakers and instructors. \n",
"osaAward__title": "React Open Source Awards",
"osaAward__desc": " We’re looking specifically at open source projects or initiatives, with or without a code, but following an open and transparent culture, open for collaboration and contributions from any person interested. \n Github stars are not our criteria, and we’re looking for hidden gems (non yet maintstream), that may not have enough marketing power or huge companies behind them. The main goal of the project is to shed some light on great projects, that weren’t enough noticed in a competitive environment and hype. \n
Check sponsorship opportunities.\n",
"prices__confTicketLink": "https://ti.to/gitnation/react-summit-2025",
"prices__fullTicketLink": "#prices__fullTicketLink",
"prices__freeRegLink": "#prices__freeRegLink",
"ticket__link": "#tickets",
"ticket__text": "Tickets",
"workshops3h__title": "FREE WORKSHOPS AT REACT SUMMIT",
"workshops3h__text": "
\nfor updates\n",
"contactForm__desc": "Subscribe to our conference newsletter and get the latest updates and special deals",
"contactForm__formAction": "https://gitnation.com/newsletter-preferences",
"footer__tip": "
\nWe're looking for partnership opportunities and are eager to hear any of your ideas.
\n[email protected]\n",
"companyTicket__title": "Ask your company to pay for your ticket",
"companyTicket__desc": "