On track to Lead the Future_

Download our Integrated Annual Report (opens in a new window) Financial documents  (opens in a new window)

Photo of Jacques Aschenbroich, Chairman of the Board of Directors at Orange.

“On behalf of the Board of Directors, I want to express my continued confidence in Christel Heydemann, our CEO, and her bolstered Executive Committee. 

I would also like to extend my gratitude to all Orange employees for their exceptional commitment to the success of our plan.” 

Read the message

“I firmly believe that Orange, driven by its purpose, has a responsibility to the creation of a digital world that is responsible, green, inclusive, and safe-by-design.” 

Read the interview
Photo of Christel Heydemann, Chief Executive Officer at Orange.

Trends on the move 

Attentive to changes in the world and in touch with the expectations of our stakeholders, we anticipate the major challenges facing the sector in order to seize opportunities, manage risks and collectively shape the future of telecoms in our image: more efficient, more sustainable and more inclusive. 

 A complex geopolitical, regulatory and economic context 

Learn more about Orange response

Growing demand for connectivity and digital services 

Learn more about Orange response

The rise of new technologies and AI: balancing risks and opportunities 

Learn more about Orange response

Towards a responsible digital future in line with international climate objectives 

Learn more about Orange response
To understand our challenges  

Onwards with our ambition 

One year after the launch of our Lead the Future plan, our performance is testament to our ability to execute and to the progress we are making on our major strategic projects. We are on the right track to build a sustainable future for our Group, guided by our purpose: “As a trusted partner, Orange gives everyone the keys to a responsible digital world.” 

Two workers work on an infrastructure at height.
A man works on a computer in modern premises.
4 people seated are showing a cell phone with the Max it application on it.
Find out more about our strategic advances

Contributions on the ground 

Two people on a construction site look at a digital work tablet. 
Two athletes cross the finish line of a running track.
Three students accompanied by a teacher work on computers and video game controllers.
A woman works on a digital tablet within a database. 
A person is seated at a concert organized by the Orange Foundation.
A person charges their digital tablet with electricity. 
Discover the scope of our actions in the field

Impact on target 

In 2023, we achieved all our financial fixed targets for the year. We are also on track to achieve our non-financial objectives by 2025, and contribute to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. This performance testifies to our impact on society as a whole. 

Orange turnover in 2023 (44.1 billion euros) and 2022 (43.5 billion euros)
CO2 emissions on scopes 1 and 2 compared to 2015: -34.7% in 2023. Target 2025: -30%. 
Number of beneficiaries of our free digital training programs: 1.8 million between 2021 and 2023. Target 2021-2025: 2.5 million.
Track all our performance indicators

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