PESTO Proof techniques for security protocols Security and Confidentiality Algorithmics, Programming, Software and Architecture Laboratoire lorrain de recherche en informatique et ses applications (LORIA) CNRS, Université de Lorraine Project-Team A1.2.8. - Network security A2.2.9. - Security by compilation A2.4. - Formal method for verification, reliability, certification A4.3.3. - Cryptographic protocols A4.5. - Formal methods for security A4.6. - Authentication A4.8. - Privacy-enhancing technologies A7.1. - Algorithms A7.2. - Logic in Computer Science B6.3.2. - Network protocols B6.3.3. - Network Management B6.3.4. - Social Networks B6.6. - Embedded systems B9.10. - Privacy
Inria Centre at Université de Lorraine
Steve Kremer Chercheur Team leader, INRIA, Senior Researcher oui Véronique Cortier Chercheur CNRS, Senior Researcher oui Alexandre Debant Chercheur INRIA, Researcher, from Sep 2023 Lucca Hirschi Chercheur INRIA, Researcher Vincent Laporte Chercheur INRIA, Researcher Christophe Ringeissen Chercheur INRIA, Researcher oui Peter Roenne Chercheur CNRS, until Aug 2023 Michael Rusinowitch Chercheur INRIA, Senior Researcher, oui Mathieu Turuani Chercheur INRIA, Researcher Jannik Dreier Enseignant UL, Associate Professor Abdessamad Imine Enseignant UL, Associate Professor oui Laurent Vigneron Enseignant UL, Professor, oui Vincent Diemunsch PhD ANSSI Tom Gouville PhD INRIA, from Nov 2023 Elise Klein PhD INRIA Ala Laouir PhD UL Léo Louistisserand PhD UL, from Sep 2023 Dhekra Mahmoud PhD UNIV CLERMONT AUVERG Florian Moser PhD famoser GmbH, from Jul 2023 Maiwenn Racouchot PhD INRIA Wafik Zahwa PhD NUMERYX TECHNOLOGIES, CIFRE Wail Nidal Zellagui PhD UL, from Nov 2023 Anselme Goetschmann Technique INRIA, Engineer, from Apr 2023 Michael Mera Technique Inria, from Oct 2023 until Oct 2023 Dominique Bazin Stagiaire ENS PARIS-SACLAY, from Jun 2023 until Aug 2023 Micol Giacomin Stagiaire ENS PARIS-SACLAY, from Jun 2023 until Jul 2023 Simon Lukowski Stagiaire Inria, from Jun 2023 until Aug 2023 Wenjia Tang Stagiaire Inria, from May 2023 until Jul 2023 Valentin Thiebaux-Pierre Stagiaire Inria, from May 2023 until Jul 2023 Antoine Toussaint Stagiaire UL, until Jul 2023 Benjamin Voisin Stagiaire Inria, from May 2023 until Jul 2023 Juline Brevillet Assistant UL, from Apr 2023 Sophie Drouot Assistant INRIA Overall objectives Context

Many face to face and paper transactions have nowadays digital counterparts: home banking, electronic commerce, e-voting, ... and even partially our social life. A direct consequence of this digitalization is that large amounts of sensitive data transits on network and is stored on servers. It is therefore essential to protect communications and transactions against malicious parties, which we generically refer to as attackers. Cryptography and cryptographic protocols play an essential role to achieve this protection. However, vulnerabilities keep being found and attacks are frequent. This is due to an inherent asymmetry when building secure systems: while a designer needs to defend against all possible attacks, an attacker only needs to find a single point of failure.

Therefore, we advocate the use of formal and principled approaches to reason about security: given a mathematical abstraction of the system, the attacker and the security properties, we attest that the security property is ensured by the system even in presence of the attacker. Such a security proof, or principled security analysis, does not guarantee an absolute notion of security: an attacker may always act outside the attacker model and exploit aspects of the system that are not reflected in the abstract model. However, we can systematically exclude whole classes of attacks when no vulnerability is detected.


The aim of the project is to build formal models and computer-aided techniques for analysis and design of security protocols, cryptographic primitives and mechanisms. We structure our research around four axes:

  • Symbolic verification of cryptographic protocols. Building on the seminal ideas of Dolev and Yao  43 we develop automated tools for formally analyzing specifications of security protocols. This axis builds on techniques from automated reasoning, e.g. rewriting techniques, and concurrency theory, e.g., process algebra. In recent years these tools have reached a level of maturity that allows to analyse complex, real-life protocols, but also opens new fundamental questions, related to more complex properties and protocol models.
  • High assurance implementations. While in the previous axis we concentrate on protocol specifications and abstract models of cryptography, in this axis our aim is to focus on actual implementations. On the one hand we work on high assurance and high-speed implementations of cryptographic primitives that ensure resistance to different forms of side channel attacks. On the other hand we wish to leverage guarantees offered by symbolic verification of security protocols to implementations. As automated proofs of existing implementations are currently out-of-scope we investigate the use of fuzzing techniques, but in the presence of a Dolev-Yao protocol.
  • Electronic voting protocols. While e-voting was initially an application area for our symbolic verification techniques, this topic has become a research axis on its own. We develop dedicated verification techniques for e-voting protocols, we formally design security definition, which shows to be a tricky problem on its own, design new protocols and develop the Belenios open-source e-voting platform.
  • Privacy for online social networks and big data management. We study privacy issues in online social networks and more generally big data management. To this end we propose tools to raise privacy risk awareness by auditing profiles, study inference attacks from meta-data and configure privacy settings that optimize the privacy-social benefit trade-off.
  • Research program Modelling

    Before being able to analyse and properly design security protocols, it is essential to have a model with a precise semantics of the protocols themselves, the attacker and its capabilities, as well as the properties a protocol must ensure.

    Most current languages for protocol specification are quite basic and do not provide support for global state, loops, or complex data structures such as lists, or Merkle trees. As an example we may cite Hardware Security Modules that rely on a notion of mutable global state which does not arise in traditional protocols, see e.g. the discussion by Herzog 49.

    Similarly, the properties a protocol should satisfy are generally not precisely defined, and stating the “right” definitions is often a challenging task in itself. In the case of authentication, many protocol attacks were due to the lack of a precise meaning, cf. 47. While the case of authentication has been widely studied, the recent digitalisation of all kinds of transactions and services introduces a plethora of new properties, including for instance anonymity in e-voting, untraceability of RFID tokens, verifiability of computations that are out-sourced, as well as sanitisation of data in social networks. We expect that many privacy and anonymity properties may be modelled as particular observational equivalences in process calculi 41, or indistinguishability between cryptographic games 2; sanitisation of data may also rely on information-theoretic measures.

    We also need to take into account that the attacker model changes. While historically the attacker was considered to control the communication network, we may nowadays argue that even (part of) the host executing the software may be compromised through, e.g., malware. This situation motivates the use of secure elements and multi-factor authentication with out-of-band channels. A typical example occurs in e-commerce: to validate an online payment a user needs to enter an additional code sent by the bank via SMS to the user's mobile phone. Such protocols require the possession of a physical device in addition to the knowledge of a password which could have been leaked on an untrusted platform. The fact that data needs to be copied by a human requires these data to be short, and hence amenable to brute-force attacks by an attacker or guessing.

    Verification Generic proof techniques

    Most automated tools for verifying security properties rely on techniques stemming from automated deduction. Often existing techniques do however not apply directly, or do not scale up due to state explosion problems. For instance, the use of Horn clause resolution techniques requires dedicated resolution methods 33, 37. Another example is unification modulo equational theory, which is a key technique in several tools, e.g. 46. Security protocols however require to consider particular equational theories that are not naturally studied in classical automated reasoning. Sometimes, even new concepts have been introduced. One example is the finite variant property  39, which is used in several tools, e.g., Akiss  37, Maude-NPA  46 and TAMARIN  52. Another example is the notion of asymmetric unification  45 which is a variant of unification used in Maude-NPA to perform important syntactic pruning techniques of the search space, even when reasoning modulo an equational theory. For each of these topics we need to design efficient decision procedures for a variety of equational theories.

    Dedicated procedures and tools

    We design dedicated techniques for automated protocol verification. While existing techniques for security protocol verification are efficient and have reached maturity for verification of confidentiality and authentication properties (or more generally safety properties), our goal is to go beyond these properties and the standard attacker models, verifying the properties and attacker models identified in Section 3.1. This includes techniques that:

  • can analyse indistinguishability properties, including for instance anonymity and unlinkability properties, but also properties stated in simulation-based (also known as universally composable) frameworks, which express the security of a protocol as an ideal (correct by design) system;
  • take into account protocols that rely on a notion of mutable global state which does not arise in traditional protocols, but is essential when verifying tamper-resistant hardware devices, e.g., the RSA PKCS#11 standard, IBM's CCA and the trusted platform module (TPM);
  • consider attacker models for protocols relying on weak secrets that need to be copied or remembered by a human, such as multi-factor authentication.
  • These goals are beyond the scope of most current analysis tools and require both theoretical advances in the area of verification, as well as the design of new efficient verification tools.


    Given our experience in formal analysis of security protocols, including both protocol proofs and finding of flaws, it is tempting to use our experience to design protocols with security in mind and security proofs. This part includes both provably secure design techniques, as well as the development of new protocols.

    General design techniques

    Design techniques include composition results that allow one to design protocols in a modular way 40, 38. Composition results come in many flavours: they may allow one to compose protocols with different objectives, e.g. compose a key exchange protocol with a protocol that requires a shared key or rely on a protocol for secure channel establishment, compose different protocols in parallel that may re-use some key material, or compose different sessions of the same protocol.

    Another area where composition is of particular importance is Service Oriented Computing, where an “orchestrator” must combine some available component services, while guaranteeing some security properties. In this context, we work on the automated synthesis of the orchestrator or monitors for enforcing the security goals. These problems require the study of new classes of automata that communicate with structured messages.

    New protocol design

    We also design new protocols. Application areas that seem of particular importance are:

  • External hardware devices such as security APIs that allow for flexible key management, including key revocation, and their integration in security protocols. The security fiasco of the PKCS#11 standard 35, 42 witnesses the need for new protocols in this area.
  • Election systems that provide strong security guarantees. We have been working (in collaboration with the Caramba team) on a prototype implementation of an e-voting system, Belenios.
  • Mechanisms for publishing personal information (e.g. on social networks) in a controlled way.
  • Application domains Cryptographic protocols

    Security protocols, such as TLS, Kerberos, ssh or AKA (mobile communication), are the main tool for securing our communications. The aim of our work is to improve their security guarantees. For this, we propose models that are expressive enough to formally represent protocol executions in the presence of an adversary, formal definitions of the security properties to be satisfied by these protocols, and automated tools able to analyse them and possibly exhibit design flaws.

    Automated reasoning

    Many techniques for symbolic verification of security properties are rooted in automated reasoning. A typical example is equational reasoning used to model the algebraic properties of a cryptographic primitive. Our work therefore aims to improve and adapt existing techniques or propose new ones when needed for reasoning about security.

    Electronic voting

    Electronic elections have in the last years been used in several countries for politically binding elections. The use in professional elections and associations is even more widespread. The aim of our work is to increase our understanding of the security properties needed for secure elections, propose techniques for analysing e-voting protocols, design of state-of-the-art voting protocols, but also to highlight the limitations of e-voting solutions.

    Privacy in social networks

    The treatment of information released by users on social networks can violate a user's privacy. The goal of our work is to allow users to control the information released while guaranteeing their privacy.

    Social and environmental responsibility Impact of research results VéroniqueCortier

    In 2023, 3 out of the 11 elections of deputies had to be re-run for the French from abroad. As in 2022, Cortier, Gaudry, and Glondu acted as third party w.r.t. verifiability for the elections conducted with Internet voting. Concretely, we were involved in two steps:

  • universal verifiability: at the end of the election, we were given the (encrypted) ballots for each ballot box (11 in total). We checked that all ballots were well-formed and that the official results corresponded to the content of the (encrypted) ballots, thanks to cryptographic proofs.
  • individual verifiability: each voter was given a receipt that contains a hash of their ballot as well as a signature (from the server) of their ballot. We offered an online service that allows voters to checks that 1. the signature is valid; 2. the hash indeed corresponds to a ballot that we saw in the ballot box.
  • Our work consolidates the introduction of more verifiability in French, political, elections. In particular, we obtained that a (partial) specification of the system was made public and that the hash of received ballots were made public as well.

    ANSSI recommendation on evoting VéroniqueCortierAlexandreDebantLuccaHirschi

    We participate in a working group led by ANSSI, the purpose of which is to help the governmental actors (CNIL, ANSSI) in defining the next documents regulating the use of electronic voting in France. A first meeting was held on July, 2023. We also provide feedback on intermediate working documents.

    Highlights of the year Awards
  • LICS 2023 Test-of-Time award for An NP Decision Procedure for Protocol Insecurity with XOR by Y. Chevalier, R. Küsters, M. Rusinowitch, M. Turuani.
  • S&P 2023 distinguished paper award for Typing High-Speed Cryptography against Spectre v1 by B. Ammanaghatta Shivakumar, G. Barthe, B. Grégoire, V. Laporte, T. Oliviera, S. Priya, P. Schwabe, L. Tabary-Maujean.
  • Usenix 2023 distinguished paper award for Hash Gone Bad: Automated discovery of protocol attacks that exploit hash function weaknesses by V. Cheval, C. Cremers, A. Dax, L. Hirschi, Ch. Jacomme, S. Kremer.
  • Steve Kremer was named a Noteworthy Reviewer for USENIX Security 2023.
  • New software, platforms, open data New software Belenios
  • Belenios - Verifiable online voting system
  • E-voting
  • Belenios is an open-source online voting system that provides vote confidentiality and verifiability. End-to-end verifiability relies on the fact that the ballot box is public (voters can check that their ballots have been received) and on the fact that the tally is publicly verifiable (anyone can recount the votes). Vote confidentiality relies on the encryption of the votes and the distribution of the decryption key (no one detains the secret key).

    Belenios supports various kind of elections. In the standard mode, Belenios supports simple elections where voters simply select one or more candidates. It also supports arbitrary counting functions at the cost of a slightly more complex tally procedure for the authorities. For example, Belenios supports Condorcet, STV, and Majority Judgement, where voters rank candidates and grade them.

    Belenios is available in several languages for the voters as well as the administrators of an election. More languages can be freely added by users.

  • In 2023, our platform was used to run about 1500 elections, with about 175,000 registered voters and 55,000 ballots counted.

    Some of the improvements made during this year are invisible for users. This includes the use of elliptic curves instead of finite fields, as a base group where the discrete logarithm problem is supposed to be hard. The use of elliptic curve allows to decrease the size of ballots and improve time efficiency. Also, some modifications have been made, so that the server can handle larger elections. This was successfully tested, with a real election of more than 30,000 voters.

    Other changes are visible to users. A new election administration interface based on a REST API is now available for beta-testing to the users. Also, the voter's journey has been slightly simplified, without impact on security. Finally, the STV counting system for preferential voting is now fully supported.

  • https://­www.­belenios.­org/
  • Stéphane Glondu
  • Pierrick Gaudry, Stéphane Glondu, Véronique Cortier
  • CNRS, Inria
  • Tamarin
  • Tamarin prover
  • Security, Verification
  • The Tamarin prover is a security protocol verification tool that supports both falsification and unbounded verification of security protocols specified as multiset rewriting systems with respect to (temporal) first-order properties and a message theory that models Diffie-Hellman exponentiation, bilinear pairing, multisets, and exclusive-or (XOR), combined with a user-defined convergent rewriting theory. Its main advantages are its ability to handle stateful protocols and its interactive proof mode. Moreover, it has been extended to verify equivalence properties. The tool is developed jointly by the PESTO team, the Institute of Information Security at ETH Zurich, and CISPA. In a joint effort, the partners wrote and published a user manual in 2016, available from the Tamarin website.
  • (1) Support for natural numbers and subterm reasoning, (2) Internal tactics language, (3) Advanced Diffie-Hellman (subgroups) with additional neutral group element added to Diffie-Hellman builtin, (4) Global macros, (5) Improved warnings, (6) Improved graph visualization.
  • Several interns worked on Tamarin and implemented multiple improvements concerning in particular the tool's error handling and graph visualization.

    An extension to Tamarin that allows to model imperfect cryptographic hash functions was also developed. In extensive case studies using this methodology, the extended tool rediscovers all attacks that were previously reported for several vulnerable protocols and discovers several new variants.

  • http://­tamarin-prover.­github.­io/
  • hal-03767104, hal-02903620, hal-02358878, hal-03693843, hal-03795715
  • Jannik Dreier
  • Jannik Dreier, Elise Klein, Maiwenn Racouchot, Véronique Cortier, Steve Kremer, Charlie Jacomme
  • CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, ETHZ
  • Jasmin
  • Jasmin compiler and analyser
  • Cryptography, Static analysis, Compilers
  • The Jasmin programming language smoothly combines high-level and low-level constructs, so as to support “assembly in the head” programming. Programmers can control many low-level details that are performance-critical: instruction selection and scheduling, what registers to spill and when, etc. The language also features high-level abstractions (variables, functions, arrays, loops, etc.) to structure the source code and make it more amenable to formal verification. The Jasmin compiler produces predictable assembly and ensures that the use of high-level abstractions incurs no run-time penalty.

    The semantics is formally defined to allow rigorous reasoning about program behaviors. The compiler is formally verified for correctness (the proof is machine-checked by the Coq proof assistant). This ensures that many properties can be proved on a source program and still apply to the corresponding assembly program: safety, termination, functional correctness…

    Jasmin programs can be automatically checked for safety and termination (using a trusted static analyzer). The Jasmin workbench leverages the EasyCrypt toolset for formal verification. Jasmin programs can be extracted to corresponding EasyCrypt programs to prove functional correctness, cryptographic security, or security against side-channel attacks (constant-time).

  • 2023.06.0 is a major release of Jasmin. It contains a few noteworthy changes that follows. Local functions now use call and ret instructions. The ARMv7 (i.e., Cortex-M4) architecture is now experimentally supported. A few aspects of the safety checker can be finely controlled through annotations or command-line flags. Shift and rotation operators have a simpler semantics.

    As usual, it also brings in various fixes and improvements, such as bit rotation operators and automatic slicing of the input program.

  • On June 2023, a major release (2023.06.0) has been published.
  • https://­github.­com/­jasmin-lang/­jasmin
  • hal-04106448, hal-04218417, hal-03844366, hal-03430789, hal-03352062, hal-02404581, hal-02974993, hal-01649140
  • Jean-Christophe Léchenet
  • Gilles Barthe, Benjamin Grégoire, Adrien Koutsos, Vincent Laporte, Jean-Christophe Léchenet, Swarn Priya, Santiago Arranz Olmos
  • The IMDEA Software Institute, Ecole Polytechnique, Universidade do Minho, Universidade do Porto, Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy
  • tlspuffin
  • TLS Protocol Under FuzzINg
  • Fuzzing, Formal methods, Cryptographic protocol
  • tlspuffin is a full-fledged and modular DY fuzzer implementation in Rust. DY Fuzzing is a novel approach to fuzzing cryptographic protocols. It is based on the idea of using formal Dolev-Yao (DY) models as domain-specific knowledge to guide the fuzzer and give it the ability to detect logical attacks in protocol implementations. tlspuffin revolves around three main layers and modules that are of independent interest. First, the protocol- and Program Under Test-agnostic DY fuzzer that we implemented in a standalone module puffin uses the main fuzzing loop of the modular, state-of-the art fuzzer LibAFL. It implements custom test cases using DY traces, mutations, and objective oracle. On top of puffin, we built protocol-dependent fuzzers. We currently support tlspuffin for TLS and the preliminary sshpuffin for SSH. Third, we connect PUTs such as OpenSSL, LibreSSL, and wolfSSL to the fuzzers.
  • We responsibly disclosed four logical attacks-based vulnerabilities we found with tlspuffin that affected the WolfSSL TLS library: CVE-2022-42905 (critical severity), CVE-2022-42905 and CVE-2022-42905 (high severity), and CVE-2022-38153 (medium severity). wolfSSL is a lightweight implementation widely used by IoT and embedded devices, and is able to run on OSs and CPUs otherwise not supported. See the associated paper:
  • https://­github.­com/­tlspuffin/­tlspuffin
  • Lucca Hirschi
  • Max Ammann, Lucca Hirschi, Steve Kremer
  • Trail of Bits
  • New results Security Protocols Foundations of Automated Verification: Semantics, Decidability and Complexity VéroniqueCortierSteveKremerRaphaëlleCrubilléChristopheRingeissenLaurentVigneron

    Security properties of cryptographic protocols are typically expressed as reachability or equivalence properties. Secrecy and authentication are examples of reachability properties while privacy properties such as untraceability, vote secrecy, or anonymity are generally expressed as behavioral equivalence in a process algebra that models security protocols.

    Cheval (Inria Paris), Crubillé and Kremer study probabilistic process equivalences for security protocols. Symbolic models are classically purely non-deterministic. Indeed, generating random keys and nonces, or using randomized cryptographic primitives (like any secure encryption scheme) is idealized in symbolic models, replacing random numbers that can be guessed with only a negligible probability with perfectly fresh values that cannot be guessed at all. This abstraction has been widely used and has shown its usefulness. Another source of randomness may however come from the control flow. Typically, protocols aiming at anonymity, such as the Dining Cryptographers protocol, require users to take one action or another probabilistically. In this work we propose an extension of the applied pi calculus with a probabilistic choice operator (+p) and corresponding process equivalences. We show that it is essential that schedulers in such a probabilistic calculus are randomized, as non-randomized schedulers lead to definitions that have undesirable properties. We for instance show that typical behavioral relations would not be transitive and point out a flaw in the main theorem of a previous framework  48 that chose non-randomized schedulers. Mixing non-determinism and probabilistic choices generally leads to unsatisfactory behavioral equivalences: as the non-deterministic choices can leak the probabilistic choices, the resulting equivalences is too strong, modeling unrealistic attacker capabilities. We therefore investigate two sub-classes of protocols. We first consider the class of protocols that do not make any probabilistic choices, but allow the attacker to do so. Even though the honest processes may be purely non-deterministic, as the attacker is probabilistic, the resulting may testing equivalence is strictly stronger. We show that for a bounded number of sessions may-testing with a probabilistic attacker coincides with purely possibilistic similarity. Second, we consider a class of simple processes, with a very limited non-determinism. For this class, we show that trace equivalence coincides with may-testing where attackers are sequential processes (no parallel, nor non-deterministic choice) 7.

    In collaboration with Erbatur (UT Dallas, USA) and Marshall (Univ Mary Washington, USA), Ringeissen studies reasoners and solvers for equational theories used in protocol analysis. In 22, the same authors plus Dwyer Satterfield (Univ Mary Washington, USA) have identified a class of term rewrite systems including the subterm convergent ones where the deduction problem and the static equivalence problem can be decided in a uniform way just like in the particular subterm convergent case. This class includes many theories of practical interest for which both deduction and static equivalence were decided until now on an individual basis. Beyond the decision problems related to equational unification and (intruder) theories, Ringeissen is also working on SMT (Satisfiability Modulo Theories) solvers to model verification conditions. In collaboration with Sheng (Stanford U.), Zohar (Bar Ilan U.), Reynolds (U. of Iowa), Barrett (Stanford U.) and Tinelli (U. of Iowa), Ringeissen published a journal paper on improving polite combination in presence of stably infinite theories 8. Christophe Ringeissen and Laurent Vigneron are also working on the definition of decision procedures based on congruence closure that could combine several equational theories.

    Improving Verification Tools VéroniqueCortierAlexandreDebantJannikDreierLuccaHirschiEliseKleinSteveKremer

    Fine-grained models of hash functions

    Most cryptographic protocols use cryptographic hash functions as a building block. The security analyses of these protocols typically assume that the hash functions are perfect (such as in the random oracle model). However, in practice, most widely deployed hash functions are far from perfect – and as a result, the analysis may miss attacks that exploit the gap between the model and the actual hash function used.

    In collaboration with Cremers (CISPA), Cheval (Inria Paris), Dax (CISPA) and Jacomme (Inria Paris), Hirschi and Kremer develop the first methodology to systematically discover attacks on security protocols that exploit weaknesses in widely deployed hash functions. We achieve this by revisiting the gap between theoretical properties of hash functions and the weaknesses of real-world hash functions, from which we develop a lattice of threat models. For all of these threat models, we develop fine-grained symbolic models.

    Our methodology's fine-grained models cannot be directly encoded in existing state-of-the-art analysis tools by just using their equational reasoning. We therefore develop extensions for the two leading tools, TAMARIN and ProVerif. In extensive case studies using our methodology, the extended tools rediscover all attacks that were previously reported for these protocols and discover several new variants. These results have been presented at USENIX'23 14.

    Proving unlinkability using ProVerif through desynchronized bi-processes

    Unlinkability is a privacy property of crucial importance for several systems such as mobile phones or RFID chips. Analysing this security property is very complex, and highly error-prone. Therefore, formal verification with machine support is desirable. Unfortunately, existing tools perform over-approximations which eventually lead to false attacks, and thus prevent direct and automatic security proofs of unlinkability. To overcome this limitation, different techniques have been developed: either verifying a (maybe) weaker notion of unlinkability (e.g.,  44) or following an indirect approach that consists in proving sufficient conditions (e.g.,  36, 50, 32). If these last properties avoid the main limitations of the tools, they still appear difficult to prove and often require non-negligible protocol abstractions.

    In collaboration with Baelde (IRISA) and Delaune (IRISA), Debant develops a new approach that allows direct and automatic proofs of unlinkability 12. They overcome the limitations of the tool ProVerif by defining a simple transformation that will exploit some of its specific features recently introduced in  34. This transformation, together with some generic axioms, allows the tool to successfully conclude on several case studies. They have implemented their approach, effectively obtaining direct proofs of unlinkability on several protocols that were, until now, out of reach of automatic verification tools. This approach is also promising to prove anonymity properties but this application remains a future work.

    Analysis of Deployed Protocols EliseKleinSteveKremerMaïwennRacouchotDhekraMahmoud

    Analysis of LAKE EDHOC

    In collaboration with Jacomme (Inria Paris) Klein, Kremer and Racouchot have analyzed EDHOC. EDHOC is a key exchange proposed by IETF's Lightweight Authenticated Key Exchange (LAKE) Working Group (WG). Its design focuses on small message sizes to be suitable for constrained IoT communication technologies. We provide an in-depth formal analysis of EDHOC–draft version 12, taking into account the different proposed authentication methods and various options. For our analysis we use the SAPIC+ protocol platform that allows to compile a single specification to three state-of-the-art protocol verification tools (ProVerif, TAMARIN and DeepSec) and take advantage of the strengths of each of the tools. In our analysis we consider a large variety of compromise scenarios, and also exploit recent results that allow to model existing weaknesses in cryptographic primitives, relaxing the perfect cryptography assumption, common in symbolic analysis. While our analysis confirmed security for the most basic threat models, a number of weaknesses were uncovered in the current design when more advanced threat models were taken into account. These weaknesses have been acknowledged by the LAKE WG and the mitigations we propose (and prove secure) have been included in version 14 of the draft 23.

    Formal analysis of WireGuard

    WireGuard is a Virtual Private Network (VPN), presented at NDSS 2017, recently integrated into the Linux Kernel and paid commercial VPNs such as NordVPN, Mullvad and ProtonVPN. It proposes a different approach from other classical VPN such as IPsec or OpenVPN because it does not let users configure cryptographic algorithms. The protocol inside WireGuard is a dedicated extension of IKpsk2 protocol from Noise Framework. Different analyses of WireGuard and IKpsk2 protocols have been proposed, in both the symbolic and the computational model, with or without computer-aided proof assistants. These analyses however consider different adversarial models or refer to incomplete versions of the protocols. In this work, we propose a unified formal model of WireGuard protocol in the symbolic model. Our model uses the automatic cryptographic protocol verifiers SAPIC+, ProVerif and TAMARIN. We consider a complete protocol execution, including cookie messages used for resistance against denial of service attacks. We model a precise adversary that can read or set static, ephemeral or pre-shared keys, read or set ecdh pre-computations, control key distribution. Eventually, we present our results in a unified and interpretable way, allowing comparisons with previous analyses. Finally, thanks to our models, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for security properties to be compromised, we confirm a flaw on the anonymity of the communications and point an implementation choice which considerably weakens its security. We propose a remediation that we prove secure using our models.

    DY fuzzing: Dolev-Yao model-guided Fuzzing of Cryptographic Protocols LuccaHirschiSteveKremer

    Critical and widely used cryptographic protocols have repeatedly been found to contain flaws in their design and their implementation. A prominent class of such vulnerabilities is logical attacks, i.e., attacks that solely exploit flawed protocol logic. Automated formal verification methods, based on the Dolev-Yao (DY) attacker, excel at finding such flaws, but operate only on abstract specification models. Fully automated verification of existing protocol implementations is today still out of reach. This leaves open whether widely used protocol implementations are secure. Unfortunately, this blind spot hides numerous attacks, notably recent logical attacks on widely used TLS implementations introduced by implementation bugs.

    In collaboration with Max Ammann (former master student), Hirschi and Kremer propose a novel and effective technique that we call DY model-guided fuzzing, which precludes logical attacks against protocol implementations 10. The main idea is to consider as possible test cases the set of abstract DY executions of the DY attacker, and use a mutation-based fuzzer to explore this set. The DY fuzzer concretizes each abstract execution to test it on the program under test. This approach enables reasoning at a more structural and security-related level of messages (e.g., decrypt a message and re-encrypt it with a different key) as opposed to random bit-level modifications that are much less likely to produce relevant logical adversarial behaviors. We implement a full-fledged and modular DY protocol fuzzer, dubbed puffin. We demonstrate its effectiveness by fuzzing three popular TLS implementations, resulting in the discovery of four novel vulnerabilities in WolfSSL, a lightweight implementation widely used by IoT and embedded devices, and able to run on OSs and CPUs otherwise not supported. Each of them has been responsibly disclosed to and fixed by WolfSSL. They have also been filed as CVEs.

    Security of Cryptographic Implementations VincentLaporte

    Cryptographic Constant-Time

    Timing side-channels are arguably one of the main sources of vulnerabilities in cryptographic implementations. One effective mitigation against timing side-channels is to write programs complying with the “cryptographic constant-time” discipline. This source-level mitigation aims to enforce that program execution does not leak secrets, where leakage is defined by a formal leakage model. In practice, different leakage models coexist, sometimes even within a single library, both to reflect different architectures and to accommodate different security-efficiency trade-offs.

    Constant-timeness is popular and can be checked automatically by many tools. However, most sound tools are focused on a baseline (BL) leakage model in which branches and memory accesses leak. Moreover, usual leakage models do not capture leakage during speculative execution, as exemplified by the Spectre attacks. Thus, Laporte and his co-authors have designed a type-system such that well-typed programs are secure against Spectre attacks. We implemented an efficient type-checker that is precise enough to automatically verify a comprehensive library of high-speed cryptographic implementations 9.

    High Assurance and High-Speed Cryptographic Implementations

    Compilers play a key role in implementations; their formal verification provides a strong justification to source-level reasoning: a verified compiler can be trusted to enforce at target-level properties that are proved at the level of source code.

    We are developing an approach for building cryptographic implementations, delivering assembly code that is provably functionally correct, protected against side-channels, and as efficient as hand-written assembly. Laporte and his co-authors have successfully applied to the efficient implementation of Kyber, a post-quantum primitive for key encapsulation 11. This has required to extend Jasmin and correspondingly update its verified compiler.

    E-voting Design of E-Voting Protocols VéroniqueCortierAlexandreDebantAnselmeGoetschmannLuccaHirschiLéoLouistisserandFlorianMoserQuentinYang

    Quentin Yang, co-supervised by Cortier and Gaudry (project-team Caramba), has defended his PhD thesis 27. Florian Moser, co-supervised by Cortier and Debant, has started in June 2023 and has proposed 30 a protocol based on code-voting for the context of Switzerland. It guarantees vote secrecy even against a dishonest voting client and still guarantees cast-as-intended, individual and universal verifiability under the trust assumptions of the Swiss Chancellery. Moser is designing a model in ProVerif to support these claims. Léo Louistisserand , co-supervised by Cortier and Gaudry (project-team Caramba), has started in September 2023. He has designed a protocol for a postal voting, that achieves both verifiability and vote privacy.


    Belenios is the main voting protocol developed by the team, as described in Section 7.1.1. Until now, a missing feature was the cast-as-intended property, that allows a voter to check that their vote has been sent as intended, even when their device is malicious and tries to vote for another candidate. Reusing some of the ideas proposed in the Themis protocol, Cortier, Debant, Gaudry (project-team Caramba), and Glondu are designing a variant of Belenios, called BeleniosCaI, that offers cast-as-intended, without requiring voters to use code sheets nor a second device 15. Goestchmann and Cortier, in a joint work with Gaudry (Caramba) and Lemonnier (Larsen), conducted a first user study of BeleniosCaI, to analyze whether the protocol was usable in practice and how well it protects vote privacy and verifiability.


    Anyone should be able to check that ballots have been cast by legitimate voters only. However, in practice, voters are often authenticated through a login and password sent through email or text messages, which offers low guarantee and no verifiability. Cortier, Debant, Hirschi, and Goetschmann have shown that it is possible to use the well-spread OpenID authentication protocol and to turn it into a protocol that offers eligibility verifiability. The first main idea is to use the signature of the identity provider as a proof of eligibility. Then, they show how to replace this signature by a zk-SNARK proof of knowledge of this signature, to avoid leaking any additional information provided by the OpenID protocol. A PoC implementation shows that computing such proofs remain feasible for large scale elections.


    Yang, in collaboration with Devillez, Pereira, and Peters (UCL Louvain), has explored 19 the interaction between receipt-freeness and cast-as-intended. They demonstrate that it is impossible to obtain a receipt-free voting protocol with cast-as-intended if the voting process is non-interactive, unless a trusted authority is available. They also demonstrate that, if a trusted voter registration authority is available, then cast-as-intended verifiability and receipt-freeness can be obtained. Furthermore, the same security properties can be obtained using an interactive voting process.

    Security analyses of E-Voting Protocols VéroniqueCortierAlexandreDebantLuccaHirschiPeterRoenneQuentinYang

    Study of JCJ

    The JCJ voting scheme  51 is the reference paradigm when designing a coercion-resistant protocol. Cortier, Gaudry (project-team Caramba), and Yang noticed a weakness in JCJ that is also present in all the systems following its general structure. This comes from the procedure that precedes the tally, where the trustees remove the ballots that should not be counted. This phase leaks more information than necessary, leading to potential threats for the coerced voters. Fixing this leads to the notion of cleansing-hiding, that they apply to form a variant of JCJ, called CHide. One reason for the problem not being seen before is the fact that the associated formal definition of coercion-resistance was too weak. They propose a definition that can take into account more behaviors such as revoting or the addition of fake ballots by authorities, and prove that CHide is coercion-resistant w.r.t. this definition 17.

    Proving verifiability

    End-to-end verifiability can be expressed as follows: the result of an election should count the votes of all voters (at least those who have verified their vote) plus at most k votes where k is the number of voters under the control of the attacker. Such a property requires to count the votes, which seemed out of reach of tools like ProVerif. Cheval (Inria Paris), Cortier, and Debant show that end-to-end verifiability can be (equivalently) expressed with two simple injectives queries, with no loss of generality. These two simple injective queries can immediately be expressed in ProVerif. Yet, they may be hard to prove. They therefore developed a framework using most of the new features of ProVerif (e.g. counters and lemmas) in order to prove E2E-verifiability in ProVerif. They applied this approach to usual protocols like Helios and Belenios but also to industrial-scale protocols like CHVote and SwissPost 13.

    System in use for the French legislative elections

    For the 2022 French legislative elections, Cortier (together with Gaudry and Glondu) was mandated as third party to check correctness of the cryptographic material produced during the election 16. They required that the specification of the protocol, used for our work, was made public.

    With this (sadly incomplete) specification as a starting point, Debant and Hirschi conducted  18 a security analysis of the underlying e-voting protocol. Due to a lack of system and threat model specifications, they built and contributed such specifications by studying the French legal framework and by reverse-engineering the code base accessible to the voters. Their analysis revealed that this protocol is affected by two design-level and implementation level vulnerabilities. They shown how those allow a standard voting server attacker and even more so a channel attacker to defeat the election integrity and ballot privacy due to 5 attack variants. They proposed and discussed 5 fixes to prevent those attacks. The specifications, the attacks, and the fixes were acknowledged by the relevant stakeholders during the responsible disclosure. They implemented the fixes to prevent the attacks for future elections.

    Estonian system

    Roenne, in collaboration with Sutopo and Haines, studied 25 the IVXV system used for municipal and national elections in Estonia as well as European Parliament elections. It appears that, despite the code being public for over five years, the cryptographic protocol has not seen much scrutiny at the code level. A previously unknown vulnerability was discovered, which contradicts the claimed individual verifiability of the system; this vulnerability should be patched in the next version of IVXV system.

    Online Social Networks Studying Frauds in Crypto-assets AbdessamadImineWailZellagui

    In a joint project between LORIA and BETA labs, Abdessamad Imine and Yamina Tadjeddine-Fourneyron (Pr in economics, UL) plan to explore fraud detection in crypto-assets. Based on peer-to-peer networks, crypto-assets are currently very popular and at the heart of several financial transactions/services such as foreign currency loans, crypto-asset exchanges, and international money transfers. The challenge is to design techniques to accurately assess whether crypto-asset fraud is due to a lack of regulation, vulnerabilities in IT infrastructure/protocols, or both. Such techniques will require a classification of fraud and security methods, through a bi-disciplinary collaboration, namely economics and computer science.

    Privacy-Preserving Big Data Management AbdessamadImineAla EddineLaouir

    With the increasing use of software services in daily life, the data collected by service providers is massive and sensitive. Although current big data analytics frameworks provide enormous data processing capacity, obtaining appropriate and private responses to large-scale queries quickly and without revealing sensitive information remains a challenging problem. It is clear that Approximate Query Processing (AQP) achieves faster execution with reasonable accuracy loss and Differential Privacy (DP) is popular for enforcing privacy by noising answers to queries. We have addressed the problem of combining AQP and DP in multidimensional data based on range queries. We have presented our private approximation system called DiApprox which takes into account online sampling to accelerate the execution of range queries and minimizes the noise to be injected into the samples and query results in order to preserve the data privacy. Through empirical evaluation, we have showed that DiApprox is able to approximate aggregation on large datasets over ×21 times faster than exact execution, with high accuracy.

    Efficient Management of Filtering Rules in Software-defined Networking MichaëlRusinowitchWafikZahwa

    In a joint project with the Resist project-team and the Numeryx company, Lahmadi (Resist) and Rusinowitch have developed algorithms to automatically distribute and compress filtering rules on a set of switches of limited capacity. Now they investigate with Zahwa a more adaptive and autonomous approach based on reinforcement learning, as well as heuristics, aiming an application to self-configurating firewalls 26.

    Bilateral contracts and grants with industry Bilateral contracts with industry VéroniqueCortierAlexandreDebantJannikDreierLuccaHirschiSteveKremerVincentLaporte

    We have several contracts with industrial partners interested in the design of electronic voting systems:

  • A one year contract was signed in June 2023 with Swiss Post (together with Caramba). The goal is to help them designing their next generation protocol for e-voting in Switzerland. We also assist them on the following topics: cryptographic issues, improvements of the ProVerif models.
  • A contract was signed early 2023 with MEAE (Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires Étrangères), together with Caramba. The goal was to act as third party auditor for individual and universal verifiability for the re-run in 2023 of 3 circonscriptions for the 2022 Legislative French Election, for the electronic voting elections (for the French from abroad).
  • A contract has been signed in April 2023 to provide to Élections Quebec an overview of the state-of-the-art in e-voting as they are preparing an Internet voting pilot project for the 2025 general municipal elections. Élections Québec is an independent and impartial institution that reports directly to the National Assembly in Québec, Canada.
  • Bilateral grants with industry MichaelRusinowitch

    A CIFRE contract with Numeryx has started with the Resist project-team and Pesto, to develop algorithms for optimizing sets of filtering rules in Software-defined Networks.

    Preparation of the VCast start-up VéroniqueCortier

    In 2023, Stéphane Glondu has joined the Inria Startup Studio program to prepare the creation of a society to exploit commercially the Belenios software, together with a person with a business background. The society, called VCast, is to be launched in the first semester of 2024. Véronique Cortier and Pierrick Gaudry (project-team Caramba), as co-founders of Belenios, were involved in the discussions concerning this creation.

    Partnerships and cooperations International research visitors Visits to international teams Research stays abroad JannikDreier
  • ETH Zurich
  • Switzerland
  • 8-12/01/2023
  • Collaboration on the Tamarin Prover with David Basin and Ralf Sasse
  • research stay
  • JannikDreier
  • Germany
  • 18-22/06/2023
  • Collaboration on the Tamarin Prover with Cas Cremers
  • research stay
  • European initiatives Other european programs/initiatives SteveKremer

  • EUGAIN, COST Action, European Network For Gender Balance in Informatics, duration: 4 years, since 2020, participant and leader of Working Group 3 – From PhD to Professor: Steve Kremer
  • National initiatives VéroniqueCortierRaphaëlleCrubilléAlexandreDebantJannikDreierLuccaHirschiEliseKleinSteveKremerMaïwennRacouchotMathieuTuruani

  • ANR JCJC ProtoFuzz Cryptographic Protocol Logic Fuzz Testing, duration: January 2023 – December 2026, leader: Lucca Hirschi.

    State-of-the-art formal methods for the verification of cryptographic protocols provide no guarantee on implementations, which are the end products that must be secure. Testing, especially fuzzing, is usable by practitioners, operates on implementations and has been very successful at finding low-level flaws but is unable to capture logical flaws. Therefore, effective techniques to preclude logical flaws from protocol implementations are desperately lacking.

    To fill this gap, we will develop the foundations, the design, and the implementation of an innovative hybrid, synergetic framework combining symbolic verification and fuzzing. In particular, we will (i) devise a simple protocol language and model extractor that enable extracting formal models from lightly annotated implementations and then refining those models based on functional correctness counter-examples and (ii) develop a novel testing methodology, symbolic-model-guided fuzzing, that, assisted by symbolic verifiers, efficiently captures logical attacks. The former will leverage a novel hybrid framework where symbolic formal models and implementations are tied together and can animate each other via dual executions.

    This project's ambitions are to significantly advance fuzzing and to establish hybrid frameworks combining fuzzing and symbolic verification as a new research topic, as well as to attack and improve the security of real-world, high-profile cryptographic protocols.

  • ANR Chaire IA ASAP Tools for automated, symbolic analysis of real-world cryptographic protocols, duration: September 2020 – August 2024, leader: Steve Kremer.

    The goal of this project is the development of efficient algorithms and tools for automated verification of cryptographic protocols, that are able to comprehensively analyse detailed models of real-world protocols building on techniques from automated reasoning. Automated reasoning is the subfield of AI whose goal is the design of algorithms that enable computers to reason automatically, and these techniques underlie almost all modern verification tools. Current analysis tools for cryptographic protocols do however not scale well, or require to (over)simplify models, when applied on real-world, deployed cryptographic protocols. We aim at overcoming these limitations: we therefore design new, dedicated algorithms, include these algorithms in verification tools, and use the resulting tools for the security analyses of real-world cryptographic protocols.

  • ANR SEVERITAS Secure and Verifiable Test and Assessment System, duration: Mai 2021 – April 2025, local coordinator: Jannik Dreier, other partners: LIG/University Grenoble Alpes (coordinator France), SnT/University of Luxembourg (coordinator Luxembourg), LIMOS/Université Clermont Auvergne.

    SEVERITAS advances information socio-technical security for Electronic Test and Assessment Systems (e-TAS). These systems measure skills and performances in education and training. They improve management, reduce time-to-assessment, reach larger audiences, but they do not always provide security by design. This project recognizes that the security aspects for e-TAS are still mostly unexplored. We fill these gaps by studying current and other to-be-defined security properties. We develop automated tools to advance the formal verification of security and show how to validate e-TAS security rigorously. We develop new secure, transparent, verifiable and lawful e-TAS procedures and protocols. We also deploy novel run-time monitoring strategies to reduce frauds and study the user experience about processes to foster e-TAS usable security. Thanks to connections with players in the business of e-TAS, such as OASYS, this project will contribute to the development of secure e-TAS.

  • PEPR
  • PEPR CyberSecurity - SVP Verification of Security Protocols. duration: July 2022 – July 2028, local coordinator: Véronique Cortier, other partners: SPICY - Irisa (coordinator), Prosecco - Inria Paris, INSPIRE - LMF/ Université Paris-Saclay, STAMP - Inria Sophia

    The SVP project aims at enabling the analysis of protocols (either already deployed or in the design phase) at the level of abstract specifications as well as implementations. The goal is to develop techniques and tools allowing the implementation of solutions whose security will not be questioned in a cyclic way. To achieve this challenge, building on the work already done in the community of formal methods for security protocol verification, we notably plan to take the following steps : (i) developing new functionalities in existing tools to allow the analysis of more and more complex protocols ; (ii) building bridges between the different existing proof techniques and associated tools in order to take advantage of the strengths of each of them ; (iii) validate the techniques and tools developed within this project on widely deployed protocols and on more recent, fast-growing applications, such as Internet voting.

  • Dissemination VéroniqueCortierAlexandreDebantJannikDreierLuccaHirschiAbdessamadImineSteveKremerVincentLaporteChristopheRingeissenPeterRoenneMichaëlRusinowitchMathieuTuruaniLaurentVigneron

    Promoting scientific activities Scientific events: organisation General chair, scientific chair
  • Christophe Ringeissen: co-chair of the 37th Int. Workshop on Unification (UNIF) 2023, co-chair of the 12th Int. Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR) 2024
  • Peter Roenne: General co-chair for the International Conference for Electronic Voting (E-Vote-ID) 2023
  • Scientific events: selection Chair of conference program committees
  • Alexandre Debant: track chair for the Int. Conference for Electronic Voting, E-Vote-ID 2023
  • Steve Kremer: track chair for Formal Methods and Programming Languages at the 30th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, CCS 2023
  • Member of the conference program committees
  • Véronique Cortier: CSF 2023, EVoteID 2023
  • Alexandre Debant: SEC@SAC 2023
  • Jannik Dreier: SEC@SAC 2023
  • Lucca Hirschi: ESORICS 2024, AsiaCCS 2023, HotSpot'23 (Euro SP WP'23)
  • Abdessamad Imine: ASONAM 2023, FPS 2023, EGC 2023
  • Steve Kremer: PETS 2023, Usenix Security 2023
  • Vincent Laporte: PriSC 2024
  • Christophe Ringeissen: UNIF 2023, WRLA 2024, IJCAR 2024, UNIF 2024
  • Michaël Rusinowitch: CODASPY 2023, IWSPA 2023, FPS 2023
  • Peter Roenne: Voting 2023
  • Reviewer
  • Alexandre Debant: ESORICS 2023
  • Jannik Dreier: CSF 2023
  • Lucca Hirschi: CSF 2023, ESORICS 2023
  • Abdessamad Imine: CODASPY 2023
  • Michael Rusinowitch: PODS 2023
  • Journal Member of the editorial boards
  • Véronique Cortier: ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS, previously TISSEC)
  • Véronique Cortier: ACM Books since 2022
  • Invited talks
  • Véronique Cortier.

    Unifying speaker at ETAPS 2023, Paris, France, April 22-27, 2023.

    Keynote speaker at ABZ 2023, Nancy, France, May 30 – June 2, 2023.

    Seminar at the Summer School on real-world crypto and privacy 2023, Vodice, Croatia, 5-9 June 2023.

    Invited speaker at EVoteID 2023, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, 3-6 October 2023.

  • Alexandre Debant. UK-SPS/FM-Sec seminar, remote, November 2022.
  • Lucca Hirschi.

    Contributed talk at Real World Crypto Symposium, March 2023, Tokyo, France.

    Invited talk at GDR Sécurité annual workshop, July 2023, Paris, France.

    Invited talk at Apple Tech Talk, November 2023 (virtual).

  • Vincent Laporte.

    Lecturer at the Summer School on Security Testing and Verification (ST&V), September 2023, Leuven, Belgium.

    Invited speaker at GdR Informatique Mathématique annual workshop (RAIM), November 2023, Nancy, France.

  • Leadership within the scientific community
  • Véronique Cortier: vice-chair of ACM Special Interest Group on Logic and Computation (SigLog)
  • Véronique Cortier: member of IFIP WG-1.7 Foundations of Security Analysis
  • Véronique Cortier: member of the research council of ANSSI
  • Véronique Cortier: member of the research council of ESIEE
  • Jannik Dreier: Co-chair of the working group on formal methods for security (GT MFS) of the GdR Sécurité Informatique
  • Steve Kremer: member of IFIP WG-1.7 Foundations of Security Analysis
  • Steve Kremer: member of the scientific directorate of the International Computer Science Meeting Center Schloss Dagstuhl
  • Steve Kremer: member of the Board of Directors of LIST (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology)
  • Michaël Rusinowitch: member of the IFIP WG-11.14 Secure Engineering
  • Scientific expertise
  • Véronique Cortier: member of the expert panel on Computer Science of the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO)
  • Véronique Cortier: jury member of the Lovelace-Babbage Académie des Sciences award
  • Steve Kremer: jury member of the Gilles Kahn PhD award
  • Teaching - Supervision - Juries Teaching
  • Licence:

    J. Dreier, Introduction to Logic, 50 hours (ETD), TELECOM Nancy

    J. Dreier, Formal Language Theory, 34 hours (ETD), TELECOM Nancy

    J. Dreier, Awareness for Cybersecurity, 7.5 hours (ETD), TELECOM Nancy

    L. Hirschi, Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science (Logic, Languages, Automata), 32 hours (ETD), TELECOM Nancy

    V. Laporte, Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science (Logic, Languages, Automata), 2023, 64 hours (ETD), TELECOM Nancy

  • Master:

    J. Dreier, Cryptography and Authentication, 30 hours (ETD), M1 Computer Science, TELECOM Nancy

    J. Dreier, Introduction to Cryptography, 37 hours (ETD), M1 Computer Science, TELECOM Nancy

    J. Dreier, Protocol Security and Verification, 45 hours (ETD), M2 Computer Science, TELECOM Nancy

    J. Dreier, Advanced Cryptography, 32 hours (ETD), M2 Computer Science, TELECOM Nancy

    A. Imine, Security for XML Documents, 12 hours (ETD), M1, Univ Lorraine

    L. Hirschi, Protocol Security Theory, 24 hours (ETD), M2 Computer science, Univ Lorraine

    L. Vigneron, Security of information systems, 24 hours (ETD), M2 MIAGE – Audit and Design of Information Systems, Univ Lorraine

  • Supervision
  • PhD defended in 2023:

    Quentin Yang, Design of a cast-as-intended, verifiable, and coercion-resistant electronic voting protocol 27, June 26th 2023, Univ. Lorraine (V. Cortier and P. Gaudry (project-team Caramba))

  • PhD in progress:

    Vincent Diemunsch, Formal Analysis of Industrial Protocols, started in June 2022. (L. Hirschi and S. Kremer)

    Tom Gouville, Fuzzing of Cryptographic Protocols, started in November 2023. (L. Hirschi and S. Kremer)

    Elise Klein, Automatic Synthesis of Cryptographic Protocols, started in October 2021. (J. Dreier and S. Kremer)

    Ala Eddine Laouir, Privacy-Preserving Big Data Management and Analytics in Distributed Environments, started in 2021. (A. Imine)

    Léo Louistisserand, Remote Voting Protocols, started in September 2023. (V. Cortier and P. Gaudry (project-team Caramba))

    Dhekra Mahmoud, Security of Electronic Exams, started in 2022. (P. Lafourcade (LIMOS, Univ Clermont Auvergne) and J. Dreier)

    Florian Moser, Provably Secure Internet Voting, started in July 2023. (A. Debant and V. Cortier)

    Maïwenn Racouchot, Automated Learning of Proof Strategies in Tamarin, started in October 2021. (J. Dreier and S. Kremer)

    Wafik Zahwa, Building Self-Driven Network Functions, started in October 2022. (A. Lahmadi (project-team Resist) and M. Rusinowitch)

    Wail Zellagui, started in November 2023. (A. Imine)

  • Juries PhD committees
  • President of the jury for Dylan Marinho, Univ. Lorraine (V. Cortier)
  • Reviewer for the thesis of Sevdenur Baloglu, University of Luxembourg (V. Cortier)
  • Hiring committees
  • Member of the hiring committee for a professor position, IUT Lannion (V. Cortier)
  • Chair of the hiring committee for an assistant professor position at École des Mines, Université de Lorraine (S. Kremer)
  • Popularization Articles and contents
  • Article in The Conversation about e-voting and its induced risks, 2023 (A. Debant, L. Hirschi)
  • Interventions
  • Book signing at the Assemblée Nationale for the book "Vote Électronique" published by Odile Jacob (V. Cortier, with P. Gaudry - Caramba team)
  • A Formal Analysis of 5G Authentication D. David Basin J. Jannik Dreier L. Lucca Hirschi S. Saša Radomirovic R. Ralf Sasse V. Vincent Stettler Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, CCS 2018, Toronto, ON, Canada, October 15-19, 2018 October 2018 ACM Press 14 A comprehensive analysis of game-based ballot privacy definitions D. David Bernhard V. Veronique Cortier D. David Galindo O. Olivier Pereira B. Bogdan Warinschi May 2015 IEEE Computer Society Press 499--516 DEEPSEC: Deciding Equivalence Properties in Security Protocols - Theory and Practice V. Vincent Cheval S. Steve Kremer I. Itsaka Rakotonirina May 2018 Typing messages for free in security protocols: the~case of equivalence properties R. Rémy Chrétien V. Véronique Cortier S. Stéphanie Delaune Lecture Notes in Computer Science September 2014 Springer 8704 372-386 Notions of Knowledge in Combinations of Theories Sharing Constructors S. Serdar Erbatur A. M. Andrew M. Marshall C. Christophe Ringeissen Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence August 2017 Springer 10395 60 - 76 Anonymizing Social Graphs via Uncertainty Semantics H. H. Hiep H. Nguyen A. Abdessamad Imine M. Michaël Rusinowitch 2015 ACM 495--506 Symbolic protocol verification with dice: Process equivalences in the presence of probabilities V. Vincent Cheval R. Raphaëlle Crubillé S. Steve Kremer Journal of Computer Security June 2023 1-38 Combining Stable Infiniteness and (Strong) Politeness Y. Ying Sheng Y. Yoni Zohar C. Christophe Ringeissen A. J. Andrew J Reynolds C. Clark Barrett C. Cesare Tinelli Journal of Automated Reasoning 2023 67 4 34 Typing High-Speed Cryptography against Spectre v1 B. Basavesh Ammanaghatta Shivakumar G. Gilles Barthe B. Benjamin Grégoire V. Vincent Laporte T. Tiago Oliveira S. Swarn Priya P. Peter Schwabe L. Lucas Tabary-Maujean SP 2023- IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy San Francisco, United States May 2023 1592-1609 DY Fuzzing: Formal Dolev-Yao Models Meet Cryptographic Protocol Fuzz Testing M. Max Ammann L. Lucca Hirschi S. Steve Kremer 45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy San Francisco (CA, USA), United States 2024 Formally verifying Kyber: Episode IV: Implementation correctness J. José Bacelar Almeida M. Manuel Barbosa G. Gilles Barthe B. Benjamin Grégoire V. Vincent Laporte J.-C. Jean-Christophe Léchenet T. Tiago Oliveira H. Hugo Pacheco M. Miguel Quaresma P. Peter Schwabe A. Antoine Séré P.-Y. Pierre-Yves Strub CHES 2023 - Conference on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems Praha, Czech Republic June 2023 2023 3 164-193 Proving Unlinkability using ProVerif through Desynchronized Bi-Processes D. David Baelde A. Alexandre Debant S. Stéphanie Delaune IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium Dubrovnik, Croatia July 2023 Election Verifiability with ProVerif V. Vincent Cheval V. Véronique Cortier A. Alexandre Debant CSF 2023 - 36th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium Dubrovnik, Croatia July 2023 Hash Gone Bad: Automated discovery of protocol attacks that exploit hash function weaknesses V. Vincent Cheval C. Cas Cremers A. Alexander Dax L. Lucca Hirschi C. Charlie Jacomme S. Steve Kremer 32nd USENIX Security Symposium Anaheim, United States 2023 Belenios with cast as intended V. Véronique Cortier A. Alexandre Debant P. Pierrick Gaudry S. Stéphane Glondu Voting 2023 - 8th Workshop on Advances in Secure Electronic Voting Bol, Brač, Croatia May 2023 French 2022 legislatives elections: a verifiability experiment V. Véronique Cortier P. Pierrick Gaudry S. Stéphane Glondu S. Sylvain Ruhault The E-Vote-ID Conference 2023 Luxembourg City, Luxembourg October 2023 Is the JCJ voting system really coercion-resistant? V. Véronique Cortier P. Pierrick Gaudry Q. Quentin Yang CSF 2024 37th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF) Enschede, Netherlands 2024 IEEE Reversing, Breaking, and Fixing the French Legislative Election E-Voting Protocol A. Alexandre Debant L. Lucca Hirschi USENIX Security 2023 Anaheim, United States August 2023 Can we cast a ballot as intended and be receipt free? H. Henri Devillez O. Olivier Pereira T. Thomas Peters Q. Quentin Yang IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2024 San Francisco, United States May 2024 Machine-Checked Proofs of Accountability: How to sElect who is to Blame C. C. Constantin Catalin Dragan F. François Dupressoir K. Kristian Gjøsteen T. Thomas Haines P. Peter Rønne M. R. Morten Rotvold Solberg ESORICS 2023 The Hague, The Netherlands, Netherlands September 2023 Inferring RPO Symbol Ordering W. Wei Du P. Paliath Narendran M. Michael Rusinowitch UNIF 2023 - 37th International Workshop on Unification Rome, Italy July 2023 Knowledge Problems in Security Protocols: Going Beyond Subterm Convergent Theories S. Saraid Dwyer Satterfield S. Serdar Erbatur A. M. Andrew M. Marshall C. Christophe Ringeissen Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) 8th International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD 2023) Rome, Italy June 2023 260 30:1--30:19 A comprehensive, formal and automated analysis of the EDHOC protocol C. Charlie Jacomme E. Elise Klein S. Steve Kremer M. Maïwenn Racouchot USENIX Security '23 - 32nd USENIX Security Symposium Anaheim, CA, United States August 2023 Design of an Efficient Distributed Delivery Service for Group Key Agreement Protocols L. Ludovic Paillat C.-L. Claudia-Lavinia Ignat D. Davide Frey M. Mathieu Turuani A. Amine Ismail FPS 2023 - 16th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security Bordeaux, France December 2023 1-16 On the Auditability of the Estonian IVXV System and an Attack on Individual Verifiability A. Anggrio Sutopo T. Thomas Haines P. Peter Rønne Workshop on Advances in Secure Electronic Voting Bol, brac, Croatia May 2023 Automated Placement of In-Network ACL Rules W. Wafik Zahwa A. Abdelkader Lahmadi M. Michael Rusinowitch M. Mondher Ayadi 2023 IEEE 9th International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft) Madrid, Spain June 2023 IEEE 486-491 Résistance à la coercition en vote électronique : conception et analyse Q. Quentin Yang June 2023 Symbolic protocol verification with dice: process equivalences in the presence of probabilities (extended version) V. Vincent Cheval R. Raphaëlle Crubillé S. Steve Kremer May 2023 Reversing, Breaking, and Fixing the French Legislative Election E-Voting Protocol A. Alexandre Debant L. Lucca Hirschi December 2023 Short Voting Codes For Practical Code Voting F. Florian Moser November 2023 AI for securing communications L. Laurent Vigneron Workshop sur l’Intelligence Artificielle et son impact dans les différentes organisations Longwy, France July 2023 A Method for Proving Unlinkability of Stateful Protocols D. David Baelde S. Stéphanie Delaune S. Solène Moreau July 2020 IEEE Computer Society Press An Efficient Cryptographic Protocol Verifier Based on Prolog Rules B. Bruno Blanchet 2001 IEEE Comp. Soc. Press 82--96 ProVerif with Lemmas, Induction, Fast Subsumption, and Much More B. Bruno Blanchet V. Vincent Cheval V. Véronique Cortier May 2022 Attacking and Fixing PKCS#11 Security Tokens M. Matteo Bortolozzo M. Matteo Centenaro R. Riccardo Focardi G. Graham Steel 2010 ACM Press 260-269 Formal Verification of Privacy for RFID Systems M. M. Brusò K. K. Chatzikokolakis J. J. den Hartog 2010 IEEE Comp. Soc. Press 75-88 Automated verification of equivalence properties of cryptographic protocols R. Rohit Chadha V. Vincent Cheval S. Stefan Ciobâc\v{a}} S. Steve Kremer ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 2016 17 4 Composition of Password-based Protocols C. Céline Chevalier S. Stéphanie Delaune S. Steve Kremer M. Mark Ryan Formal Methods in System Design 2013 43 369-413 The finite variant property: How to get rid of some algebraic properties H. Hubert Comon-Lundh S. Stéphanie Delaune LNCS 2005 Springer 3467 294-307 Safely Composing Security Protocols V. Véronique Cortier S. Stéphanie Delaune Formal Methods in System Design February 2009 34 1 1-36 Verifying Privacy-type Properties of Electronic Voting Protocols S. Stéphanie Delaune S. Steve Kremer M. Mark Ryan Journal of Computer Security July 2009 17 4 435-487 Formal Analysis of PKCS#11 and Proprietary Extensions S. Stéphanie Delaune S. Steve Kremer G. Graham Steel Journal of Computer Security November 2010 18 6 1211-1245 On the security of public key protocols D. Danny Dolev A.-C. C. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 1983 29 2 198--207 Automated Unbounded Verification of Stateful Cryptographic Protocols with Exclusive OR J. Jannik Dreier L. Lucca Hirschi S. Sasa Radomirovic R. Ralf Sasse 2018 IEEE Computer Society 359--373 On Asymmetric Unification and the Combination Problem in Disjoint Theories S. Serdar Erbatur D. Deepak Kapur A. M. Andrew M. Marshall C. Catherine Meadows P. Paliath Narendran C. Christophe Ringeissen LNCS 2014 Springer 274-288 Maude-NPA: Cryptographic Protocol Analysis Modulo Equational Properties S. Santiago Escobar C. Catherine Meadows J. José Meseguer LNCS 2009 Springer 5705 1-50 What do we mean by entity authentication? D. D. Gollmann 1996 IEEE Comp. Soc. Press 46--54 A Probabilistic Applied Pi-Calculus J. Jean Goubault-Larrecq C. Catuscia Palamidessi A. Angelo Troina Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2007 Springer 4807 175--190 Applying protocol analysis to security device interfaces J. J. Herzog IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine Jul-Aug 2006 4 4 84--87 A Method for Verifying Privacy-Type Properties: The Unbounded Case L. Lucca Hirschi D. David Baelde S. Stéphanie Delaune 2016 IEEE Computer Society 564--581 Coercion-Resistant Electronic Elections A. Ari Juels D. Dario Catalano M. Markus Jakobsson LNCS 2010 Springer 6000 37-63 The TAMARIN Prover for the Symbolic Analysis of Security Protocols B. Benedikt Schmidt S. Simon Meier C. Cas Cremers D. David Basin LNCS 2013 Springer 8044 696-701