The December Adventure is low key. The goal is to write a little bit of code every day in December.

Day 1: Birth of an idea

I have been brainstorming a programming language for myself lately, in some ways inspired by Scheme, which is one of the languages I've been writing a lot lately, but in a stack-based concatenative fashion, since concatenative programming is my one true love, and as H3RALD told me: the worlds needs more concat langs!.

3.14159 \pi def
[dup *] \square def

[square pi *] \circarea def
20 circarea . ( => 1256.636 )

In a perhaps paradoxical sense, there's both less syntax and more syntax than other well-known concatenative languages (like Forth and Factor) in this language, since for starters, it has a more complex tokenization process than Forth or Factor's "all tokens are separated by whitespace" strategy, but there's also a lack of more "syntactically-rich" constructs, for a lack of a better term, like Forth (or Factor)'s : word ( ... ) definition... ;, opting for a more uniform syntax.

I still don't have a name for this language, but I'm hoping one will come to me as I work on it.