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DescriçãoWar Ensign of Germany (1933-1935) (Flaggenbuch).svg
English: Naval jack of the Imperial German Navy 1903–1918 and Nautical War Ensign, so called Kriegsschiffsgösch or Reichskriegsflagge, 1933–1935 (and up to 1945 ceremonially) of the German Reich. Text of the official decree of March 14, 1933: The Reich war flag consists of three equally wide horizontal stripes, black at the top, white in the middle, and red at the bottom; in the white stripe, slightly shifted towards the pole, a black cross with white edging in the shape of the Iron Cross, extending about halfway into the black and red stripes. Ratio of height to length as 3:5. The ensign of warships like the Reich war flag, but in correspondingly smaller dimensions.
Construction specification source: Das große Flaggenbuch
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Ficheiro:War Ensign of Germany (1933-1935) (Flaggenbuch).svg