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Ficheiro:Flag of Buskerud.svg

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Imagem numa resolução maior (ficheiro SVG, de 1 105 × 1 040 píxeis, tamanho: 11 kB)

Descrição do ficheiro

English: The flag of the county of Buskerud, Norway. Its design is shared with the county arms, and shows a blue bear, constituting an expression of Buskerud's vast expanses of mountains and forests, among which Vassfaret in particular has been known for its populations of bears. The ursine's striking colouration is a reference to the Blue Colour Works in Modum, where cobalt ore was mined, and blue pigment produced from it. For a time, the works were the largest of their kind in the world—the fruits therefrom once made up 80% of the global market, and constituted a pertinent export.
The white background of the flag carries symbolism too. Within heraldry, it is permissible to use white to depict silver, and on flags, this is even customary. Here, a white/silver background is used to represent the Kongsberg Silver Mines, and their massive mineral riches—operating between 1623 and 1957, their history spanned over 300 years. The flag was approved by royal resolution 1966‐04‐01.

Buskerud fylke, flagg – Arkivverkets digitale fotoarkiv
Forskrift om fylkesvåpen og fylkesflagg, Buskerud fylke – Lovdata
About us – Blaafarveværket
Fylkets historie – Buskerud fylkeskommune
FYLKESVÅPEN – Graphic charter of Buskerud County Municipality

(Sources of the oldest file version:)

Based on File:..Buskerud Flag(NORWAY).png and File:Buskerud våpen.svg

Hallvard Trætteberg, vectorization by VulpesVulpes42

(Authorship information for the oldest file version:)

PNG flag by AlexR.L. (CC-BY-SA 3.0)
Coat of arms by SKvalen (PD-Norwegian CoA)
SVG flag by SiBr4


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11 401 byte

1 040 pixel

1 105 pixel


Histórico do ficheiro

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Data e horaMiniaturaDimensõesUtilizadorComentário
atual17h29min de 23 de dezembro de 2022Miniatura da versão das 17h29min de 23 de dezembro de 20221 105 × 1 040 (11 kB)EspanderoReverted to version as of 13:13, 25 November 2021 (UTC)
17h29min de 21 de dezembro de 2022Miniatura da versão das 17h29min de 21 de dezembro de 2022800 × 500 (17 kB)YoanTaskovReverted to version as of 19:20, 26 June 2014 (UTC)
13h13min de 25 de novembro de 2021Miniatura da versão das 13h13min de 25 de novembro de 20211 105 × 1 040 (11 kB)VulpesVulpes42Redid the flag from scratch to more closely match the original drawing.
19h20min de 26 de junho de 2014Miniatura da versão das 19h20min de 26 de junho de 2014800 × 500 (17 kB)SiBr4User created page with UploadWizard

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