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Master, masters and the Master may refer to:

Ranks and titles

  • Master's degree, a postgraduate or sometimes undergraduate degree in the specified discipline
  • Master (college), head of a college
  • Schoolmaster, presiding officer of a school
  • Master (form of address), a title used for boys and young men, in formal correspondence
  • Dharma master, an honorific title for Buddhist monks and nuns
  • Master (judiciary), a judicial official in the courts of common law jurisdictions
  • Master (martial arts)
  • Master (naval), a former naval rank
  • Master (Peerage of Scotland), the male heir-apparent or heir-presumptive to a title in the Peerage of Scotland
  • Chess master, a rank of chess player
  • Master, the Captain of a ship
  • Master craftsman in the Medieval guilds
  • Master-at-arms, a naval police officer, often addressed as "Master" in the Royal Navy
  • Master of Ceremonies, or MC (emcee), the host of an official public or private staged event or other performance.
  • Masters of the Ancient Wisdom (Theosophy), reputed to be enlightened beings originally identified by the founders of the Theosophical Society
  • The Master (Australian quiz show)

    The Master was an Australian quiz show that aired on the Seven Network on Wednesday 16 August 2006 and was cancelled after its premiere episode. The remaining episodes aired over the non-ratings period in 2006 and 2007. Hosted by Mark Beretta, the show had a potential prize of a million dollars.

    It was produced by Grant Rule and Seven Melbourne.


    Five players fought out a series of rounds involving general knowledge questions. This was both against each other and the clock, all under the eyes of the Master - Martin Flood - who sat in a chair watching to find the contestants' weaknesses. The player who won earned the right to face The Master for his title and for the prize of one million dollars.

    The five played against each other in a series of general knowledge rounds, winning $100 for each correct answer in general knowledge rounds and $200 in "Master's Choice" rounds (where Flood chose the category). Each round lasted for 90 seconds. If a contestant answered incorrectly, he or she was locked out from answering the next question. Players with the lowest score were gradually eliminated until three remained. If at the end of a round, two contestants were on the same score, the Master would choose which contestant to eliminate. After two contestants have been eliminated, there is a round where the three remaining contestants were each subjected to a round of questions on their "preferred category" called the "mean minute". In this round, correct answers worth $100 and incorrect answers result in a deduction of $200. After the "mean minute" round there is another general knowledge round and the contestant with the highest score at the end of that final round won the right to play against the Master. Each eliminated contestant took home what he or she earned in the general knowledge rounds.

    Master (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

    The Master is a fictional character on the action-horror/fantasy television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003). He is a centuries-old vampire portrayed by Mark Metcalf, determined to open the portal to hell below Sunnydale High School in the fictional town of Sunnydale where the main character Buffy Summers lives. The premise of the series is that Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) is a Slayer, a teenage girl endowed with superhuman strength and other powers which she uses to kill vampires and other evil beings. Each season of the series Buffy and the small group of family and friends who work with her, nicknamed the Scooby Gang, must defeat an evil force referred to as the Big Bad; the villain is usually trying to bring on an apocalypse. The Master is the first season's Big Bad.

    The Master is the head of an ancient order of vampires, a classic Old World villain devoted to ritual and prophecy. He has been entombed beneath Sunnydale for 60 years as the patriarch of a cult posed opposite Buffy, a character who was created to subvert media tropes about frail women falling victim to evil characters. Her youth and insistence on asserting her free will makes her unique in the Master's experience, but he is devoted to fulfilling a prophecy that states he will kill the Slayer and initiate the extermination of all humanity.

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs (EP)

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs (mislabeled as Master) is the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' self-titled debut EP, released in 2001 by the band's own label, Shifty. It is sometimes incorrectly called Master due to the prominence of a necklace bearing that word on the album's cover. It reached #1 on the UK Indie Chart.

    The EP was named NME's second best single of 2002.

    Track listing

    All songs written and composed by Yeah Yeah Yeahs, except “Mystery Girl” (Yeah Yeah Yeahs/Jack Martin).

    The track "Our Time" interpolates the Tommy James and the Shondells song "Crimson and Clover"; when Karen O sings "It's the year to be hated / So glad that we made it," the melody is taken from the hit song, which reached #1 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 in 1969.


  • Brian Chasedrums
  • Nick Zinnerguitars
  • Karen Ovocals
  • Production

  • Crispin – artwork
  • Chuck Scott – mastering
  • Jerry Teel – engineer
  • References

    External links

  • Yeah Yeah Yeahs at Metacritic
  • List of Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters

    This article lists the major and recurring fictional characters created by Joss Whedon for the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. For detailed descriptions, see individual character pages.

    Main characters

    The following characters were featured in the opening credits of the program.

  • Buffy Anne Summers (Sarah Michelle Gellar)
  • The show's titular protagonist, Buffy is "The Slayer", one in a long line of young girls chosen by fate to battle evil forces in the form of vampires and demons. The Slayer has no jurisdiction over human crime. This calling mystically endows her with a limited degree of clairvoyance, usually in the form of prophetic dreams, as well as dramatically increased physical strength, endurance, agility, intuition, and speed and ease of healing. There traditionally has been only one Slayer alive at any given moment, with a new one called upon the event of her death.

  • Alexander "Xander" LaVelle Harris (Nicholas Brendon)
  • Xander is a close friend of Buffy. Possessing no supernatural skills, Xander provides comic relief as well as a grounded, everyman perspective in the supernatural Buffyverse. In another departure from the usual conventions of television, Xander is notable for being an insecure and subordinate male in a world dominated by powerful females.

    The Master (Doctor Who)

    The Master is a recurring character in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who and its associated spin-off works. The character is a renegade alien Time Lord and the archenemy of the title character the Doctor.

    The Master has been played by multiple actors since the character's introduction in 1971. Within the show, this is varyingly explained as the Master taking possession of other characters' bodies, or as a consequence of regeneration, a biological attribute allowing Time Lords to survive fatal injuries. The role was originated by Roger Delgado. Delgado portrayed the Master from 1971 until his death in 1973. From 1976 until the show's cancellation in 1989, the Master was portrayed by a succession of actors: Peter Pratt, Geoffrey Beevers and Anthony Ainley. Gordon Tipple and Eric Roberts then took on the role for the 1996 Doctor Who TV movie. Since the show's revival in 2005, the Master has been portrayed by Derek Jacobi, John Simm and Michelle Gomez.


    • Master - Official Teaser | Thalapathy Vijay | Anirudh Ravichander | Lokesh Kanagaraj

      Master - Starring Thalapathy Vijay, Vijay Sethupathi, Malavika Mohanan, Andrea Jeremiah, Shanthanu Bhagyaraj, Arjun Das Written & Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj Produced by Xavier Britto Co-Produced by Lalit Kumar & Jagadish Palanisamy Music - Anirudh Ravichander DOP - Sathyan Sooryan Art Director - Sathees Kumar Editor - Philomin Raj Lyrics - Arunraja Kamaraj, Vigneshshivn, Vishnu Edavan, Arivu Stunts - Stunt Silva Choreography - Dinesh, Sathish Executive Producer - R Udayakumar Managers - KTS.Swaminathan, Balamurugan, Viswanathan, Jeyaprakash, Suresh Kanagaraj Sound Design - Sync Cinema Sound Mix - Kannan Ganpat Costume Designer - Pallavi Singh Chief Make-Up Artist - P.Nagaraj & Preethi Sheel Costumer - V.Sai DI - Igene VFX - Unifi Media DI Colorist - Ranga Publicity Design - Gopi Prasa...

      published: 14 Nov 2020
    • Master - Vaathi Coming Video | Thalapathy Vijay | Anirudh Ravichander | Lokesh Kanagaraj

      மாஸ்டர் - வாத்தி கம்மிங் | தளபதி விஜய் | அனிருத் ரவிச்சந்தர் | லோகேஷ் கனகராஜ் Make way for the extraordinary #ThalapathyKuthu! Our #VaathiComing right here from #Thalapathy's #Master! Loaded with the ultra-catchy rhythms and the Thara-local slang , listen to this #Anirudh dance number on loop! Watch the official Tamil song video here ! Stream Master Songs Now - https://SMI.lnk.to/MasterAlbum Movie - Master Song - Vaathi Coming Composed by Anirudh Ravichander Lyrics - Gana Balachandar Vocals - Anirudh Ravichander & Gana Balachandar Starring Vijay, Vijay Sethupathi Malavika Mohanan, Arjun Das, Andrea, Shanthanu Written & Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj Dop - Sathyan Sooryan Editor - Philomin Raj Producer - Xavier Britto Co-Producers - Lalit Kumar, Jagadish Palanisamy Music Video Team ...

      published: 27 Jan 2021
    • Vijay Sethupathi's South Blockbuster Vijay The Master Full Movie Hindi Dubbed | Vijay & Malavika

      #vijay #vijaythemaster #vijaysethupathi #master #malavikamohanan An alcoholic professor is sent to a juvenile school, where he clashes with a gangster who uses the school children for criminal activities. Movie Name- Vijay The Master/ Master Starring: Vijay, Vijay Sethupathi, Malavika Mohanan Directed by: Lokesh Kanagaraj #NewReleasedHindiDubbedMovie2023 #newreleasedhindidubbedmovies #SouthHindiDubbedMovie2023 #southnewreleasedhindidubbedmovies #movie2023 #southmovie2023 #2023NewReleasedMovie #LatestSuperhitSouthMovie #SuperhitSouthMovie #southactionmovie #MasterNewReleasedHindiDubbedMovie2023 #VijayTheMasterNewReleasedHindiDubbedMovie2023 #MasterHindiDubbedMovie2023 #VijaySethupathiMasterMovie #VijaySethupathiMasterMovieInHindi #VijaySethupathiMasterMovieHindiDubbed

      published: 07 Apr 2023
    • Master - Vaathi Raid Lyric | Thalapathy Vijay | Anirudh Ravichander | Lokesh Kanagaraj

      மாஸ்டர் - வாத்தி ரைடு பாடல்வரிகள் | தளபதி விஜய் | அனிருத் ரவிச்சந்தர் | லோகேஷ் கனகராஜ் Time to get blown away by this one of a kind , spectacular #VaathiRaid from #Thalapathy's blazing #Master composed by #Anirudh! Hit play and get mind-blown by this electrifying number ! Watch the official Tamil lyric video here! Stream Master Songs Now - https://SMI.lnk.to/MasterAlbum Song Title - Vaathi Raid Album / Movie : Master Composed by Anirudh Ravichander Lyrics - Arivu Vocals - Arivu , Anirudh Ravichander Starring Vijay, Vijay Sethupathi Malavika Mohanan, Arjun Das, Andrea, Shanthanu Written & Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj Dop - Sathyan Sooryan Editor - Philomin Raj Producer - Xavier Britto Co-Producers - Lalit Kumar, Jagadish Palanisamy Song Title : Vaathi Raid Album / Movie : Master C...

      published: 14 Mar 2020
    • Master of Puppets (Remastered)

      Provided to YouTube by Blackened Recordings Master of Puppets (Remastered) · Metallica Master of Puppets (Remastered Deluxe Box Set) ℗ 1986 Blackened Recordings Released on: 1986-03-03 Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 08 Jun 2022
    • Thalapathy Vijay's MASTER (2022) New Released Full Hindi Dubbed Movie | Vijay Sethupathi | New Movie

      Presenting New South (Sauth) Indian Movies Dubbed In Hindi 2022 Full (साउथ मूवी २०२२, Action Movie) "MASTER" Starring Thalapathy Vijay, Vijay Sethupathi, Malvika Mohanan, Shanthanu Bhagyaraj, Andrea Jeremiah, Nassar & Arjun Das. Exclusively on @GrandMasterMoviesOfficial Subscribe To @GrandMasterMoviesOfficial For Our New Movie Release Notification. https://bit.ly/GrandMasterMovies Popular Movies ► Aflatoon - https://youtu.be/yjBNhJcJJ9w ► Big Brother - https://youtu.be/FgtbI3QCDpk ► Bichhoo - https://youtu.be/sC04Twcmkno ► Dulhe Raja - https://youtu.be/g-IEQHEHjsw ► Izzat Aabroo - https://youtu.be/UYJs93xXxP0 ► Housefull 3 - https://youtu.be/QbYSL-HWlh4 ► Tere Naam - https://youtu.be/YJ-NAltFP6M ► Nayak - https://youtu.be/VcXfI8h0s3c ► Pardesi Babu - https://youtu.be/CtzUUxcl6lU ► Haath...

      published: 05 Oct 2022
    • JD Intro Theme | Master Mash-up | Thalapathy

      The swag- max JD's intro packed with our #Vaathi's mass and class. Hit play and enjoy this #Master mash-up video now! Music Label - Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd. © 2021 Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd. Subscribe Now: http://bit.ly/SonyMusicSouthVevo Subscribe Now: http://bit.ly/SonyMusicSouthYT Follow us: https://www.instagram.com/sonymusic_south/ Follow us: Twitter: https://twitter.com/SonyMusicSouth Like us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SonyMusicSouth

      published: 15 Mar 2021
    • Master - Master The Blaster Video|Thalapathy Vijay|AnirudhRavichander|LokeshK.

      Song Title : Master the Blaster Album / Movie : Master Composed by Anirudh Ravichander Lyrics Written & Performed by Bjorn Surrao Edited by Pradeep Pradz Starring Vijay, Vijay Sethupathi Malavika Mohanan, Arjun Das, Andrea, Shanthanu Written & Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj Dop - Sathyan Sooryan Editor - Philomin Raj Producer - Xavier Britto Co-Producers - Lalit Kumar, Jagadish Palanisamy Musician Credits Bass - Sajith Satya Trumpets - Maxell & Babu Keyboard, Synth & Rhythm Programmed by Anirudh Ravichander Additional Rhythm Programmed by Shashank Vijay Additional Programmed by Arish & Pradeep PJ Music Advisor - Ananthakrrishnan Creative Consultant - Sajith Satya Music Supervisor - Srinivasan M Recorded at Albuquerque Records, Chennai, Engineer - Srinivasan M Offbeat Music Ventures, Che...

      published: 13 Jan 2022
    • Master - Polakatum Para Para Video | Thalapathy Vijay | VijaySethupathi | Anirudh Ravichander

      மாஸ்டர் - பொளக்கட்டும் பற பற | தளபதி விஜய் | அனிருத் ரவிச்சந்தர் | லோகேஷ் கனகராஜ் Podra vediya and blast your speakers with #PolakatumParaPara! The #Anirudh local- folk beats filled in with the quintessential Santhosh Narayanan vocals! Get ready to witness the #Master piece with #Thalapathy and #VijaySethupathi! Watch the official Tamil song video here! Stream Master Songs Now - https://SMI.lnk.to/MasterAlbum Song Title: Polakattum Para Para Album / Movie: Master Composed by Anirudh Ravichander Lyrics – Vishnu Edavan Vocals - Santhosh Narayanan Starring Vijay, Vijay Sethupathi Malavika Mohanan, Arjun Das, Andrea, Shanthanu Written & Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj Dop - Sathyan Sooryan Editor - Philomin Raj Producer - Xavier Britto Co-Producers - Lalit Kumar, Jagadish Palanisamy Aco...

      published: 13 Feb 2021
    • Master - Kutti Story Video | Thalapathy Vijay | Anirudh Ravichander | Lokesh Kanagaraj

      மாஸ்டர் - குட்டி ஸ்ரோரி வீடியோ | தளபதி விஜய் | அனிருத் ரவிச்சந்தர் | லோகேஷ் கனகராஜ் #Thalapathy has a thought-provoking tale for all of you! the rousing #KuttiStory from #Master loaded with his inimitable swag! Composed by #Anirudh , this uber-stylish, unsaid #KuttiKathai is set to rule your playlists and hearts! Directed by #LokeshKanagaraj under #XBFilmCreators Watch the official Tamil song video here! Stream Master Songs Now - https://SMI.lnk.to/MasterAlbum Movie - Master Song - Kutti Story Vocals - Thalapathy Vijay & Anirudh Ravichander Composed by Anirudh Ravichander Lyrics - Arunraja Kamaraj Starring Vijay, Vijay Sethupathi Malavika Mohanan, Arjun Das, Andrea, Shanthanu Written & Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj Dop - Sathyan Sooryan Editor - Philomin Raj Producer - Xavier Brit...

      published: 23 Jan 2021
    Master - Official Teaser | Thalapathy Vijay | Anirudh Ravichander | Lokesh Kanagaraj

    Master - Official Teaser | Thalapathy Vijay | Anirudh Ravichander | Lokesh Kanagaraj

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:31
    • Uploaded Date: 14 Nov 2020
    • views: 78774427
    Master - Starring Thalapathy Vijay, Vijay Sethupathi, Malavika Mohanan, Andrea Jeremiah, Shanthanu Bhagyaraj, Arjun Das Written & Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj Produced by Xavier Britto Co-Produced by Lalit Kumar & Jagadish Palanisamy Music - Anirudh Ravichander DOP - Sathyan Sooryan Art Director - Sathees Kumar Editor - Philomin Raj Lyrics - Arunraja Kamaraj, Vigneshshivn, Vishnu Edavan, Arivu Stunts - Stunt Silva Choreography - Dinesh, Sathish Executive Producer - R Udayakumar Managers - KTS.Swaminathan, Balamurugan, Viswanathan, Jeyaprakash, Suresh Kanagaraj Sound Design - Sync Cinema Sound Mix - Kannan Ganpat Costume Designer - Pallavi Singh Chief Make-Up Artist - P.Nagaraj & Preethi Sheel Costumer - V.Sai DI - Igene VFX - Unifi Media DI Colorist - Ranga Publicity Design - Gopi Prasannaa Stills - Maneksha PRO - Riaz K Ahmed Music on - Sony Music Entertainment Asso. Directors - Magesh Balasubramaniam, Santhosh Krishnan, Sathya, Venki, Logi, Vishnu Edavan #MasterOfficialTeaser #ThalapathyVijay #SunTV #VijaySethupathi #Lokeshkanagaraj #AnirudhRavichander #XavierBritto #MalavikaMohanan #AndreaJeremiah
    Master - Vaathi Coming Video | Thalapathy Vijay | Anirudh Ravichander | Lokesh Kanagaraj

    Master - Vaathi Coming Video | Thalapathy Vijay | Anirudh Ravichander | Lokesh Kanagaraj

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:17
    • Uploaded Date: 27 Jan 2021
    • views: 528918073
    மாஸ்டர் - வாத்தி கம்மிங் | தளபதி விஜய் | அனிருத் ரவிச்சந்தர் | லோகேஷ் கனகராஜ் Make way for the extraordinary #ThalapathyKuthu! Our #VaathiComing right here from #Thalapathy's #Master! Loaded with the ultra-catchy rhythms and the Thara-local slang , listen to this #Anirudh dance number on loop! Watch the official Tamil song video here ! Stream Master Songs Now - https://SMI.lnk.to/MasterAlbum Movie - Master Song - Vaathi Coming Composed by Anirudh Ravichander Lyrics - Gana Balachandar Vocals - Anirudh Ravichander & Gana Balachandar Starring Vijay, Vijay Sethupathi Malavika Mohanan, Arjun Das, Andrea, Shanthanu Written & Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj Dop - Sathyan Sooryan Editor - Philomin Raj Producer - Xavier Britto Co-Producers - Lalit Kumar, Jagadish Palanisamy Music Video Team Featuring Anirudh Ravichander Direction Team Magesh Balasubramaniam Santhosh Krishnan Venky Logi Ganesh Gowtham Neduncheziyan Santhosh Kumar Camera Team Rajesh varma Yuva Karthik Shushanth Dhanvanth Editor Team Santhosh kumar VFX Pradeep Xblak Choreography Assistants Saddam Mukthiyar Art Associates P.S.Robert Nagai P.L.Subentar Art Assistants K.Saravanan G.Selvakumar Vignesh Rajappa Nandha Customer Design Assistants Kavya sriraam Raksha Ravikumar Musicians Shehnai - Balesh Flute - Navin Drums Band - VMK Music Band, Malappuram, Kerala Rhythm Conducted by MT Aditya Performed by Vaishak, Abhilash, Akhilesh, Praveen, Sharath, Shyam, Vinod, Bins, Jidhish, Midhun, Binu, Saikumar, Arjun Dhol & Percussions - Hitesh K Shelai & Vishal K, Conducted by MT Aditya Percussions - Anirudh Ravichander Keyboards, Synth and Rhythm Programmed by Anirudh Ravichander Additional Rhythm Programmed by Shashank Vijay Music Advisor - Ananthakrrishnan Creative Consultant - Sajith Satya Recorded at Threedots Film Studio, Kerala, Engineers - MT Aditya, Assisted by Niranjan Kumar Offbeat Music Ventures, Chennai, Engineer - Aswin George John Albuquerque Records, Chennai, Engineers - Srinivasan M Mixed by Vinay Sridhar & Srinivasan M at Albuquerque Records, Chennai Mastered by Shadab Rayeen at New Edge Studios, Mumbai Assisted by Abhishek Mastered for iTunes by Shadab Rayeen Music Co ordinator - Velavan Music Label - Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd. © 2021 Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd. Subscribe Now: http://bit.ly/SonyMusicSouthVevo Subscribe Now: http://bit.ly/SonyMusicSouthYT Follow us: https://www.instagram.com/sonymusic_south/ Follow us: Twitter: https://twitter.com/SonyMusicSouth Like us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SonyMusicSouth
    Vijay Sethupathi's South Blockbuster Vijay The Master Full Movie Hindi Dubbed | Vijay & Malavika

    Vijay Sethupathi's South Blockbuster Vijay The Master Full Movie Hindi Dubbed | Vijay & Malavika

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:50:11
    • Uploaded Date: 07 Apr 2023
    • views: 63335000
    #vijay #vijaythemaster #vijaysethupathi #master #malavikamohanan An alcoholic professor is sent to a juvenile school, where he clashes with a gangster who uses the school children for criminal activities. Movie Name- Vijay The Master/ Master Starring: Vijay, Vijay Sethupathi, Malavika Mohanan Directed by: Lokesh Kanagaraj #NewReleasedHindiDubbedMovie2023 #newreleasedhindidubbedmovies #SouthHindiDubbedMovie2023 #southnewreleasedhindidubbedmovies #movie2023 #southmovie2023 #2023NewReleasedMovie #LatestSuperhitSouthMovie #SuperhitSouthMovie #southactionmovie #MasterNewReleasedHindiDubbedMovie2023 #VijayTheMasterNewReleasedHindiDubbedMovie2023 #MasterHindiDubbedMovie2023 #VijaySethupathiMasterMovie #VijaySethupathiMasterMovieInHindi #VijaySethupathiMasterMovieHindiDubbed
    Master - Vaathi Raid Lyric | Thalapathy Vijay | Anirudh Ravichander | Lokesh Kanagaraj

    Master - Vaathi Raid Lyric | Thalapathy Vijay | Anirudh Ravichander | Lokesh Kanagaraj

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:37
    • Uploaded Date: 14 Mar 2020
    • views: 43258876
    மாஸ்டர் - வாத்தி ரைடு பாடல்வரிகள் | தளபதி விஜய் | அனிருத் ரவிச்சந்தர் | லோகேஷ் கனகராஜ் Time to get blown away by this one of a kind , spectacular #VaathiRaid from #Thalapathy's blazing #Master composed by #Anirudh! Hit play and get mind-blown by this electrifying number ! Watch the official Tamil lyric video here! Stream Master Songs Now - https://SMI.lnk.to/MasterAlbum Song Title - Vaathi Raid Album / Movie : Master Composed by Anirudh Ravichander Lyrics - Arivu Vocals - Arivu , Anirudh Ravichander Starring Vijay, Vijay Sethupathi Malavika Mohanan, Arjun Das, Andrea, Shanthanu Written & Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj Dop - Sathyan Sooryan Editor - Philomin Raj Producer - Xavier Britto Co-Producers - Lalit Kumar, Jagadish Palanisamy Song Title : Vaathi Raid Album / Movie : Master Composed by Anirudh Ravichander Lyrics - Arivu Vocals - Anirudh Ravichander & Rap by Arivu Electric Guitar - Sajith Satya Backing Vocals - Shashank Vijay, Vinay Sridhar & Sajith Satya Keyboards, Synth by Anirudh Ravichander Rhythm Production & Additional Programmed by Shashank Vijay Additional Programmed by Arish & Pradeep PJ Music Advisor - Ananthakrrishnan Creative Consultant - Sajith Satya Recorded at Albuquerque Records, Chennai, Engineers - Srinivasan M Mixed by Vinay Sridhar & Srinivasan M at Albuquerque Records, Chennai Mastered by Shadab Rayeen at New Edge Studios, Mumbai Assisted by Abhishek Mastered for iTunes by Shadab Rayeen Music Co ordinator - Velavan Music Label - Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd. © 2020 Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd. Subscribe Now: http://bit.ly/SonyMusicSouthVevo Subscribe Now: http://bit.ly/SonyMusicSouthYT Follow us: https://www.instagram.com/sonymusic_south/ Follow us: Twitter: https://twitter.com/SonyMusicSouth Like us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SonyMusicSouth
    Master of Puppets (Remastered)

    Master of Puppets (Remastered)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 8:36
    • Uploaded Date: 08 Jun 2022
    • views: 84056527
    Provided to YouTube by Blackened Recordings Master of Puppets (Remastered) · Metallica Master of Puppets (Remastered Deluxe Box Set) ℗ 1986 Blackened Recordings Released on: 1986-03-03 Auto-generated by YouTube.
    Thalapathy Vijay's MASTER (2022) New Released Full Hindi Dubbed Movie | Vijay Sethupathi | New Movie

    Thalapathy Vijay's MASTER (2022) New Released Full Hindi Dubbed Movie | Vijay Sethupathi | New Movie

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:48:49
    • Uploaded Date: 05 Oct 2022
    • views: 111455060
    Presenting New South (Sauth) Indian Movies Dubbed In Hindi 2022 Full (साउथ मूवी २०२२, Action Movie) "MASTER" Starring Thalapathy Vijay, Vijay Sethupathi, Malvika Mohanan, Shanthanu Bhagyaraj, Andrea Jeremiah, Nassar & Arjun Das. Exclusively on @GrandMasterMoviesOfficial Subscribe To @GrandMasterMoviesOfficial For Our New Movie Release Notification. https://bit.ly/GrandMasterMovies Popular Movies ► Aflatoon - https://youtu.be/yjBNhJcJJ9w ► Big Brother - https://youtu.be/FgtbI3QCDpk ► Bichhoo - https://youtu.be/sC04Twcmkno ► Dulhe Raja - https://youtu.be/g-IEQHEHjsw ► Izzat Aabroo - https://youtu.be/UYJs93xXxP0 ► Housefull 3 - https://youtu.be/QbYSL-HWlh4 ► Tere Naam - https://youtu.be/YJ-NAltFP6M ► Nayak - https://youtu.be/VcXfI8h0s3c ► Pardesi Babu - https://youtu.be/CtzUUxcl6lU ► Haathon Ki Lakeeren - https://youtu.be/fEKneHEpovs ► Parinati - https://youtu.be/-cp2riyW_no ► Gehra Zakham - https://youtu.be/bRQe9x5trEU Movie Credits Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj Written by Lokesh Kanagaraj Dialogues by Lokesh Kanagaraj, Rathna Kumar, Pon Parthiban, Shivgopal Krishna (Hindi) Produced by S. Xavier Britto Starring Thalapathy Vijay, Vijay Sethupathi, Malvika Mohanan, Shanthanu Bhagyaraj, Andrea Jeremiah, Nassar & Arjun Das Cinematography Sathyan Sooryan Edited by Philomin Raj Music by Anirudh Ravichander Synopsis An alcoholic professor is sent to a juvenile school, where he clashes with a gangster who uses the school children for criminal activities. Join Us On ⦿ YouTube: https://bit.ly/GrandMasterMovies ⦿ Facebook: https://fb.me/GrandMasterMovies #ThalapathyVijay #Master #NewMovies2022
    JD Intro Theme | Master Mash-up | Thalapathy

    JD Intro Theme | Master Mash-up | Thalapathy

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:31
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Mar 2021
    • views: 23312232
    The swag- max JD's intro packed with our #Vaathi's mass and class. Hit play and enjoy this #Master mash-up video now! Music Label - Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd. © 2021 Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd. Subscribe Now: http://bit.ly/SonyMusicSouthVevo Subscribe Now: http://bit.ly/SonyMusicSouthYT Follow us: https://www.instagram.com/sonymusic_south/ Follow us: Twitter: https://twitter.com/SonyMusicSouth Like us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SonyMusicSouth
    Master - Master The Blaster Video|Thalapathy Vijay|AnirudhRavichander|LokeshK.

    Master - Master The Blaster Video|Thalapathy Vijay|AnirudhRavichander|LokeshK.

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:32
    • Uploaded Date: 13 Jan 2022
    • views: 11575715
    Song Title : Master the Blaster Album / Movie : Master Composed by Anirudh Ravichander Lyrics Written & Performed by Bjorn Surrao Edited by Pradeep Pradz Starring Vijay, Vijay Sethupathi Malavika Mohanan, Arjun Das, Andrea, Shanthanu Written & Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj Dop - Sathyan Sooryan Editor - Philomin Raj Producer - Xavier Britto Co-Producers - Lalit Kumar, Jagadish Palanisamy Musician Credits Bass - Sajith Satya Trumpets - Maxell & Babu Keyboard, Synth & Rhythm Programmed by Anirudh Ravichander Additional Rhythm Programmed by Shashank Vijay Additional Programmed by Arish & Pradeep PJ Music Advisor - Ananthakrrishnan Creative Consultant - Sajith Satya Music Supervisor - Srinivasan M Recorded at Albuquerque Records, Chennai, Engineer - Srinivasan M Offbeat Music Ventures, Chennai, Engineer - MT Aditya & Rajesh Mixed & Mastered by Vinay Sridhar & Srinivasan M Music Co ordinator - Velavan B Music Label - Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd. © 2022 Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd. Subscribe Now: http://bit.ly/SonyMusicSouthVevo Subscribe Now: http://bit.ly/SonyMusicSouthYT Follow us: https://www.instagram.com/sonymusic_south/ Follow us: Twitter: https://twitter.com/SonyMusicSouth Like us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SonyMusicSouth
    Master - Polakatum Para Para Video | Thalapathy Vijay | VijaySethupathi | Anirudh Ravichander

    Master - Polakatum Para Para Video | Thalapathy Vijay | VijaySethupathi | Anirudh Ravichander

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:35
    • Uploaded Date: 13 Feb 2021
    • views: 76352799
    மாஸ்டர் - பொளக்கட்டும் பற பற | தளபதி விஜய் | அனிருத் ரவிச்சந்தர் | லோகேஷ் கனகராஜ் Podra vediya and blast your speakers with #PolakatumParaPara! The #Anirudh local- folk beats filled in with the quintessential Santhosh Narayanan vocals! Get ready to witness the #Master piece with #Thalapathy and #VijaySethupathi! Watch the official Tamil song video here! Stream Master Songs Now - https://SMI.lnk.to/MasterAlbum Song Title: Polakattum Para Para Album / Movie: Master Composed by Anirudh Ravichander Lyrics – Vishnu Edavan Vocals - Santhosh Narayanan Starring Vijay, Vijay Sethupathi Malavika Mohanan, Arjun Das, Andrea, Shanthanu Written & Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj Dop - Sathyan Sooryan Editor - Philomin Raj Producer - Xavier Britto Co-Producers - Lalit Kumar, Jagadish Palanisamy Acoustic & Bass Guitar - Keba Jeremiah Percussions Performed by – Raju, Lakshmi Kanth Pyare Lal, Kavi Raj Rhythm Conducted by MT Aditya, Ananthakrrishnan Keyboards, Synth and Rhythm Programmed by Anirudh Ravichander Music Advisor - Ananthakrrishnan Creative Consultant - Sajith Satya Recorded at Offbeat Music Ventures, Chennai, Engineer - Aswin George John Albuquerque Records, Chennai, Engineer - Srinivasan M Mixed by Santhosh Narayanan at Future Tense Studios, Albuquerque Records, Chennai Mastered by Shadab Rayeen at New Edge Studios, Mumbai Assisted by Abhishek Mastered for iTunes by Shadab Rayeen Music Co ordinator - Velavan Music Label - Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd. © 2021 Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd. Subscribe Now: http://bit.ly/SonyMusicSouthVevo Subscribe Now: http://bit.ly/SonyMusicSouthYT Follow us: https://www.instagram.com/sonymusic_south/ Follow us: Twitter: https://twitter.com/SonyMusicSouth Like us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SonyMusicSouth
    Master - Kutti Story Video | Thalapathy Vijay | Anirudh Ravichander | Lokesh Kanagaraj

    Master - Kutti Story Video | Thalapathy Vijay | Anirudh Ravichander | Lokesh Kanagaraj

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:00
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Jan 2021
    • views: 128307498
    மாஸ்டர் - குட்டி ஸ்ரோரி வீடியோ | தளபதி விஜய் | அனிருத் ரவிச்சந்தர் | லோகேஷ் கனகராஜ் #Thalapathy has a thought-provoking tale for all of you! the rousing #KuttiStory from #Master loaded with his inimitable swag! Composed by #Anirudh , this uber-stylish, unsaid #KuttiKathai is set to rule your playlists and hearts! Directed by #LokeshKanagaraj under #XBFilmCreators Watch the official Tamil song video here! Stream Master Songs Now - https://SMI.lnk.to/MasterAlbum Movie - Master Song - Kutti Story Vocals - Thalapathy Vijay & Anirudh Ravichander Composed by Anirudh Ravichander Lyrics - Arunraja Kamaraj Starring Vijay, Vijay Sethupathi Malavika Mohanan, Arjun Das, Andrea, Shanthanu Written & Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj Dop - Sathyan Sooryan Editor - Philomin Raj Producer - Xavier Britto Co-Producers - Lalit Kumar, Jagadish Palanisamy Musicians Shehnai - Balesh Bass - Naveen Napier Percussions - Anirudh Ravichander Keyboards, Synth and Rhythm Programmed by Anirudh Ravichander Music Advisor - Ananthakrrishnan Creative Consultant - Sajith Satya Recorded & Mixed at Albuquerque Records, Chennai by Vinay Sridhar & Srinivasan M Mastered by Shadab Rayeen at New Edge Studios, Mumbai Assisted by Abhishek Mastered for iTunes by Shadab Rayeen Music Co Ordinator - Velavan Aiswaria R Dharani Baskar R Dinesh Kumar S Gladys Pinheiro C J Govind T Hariharan M Jagadeesh J Murugavel C Muthu Rooban S Nithya N Prasanth Krishnan Saravanan A Krishna Satishkumar Shaun ID Cruz Syed Mohammed Abbas Thayumanavan A Vinodth Kumar R Vishal K K Vishnu Vardhan P Aronan J A Sivaprasad Velayudhan & Little Samyuktha Music Label - Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd. © 2021 Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd. Subscribe Now: http://bit.ly/SonyMusicSouthVevo Subscribe Now: http://bit.ly/SonyMusicSouthYT Follow us: https://www.instagram.com/sonymusic_south/ Follow us: Twitter: https://twitter.com/SonyMusicSouth Like us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SonyMusicSouth
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    • Master - Official Teaser | Thalapathy Vijay | Anirudh Ravichander | Lokesh Kanagaraj
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    • Master - Vaathi Coming Video | Thalapathy Vijay | Anirudh Ravichander | Lokesh Kanagaraj
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    • Vijay Sethupathi's South Blockbuster Vijay The Master Full Movie Hindi Dubbed | Vijay & Malavika
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    • Master - Vaathi Raid Lyric | Thalapathy Vijay | Anirudh Ravichander | Lokesh Kanagaraj
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    • Master of Puppets (Remastered)
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    • Thalapathy Vijay's MASTER (2022) New Released Full Hindi Dubbed Movie | Vijay Sethupathi | New Movie
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    • JD Intro Theme | Master Mash-up | Thalapathy
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    • Master - Master The Blaster Video|Thalapathy Vijay|AnirudhRavichander|LokeshK.
      Master - Master The Blaster Video|Thalapathy Vijay|AnirudhRavichander|LokeshK.remove from playlist
    • Master - Polakatum Para Para Video | Thalapathy Vijay | VijaySethupathi | Anirudh Ravichander
      Master - Polakatum Para Para Video | Thalapathy Vijay | VijaySethupathi | Anirudh Ravichanderremove from playlist
    • Master - Kutti Story Video | Thalapathy Vijay | Anirudh Ravichander | Lokesh Kanagaraj
      Master - Kutti Story Video | Thalapathy Vijay | Anirudh Ravichander | Lokesh Kanagarajremove from playlist

    Master - Official Teaser | Thalapathy Vijay | Anirudh Ravichander | Lokesh Kanagaraj

    Master - Starring Thalapathy Vijay, Vijay Sethupathi, Malavika Mohanan, Andrea Jeremiah, Shanthanu Bhagyaraj, Arjun Das Written & Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj Produced by Xavier Britto Co-Produced by Lalit Kumar & Jagadish Palanisamy Music - Anirudh Ravichander DOP - Sathyan Sooryan Art Director - Sathees Kumar Editor - Philomin Raj Lyrics - Arunraja Kamaraj, Vigneshshivn, Vishnu Edavan, Arivu Stunts - Stunt Silva Choreography - Dinesh, Sathish Executive Producer - R Udayakumar Managers - KTS.Swaminathan, Balamurugan, Viswanathan, Jeyaprakash, Suresh Kanagaraj Sound Design - Sync Cinema Sound Mix - Kannan Ganpat Costume Designer - Pallavi Singh Chief Make-Up Artist - P.Nagaraj & Preethi Sheel Costumer - V.Sai DI - Igene VFX - Unifi Media DI Colorist - Ranga Publicity Design - Gopi Prasannaa Stills - Maneksha PRO - Riaz K Ahmed Music on - Sony Music Entertainment Asso. Directors - Magesh Balasubramaniam, Santhosh Krishnan, Sathya, Venki, Logi, Vishnu Edavan #MasterOfficialTeaser #ThalapathyVijay #SunTV #VijaySethupathi #Lokeshkanagaraj #AnirudhRavichander #XavierBritto #MalavikaMohanan #AndreaJeremiah
    Master - Official Teaser | Thalapathy Vijay | Anirudh Ravichander | Lokesh Kanagaraj
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    Master of Puppets (Remastered)
    Provided to YouTube by Blackened Recordings Master of Puppets (Remastered) · Metallica M...
    published: 08 Jun 2022
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    Thalapathy Vijay's MASTER (2022) New Released Full Hindi Dubbed Movie | Vijay Sethupathi | New Movie
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    JD Intro Theme | Master Mash-up | Thalapathy
    The swag- max JD's intro packed with our #Vaathi's mass and class. Hit play and enjoy thi...
    published: 15 Mar 2021
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    Master - Master The Blaster Video|Thalapathy Vijay|AnirudhRavichander|LokeshK.
    Song Title : Master the Blaster Album / Movie : Master Composed by Anirudh Ravichander Lyr...
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    Master - Polakatum Para Para Video | Thalapathy Vijay | VijaySethupathi | Anirudh Ravichander
    மாஸ்டர் - பொளக்கட்டும் பற பற | தளபதி விஜய் | அனிருத் ரவிச்சந்தர் | லோகேஷ் கனகராஜ் Podra v...
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    Master - Kutti Story Video | Thalapathy Vijay | Anirudh Ravichander | Lokesh Kanagaraj
    மாஸ்டர் - குட்டி ஸ்ரோரி வீடியோ | தளபதி விஜய் | அனிருத் ரவிச்சந்தர் | லோகேஷ் கனகராஜ் #Tha...
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    Master, masters and the Master may refer to:

    Ranks and titles

  • Master's degree, a postgraduate or sometimes undergraduate degree in the specified discipline
  • Master (college), head of a college
  • Schoolmaster, presiding officer of a school
  • Master (form of address), a title used for boys and young men, in formal correspondence
  • Dharma master, an honorific title for Buddhist monks and nuns
  • Master (judiciary), a judicial official in the courts of common law jurisdictions
  • Master (martial arts)
  • Master (naval), a former naval rank
  • Master (Peerage of Scotland), the male heir-apparent or heir-presumptive to a title in the Peerage of Scotland
  • Chess master, a rank of chess player
  • Master, the Captain of a ship
  • Master craftsman in the Medieval guilds
  • Master-at-arms, a naval police officer, often addressed as "Master" in the Royal Navy
  • Master of Ceremonies, or MC (emcee), the host of an official public or private staged event or other performance.
  • Masters of the Ancient Wisdom (Theosophy), reputed to be enlightened beings originally identified by the founders of the Theosophical Society
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