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Want an easy way to order from your local comic shop? Looking to subscribe to and manage monthly titles? Sign up now for PREVIEWSworld PULLBOX!

PREVIEWSworld PULLBOX is a new online program that lets you subscribe to comic book titles, preorder from the latest PREVIEWS catalog, and order any item available—all from your local comic shop!
PREVIEWS Pullbox Screenshot PREVIEWS Pullbox Screenshot
Manage Subscriptions & Preorders
Add titles to your monthly pull-and-hold list, order additional titles and products from each month's PREVIEWS preorder catalog.
Sync with Your Participating Local Comic Shop
Choose a local participating comic shop and sync with them to send your monthly preorders, special orders, and more.
Place Special Orders or Keep a Wishlist
Forgot to order a title or saw something new coming to comic shops that you want to purchase? You can use PREVIEWSworld PULLBOX to place a special order with your comic book shop to purchase. You can also keep a Wishlist of other items and then send it to your retailer to see if they have any items in their store.
Search and Order Products
You can easily search the complete database of items offered by PREVIEWS and place orders with your local comic shop.
Track Weekly Purchases
On your MY PULLBOX dashboard you can track which titles and products you ordered that are releasing to shops that week, see future week's orders, and more!
Get Started Right Away
Is your local comic shop not a participating PREVIEWSworld PULLBOX store yet? Don't worry! You can select to receive a notification when they are brought onboard. In the meantime, you can still use PREVIEWSworld PULLBOX to keep track of your subscriptions and save products you'd like to order.



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