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Steve Hsu is Professor of Theoretical Physics and Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering at Michigan State University. Join him for wide-ranging conversations with leading writers, scientists, technologists, academics, entrepreneurs, investors, and more.
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Modern Myth

The Archaeology Podcast Network

All too often we talk about fake news and alternative facts as if they are new concepts. In reality history itself is constructed, and thus constrained by its authors, we have as a society taken this as truth and unfortunately there is more to history that just the past.
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The Big Technology Podcast takes you behind the scenes in the tech world featuring interviews with plugged-in insiders and outside agitators. Alex Kantrowitz, a Silicon Valley journalist who's interviewed the world's top tech CEOs — from Mark Zuckerberg to Larry Ellison — is the host.
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Welcome to the Sensitive and Neurodivergent podcast (formerly The HSP Podcast) with Julie Bjelland, LMFT, a space for sensitive and neurodivergent individuals to explore emotional well-being, self-compassion, and empowerment. Join Julie and her guests as they discuss topics like managing sensitivity, overcoming shame, coping with a world not set up for us, and finding joy. The podcast offers insights and tools to help you navigate the world as your authentic self, build resilience, and conne ...
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Museums, galleries and historic houses are treasure troves of items from the past. But how easy is it at these sites to unknowingly just walk straight past an object with an incredible story to tell? In this podcast series host Ploy Radford talks to the experts at different museums, galleries and historic houses about the most underrated objects in their collection, and unveils some fantastic facts.
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Very Bad Wizards

Tamler Sommers & David Pizarro

Very Bad Wizards is a podcast featuring a philosopher (Tamler Sommers) and a psychologist (David Pizarro), who share a love for ethics, pop culture, and cognitive science, and who have a marked inability to distinguish sacred from profane. Each podcast includes discussions of moral philosophy, recent work on moral psychology and neuroscience, and the overlap between the two.
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If you are heading home after a long day of work, school or errands how about a pick me up? Five Minute Mojo transforms your ride home into a time of reflection. Thom Walters guides you through thinking about positive ways to evaluate and change your life for the better. He will ask you questions you have never heard before. Dragging yourself home at the end of the day is now a thing of the past. It's time to change our life. It's time for Five Minute Mojo.
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Since launching in 2000, All Songs Considered has been NPR's flagship program for music discovery, artist interviews and conversations with friends and fellow music lovers about the really big questions, like what was the best decade for music, are there albums everyone can agree on, and what do you put on when you need a good cry? Weekly, with host Robin Hilton and the NPR Music family.
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Whatever you lead can only grow when you do. Experience real-life, real-time business and leadership coaching from Dave Ramsey, a successful CEO, popular radio personality, bestselling author, and now the host of The EntreLeadership Podcast. Dave takes your calls and draws on over 30 years of experience as the CEO of Ramsey Solutions to help you overcome the challenges you're facing. More at https://www.ramseysolutions.com/shows/the-entreleadership-podcast.
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Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you quick tips (mostly 2-5 minutes, but some are up to one hour long) on the mindset, strategies or tactics successful people implement for effective time management and productivity. Note to podcast aficionados: This is not a show, so there’s no set format. These are recordings of musings, recommendations and interviews – all designed to help you understand key time management strategies to achieve the balance you seek. The author of two Amazo ...
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Travel TV hosts and authors Rob & Kerri Stuart share tips, advice, and insider knowledge about everything Disney. This includes the same advice they give their travel clients who are looking for that Disney magic for their vacation. You'll learn a lot in this fun and informative show as they talk about Walt Disney World, the parks, Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, Disney’s Hollywood Studios, Disney’s Animal Kingdom, DisneyLand, or Disney California Adventure and the surrounding Disney resorts and dinin ...
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Back office support can make or break your contracting company. Let us move your contractor bookkeeping service off the roller coaster of pain onto the merry go round of peace of mind with our U.S.A. based outsourced contractors bookkeeping services and contractor success M.A.P.
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