2024/09/03 13:54
![an AI prompt asked to generate a 256-character email address, returned a 103 character email address](https://i0.wp.com/pilch.me/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Screenshot-2024-09-03-094837.png?resize=670%2C401&ssl=1)
![a second AI prompt to only use alphanumeric characters in the email address, that returns "[email address removed]"](https://i0.wp.com/pilch.me/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Screenshot-2024-09-03-094935.png?resize=670%2C238&ssl=1)
come on I’m meeting you nerds halfway
really have to get back in the habit …
really have to get back in the habit here, scratch that indieweb itch
this is a note
this is a note
Patrick Monahan: “*extremely remembering what day it is for the fif…” – Mastodon
testing indie blocks
Bookmarked “IndieWebify” Your WordPress Site.
2023/03/07 20:09
become ungovernable
2022/11/09 18:50
![selfie of the author with "I Voted" sticker on a Purdue basketball t-shirt](https://i0.wp.com/pilch.me/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/1668007035313.jpg?resize=500%2C667&ssl=1)
alright another site test
did my civic duty yesterday. also – how about them Boilermakers?
2022/11/08 21:14
all right, any link under this one?
2022/11/08 19:22
testing, testing