Phineas and Ferb Wiki
Phineas and Ferb Wiki

No, let us trade lives! I thought for sure on same page we were.

— Princess Baldegunde

Candace switches places with a princess who looks just like her, but the ongoing antics of Phineas and Ferb prevent her from enjoying the royal luxuries. Meanwhile, the boys enlist the princess to help them build a giant jukebox filled with live bands, and Dr. Doofenshmirtz plans on using his Claw-inator to ruin his brother's dedication of the new Danville Opera House.

Episode Summary[]

After Lawrence shows off his antique jukebox to Phineas and Ferb, the boys decide to build one for themselves.

Perry uses the car jack in the garage to go down to his hideout where Major Monogram gives Perry his mission. Today Princess Baldegunde of Drusselstein is in town to give Mayor Roger Doofenshmirtz the "Drusselsteinian Favorite Son" award at the unveiling of the new Danville Opera House. Major Monogram thinks Doofenshmirtz will try and disrupt the ceremony, plus Doofenshmirtz has been buying up all the claw-machines in the Tri-State Area. Perry's task is to stop Doofenshmirtz and keep Princess Baldegunde safe. Coincidentally, she looks just like Candace.


Candace meets the Princess.

Princess Baldegunde is in her royal carriage and is being briefed of her busy schedule by her royal attendant. She wishes to go shopping at an American Mall, so they decide to squeeze in 6 minutes of shopping.

Meanwhile at the mall, Candace is talking to Stacy on her cell phone complaining about running errands for her mom and expressing her frustration by how she has to do everything in her life. In a store with a back-to-school sale, she meets Princess Baldegunde, her doppelgänger. After making sure the fabric of space-time did not rip apart, Princess Baldegunde wants to hang out and freak unsuspecting passersby, however Candace has to finish shopping and bust her brothers. Princess Baldegunde is impressed with her fabulous lifestyle, and she wishes to escape her life where everything is done for her on clap of hands and she is on a regimented schedule. She wants to be able to act on her own. They agree to switch lives.

Candace is told that to be a Princess she just has to wear the crown and clap when she wants something; everything else is done for her. Candace experiments with her new identity, and finds it's really true and fun!


The Princess and Phineas and Ferb.

Back at the Flynn-Fletcher home, Princess Baldegunde is excited to work with Phineas and Ferb on their construction of the big jukebox, exclaiming that giant projects are her favorite game. When Isabella, Baljeet and Buford come over, Baldegunde excitedly describes that they’re going to make play as builders, scaring the bully off.

Up in his dirigible, also known as a blimp, Heinz Doofenshmirtz captures Perry using a claw machine game. In fact, he has used all of the claw machine games to build a giant claw machine for his blimp. He reminisces how his fascination for these games started when he was a boy. While a boy in Gimmelshtump, he was walking through the "claw machine district" when he found a claw machine with a teddy bear inside instead of the usual rocks. He used his entire year's worth of allowance (a 3 cent coin) and won the bear. He gave it to his mother as a trophy, who immediately gave it to his brother Roger. Roger took a big red marker and wrote his name on the bear and his mother's blouse, effectively claiming both as his own and shutting Heinz out of the family dynamic. In revenge, he is going to use his giant claw machine to take away Roger's new Opera House.

Candace is enjoying her new power by running through piles of gold coins barefoot at the Opera House. Princess Baldegunde is enjoying her new freedom, and is ecstatic when Baljeet will not get her a hammer because she can do it herself. She excitedly proclaims her joy to Phineas and Ferb, who both notice that she's acquired an upper class Drusselsteinian speech pattern and they decide to just go with it.

Meanwhile, Perry escapes his claw machine by reaching through the prize slot and making the blimp climb steeply, knocking Doofenshmirtz backward and flipping the claw machine. Perry and Doofenshmirtz fight for the controls to the giant claw.

The giant jukebox is completed and Phineas and Ferb start loading bands in, including Love Händel and Jeremy and the Incidentals. Princess Baldegunde finds Jeremy to be very attractive.

Candace is already bored with her royal life and gets a call from Princess Baldegunde. She wants to know how to pronounce Jeremy’s name, to which Candace tells her to stay away from him. She decides she wants her old life back and sheds the royal ball gown and rushes back home.

Candace arrives home to see the giant jukebox and runs to tell Linda. Princess Baldegunde is taken away by her advisers and attendants just as Doofenshmirtz grabs the giant jukebox. Candace returns to find both her doppelgänger and the jukebox gone.

Jeremy and his band

Jeremy and his band.

Back at the Opera House, Princess Baldegunde is about ready to give her speech when Doofenshmirtz drops the jukebox on top of the Opera House. Doofenshmirtz is very happy, because he thinks he has disrupted the ceremony, even if he didn’t take the Opera House itself.

However, Princess Baldegunde realizes it’s their jukebox and cancels her speech so that she can play the song with the “cute blonde boy with the Guitar”. Jeremy and his band start playing “Do Nothing Day” and a larger crowd assembles to listen and dance to the music. Heinz is crushed that he ended up making everyone happy, including his brother Roger.

Perry lands back in the Flynn-Fletcher backyard where Phineas greets him and wonders where the jukebox went.


Read the transcript of Make Play.



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View the image gallery for "Make Play".

Running Gags[]

The "Too Young" Line[]


Ferb's Line[]

Phineas sees Candace acting differently.
Phineas: Wow, Candace really seems to be enjoying herself today!
Ferb: And she seems to have acquired an upper class Drusselsteinian speech pattern.
Phineas: Yeah... Let's just go with it.

What'cha doin'?[]

Isabella: Hey Phineas, what'cha doin'?
Princess Baldegunde: (as Candace) Today we shall make play here in the backyard as constructor persons and we shall make a giant size jukebox. It is most joyful way for all of us to make play, is it not?
Buford: I'm outta here.

I know what we're gonna do today/Hey, where's Perry?[]

Phineas: All your favorite bands playing all their greatest hits any time you want. Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today. Hey, where's Perry?

Oh, There You Are, Perry[]

Phineas: Oh, there you are, Perry! I'm glad you weren't in the jukebox, wherever that went.

Perry's entrance to his lair[]

Perry uses a jack to go down to his lair.

Evil Jingle[]

Doofenshmirtz in a blimp again!

Curse you, Perry the Platypus![]

Doofenshmirtz: Oh! Oh, no! Everyone is enjoying themselves! E-Even Roger! Oh, my plan has failed! Curse you, Perry the Platypus!

Memorable Quotes[]

Major Monogram: Morning Agent P, we have a situation here, the royal Princess Baldegunde from Drusselstein is in town. She's here to give the “Drusselsteinian Favorite Son” Award to Mayor Roger Doofenshmirtz during the unveiling of the new Danville Opera House. We assume Dr. Doofenshmirtz will do something to disrupt the ceremony. He's been buying up all the claw machines in the Tri-state Area. We don´t know exactly what his plan is, but do the math: Princess, Opera house, claw machines, stuffed animal. You put that together and you get a Claw-Princess-Animal, uh, Stuffed-Claw-House

Carl interrupts him
Carl: Uh, ooh ooh ooh...Or a...or a, Singing Animal Claw-Clawpera House, Stuffy Stuffness!
Major Monogram: (overlapping) A Singing Claw-, Clawing, Clawing House with a-
Major Monogram: It's terrifying, you must stop Doofenshmirtz and make sure the princess is safe. We don’t actually have a photo of her, but whatever, she’s a 15 year-old girl, they all pretty much look alike... Carl, put up a picture of a 15 year-old girl! Carl puts on screen a picture of Candace and now put a crown on her. There! There's your princess.
Carl: Oh wait sir, I found a picture of the actual princess.
Major Monogram: All right, put it up there.

Carl puts on screen a picture of Princess Baldegunde, who is identical to Candace
Major Monogram: Oh, wow, what are the odds?
Carl: Well, it is a cartoon, sir.
Major Monogram: What did I tell you about breaking the Fourth wall, Carl?
Carl: Sorry sir.
Princess Baldegunde: See? I never get to do anything for myself.
Candace: And I have to do everything for myself.
Both: I got it!
Candace: Let's go to the laundrymat and fill the dryers with cheese!
Princess Baldegunde: What? No, let us trade lives! I thought for sure on same page we were.
Doofenshmirtz: You know, Perry the Platypus, it's ironic how much you look like one of those prizes you'd find in one of those claw machines. And by "ironic"...
(Perry gets trapped)
Doofenshmirtz: ...I mean "totally flat out ronic."
Candace: Wow, I've been given all this power and how I've chosen to use it is to run through gold coins barefoot? I'm a genius!
The Princess is putting together a few tables
Princess Baldegunde: Ok now, I hammer. Claps at Baljeet Hammer! Hammer?
Baljeet: Your legs do not appear to be broken!
Princess Baldegunde: You are right! Broken they are not. I can be fetching hammer for myself, can I not? Here I go!
Princess Baldegunde: (as Candace) Hello cute blond boy with guitar!
Jeremy: Hey cute redhead... talking funny? See you after the set.
Candace: Wow..., absolute power bores absolutely...
Princess calls Candace
Candace: Hello?
Princess Baldegunde: Candace, I need to ask you question, how is pronounced the name of cute blonde boy with guitar?
Candace: What cute blonde boy?
Princess Baldegunde: The one with band! Is it Jerr-emy or Jer-mee?
Candace: It’s pronounced "stay away from him'"!
Princess Baldegunde hangs up
Candace: (approaching her mother) Mom! Mom! Giant jukebox! Come on! Come on! (Candace runs outside to see the blimp take the jukebox. Linda follows.) You missed it. Giant jukebox, doppelganger, everything, all gone.
Linda: Cool.

Background Information[]

  • This might take place near the end of summer since there are Back to School sales.
    • This is the second episode to show the "Back to School" sales. The first was "Ain't No Kiddie Ride".
  • This episode aired in Latin America as "La Doble" ("The Double") in Latin Spanish. It aired as "Brincando de Princesa" ("Playing Princess") in Brazilian Portuguese. In Germany it aired on December the 10th as "Königlicher Besuch" ("Royal Visit"), in Spanish (Spain) was showed in April 30, 2011 as "Jugar a Imaginar" ("Imagine playing")
  • The music from the "Transport-inators of Doooom!" game where the player gets gears/badges around them is heard.

Production Information[]

  • This episode along with "Candace Gets Busted" are the last episode aired for Season 2.
  • This episode was aired in Disney Channel on Demand on February 10, 2011.

International Premieres[]

  • November 24, 2010 (Disney Channel Latin America)
  • November 27, 2010 (Disney Channel Brazil)
  • December 10, 2010 (Disney XD Germany)
  • January 23, 2011 (Channel STS, Russia)
  • January 28, 2011 (Disney Channel Hong Kong)
  • February 15, 2011 (Disney XD UK)
  • March 23, 2011 (Disney Channel Asia)
  • April 30, 2011 (Disney XD Spain)
  • May 7, 2011 (Disney Channel Spain)
  • June 8, 2011 (Disney XD Scandinavia)
  • June 11, 2011 (Disney XD Turkey)
  • July 8, 2011 (Disney Channel Bulgaria)
  • August 20, 2011 (Disney Channel Poland)


  • When Doofenshmirtz is mentioning the claw machines to Perry, the things in the claw machine Perry was stuck in had rocks in it. When Perry escapes, stuffed animals pour out.
  • Lawrence recalls putting nickels in the jukebox slots of his youth. He may not want to confuse the kids with talk of sixpences and other antiquated English specie.
  • When everyone notices Jeremy and the Incidentals playing, there was a woman driving on the left side of the road.
  • The crowd that gathers in front of city hall as Jeremy and the Incidentals are playing is made up of the same dozen or so people copied over and over again.
    Who isn't a doppleganger here.

    Who isn't a doppelganger here?



  • The Prince and the Pauper - The concept of a commoner and royalty switching places comes from Mark Twain's story The Prince and the Pauper.
  • Lord Acton - Candace parodies the famous expression, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely".



Main article: Credits
designates a character that did not appear in this episode
"Rollercoaster: The Musical!"
Episodes Next:
"Candace Gets Busted"
v - e - dPhineas and Ferb
Season 1
"Rollercoaster" | "Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror" | "Flop Starz" | "The Fast and the Phineas"
"Lights, Candace, Action!" | "Raging Bully" | "Candace Loses Her Head" | "I, Brobot"
"Run Away Runway" | "The Magnificent Few" | "S'Winter" | "Jerk De Soleil" | "Are You My Mummy?"
"Ready for the Bettys" | "I Scream, You Scream" | "Toy to the World"
"Get That Bigfoot Outa My Face!" | "It's a Mud, Mud, Mud, Mud World" | "Mom's Birthday"
"Journey to the Center of Candace" | "It's About Time!"
"Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together" | "Tree to Get Ready" | "The Ballad of Badbeard"
"Greece Lightning" | "Leave the Busting to Us!" | "Crack That Whip" | "The Best Lazy Day Ever"
"Boyfriend From 27,000 B.C." | "Voyage to the Bottom of Buford" | "A Hard Day's Knight"
"Traffic Cam Caper" | "Bowl-R-Ama Drama" | "Got Game?" | "Comet Kermillian"
"Put That Putter Away" | "Does This Duckbill Make Me Look Fat?" | "The Flying Fishmonger"
"One Good Scare Ought to Do It!" | "The Monster of Phineas-n-Ferbenstein" | "Oil on Candace"
"Out of Toon" | "Hail Doofania!" | "Out to Launch" | "Phineas and Ferb Get Busted!"
"Unfair Science Fair" | "Unfair Science Fair Redux (Another Story)"
Season 2
"The Lake Nose Monster" | "Interview With a Platypus" | "Tip of the Day"
"Attack of the 50 Foot Sister" | "Backyard Aquarium" | "Day of the Living Gelatin"
"Elementary My Dear Stacy" | "Don't Even Blink" | "Chez Platypus" | "Perry Lays an Egg"
"Gaming the System" | "The Chronicles of Meap" | "Thaddeus and Thor" | "De Plane! De Plane!"
"Let's Take a Quiz" | "At the Car Wash" | "Oh, There You Are, Perry" | "Swiss Family Phineas"
"Hide and Seek" | "That Sinking Feeling" | "The Baljeatles" | "Vanessassary Roughness"
"No More Bunny Business" | "Spa Day" | "Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo"
"Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown" | "Bubble Boys" | "Isabella and the Temple of Sap"
"Cheer Up Candace" | "Fireside Girl Jamboree" |"The Bully Code" | "Finding Mary McGuffin" | "Picture This"
"Nerdy Dancin'" | "What Do It Do?" | "Atlantis" | "Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!"
"Just Passing Through" | "Candace's Big Day" | "I Was a Middle Aged Robot" | "Suddenly Suzy"
"Undercover Carl" | "Hip Hip Parade" | "Invasion of the Ferb Snatchers" | "Ain't No Kiddie Ride"
"Not Phineas and Ferb" | "Phineas and Ferb-Busters!" | "The Lizard Whisperer" | "Robot Rodeo" | "The Beak"
"She's the Mayor" | "The Lemonade Stand" | "Phineas and Ferb Hawaiian Vacation" | "Nerds of a Feather"
"Wizard of Odd" | "We Call it Maze" | "Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet Max Modem!" | "The Secret of Success"
"The Doof Side of the Moon" | "Split Personality" | "Brain Drain" | "Rollercoaster: The Musical!"
"Make Play" | "Candace Gets Busted"
Season 3
"The Great Indoors" | "Canderemy" | "Run, Candace, Run" | "Last Train to Bustville"
"Phineas' Birthday Clip-O-Rama!" | "The Belly of the Beast" | "Moon Farm"
"Ask a Foolish Question" | "Misperceived Monotreme" | "Candace Disconnected"
"Magic Carpet Ride" | "Bad Hair Day" | "Meatloaf Surprise" | "Phineas and Ferb Interrupted"
"A Real Boy" | "Mommy Can You Hear Me?" | "Road Trip" | "Tour de Ferb" | "Skiddley Whiffers"
"My Fair Goalie" | "Bullseye!" | "That's the Spirit" | "The Curse of Candace"
"Escape from Phineas Tower" | "Lotsa Latkes" | "Ferb Latin"
"A Phineas and Ferb Family Christmas" | "Tri-Stone Area" | "Doof Dynasty" |"Excaliferb"
"Phineas and Ferb and the Temple of Juatchadoon" | "Monster from the Id" | "Gi-Ants"
"The Remains of the Platypus" | "Mom's in the House" | "Perry The Actorpus" | "Let's Bounce"
"Bully Bromance Breakup" | "Quietest Day Ever" | "The Doonkelberry Imperative‎‎"
"Meapless in Seattle" | "Delivery of Destiny" | "Buford Confidential" | "The Mom Attractor"
"Cranius Maximus" | "Agent Doof" | "Minor Monogram" | "What A Croc!" | "Sleepwalk Surprise"
"Sci-Fi Pie Fly" | "Sipping with the Enemy" | "Tri-State Treasure: Boot of Secrets" | "Doofapus"
"Norm Unleashed" | "Where's Perry?" | "Where's Perry? (Part Two)" |"Ferb TV"
"When Worlds Collide" | "What'd I Miss?" | "Road to Danville"
"This Is Your Backstory" | "Blackout!"
Season 4
"For Your Ice Only" | "Happy New Year!" | "Fly On the Wall" | "Bully Bust" | "My Sweet Ride"
"Der Kinderlumper" | "Sidetracked" | "Primal Perry" | "Mind Share" | "Backyard Hodge Podge"
"Bee Day" | "Bee Story" | "Great Balls Of Water" | "Where's Pinky?"
"Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown Hosted by Kelly Osbourne"
"Knot My Problem" | "Just Desserts" | "La Candace-Cabra" | "Happy Birthday, Isabella"
"Love at First Byte" | "One Good Turn" | "Thanks But No Thanks" | "Troy Story"
"Druselsteinoween" | "Terrifying Tri-State Trilogy of Terror" | "Face Your Fear" | "Cheers for Fears"
"Steampunx" | "Just Our Luck" | "Return Policy" | "Live and Let Drive" | "Father's Day"
"Imperfect Storm" | "The Return of the Rogue Rabbit" | "It's No Picnic" | "The Klimpaloon Ultimatum"
"Operation Crumb Cake" | "Mandace" | "Lost in Danville" | "The Inator Method"
"Tales from the Resistance: Back to the 2nd Dimension" | "Doof 101" | "Act Your Age"
Season 5
"Summer Block Buster" | "Cloudy with a Chance of Mom" | "Appetite for Adventure" | "License to Bust"
"Dry Another Day" | "Deconstructing Doof" | "Tropey McTropeface" | "Biblio-Blast!" | "A Chip to the Vet"
"More Than an Intern" | "The Aurora Perry-Alis" | "Lord of the Firesides" | "Agent T (For Teen)"
"The Haberdasher" | "The Candace Suit" | "Out of Character" | "Meap Me in St. Louis"
"Phineas and Ferb: Summer Belongs to You!" | "Phineas and Ferb Save Summer"
"Night of the Living Pharmacists" | "Last Day of Summer" | "O.W.C.A. Files"
Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension
Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the Universe
"Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel" | "Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars" | "The Phineas and Ferb Effect"