Each item on the interface has the following elements; see the wireframe below. There are five "columns" with information (not actually a table, but lined up as columns).
Page: Article title, history link
Edit: Diff link, timestamp of edit
Editor: User name, contribs link, user talk link, edit count -- (if the user page and/or user talk page is a redlink, display it as red)
WikiProjects: A bubble for each WikiProject, listed alphabetically
Review: Page fixed button, No action needed button, Reviewed by username, timestamp of review (if item is reviewed)
* Article title
* Article history
* Diff of the suspected edit
* Editor name/IP (user page)
* Editor's talk page
** Note: If editor's user page and/or talk page are redlinks, show as red
* Editor's contributions page (list editcount)
There's also an icon for each item that indicates whether the item:
* Needs to be checked (current icon: clock)
* Page Fixed (current: red badge)
* No Action Needed (current: green badge)
* Request 2nd Opinion (new option)
Once the item's been checked, display the name of the user who checked it.