At the moment, SecurePoll uses the user right electionadmin to determine who has access to various aspects of the SecurePoll extension. Notably, as I understand it, if your account has the electionadmin right on votewiki (and is an admin on a SecurePoll election), you can:
- Edit the poll settings (title, type, etc)
- Set up encryption with GPG
- Add and remove questions and options
- Add and remove translations
These are all fine and do not interact with private information (with the potential exception of GPG, depending on how you classify that). However, it will also allow you to:
- See CheckUser-level data for all voters
- Strike votes (with a logged reason)
I would like to propose that those more private aspects of electionadmin be split out into a second user right, potentially something like scrutineer, which would lower the possibility of someone being inadvertently allowed access to CU-level data when all they really need to do is SecurePoll administrative work prior to an election.