Rachel E. Lindvall

  • Title
    Staff Scientist/Research Staff
  • Email
    [email protected]
  • Phone
    (925) 424-3505
  • Organization
    Not Available

Research Experience

Rachel Lindvall has 15 years of experience in analytical chemistry for environmental, geological, and nuclear forensic studies. Lindvall has specific interest in using trace element analysis to fingerprint samples such as crude oil, anthropogenic lead, and uranium ore concentrate samples.

Work Experience

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Livermore, CA
Senior Scientific Associate
May 2005-present
Manage the ICP-MS laboratory that brings in ~$500K of analytical work per fiscal year.
Operate and maintain a Thermo Electron iCAPQ Q-ICPMS.
Lead analyst for both pre-detonation and post-detonation exercises and proficiency tests. Maintain ISO17025 certification for the ICPMS laboratory.
Trained internal and external analysts in the operation of the Q-ICPMS and a CEM MARS microwave digestion system.
Manage the inventory and analytical status of UOC samples.

URS Corporation - Oakland, CA
September 2004 - May 2005
Managed the production of 150 quarterly monitoring reports.
Trained as a field geologist to assist in the remediation of petroleum impacted sites.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - Berkeley, CA
Senior Research Technician
July 2002-September 2004
Operated and assisted in the maintenance of a Micromass IsoProbe and VG Sector 54 Multicollector TIMS and a Dionex 120 Ion Chromatograph.
Applied column separation techniques for the preparation of samples for metal and radionuclide analysis.
Managed sample inventory, prepared data reports, wrote standard operating procedure.

Forensic Analytical - Hayward, CA
Lab Technician
May 2002-July 2002
Prepared environmental Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP), trace metal and lead paint samples for analysis.

Washington University – Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences - St. Louis, MO
ICP-MS Lab Manager
August 1998- March 2002
Operated and maintained a Finnigan ELEMENT High Resolution ICPMS with attached Merchantek LUV 266 Laser Ablation System and a Dionex 500 Ion Chromatograph.
Carried out and directed water, soil and rock sample preparation.
Coordinated and trained graduate and undergraduate students with research projects involving the ICP-MS and IC, and supervised the activities of 3-5 undergraduate lab assistants per academic year.
Collected field samples and obtained field measurements from Missouri rivers and springs and hot springs in Yellowstone National Park.


OSHA 40 hour HAZWOPER training certificate, OSHA Site Supervisor training certificate.

B.A., Environmental Science, Washington University, 1997

  1. Klunder, G.L., Plaue, J.W, Spackman, P.E., Grant, PM., Lindvall, R.E., Hutcheon, I.D. "Application of Visible/Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy to Uranium Ore Concentrates for Nuclear Forensic Analysis and Attribution", Volume 67, Number 9, 2013 APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY.
  2. M. Zavarin, S.K. Roberts, M.R. Johnson, Q. Hu, B.A. Powell, P. Zhao, A.B. Kersting, R.E. Lindvall, R.J. Pletcher (2013) Colloid-Facilitated Radionuclide Transport in Fractured Carbonate Rock from Yucca Flat, Nevada National Security Site, LLNL Report: LLNL-TR-619352.
  3. Mark Sutton, Richard K. Bibby, Gary R. Eppich, Steven Lee, Rachel E. Lindvall, Kent Wilson, Bradley K. Esser. "Evaluation of Historical Beryllium Abundance in Soils, Airborne Particulates and Facilities at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory", Science of the Total Environment, Volume 437, 15 October 2012, Pages 373–383
  4. P. Zhao, M. Zavarin, R. Leif, B. Powell, M.Singleton, R. Lindvall, A. Kersting. (2011) Mobilization of actinides by dissolved organic compounds at the Nevada Test Site. Applied Geochemistry 26(3), 308-318.
  5. Prapaipong, P., Enssle C.W., Morris J.D., Shock, E.L, and Lindvall, R.E. (2008) Rapid transport of anthropogenic lead through soils in southeast Missouri. Applied Geochemistry 23(8), 2156-2170.
  6. P. Zhao, M. Zavarin, R. Leif, B. Powell, M.Singleton, R. Lindvall, A. Kersting (2008) Actinide Sorption in Rainier Mesa Tunnel Waters from the NevadaTest Site, LLNL Report: LLNL-TR-400273.
  7. Zavarin, M., Kersting, A.B., Lindvall, R.E., Rose, T.P (2008) Hydrologic Resources Management Program and Underground Test Area Project FY 2006 Progress Report, LLNL Report: LLNL-TR-404620.
  8. Zavarin, M., Kersting, A.B., Lindvall, R.E., Rose, T.P (2007) Hydrologic Resources Management Program and Underground Test Area Project FY 2005 Progress Report, LLNL Report: UCRL-TR-229708.
  9. Pat Grant, Carolyn Koester, Paul Spackman, Leslie Carman, Rachel Lindvall, Brian Andresen, Armando Alcaraz, Rich Whipple, and Erick Ramon (2007) DDAP2: Analyses of Questioned Specimens for Explosives, Extraordinary Chemical Compounds, and Elevated Elemental Species, Forensic Science Center Forensic Report, 20pp.
  10. Zavarin, M., Roberts, S.K., Johnson, M.R., Lindvall, R., Hu, Q., Zhao, P., Powell, B., and Pletcher, R. Radionuclide Transport in Carbonate Fractures from Yucca Flat, Nevada Test Site. Prepared for the UGTA Project, Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, Nevada Site Office, December 2006.