
PCX Viewer

FREE PCX Viewer 3.2

What is a Pcx file?

PCX (Personal Computer eXchange) was the native file format for PC Paintbrush and before GIF, JPEG and PNG, was one of the first widely accepted DOS imaging standards. This image file format was developed by ZSoft Corporation of Marietta, Georgia, USA.
PCX is a raster image format, the file header stores metadata about the image, separately from the actual image bitmap. PCX files commonly store palette-indexed images from 2 or 4 colors to 16 and 256 colors.

PCX file is consisted of three main sections:
• File header 128 byte header that contains an identifier byte, a version number, image dimensions, a 16 color palette, number color planes and the bit depth of each plane.

• Image data PCX image data is stored in rows or scan lines in top-down order.
• Color palette Optional 256 color palette is added after VGA display hardware was introduced, because PCX file has space in header only for 16 color palette. The solution was to put the palette at the end of the file, along with a marker byte to confirm its existence.

The PCX file format, these days, has mostly been replaced by newer image formats, but is still used by some applications.

How to open Pcx file?

PCX Viewer is a great application if you have .pcx images and want to convert them in other, newer, file formats. PCX viewer is fast, small and easy-to-use freeware image viewer, supported by all versions of Windows. With this viewer you can easy convert and save opened PCX images in file formats as JPEG, BMP, GIF, PNG and others. Except converting, PCX viewer can be used and for resizing, enlarge or reduce, without losing any quality of the image file. All this is available with PCX viewer for FREE.

PCX Viewer Tools

PCX viewer - Full screenTrue Full Screen viewer with image zoom support;
PCX viewer - ZoomImage can be zoomed using Mouse Wheel or slider. Pan image by mouse dragging the image;
PCX viewer - RotateRotate Clockwise button - rotate an image 90 degrees clockwise;
PCX viewer - CounterclockwiseRotate Counterclockwise button - rotate an image 90 degrees counterclockwise.


• Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003; Windows Server 2008; Windows XP; Windows Vista; Windows 7.
• Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (included in Windows XP SP2, Vista, Windows 7).

Product Features

  • Clean and Free
  • PCX Viewer is a freeware and does not contain any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors.
  • Stable and fast
  • PCX Viewer uses only libraries that are need for processing, the interface is sample and easy to use. All this provides faster and stable work of the application.
  • User-friendly interface
  • PCX Viewer is very simple and easy for use. All you need is to open PCX file, zoom, resize and save in other format if you want.
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