Profit Bandit Subscription Center

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'; if ( message += '
Active coupon: ' + + '
'; $('#subscription-status').html(message + '
Your next invoice is for $' + nextBillingAmount + ' on ' + periodEnd + '.
'); $('#payment-form').hide(); $('#unsubscribe-form').show(); $('#subscribe-form').hide(); // $('#faq-link').hide(); } else { if (customerInfo.isActive) { $('#subscription-status').html('Your subscription will expire on: ' + periodEnd); $('.scans-remaining').hide(); } else { $('#subscription-status').html('You are not subscribed.'); if (onDevice()) $('.scans-remaining').show(); } $('.plan-info-row').show(); $('#payment-form').hide(); $('#unsubscribe-form').hide(); $('#subscribe-form').show(); $('#faq-link').show(); } } } $(function() { const functions = getFunctions(app, "us-central1"); // connectFunctionsEmulator(functions, "", 5001); $('#payment-form').submit(function(e) { showLoader(); var form = $(this); var plan = $('#pb-plan-option').is(':checked') ? 'pb' : 'npm'; var coupon = $('#coupon-code').val(); // form.find('button').prop('disabled', true); Stripe.card.createToken(form, function (status, token) { if (token.error) { hideLoader(); alert(token.error.message); return; } // Use Firebase Functions to call the Cloud Function const subscribeNewCustomer = httpsCallable(functions, 'subscribeNewCustomer'); console.log('Subscribing new customer with token:',, 'plan:', plan, 'coupon:', coupon); subscribeNewCustomer({ tokenId:, plan: plan, coupon: coupon }).then(function(response) { hideLoader(); customerInfo =; updateView(customerInfo); }).catch(function(error) { hideLoader(); alert(error.message); }); }); clearCardFormAfterSubmit(); return false; }); $('#unsubscribe-form').submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); showLoader(); const setSubscription = httpsCallable(functions, 'setSubscription'); setSubscription({ subscribed: false }).then( function(result) { hideLoader(); customerInfo =; updateView(customerInfo); }, function(error) { hideLoader(); alert(error.message); } ); return false; }); $('#subscribe-form').submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); showLoader(); const plan = $('#pb-plan-option').is(':checked') ? 'pb' : 'npm'; const setSubscription = httpsCallable(functions, 'setSubscription'); setSubscription({ subscribed: true, plan: plan }).then( function(result) { hideLoader(); customerInfo =; updateView(customerInfo); }, function(error) { hideLoader(); alert(error.message); } ); return false; }); $('#update-card-form').submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); showLoader(); var form = $(this); // form.find('button').prop('disabled', true); Stripe.card.createToken(form, function(status, token) { if (token.error) { hideLoader(); alert(token.error.message); return; } const updateCustomer = httpsCallable(functions, 'updateCustomer'); updateCustomer({ tokenId: }).then( function(result) { hideLoader(); customerInfo =; updateView(customerInfo); }, function(error) { hideLoader(); alert(error.message); } ); }); clearCardFormAfterSubmit(); return false; }); $('.logout').click(function() { auth.signOut().then(function() { // Sign-out successful. window.location.replace('login.html'); }).catch(function(error) { // An error happened. alert(error.message); }); return false; }); });
'; if ( message += '
Active coupon: ' + + '
'; $('#subscription-status').html(message + '
Your next invoice is for $' + nextBillingAmount + ' on ' + periodEnd + '.
'); $('#payment-form').hide(); $('#unsubscribe-form').show(); $('#subscribe-form').hide(); // $('#faq-link').hide(); } else { if (customerInfo.isActive) { $('#subscription-status').html('Your subscription will expire on: ' + periodEnd); $('.scans-remaining').hide(); } else { $('#subscription-status').html('You are not subscribed.'); if (onDevice()) $('.scans-remaining').show(); } $('.plan-info-row').show(); $('#payment-form').hide(); $('#unsubscribe-form').hide(); $('#subscribe-form').show(); $('#faq-link').show(); } } } async function updateForLoggedInUser() { const user = auth.currentUser; if (!user) { document.querySelector('.error').innerHTML = 'User not logged in'; return; } try { const userDoc = await getDoc(doc(db, 'users', user.uid)); if (!userDoc.exists()) { signOut(auth).then(function() { // Sign-out successful. // window.location.replace('login.html'); }).catch(function(error) { // An error happened. alert(error.message); }); } else { const getPlans = httpsCallable(functions, 'getPlans'); const plansResult = await getPlans(); const getCustomerInfo = httpsCallable(functions, 'getCustomerInfo'); const customerInfoResult = await getCustomerInfo(); const customerInfo =; getIsNotProMerchant(user.uid).then(isNotProMerchant => { const userData =; document.querySelector('.user-info').innerHTML = 'You are ' + + '.'; const plans =; document.querySelector('.npm-plan-label .cost').innerHTML = '$' + (plans.npm.amount / 100) + ' per month'; document.querySelector('.pb-plan-label .cost').innerHTML = '$' + (plans.pb.amount / 100) + ' per month'; if (typeof isNotProMerchant !== 'undefined' && isNotProMerchant !== null) { if (isNotProMerchant) { document.querySelector('.npm-plan').style.display = 'block'; document.querySelector('.pb-plan').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('pb-plan-option').checked = false; document.getElementById('npm-plan-option').checked = true; document.getElementById('pb-plan-option').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('npm-plan-option').style.display = 'none'; } else { document.querySelector('.npm-plan').style.display = 'none'; document.querySelector('.pb-plan').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('pb-plan-option').checked = true; document.getElementById('npm-plan-option').checked = false; document.getElementById('pb-plan-option').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('npm-plan-option').style.display = 'none'; } } else { document.querySelector('.npm-plan').style.display = 'block'; document.querySelector('.pb-plan').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('pb-plan-option').checked = true; document.getElementById('npm-plan-option').checked = false; document.getElementById('pb-plan-option').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('npm-plan-option').style.display = 'block'; } document.querySelector('.plan-info').style.display = 'block'; updateView(customerInfo); }); } } catch (error) { document.querySelector('.error').innerHTML = error.message; alert('Error: ' + error.message); } } function onDevice() { return (window.location.hash === '#ios' || window.location.hash === '#ios_ps' || window.location.hash === '#android'); } function updateScansRemaining() { var total = freeScans; if (customerInfo && customerInfo.unconsumedScans) total += customerInfo.unconsumedScans; document.querySelector('.scans-remaining').innerHTML = 'Free scans remaining: ' + total; } function setScansRemaining(scans) { freeScans = scans; updateScansRemaining(); } if (!onDevice()) { getAuth().onAuthStateChanged((user) => { if (user) { document.querySelector('.logout').style.display = 'block'; updateForLoggedInUser(); } else { window.location.replace('login.html'); } }); } if (onDevice()) { // this will hide the subscribe button on the FAQ page (probably no longer works) document.getElementById('faq-link').href = document.getElementById('faq-link').href + '#APP'; }