Stuck on Shore
Ask me anything


A medieval manuscript inspired illustration with Katharine Hepburn and Peter O’Toole’s Eleanor and Henry at the center. Eleanor is grasping Henry’s arm while Henry waves the crown over his head. On their sides are miniatures of the rest of the cast, with John, Geoffrey, and Richard on the left surrounded by thorns and vines, and Alais and a smug looking Philip on the right. Above is a scene of Eleanor’s magnificent boat coming down the river to Chinon. below has three images: first on the left, a dog biting a chicken’s neck, second, two knights locked in a duel, one straddling the other holding a bloody dagger. Third, a winged boar with a golden arrow in its flank on the right. Interpret all these as you will…ALT

“What shall we hang? The holly or each other?”

Made a last minute print inspired by my favorite Toxic Christmas Movie, The Lion in Winter (1968). I always love doing a detailed piece like this! I’ll be selling prints at EBABZ tomorrow, but feel free to pick up a copy on my storenvy as well <3

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