Wuchereria bancrofti
BioProject PRJNA275548 | Data Source Case Western Reserve University | Taxonomy ID 6293
About Wuchereria bancrofti
The nematode Wuchereria bancrofti is a human parasite that is the major cause of lymphatic filariasis. It is the most prevalent human infective filarial worm, affecting over 120 million people, primarily in Central Africa and the Nile delta, South and Central America, and the tropical regions of Asia. If the infection is left untreated, it can develop into elephantiasis.
There is 1 alternative genome project for Wuchereria bancrofti available in WormBase ParaSite: PRJEB536
Genome Assembly & Annotation
As described in Small et al 2019, PacBio sequencing using chemistry RS II was performed on DNA isolated from the Wuchereria bancrofti samples from Small et al 2016. Ten PacBio SMRT cells were run for an estimated coverage of 20-40X. Whole genomes were aligned using progressiveCactus with a guide tree reconstructed from whole mitochondrial genomes (Small et al. 2014â ). Scaffolds were assigned to chromosomes using Ragout (Kolmogorov et al. 2014). Scaffolds were named according to B. malayi reference genome.
This is an update to the older GCA_001555675.1 W. bancrofti genome by Small et al 2016.
Homology-based gene predictions were generated in GeMoMa using B. malayi gene models (PRJNA10729). These predictions were supplemented with ab initio gene predictions from BRAKER2, trained using B. malayi, which were refined based on transcript and protein homology evidence from related filarial worm species in MAKER. The annotation has been generated and provided by the Mitreva Lab at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis .
Key Publications
- Small ST, Reimer LJ, Tisch DJ, King CL, Christensen BM, Siba PM, Kazura JW, Serre D, Zimmerman PA. Population genomics of the filarial nematode parasite Wuchereria bancrofti from mosquitoes. Mol Ecol, 2016;25(7):1465-1477
- Small ST, Tisch DJ, Zimmerman PA. Molecular epidemiology, phylogeny and evolution of the filarial nematode Wuchereria bancrofti. Infect Genet Evol, 2014;28():33-43
- Small ST, Labbé F, Coulibaly YI, Nutman TB, King CL, Serre D, Zimmerman PA. Human Migration and the Spread of the Nematode Parasite Wuchereria bancrofti. Mol Biol Evol, 2019;36(9):1931-1941
Assembly Statistics
Assembly | ASM528172v1, GCA_005281725.1 |
Strain | 17-3 |
Database Version | WBPS19 |
Genome Size | 88,416,250 |
Data Source | Case Western Reserve University |
Annotation Version | 2023-09-WormBase |
Gene counts
Coding genes | 11,166 |
Gene transcripts | 11,166 |
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