#733 [main] Doc issue in file modules/ROOT/pages/samba.adoc
Opened 7 months ago by ilikelinux. Modified 7 months ago

Please complete the manual with the command and comments below.

sudo groupadd myfamily
sudo gpasswd -a $USER myfamily # add the logged-in user to the myfamily group !
sudo useradd -G myfamily jack # add the new users to the myfamily group.
sudo useradd -G myfamily maria

sudo usermod -G myfamily username excluded several users from the rest of the groups while adding themselves to the myfamily group. As I was a victim of this error too, I think puting the correct commands makes sense.

Well, I checked:
(QuickDocs -> Usage and customisation -> JHow to create a samba share)

I guess it is about the paragraph "Sharing a dir for many users"
And you propose to explicitly add the current user unconditionally. If an admin cfreates the group they may not want to become a member?

And I don''t junderstand the purpose of the usermod -G which would add usernam,e to group myfamily and remove them from all other groups - if I fremember correctly.

Metadata Update from @pboy:
- Issue assigned to pboy

7 months ago

Metadata Update from @pboy:
- Issue priority set to: waiting on external (was: awaiting triage)

7 months ago

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