#661 "Creating and using a live installation image" page confusingly combines instructions on writing and creating live images
Opened a year ago by adamwill. Modified 10 months ago

The docs page https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/quick-docs/creating-and-using-a-live-installation-image confusingly covers two very different things: writing a live image to media and booting it (something almost everyone who tries Fedora will need to do), and creating a live image (something very few people need or want to do).

There's really no reason these things should be on the same page. In the wiki they very intentionally were not. The "how to create a live image" instructions should be taken off this page and put somewhere else more appropriate. Then they should be updated, because they're very old and refer to the livecd-creator tool which has not been the current one for many years - official live images are currently created with livemedia-creator. The old wiki at least had instructions for livemedia-creator, though they may need updating: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Livemedia-creator-_How_to_create_and_use_a_Live_CD .

Yes, we should split the article.


  1. Creating and using a liveCD boot medium
    From the beginning down to the chapter "Creating and using liveCD"
  2. Creating your custom liveCD image
    The current chapter "Creating and using liveCD"

Any idea about a better wording of the titles or a different cut of the conten?

The first part should not be particularly complicated. The second part would be more or less a complete reformulation.

Metadata Update from @pboy:
- Issue priority set to: None (was: awaiting triage)
- Issue tagged with: help wanted, improvement, needs changes

10 months ago

Don't call it "live CD". The images haven't fit on a CD for like a decade or more at this point, and there are people who can legally drink who have never owned a CD. :D

I think saying "live" is actually wrong, anyway (for the 'how to write an image to a medium' page). The instructions are really for ISO images, whether live or not - they apply to network install images as well as live ones (I think even livecd-iso-to-disk works with netinst images, you just can't use the overlay feature, though I haven't checked for sure lately).

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