Ou no Kemono: Enpei no Arcana Wiki
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Welcome to the Ou no Kemono: Enpei no Arcana Wiki, a Wiki dedicated to everything about the manga series The King's Beast (王の獣~掩蔽のアルカナ~, Ou no Kemono: Enpei no Arcana) created by Rei Toma that anyone can edit. Please help us by creating or editing any of our articles!

We currently have 742 edits to 84 articles and 94 images on this wiki.

Warning: This wiki contains spoilers, read at your own risk!

In this kingdom, Ajin are considered no better than beasts. The men are sent to war, the women serve in brothels. Those who are lucky enough to live to old age spend their last years doing degrading, menial work. Boys who show signs of magical ability must serve the imperial family in the palace. Rangetsu's twin brother is sent to the palace to serve the Prince Tenyou, but he only lasts a short time before he is murdered. Rumors say his master was the one who aimed the blade, and Rangetsu decides to puts aside her femaleness in order seek revenge.


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The King's Beast Vol 13
Volume 13
Release Date: July 26 2023

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