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Blogs about Urbanism

16 blogs about Urbanism.

    All about cycling in the Netherlands. By Mark Wagenbuur. 🇳🇱 More info

    A rare glimpse of Utrecht in 1993, a before and after
    There’s something about before-and-after comparisons that truly fascinates me. I love documenting changes in cities, especially when it comes to street design. Growing up in Utrecht—a city that has been in a constant state of …
    By Bicycle Dutch, 52 words
  2. Bryan Boyer – Medium
    Buildings & cities & all the things between. More at 🇺🇸 More info

    What does it mean to design urban technology?
    We’ve recently launched a new degree program in Urban Technology at University of Michigan that combines urbanism, technology, and design. But what does design mean in this context? Like many aspects of creating a new …
    By Bryan Boyer, 5,739 words
  3. The Corner Side Yard
    Yelling from the window as the world passes by. By Pete Saunders. 🇺🇸 More info

    So Long Blogger, Hello Substack
    It's time. After 12 years of writing about cities with a Rust Belt perspective on this platform, I'm closing it down. And no, this is not an April Fool's joke. I'm moving on to a …
    By Pete Saunders, 187 words
  4. Dan Hill – Medium
    Designer, urbanist, etc. Director of Melbourne School of Design. Previously, Swedish gov, Arup, UCL IIPP, Fabrica, Helsinki Design Lab, BBC etc. 🇦🇺 More info

    ‘Future Communities’, an exhibition at the ICA in 1981
    Pages from the catalogue of the ICA’s 1981 Future Communities exhibition, with a foreword by Colin WardI’m sharing these images of Institute for Contemporary Arts Future Communities exhibition from 1981 as I suspect that it’s …
    By Dan Hill, 1,824 words
    I’m a writer of code and words. The thing that matters most to me is unlocking human potential, so I think a lot about incentive design, tools for thought, and cities. By Devon Zuegel. 🇺🇸 More info

    Property values should be normalized by acre
    In the US, it's common for local governments to focus on tax revenue produced by a property, without considering the costs it adds to the city's budget. This is like measuring how far a car …
    By Devon Zuegel, 472 words
  6. Granola Shotgun
    By Johnny Sanphillippo. 🇺🇸 More info

    Updated ️️⚠

    Still trying to fetch this feed, but last time we got ‘Can't connect to domain’.

    Whatever Works
    Sometimes a story takes a number of years to ripen. And sometimes two or three stories merge in unexpected ways. I just had a moment of convergence when new infill development, sub rosa adaptation, and …
    By Johnny Sanphillippo, 731 words
  7. Greater Greater Washington
    Builds informed and civically engaged communities who believe in a growing and inclusive Washington region and speak up for livable communities for all. 🇺🇸 More info

    Making the case for good cause eviction in Maryland
    Maryland’s General Assembly is currently looking at a bill that would block landlords from evicting tenants without a legitimate reason. On February 18th, members of Renters United Maryland called on lawmakers to require a “good …
    By Kenton Card , Evan Davis , Jeremy Schwartz , Edward Goetz, 805 words
  8. Holy Mountain: A Blog about Our Common Life
    Commentary on public policy, place and social relations. By Bruce Nesmith. 🇺🇸 More info

    10th anniversary post: Jeff Speck in Cedar Rapids
    Jeff Speck talking about "The Safe Walk," 2015Ten years ago this month, when urbanism was still relatively "new," our local Corridor Urbanism group was all of two months old, your humble blogger was still young …
    By Bruce Nesmith, 1,121 words
  9. lukebennett13
    Tracing the spectacular within the humdrum of the built environment. By Luke Bennett. 🇬🇧 More info

    Legal Geography – a Place-first approach
    “It is time to address the places of law and ask: How and why does place matter in legal geographical scholarship? What can be found beyond the generic legal places? And What are the unexplored …
    By lukebennett13, 1,324 words
  10. Places Journal
    Public scholarship on architecture, landscape, and urbanism. 🇺🇸 More info

    Apply for the SAH | Places | Graham Foundation Prize
    We are now accepting applications for the 2025 SAH | Places | Graham Foundation Prize on Race and the Built Environment. Applications are due April 28, 2025. Read on Places Journal
    By Places Editors, 41 words
  11. The Ranty Highwayman
    The adventures in time & space of a Chartered Civil Engineer, specialising in designing for walking and cycling. By Mark. 🇬🇧 More info

    Floating Bus Stops: Redux
    I write this with a deep sigh. Not because it's an unimportant subject, it's just that it comes up every so often and I need to remind people that floating bus stops are not the …
    By The Ranty Highwayman, 2,653 words
    A builder, developer, urban designer, and recovering electrician. His work focuses on small scale, incremental design and development. By R John Anderson. 🇺🇸 More info

    Office Vacancy Chaos and Opportunity
    There is an opportunity within the chaos created when work from home and hybrid work hollowed out the Central Business District (CBD) of places like San Antonio and Portland. In San Antonio I saw a …
    By rjohnanderson, 470 words
  13. Southeast Asia construction, transport, and infrastructure
    Transport and urban development in Southeast Asia. By James Clark. 🇻🇳 More info

    Da Lat–Thap Cham railway restoration
    The Da Lat–Thap Cham railway was an 84 km railway that connected Da Lat in the Central Highlands to Thap Cham on the main North–South railway of Vietnam. The proposed restoration would rebuild a new …
    By James Clark, 1,233 words
    Transportation and Land Use in Minnesota. 🇺🇸 More info

    National Links: Multimodal Street Design
    Every day, The Overhead Wire collects news about cities and sends the links to their email list. At the end of the week they take some of the most popular stories and post them to …
    By Jeff Wood, 577 words
  15. Strong Towns
    We produce content that analyzes the failures of the post-war North American development pattern while giving citizens the knowledge and tools to start making our places better today. 🇺🇸 More info

    The Starter Home: A Forgotten Path to Affordable Housing
    To create more affordable, adaptable housing, we must rediscover the traditional starter home and remove the barriers preventing its return.A true starter home represents the smallest increment of development — affordable, flexible and built with …
    By Edward Erfurt, 722 words
  16. The Urbanist
    Examining urban policy to improve cities and quality of life. 🇺🇸 More info

    Washington House Passes Mosquito Fleet Act, Queuing Potential Foot Ferry Expansion
    The Washington State House voted 87-8 Friday to approve a bill expanding the ability of local transit agencies to establish passenger ferry service, in the hopes of supplementing the struggling state ferry system. Now the …
    By Ryan Packer, 1,408 words