The OneLook Thesaurus add-on for Google Docs brings the brainstorming power of OneLook and RhymeZone directly to your writing. As you're typing a document in Google Docs, just click one of the add-on's 9 function buttons to look for apt alternatives, admirable adjectives, riveting rhymes, and more.
The add-on will use the word under your cursor to make the search. You can override this by selecting a word or multi-word phrase in your document explicitly with your mouse, or by typing a word or phrase into the side panel's search box. Click on a result to replace the word at your cursor (or your selection) with the result.
The button shows you synonyms and similar words, as well as links to find definitions and usage examples. Synonyms will be returned first (and highlighted in yellow), but the results go far beyond what you'd find in a traditional thesaurus, giving you many nuanced alternatives to empower your poetry and prose.
Your search can be a description—more than just a single word—giving you access to the popular "reverse dictionary" feature of OneLook. For example:
shows you words that are commonly associated with a single word.
shows you rhymes (perfect and approximate). The results that are shaded in dark green are the "perfect" rhymes -- the greener the better.
shows you words that start with the letters you've typed so far, which is useful to jog your memory if you only know the beginning of a word. You can also use it to find popular phrases that start with a word you've typed.
shows you adjectives that are commonly used to describe your search word; this works best when your search word is a noun in need of description.
is the reverse; it shows you nouns that are commonly described by your search word; this works best when your search word is an adjective. Together, "Adjectives" and "Nouns" are useful for generating ideas for creative writing.
The new button
finds quotations from famous authors and celebrities that are relevant to your text
selection, sometimes in subtle ways. It will base its suggestions on the meaning
of your text, and not just find quotes with matching words.
You can use these quotes to inspire your writing process or add lively citations
to your document. This button works best when you first select a passage of text
such as a sentence, paragraph, or the whole document.
The and
buttons work similarly.
Ready to get started? You can install the add-on here.
The OneLook Thesaurus add-on is a free service of Datamuse. If you have questions or bug reports, kindly send them to us using this form.
Privacy: The OneLook privacy policy is here. The words you search with the thesaurus add-on are processed securely by our API server, whose privacy policy is here. The log files for this server are deleted after 24 hours and no trace of your activity is saved with us after that. The content of your Google Docs files are not sent to any server (other than to Google's, of course!)