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Is Trump Turning The U.S. Military Into 'Oil Pirates'?

Oil Pirates

After President Trump suggested on Sunday that he would like to make a deal with Exxon Mobil or “one of our great companies” to go into occupied Syria and take the oil, one of the few former top defense officials to explicitly condemn the plan which clearly smacks of naked US imperialism was retired General Barry McCaffrey.

Referencing Trump's comments, an outraged McCaffrey posed the question on Twitter, "WHAT ARE WE BECOMING... PIRATES?"


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He further stressed that the oil "belongs to Syria" and that ultimately "we lack Congressional authority to stay" in the country at all.

The former US Army four-star and MSNBC regular was one the few mainstream pundits this week to critique Washington's Syria policy by questioning the entirety of America's presence there in the first place, essentially calling it 'illegal'.

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  • Mamdouh Salameh on October 30 2019 said:
    President Trump is not only turning his occupation and exploitation of Syrian oilfields into a daylight robbery, he is also disgracing the United States, its people and its values as well as violating international law and the sovereignty of an independent country. In effect, he is even giving a bad name to the ugly face of capitalism and his discredited “America First” policy.

    Furthermore, President Trump doesn’t care an iota if the Syrian people suffer in winter for lack of heating fuel as long as he starves Syria of its own oil, delays the end of the civil war there and continues to stir trouble in Syria.

    US Defence Secretary Mark Esper, like his boss President Trump, talks about Syria’s oil resources as if they belong to the United States. He is saying that the United States will ensure that they stay in Kurdish-led SDF hands. He and his boss are trying to repent for abandoning the Syrian Kurds who were America’s allies until a week ago by offering them Syria’s oil.

    However, the Syrian Kurds are Syrian citizens first and foremost and therefore should share the oil along with the rest of Syria’s population.

    Still, most of the oilfields are held by the Syrian Kurds who will never forget President Trump’s betrayal and will repay him by surrendering the oilfields sooner or later to the Syrian government in exchange for protection.

    Dr Mamdouh G Salameh
    International Oil Economist
    Visiting Professor of Energy Economics at ESCP Europe Business School, London
  • joel bellmay on December 04 2019 said:
    President Trump is not only turning his occupation and exploitation of Syrian oilfields into a daylight robbery, he is also disgracing the United States, its people and its values as well as violating international law and the sovereignty of an independent country. In effect, he is even giving a bad name to the ugly face of capitalism and his discredited “America First” policy.

    As an American I find it amusing that after the U.S. occupations of Egypt, Iran, and Iraq, this paltry violation of decency has finally disgraced the U.S. I feel our friends only exist because of outlandish monetary contributions.
    Disgraceful is a nation with our wealth and ability would require that Venezuelan oil was shipped to the U.S. for winter fuel relief to needy Americans in the past.
    I hope we can do better one day.

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