Several industries continue to rely on oil and gas to power operations and produce their products, using petrochemicals. One industry that is unlikely to move away from fossil fuels any time soon is fashion, which often uses oil derivatives to make materials for clothes, shoes and accessories. Despite the widespread consumer push for sustainability, fast fashion brands have become extremely popular around the globe and are now selling more than ever before, with no sign of slowing.
The fashion industry has been highly reliant on fossil fuels for several decades and while some brands are aiming to reduce their dependence on oil and gas, most are expected to continue using fossil fuels to power operations and produce textiles for decades more to come. By 2019, the fashion industry was producing an estimated 1.7 billion metric tonnes of CO2 per year or 10 percent of all man-made carbon emissions. This figure is expected to grow to almost 2.1 billion tonnes by the end of the decade. It is also the second-largest consumer of the global water supply.
2017 to 2020 -- Trump -- 320m
2021 to 2024 -- Biden -- 320m
2025 to 2028 -- Trump 260m est.
population growth
more textiles
104m bpde and going to 106m this summer.
good luck