Welcome to the OGC API workshop!
OGC is globally known for its proven widely implemented open standards. The OGC open consensus-based standards development process has evolved to move at the pace of innovation, with constant input from technology forecasting, practical prototyping, real-world testing, certification and compliance and community engagement. Today we are revolutionizing how geospatial/location information is shared, accessed, integrated, and analyzed via the OGC’s revolutionary APIs- the building blocks for location information.
OGC APIs are designed to make it easy for ANYONE to provide and use geospatial data on the web, and to integrate this data with ANY other type of information. These Standards build upon the legacy of the OGC Web Service Standards (WMS, WFS, WCS, WPS, etc.), but define resource-centric APIs that take advantage of modern web development practices. This web page provides information on these Standards in a consolidated location.
These Standards are being constructed as "building blocks" that can be used to assemble novel APIs for web access to geospatial content. The building blocks are defined not only by the requirements of the Standards specified in the OGC's Standards Program, but also through interoperability prototyping and testing in the OGC's Collaborative Solutions and Innovation Program.
Your workshop team
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Joana Simoes (OGC) | Tom Kralidis (OSGeo) |
About this workshop
This workshop provides a combination of concepts, presentation and exercises of OGC APIs in support of discovery, access, visualization and processing in support of FAIR data principles.
Each deep dive module starts with an "Audience" and "Learning Objectives" sections:
Describes what this module is about.
Learning Objectives
Describes what students should be able to do, after the completion of the module.
Exercises are indicated as follows:
Example exercise
A section marked like this indicates that you can try out the exercise.
Also you will notice notes sections within the text:
Highlights some important aspect.
Examples are indicated as follows:
Bash shell
curl -X 'GET' 'https://myrequest.com'
"title": "my cool collection title",
"description": "my cool collection description"
Workshop location and materials
This workshop is always provided live at ogcapi-workshop.ogc.org.
The workshop contents, wiki and issue tracker are managed on GitHub at github.com/opengeospatial/ogcapi-workshop.
Printing this workshop
To print this workshop, navigate to the print page and select File > Print > Save as PDF.
For issues/bugs/suggestions or improvements/contributions, please use the GitHub issue tracker.
Contributions are always encouraged and welcome!