Mighty Tiny Records (1967)

Mighty Tiny Records were introduced in 1967 by Ohio Arts, for what was described at the time as ‘the world’s smallest record player’. It was essentially a battery-powered portable toy record player for children, with poor sound quality. When the lid was closed, a needle was brought into contact with the record, the turntable started spinning, and the sound transmitted acoustically through a plastic cone speaker.

The single-sided records were just 2¼-inches in diameter, and had small tabs on them that kept them clipped into the turntable when playing. They ‘hill and dale’ recording rather than lateral grooves.

A larger non-portable player was also available called the Stereopet, and this was styled more like a home stereo system of the 1960s, with a fake radio. This even came with a separate small storage box the the records. Despite the name, the Stereopet was still mono.

The players came with three records, in tiny sleeves, and more sets of records were also available for purchase. All of the releases appear to be from 1967, though they may well have been sold for a few years after that.

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