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Clubhouse Rules

The Clubhouse is the sanctum of the New York Young Republican Club and is intended to promote our members and guests’ enjoyment, productivity, and welfare. Members and invited guests may use the Clubhouse and its amenities to participate in New York Young Republican Club programming and events, avail themselves of a casual co-working space to facilitate personal and Club productivity and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow Members and guests. Observance of the Clubhouse Rules ensures that everyone’s experience is safe, positive, and pleasurable. 

  1. These Clubhouse Rules apply to all Members, guests, and other persons present at the Clubhouse. They govern appropriate conduct within and related to the Clubhouse and are subject to amendment, revision, or temporary suspension by the Board of Governors as deemed necessary. It is the responsibility of each Member to know and follow the rules of the Clubhouse. 
  2. The Clubhouse will be open at hours approved by the House Chairman or Board of Governors, which shall be made available to Members of the Club.
  3. Appropriate behavior is expected of all Members and guests within the Clubhouse at all times. Infractions of any Clubhouse Rule must be immediately reported in writing to the House Chairman and the Rules Chairman.
  4. The House Chairman or the Rules Chairman is required to notify Members in writing any violation of the Clubhouse Rules and report the same to the Board of Governors.
  5. Members are expected to conduct themselves courteously and respectfully at all times while on Clubhouse premises to other Members and their guests and in all written and verbal communications to any Member or guest of the New York Young Republican Club. Members who have a complaint or an issue that pertains to another Member or such Member’s guest regarding business, practices, events, or a Member’s or guest’s conduct in the Clubhouse are expected to promptly notify the House Chairman in writing. If the House Chairman believes that there is merit to the complaint, the House Chairman shall forward the complaint, along with the House  Chairman’s findings and recommendations, to the Board of Governors for action. By three-fourths majority vote, the Board of Governors shall make a decision regarding action, if any, to be taken. Further, any Sexual Harassment is taken very seriously, and the Clubhouse’s position is outlined in the Sexual Harassment Policy.
  6. If a Member or guest has a complaint or issue with any vendor, it should be promptly referred in writing to the House Chairman and Rules Chairman. Members or guests shall refrain from reprimanding any vendors.  All requests, suggestions, or complaints regarding vendors are to be directed to the House  Chairman and Rules Chairman in writing.
  7. The Board of Governors reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to deny anyone access to the Clubhouse. Expelled, suspended, or censured Members will not be admitted to the Clubhouse. A Member who knowingly or willingly contributes to the admittance to the Clubhouse of any such person shall be subject to disciplinary action by the Board of Governors. 
  8. Members and guests shall be properly attired and must adhere to the dress code outlined in the Code of Conduct pursuant to the Dress Code and any supplements made thereto, which may be amended from time to time by the Board of Governors. Dress in the Clubhouse is expected to be reasonable and suitable at all times and in no event inconsistent with the standards specified in the Dress Code
  9. The Clubhouse is a smoke-free environment. The Club has a zero-tolerance policy for smoking tobacco or other substances that produce fumes.
  10. Fires are not permitted within the Clubhouse. This includes a prohibition on candles, incense, and other objects that can be ignited at any given time.
  11. Members are allowed to possess and use digital devices in the Clubhouse. At its sole discretion, the Board of Governors may limit and/or prohibit Members’ and guests’ ability to share information regarding the Clubhouse and the business and affairs of the New York Young Republican Club on social media or via other electronic transmissions. The Board of Governors shall endeavor to use its reasonable efforts to inform Members and guests of any such limitations or prohibitions before the date of any event or function held at the Clubhouse. Infractions of any such limitation or prohibition as described above will be addressed by the Board of Governors on a case-by-case basis. 
  12. Members and guests are prohibited from entering the President’s Office without prior approval from the New York Young Republican Club President.
  13. Members and guests must close the restroom door and turn the lights off after use.
  14. Members and guests are prohibited from turning the fan settings to maximum speed.
  15. Members and guests must return coasters to the coaster holder after use. 
  16. Desecration of the United States Flag is strictly prohibited. The Board of Governors will address infractions on a case-by-case basis. 
  17. Food may not be brought from outside sources into the Clubhouse without the House Chairman’s prior express written approval, his designee, or the Board of Governors. Alcoholic beverages are an exception to this rule. Beer glass bottles and kegs are prohibited.
  18. All Members and guests are obligated to keep the Clubhouse a clean environment by disposing of any trash. Also, recyclable trash should be properly disposed of in proper recycling bins. 
  19. No pets are permitted in the Clubhouse. 
  20. Persons under the age of 18 shall not be admitted to the Clubhouse without the prior written approval of the Board of Governors.
  21. Members and guests under the age of 21 are strictly prohibited from consuming alcohol in the Clubhouse. In addition, they must consent to physical markings on their hands upon entrance into the Clubhouse. Members who are 21 years of age and over can bring alcohol into the Clubhouse at their discretion. The Clubhouse alcoholic beverages are provided complimentary to Members 21 years of age and over. The Board of Governors has sole discretion in denying alcoholic beverages to any Member or Guest at the Clubhouse at any given time. We encourage Members and Guests to drink responsibly and in moderation.
  22. Members and guests are prohibited from using either of the outdoor fire escapes except in an emergency.
  23. Members and guests are prohibited from loitering on the staircase or other floors within the building. 
  24. The Clubhouse may be available to Members for private functions that do not, in the sole judgment of the Board of Governors, conflict with New York Young Republican Club interests and are not held at times that conflict with New York Young Republican Club events. All arrangements for special entertainment or any such private functions must be made in advance with the House Committee and are subject to the Board of Governors’ prior approval, which shall be made following a 2/3 majority vote. Members present at the Clubhouse are required to show courtesy and consideration to any third-party group that may be holding a meeting, party, or event at the Clubhouse. Any private event proposed to be held at the Clubhouse shall be subject to a fee, determined by the House and Finance Chairmen. The House Chairman must be notified in writing of any cancellation of a private event at least 48 hours before the event’s date to receive a refund of any fees paid in advance for such event. Fees may be charged for expenses already incurred by the Clubhouse.
  25. The sale of any product or service and the solicitation of funds are not permitted on the Clubhouse premises without the prior express written consent of the Board of Governors.  No posters, advertisements, publications, or notices shall be displayed or distributed on the Clubhouse premises without the prior express written consent of the Board of Governors.
  26. All Members and Guests are expected to refrain from unacceptable public displays of affection in the Clubhouse. Unacceptable public displays of affection include, but are not limited to, any prolonged embracing and/or kissing, inappropriate touching, or touching of a sexual nature. Unacceptable public displays of affection at the Clubhouse are in poor taste, disrupt the environment, and may violate sexual harassment laws. Those who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary action by the Board of Governors in its sole discretion.
  27. The New York Young Republican Club is concerned about all of its members’ and guests’ safety and well-being.  Members and guests shall immediately report any act, situation, or circumstance encountered on the Clubhouse premises that is unsafe to the House Chairman.  If any Member or guest experiences an emergency of any kind, such Member or guest must immediately notify the House Chairman or another member of the Board of Governors to seek assistance. If any Member or guest is injured or has an accident while on the Clubhouse premises, such Member shall immediately notify the House  Chairman or another member of the Board of Governors so that appropriate assistance may be promptly sought and an incident report may be completed.  Members’ and their guests’ use of the Clubhouse facilities shall be at their own risk and will not hold the New York Young Republican Club legally responsible.
  28. Damages to Clubhouse property caused by a Member or guest due to such Member’s or guest’s negligence, willful misconduct, or malicious or disorderly behavior shall be promptly paid for by the party responsible for the damage. Unpaid damages by Members are cause for expulsion from the New York Young Republican Club at the House Chairman’s discretion. Members are responsible for ensuring that their guests observe all Clubhouse rules related to their presence in the Clubhouse and are responsible for all of their guests’ behavior, conduct, and any violation of the Clubhouse Rules.
  29. No furniture, fixtures, equipment, or any other property belonging to the Club shall be removed from the Clubhouse premises. Any violation of this rule shall be considered theft and may be subject to criminal prosecution and/or disciplinary action in the sole discretion of the Board of Governors.
  30. No furniture, fixtures, equipment, or any other property belonging to the Club shall be moved from its designated location at the Clubhouse without permission of the House Chairman, his designee, or the Board of Governors. Further, no Member or Guest may touch the Club’s television except for Club Officers, Governors, or members of the House Committee.
  31. Members and guests shall bear the entire risk of loss, damage, destruction, or theft of personal property brought into or around the Clubhouse, regardless of cause. Any property placed by a Member or guest in or about any area of the Clubhouse shall be placed at the sole risk of the owner of such property. Each Member and guest acknowledges and agrees that the New York Young Republican Club shall not be liable for any personal belongings or property nor be held liable for any costs, expenses, or damages arising from the loss, damage, destruction, or theft of such personal belongings or property. No Member of the New York Young Republican Club is authorized to hold any other person’s property for safekeeping.
  32. Members and Guests are prohibited from using the Clubhouse address to send personal mail and packages. Only official Club mail and packages may be sent to the Club address.
  33. These Clubhouse Rules are taken seriously.  Any person found to have violated any of the Clubhouse Rules shall be subject to disciplinary  actions taken by the Board of Governors, the President of the New York Young Republican Club, or the House Chairman, which shall include (but not be limited to), the following: 

First Infraction – Verbal notice and written verification.

Second infraction – Thirty-to sixty-day membership suspension with written notice(s).

Third Infraction – Recommendation to the Board of Governors for expulsion from the New York Young Republican Club with written notice.