• zokier1 hour ago
    After publication of Spectres, I don&#x27;t know if there much interest anymore on Hats. Spectres are like Hats, but eliminate the need of reflections for tiling.<p><a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;cs.uwaterloo.ca&#x2F;~csk&#x2F;spectre&#x2F;" rel="nofollow">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;cs.uwaterloo.ca&#x2F;~csk&#x2F;spectre&#x2F;</a>
    • Gare4 minutes ago
      &gt; It also complicates the practical application of the hat in some decorative contexts, where extra work would be needed to manufacture both a shape and its reflection<p>And people say that mathematical research has no practical applications
    • nhatcher53 minutes ago
      I think they are very interesting as a first step in the construction.<p>I did a write up with some app you can play with a while ago:<p><a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;www.nhatcher.com&#x2F;post&#x2F;on-hats-and-sats&#x2F;" rel="nofollow">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;www.nhatcher.com&#x2F;post&#x2F;on-hats-and-sats&#x2F;</a>
  • rini1738 minutes ago
    Next frontier: aperiodic tilings with irrational angles (meant, tiles having angles of x*2pi were x is irrational). Or are these proven to be impossible?<p>Because both the hats and spectres are basically subset of triangular grid. Penrose tilings are subset of regular grid, too. Can we get rid of these underlaying regular grids.
    • zem25 minutes ago
      it feels like it would be hard for those to tile at all, let alone aperiodially
  • bradrn2 hours ago
    • mkesper1 hour ago
      There are new materials on the linked page like follow-ups and interactive applications.