Integration of TCRs, CPM and Ocean Tokens with Solidity
name: Integration of TCRs, CPM, and Ocean tokens with Solidity
type: development
status: initial draft
editor: Fang Gong <[email protected]>
collaborator: Aitor Argomaniz <[email protected]>
date: 06/01/2018
1. Objective
In this POC, we put following modules together:
- TCRs: users create challenges and resolve them through voting to maintain registries;
- Ocean Tokens: the intrinsic tokens circulated inside Ocean network, which is used in the voting of TCRs;
- Curated Proofs Market: the core marketplace where people can transact with each other and curate assets through staking with Ocean tokens.
2. Public Interface
The following project exposes the following public interfaces:
2.1 Curation Market
//Allows a user to start an application. Takes tokens from user and sets apply stage end time.
function apply(bytes32 _listingHash, uint _amount, string _data);
// Allows the owner of a listingHash to increase their unstaked deposit.
function deposit(bytes32 _listingHash, uint _amount);
//Allows the owner of a listingHash to decrease their unstaked deposit.
function withdraw(bytes32 _listingHash, uint _amount);
// Allows the owner of a listingHash to remove the listingHash from the whitelist
function exit(bytes32 _listingHash);
// Starts a poll for a listingHash which is either in the apply stage or already in the whitelist.
function challenge(bytes32 _listingHash, string _data);
// Updates a listingHash’s status from ‘application’ to ‘listing’ or resolves a challenge if one exists.
function updateStatus(bytes32 _listingHash);
// Called by a voter to claim their reward for each completed vote.
function claimReward(uint _challengeID, uint _salt);
// Calculates the provided voter’s token reward for the given poll.
function voterReward(address _voter, uint _challengeID, uint _salt);
// Determines whether the given listingHash be whitelisted.
function canBeWhitelisted(bytes32 _listingHash);
// Returns true if the provided listingHash is whitelisted
function isWhitelisted(bytes32 _listingHash);
// Determines the number of tokens awarded to the winning party in a challenge.
function determineReward(uint _challengeID);
2.2 Marketplace
// Register provider and assets (upload by changing uploadBits)
function register(uint256 assetId) public returns (bool success);
// publish consumption information about an Asset
function publish(uint256 assetId, bytes32 url, bytes32 token) external returns (bool success);
// purchase an asset and get the consumption information
function purchase(uint256 assetId) external returns (bytes32 url, bytes32 token);
// Return the list of available assets
function listAssets() external view returns (uint256[50]);
2.3 Query functions
// Return the number of drops associated to the message.sender to an Asset
function dropsBalance(uint256 assetId) public view returns (uint256);
// Return true or false if an Asset is active given the assetId
function checkAsset(uint256 assetId) public view returns (bool);
// Get the url attribute associated to a given the assetId
function getAssetUrl(uint256 assetId) public view returns (bytes32);
// Get the token attribute associated to a given the assetId
function getAssetToken(uint256 assetId) public view returns (bytes32);
// Retrieve the msg.sender Provider token balance
function tokenBalance() public view returns (uint256);
2.3 Events
// Asset Events
event AssetRegistered(uint256 indexed _assetId, address indexed _owner);
event AssetPublished(uint256 indexed _assetId, address indexed _owner);
event AssetPurchased(uint256 indexed _assetId, address indexed _owner);
// Token Events
event TokenWithdraw(address indexed _requester, uint256 amount);
event TokenBuyDrops(address indexed _requester, uint256 indexed _assetId, uint256 _ocn, uint256 _drops);
event TokenSellDrops(address indexed _requester, uint256 indexed _assetId, uint256 _ocn, uint256 _drops);
3. File Structure
There are several folders and each includes solidity source files for each module:
- bondingCurve: it caculates the bonding curve values when users purchase drops or sell drops in the marketplace;
- plcrvoting: Partial Lock Commit Reveal Voting System;
- tcr: the TCRs related files;
- token: Ocean tokens based on ERC20 standard;
- zeppelin: the library files from OpenZeppelin;
- market.sol: curated proofs market (on-going work)
4. Architecture of Modules
The dependency between different modules are illustrated as below:
- Marketplace (Market.sol) sends listing hash to TCRs (Registry.sol) so that to create challenges.
- Users can use Ocean Tokens (OceanToken.sol) to vote for or against (PLCRVoting.sol).
- Voting is configured with the parameters (Parameterizer.sol).
- Marketplace uses bonding curve (BancorFormula.sol) to determine the price of drops.
- BancorFormula calculates the power function (Power.sol).
- TCRs (Registry.sol) send the voting result back to Marketplace (Market.sol).
5. Architecture of solidity Market contract
First draft of UML class diagram
6. Compile, Migrate and Test
Use $ npm install
to download all the required libraries
Use $ truffle compile
to compile those solidity files:
Then deploy them into testRPC $ truffle migrate
- there are
Error: run out of gas
because we try to deploy so many contracts as one single transaction. Tune thegas
value intruffle.js
file to make them run through. - we enable the solc optimizer to reduce the gas cost of deployment. It can now be deployed with less gas limit such as "gas = 5000000"
- no need to update the "from : 0x3424ft..." in
and it will use the first account in testRPC or ganache-cli by default.
Test them with $ truffle test test/registry.js