‘The Vatican has vetoed three of Barack Obama’s potential nominees as US ambassador amid a growing dispute between the White House and the Roman Catholic church over the new administration’s support for abortion rights and the lifting of a ban on stem cell research.’
Full story at
Vatican vetoes Barack Obama’s nominees for US ambassador
Yes, but wouldn’t it be perfectly GRAND if the US government was to just say,
‘Catholic Church, you are not a country anyway, and we don’t send government ambassadors to churches.’ That would shut those silly ass bishops and the Pope God figure up for good, wouldn’t it?
Just who the Hell does the Pope and his Catholic church groupies think that they are anyway? The Anglican Church doesn’t have an American ambassador sitting in London or wherever that church’s HQ is located at for their leader to chat with. The Muslims don’t get an ambassador sent to Mecca or any of the other Holy Cities of their religion. There is no US government ambassador sent to Salt Lake City to hobnob with the Mormon Big Shot there. Simply to send an ambassador to the Vatican violates the separation of Church and State that is the foundation of modern democracy. It simply privileges one religion over others and the Catholics do not deserve this extra privilege at all!
Obama, just tell the Pope that you’ll send them Nobody as the US ambassador to the Vatican. And start taxing all that Catholic Church property, too. OH? And start applying the law to its fullest extent to those in the Catholic Church that have covered up sex crimes within the Catholic Church. Time for the special treatment for this church to come to an end. Time for them to end their interference in politics and stick to talking about God, instead of always trying to push their religion off onto others.
I live in New York where Caroline Kennedy was thought to be a shoo-in to replace Hilary Clinton in the Senate. Until she opened her mouth and spoke. Or, more precisely, tried to speak. She said, “Uh and Um” more than anything intelligible. She eventually was forced to withdraw from consideration. Were I the Pope, I would reject Kennedy on the basis of her thought processes alone.