There’s a soldier’s witticism being attributed to General Tommy Franks, which goes like this: “When you men get home and face an anti-war protester, look him in the eyes and shake his hand. Then, wink at his girlfriend because she knows she’s dating a pussy.” Is it an old Vietnam era joke? It would surprise me if vets still laugh at it. This has the smell of gung-ho recruiting, pre-Iraq. Let’s see what ol’ Tommy left out:
When you men get home
-IF you get home. If it’s even YOU who gets home. Or if you even go HOME. Many vets linger at the bases, or become itinerants, too ashamed to return to their hometowns and face their families.
…and face an anti-war protester
-Unlikely. I’ve yet to be faced with a soldier who’s come back ready to stand tall for what he did.
…look him in the eyes
-if you can, if that faculty is unimpared, or if you can reach eye-level from your wheelchair.
…and shake his hand
-Requires hand. Will your anti-war compatriot touch your hand, bloody as it is with war crime, porn jism, and dumb-bastard cooties?
…Then, wink at his girlfriend
-Can she see you wink from behind your dark wraparound sunglasses which you wear because you think they obscure your guilty mug? You’re Joe Camel now, a cartoon sense of self, disconnected you hope, from the deeds you’ve perpetrated and the inhumanity you’ve witnessed.
…because she knows she’s dating a pussy
-She’s dating a pussy who isn’t contaminated with DU, Anthrax, PTSD; who won’t wake up in the night and kill her; who won’t give her a deformed baby; who won’t spread an STD contracted from your buddies with whom you gang-raped a fellow soldier; who won’t spend the next ten years in and out of veterans facilities. If you don’t kill yourself sooner or ride your motorcycle crotch-rocket into a truck.
When Good Ol’ Tommy Franks was wisecracking, he was asking you to visualize your pre-war self facing your fellow citizen, not your post-trauma broken self. And Franks knew full well which would be making it home. Don’t think that war guilt is unintentional. It’s great for the Department of Defense bottom line. Re-enlistments are more likely, and the mentally-disabled hinder their own recovery. As soon as you are of no good to the Army, soon enough your ailments will assure they won’t have to pay your pension for very long.
There’s another saying, even more clever, and witty… you can judge a person by who his heroes are.
General Frankenfurter’s heroes are people like George Bush, The Great White Hunter “Duck” Cheney, (who shoots tame birds and staked out rabbits, and calls it “sports hunting”) J Edgar Hoover, Ronald Reagan, John Wayne… all of them Make Believe Cowboys, all of them ChickenHawks… all of them Pussies.
Guess Tommy Franks is a Pussy, too…
OK, so it isn’t a “guess” of any kind, he IS a Pussy.
His endorsement of Torture is typical of his Pussy breed. Just like cops, he can’t fight unless he thinks he has overwhelming force and that the person he’s fighting is helpless. He most likely joins George Bush in their Jackoff sessions where they watch waterboarding like normal people watch normal porn.
Torture IS porn to them. They enjoy it on a deeply disturbed and disturbing sexual level… so long as the person being tortured is helpless.