【英日対訳】「アニメから児童ポルノに進む道のりはそう遠くはない」南豪州判事|豪ABC (2015.8.12)+19.11.2邦人男性逮捕事件の背景
オセアニアの先進国オーストラリアは従来から子どもの性的搾取・虐待(sexual exploitation/abuse of children)に対して強い姿勢で臨む国でした。2007年、同国は国連児童権利条約の「児童ポルノ」(国際的には「児童性搾取表現物」或いは「児童性虐待表現物」;CSAM又はCSEM、或いはCAM又はCEMと表記されます)を包括的に禁止する追加議定書(『児童の売買、児童買春及び児童ポルノに関する選択議定書』;OPSC)に批准。その3年後の2010年、同国は大幅な刑法改正を行い、児童ポルノの同国での輸出入を最大懲役10年に処することのできる重大犯罪と規定しました。


申告義務内容にCAMが追加され、これを行わないで所持が発覚した場合は即時没収と罰金、更に訴追と高額の財産刑が適用されることになりました。この時、「輸出入禁止品目」(prohibited goods)の大分類「違法ポルノ」(Illegal porn)の中に、「児童ポルノ」(Child pornography)が含まれました。その広範な定義は、「児童を性的にあからまな姿態で描写するあらゆるもの」(any depiction of children in a sexually explicit manner) とされ、これには明示的に「分別のある成人により一般的に許容される倫理、品位、礼節の基準に反する形で性(その他略)に関わることを描写又は表現する、若くは性に関わる出版物、映像作品、コンピュータゲームその他のあらゆる物品」(publications, films, computer games and any other goods that depict, express, or otherwise deal with matters of sex ... in such a way that offend that they offend against the standards of morality, decency and propriety generally accepted by reasonable adults)」が含まれます。


“Due to the large number of videos investigators reviewed only a small selection, which it will be alleged were found to depict the sexual abuse or exploitation of children.”
The man’s visa was cancelled and his phone seized. ABF Investigators arrested and charged him with the following:
◦One count of attempting to Import a Prohibited Import being Tier 2 goods (Child Abuse Material) under s.233BAB(5) of the Customs Act 1901.
He appeared in the Perth Magistrate’s Court yesterday (Sunday, 3 November) and was remanded in custody to reappear in the same court on Friday, 29 November 2019.
ABF Regional Commander for Western Australia, Rod O’Donnell, issued a warning to all travellers that the possession of abhorrent child exploitation material is viewed very seriously under Australian law.
“Tackling child exploitation in particular is an operational priority for the ABF as part of its role in protecting the border from individuals who may pose a threat to the community,” Commander O’Donnell said.
“ABF officers have significant powers under the Customs Act to search the mobile phones and electronic devices of international travellers and they exercise those powers at airports around the country on a daily basis.”
The maximum penalty for the import or export of child exploitation material is 10 years’ imprisonment and/or a fine of up to $525,000.

オーストラリア司法当局によると、「児童ポルノ表現物」(Child pornography material)の定義は、「性的な姿勢又は性的な行為に及んでいる、若くは外見上及んでいると認められる」(engaged in, or appears to be engaged in, a sexual pose or sexual activity)又は「性的な姿勢又は性的な行為に及んでいる、若くは外見上及んでいると認められる個人の傍にある」(in the presence of a person who is engaged in, or appears to be engaged in, a sexual pose or sexual activity)を「児童を【描写する】又は【表現する】あらゆる表現物」(any material that depicts or represents a minor)を指します。
また、この定義の範囲は、「前段の行為に及んでいることを記述する又は示唆する表現物」(material that describes or implies a minor engaged in any of the above activities)、並びに「児童の性器、肛門の周辺又は胸部を描写するもので、その最も主たる目的が性的であるあらゆる表現物」(any material that depicts the sexual organs, anal region or breast of a minor where the dominant purpose of that material is sexual)に及びます。
一方、「児童虐待表現物」(Child abuse material;CAM)は、「拷問、残虐行為又は暴行の被害者として児童を描写又は表現する表現物」(material that depicts, or represents a minor as a victim of torture, cruelty or physical abuse)と定義され、その範囲は「児童の拷問、残虐行為、暴行を記述する表現物」(material that describes the torture, cruelty or physical abuse of a minor)に及びます。
※上記いずれの定義においても、「児童」とは、「18歳未満の個人若くは外見上18歳未満と認められる個人、或いは18歳未満であると称されている個人(person under 18 years of age or a person who appears or is implied to be under 18 years of age)を指します。
Anime images not a big leap to viewing child pornography: SA judge
An Adelaide father has been given a suspended jail sentence for having more than 300 anime images that were classed as child pornography.
The 52-year-old man pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography after police raided his home in April 2012.
The District Court heard, after analysing his laptop two years later, the investigating officer found 361 anime images depicting children as well as 44 images of actual children.
He was charged with an aggravated offence of possessing child pornography relating to the images of actual children, as well as a non-aggravated charge in relation to the anime images.
Anime refers to Japanese animated productions, either hand-drawn or computer animation.
Sentencing judge, Paul Muscat, said although no actual children were exploited in the anime or cartoon images he was concerned that people who accessed those sexualised cartoon images of children may easily progress to other child exploitation material.
"[The psychologist] has expressed a view that you considered what you were doing was similar to reading or taking part in a fantasy rather than contributing to the production of child exploitation material, and thereby fostering a market devoted to enhancing or increasing the risk of actual children being exploited within society," the judge said.
"I can understand that view but it is not that great a step to then move on to viewing material of actual children.
"I do not overlook the fact that you had a number of child pornography images of actual children."
Judge Muscat said the man was clearly remorseful, and very ashamed of the offending.
"You accept that what you were viewing was wrong, even if most of the material you were accessing was anime images of children," he said.
"You expressed to the psychologist that as the images did not involve actual children the impact of such material was not as great within the general community.
"Does it matter that most of the images you accessed on the internet were anime? On a limited assessment it must, for no actual child was being sexually abused.
"However, as I previously observed, the concern is that those who view anime will go on to view images of actual children being sexually abused."
The court heard the material was classified at the lower end of the scale.
"About 90 per cent of the total of 405 child pornography images were of anime or cartoons of children," Judge Muscat said.
"Of the remaining 44 images of actual children all but one was classified in the first category of the child exploitation material scale, which depicts children in various states of undress or sexual positions but without sexual activity."
'Fortunate to have family support'
The court heard the man had developed anxiety and depression, but had the support of his wife and two children.
The man's wife wrote a letter to the court in support of her husband.
"The family letter reveals the shock and horror in 2012 when the family was informed by the police of your use of the internet to access child pornography material," Judge Muscat said.
"Your family has supported you over the past three years while this matter has been hanging over your head.
"You have also been described by your wife as an honest, hard-working man who is loved by your family and small circle of very close friends, I have no reason to doubt that is so
“You are very fortunate to have the love and support of such a close-knit family who have stood by you. That alone, in my view, is very conducive to your ultimate rehabilitation."
Judge Muscat imposed a prison sentence of four months, which he suspended.
He placed the man on a 12-month good behaviour bond, which will require him to undergo treatment.
Japan outlaws child pornography but excludes comics
The Japanese parliament voted last year to outlaw the possession of child pornography.
Before the laws, only the production and distribution of child pornography had been banned.
The legislation bans possession of photographs and videos depicting real children aged below 18, but it excludes sexually explicit depictions of children in comics, animation and computer graphics.
Comic artists, free-speech advocates and publishers have welcomed the move.
The comics are known as manga in Japan and account for about a third of publications sold annually.