Executive Briefing
Dean & DeLuca, City Bakery, and Barneys are alive — in Tokyo
Plus: What “cyber week” says about us.
Hello everyone, and happy Out-For-Delivery Wednesday! Or whatever today was on the e-commerce calendar. I’m Dan Frommer and this is The New Consumer, covering how and why people spend their time and money. Welcome to new subscribers who joined while I was away.
It was a treat to meet with several members in Tokyo last week. (A retail guide is on the way.) And special thanks to Craig Mod for hosting me in his studio for a few days, so I could start planning some big ideas for you for next year.
I’m back, now writing regular updates through late December. One of the pieces I’m working on is an analysis of my first year starting and running a membership-funded, solo media business. Any questions? I’d love to answer them.
One of the more obvious reminders of the complexity of global commerce was that, over my ten days in Japan, I kept coming across busy (or at least open) stores and restaurants that had recently closed or declared bankruptcy in the US.
Leaving an art museum reception in Tokyo one evening, for example, I squinted and recognized the brightly lit, Christmas-decorated storefront across the street as… Barneys New York!
The New Consumer Executive Briefing is exclusive to members — join now to unlock this 1,300-word post and the entire archive. Subscribers should sign in here to continue reading.
Hi, I’m Dan Frommer and this is The New Consumer, a publication about how and why people spend their time and money.
I’m a longtime tech and business journalist, and I’m excited to focus my attention on how technology continues to profoundly change how things are created, experienced, bought, and sold. The New Consumer is supported entirely by your membership — join now to receive my reporting, analysis, and commentary directly in your inbox, via my twice-weekly, member-exclusive newsletter. Thanks in advance.