4 years ago by Neurotoxin Sommelier (@strangerz0ne)
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Hello. Turns out the explanation of how doing stuff and difficulty levels work was totally incomprehensible, so I've rewritten it to actually make some kind of sense. Thanks for pointing that out, Toamst. The PDFs have been updated.

The DEMIURGE rolls dice when the player rolls with a humour. The difficulty level sets what the dice have to be above to be considered a success (P column on the table) and also how many the DEMIURGE gets to roll- its always [the Maximum Fluid Points] (or capacity points, don't know why I didn't just use that one since the acronym is actually defined in the text) plus or minus a number, depending on the difficulty level.

Then, you guys both tally up how many successes you got, and the DEMIURGE's are subtracted from the player's. If the resulting number is positive, congratulations! You succeeded. If it was negative, get the fuck out of my sight.

Thanks for checking out AMEN BREAK! Hit me up if there's any other shit that needs clarification. 


AMEN BREAK (B+W).pdf 1.6 MB
Feb 11, 2021
Feb 11, 2021



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So, if I understood correctly, you roll as many d12 as your current humor amount of certain colour (depending on the action) and then the DM rolls as many as you max fluid points + the difficulty modifier. Then you check how many of your rolls are equal or greater than the difficulty number, and subtract the ones from the DM that follow that same rule. Is that correct?


yeah, that sounds right.