Filed under inventory/household: Household objects.
]]>Filed under illustration/myb: MYB is a loose, international collective of artists primarily intersecting at the medium of large scale mural paintings and graffiti.
]]>Filed under utilities/cmus: A command line music player.
]]>Filed under workshop/staircase: A staircase leading up to a loftbed..
]]>Filed under utilities/stardict: A command line dictionary.
]]>Filed under everyday/trailer: For transportation I use a second-hand bike trailer with custom fittings.
]]>Filed under workshop/ouvertura: A local community supported agriculture project
]]>Filed under practice/sailing: Notes on sailing.
]]>Filed under theory/music_theory: Fundamentals of music theory.
]]>Filed under practice/sailing: Notes on sailing.
]]>Filed under recipies/okara_cookies: Okara Cookies
]]>Filed under recipies/soba_manju: Sweet buckwheat dumplings
]]>Filed under tools/trabant: The daily driver.
]]>Filed under development/logbook: Logbook is a personal time tracking tool.
]]>Filed under practice/recipies: A collection of recipies.
]]>Filed under projects/workshop: Wood and Crafts.
]]>Filed under practice/recipies: A collection of recipies.
]]>Filed under practice/recipies: A collection of recipies.
]]>Filed under utilities/w3m: Notes on the command line browser.
]]>Filed under projects/illustration: Digital & Analogue.
]]>Filed under development/memoir: An image gallery generator
]]>Filed under projects/illustration: Digital & Analogue.
]]>Filed under projects/illustration: Digital & Analogue.
]]>Filed under projects/illustration: Digital & Analogue.
]]>Filed under workshop/rasputin: An experimental cyberdeck.
]]>Filed under projects/workshop: Wood and Crafts.
]]>Filed under inventory/household: Household objects.
]]>Filed under projects/workshop: Wood and Crafts.
]]>Filed under theory/electricity: Basics of electric current.
]]>Filed under theory/permaculture: A school of ecological systems thinking
]]>Filed under workshop/workstation: Where I develop projects.
]]>Filed under projects/workshop: Wood and Crafts.
]]>Filed under projects/workshop: Wood and Crafts.
]]>Filed under workshop/loftbed: A loftbed with history.
]]>Filed under projects/workshop: Wood and Crafts.
]]>Filed under workshop/loftbed: A loftbed with history.
]]>Filed under projects/workshop: Wood and Crafts.
]]>Filed under practice/recipies: A collection of recipies.
]]>Filed under workshop/workstation: Where I develop projects.
]]>Filed under practice/recipies: A collection of recipies.
]]>Filed under interactive/gibbon: A hopeful game about the beauty of wilderness and the destructive force of human civilisation.
]]>Filed under illustration/uxn_notes: A collection of illustrated notes on the virtual machine uxn.
]]>Filed under illustration/uxn_notes: A collection of illustrated notes on the virtual machine uxn.
]]>Filed under tools/pocketchip: A handheld single-board computer for making PICO-8 games
]]>Filed under practice/recipies: A collection of recipies.
]]>Filed under practice/recipies: A collection of recipies.
]]>Filed under directory/inventory: Recurring items.
]]>Filed under projects/workshop: Wood and Crafts.
]]>Filed under interactive/sinpin: A gravity based board game about navigating inside dungeon caves.
]]>Filed under practice/recipies: A collection of recipies.
]]>Filed under recipies/porridge: Daily breakfast porridge.
]]>Filed under inventory/instruments: Analog audio.
]]>Filed under practice/recipies: A collection of recipies.
]]>Filed under practice/recipies: A collection of recipies.
]]>Filed under practice/recipies: A collection of recipies.
]]>Filed under practice/recipies: A collection of recipies.
]]>Filed under practice/recipies: A collection of recipies.
]]>Filed under everyday/trailer: For transportation I use a second-hand bike trailer with custom fittings.
]]>Filed under practice/recipies: A collection of recipies.
]]>Filed under projects/workshop: Wood and Crafts.
]]>Filed under practice/recipies: A collection of recipies.
]]>Filed under interactive/sinpin: A gravity based board game about navigating inside dungeon caves.
]]>Filed under interactive/sinpin: A gravity based board game about navigating inside dungeon caves.
]]>Filed under interactive/sinpin: A gravity based board game about navigating inside dungeon caves.
]]>Filed under tools/preonic: An ortholinear keyboard with 60 keys.
]]>Filed under everyday/bike: A horse with no name.
]]>Filed under meta/markdown: Nchrs supports a unique flavor of markdown format.
]]>Filed under tools/preonic: An ortholinear keyboard with 60 keys.
]]>Filed under inventory/everyday: Everyday objects.
]]>Filed under development/logbook: Logbook is a personal time tracking tool.
]]>Filed under inventory/everyday: Everyday objects.
]]>Filed under everyday/headphones: AIAIAI TMA-2 DJ.
]]>Filed under everyday/trailer: For transportation I use a second-hand bike trailer with custom fittings.
]]>Filed under directory/inventory: Recurring items.
]]>Filed under directory/inventory: Recurring items.
]]>Filed under about/meta: About this website.
]]>Filed under play/rubiks_cube: Solving the magic cube.
]]>Filed under practice/recipies: A collection of recipies.
]]>Filed under play/chess: Notes on western chess.
]]>Filed under permaculture/fukuoka: On the principles of natural farming.
]]>Filed under writing/fabian_delursi: An oddly specific dream.
]]>Filed under workshop/workstation: Where I develop projects.
]]>Filed under practice/recipies: A collection of recipies.
]]>Filed under projects/workshop: Wood and Crafts.
]]>Filed under tools/software: Utilities to get things done.
]]>Filed under workshop/rasputin: An experimental cyberdeck.
]]>Filed under tools/trabant: The daily driver.
]]>Filed under workshop/grinder: A restored coffee grinder.
]]>Filed under practice/recipies: A collection of recipies.
]]>Filed under projects/workshop: Wood and Crafts.
]]>Filed under directory/inventory: Recurring items.
]]>Filed under recipies/detergent: Laundry detergent made of chestnuts.
]]>Filed under practice/recipies: A collection of recipies.
]]>Filed under inventory/instruments: Analog audio.
]]>Filed under workshop/workstation: Where I develop projects.
]]>Filed under workshop/shelter: A forest shelter.
]]>Filed under directory/inventory: Recurring items.