Horseback riding – Natural mental & physical health benefits of riding


For hundreds of years, horseback riding was a mode of transportation. Today, owning a horse can be considered a luxury. Horseback riding is now a sport or an activity to do for enjoyment. Horseback riding has many benefits including both mental and physical, that aside from once being a way to get places, can be a way to improve your health.

Horseback riding aids mental health. It is a way to destress though nature and the beauty of horses. Being outdoors and being with animals has calming effects. Acting calm is practically a requirement of horseback riding because horses pick up on the energy of their rider. This empathic ability of horses means if the rider is anxious, the horse will be anxious. Therefore, as a rider it is important to remain calm. The vitamin D of being outside can boost mood and reduce the onset of depression. The practice of caring for an animal also helps lower stress.

Learning to do a new skill can also be part of horseback riding. Continuing to learn is always good for the mind and helps keep the brain sharp. The rider must pay attention to detail and problem solve during the ride. The rider also has to concentrate and recall the necessary skills of riding needed to guide the horse. Confidence also builds with horseback riding. It takes leadership to be in control of the horse. Taking charge is required. The rider cannot be intimated to get on a horse and go. Horseback riding can take practice and with practice comes confidence by the improvements made. Feeling good about doing something does boost confidence.

Horseback riding is a physical activity so even though it might look easy to sit on a horse, there are muscles working. To stay in good posture requires stamina. Staying on the horse in proper position uses the back muscles, inner thighs, and pelvis. The benefits of building these muscles can ward against low back pain. Posture does improve with ongoing horseback riding. To stay in the seat, the rider must make sure to stay upright not leaning too far forward or back. Slouching throws off the riding. Sweating is normal during the ride and the rider’s heart rate does elevate with the intensity and focus and engagement of muscles. Therefore, there is cardiovascular benefit to riding. Breathing harder is normal as well. Again, the heart is working pumping blood to the muscles and upkeeping oxygen supply. This can ward against heart diseases.

Hobbies like horseback riding can be done for pleasure or sport. Caring for horses is automatically part of this. The mind, body, and spirit connect with riding and with the animal. Horses are beautiful animals and riding them can be enjoyable for them as well. The mind and muscles of the horse and rider can benefit from horseback riding.

Perceived Benefits for Mental and Physical Health and Barriers to Horseback Riding Participation. The Analysis among Professional and Amateur Athletes – PMC

The Efficacy of Equine-Assisted Activities and Therapies on Improving Physical Function – PubMed

life-changing power of the horse: Equine-assisted activities and therapies in the U.S. | Animal Frontiers | Oxford Academic

Therapeutic Effects of Horseback Riding Interventions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis – PubMed

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Dr. Megan Johnson McCullough owns a fitness studio in Oceanside CA called Every BODY's Fit. She has a Doctorate in Health and Human Performance, M.A. in Physical Education & Health Science, and she's an NASM Master Trainer & Instructor. She's also a professional natural bodybuilder, fitness model, Wellness Coach, and AFAA Group Exercise Instructor. She has 6 books on Amazon too,.