- "Oh, Aslan, will you tell us how to get into your country from our world?"
"I shall be telling you all the time. But I will not tell you how long or short the way will be; only that it lies across a river. But do not fear that, for I am the great Bridge Builder." - ―Lucy Pevensie and Aslan[src]
Aslan's Country was a divine and legendary land that was visible (but not normally accessible) from the World of Narnia in the sky, beyond the earthly atmosphere to the Utter East of the Great Eastern Ocean, ruled by the Emperor-Beyond-The-Sea and his son, Aslan. It lay beyond the Silver Sea and the Utter East, and ringed around the entire world, as well as above the stars and possibly beneath Underland.
Aslan's Country was where the good people went to linger for eternity in euphoria and bliss after they had died. Being beyond the rim of the world, it was probably inaccessible to living Narnians without Aslan's intervention, though Reepicheep reached Aslan's Country by sailing off the edge of the world in a coracle during the voyage of the Dawn Treader.
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader[]
In The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the third published book of the series, Caspian X of Narnia set out to the eastern edge of the world to find the Seven Lost Lords of Narnia. It was said that one could find Aslan's Country at the furthest east, and at the end of his voyage he managed to see the same mountains of Aslan's County that Jill and Eustace were to be summoned to by Aslan before their quest to find Prince Rilian. Just below the mountains at the eastern edge of the sea there was a large wave, endlessly fixed in one position like the top of a waterfall; here Reepicheep sailed over the wave, reaching Aslan's Country directly.
The Silver Chair[]
The only first-hand description of Aslan's Country comes from Eustace Scrubb and Jill Pole's brief visits there (extraordinarily, while still alive – the only humans to have ever experienced such an event) at the beginning and end of their quest to find Prince Rilian. They were admitted briefly, to receive the four signs for finding Rilian, before being blown by Aslan through the air into Narnia. Just before returning to Earth, they returned to Aslan's Country and witnessed the resurrection of their friend Caspian X, who had just died an old man. Aslan placed his body in a clear stream of that country, and he seemed to get younger, the years melting from him, until he came back to life as a young man.
The Last Battle[]
At the end of The Last Battle, there is a stable door used by Aslan as a special entrance into His Country just before he ends the Narnian World. From the outside, it is the size of any ordinary stable, and for creatures that have not believed in Aslan, the stable door leads into a stable that is said to hold the false god "Tashlan". But for those who have believed in Aslan, including Tirian, Eustace Scrubb and Jill Pole, the door leads to part of Aslan's Country, which is infinitely large. It is there that they meet the three Pevensie children and Digory Kirke and Polly Plummer, all made kings and queens in young adulthood. Aslan later summons all creatures in the world of Narnia to the stable door to be judged: all creatures look into Aslan's eyes and are separated; those who rejoice at seeing him go into the stable on his right and there spend eternity in Aslan's Country; those who hate him go off into the darkness behind the stable to an uncertain fate. The Narnian world is then destroyed. The part of Aslan's Country that they are brought to is described as a larger Narnia: it is exactly like the old one, only perfect. They discovered that their surroundings were like the Narnia they had just left, except "the new one was a deeper country: every rock and flower and blade of grass looked as if it meant more." The colours were more colourful, the mountains looked larger, and everything was "more real." The fruit of that country was so wonderful that it would make any fruit in our world (or any other) taste like medicine. Digory Kirke described the old Narnia as an imperfect shadow or copy of the Narnia in Aslan's Country, and likened the difference to Plato's Allegory of the Cave, saying "It's all in Plato, all in Plato: bless me, what do they teach them at these schools!" It is also discovered that there are several worlds like it that jut out from the mountains of Aslan's Country. It is where creatures from all worlds in the multiverse come to live at their deaths or the end of their worlds.
It is described as a series of mountains, more than 80 times taller than any mountain on Earth, but without snow or ice. Instead, Aslan's Country has a clear blue sky, lush green grass, colourful birds, and beautiful trees. There are entrances to Aslan's Country from all worlds, including Narnia and the rising sun at the eastern edge of the world, and indeed rings around the whole Narnian world.
Because Aslan's Country was on the exterior rim of the edge around the world of Narnia, it is unknown if it can be classified as belonging just to that world, or a mutual paradise that all of the worlds and parts of the universe share, with this section of Narnia just being one of the many entrances into Aslan's Country.
At the end of the World of Narnia (when Aslan brings about its destruction), it is revealed by the realization from the eagle Farsight that Narnia is a mere testing-ground duplicate of Aslan's Country, so that Aslan's Country itself is sometimes referred to as the True Narnia (and the Narnia they lived and died in as Shadowlands). It was here that the real story began in the Garden of Youth, and it is even possible that Wood Between the Worlds could have been a part of Aslan's Country, since it was exterior to all the Shadowland worlds. It is also said by Aslan that every world leads to his country, hinting that Aslan's Country is actually Heaven.
The "further up and further in" one travels in Aslan's Country, the more real and beautiful it becomes. Tumnus compared it to an onion, only as you go in, each ring gets larger than the last. Spurring out from the mountains of Aslan's Country (one of which was the mountain Jill and Eustace found when they escaped from Experiment House into Narnia) are the "real" versions of every world ever created.
- Aslan
- Seven Friends of Narnia
- Aravis Tarkheena
- Cor
- Lord Bern
- Caspian X
- Christopher Pevensie
- Corin
- Cornelius
- Emeth
- Erlian
- Fledge
- King Frank I
- Glimfeather
- Queen Helen
- Helen Pevensie
- Hwin
- Jewel
- King Lune
- Mr. Beaver
- Mrs. Beaver
- Puddleglum
- Ramandu's daughter (called Lilliandil in the Walden-Disney-Fox films)
- Reepicheep
- Rilian
- Tirian
- Trufflehunter
- Tumnus