

by Darsha Hewitt

Universal indicator paper, pipette, double sided tape, surface cleanser & vinegar, 2016

In the Sci-fi movie 'Total Recall' from 1990 a secretary changes the color of her fingernails by tipping on her nails. The Science Hack Day Berlin seemed to be the perfect space for hacking some Scifi Nail Art and find people who can help. Denny Phane joined us as a grandios collaborater and together we made fiction SCIENCE again!

We experimented with an universal indicator paper, a pH-indicator to test solutions for acidity, you'll find in every pharmacy. The colours from yellow to red (1-6) indicate an acidic solution, light blue to dark blue indicate bases (9-11) and green colour indicates a neutral solution. With a superalkaline solution (like oven cleaner) we changed the color of the paper from yellow to blue. We found a way to RECALL the previous yellow color by dropping some superacidic solution (like vinegar) on the paper. No LED's involved!

* while working on the TOTAL RECALL NAILS we invented the:

recall the color!

Final presentation at Science Hack Day Berlin.

We nearly made it to the "Best Hack" with TOTAL RECALL NAILS and won a cristal animal set!